Just when you thought Monsanto was under wraps, you find out they’re up to something even more horrific. What’s even worse is that it all started a long time ago!
In the late 1960s Monsanto supported the secret Muad’ Dib Geoengineering Lab to develop “chemtrail” technology; their crown jewel program to protect earth from global warming via weather control. Sounds so humanitarian, right? Wrong!
Most folks discover the reality of “chemtrails” by initially reading about it online and then going outside, looking up into the sky, and noticing the crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Chemtrails are like science fiction turned reality. I once thought they were harmless condensation trails in the sky, but after further investigation, not anymore!
In this article I’ll answer the question “what are chemtrails?” I’ll share the effects of chemtrails on your environment, food, water and their connection to cancer. This information is meant to increase your awareness of the toxicity in our environment and encourage you to eliminate toxins that are within your control whenever and wherever you can.
What Are Chemtrails?
Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that are loaded with toxic chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc, viruses and “chaff.” Chaff looks like snow but it’s actually Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) coated with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper. Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years, and he has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses, which are now part of the air we breathe.
Chemtrails have nothing to do with the jet engine combustion process. They are often laid in a grid-like pattern by multiple planes (even drones) where they disperse slowly taking on the appearance of odd, at first narrow, but widening, smoky clouds until merging together to form, if sufficiently numerous, an aerosol bank that obscures the blue sky and gives the appearance of a dirty white overcast.
Unlike normal contrails which quickly dissipate, chemtrails (“fake clouds” as my children call them) sometimes take hours to dissipate and eventually fan out to a “spider web” type of milky haze that covers the entire sky. As these are formed from minute reflective metallic particulates they eventually reach the earth.
Still having doubts? Please download this PDF file called HR 2977 “The Space & Preservation Act of 2001.” In this document the United States Government openly admits the existence of chemtrails.
Still not enough proof? What if I told you that there are patents for these very such things? The image below is a 1975 U.S. Patent issued to Donald K. Werle, Romas Kasparas, Sidney Katz, assigned through the U.S. Navy, that describes a dispersion method for a “powder contrail.”
Here are just a few more patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering:
How Do Chemtrails Impact Our Food and Water?
Secretly filling the sky, without our knowledge or consent mind you, with billions of megatons of aluminum, strontium 90, barium and “chaff” to reflect the suns dangerous rays back into space is epic and brilliantly maneuvered on the unsuspecting public by dubbing them as “persistent contrails.”
However, what goes up, must come down and we’re being bombarded daily with a chemical and radioactive fallout surpassed only by Agent Orange, the defoliating chemicals developed by Monsanto to wipe out the jungles during the Vietnam War.
Since aluminum has an affinity for water, all life forms attract these oxides. This causes contamination of even organic fruits, vegetables, and livestock if they’re exposed to the open air, because plants readily absorb aluminum salts from the soil into their vascular systems. Everything absorbs aluminum salts and it’s in the air.
Processed foods are filled with aluminum salts and aluminum sulfate is added to water to make it clear. Apparently we are in the “Aluminum Age” and it’s everywhere, but so unhealthy according to Dr. Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University in the UK.
Chemtrails Are Polluting Our Environment
The reality is, this “toxic cloud shield” created by aerosolizing the atmosphere, diminishes rainfall, traps the heat, and increases humidity. This leads to a plague of pests, mildews, molds, fungi, diseases, and ultimately the shredding of our precious ozone layer that protects us from dangerous UV rays, according to Dane Wigington, a solar expert.
In California’s Mount Shasta region, Francis Mangel, a USDA Wildlife Biologist and water specialist has reported elevated levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium in the mountain’s snow, polluting drinking water, rivers and soil in the area. In 2008, samples around California’s Lake Shasta and the Pit River Arm tributary were tested in a State Certified Lab following weeks of fly-overs and chemtrails. The results of the water samples showed 4,610 parts per million of aluminum. This is 4,610 times the maximum contaminant level! With aluminum toxicity levels off the charts, chemtrails are putting our life systems at risk of irreparable damage.
How Are These Visible ChemTrails in the Sky Linked to Cancer?
As mentioned earlier, aluminum laden “chaff” falling from the sky enters the lungs causing upper respiratory diseases, lung cancer, breast cancer, and is the gateway to vulnerable areas of the body including arterial walls, where it accumulates like a plaque.
In addition, aluminum toxicity generates a number of neurological disorders and brain cancer, while radium and zinc cadmium sulfide synergistically cause bone cancer. A concerning new study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry demonstrates that exposure to aluminum can increase migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells, while a 2012 article in the Journal of Applied Toxicology shows that aluminium promotes growth in human mammary epithelial cells. And “aluminum production” has been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Couple these studies with other recent studies indicating that aluminum binds to cellular estrogen receptors and may cause proliferation within hormone-sensitive tissues, and we understand why one research team coined a new term (“metallo-estrogen”) to describe an entirely new class of metal-based endocrine disruptors (including aluminum, cadmium, and barium). Disturbingly, all of these metallo-estrogens have been found in chemtrails.
Moreover, these metallo-estrogens, chemical toxins, and bioengineered cocktails are causing multiple problems in the gastrointestinal and immune systems, the first line of defense against disease; thus destroying human health and cognitive abilities. Plus, shredding the ozone layer allows damaging UV rays to enter the atmosphere resulting in an unprecedented increase in skin cancer cases, to name just a few harmful effects of chemtrails.
I have been traveling in Central America, Europe, and the Middle East and noticed these patterns in the sky. I’ve also noticed unusually cold summers, trees dying and fungi infested, deformed vegetables just like the reports are describing. And a dramatic increase of cancer and unusual terminal illnesses are rampant.
In Conclusion
These are tumultuous times and the global government appears to be up to something unbelievably sinister. It’s the classic create a problem, devise the solution, and emerge as the hero with Monsanto’s aluminum-resistant genetically-modified (GM) seeds and GM trees.
However, there is a growing concern that the earth will soon become unfit for organic food and pure water sources because of the unrestricted spraying without our consent. It appears that “control of the masses” has taken on a whole new meaning.
Nonetheless, there is at least some encouraging news. According to Dr. Exley, there is an abundance of silicon in the environment that can detoxify the effects of aluminum poisoning, as can silica supplements. Also, EDTA chelation therapy can help remove toxic heavy metals from the body and restore vascular health.
Live your life without the threat of cancer. Go here to be notified each week about new, cutting-edge information that impacts your health.
Thanks Ty for this beautiful post, but, can you tell us plz, what can we do and which sustainable active group we can contact to do something about this?/ I am sure we all want to help you, plz how can I get involved and try to do something to stop this insanity against humanity?? Any feed back or advice is appreciated!!
I believe chemtrails are for real, and I was hoping this article would be a nail in the coffin. Unfortunately, I don’t see that Bill HR2977 mentions chemtrails at all, only a couple vague mentions of climate weapons. To say the government openly admits chemtrails by citing this bill is quite a stretch imho. Could anyone give us some real evidence please?
I did see the word “chemtrails” listed on page 5, section III and as: (ii) chemtrails of the PDF titled HR 2977
Steven, you need to do some of your own thinking…that bill is crystal clear. Do you expect that this issue would be labeled
“chemtrails” ? Think again dear one, Operation Paper Clip and many others, all has names different than the subject of.
And those are not conspiracy theory matters, we now know for real that was all done in the name of goodness, or so we
were told. – I hope you are not getting paid to post here, are you ?
Thank you for honesty on chemtral gasses.
To Steven re: Bill HR2977. Read it again. It’s in there. Page 5 line 15.
Follow Lenny Revell on FB he makes chembusters! I am ordering some from him!
Bill- yeah, it’s in there, but the HR 2977 says it’s one of the things that is banned. No, I don’t trust my government, but the point trying to be made here has fallen on it’s face. So all this HR2977 does is show that the government admits to such a thing as “chemtrails” and then says they are banned and cannot be used as “weapons”. Should I suppose that “they” just did that in order to make it look like “they” are doing the “right thing” when all along “they” really intend to poison all of us, and themselves and their children as well?
“They” are doing it for some reason. It’s been measured and documented. The fact that they’re doing it while it is banned is just making the issue more disturbing.
Is this supposed to be a satiric comment? 😉 The link points to the website entitled “Frequently Asked Questions About Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO)”. But under this supposedly complex-sounding name (dihydrogen monoxide) hides jut normal water, the old good H2O.
What was your comment intented to achieve? 😉
The inorganic “salt” form of these metals bond to other elements creating compounds even more toxic than than they are by themselves. These “new” compounds cause chemical reactions with other elements in our bodies as well as those of our pets and animals as well as the plants that we all eat that transport these compounds in to tissues that they wouldn’t normally migrate into.
As Cadmium bound with other elements in our system it causes a loss of Zinc as well as a blocking of the absorption of Zinc increasing estrogen expression in the cell. Very dangerous when you think of Estrogen dependent Cancers such as breast, cervical, prostate, liver, colon and uterine cancers.
Aluminum loves Fluoride and Aluminum is one of the elements that opens the door of our blood / brain barrier. Do you think the dramatic rise in Alzheimer’s is a coincidence? Barium causes both respiratory as well as GI tract irritation. Irritation leads to inflammation which leads to infection. And I haven’t even got started on how horrible breathing blood particulates is for the immune system. Thank you for this article Ty!!!
Called Concord, NH last summer, total denial, must be a secret society as documented above. What, if anything can American people do? It’s for real. Not a conspiracy theory.
I am doing reasearch on remedies for chemtrails flu. Does anyone know if the microbes they are spraying are CWD = cell wall deficient ? In that case the immunsystem can´t find and locate them. BUT you can use the ENDERLEIN (SANUM) remedies for this purpose. Anyway, would be great to know if this is the case (CWD microbes)
Also check Facebook : “chemtrailsflu-how to manage it.”
that is why I am using RO for my water and treat it with Cora Mine. It makes pure living water with pH 9,5 and negative redox, so it makes water which acts like antioxidants. It also change surface tension and its structure. I really recommend that.
How do I get more info on RO for water and Cora Mine
Hi Betty, what’s cora mine? Where to buy this stuff
Thanks Beant
Please explain RO and Cora Mine. I have tried googling without success
Hi Hannah, try searching for “Reverse Osmosis” and “Coral Mine”.
It actually does mention chemtrails on pg 5 of the pdf.
Yes it does, as a prohibited weapon – along with several other conceptual weapons.
I believe in chem trails, our government is filth
It’s not just the US government apparently http://www.geoengineering.ox.ac.uk/what-is-geoengineering/what-is-geoengineering/
Hey Ty
The reference to chemtrails in bill HR2977 is in the context of a banning on these so-called “toxic weapons”. This bill seems to have been passed (or at least drafted) in 2001….so my question is why do we still see these trails in the sky…are they in fact still toxic?? And, why did I never see them in the skies above South Africa where I lived for most of my life…and that’s a long time!
