We can all agree that proper communication skills are essential for the best cancer care. While some patients appreciate a direct approach, others need a bit of hand-holding. Some cancer doctors have good “bedside” manners, displaying genuine empathy for their patients. Others can be considered bullies in white coats. But it all comes down to this… what a cancer doctor says or doesn’t say can make all the difference in your outcome.
Doctors frequently take an overly dominant role. Proactive patients are often treated with sarcasm or arrogance. The patient who comes armed with research might be told “I see you have spent some time on Google. I think it is best if you let me diagnose you and tell you the treatment that is most suitable for you.”
Cancer treatment requires a partnership between doctor and patient. A patient needs to be comfortable and confident that the chosen treatment is the best option for them.
As a cancer strategist I hear of all kinds of terrible comments made by oncologists to their patients. Even those patients who intend to comply with the recommendations of their oncologist hear words that should never be spoken. Often times I am sure that these comments are not meant to be callous, but are just spoken in ignorance.
Here are 12 things you should never hear from your cancer doctor. Be on the lookout for doctors who say any of these. It could be a sign that they need an attitude adjustment… and that you need a new doctor.
#1. I’m afraid I have bad news. If you didn’t already suspect you had a problem to deal with, you would not be sitting in the doctor’s office. This statement brings on fear. Doctors do this so that you will comply with their orders. Skip the drama doc.
#2. You have three months to live. It is rarely helpful to have a doctor pretend he has a crystal ball. While from experience they might have an idea how long the average patient lives given a particular diagnosis, we are all individuals and YOU ARE NOT AVERAGE. Despite what the doctor says, there is always hope. There is always a way to extend life or even reverse the dis-ease.
Just like “bad news,” a prognosis brings on fear and the need to comply − albeit in a different way. Studies show that people are told they have three months to live dutifully fulfill that directive from their doctor. Even worse, a poor prognosis takes away the will to live and ability to think outside the box and to change the direction of the dis-ease.
There are innumerable remissions of advanced and late stage cancers. There are countless stories of patients who were offered little chance of survival or a cure, yet who are here years later to tell their tale. A quick perusal through the articles on The Truth About Cancer website will bring you valuable information on surviving the odds.
Hope gives us the opportunity to do what we must do to heal from cancer. Even in the face of the most advanced of cancers, there is usually room for some words of encouragement and support. This can make all the difference in the patient’s attitude towards their disease and their treatment. While there is hope, there is life.
#3. If you don’t do “X” you will die. For some bizarre reason, cancer doctors think they know everything. Yes, I know that they went to medical school, but there was competent and effective medicine well before Big Pharma taught these doctors. Know that there are many, many options when it comes to managing cancer − don’t let your doctor bully you. In fact, you might point out to your doctor that you are more likely to die if you follow one of the standard protocols instead of opting for a less toxic treatment plan.
#4. You have no choice. Sorry, doctor, yes, you do. They might also say you have no other options. While it is always a good idea to get a second, third, or even fourth opinion, be sure to get at least one from an alternative or holistic doctor. Otherwise, you are still limiting your options and overlooking key lifelines to survival.
#5. Calm Down. Given the situation at hand, it is understandable that a patient might be upset. Telling a patient they need to calm down or speaking to him or her in a dominant tone of voice clearly shows a lack of empathy and offers no chance of a partnership.
#6. This treatment will not harm you. Be sure you are clear on what “harm” means to your cancer doctor. Chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapies, and even surgery harm the body and increase your risk of more cancer. Be aware of the life-threatening and quality of life-threatening side effects, and do not believe that they are always “worth it.” Studies and case studies have not provided evidence of efficacy.
#7. Here are the statistics. You are a person, not a statistic. You have your own unique set of circumstances; your own history. Statistics are helpful for doctors who use a checklist to make treatment recommendations. As an empowered person who is committed to make lifestyle changes that can affect your health and outcome, statistics do not apply.
