Video Transcript: 3 Things Every Cancer Patient Needs to Do
Ty Bollinger: Question for you. If somebody comes in here to your clinic and they are diagnosed with cancer, I know you don’t have a one-size-fits-all protocol, but give me two or three generalities that you would do with almost every cancer patient. Two or three things that are really important for a cancer patient to pay attention to when treating cancer.
Dr. Charles Majors: Number one is I don’t treat any cancer at all. That is out of my realm. My job is whether they have cancer or any chronic—because all cancer is, is a chronic degenerative disease process that’s happening. I want to make sure number one when they walk in here that—the most important thing is their mindset. It is crucial. That if they don’t have the right mindset, they don’t make it.
You know, I always say to them… “You have three choices right now. You can do all conventional, you can do it naturally, or you can do a combination of all of them,” right? Or obviously, number four, “you could do nothing.” And I always say to them, “Which one do you think works best?” And they always think I’m going to say the natural. And I say, “Not necessarily.”
Are there people who do natural and not make it? Absolutely. Are there people who do conventional and not make it? And the opposite—people who have made it through conventional. It’s very, very rare, but there are a few who make it. Why? Because they’re very focused and they know what they want. They’re not stressed about it. They see the chemotherapy is going to kill their cancer, they see it as good, they go through it all. But they’re also detoxing, cleansing their body, making sure that the toxins are coming in, the toxins are getting out.
Ty Bollinger: So a lot of other corroborating factors? Not just the one treatment, it’s a lot of the other externals that will influence, I guess is what you’re saying, whether the treatment is successful?
Dr. Charles Majors: Absolutely. Because toxins coming into the body creates cancer as it is, so chemotherapy is going to create cancer in other cells just by its nature being a toxic and a poison. So I have to make sure I’m protecting my body.
So if a patient says, “I want to go through chemotherapy and radiation,” and that is what they’ve chosen, they are 100% in on it, great. Then let’s get you protecting your body, detoxing, and cleansing it out. But now if someone says, “I don’t want to do that,” then number one is my job is not to cure it. My job is I need to teach them what the cause is.
Every cancer has a cause. They’re not all the same. So you’re right. They’re not all the same. If someone has a breast cancer, that is hormonal. They have a hormonal imbalance, right? The liver was not able to methylate as well, they were not able to balance out their estrogen levels.
If you take someone who has leukemia or myelomas or lymphomas, these are immune cancers. A lot of these are from viruses. A lot of these are from nonstop inflammatory reactions happening in their gut where their immune system is nonstop working. GMOs—these things affect more immune cancers. You have brain cancers, which we know are coming from more of a toxicity issue.
I can go through, but every cancer is different. They are not all the same. So we can’t treat everything exactly the same, right? So number one is we have got to get to the cause. What caused this, work on the cause. Then number two is, I always say “specifically and safely kill it.” And then number three is you have to rebuild your immune system, get your body strong again so it can heal the cancer.
Article Summary
When a cancer patient walks is, the most important thing is their mindset. If they don’t have the right mindset, they don’t make it.
Every cancer has a cause. They’re not all the same. So number one is we have got to get to the cause. What caused this, work on the cause.
Then number two is, I always say “specifically and safely kill it.”
And then number three is you have to rebuild your immune system; get your body strong again so it can heal the cancer.
I would be really interested to know what the thinking is on what causes kidney cancer?
RCC Renal Cell carcinonoma can be due to exposure to poisonous chemicals eg TCE. This is a chemical found in certain industries and it can come up through the cement into houses in the air in houses if the chemical was disposed of eg put into drains from the factories. Cigarettes can also have TCE.
I need to know the same thing.
PLEASE Dr. Majors,
What kind of a cancer is low grade uterine stromal sarcoma? Viral, Immune or what? I would be so grateful for your help. Should I be eating meat with this kind of cancer? What would be the best treatment? Thanks
Everything is eliminated by some path. Many things are eliminated ‘renally’ (which means via kidneys, etc.) If you are subjected to a carcinogen, (and there are thousands of them) that is eliminated renally, you will greatly increase the probability of kidney or bladder cancer. Also, as Otto Warburg demonstrated back in the 30’s (and got a Nobel prize for it) if the Oxygen to tissue is depleted (I believe it was 60% for three days– but I might have the details slightly wrong) the tissue will become cancerous. So anything that would compromise circulation to that area would be a threat.
Smoking is a risk factor for kidney cancer as well as obesity. My Dad was a heavy smoker way back, quit for decades but had a sweet tooth all his life and developed Type II Diabetes, then bilateral kidney cancer. So, I think smoking and sugar was part of the cause.
Cancerous thyroid removed but now tumor in neck…..what kind of treatment is suggested?