Oh yes, I forgot the most important comment of all
THANK YOU SO MUCH TY FOR THE AWESOME WORK YOU ARE DOING. I follow you and admire the amazing work that you do for us all. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing for our world and the world we are leaving behind for our children. Please never stop. It is awesome.
My questions is – how do these chemtrails get up into the air? There aren’t unidentified aircraft in the air spraying them are there?
The additives are added to commercial jet fuel and military planes also are used. Many planes seen spraying do not show up on sites like Flight Radar etc.
I wonder what President Trump would say about this….
I thought that too. I am hopeful that he wants to do what is right… First time I heard about chemtrails was a documentary by a scientist in Austin, Tx. He was no quack. Extremely well informed and articulate. God bless those who are trying to expose Truth… Thank you, Ty.
If Monsanto and others are wanting to reduce the population I suggest we start with them!
Deb- Amen Bruce!!!!!
Thank you for covering this, Ty!
This does not surprise me! The Bible predicted in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, and Revelation 11:18 that, at a very specific period in human history, these things were going to happen. Nevertheless, I have no fear, because the Bible guarantees that no one is going to destroy this beautiful planet (Isaiah 45:18). Keep up the good work Ty!
Page 5, Line 15…”Chemtrails”
You need to do daily detox these days. Parsley and Cilantro are great heavy metal detoxifiers. Chorella as well. I wish Ty would revisit the use of Essential Oils for heavy metal detox. You can use them daily in your water, ie lemon, orange…bottom line do your own homework as well. We are getting pounded in the Northeast. Heard they heavily sprayed the folks at the inauguration.
Yes on Parsley and Cilantro….but…it has to be Non-GMO/Organic and I’m really beginning to doubt if we can truly acquire true Organic anything! What is in the air can not be contained. Likewise with water. Everything is interconnected. Thanks for your input on metal detoxifiers. Peace Be!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us, Louise.
This article was written a long time ago, so can Ty please write an updated article about this and what to do to protect ourselves? Because the trails have gotten way worse in the past year 2023 into 2024. They are constantly there, every single day, so it’s not even hidden anymore; it’s so obvious. Thanks!
Our only chance to stop the planned poisoning of US and Canadian citizens is to appeal to the UN to overrule our hyper corrupt governments and their agencies that pose as regulators and protectors of citizens and the environment and to charge all of these murderous Corporations and the officials who allow this murder with a massive charge of Crimes Against Humanity!!!
The U.N. is prob the most corrupt organization on earth. Too late…
I’ve been warning people about this for years and I’m being called a conspiracy theorist. This problem has even more serious threats to us than this article exposes. The Rabbit Hole goes much deeper than you think!
So true Daniel. Same here. But now it’s incontrovertible. Our deceptive leaders have painted themselves into a corner. But I’m sure they have a strategy for when we all finally “get it”. The best we can do is get off their system and develop a system of people power. Now that we are connected digitally, this is not far-fetched. But we must stop funding government otherwise we are literally affirming approval of all this. There is no way that one can claim they are not supporting these atrocities if they are actively funding them.
This is an org with plans to change the system and there are some very interesting podcasts too,
about history, religion and how we are lied to by all authorities and Mainstream Media https://thinkdifferent.thepeoplesclub.org/
My logical debunking of chemtrails is simply this: If there was any kind of legit (positive or could be spun as positive) reason, the gov would then have admitted it ages ago citing all the supposed benefits and patting itself on the back. If, on the other hand, there is some evil agenda then you’d NEVER see chemtrails – they would do them at night or otherwise hide / disguise them or make sure they were just not visible. Some people assert that normal condensation does not linger, but this is demonstrably false. It’s mad how much of a proverbial storm in a teacup has grown up around this and it has taken on a life of it’s own among consipracy junkies, but if you look at it objectively it makes no logical sense. (and I will add, my general position on everything starts from a distrust of government, I am the last person to believe the gov’s propaganda but so far I have yet to see anything credible about chemtrails).
Robin, I tend to agree with you. Why would California have had such a drought the last few years if this has been going on? It doesn’t make much sense. If someone was trying to control the weather, it was not working!
Page 5 #15?
Thank you Ty & Family ,All associates ,I have know about this for many years , this info is very important. 🙂
I’m a little confused. How do jet airplanes’s exhaust create these damaging “chemtrails” or, if they are not caused by exhaust, how do the airplanes dissipate the chemicals that lead to the entrails we see from the ground?
Google Images shows the tanks inside the planes that they spray us with. Type in Chemtrails, go to the end of the page .. there used to be alot more pics of the tanks, but it you start looking around on the internet there are alot of credible sources on this topic.
If you mean these pics at the Galactic Connection site – http://galacticconnection.com/inside-a-chemtrail-plane-amazing-photos/ – Those are water ballast tanks for balancing newly constructed air craft. The photos have explanations (provided by Boeing) for how they’re used. Conspiracy theorists were all hyped up over these photos a few years ago, claiming the tanks are being converted into chemtrail spraying devices.
The term “chemtrail” is at the bottom of p. 5.
That is why we need to say graces when we eat, so God purify food and drinks in us. It is not a religious act, it is really an act of faith. We will need it more and more. He is the creator, so He can create for us.
Thank you Bernard…so true…if people would just stop and think about life, death and our reason to exist…it would become clearer.. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb 11:1 KJV The whole chapter is incredible…Blessings…
regardless of what is happening to our environment that we may or may not be able to control, we can protect our own internal environment individually per family. The great thing about drinking ERW is what comes in will go out and not accumulate in the cellular. As cancer coach this is everything to me and my family.
Out of curiosity, does anyone know where to find the stats on nationwide respiratory health after 9/11, when nothing was allowed in the skies?
I also saw the aluminum coming into contact with the Fluoride in our food and water creates a neurotoxin called Aluminum Fluoride.
THEY WANT US ALL TO DIE. As Henry Kissinger said “There are to many useless eaters in this world”
Thank you Ty for tackling this horrific deception. When people ask what can they do to stop this, you can sense the lack of opportunity this so-called democracy bakes in so that we are unable to do ANYTHING. Therefore may I suggest something to think about – get right off the system. Do not feed it any longer. This can be done in stages, and it can be done by gathering people who think like you to do the same thing and support each other in their efforts. And it can be done by those who see the system’s illegitimacy to declare your retirement from it and supporting a system designed with health and life in mind, not death and destruction. A new Constitution has been drafted with the flexibility that a digital society warrants. It is fluid and changeable yet coherent. it provides equal voice to every individual old enough to read (yes, no age barriers), it proposes we adopt a new calendar, the 13 moon calendar that will help us align again with nature’s cycles. The Womens’ Constitution allows us to engage our efforts towards building for the first time in human history, a truly compassionate and restorative society that can begin right now with the tools we have at our disposal right now. While we look for remedy through the existing system that causes wanton ruination deliberately, we will never get anywhere. Let’s catapult ourselves into the 21st century? It can’t be done you say? Well think again, it is being done. The blueprint is here. If it’s not perfect enough for anyone, they can propose the fix and see what others think. We have the means to do this now. Why are we dallying? Here is the page, look under the tab “Files” for the draft Constitution and feel free to express yourself:
Funny but not helpful
If these chemtrails are so deadly, why are the perpetrators poisoning themselves, their families and friends?
I think you need to do a little more research. Please explain who is exactly doing this. I work on airplanes and have never come across any of this.
ThAnk you
The first two patents relate to smoke production, one for defense purposes and one for advertising or display purposes. I have read enough! I can’t say if it happens in the USA or not, but in the UK I see just regular air traffic.
You are not looking up! There are volumes of photographs of chemtrails over the English countryside. Perhaps you are still thinking they are contrails. They are NOT contrails. I know a contrail when I see one and I WELCOME a nice, NATURAL contrail that dissipates as the plane flies along, does not linger in streaks miles long, fanning out into a pale, lactescent cloud-LIKE scrim that can be seen FALLING, PALING-OUT, rather the way rain can be seen falling from distant clouds. It is most disheartening to wake to a clear blue sky, then see the planes begin their MISSIONS, laying down grids of that stuff until the character of the day has changed completely, and the sky is a nasty grayish white. It happens almost daily where I live. It is a really BAD thing being done to us and the earth that supports us. I’m not a crank or a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot deny what my experience is. When I first noticed the difference I had a difficult time acknowledging what I was seeing. Then a friend innocently mentioned chemtrails and said that was what I had noticed and KNOWN were not a normal vaporous emission from a jet plane. We need to do something before it is too late. We are breathing and ingesting that stuff every day, and it is poisoning our soil and our water.
No. UK is not exempt. People post up video time lapse and photographic evidence from around the UK daily. You are free to ignore the elephant in your face but you also ignore your civil responsibility.
The UK gets sprayed every day! Even if you don’t see persistent trails, the others are haze makers and also spraying, even if leaving only short trails!
I am so glad to see others finally addressing this problem that has been going on since the close of WWII. Scott above has posted Dane Wigington’s site and I urge all that are interested to check this link. He is definitely the authority on the subject and has done many years of research.
I personally have photographed my own skies for over a year and have over 300 photos of the trails. Be prepared to be ridiculed when bringing this subject up but keep spreading the word and let the momentum grow. Our planet has been so damaged, possible irreparably.
You can bet your bootees they are also experimenting with other projects too. On Saturday I had to travel about 50 miles south and to my left was the strangest cloud formation all along the horizon. It looked puffy like a real cloud but the formation of it was like a long band across the sky with blue sky on the other side of the delineation. At the delineation too was just a little “fraying” but other than that, it was a long straight line. Since I work outside on farms, I get to observe “contrails” (contrails – yeah, right!) for long periods of time and have studied their behavior. This cloud looked like real clouds were being herded, like sheep, to stay together in this big long band across the sky all alongside the horizon. Fortunately I noted it well.
On the way home, roughly in the same area as I saw that weird “band”, I was engaged in thinking about the Womens’ march which I had just attended (not to be part of it but to hand out leaflets of what I’m about to tell you now) when my windscreen seemed to be fogging up like condensation forming. But I discovered it wasn’t on the inside, it was on the outside. It looked like it had formed from no apparent reason on the outside of the windscreen and the wipers could only get a small percentage of it off, the rest wouldn’t budge and left a filmy coating, just like condensation would on the inside of a vehicle, with that “oily” kind of persistence. The weather was about 42 degrees outside, and no rain or anything that would cause condensation to form was present.
Then it hit me! Was this the substance that had been sprayed earlier from those clouds and that were possibly now landing on the ground? I bet they are experimenting with the dosages of any new operations they are working on. This is something “they” must do to make sure they release the right doses, so that it’s a slow kill, so that we cannot be alerted to it easily (well only the kooks, who are aware of what is around them). The dosages must be something they experiment with otherwise we’d all “cotton on” in no time. This and more has been going on under our noses (and above) for too long. We must realize that our support for government must be unequivocally withdrawn. Once a liar, always a liar. You cannot trust anything a liar says, until they request forgiveness and atone and even then, with deliberate qualification of their re-acceptance. Here is a new constitution that puts the power back in our hands: https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenscouncil13.20/
PS: If you check out the link, the Constitution can be found under the tab at the top of the page, entitled “Files”
Now you’re *really* frightening me, Denise.
