Video Transcript: The Link Between Xenoestrogens and Cancer
Ty Bollinger: Now you mentioned estrogens. Is estrogen the hormone that females have and males have testosterone, or do we both have both? What is the difference between the hormones in females and males? And then I want to get to a question concerning the effect of estrogens on cancers.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: There’s no difference in the molecular aspect of the hormones that are in men and women. Women have testosterone, men have estrogen. Both have progesterone and corticosteroids and all these.
What’s different is the amount. So, women have a higher amount of estrogen, men have a higher amount of testosterone. Women have a higher amount of estrogen receptors. And men have a higher amount of testosterone receptors.
And so that’s key, that marriage between the receptor the hormone such that a woman—I can give a woman testosterone injections. She will never get as big as a man because she doesn’t have the receptors that a man has. We can put estrogen into a man and you’re not going to turn him into a woman, right, because he doesn’t have the receptors for those estrogens.
But we all have the same—we all produce the same, exact molecules as for as estrogens and testosterone and DHA and progesterone and these other hormones. It’s important that we understand for these estrogens, the human ones anyway, that again the—one of the pharmacologic characteristics of estrogen is that they make cells multiply, right. And this is very important in pregnancy, because that fetus has to grow so much. During pregnancy estrogen levels go way up and we get, again, we get exponential growth of a fetus.
Other cells, if they get exposed to higher levels of estrogen, then they can grow faster also. In breast cancer, in prostate cancer, and in other cancers if estrogen levels are elevated, or if we’re exposed to a more potent estrogen, and this is where we’re getting into environmental estrogens then that cancer can grow faster.
And it’s not necessarily that endogenous [internal] estrogens cause cancer, but they can certainly act like insulin, right? That’s the other cancer promoting hormone. They can make the fire burn hotter.
Ty Bollinger: Okay, great analogy. So it’s like more gasoline on the fire when you have a higher level of estrogen than you should have…
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Correct!
Ty Bollinger: …which lots of articles today that we’re reading about the effect of what they call xenoestrogens, which are fake estrogens in the environment. So can you talk about that a little bit in relationship to cancer?
Dr. Roby Mitchell: So that’s one of the reasons why we see such a proliferation of cancer in the West, and have seen in the West. We’re seeing it more in third world countries now. But because of our exposure to environmental and pharmaceutical estrogens, that has the effect of throwing more gasoline on the fire.
So some of the insecticides, pesticides, fungicides that we use they have an estrogen effect, right. These are what we call xenoestrogens. “Xeno” meaning foreign. So those, again, long term exposures so we have to think about estrogen exposure and lifetime exposure as we do like with radiation exposure.
So if you’re a radiation technologist, you wear a little badge on you that gives us a Geiger counter amount of radiation that you are getting exposed to over a lifetime and you get to here, in other words, to where you can’t be exposed to any more radiation.
The same thing with these estrogens, so there is a lifetime exposure of estrogen that dictates your risk for different cancers. So you are producing estrogens as a human. As a man, you’re producing estrogen, as a woman, they’re producing estrogens. Women produce more. If we go adding on top of that environmental estrogens, then that increases your lifetime exposure of estrogen.
If you take birth control pills that increases your lifetime exposure of estrogen. If you take synthetic hormone replacement after menopause that increases your lifetime exposure of estrogen. If you stay overweight with these fat cells that are born of inflammation, these growth factors, that is increasing your lifetime exposure of estrogen.
Ty Bollinger: So it’s really a cumulative effective when we’re talking about the exposure to estrogens…
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Exactly! Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: …as opposed to just one off.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Right
Progesterone may help estrogen dominance and prostate issues and endometriosis/fibroids etc. People maybe estrogen dominant from meat/dairy/soy/BPA/pesticides etc. which have estrogen. Estrogen may block thyroid lowering oxygen burning in cells. The pill with progestin, HRT with horse urine and progestins and fertility treatments may cause estrogen dominance. Celiac may cause cancer. It may lower nutrients absorbed in intestines and affect thyroid/glands/hormones. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help the immune system/cancer. Zinc/fish oil/Mg/Vit C/HCl and enzymes with meals/strong probiotic when stomach acid is low/coenyzme Q10/coenzymated B vitamins/rhodiola/Essiac/mushrooms/organic food/sunlight/exercise/no food with a label with hidden gluten etc. may help.
