Video Transcript: What Are Essential Oils?
Ty Bollinger: What are essential oils? Let’s go back to the basics.
Dr. Eric Zielinksi: An essential oil is a volatile organic compound and what I think what people need to recognize when it comes to an essential oil, there is no nutrition in it. There is no vitamin or mineral. It is a chemical that essentially God gave to the plant to protect the plant from outside threats − whether it’s bacteria, viruses, fungus, or even vectors like flies, bees, whatever that might attack the plant.
What it includes are organic compounds. Not organic as we think meaning organic, having a carbon chain included in it. Organic compounds like terpenes, alcohols, ketones, esters, and you name it – is basically chemicals.
Ty Bollinger: From the plant.
Dr. Eric Zielinksi: From the plant. Natural chemicals from the plant. And with that there are antioxidant properties. And we can talk a lot about that as time permits.
Ty Bollinger: So basically what the theory behind essential oils is then is you take this natural protection for the plant and you are somehow able to move it over to yourself.
Dr. Eric Zielinksi: Basically.
Ty Bollinger: With essential oils.
Dr. Eric Zielinksi: Well, you know you have to think of it − God inspired the writers of the Bible long ago when he said “the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.” That’s exactly what this is.
Ty Bollinger: That’s essential oils.
Dr. Eric Zielinksi: Exactly.
Thank you as always Ty- cansurvivors might like also to look on the cansurviving site for reviews of a book about essential oils that a practitioner not related to the author called – well – essential! In the Library section…
Don’t the essentials have to be from ‘Young Living’ or ‘De Terra’? Synthetic essential oils would not work as well and won’t they be exposed to toxins?
There are MANY reputable essential oil companies that are not MLM tier companies like YL and DT. Do research. Plenty of great EOs out there!
I’very enjoyed watching & listening, I found it all very informative. Thank you
Thank you for your work and dedication for all humanity, in the face of destruction from virtually every angle. (Chemtrails and food geoengineering, 5G technologies, smart meters, nano metals we breathe from deployment). You have given testimony and validation to myself, my pleas to my family and to those who are being pushed far outside, alone.