Oh because you think women would do a worse job than men have done of bringing us to the an extinction event? Have you read the Womens’ Constitution at all or do you just fly by your prejudices all the time?
Over the wide clear skies of the Spanish sierra del segura de sierra de segura in castilla-la mancha and part of Murcia and andalucia, cloudy jet- trails that criss-cross and that are slowly merging parallel opaque trails that blot out the blue skies have been going on for at least two years, and looks increasing. What legal right is there ? I understand if there might be some defence secret purpose but if its civic, who is going to question it ? Who should be questioning it ? Does the public not have a protectable right to blue skies ? .Who has the authority ? Who has the duty to reply- the job of replying ?
Thank you
How can there be more than 4 million parts per million??? Please edit the article to correct that obvious error. Such errors are a disservice in that they greatly detract from the credibility of the entire message. Better to say nothing than to add something untrue.
I am keeping an open mind and still trying to decide whether or not chemtrails are real, but every time I read about them, there is some nonsense, like 4 million parts per million, that leaves me still undecided.
Well, I found that there is an actual academic program at Oxford on ‘geoengineering’. http://www.geoengineering.ox.ac.uk/ Click on the tab labeled “What is Geoengineering?” and you will find a statement on Stratospheric aerosols.
Why would this be allowed if the ‘powers that be’ are also being sprayed, and their children? That’s the wrinkle that stymies me on this
Now you’re *really* frightening me, Denise.
Finally, I have more sources to counter people’s looks (Who is this wacko?) when I try to tell them about chemtrails. Thank you Ty and everyone! I, too, have been viewing the skies above my city and when I travel abroad. Over the past several years I have taken photos from around the world. I have photos of the sky filled with a grid, formation flying (4 parallel “clouds”), sharp right corners and loop-the-loops, none of which would be done by passenger jets with contrails, and yet that is what people think they are. By the way, the chemtrails are much more prevalent here in the States, especially in the Northwest, and they are increasing daily.
I even called my elected representatives at over 7 offices, called the local EPA office and called the editor of the local daily newspaper, trying to get acknowledgment or at least information. The responses were condescending and patronizing, and I was repeatedly sent to a government site about contrails, or told that their office “does not address conspiracy theories”. These are the people we put in office to supposedly protect us! Washington really is a swamp if chemtrails are banned by the law you site, but nevertheless are on the increase.
I have no doubts about the nearly satanic nature of Monsanto but I’ve struggled with the Chemtrails issue. Who exactly is purportedly running the program and how exactly are the chemtrails being released? Via military or corporate aircraft? Commercial airlines?
I’m not sure. Maybe you can find out from a government website or call your congress critter hey? *snark*. Do you ever ask yourself why the government is mum on this? Do you ever ask yourself why we don’t even bother asking the government about this? No I guess you don’t.
Denise you presume too much and are way too defensive to the extent you hurt your cause. I am extremely active in challenging our oligarchic and corporatist gov’t and know full well the extent of hidden agendas on many issues. I don’t necessarily doubt the existence of chemtrails; the logic of it makes some sense considering who we’re dealing with. I am simply asking if anyone has info on which planes owned by who are doing this–corporate, commercial, military, etc.
I want to draw a parallel between the use of chemotherapy & radiation to combat cancer, and aerosol spraying (aka chemtrailing) to combat global warming. We should not assume that because aerosol spraying puts toxic chemicals into our atmosphere (which then fall to earth and contaminate our soil, water, us, everything) that some group is deliberately trying to kill us off. Oncologists who use chemo and radiation are not all performing premeditated attempts to murder, are they? Rather, oncologists are trying to combat a dire situation (what they perceive as certain death from cancer) by using toxic methods that inflict dangerous collateral damage that also can be lethal. The same is happening in our atmosphere. Even the CEO of EXXON, in the documentary, “Do The Math,” admits that extracting petroleum from the earth promotes global warming, but he also thinks it’s a problem of technology that can be solved by technology. (Watch Do The Math on youtube, if you’re interested in understanding more about the issue.)
PS I suspect there are many different groups with different agendas, and I’m not doubting that some groups may have a goal to depopulate the earth. What I want to point out is that the terrible damage done to our earth and ourselves is often done out of ignorance. True, acting from ignorance doesn’t reduce the pain, suffering and deaths from those actions. Nevertheless, there is a difference between premeditated murder in the first degree, and manslaughter. Factual evidence is a separate issue from motive. The factual evidence is inarguable at this point. The motive of global warming has been acknowledged and backed by evidence. The motive of depopulation also may be true, but it is not true for all instances. In the interest of promoting inner peace, goodwill among men, and taking the higher ground when evidence of a motive isn’t rock-solid, surely we’d all agree that accusing anyone of a motive worse than what they hold in their heart is like a needless attack. In other words, the deed is what it is, but the motives may vary.
Unfortunately, our kids will be sicker than we are! The people in our government are puppets of the elite, Rolthschild, Rockerfeller and Bush families to slowly reduce the population in many ways. New World Order, next phase please. …war. No question every person is here on earth to learn how to love, it conquers evil. Take care of each other and educate the truth to those who don’t know. Our minds and hearts control more than realized. We have been poisoned for years but I believe we are starting to wake up. Ty and friends are here for us, listen and get healthy…that’s how we fight evil. Detox everyday, always think positive and smile!
Two summers ago across the southern states and the mid-US states the chemtrails had these white to yellowish silly string looking things that floated downward. Anywhere these things landed provided a sticking ability IF there was water or moisture to be drawn by the substance. samples pointed towards lithium hydroxide. Contact may cause severe irritation to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. It may be toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin absorption. It is used as a carried or to make other chemicals in a reaction. In other words, they found that taking the lithium ion recycled batteries to spray onto us with other germ warfare agents!
It’s world wide. I have several pictures of the skies over the Netherlands
Yep, that needs fixing. Even making it parts per billion probably wouldn’t fix it, since I really don’t think it’s near half a percent which 5,000,000 ppb would be.
I have read about this for years, but never saw any real evidence. To be fair, it’s somewhat difficult to collect evidence at 35,000 feet. I always figured if there were any real evidence, someone would have been sued. To my knowledge, that hasn’t happened yet.
Gee that’s pretty extensively researched on your part. I guess that clinches it then – it must not be true otherwise people would be sued. Alrighty then.
You will find some answers to your questions at http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org
See page 5 line 15 of the PDF file
Must say, Ty you have done a brilliant job in all your work but this article is well over due. Great to get email this morning and see this topic 😉
Just quickly, i see above the mention of HR 2977, dated 2 Oct 2001, well be sure to take a look at HR3616 that was the 23rd Jan 2002. Interesting thing, in 2977 i think it was a 6 page document, but then 2002 bill HR 3616 it was shortened to 4 pages. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out what was left out .
I sent a petition to your organization and to other people with a big mailing list regarding this issue. It was basically ignored. It would be great if you could send out a petition, to send to our government, regarding stopping Chemtrails.
“In 2008, samples around California’s Lake Shasta and the Pit River Arm tributary were tested … The results of the water samples showed 4,610,000 parts per million of aluminum.” Even if the water had been 99% aluminum, that would “only” have been 990,000 parts per million. So how can there have been almost 5x as much as that? Aluminum companies wouldn’t need to smelt bauxite; they could just go to their local river and evaporate the 1% water!
I have been seeing chem-trails for over ten years. Chem-trails are not allowed prior to a presidential visit. When they fall on land you cannot grow organic food. You can only grow special GMO food from Dow designed to grow in these toxic chemicals. When they fall into the ocean, you will see massive [hundreds of square miles] of dead fish, shellfish and marine mammals. Some feel that chem-trails are part of the U.N. eugenics program that is part of Agenda21/30.
A study I know of done by someone we know who doesn’t want to make it public (gasp) found that chemtrails actually heat the planet more as the blanketed clouds stops the heat from being released from the earth. Under all that ice is land, more real estate baby! They have to go out too far to drill these days so having land to drill from is hunky dory to the drillers.
This is the biggest health/enviromental issue we face in the world today, and the majority have no clue.
Hi Steven,
Here are four sources of credible evidence: 1) Google this lecture online and watch it:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
The von Kármán Lecture Series: 2013.
“Geoengineering and Climate Intervention: What We Need to Know
(climate change mitigation)” Feb. 14 & 15, 2013.
2) Read this article (free online) from Scientific American Magazine, entitled: “What Is Geoengineering and Why Is It Considered a Climate Change Solution? Some scientists are calling for more study of technological interventions to forestall catastrophic global warming. Why?” By David Biello, April 6, 2010.
3) watch the documentary, “What In The World Are They Spraying?” free on youtube.
4) watch the documentary, “WHY In The World Are They Spraying?” free on youtube.
I hope Ty and others who are reading this post will read/watch these resources, too. They will correct a lot of misinterpretations and misunderstandings that get passed around by word of mouth, etc.
Good article on Greenmedinfo recently where same professor Exley describes 3 types of natural mineral water of high silicon content that helps flush out aluminium, Spritzer & Fiji in the US and Volvic in the UK. Funny enough, since this fact was made public, our 3 major supermarkets (Tesco/Asda/Morrisons) here in the UK have now stopped selling Volvic natural mineral water. Conspiracy? Coincidence? or Sinister? See below for a small part in said article.
There has been a plausible link between human exposure to aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease for several decades. We contend that the only direct and ethically acceptable experimental test of the ‘aluminum hypothesis’, which would provide unequivocal data specific to the link, is to test the null hypothesis that a reduction in the body burden of aluminum to its lowest practical limit would have no influence upon the incidence, progression, or severity of Alzheimer’s disease. Herein we are testing the hypothesis that silicon-rich mineral waters can be used as non-invasive methods to reduce the body burden of aluminum in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and a control group consisting of their carers and partners. We have shown that drinking up to 1 L of a silicon-rich mineral water each day for 12 weeks facilitated the removal of aluminum via the urine in both patient and control groups without any concomitant affect upon the urinary excretion of the essential metals, iron and copper. We have provided preliminary evidence that over 12 weeks of silicon-rich mineral water therapy the body burden of aluminum fell in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and, concomitantly, cognitive performance showed clinically relevant improvements in at least 3 out of 15 individuals. This is a first step in a much needed rigorous test of the ‘aluminum hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease’ and a longer term study involving many more individuals is now warranted.
Do you want to read the rest of this article?Request full-text
Ffs our children and their children have no chance because of the elite and their greed, time has come for awakening to the evil that’s on this earth, I’m sure Prince was knocked off fir his views on this when he was interviewed a few years back ?? we live in an evil time
Scott Helton gave the correct reply. go to geoengineeringwatch.org they also have lots of youtube videos on this topic.