Will not take antiestrogen pills about to be offered following breast lumpectomy last week, instinct and stats (only 10% helped) tell me no to. But why? What’s on here?: Give me one sound, straightforward alternative.
Denise (Australia)
I am dealing with the same issue and would some info too.
Take DIM or I3C form Amazon etc. NOT GNC> . Remember to have dr check for ALL ESTROGENS, THEY NORMALLY ONLY LOOK AT E2, YOU NEED TOTAL ESTROGEN CHECKED!!! Force this issue to them!
Thank you very much for advice. It’s appreciated.
True enough! If a woman has very high estrogen in her body and a man has very high levels of testerone in their body, they are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. It is true that exposure to DDT, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, and herbicides might produce more xenoestrogens that could cause cancer on people. However, remember that everybody is different, just because a person has high levels of estrogen or testerone does not mean that he or she is going to get cancer. I have heard that lung cancer for non-smokers and pancreatic cancer is estrogen related, but it is open to debate.
Celiac may cause all kinds of cancer…lung etc…doesn’t have to smoke and may affect glands/intestines and all cells of the brain/body. B vitamins may help detox estrogen. Soy is in 60% of food in the grocery store and is usually GMO. People may avoid environmental/food sources of estrogen. Zinc may raise testosterone and Cu may raise estrogen. People may make estrogen in their fat. Women may add estrogen issues due to stress which may steal progesterone to make coritsol and birth control which doesn’t have real progesterone so may make a person estrogen dominant. PMS/morning sickness/depression after pregnancy/fibroids/endometriosis/miscarriages/can’t breast feed/weak bones and more may be due to low progesterone and higher estrogen. Any food with a label may have gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/bad fats/colors/chemicals/pesticides etc. People need to eat pure food they cook themselves and have low stress/sunlight/exercise etc. Gluten/GMO/antibiotics/Lyme etc may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb…then cells are not made right to work right to burn oxygen, pH is off and the immune system goes down. People need to be proactive in taking care of their health. Not wait until their health collapses. Gluten may hurt glands/thyroid/adrenals and much more which may affect them greatly. Low sunlight may trigger Celiac. Whole family trees maybe Celiac. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn etc. Roundup on GMO and eating GMO may also hurt. Mg/Cr/Oregon grape root/alpha lipoic acid may help lower blood sugar in addition to eating lower fructose fruit. Eating organic fruit/veg may help/raw walnuts (open shells to avoid hidden gluten)/tea/poached organic eggs/good water….not tap water and more may help. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices/air/ovens/cutting boards and more may have hidden gluten. Microscopic gluten hurts me. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Cyrex labs may help.
Silvia, I need some studies showing that high testosterone causes prostate or colon cancer. I find the opposite to be true and find no studies to support this. . Maybe you’re thinking of men that don’t have sufficient aromatase inhibitors? Or too much downstream regulation to estrogen?
Dr. John Jung, I am terrible sorry that I made a mistake like that. Remember that I am not a medical doctor. I truly did hear that breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer were sort of cancers related to each other. I know that many women tend to have estrogen positive breast cancer. My mother had estrogen positive breast cancer. The reason that I know was because my mother’s oncologist said that the reason my mother had breast cancer, because she had very high levels of estrogen. Her oncologist told my mother that her ovaries were producing too much estrogen which caused her to have the breast cancer. Her periods would not stop. She was having regular periods at 55 years old. Even when my mother took the tamoxifan for five years from 1994 to 1999 from age 47 to 52, her periods would not stop at all. They just came every two months instead of every month. When my mother stopped taking the tamoxifan at age 52, her periods just came regularly. My mother’s oncologist also said that her breast cancer spreading to the bones was estrogen related. She had her ovaries removed at age 56, because they were producing too much estrogen. She did not have any cancer or cysts in the ovaries. My mother was also obese too, because she ate too much. Even after she had her ovaries removed, her body was still producing estrogen, because her oncologist told her that fat tissue turns into steroids that causes estrogen. I strongly apologize for the mistake that I made, Dr. Jung.
