Video Transcript: How Zyto EVOX Helps Cancer Patients
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Cowden, if you could share with me, what techniques are you currently using to treat cancer, and you are actually teaching doctors to treat cancer?
Dr. W. Lee Cowden: I practiced until 2009, and then after that, started teaching other practitioners what I had learned over the previous 30 years. This technique that I find extremely helpful in dealing with cancer patients, especially the advanced cancer patients, is called recalled healing. And so, practitioners can learn about that by going to our academy website, There on the website, we have four, 13-hour courses, so 52 hours worth of education about the recall healing.
The principle of recall healing is that you identify the diagnosis, and based on the diagnosis, you can tell what the emotional conflict is that would have brought on the diagnosis. And then once you know the emotional conflict, and the time of the onset of the illness, then you can actually go back and identify what the events were that probably triggered the cancer.
It’s not a complicated process, but you have to have the patient have an aha moment. So you can’t tell them what the conflict is; you have to ask the leading questions that finally makes them to realize what the conflict is. That’s the key. The way that I teach practitioners to do this is to learn the use of the EVOX device.
EVOX is ZYTO tech – ZYTO dot com technology. With the EVOX, the patient speaks into a microphone. The microphone’s not recording their words, but it’s recording the frequencies that are embedded in their voice. And after 15 seconds of speaking about a person or an event, displayed on the computer screen are all the emotions and all the beliefs that you have about that person or about that event.
What happens then is that the person seeing that on the computer screen, it becomes an aha moment for them at that moment. They see emotional issues that they were not aware of 15 seconds earlier, and so then that gives the brain an opportunity to start a healing process.
In addition to that, the device converts their own voice frequencies into a homeopathic, homochords [PH], basically a higher level of energy that it delivers back to the patient through an electrode that the patient has their hand on, while they are listening to pleasant music and watching faintly flashing lights through their closed eyelids. When we create a marriage between the EVOX therapy and the recalled healing, you get an extremely powerful combination.
Now I sometimes will encourage practitioners to add one other tool to that. It ‘s called EZOV, not to be confused with EVOX. But EZOV are drops of extracts of a hyssop that’s been quanti-physically imprinted with 45 combinations of energies that make it act like a very complex homeopathy. And so when you take the EZOV drops at bedtime, and you don’t do anything else, you actually change your dream state.
If you’ve had a repetitive dream that never gets resolved, you have a dream that finally resolves that conflict. If you have always dreamed in black and white, you start dreaming in color. If you never remembered your dreams before, you start remembering your dreams.
But if you start the EZOV drops some days in advance of the EVOX and recalled healing session, then the patient comes for the EVOX and recalling healing session. And you take the history, figure out what the conflict would be, start doing some I call round-about questions to the patient so that they can try to get at some of that.
When you finally hit the mark, if they do not get a full breakthrough and the resolving of that emotional conflict, then you do the EVOX session, and then they can finish the resolution of that conflict.
Ty Bollinger: So one of the main keys is resolving the emotional conflicts.
Dr. W. Lee Cowden: What I’ve learned over the last 30 some odd years is that the body develops a symptom, because usually of an inflammatory process. The inflammation usually comes from microbes in the body and the immune system response to the microbes, or toxins in the body and the immune system response to those toxins. There are sometimes both toxins and microbes in immune system response.
But anyway, the toxins will hang up in the body, in my experience, where there is an unresolved conscious or subconscious emotion, usually a subconscious emotion for the deepest, physical diseases that we have.
The emotion that has the greatest impact on the physical health are the emotions that we experience in the womb. So before we are even born we are picking up mom’s emotion and dad’s emotion and carrying those forward into our life. And then the second most impactful on our physical health, are the emotions that we experience in the first year of life. And the third most impactful are the emotions that we experience in the second year of life, and so on.
So by the time you’re about a teenager, then usually you do not have much impact on the physical health from emotions that you experience unless it is scraping the scab off of a wound − an emotional wound that was in your being from in the womb or early childhood.
