Video Transcript: What are the Causes of Cancer?
Ty Bollinger: And so you mentioned we’ve got to go backwards and almost reverse engineer the disease and then we can treat it if we know the causes. So what are the causes [of cancer]?
Bob Wright: Well, I say walk it backwards. And I actually wrote a big article in my newsletter about that a short time ago. But when your oncologist doesn’t know, and he talks about genes and genomes, and we know that the big genome study that Bill Clinton said would be the answer to cancer and every sickness and disease known to man is largely a fraud. You’re not going to find the answers there.
But we still need to understand why we have this sickness or disease. A lot of people don’t even call it a disease because it’s just a series of symptoms that your body is telling you that something is wrong that needs to be dealt with.
Actually, in the final analysis it’s your body’s last gasp to try and save itself is what it truly is. So I say if you, here’s the deal…
Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation. You can explode that out to many different types of chemicals whether it’s what you put in your body, what you breath, what you eat, radiation from all sources, women from mammograms, from CT scans, from your cell phones, your cell towers, your Wi-Fi. Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation, period. Don’t we find it odd then that we treat a disease that’s caused by chemicals and radiation with chemicals and radiation? It’s a fraud. And there’s not other way to put it. It’s just a fraud.
So we walk it backwards, okay, chemicals and radiation. Alright. Let’s get the chemicals and radiation out is the first thing you’ve got to do. So in my book I tell people not only what to do, but what to stop doing. And it’s critical. We need to detox the body. We need to drink the right fluids and eat the right foods, and take the right supplements. And I’ll talk about this more tomorrow at the convention here.
But we need to do the things that actually build the human immune system, which is essentially, as you know, the only thing that heals cancer or anything else. We see people talking all the time. You and I probably know 400 different cures for cancer that people say has cured their cancer. We hear new ones all the time. And it may well have worked for that person.
But you know what? If you don’t break it down to the fundamentals, that walking it backwards, and break it down to the fundamentals, your chances of healing go down exponentially. You have to do that.
So walking it backwards is just a way of saying that, folks, we need to know that what prevents cancer also brings about the curing of cancer. And what brings about the curing of cancer? Or, again, we say the human immune system, the healing of the human immune system also prevents cancer. So it’s not that complicated.
As a matter of fact, it’s so simple that way too many people miss it. They want the pill. We’re Americans. We live our lives the way we want; don’t get in my way whatever you do. And when we get to be 50 or 60, sometimes much less now, and we have cancer we think that the doctor − who is just revered slightly below God in our society today − is going to be able to give us the pill to heal us.
We just don’t understand that that’s not the case. There is no pill folks. Save for the fundamentals, which will heal cancer almost every single time if you know what to do.
Ty Bollinger: A pill for every ill is what we have today, isn’t it?
Bob Wright: Yeah, it is.
Yes, cancer is a metabolic disease. Get some oxygen flowing with exercise, eat organic fruits and vegetables, and get the toxins out of your system.
Hello Family; Yes this is true on the physical level, foods and diet and environment.There are monks who have gone 25yrs and more with just the breath, no food and no water, meditation and yoga. Then there is more, there is the mind and stress, there is the thoughts and feelings. Anger and stress and abuse are cancer causes too.Why can different people eat the same food and drink the same water and use the same cleaning solutions and some get cancer and some don’t. I know of a Indian man who smoked for decades and when he died his longs were pink as a new born baby, he smoked in prayer. Maybe if we make everything a sacred prayer, we then put good or God into it?? If we say we are going to a spa and not a cancer clinic it feels different, if we say the thing we are doing is something else it changes the energy of it. I don’t know but just say the words and feel what you say, it feels different. We are the placebo. Just saying, Maybe there is more.And Maybe there is forgiveness of sins. Loving Blessings. Alan.
One of my favorite stories about Jesus is the one where the friends of a man who couldn’t walk brought him to see Jesus. They couldn’t get close enough, so they lowered him through a hole they made in the roof. The first thing Jesus said to the man on his stretcher was, “You are forgiven.” Telling the man to get up and walk was secondary to forgiveness. I claimed this story as my own to overcome a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. The power of forgiveness is HUGE.
EOrtiz, Your comments above just touched my heart. I have read this story in the bible so many times, but your comment on “forgiveness” first just made so much sense to me…just beautiful, thank you for that.
And to you and your perceptions on choices as well as your personal observation how feelings call chemical response and produce good HDL OR LDL; production of estrogen, some things inflammation and others cortisol. Toxicity I might add or inflammation should be highly regarded as the People in our lives like food is as deadly to your bodies and can cause cancers Death. Even if you have a ring, wedding bands on your fingers. Even when you believe in God; but God is not another pair of NIKES. He is a sacredness and one who requires sacrifices. You cannot blend other things with Him and think that you’re going to have balance. It is the inner peace that we must achieve with him first. Confession of sins is primary. That’s what festers in your body and causes disease.
It is true that too much exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals are not good for your health. They can cause cancer. I agree that radiation therapy and chemotherapy just cause more cancer. That is why that they should be avoided like the plague. One should use natural treatments to cure all types and stages of cancer.
Why is nobody talking about the real causes? Cancer is on a dramatic increase since the end of WW1 when the burning of oil in larger quantities begun. All fossil fuels contain very toxic chemicals AND radiation often way above NORM.
The fossil fuel industry knows about it but suppresses that information out of greed and to keep their conscious clean donate large amounts of money for the research on treatments for cancer.
We should not treat the symptoms, we should eliminate the cause.
Maybe you can do another video with him where he states those fundamentals of preventing and curing cancer? I know he going to talk about it at the convention but for those of us who can’t be there, it would be nice to get that in a secondary video.
I agree with Deanna. It would be wonderful to hear what Bob’s ideas for prevention are and what steps he suggests when first diagnosed.
I have been diagnosed with fibro myalgia – cancer of the blood – is there any cure?
Hello Bettina; Try Forgiveness, it takes 8 minutes and can be done in your imagination while looking into the others eyes, do it with All of your heart, or it’s not finished. It requires no treatment just you and your Love.Yours may be at age 18 ish, it is my answer and it may not be yours, just let the feelings come. I have seen bodies respond to healing within minutes. it will definitely show up in the eyes and on the face. Loving Blessings. Alan.
Still no answer to children cancer. I’m an avarage “healthy” person, had no issues with my health, no smoking, love sport etc. And yet my 5 months son was diagnosed with cancer. Am I such a big sinner?
MK, I promise you that your son’s cancer did not occur because you are a sinner. The rain falls on the good and the bad. It is called life. It happens. Although you did not cause the cancer, you can support healing with forgiveness. My son also has cancer and I can tell you that my heart has never been as broken or felt as sad as now. Like you, I would do anything on earth to stop this dreadful disease. Although I feel terribly inadequate, I can put one foot in front of the other. I can forgive myself, others, the world. What we do with cancer matters.
My daughter died of hepato cellular carcinoma when she was nine years old. Drives me nuts trying to figure out how a little 8 yr old could have this kind of cancer and no I did not drink before during or after I was pregnant with her.