Finding quality nutritional supplements the is complete, work in synergy and biologically available will
help the body function and resist issues. I have been supplementing for over 16 years and loving
the health benefits. The body is amazing, can repair and heal given the right balanced nutrition.
What healthy natural products replace synthetic hormone replacement for hot flashes?
What natural effective products replace Synthroid medicine for hypothyroidism?
Which are good choices for water systems? Is any reverse osmosis filtration system effective?
Can’t respond to the rest of your questions, but I do know that a Kinetico RO system is reliable. For the most effective water purifying system you need to look on the Natural News website.
Try Kokoro progesterone cream. It is from wild yam and is bio identical. And safe if used as directed. See Jon Barron dot org.
Mary Goddard, does that RO machine keep the minerals in the water? See my comment below about the Kangen machine and watch this video to learn more about why Kangen water is so life changing!
I take natural dessicated thyroxine for my hypothyroidism.It is an animal product and contains all the hormones our thyroid produces as opposed to one artificial hormone. The brand I take is called nature thyroid.Please go to thyroid uk website for further information. I cant answer the rest of your questions
Read up on BioTe hormone replacement therapy as well as Armour thyroid.
Your water intake needs to be of 7.6 ph or higher. Our diets, by nature, are acidic and these conditions allow all disease to set in the body easier.
Proper water ph intake can help off set this.
Reverse osmosis is not good water(think Dasani or Smart Water) for it is acidic afterward.
Higher ph water is more expensive and buying bottles of it is kind of tricky because ph decreases in water content the longer it sits before consumption.
You need to find a source of water for weekly consumption or buy a rather expensive one for proper ph.
Barbara Mosley, great question about the importance of drinking the right kind of water! I always thought RO water was the best option until I experienced Kangen ionized alkaline water. They’ve been using Kangen machines in Japan for 40 years & in their hospitals. In fact, Dr Hiromi Shinya, author of “The Enzyme Factor” & who received the Nobel Peace prize for creating the colonoscopy surgical procedure actually requires his patients to drink Kangen Water for 3 months minimum before he’d consider the surgical option & it can often eliminate the need! I’d love to share more about why Kangen changes your life! Watch this video to learn more about why Kangen water is so life changing & contact me! Don’t drink RO water as it doesn’t give you the necessary minerals in the water that’s needed for the body to absorb your vitamins. Another Dr taught me that our blood pH must stay within a tight pH range & when we diminish or nutrients, the body will take what it needs from your bones or wherever. So keeping minerals in our water is vital!
It is no revelation, regarding high incidence of estrogen in a woman’s body being a factor of developing breast cancer. Known for a very long time !! Am amazed that it seems to be seen as a new revelation !!
I want to hear the answer to Ty’s second question – the effect of estrogens on Cancer. Is this continued somewhere? B vitamins detox estrogen? Estrogen dominant? I thought all women were estrogen dominant.
Unfortunately the interview does not cover bioidentical hormones. What about bio identical him one replacement during pre-menopause/menopause? Are these hormones better for the body because they are bioidentical?
If you are taking HRT then you wouldn’t have the extreme amount of estrogen you are referring to as someone without HRT taking birth control pills right?!
In the late 1990’s over 1000 independent studies concluded that as testosterone fell due to aging it created a disproportional ratio between testosterone and estrogen. The elevated levels of estrogen were the primary cause of prostate cancer. The resolve is easy,increase testosterone and DHEA. Take arimidex an anti-estrogen drug along with vitamin a,c,e and zink. This is the protocol to prevent prostate cancer.If you have prostate cancer you need to include this with your cancer curing protocol. That’s what I did in 2013 and cured my prostate cancer without chemotherapy,radiation,surgery or drugs. Godspeed!