Chelation therapy is effective in removing heavy metals from the body. In fact, it is the only approved therapy to do so. But it is also very expensive. An alternative is oxygen therapy, but not as the mainstream means it. You can use a program of 35% H2O2 and water daily to improve your health and remove these toxins (and many others) from your body. If you search, you can find more information on this simple easy therapy that costs less than $0.25 a day.
i used NCD by Waiora, which is a zeolite (volcanic mineral) that has the opposite charge of heavy metals and a molecular structure of a cage that captures the heavy metals and flushes them out of the body. I have hair test kit results to prove it … amazing.
Keeping it simple, So is this article saying commercial airlines are somehow spraying chemicals in the sky which are leaving these trails?
I think that’s what they’re saying because it seems to be generally accepted (by the chemtrail theorists) that regular con trails NEVER linger in the air.
Also, these planes are flying at way too low altitude to be leaving contrails (Which are just ice crystals, apparently!). When you can clearly identify the plane, colours, logo etc., then it is too low. Contrails are supposed to only form at altitudes of 28,000 – 42,000ft (Between 5 and 8 miles up) and there’s no way the majority of these planes are that high! Also, notice how they always haze out the sun and make the sky a milky white, that is known officially as Solar Radiation Management.
Well I apologize for the sarcasm. However all you have to do is use your own eyes. Why do people so not trust themselves to figure things out? You speak of logic ok well let me ask you this: just say these are indeed contrails. For one thing, when does condensation last for hours? And if cars spewed such lingering “contrails” on cold days, we’d be up on pollution charges. And another thing too – the planes must be getting worse at emitting vapors because they didn’t do always do this. If they did, can you imagine how easily planes could be shot out of the skies in war zones? It would be awesome to get more information on what planes are doing this. But it may very well be only government planes and then we’ll never know. It’s amazing that people don’t speak out. People who work with the industry. People don’t speak out about so many things. That is why we end up with these atrocities you know. We know it’s very important for the continuation of our poisoning for people to not speak up. Speech is the biggest threat to their supremacy. That is why people are paid very well to shutup. That is why they try to impose censorship. And they know how to not even have to impose censorship but get us to impose self-censorship on ourselves by not speaking about it. It works. They know us well. Whereas we know them not an iota. Forgive my sarcasm and I urge you to keep questioning!
Exactly, trust your own instincts, because in the end, that is all you have, your own Divine Wisdom!
I do not consider your courage to speak out and your honesty to be sarcasm. I applaud you for speaking your truth. The questions you raise are rational and obvious to any thinking person.
Both Brexit and President Trump are the Achilles’ heel to the new world order (NWO). The recent global demonstrations against Donald Trump’s presidency were orchestrated by the NWO as was the Arab Spring, and the creation of the European Commission, the 2008 financial crises, and many other world events. The NWO is close to taking control of all governments. Like stage illusionists the NWO uses similar methods to deceive the masses. Read Joseph Plumber’s, ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ (not to be confused with Carroll Quigley’s book of a similar title). This is a well written book about the machinations of the NWO. It is a concise, clear, and easily read. It is a worthy read.
It should also be added that Nigel Farage is another threat to the NWO as, indeed, there are others many of whom have since been eliminated. Politics is a ruthless business.
We only have to think of another exchange system or distribution system. Money is at the root of all the world’s problems. But it’s just an arbitrary accounting system. And maybe it’s just obsolete now. People don’t work, so money cannot be based on work anymore. Besides, everything is so stagnant. Doesn’t anybody want to change real bad like I do?
Yes definitely. Thanks for the recommendation of the book. I’m pretty aware of it and I’m tired of putting my attention to it all. I feel that attention is like currency, actually it IS a currency! Though there is no stock market for it – or is there? (I know there is as stock market for every citizen) Where we put our attention is like where we put our money. And what you put your attention to grows. These are fundamentals. I want to put my attention now to making the kind of world i dream of. I do have these dreams and they’re wonderful – using a hemp currency and growing cannabis, all forms – hemp and marijuana. We dispense with this calendar and recognize the 13 moon calendar as the primary calendar, we abolish all forms of intellectual property (copyright and patents) and we will develop an online digital and direct democracy where every human old enough to read and type will have the same voice as everyone else.
To hell with all this shit taking orders from maniacs and people suffering without end. We the people give these genocidal maniacs consent. We forfeit our own free will to be “looked after” by madmen. This is the reality. We cannot fight them. We cannot bomb them back. And even if we could, who would want to spend their life doing such nonsense?
ere we are – in this carnation – at a time like this, where extinction hangs in the balance for us and countless other species. We’re being spayed with chemicals on one hand, and on the other, immersed in a culture that still loves its masters, a culture that looks at those who try to tell them they are being scammed and poisoned, they look with disdain and distance. Somehow we have to get through to the ones who still believe that someone can represent them. The notion of that is fatuous. Only imbeciles would even look to someone to represent them. Like infants, they still need someone to suckle them. But somehow we need to get through to them. Or they’ll take us all down from their ignorance. They are being corralled into where the oligarchy wants them to go and the lemmings assume they’re becoming more heard.
I’m seeing that the tide is starting to turn somewhat. Maybe we ought to start laughing at those who still fall for the puppet show. It really could be funny. Like they try to do to us, denigrate us and ridicule us without ever knowing half the things we do. Quote various studies or issues to them or writers or speakers who are at the peak of their subject such as Dan Wigington and they have never heard of it. Talk about McGAF and they’ve never heard of it, about fluoride, the NDAA or troops going into Poland and they don’t know. The litmus test, I feel, is 9/11. If you are not completely convinced that 9/11 must have required insiders to get through our security systems that day, then it must be hypnosis. They took advantage of our shock on that day and planted suggestions just like hypnotists do. They are constantly taking advantage of us and like the tight-fisted thieves that they are, they get us to pay in the process and willingly! You gotta love it! While the imbeciles argue about whether this fascist or that tycoon will choose the next supreme court pustule. The truth is people still look at celebrity to gain their fulfillment from the emotional and intellectual void they have ushered on themselves. It seems impossible but I think with compassion, we may open their eyes.
Lets all look at the UN Weather Weapons Treaty…..Resolution 31/72 of the United Nations General Assembly on 12/10/1976!
How about HAARP? How does this technology affect the Earth? Weather modification technology is old science, folks. (George Carlin got it RIGHT………”cretinism” is all around us.) Albert Einstein……” Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of TRUTH.” Too many sheeple are afraid of the truth. It’s called cognitive dissonance! I call it the Three Monkey Syndrome….see no truth, hear no truth, speak no truth.
Take the “red pill” baby…..don’t be afraid…. it will set you free, as they say. Like Sly Stone at Woodstock…..”people always need “approval”….etc, ect! Fear is the illness, Knowledge is the cure.
The State is your enemy
I believe the article said small planes and drones but not which entity, business or government.
I don’t understand how they get away with this, and why it’s an accepted practice for so many years
Where is the LINK to petition our government to stop dosing us and our water and food supply with harmful chemicals??
For anyone still pondering if, you can see for yourself the effects of this landing on the ground. After a hard rain, as you drive on the asphalt, look at the suds in the low parts of it. Soap in rainfall? Well, surfactants are the carrier medium used to make this “stick”. Also, check your driveway, (before a rain) or your back garden surface. Lean down and look at it towards the sun, you will see massive amounts of sparkles. And you can see it on your veggies leaves, if you use drip irrigation or soaker hoses. Also, if you are an outdoor worker, wear something black or dark, and then look at your sleeves towards the sun, you will see the multitudes of sparklies.
At last! Thank you Ty, it’s about time everybody knows about this. Chemtrails have been around for decades that I know of. It’s the kind of ‘rabbit hole’ that goes deeper and further than you could ever imagine, once you start to really dig in there. I’ve tried to tell some of my (conventional) friends about it – intelligent people! – but all I got was ridicule. The real problem is that most people are scared to death of change. They’re like ostriches – as soon as they see anything that could spell danger, they stick their heads in the sand and pretend that it doesn’t exist. They may think that not looking at it will make it disappear, but the fact is that while their heads are in the sand, their backsides are fully exposed and they’re likely to get booted in them! It’s time that their eyes are opened, even if they don’t want to know.
It is not too surprising that young and middle-aged adults including children and teenagers are getting cancer with all the poisonous chemicals that we are exposed to and have to breathe. Sometimes, we do not know what to do anymore in order to try and detoxify our body and prevent ourselves from getting cancer.
I am familiar with EDTA chelation. Unfortunately, I discovered it after I’d already had triple coronary bypass surgery in 1985. Nonetheless, I had EDTA chelation therapy several times after that in my life. And I have documented proof that it works, and I would eagerly do it again, especially now that I have peripheral artery disease. However, for reasons unrelated, and no need to mention here, I exist now solely on Social Security. As I understand it, EDTA chelation is still an “off label” use item for which doctors charge what ever they choose to charge. And I do not know of any insurance companies, especially Medicare, that will cover EDTA “off label” costs. Do you, or any of your colleagues, know where a retired little old lady can get EDTA chelation treatments that are somewhat affordable, or are now covered by Medicare?
If I had peripheral artery disease, I would try to clear it out with nattokinase, twice a day on an empty stomach. good prices at http://www.swansonvitamins.com.
Kevin S.
I travel considerably and have witnessed Chemtrails not only in US & Canada but through the UK and Europe. I spend a lot of time in the air and these are clearly not caused by commercial aircraft. I have read many articles on Geoengineering but I see that the chemtrails seem to be concentrated in heavily populated areas which begs the question what is the agenda. It baffles me why this is not questioned more.
They are created by commercial airlines as well as military. Myself and many thousands of others, have witnessed planes flying so low you can see the plane company logo/colours (Or have tracked the plane on Flight Radar to identify it), leaving both persistent and non persistent trails. The additives are added to the jet fuel system and this is why there are so many budget airlines!
The article fails to mention exactly HOW these chemicals are being dispersed. Is this by Air Force planes? Surely not by commercial airliners. If it is the former, I would think we would have pilots and ground crew members blowing the whistle on this. Incidentally I knew Francis Mangels when he was a student at Montana State University. Had a lot of negative dealings with him as a youth and would have difficulty trusting his research without other corroborating evidence.
Chemtrail believers never seem to want to address the elephant in the room. The elephant is this: We all breathe the same air. Why, then, would “They” be poisoning themselves, their families, their relatives and friends?
but they are also killing themselves…i dont understand how this can be happening
Very interesting to see the level of understanding of various commenters. Since it’s a worldwide phenomenon appealing to the UN would be asking a globalist institution to expose itself. Since it’s worldwide the globalists get their way in most nations – see where there aren’t any chemtrails and you find where “they” are. I read there’s a band across part of Europe that’s clean. For those who can’t understand how “they could do this to us” understand they want most of us to die. Dig deeper and you find that evil feeds off of death the younger the better. It isn’t just the cancer industry that has been hijacked by greedy controllers. Look into it and you’ll discover a very long story of creation versus destruction good versus evil. Think of it this way and it’s easy to see whose on which side. Love others, listen to Jesus, pray for repentance among the nations so that we may ward off the feeding frenzy they are ceaselessly working toward.