Hello Family; This I believe is getting at the original sin, as it is said. Intuitave dowsing will also take you to the truth of the original cause.In my experience there are other traumas that include experiences in past lives and beyond that. We are made in the Image and Likeness of God. Then when the cause is found then Forgiveness is the cure I believe, as you know I do. Forgiveness Ceremony- While looking into the others eyes and with all the Love you can feel and express you say.In the name of Love (God) I absolutely and Positively Love and Forgive you. Then wait for a response. Then again you say, In the name of Love I absolutely Love and Forgive you and I thank you for the experience. ( Taking you out of victim) Then a gain you say, In the name of Love, I absolutely and Positively Love and Forgive you, and I Bless your life, I Appologize,, Forgive me, I Love you. And you take them in your arms and they have something to tell you, Listen with your heart. Then when they are finished tell them they are free, tell them Go in Peace, Go in Love, Go in Understanding. Then the next one is you at the age you were at that time. Do the same ceremony with you. Next, we leave a piece of our selves with the experience, so we ask that self to join with us so that we can be more whole.And bring with them, All the Love, All the Wisdom, and All the Understanding with them ( you) and they will turn their back to you and you are each one step away from wholeness. As they take a step backward you take a step Forward and when you come together breathe deeply and get the essence of your self. athen bid them welcome home,beloved Self, Welcome Home. It seems long but it works even when you thought you have Forgiven, Give it a try. Or record this ceremony and listen to your own voice talking you through it. It takes just 8 minutes of your time. Them go to the mirror and look into your eyes and see the difference for your self. Loving Blessings. Your self called alan.
Thank you. Terrific article!
We use EVOX for our health & wellness and in our practice. Have helped many people across the country through the ZYTO Remote Clinic too. Wonderful tool.
That is an interesting article. Maybe I should have this test done, because I have the serious problem that I believe every stupid nonsense that people say. My mother told me that I have been behaving like this, since I was born. I suffer from Asperger’s syndrome and I believe that when one says something stupid to me, I assume that what one is saying is true and what I think is wrong.
You’re just a trusting person in a world that doesn’t deserve you.
Silvia, if you tend to believe everything that someone else says, then believe this: Trust your own feelings, instincts and beliefs, your inborn gifts from conception. You and you alone know who you really are deep inside of you; trust that knowledge. You have the ability to filter out negativity and stupidity from others … work on strengthening that ability and enjoy your uniqueness, because you are indeed special. Believe that and enjoy your life’s wondrous adventures.
Sylvia, My daughter is 30 yrs old and is being treated by a homeopath to CURE her of Aspbergers. AND IT IS WORKING! Specifically sheis being treated for a variety of vaccine damage by taking drops that are infused with frequencies that bring her body into harmony so it can heal, not unlike the hyssop drops mentioned in this article.
Look for a homeopath that uses bioresonance or elecrodermal testing.
We are witnessing a miracle in our daughter’s life.
How do we find a local practitioner and how do we order the ESOV ?
Love this article and it resonates as truth with my spirit.
Mahalo !!
Donna Nystrom
Hi Donna, I just wrote this note to Sandy as well.
I and any other Certified EVOX Practitioner can arrange an appointment with you through the ZYTO Remote Clinic.
Interesting and I imagine this would be helpful in other areas of healing in addition to cancer. I will check the website to see if there are any practitioners in my area.
Hi Sandy, You are correct about the other uses.
I and any other Certified EVOX Practitioner can arrange an appointment with you through the ZYTO Remote Clinic.
How would this work with a non verbal toddler?
Does the toddler speak at all?
Very interesting indeed! Is this in any way related to or comparable to the theories of the German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer (born 1935), who had an exceptionally high success rate with a cancer therapy based on the theory that every cancer (and related diseases) starts with some kind of conflict or shock experience? Hamer also said that the character of the original psychic conflict determined the location of the cancer in the body.
Wonderful article. I actually wrote a book years ago (not published) about how our blueprint for life was created in the womb by the chemicals produced by our Mothers emotions during gestation. Its so nice to see that theory expanded here. The whole protocol sounds amazing and advanced years beyond what conventional therapy can offer. I will be looking further into this.