Hmmm. I was attracted by your name. I suppose you hear a lot about Guido Sarducci, but I remember him well. So glad you were able to cure prostate cancer without chemo, radiation, surgery, or drugs. You are inspirational.
How much DHEA did you take per day & what about using Pregnenolone to raise testosterone?
thanks sasha, blood sugar and GMO-gut-perforation-avoidance my help with gluten sensitivity. try BenVia Gold, fermented cod liver oil, a fermented fish product called Stabilium, brown sea weed & krill oil – Oceans Bounty
Hi, Thanks! Sounds interesting. Cod liver oil has Vit D and Vit A. I recently tried the synthetic Vit A…should not have done that. When I was low in animal Vit A I could not soak air into my lungs and blood brain barrier/gut lining/eyes/kidneys got hurt. Fermented things may help more. Brown sea weed may help detox. Krill oil is good. Thanks for the information!
if men don’t have significant estrogen receptors and vice versa then how do they actualize sex changes wherein the voice, breast, facial hair, etc. all turn into the opposite sex with hormones? just curious if this is a relevant question, and are these folks thereby more vulnerable to cancer?
I am on a bio-identical hormone and I have had high levels of estrogen in my blood, would anyone have any information on these bio-identicals?
What bioidentical hormone are you on? You maybe estrogen dominant due to low progesterone. Taking progesterone may help or avoiding sources of environmental estrogen…see my other comments. Best wishes.
check the pubmed research on all hormones and hormone replacement including ” natural” … the more you have combinations of progesterone, oestrogen, DHEA and testosterone they increase your chances of getting cancer are much higher than just taking one. Its dangerous to take any even if your oestrogen is low. The only way to improve menopause symptoms and other hormone related problems is exercise. Did you know that all cows are milked late in their pregnancy – including organic – so there is an extremely high hormone content in the fat, and eggs also have naturally high levels. No more cheese.
Using some iodine on the skin and sun exposure, is useful against breast and prostate cancer.
Most seaweeds have extremely high iodine…. you should only have a square inch a day.
You can get a gooe bioidentical progesterone cream from She also has a wonderful book on nutritional healing! It is so helpful to change out your personal care products, makeup, etc. to a brand that does not contain the harmful chemicals that act like estrogen in the body.
Men and woman have estriol/progesterone/testosterone. Meat/dairy/BPA/soy/chemicals may raise estrogen too much for both men and women. Women taking the birth control pill with progestin a synthetic progesterone may block the real progesterone and become estrogen dominant. At menopause for women progesterone stops, but fat makes estrogen and testosterone is like estrogen…only one Hydrogen atom different and is still in a woman..ovaries may make. Women who are estrogen dominant may get fibroids/endometriosis/cancer/hysterectomy and much more. Men may have prostate issues due to being high in estrogen. Men can take progesterone to lower swelling the prostate. Zinc may help make testosterone. Gluten may hurt all glands and cause low minerals absorbed in intestines like zinc. I take bioidentical estriol/progesterone/testosterone. I need all three. I am not estrogen dominant due to meat/dairy/soy/BPA etc since I don’t eat those foods and not exposed to it. Broccoli may lower thyroid when uncooked and also block estrogen. Coenzymated B vitamins may help detox estrogen.
Does consuming foods high in estrogen such as flaxseed oil affect cancers?
Flax may not convert in 80% of people into what is in fish oil and may be rancid/make free radicals. I can’t take Flax or my son/brother…hurts us. Fish oil is great help to my immune sytem. Flax is a phytoestrogen. You need to decide if it is helping/hurting you.
Almost all fish oil bought on the open market comes from farm sustained fish. This is a major problem in that these fish are fed antibiotics while in captivity.
Thank, Mary! That looks like a great website!
thank you for responding I am currently taking estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, I do not know how millligrams
Is it safe to take pueraria mirifica? 500mg / day
Thank you.