I am a cloud expert and have travelled throughout North America over the past 40 years. I have seen many examples of jet trails (contrails) which come in all sizes and patterns. On most days and in the lower stratosphere, contrails evaporate quickly behind the aircraft in most regions and in most weather patterns. However, there are two exceptions. If the air at a certain altitude is moist (high relative humidity) the trails will persist. This also happens in drier areas under high pressure aloft or if the trails are lower in the atmosphere. They would also persist in cloudy/wet weather but are obscured from view by the typical overcast conditions. You will see contrails best in stable, clear weather and when conditions are right (relatively infrequently) the trails will languish, spread out, gradually become thinner from slow evaporation, and take on unusual shapes as the air currents distort them over time. Contrails that vanish quickly in dry air aloft evaporate before they can freeze. Once frozen, the ice crystals take much longer to evaporate and end up spreading out before they do so.
My conclusion is that people make assumptions (like the one above) which then clinch or reinforce their established beliefs on a subject. Belief is a very powerful psychological trap that prevents searching or seeing alternative points of view. I prefer to remain skeptical on both sides of the issue. I totally agree that many bad and stupid things are going on and we should always be vigilant in uncovering them but not at the expense of a reasoned, open-minded discussion. Chemtrails may exist but all the examples I’ve seen can be explained by physics and natural atmospheric processes.
see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Agreement
I agree with you Denise. Loving, caring, nurturing, compationate women would not have babies just to be killed in other peoples wars. Men have messed up this world. Men can no longer be trusted to make decisions. Chemtrails, cancer, massive death world wide. Who decided to allow this to happen? Who talked us in to this? It’s time to let the women take over. There is no way a woman could do a worse job. It’s time!!!
Look at Bill HR2977 on Page 6 . #15 it lists chemtrails
Thanks so much for providing this additional information!
Psychopaths think they are invulnerable.
Thanks Steve going there next. Thanks for asking Anna.
I CAN NOT understand why anyone would think “weather control” would be the solution to global warming. At best, it’s putting a bandaid over a festering wound and pretending it doesn’t exist while it just gets worse, and at worst it actually contributes to the situation getting worse. But I guess switching to 100% agroecological farming practices and stopping big industrial oil/gas drilling and coal mining while empowering local communities the world over doesn’t make enough money. We must fight against all the false so-called “solutions” to climate change promoted by the transnational corporations and their servants (actually slaves) such as carbon trading, fracked natural gas, GE agriculture, wars, increased consumption of products simply because they’re stamped “eco-friendly”, demonizing the poor, consuming large amounts of soy as part of a vegan diet, consuming food stamped “natural”, using more plastic, geoengineering, etc. There are simply too many to list.
Whatever happened to living in harmony with the natural environment? All technological “fixes” do is make money for the corporations that promote them. They should be opposed at every turn.
I heard about Clifford Carnicom years ago and have a copy of “Aerosol Crimes”. The chemtrails here in eastern PA vary……sometimes the sky is so checkerd with lines that it looks like a big tic tac toe image. Then the sky’s are conspicuously absent of chemtrails on very clear days with no clouds…..guess no airlines flew that day. Sometimes one see’s both normal jet contrails and chemtrails at the same time! Other times you will see huge X’s….X marks the spot. It is so obvious! However, when I would point these things out to some people, they would look at me like I had three eyes and usually give that conspiracy theory line. Now some of those same denier’s have seen the light. Our governments have been conspiring and colluding against us since Sumer and Babylon……it’s the nature of governing. In Edward Bernays book “Propaganda” he writes….The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Another good book to read is John Taylor Gatto’s The Underground History of American Education. It will help you understand how they try to dumb us down and keep us in the box. It’s not rocket science….but a system of scientific management and behavior modification, a.k.a. “mind-control”.
I love Gatto! I read his article, “I quit, I think!” and was so impressed with his knowledge and experience! Great guy!
Jocelyn, appeal to the UN to stop the poisoning? Are you kidding? The UN facilitates corruption on a global scale. It protects no one except the elites. Look up Agenda 21 for starters and begin to see the UN for what it really is. The UN is the head of the “one world government” that is emerging, with an agenda to kill most of the humans on this planet and control with an iron fist the lives of the 500,000 that they’ve decided should remain. Chem trails are a simple example of the kind of jack booted tyranny the UN has planned for all humans on this planet. Worse, chem trails may be a form of terra forming, a process to change the very biology of the planet that will create environments hostile to human health, for unknown purposes. The UN is not our friend.
What to focus effort on at age 70 ? Something like “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” All things considered, where should I focus my efforts to help mankind? On a very personal level, I have had to survive childhood with a raging pedophile, escape safely from a violent sociopath of a husband, combat mold and flooding in a strata townhouse, escape from Smart meters and the extreme blood pressure readings they cause, stop liver-killing acetaminophen for pain from injuries, dodge hip replacement, cut out sugar and bring cholesterol and triglycerides back to normal, figure out how to exercise in water to obtain a strong core and shoulders, and deal with Laryngospasm ( Sudden Terrifying Inability to Breathe) teach 40 years, still teaching individual kids, no retirement possible due to retirement savings being drained by 2 husbands and the medical expenses of travelling to Vancouver from Vernon for throat treatments 4 times per year. To have some time to recover and feel peace I have had to let some causes pass me by. I need to do me, to get my art out there and to work on my book. When I look at all the money I have donated, especially to the NDP, I know now I ought to have kept it for my old age. Smart now!
Yes I am concerned about the environmental obscenities, and the conspiracy events. I work to be as fit and useful and kind as I can. I choose my causes. I bought Ty’s Cancer DVD’s and am doing all I can to keep healthy. To help others I need to be as complete as I can be.
RO is a type of water filter which takes virtually all impurities out of the drinking water. RO stands for reverse osmosis. Just search “reverse osmosis” at most any online store that sells water filters.
As for “cora mine”, I don’t know but am going to do a search tonight.
Interestingly, here in Canada, we have in place a federal Act called the Weather Modification Information Act., enacted in 1985, so this has been going on for awhile here. It basically claims that any weather modification activities must be reported to an “Administrator” for the Act. The MOST interesting part is that the “Administrator” is any person, including member of the public, so appointed by the Governor General. ANY other Act I have ever seen in Canada is overseen by a federal Minister, i.e. an elected representative. But the Governor General is the Queen’s Emissary, and so this whole Act is overseen OUTSIDE OF ELECTED PARLIAMENT OFFICIALS. This definitely points toward a global cabal of some sort behind weather modification work like this, or even HAARP for that matter.
RO = reverse osmosis
Politicians have sold the US to a dark, foreign cabal decades ago. Most are attorneys who continue to practice their trade in Congress, only now their clients are the bankers, pharmaceutical companies, media conglomerates, lobbyists and foreign interests who line their pockets and fatten their bank accounts rather than the voters who elected them to office. The same ones who spend like drunken sailors using the unlimited credit line provided them by the banksters at the Federal Reserve, only to stick their constituents and their constituent’s children and their constituent’s grandchildren with the bill and a life of indebtedness. They don’t represent their constituents, they rape, pillage and plunder them while they’re in office, hiding behind the elusive, flowery oratory they’ve practiced in a court room or a board room. Elected Republicans and Democrats are simply subcontractors who represent the corporation that is the United States. They enrich themselves while passing laws which appear partisan but are, in fact, designed to hand over the last free country of the world to the globalists. They care not for their fellow Americans but only for their own bank accounts and enrichment at the expense of the American dream.
Let’s hope with the new President as a Patriot (he’s NOT a politician) he will dismantle the lies and fiction that has pervaded the USA for over 50 years. Hopefully you will witness the pushback and unveiling of the powers that rule this planet and a rebuilding of the ideas the founding Fathers had when they formed the nation over 250 years ago. I’m sure all these debunkers will deflect the truth, use all their resources and power and influence to undermine your President. This includes the media, politicians and business leaders who are traitors to the USA – perhaps they will reveal themselves over the coming months like they have for the past few weeks with all their lies and deceit and “fake news”.
To deny this and cast a blind eye to what is occurring is to miss the historic significance of what we are experiencing. It’s time to put partisanship aside and support President Trump because for the first time since 1960, we’ve elected a President FOR the people, not the hidden controllers of the planet.
President Trump will need our support, prayers and patience while he works to restore America to the distinguished place as the leaders of the free world.
It’s always darkest before the dawn and as the worst President in the history of the US fades into the darkness, a new era begins.
(This is part of a “report” from the White Hats.)
I keep wondering that myself .. the only answer I get is that they are insane.
Thanks for the link to geoengineeringwatch, but it still doesn’t tell us exactly what we can do to stop it. I hate feeling to helpless while people destroy our planet.
This is nutty. I have been a commercial airline pilot for 25 years and a military pilot before then. The commercial,pilot world jakes about this because it is so crazy. I guess the “Gov” is sneaking this out there with their own cadres of pilots. There’s enough actual stuff to worry about without adding this garbage.
Thank you for sharing. I agree it is a little far fetched, even if the technology does exists. I have enough to worry about. I don’t need to live in constant fear of being poisoned daily by the government on top of the pollution we already encounter in our daily lives!
Myriam, this isn’t here for anyone to live in fear. It’s also not just for interest’s sake. It’s here so people will do something about it. Don’t fear, but do write to President Trump and your representative and senators, tell others, be ready to make your point with web pages you have bookmarked on your computer, etc..
Myriam, I think millions of tonnes of nano particulates of Aluminium Oxide, Barium, Sulphur and various moulds, viruses and nano technology that can replicate in our body (Friends have taken microscopic samples of snow and seen these weird substances contained in the snow and they have replicated!) is a bit more of a worry than any other pollution.
Garth, I’m not sure President Trump will be interested and if he does become, what can he do?? He’s just a puppet for the elite who really rule this world and control this evil spraying programme. They’re not going to stop.
Sally, it’s nice to see that he is proving that he’s not a puppet for the elite. He is however the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, including the Air Force which is doing much of the spraying, so he has the authority to command them to stop at any time. He does not need approval from Congress or anyone else.
The UN?! Surely you jest.
I really wonder who is paying for all these planes and millions of pounds of powder- to what end? And, I have never seen contrails that persist and fall down to earth. Temperatures and humidity vary at altitude so sometimes regular contrails persist for a short time and sometimes for a long time.
For four or five months last year, we were getting chemtrailed every Friday. Then the schedule changed. There is nothing about Fridays that water droplets or ice crystals will respect. You could watch the trails left by different jet planes at the same general altitude, and the regular trails evaporated and disappeared within a short time while the chemtrails just got bigger and bigger and bigger and gradually merged and left a silvery high-altitude haze, and were a slightly different color.
Friends…Let’s continue to stay attuned to what is happening while focusing on what we want and least of all let’s not sink into fear and despair, for then, we are more easily controlled. United, we are invincible.