Hi Peggy, I would suggest counseling with one of our doctors that we interviewed in our Global Series. Here is a link to a page with their information:
Good question. I don’t know but since the kidneys cleanse the blood perhaps toxicity issues?
I would like to know what the “bone marrow cancer” was that the Dr. had? I’m dealing with Multiple Myeloma. What I got from the short interview is Detox then Rebuild the immune system. As I understand it, Myeloma is in the plasma cells that create the immune system.
Where does he think the best trestment for bone cancers can be found in the U.S.?
Hi Amity,
The best advice we can give you is to check with the experts that Ty spoke with in our docu-series. You can learn more about them here:
I have primary c.n.s. lymphoma. Do you know what the cause of this is?
Hi Jim, I do not have that information, but if you contact one of our medical experts they might have that information. Here is a link to a list of doctors and experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Docu-Series:
Any questions you have Email me-, I miss some of these questions and I want to make sure I answer them
H’ve colenn cancer spread liver your suggestions
I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in July 2015. The sun caused it. I watched TTAC. So much to consider. Where should I start?
Hi Connie, You could start by talking with one of the experts we interviewed in our Global Series. Here is a link to their information:
I would like to know what the cause is of liver cancer. Mine originated in the liver and has not spread
My father us diagnosed with prostate cancer that exprect out to the hips. He will not change his diet so what do you suggest doing ? He is 76.
Dr. Majors, my husband was diagnosed in Dec. 2015 with a glioblastoma multifome stage 4 brain cancer. Since then we have had 2 surgeries for removal and resection, chemo, radiation and I have started him on a keto diet. I am not very well versed in how to create keto friendly meals and am having a hard time finding resources for this. Do you have any suggestions for meal planning and any other suggestions for treatment options for him? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless you. Kimberly Harper
Hi Kimberly,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
You said that lymphoma could be caused by a virus. Since there is no cure for a virus, how could you possibly treat the lymphoma?
Cathy, I am a Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor, Chemo on its own did not work for me, so I did the Budwig Diet, 2 glasses of fresh carrot juice a day, Apricot Pips, Garlic and lots of leafy green veggies, and a strong will to live.
Viruses can be killed by heat. My husband has incurable leukemia and fights his by taking fever treatments regularly. He has long outlived his death date date. He will share info. if wanted. His name is Bill Clark.
Thank you … I would like to hear more about “fever treatments.”
I would love to hear about fever treatments, could you be so kind and share any info.
I would greatly appreciate any info regarding healing from Leukemia, could you be so kind as to share?
I like to know what are the side effects of radiation and the causes of gastric cancer and thereby the curative measures.
Please use the full terminology in your replies to people. There are many acronyms floating around and I am sure they come easily to your speech in your arena of operation, but they CAN be misleading or confusing. Based on a person’s experience and knowledge, the acronym you refer to may not be the same acronym they are thinking it means. Just for clarification and proper information. Thank you.
Non small cell lung cancer- adenocarcinoma – never smoked. What caused it?
Cleansing is one of the best things one can do while under therapy….It is very hard to do if you are on a feeding tube…Any suggestions..?
Hi, Appreciate all your work in helping those of us trying to heal from cancer. I pre-ordered the new book, but haven’t received it yet. Do you know when they will ship? Thank you!
Hi Rhonda,
The purchase of Ty’s new book was a pre-order. These started being shipped October 25th. Please contact our customer support team if you have further questions:
I have pancreatic cancer. Have had whipple surgery for it almost four years ago. Had chemo then , but not since. I believe that my diet has helped me and need to watch all your programs. In short is there foods I should avoid? Are artificial sweetners like splenda bad for me? I have recently just switched to using them. Thanks. Linda
Linda, splenda is made from chlorine. Avoid all artificial sweeteners. Best wishes
Linda, I would drop Splenda like a hot potato. Recent studies have shown its connection to blood cancers. I switched to Splenda about 6 years ago for diet sodas, jams, etc. and regret every sip and every bite as I now have Multiple Myeloma. Google “Splenda and cancer” and you will be mortified at the results. :-/
I think there are triggers. I think there is a lot in the mind body connection, stress, what we eat and what we don’t eat as well as environmental factors. I had primary breast cancer in 2003 when my son was three. I have had advanced breast cancer/metastitic disease at least from 2007. My problem is drug resistance and yet I have very good longevity with advanced disease. I am incredibly healthy otherwise. I live in the UK. I combine conventional medicine with carefully researched complementary supplementation. I must be doing something right as my bloods are always excellent for chemo. I will never give up hope, and I will die hopeful. If cancer came, it can go too. I can enjoy another Christmas, holiday and see our son become 18. Never, ever give up hope! Keep it up TTAC!