HI, Good books: The Estrogen Alternative by Martin and Natural Progesterone by John Lee. It explains the about hormones/history of hormone replacement etc. Estrogen…I only take .5mg of estriol. I can’t take Estradiol. Estrone is made in fat. I take about 113 mg of Progesterone and 3.5 mg of testosterone twice a day. My adrenals are burned out so I needed to raise my progesterone which was too low. If you eat any food with a label it may have hidden gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO. Gluten may affect glands/hormones. Soy may raise estrogen and is GMO. Eating organic pure foods to help avoid Roundup on GMO may help. I can’t eat meat/dairy. Meat clogs my blood vessels and dairy destroyed my brain. I eat poached organic antibiotic free eggs and take Osteoprocare instead of dairy. Meat and dairy may have hidden estrogen and BPA may add to it and pesticides may have estrogen etc. Eating organic…nothing with a label helps me. Coenyzymated B vitamins may help detox estrogen and cruciferous family…cook so it doesn’t block the thyroid. Far Infrared Sauna may help remove heavy metals/chemicals and help the brain/body work right. No gluten etc may help a person be normal weight. Fat on the body may store poisons and make estrogen. If you took the pill…that would make someone estrogen dominant due to progestin which block progesterone. Some herbs raise estrogen. See the books which name the herbs. At menopause a woman may need progesterone only to help them. Each person is different. Best wishes.
Has anyone read Jon Barron? He recommends a progesterone cream by Kokoro. It’s a vegetarian source of progesterone from wild yam and us bioidentical.
Hi, Thanks for the information. Some wild yam creams at the health food store may work and some may not help much. Thanks for naming a brand that may help. Amazon has this cream 1/4 tsp =22mg of Progesterone. Deionized Water, Wild Yam Extract, Glycerin (vegetable derived), Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides (coconut derived), Squalane (olive oil derived), Cetyl Alcohol (vegetable derived), Progesterone USP (1.85% – wild yam derived), Cetearyl Alcohol (vegetable derived), Dex Panthanol (vitamin B-5), Allantoin (sugar beet derived), Xanthan Gum (seaweed), Retinyl Palmitate (vitamin A), Hydroxyethylcellulose (plant fibers), Phenoxyethanol (preservative). see less
Real animal Vit A may help make progesterone and Vit B6. Vit B5 and Vit C may help adrenals. I can’t have coconut or olive oil. Reviews say they loved it.
Shasta – in reply to your post about hormones. My mother will be 100 in a few months and has never taken any medications, including birth control and pre-natal vitamins. She was Seventh Day Adventist for many years and followed a basic vegetarian diet, but after she was 93 years and moving into a senior residence facility, she started to eat and do whatever she wanted. Her doctor told her, “What can I say? If you follow a strict diet and get plenty of exercise, you will live to be 80? You are well past that already.” So, she ate what she wanted and stopped walking two miles a day. Her body is in great shape, but her mind is starting to go. I guess something has to give. She takes one aspirin a day for arthritis in her hand. She never put things on her skin like makeup, perfumes, lotions, and washed her hair and brushed her teeth with baking soda. I am not expecting to live to 100, but she was a great model for me for healthy living. However, she lived most of her life on a farm and grew her own food. It was in a time before GMOs, pesticides, insecticides, and fracking. Her water was clean and the air was fresh. We have so much more to deal with these days with our over-toxic, under-nourished life style.
I guess its not our natural estrogen that is the worry, but the loading of zenestrogens on top. The formulaic cancer treatments attack one’s natural estro’s, maybe, rather than the xzeno’estrogens which are piled on top (so to speak). Might raise this with our chemotherapist (who is a professor, after all, and probably as puzzled and hurt as anyone…..
Are you taking your hormones as Biodenticals? I have the book by John Lee. I’ve been on compounded hormones before. However, I thought the video was implying that all estrogen is bad for us, the Biodenticals as well as the synthetic. I have been wanting to stop taking the patch but I need something that will take care of my hot flashes anc night sweats.
I’ve been eating Paleo since the beginning of November. I’ve been working with a functional Gastroentologist since the beginning of December but she doesn’t help with hormones or thyroid issues, only my gut problems.