I agree Larry, love and fear cannot co-exist. Remember folks….whatever you think, you are right. Focus on what you want.
History has shown us that compassionate action is powerful. One only look to the lives of Gandhi, King and Mother Teresa. Our Silent Revolution cannot be controlled. Our minds; more accurately, our consciousnesses is our most potent tool. Our combined intentions and actions is where the “magic” happens. This is where we move quantum molecules to materialize what we want. United we stand. Your awareness and comments emboldens me. We can do this!
Thank you! My first thought while I was reading this was, “What can I do to get involved in stopping this!?”
Is TY your indentured servant? Are you able to read and research? Links were provided above and google is a great search engine. Use it and don’t rely on someone else to feed your mind. Geoengineering watch dot org.
Hi Anna, a book “What In the world are they spraying ? “describes how some towns approached communication in order to avoid
being called conspiracy theory lunatics, in order to attempt to stop those planes from polluting their air.
check out this you tube video showing the recent storms that killed people in GA & MS were heavily sprayed by chemtrails. They actually show up on the radar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvaPIVcmIMg
MIke Morales has been doing these videos.
The nozzles are often mounted on the pylons that mount the engines to the wings. I suppose this is so the blast of the engine stirs up the stream better. I seem to remember also reading that sometimes the sprayers are mounted in the rear of the engine itself.
Also being sprayed is nanodust and fibres, that carry codes and hook up within the body, multiply or replicate. It damages your DNA. I have been extracting them from my body and have pictures of them that I took with a digital microscope. Some things look like hexagon scaffolding, some like bundles of little sticks, some look like bug parts, wings, legs, heads etc, some look like spun fibres, purple, black, fuchsia, white, orange, yellow, green and see through. other particles that look like little christals and shards. Unreal.
Yes, also know of someone who took samples of snow in his area and put them under the microscope and saw the same kind the thing!
So scary to think we are breathing this all in every day and it’s probably replicating inside us. Horrific!!
Would like to know why Zionists think this planet belongs to them,and why Montsanto is doing all sorts of things around the world.
Hi Jocelyn, unfortunately the UN was formed as a front by the Rothchilds, Rockifelers ie K Illuminaty backing entities after WWII to push for and promote their vision of a new world order. Another unfortunate is that Chemtrails are being sprayed all around our planet, not just over North America , Central and South America. I have been watching the skies over Washington State every day since the beginning of April 2016. I have seen Chemtrails being sprayed or the residual allready in the skies every single clear day and their synthetic clouds on every overcast or rainy day. The begining of October I wrote my State Governor, The Secretary of Health and The Department of Health and asked them why they are allowing us to be sprayed. The Governor and the Secretary of Health did not reply, however a department head of The Department of Health did reply and sent me two pdf files on the Federal Governments official statements on Chemtrails. The pdf files review many of the facts Ty has mentioned above and then openly denied them and called them condensation trails.
I lost my wife to cancerI 1/17 2016. Over this past year I have been educating myself up and others, grouping up, standing up and showing up to oppose tyranny. June 2016 I finished writing a poem called Consiracy Without Theory for my third book of poetry. I would like to share the last two lines of this one and a half page poem.
The truth is, there is no theory in the conspiracy.
We are all pawns to some degree, in a giant conspiracy of greed, lies, war and misery!
Thank you for hearing me. God Bless All Of Us who are fighting for the TRUTH!
Please be kind, I’m sure you’ve made a few mistakes in your life. Try answering all these questions & everything else in ones life.
yea thats great your finally aware of whats going on,and I dont want to read about how to combat the effects by taking more chemicals I want to go to the source and get them to STOP THE SPRAYING like go after the cause not find a solution,just STOP
Have never seen them in Costa Rica, where I live, but plenty of airplane traffic here.
While HR2977 does list chemtrails along with other things it sought to ban, it was simply a bill introduced by Dennis Kucinich in 2001. It . It wasn’t the government admitting anything.
Chemtrails were listed as ‘exotic weapon systems’….If that wasn’t an admission, I don’t know what is!!!
RO is reverse osmosis water purification process. I think the person talking about “Coro Mine” may be referring to “Chloromine” and has no idea of what it means. Chloromine is what is left in chlorinated water when the Chlorine process of elemination takes place.
Driving west from the mid-Atlantic in 2007 the sky was covered with white lines of all sorts. In New Mexico I began to notice a strange smell in the air at night/early am. Moving further west I could hear the planes overflying at night (not commercial flights). A glass topped table was
covered with strange looking debris. My dandelions grew to over 2 feet. I contacted Carnicon to request a lab for testing. Was told NO lab
would test. Oregon hosted evergreen aviation, a private firm with unmarked planes. A late night crew member overshared himself one
night in a bar, revealing he flew the planes which disbursed chem trails. The company disappeared from business not long after that. If
any of you are hankering for truth — pay a lab to test soil. AND – DO NOT TOUCH anything which looks like webbing hanging on trees, the
bushes, etc. A few years ago I attended a 3 day presentation by a nuclear physicist, formerly from los alamos. She shared so many
facts relating to cause/effect of chem trails and more I could barely eat on the 3rd day. One piece of advice – always wear protective gear
in the rain – and wash off when inside. I am so grateful for the courage Ty has demonstrated. Also, I realize how many of you are already
fully aware of what is happening to our planet and we humans who are hoping to live in harmony and peace. Yet, for those who subsist
on tv, sports, hollywood, etc., etc. there is denial, disbelief – the ostrich syndrome. A former senator from Washington state addressed
this topic once or twice, and then no more. Was there a threat given? We may never know. However, for those taking on the mantle
of spirit warrior, share the information – become clever in how to present the info. I do believe there is great change with great numbers
who are becoming more and more aware. Sigh, this is my very first online email. We are all more than we realize — begin to feel your
Cris, there’s no point in trying to convince people who already have their minds made up. They’ll just ignore you or call you a troll. One of the favorite mantras of “true believers” (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=True%20Believer) in the conspiracy community is “Do your research!” But most of the time what they really mean is “look up all the information that supports your belief and don’t pay any attention to information to the contrary.” I’m what you might call a former New Ager. Through the 80s and 90s I was into all of it. But over decades and countless hours of actual time-consuming in-depth research into a wide variety of subjects, weighing all sides of an issue, I’ve come to the conclusion that most of the so-called “Truthers” out there are some of the most mind-manipulating, disingenuous people on the planet, every bit as much so as the government mind-manipulators and truth-spinners that they rail against. One side is as bad as the other. The real “Truth” is usually somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. Unfortunately that “Truth” has become increasingly difficult to see as it’s obscured by the muck and mire swirling around on the two opposing sides.
Well said.
Because they’re still spraying us! They don’t take any notice of these bills if it’s in their interest to ignore them. I don’t think they’ll ever stop unfortunately, they have too much vested interest in controlling the weather and making us all sick! I never used to see these trails when I was younger either, but remember seeing extremely high altitude (Nowadays they are so low!!) jets flying overhead and you used to see a tiny trail dissipating quickly behind it, but not anymore.
How do we stop funding government? Have you opted out of paying taxes?
I have chosen not to fund government. I just can’t stomach government. Why pay to be poisoned? If a lot of us did this, we’d get somewhere I think. But even if we didn’t, that’s not the point. You support what you fund and ultimately, we’ll be held culpable.
EVERYONE needs to!
I would guess they mean reverse osmosis and coral minerals like coral calcium.
In the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada, we have seen these airplanes fly back and forth throughout the valley leaving a web of sinister clouds. We were totally puzzled not knowing yet what this was. We started to do some research… Sure enough, all fingers point to this crap. Ive seen it, I believe it and I AM APPALLED.
There are online videos of how planes are outfitted with large tanks inside the plane to do the spraying, similar to crop dusting. It’s not exhaust, though it initially looks similar. The people on the ground servicing these planes in the videos are always seen wearing hazmat suits.
Chemtrails are the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Big Bro has a full compliment of population control (genocide) solutions to cull the herd. Survival of the fittest will be the so-called master race. It’s a kinder, gentler, yet evil form of fascism.
Agreed Rich!!
I have read conspiracy theorists views on chemtrails but they have never included documental proof Ty, so thank yoi. Everyone thoight Michael Jackson was crazy, wearing a surgeons mask outdoors. I think maybe we should all bevwearing them!
As a Christian, I take comfort from Gods word when he says he will bring to ruin those ruining the earth, that includes the people of this earth, not jist our planet
Petition? Glad to hear this. What party do you specify as committing the chemtrails offence, and where is it occurring??
Chemtrails only exist because we are paying for them. How do you kill a monster that thrives on money? Stop feeding it and starve it to death. We need to boycot all airlines that distribute chemtrails. If it’s all of them, then shut them all down until we get a commitment to stop. I am NOT condoning violence. I am just saying quit feeding monsters. They are using our money against us to make monsanto rich and powerful.
I first read of Monsanto’s declared policy to control the world’s food supply in the 1980’s. That was thirty or more years ago for them to have developed their strategy and buy out/compromise politicians who are helpful to them.
Publicly available research shows that Aluminium oxide nano particles increase the fuel efficiency of high bypass turbo fan engines. In a highly competitive market like passenger airlines, the temptation to reduce costs by using such fuel additives must be huge. Bearing in mind that governments issue operator licences and regulate the industry, use of such additives can easily be obligated and therefore going on without us knowing. All of this under the cover of “climate control” or as the military have said, “controlling the weather”.
In 1964 five people in my home got sick at the exact same time. Two of them had gone shopping and had to return when the illness hit them. It was like a form of encephalitis. It was weird, to say the least. After I got over being sick, I learned that my neighbors also had had this illness. Looking at the activities, the timing, the odd symptoms I knew that air was the only thing we all had in common. When we were all on the carport waving bye to the two going shopping was the only time we were exposed to something at the same time. It had to be the air. The one person who was gone to work already did not get sick. At one point, I went into a coma and had double vision in each eye so I would see four of everything. I was the sickest of the five and to this day have problems left from that experience. I am an RN and years later I took care of a patient who was in her 50s and mentally appeared to have dementia. She had extremely high levels of aluminum in her blood tests. Otherwise she tested OK. She and her family has no idea where she had had this exposure, and the doctors felt the alluminium was causing her mental changes.
Having spent 10 years as a private pilot and being trained in aviation meteorology to study cloud formations and weather patterns, I can assure all readers and those who doubt the existence of “chemtrails” that they are very real. I have personally filmed and photographed low level aircraft dispersing heavy, thick trails, some covering many miles in length and often forming grid-like patterns over vast areas of sky. Contrails disperse rapidly behind aircraft and occur at higher altitudes, these can last for hours and slowly spread out to create thick white haze.
I can only suggest after many investigations and enquiries and having been offered no explanations whatsoever from any organisations, civilian or military/government that there is SOME sort of agenda. I believe whatever or whoever is responsible for these programmes that people worldwide deserve proper answers and explanations!