Hi Pamela. I was so pleased to read your inspiring story. It has given me some much needed hope. I am also in the UK. I was diagnosed with primary breast cancer in 2009 when my daughter was 3. Diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in August 2015. Disease stable at moment using Herceptin and natural methods but, like you, I would love to be free of it. I would be so grateful to be able to contact you directly, as I have found it difficult to find someone who is positive and on a similar path. I’m not sure it that is possible?
Hi Sara. Where about do you live in the uk? I am in Worcestershire. Perhaps we could meet depending where you are? I agree, it’s a different ball game with Stage 1V.
I am dealing with the same dis-ease…..a Myeloma. So what is to be done here??
I went through BC a few years ago. At the time, I am sure it was stress related. I did the conventional treatment of chemo, surgery and radiation. I also do some things on my own after I did further research. We dropped ALL processed foods from our diet. We dropped ALL sugar intake from our diet unless it came naturally like in fruit. No pop, pies, ice cream, candy, cake. NOTHING. By the time the 2nd chemo was to take place (every two weeks from May until August), the tumor had gone from the size of a golf ball to the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil. I also worked with detoxing along the way as well. When it came time for surgery, rather a mastectomy, they did a lumpectomy. They were shocked, confused, surprise at how far the tumor had shrunk. (They did two lumpectomies due to how much it shrunk, about 2 weeks apart. They had clear margins on both tissue samples, but were concerned they did not get it all because they were GUESSING. They could not find any cancerous cells to remove.) They also took out 2 lymph nodes. One had no sign of cancer cells. The other one had a trace. Now, if I can survive the side effects of the Tamoxifen, that would be great. Chemo gave me osteoporosis. But with supplements, exercise, etc, most of the osteoporosis is gone.
I have been taking the Budwig Protocol as a preventative for cancer, but I have also found that it helps my body feel replenished and avoid pain after lots of exercise, 3 hours of baseball in my case. It’s also supposed to provide omega 3 fatty acids. I haven’t heard as much about it recently. Are there any new findings or developments in that protocol?
Hi John – I take it as well, and have been advised to stick to Dr. Budwig’s original recipe. Many people have tried to alter or improve upon it over the years (and add their name to it.) But she achieved great results with her original recipe that was genius. If you scroll up on this very page, click the video on the left that says “Behind the Scenes in London”. The doctor shown in the photo talks about using it in his clinics in Europe.
I am one of those lucky ones who took the conventional route for breast cancer (4 chemo treatments and 25 radio) and survived it. Twenty-one years later I am still cancer-free. I did go in with a positive attitude and believing I could beat the big C. I attribute my good luck to my faith, to meditation, massages and visualisation and being surrounded by my wonderful family and friends. No way of really putting a finger on what caused it. A very difficult situation happened in my life 14 years prior so I don’t think I can say it was caused by that. Whatever, I am truly grateful for enjoying good health today.
Hi Dr. Majors – Did you have Multiple Myeloma? I was diagnosed 7 months ago and am having my first transplant in December at Mayo Clinic. I had a severe virus (CMV) in 2001 and believe that was the root of my cancer – that and being in an abusive relationship for 20 years that left me chronically, emotionally depleted. I am concerned that as I face my transplant, I will need to go off all the amazing immune system building supplements I take (Beta Glucan, NK-3 and a few others). Do you have thoughts?
Do you have the list of experts that we can look up by location rather than having to go through them one by one to find their location?
Hi Roland,
We currently do not have this available. I will suggest this for you!
Thank you.
It’s really nice to have up to-date info . Thanks . It’s fine to be aware of the situation personally and take a personal decision accordingly . So nice to have such people as you around ,to share helpfully .God Blessings .
If only a small percentage of the money collected for cancer was put into the cause rather than the cure we would have won the battle a long time ago.
water soluble extract of chaga mushroom cleans toxins and radiation out after chemo
I rec’d my pre-ordered book earlier this week
What cause prostate cancer?
Hi Jamie, what is your diet like now. ? I too have MM and struggle some days with not knowing what foods to eat after years of just having a typical North American diet. How are you managing with this dis-ease?
Chaga extract
What is the recommended amount of Tumeric we should be taking and where can we get the most effective kind in the UK please plus the magic ingredient which assists the body in absorbing it?
Black pepper is a “magic” ingredient to increase its bioavailability. Also eat some oil, say EVOO, at the same time in some form. I have heard lecithin too, but some forms are problematic.
Hi there,
Great article, thankyou! I was diagnosed with a triple negative Breast Cancer early in the year. I went on a journey of what i like to call Radical Wellness where i hollistically healed myself through nutrition, emotional, spiritual, physical healing. I did end up having surgery ( lumpectomy ) with no chemo, no radiatian. If Breast Cancer is Hormonal i would like to know what the triple negative Breast Cancer is as i have been previoulsy told that mine is not estrogen based. What are your thoughts on this please!