Estradiol and estrone may hurt if too much and too much estrogen over all from the environment/meat/dairy/BPA/soy/pesticides etc may hurt. Estriol may help. Phytoestrogens may help if a person is low in estrogen or is trying to block bad estrogen. Soy may hurt…too much and is GMO and may make a person estrogen dominant. It may block thyroid and is in 60% of food in the grocery store. Estrogens in the wrong ratio may block thyroid if dominant. John Lee books are good, but he didn’t know about Celiac and doses he mentions may be very low in comparison to what a person with burned out adrenals need. He has great information about bioidentical history. He started bioidentical hormones use and try to get Fluoride out of water. Cl/F./Br may block thyroid and hurt bones etc. Progesterone and Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/intrinsic factor kind/cream/spray/under the tongue kind may help bones. Stress may use up B vitamins and zinc and steal progesterone to make cortisol making a person estrogen dominant. Progesterone stops hot flashes…may try the kind at the health food store or bioidentical kind from a compounding pharmacy. At menopause progesterone stops. Estrogen maybe low in a skinny person. Fat makes estrone estrogen and ovaries may still make some testosterone/estrogen for awhile. Gluten may hurt all glands..thyroid/pituitary/adrenals/liver etc.. An Alternative doctor may give bioidentical hormones/thyroid not by TSH and help a person detox heavy metals that may block thyroid/chemical reactions etc.. Health food stores may offer herbs like Vitex which may help make progesterone and some herbs that may help make estrogen if the vagina is dry. Americans are estrogen dominant which is causing cancer/prostate issues/endometriosis/fibroid/PMS/mood issue/block thyroid and much more. LDN may help block hidden gluten and gluten enzymes may also help. I can’t eat gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/heated oils/bad fats/saturated fat/flax…need organic and no food with a label…eat Asian/Celiac style with LDN to help. Best wishes.
Barbara Mosley, I am using Innate Adrenal Response (ashwagandha) for hot flashes and it is working beautifully. I must state, though, that this was chosen for me by my ND because my hot flashes seem to be more neurotransmitter related (I’m in the midst of a long Effexor wean) rather than postmenopausal. Directions say to take 2 daily, but I take one every 12 hours as I find this works better for me. A friend uses maca root for night sweats with good results.
I was wondering why you never have interviewed the top whole food doctors who use nutrition to fight diseases including cancer, like McDougall, Ornish, Esselstyn, Campbell, Neal Barnard, etc? This is a huge omission if this quest for a cure is going to be seen as legit.
I totally agree with the above comment: it would be extremely important to include interviews to the a.m. doctors who are recognized as the best in the world as regards the right nutrition to fight diseases. Best wishes. Mauro
Thanks for the information, Joy! Have you taken a blood test to show that it’s balancing your thyroid?
I would be interested to know if there were a natural alternative to Femara (taken to reduce Estrogen following Breast cancer). Femara leaves one susceptible to osteoporosis.
hi Shasha, the only omega-3 in flax is the same one in BenVia Gold, only there is 3X as much in the BenVia Gold. For a much better physical response, we need BOTH the shorter chain omega-3 and the longer-chain EPA/DHA from fish?/ krill, green-lipped mussel, or seal blubber …. the FERMENTED cod liver oil + butter from Green Pastures eliminates most problems. It should help to mix liquid Kyolic (fermented garlic) with some of the fermented cod-liver-oil.
Hi, Flax/dairy/meat/hurt me. I can’t have butter. I pray the oceans stay clean/not polluted since I need fish oil.
Thanks for the information.
Have you tried Calcium D Glucarate to balance your hormones?
Hi, Her brain/body may get hurt by gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/chemicals etc now. She has a healthy background and sunlight for Vit D3 and exercise/organic/no chemicals etc., but a person can change their health fast if they eat the standard American diet. Arthritis can be due to swelling due to the foods I mentioned. They need Alternative medicine nursing homes for people so they can get good food and supplements and an active life style etc. Prenatal vitamins are low in nutrients and the synthetic B vitamins may block the real B vitamins. I wish all could have a life like your mom did in the past. Thanks for sharing! Happiness….