I feel it is very easy to jump to all kinds of conclusions BUT we do need to be told the TRUTH
The Truth is what many people are calling for….ie DISCLOSURE! There is far more going on on this planet than spraying us with poison. It is all about keeping us slaves and not recognizing our Divine Power and the incredible beings that we are. It has been going on for a long time and this is THE time in Earth’s history in which is the opportunity for the LIGHT to win!
Just going by the fact that no announcements or explanations are given WHATSOEVER tells you they are at their usual trickery. This is how the honchos operate – they omit to say anything. We need to question them and never let go. And watch them squirm. Why is it that we accept that they don’t have to give us answers? We don’t even so much as ask them for answers, we just assume they wont’ give them. This is unacceptable on our part because when all is said and done, they will simply say – you didn’t ask. Let’s make sure that won’t be the case.
In the meantime, you need to protect yourself from these chemtrails. Here is a great article on how to do that.
Thank you.
Much remains to be seen; but Trump has hit the ground running, giving heavy evidence that he’s not a puppet for the elite.
Do I understand correctly that these “chem trails” were created to somehow protect the Earth from global warming? How were they supposed to accomplish that?
That’s what is intimated but really they heat the earth more because they create a “blanket” of cloud as they dissipate and keep the heat in instead of releasing it. The demons doing it want to melt the ice because under it is real estate.
A study by someone I’m loosely connected with found that they are releasing coal fly ash in the contrails. It’s a bit like dumping the stuff without having to pay for environmental waste, much like fluoride is released into the water to avoid paying the costs of proper disposal.
Hi Sandra they are here in South Africa seen prominently in the Cape. We suspected something bad but didn’t know. Thank you Ty for all your work.
Yes, agreed Kat Gat! Also, look at the sun, it’s always blinding white, instead of yellow like it used to be and with a white haze around it.
Seriously? The only time I’ve seen yellow suns is in crayon drawings by children. I’ve never noticed the sun to appear as anything but blinding white.
It did used to be more yellow than it is now.
Text book Gov paid shill answer from Ed the ‘Cloud Expert’!!
Many commenters here have given good links. Please look into them. A personal-experience factor for me is that for about five months last year, the schedule was that we in our area were getting chemtrailed every Friday. There’s nothing about Fridays that water vapor respects.
Coral Mine sounds interesting, if a little expensive, but does it come from sustainable coral?? Wouldn’t want to get it if they were decimating coral reefs for it!!
Don’t actually use RO for my water, as heard it takes out all the minerals and is actually bad for the body to consume it. But if you’re adding the coral, then that’s a good solution (Apart from cost and ‘possible sustainability concerns). I use an ozonation machine on all my tap water, as this is meant to remove everything harmful and revert it back to it’s organic form. Also, if you drink the water within 20 or so mins, you also get the added benefit of more oxygen in the body, which is very good for you. I also use it on my food (Veg and meat) to rid of antibiotics, pesticides (When can’t afford to buy organic) and hopefully chemtrail toxins too!
at least one of the “coldflu” problems all over and also the g.i. issues no there is no cell wall!!! Years ago I’d heard of something taht isn’t a virus,that isn’t bacterial, and also not fungal.I’t’s been awhile but as I TRY TO REMEMBER Adolph HItler was working or had come up with something that sounds like what is being dumped on us. Also at least 10 yrs ago I started seeing medical ads from big pharma asking if you had been exposed to an areaor were planning on visiting an area where there are fungal problem’s.I’ve never heard of “fungal infested” areas
As I read the house bill it purpose is to ban weapons is space and includes chemstrails as weapons.l had heard some time ago that the us milarty had looked into weather change as a weapon which this bill try’s to ban. Did anyone see the word ban!
Sorry the word was prohibit not ban
What is ERW?
Thanks Ty for reporting on chemtrails! We are in the medical field, practice functional medicine, and we find no one knows about this, although we have been teaching our patients about it for years. We often see the giant X’s in the sky on Saturday mornings above Denver, and when we point them out to friends, they will say that it’s a normal jet flow.Ugh!! We point out that normal jet streams do NOT make Giant X’s in the sky! So frustrating, we have felt that we were the only ones talking about this for years! No wonder we have an epidemic of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Cancer throughout the country! This could possibly be the biggest health threat in America, but most are unaware of this constant toxicity that we are all breathing every day. It’s criminal!
Kathi, maybe you could print off some flyers with some good links on and give them to your patients?
If you are interested in the health aspect, join the facebook group “chemtrailsflu – how to manage it. ” and the page ” Chemtrailsflu – the target”
Hi Ty, my question and or concern is that, I am 57 years old, and I have seen chemtrails ever since I was a little girl! So, how is it that if these chemtrails are so dangerous (which I believe they are), are we all not dead already?
Wow, surprised you have been seeing chemtrails since you were a little girl, if you are 57! I know they’ve been manipulating the weather for a long time, but I really don’t think they have been spraying our skies for that long.
As for the answer to your question, the spraying is ‘slow kill’, as they do want a certain amount of ‘slaves’ left to make money for them. Also, if lots of people started dropping dead all of a sudden, there would be a lot of questions asked! People are getting sicker and sicker though (Although this is also to do with nutrient deficiencies and denatured foods, GMOs, chemicals in everything, vaccines, pharmaceuticals etc.). Alzheimers disease is off the scale and it’s well known that Aluminium causes Alzheimers. Barium causes cancer and look how many people have cancer nowadays and then there’s all the people who are constantly getting colds, flu and respiratory illnesses, which are very likely caused by the spraying!
Hi gals, Robin there is no positive spin at all. It is ALL negative period. Susan, California has been drought stricken intentionally for many years and now they are intentionally being deluged. I do not have all the answers why. In short Ty and several other people have mentioned Dane Wigington’s name. If your are willing to go to GeoengineeringWatch.org, Dane does a comprehensive job of explaining everything in a presentation called Geoengineering and what it means for you. Every level of our government for top to bottom have been corrupted with money and lies. If you have any doubts please go to youtube and watch
” In Lies We Trust” by Dr. Horowitz and “Vaccines The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction” by Dr. Carley.
True Regards
Hi all! I’m quite new to this and am looking for some help. I can’t find in the article what the levels of different toxins in the lake Shasta region were prior to the fly-by’s. As well, this report is not cited under the references section. Can somebody point me in the right direction as to where I can find this report? Would love to read it.
You should go and tell all the people who’s children are dying of cancer to pray to God to heal their children because they probably never though to do so. Since God is all powerful, and children are sinless and God loves us, I’m sure he’ll listen.
Hi all, me again. Few more questions that I’m sure somebody here can clear up. First question is in regards to the second paragraph about Monsanto supporting a secret laboratory. Ty has not included a reference here, can somebody reply with a link to this? Second question, Ty talks about the “crisscrossing” streaks of white clouds behind jet aircraft. No doubt I’ve seen that! My question though, if not all aircraft travel in the exact same direction, if they have different destinations, would we not see a “criss-cross” regardless? In paragraph seven Ty says that contrails dissipate quickly, why is this? What are the atmospheric conditions that lend themselves to the creation of a contrail and not a chemtrail? References please!
In paragraph five mention is given to chemist Dr. R Michael Castle. Despite this qualifying as being plagiarized from Elana Freelands book there is no reference given to her or the study. Can somebody help?
In paragraph nine Ty insinuates that proof has been given, but all I can find up to this point is, well, nothing! I’m sure you were all wondering this too, could somebody please provide me with the references that Ty has accidentally left out? I need something more than just his word.
Also, still looking for some help on my above comment, thanks!
Please help!
Go to GEOENGINEERING WATCH.com Read the documents. See the patents that allow this, Watch the videos This has been going on since the end of WWII! The documents are there if you choose to look. Sadly, Ty is a baby in this information so won’t find the answers you seek on his site. Then for God’s sake LOOK UP and convince me the criss cross, tic tac toe patterns are normal cloud formations, water vapor con-trails that hang in the sky for HOURS and expand to fill what should have been a blue sky day. How often do YOU see a deep blue sky with a few fluffy clouds? Search solar dimming and filtered skys. Search weather whiplash! All terms that never existed until a couple of years ago. Convenient excuses to keep the masses ASLEEP! We are being sprayed like bugs and we better get our heads out of Hollywood, lame stream media, GMO foods and enough prescription drugs to keep us asleep at the wheel and do something about it!
I do see the criss crossing, but with so much commercial travel it makes sense to me that aircraft would criss-cross in the sky what with so many different destinations. Thank you for pointing me to that site.
No, even if contrails exist (There is some evidence that modern day high bypass turbo fan engines can’t even produce contrails!), then they should dissipate in seconds behind the plane (Like they used to when I was younger!) and not persist for miles, leaving ‘pollution’ all over the sky! Also, contrails can only form at such high altitudes that normally you would not even notice the plane, yet today these trails are seen coming out of planes which are so low, you can see the markings on the livery!!
When I first ‘woke up’ to chemtrails, I thought exactly the same as you, but then I realised (Remembered from my childhood) that this is not natural or normal.
It’s not true that “contrails can only form at such heights that normally you would not even notice the plane.” A little CONTRAIL education will clear up all the misinformation (and disinformation). Of course most avid chemtrail believers won’t bother to educate themselves on the matter but for those whose mind is still open on the subject, here ya go: http://contrailscience.com/
Please note the paid Gov shill Gary Val Tenuta, who has replied to my comment above. He is trying to direct people searching for the truth about what is really going on in our skies, to the VERY well known disinfo site Contrail Science and if you notice, you cannot reply to him like you can all the other people commenting, which is very, very suspect!
Please Ty, don’t let these paid disinfo agents try to discredit your very good and truthful article!
These people have sold their soul to the devil and will have to face their maker one day.
This afternoon I happened to be looking up at the sky when I saw a plane start its CHEMtrail. The beginning of the trail was not only well defined but even square, indicating that all the nozzles from wingtip to wingtip were turned on at the same instant. Other jet planes’ CONtrails at the same altitude were light and quickly evaporated and disappeared, so they remained short behind the plane, while this CHEMtrail just got bigger and bigger over the next hour and a half, until darkness after sunset made it too hard to make out.
Thanks Ty,
I’m wondering from which accredited university you got your biophysics, chemistry or similar degree from?
Is that supposed to be a sarcastic comment Berny Thygesen? If so, don’t you know sarcasm is the lowest form, of wit?! People do not need to have a degree in anything but ‘common sense’ to know that this spraying of our skies is not just planes leaving behind harmless water vapour!! Obviously you are lacking in common sense, if you think all the MESS being left in our skies is normal or natural!