Actually the arthritis is from an old injury when she was a child. She lived in a coal mining area and the kids would knock loose a coal car and ride it down into the mine. One time she fell out of the car and it ran over her hand. It sliced her thumb and they called her “Two Thumbs” for a while. Never saw a doctor, just wrapped it up and let it heal on it’s own. Now she has arthritis in the hand where it was run over by the coal car. Ninety years later it comes back to haunt her.
Interesting. Yes…we can heal, but maybe not 100%. Thanks!
Exercise may help stress and give sunlight if outdoors. Vit E may help hot flashes and B vitamins may help estrogen dominant issues detox.I can’t have dairy. Kids are very tall now due to growth hormone in dairy. Yes..iodine may help. Hair tests show iodine levels. I pray the ocean is not polluted for seaweed. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO may help the immune system and more nutrients absorb/pH/oxygen burning/cancer.
Good information! Thanks! Happiness…
can having sex raise the estrogen level in women causing them to be more prone to breast cancer?
Sex may raise testosterone in a woman due to interacting with the man. Breast cancer maybe due to Celiac and estrogen dominance due to meat/dairy/soy/BPA/pesticides which raise estrogen and taking the pill that has progestin that blocks progesterone which may make a woman estrogen dominant.
What do you think of taking Dim plus? (Dindolylmethane)
DIM is uncooked cruciferous family of vegetables..may block thyroid and block bad estrogen. I eat cooked broccoli which may not hurt the thyroid as much and may also help block bad estrogen.
Did not get any replies to this post.
Hi Shasha What do you mean by “Block thyroid”? (I take Thyroxine for underactive Thyroid).
I’m really having a big problem here because we have selected only exposures that are ‘nerdy’ and forget about common-everyday exposures that wreak chemical-biological-havoc, but only to a very small number of cells. This damage accumulates over years and decades, lulling us into accepting THE STANDARD AMERICAN DIET as bona fida food. We need be particularly careful of all ingested plastics – especially in foods heated in microwaves. Another too common source is ‘the pill’ [No wonder women are plagued with breast cancer] … + + you’ll pass this on to YOUR OFFSPRING, like alcohol poisoning you don’t stop this problem by claiming ignorance.
Cancer can be due to gluten. Gluten may lower the immune system/lower nutrients absorbed…then cells are not made right to work right to burn oxygen/lower pH and hurt glands etc. Estrogen dominant doesn’t need to be from the ovaries making to much…can be due to meat/dairy/soy/BPA/pesticides/fat which makes estrone and more. The Pill may cause estrogen dominance due to having progestin that is not progesterone. Soy maybe in 60% of food. Tamoxifen has estrogen..can cause cancer. Just before menopause is when breast cancer may happen. Gluten can be like Heroin and sugar like cocaine to the brain so people may over eat. Low progesterone may make people eat more since blood sugar may not be good then. Being low in Mg/Cr may also hurt blood sugar. Gluten may hurt the pancreas/thyroid etc.
Prostate cancer may not be due to testosterone, but estrogen dominance and Celiac. Progesterone may help them also. Best wishes.
Hi, was wondering if someone could give me accurate information regarding phytoestrogens; do they or don’t they contribute to cell growth? Many herbal supplements and remedies (Essiac also) contain phytoestrogens. I would like to think not.
Thanks for your reply!
Phytoestrogens may block bad estrogen from fat…estrone and estradiol that are much stronger estrogens. They should help lower the bad estrogen. Estrogen dominance from all sources is not good also…need a balance of hormones. Genova tests show hormone levels. Estrogen dominance may block thyroid which slows the engines of the cells…the mitochondria so oxygen burning is less in cells. Swelling from estrogen dominance may lower circulation/oxygen. Too much estrogen over all is not good. I take Essiac…it only helps me. Just see if the supplement helps/hurts you. Test one supplement at a time. Each person is different in what they need to be well. Essiac has slippery Elm which may help heal the gut lining…but no gluten/GMO/antibiotics/Lyme is also needed for the gut lining to be well so it can absorb nutrients and rebuild cells to burn oxygen/work right. Best wishes.
Thanks so much for your response!