His bio is at http://www.healthranger.com/Health-Ranger-Biography.html . Although it says he studied microbiology and genetics early on, it doesn’t tell what school or what the degree is in, only that it’s “a prominent university in the Midwest,” and that he has minors in mathematics and economics.” It says, “He holds a Bachelor of Science degree. In college entrance exams and graduate school entrance exams, Adams scored in the 99.9th percentile across all U.S. students. He aced the English, Mathematics and Science sections of college entrance exams, scoring 100% on 3 out of 4 sections earning numerous offers of scholarships from various universities.” Further down the page, is says, “Adams conducts all the research himself and has attained training and certification to operate a growing list of laboratory testing equipment, including ICP-MS, HPLC, digital microscopes and other instruments. Adams is trained in so-called ‘EPA methods’ for sample preparation, digestion, dilution and quality control calibrations for testing equipment.”
Disregard my post above. For some reason I had in mind you were asking about Mike Adams, not Ty Bollinger.
Live up here in the NE. Have noticed Chemtrails for quite some time. But not like on 3/5/17, when at about 5pm, heading home from the supermarket driving East to West with an absolutely crystal clear sky, I witnessed at least 8 jets at a high altitude, crisscrossing in all different directions, laying down thick double plumes of chemtrails! WTF???
Yes Sally, Gary is a clueless bought shill. I read thru his “evidence” and had some good laughs! This joke post all kinds of stuff that actually SUPPORTS Chemtrails. He doesn’t seem to GET this HAS been going one since the 1940 and post the evidence that actually supports that! And as far as replying to him? Nobody with a brain would want to waste their time anyway.
The CIA pays me a boat load of money to divert you from the truth but clearly I have failed in my duty. I’ve now been reassigned to the DoRD (Department of Reptoid Debunking). It’s a dirty job but hey… somebody’s gotta do it. Right?
Why visitors still use to read news papers when in this technological globe all is existing on web?
What was vague, is why they are allowed to use chemtrails. Has it truly affected or controlled global warming? Stage 4 liver cancer and recovering, James Byrne
They are “allowed” because those responsible for these rogue weather modification programs have systematically secured legal patents and forced legislation to change laws to make way for this and allow for silencing of any group who protests.
The weather channel showed the other day that the US is the only country on the planet that hasn’t had record breaking heat waves. If that helps…
You believe what they say? It is called programming for a reason
It’s amazing designed for me to have a web page, which is valuable in support of my experience.
thanks admin
Thanks for being here with us!
Hey geo engineering is going on every day in California I feel sick all the time from it
They are “allowed” because those responsible for these rogue weather modification programs have systematically secured legal patents and forced legislation to change laws to make way for this and allow for silencing of any group who protests.
Only One Way to Stop this Madness. Where do these Mad Scientists hang their heads at night ? Where do these Planes get their Fill to Dump ? Who Flies them and from Where ? We believe we know at least one location and will investigate and release that info to the public
Most of the chemtrails are by-products of the coal burning to produce electricity.
Coal ash mixed with jet fuel makes planes much more economical – and results in barium, strontium and aluminium.
This is key to the puzzle. 😉
I worked on military airplanes for 6 years and watched all kinds of planes fly in many different parts of the world, and the engine exhaust always dissipated in one or two minutes. These chemtrails are not coming out of the engine. They are coming out of the fuselage and if you stand outside for even 10 minutes and look up, you can clearly see where they start spraying and where they stopped spraying. I have watched a plane fly with no trail at all until it got over the city. Then suddenly it started leaving a trail. After it got away from the city, he shut it off and the trail stopped. Then over the next 45 minutes that trail turned purple and I watched as very visible streaks of purple particles fell over my down town area. This was deliberate. Airplane exhaust does Not do that.
I am sick of seeing these planes spraying their chemicals, ruining our beautiful skies. It burns your nose, and makes eyes water.l. I feel so sorry for children that play outside. If that was a car on the freeway it would be impounded, and not released. The people who live inland must. be very sick. When I drive in to Riverside, Moreno Valley, all those cities where the mountains keep the poison in the valley are living in a continuous white fog. They don’t stand a chance. Maybe that is the plan – to eliminate the population. The incidences of Alzheimers and ADHD are skyrocketing. I want to know, “Who is flying the planes and who pays for it”. No other plane in the sky leaves a trail. You can see the spirals of poison circling down. It is just disgusting! I am going to ask President Trump to make our skies great again; maybe, he can get them out of our lives.
I agree how can i help
Why is this chemtrailing allowed? It’s like shooting your self in both feet then trying to walk a marathon, its barbaric, illegal, unconstitutional chemical warfare and most of the public is unaware. Stop the madness and join a chemtrail group to get the word out on what’s really going on before it’s too late☠
I have a runny nose everyday now for months and I do not have allergies. My dog has had red itchy skin that he is always biting at, scratching at, and rolling on his back in the grass for months now too.
Rub him down with bacon grease. It will help. And feed him some animal fat every day. You’ll see a big change soon.
Woa! I saw that same suggestion on a placard in a massage parlor! Kidding aside, this Chem Trail Stuff is SERIOUS. It is an ABOMINATION and affront to life. Life sacred to animals, plants, waters, and humans; my least favorite species for many reasons.
. .
pretty sure he wasnt kidding its a dog has a carnivore system animal fats will help alot although applying it on the outside i dont have as much knowledge on
Many dogs can’t handle a lot of fat intake, it causes pancreatitis which can be fatal. Ask me how I know.
Honestly, can we all start a cause to fight this chem trail thing? Many of us together can change this! What’s the future for our children if we don’t act now? President Trump must make our skies great again!
I was standing outside this fall. Dry leaves were all around. Chem trails all over. I heard something hitting the leaves. I could not see what it was but it was loud hitting the leaves. I hate those trails. I wish I was a lawyer. I would take our government to court over polluting and poisoning my land, air, water and animals.
To everyone who has read this article. Please consider the fact that whatever the author is saying, can potentially be false (I’m not saying he is, but he COULD be). US patent office has said themselves, that they cannot confirm the “Powdered Chemtrail” patents. That does not mean that these patents posted in the links above are real. Just like in many previous cases in history, photo evidence can be tampered.
Secondly, regarding US report HR 2977, please go ahead and read the entire article. This PDF files does not “openly admits the existence of chemtrails.” The article simply proves that the US government recognizes the fact that space-based weaponry is a potential threat, and to provide some regulations on the matter.
The author of this article should be ashamed. You are blatantly leading your reader’s into information that is not supported by empirical data. Again, I’m not saying that you are wrong, but the manner of which you convey your message is misleading and biased.
Why would they list Chemtrails in the U.S. Senate house bill…under the space and preservation act… if they didnt exist? Use your head homie. Nothing in this article is misleading to me. I also believe chemtrails are listed in the U.N. Weather Warfare Act from, I believe,1977.
If it wasnt real, then why would there be a U.N. treaty about it…..just saying
Take advanced TRS by Coseva and drink only silica water not tap water. Don’t consume anything packaged and advertised, cook and eat real food, high fat, all organic and naturally fed meat. Stop buying all products from your home and to use on your body, make natural ones yourself. Don’t send your children to school to be brainwashed and have their soul and creativity sucked out of them. Most importantly avoid pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and doctors. LOVE ♥️
I thought Evian water was a hoax?
And Fiji won’t let their people drink the water due to greed!!!
Hi guys! Long story short I live in Dubai and in the last four months of the year 2018 the dumping of chemicals as discussed above was in the extreme. A record number of people died including a 9 year young girl. I contacted the biggest media outlet who were writing absolutely nothing about the matter and they asked me “how did you find out that a record number of people were hospitalized?” They never wrote a single article. On a flight from Dubai to the US 110 passengers who were sitting at the back of the plane got sick from the chemicals that was being spewed out of the airplane and the media tried to spin it as the flu. The people who say that the media are the enemy of the people are right in this day and age.
I think the only solution to this issue is for people to band together and show up at the airports with flyers and hand them out to all the travelers. Include information about the tests that are have been done and that prove the skyrocketing aluminium content in the air, soil and the food ( In Mount shasta the latest soil test shows that the aluminium content in the soil is now 61.000 times higher than the normal) and show pics of the dumping of chemicals that is being carried out from the planes.
If this does not work we need to slow down the traffic going into the airports to make the airline companies understand that we are serious about the chemicals they are dumping on us. They will only stop once they see that they will loose money.
Lastly, nano sized aluminium gets stored in the heart tissue and crosses the blood – brain barrier. and gets into the brain tissue This explains the explosion in diseases that were almost non existent in the 90s. Diseases like Alzheimers, Lupus (bacteria that are being dumped from the planes), Multiple sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Autism (also from the vaccination that also contains aluminium) and the list is long. Let’s target the ones that are responsible for carrying out the dumping of these chemicals on our planet and the human race. We have to do this clean up job ourselves. We cannot wait for the politicians to do anything for us nor can we expect the media to cover anything. They follow the directives of whatever is agreed in the Bilderberg meetings.
Wow, David! This is equally interesting as it is devastating. It’s shocking to know how that this is happening at such a high level and affecting so many people but still nothing has been done about it. Thank you so much for reaching out to us about this. We’ll be sure to pass this along to the team. God bless you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CARING AND TALKING ABOUT THE CHEMICAL DUMPING THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON ALL OVER THE WORLD. It is people like you who have continually made this world a better place to live in. God bless you!
When we band together and show up at the airports, handing out information to the travelers and even are willing to slow down the traffic to the airports to cause delays they will stop the dumping on our soils and the human race. But only then.
Please remember the three stages of acceptance.
Ridicule/ attack
Its about persevering and not stopping at the first two stages.
Also I forgot to mention that is something called Orgonite Chembusters. They are very effective at stopping the harmful effects of the dumping as they emit negative ions into the atmosphere and push the chemicals that are being dumped out into the stratosphere. They are cheap to make and anyone can make them at home or even buy them online. Please look it up on youtube. All the best and Godspeed!
I only posted one (long) comment, …& was told I was ‘posting too fast, slow down’, lol
Do hope the one was received though!, as I wasn’t able to see it or verify it’s posting afterward?
Hi there –
Thanks for reaching out to us about this.
Please share with us a general summary of your message and we’d be happy to search the comments and see if it was posted.
Blessings and love!
I believe the chemtrails are killing the trees in the woods where I live . I have lost many trees over the last 5 + years.
The chemtrails were awful here in Texas yesterday!! Wake up and look up! Those are definitely not contrails. We are breathing in a lot of stuff we are not supposed to be breathing. Detox, people!!!!
how are chemtrail canisters placed on commercial airliners..?…In what type containers….? Who flips the switch on the plane to release the chemicals..? Who pays for the dissipation/disposal of these chemicals….? has anyone tried to stop this toxic disposal..? Isn’t it against the law ?? As an avid environmentalist, Is Robert f Kennedy Jr doing anything to expose or stop it..??
Spirulina will get the heavy metals out of your system. Be sure you get the capsules and not the powder; it’s very hard to stir the latter into any kind of liquid. When they started ‘spraying’ my city in earnest a couple of years ago, it was definitely affecting me with this super thin, sticky mucus draining into my throat. After I started taking spirulina, it went away after a couple of weeks. There are a few other supplements you can take, as well, but it gets expensive!