Further, statistics are typically skewed in favor of treatment recommendations. For example, a patient might hear that by taking hormone therapy they will reduce their risk of recurrence by almost 50%. Sounds great, right? However in actuality, it may be the case that the risk without the therapy was only 2% and with the drugs 1%. That 50% reduction doesn’t really mean much, does it?
Or in the case of chemotherapy, a patient might hear that the therapy will decrease risk by 30%. But if the risk of dying was only 10% to begin with, the survival benefit on an absolute basis is only 3%. Considering the downsides of these therapies, one must extrapolate the true benefit and compare this to the possible harm they deliver.
#8. This treatment will cure you. This is a bold statement for sure. If your doctor is not addressing the cause of your cancer, the treatment is not a cure. Cancer is complicated, but most often the root cause can be determined and resolved. Only then can any treatment be considered “curative.” I have never met anyone who was Tamoxifen- or chemotherapy-deficient, for example, so there is no reason to believe that taking either will resolve the reason for your cancer.
#9. You are wasting your time with nutritional supplements. While there is no one magic bullet, no one cure for cancer, lifestyle factors such as taking supplements can make a difference. There is too much evidence on how nutritional factors influence genetic expression for anyone to ignore the power of food and supplements.
What we eat makes a powerful difference. A mostly plant based, whole foods diet and taking nutritional supplements can have a substantial impact. That said, in these days of nutrient-depleted soil conditions and over-farming, food just does not have the nutrient content of years past. Plus, busy lives do not always allow for “perfect” meals. Hence, supplements are a necessary part of an anticancer protocol.
#10. Cancer Just Happens: It’s a Matter of bad luck. This is so ridiculous I just had to include it. Cancer develops for a reason. It is a signal, a cry for help that tells us something or many things are not right within the body. Overexposure to toxins, the genetic inability to manage toxins, and the entire issue of unresolved emotional traumas are some of the biggest triggers of cancer. Although nutritional deficiencies are not likely the cause of one’s cancer, they do allow it to develop and grow.
Don’t accept that blanket statement from your doctor. Whether they are saying this out of ignorance or for your emotional protection, it is not helpful when it comes to your healing and survival.
#11. Alternative doctors are quacks. What mainstream cancer doctors consider to be “alternative” was once medicine. Sadly, modern medicine focuses on drug therapies and fails to acknowledge the reasons that cancer has become rampant. We are not sick because we have cancer… we have cancer because we are sick. If we do not correct what created the dis-ease, we cannot cure it. Alternative doctors consider the whole person. They believe that making a person well is just as important or even more important than targeting the symptoms of cancer (such as a tumor).
While every alternative treatment works for someone, not every treatment works for everyone. Part of this is, again, because we all have our own unique circumstances for having cancer. Be sure you work with a qualified practitioner and coach to optimize the healing of your body and your cancer.
And last but not least…
#12. Estrogen causes breast cancer. This is simply not accurate. Estrogen has 400 essential functions in a woman’s body. While estrogen dominance and hormonal imbalance can allow breast cancer to develop and grow, estrogen does not cause breast cancer. More precisely, estrogen can turn on cancer genes, but only if not opposed by progesterone. So blaming estrogen for cancer is a bit like saying that matches cause fires. You have to light the match, right?
Progesterone acts as an antagonist to estrogen. While estrogen is associated with breast and other cancers, progesterone has anti-cancer effects. When the opposing force of progesterone is increased, the toxic effect of estrogen is decreased. So while estrogen can turn on cancer genes, progesterone turns on genes that can prevent breast cancer from occurring. Instead of blocking or eliminating estrogen, you may want to concentrate on increasing progesterone so the fire is not ignited by the match.
A note on receptors: when activated by progesterone, the progesterone receptors attach themselves to the estrogen receptors. Once this happens, the estrogen receptors stop turning on genes that promote the growth of the cancer cells. Instead, they turn on genes that promote the death of cancer cells (known as apoptosis) and the growth of healthy, normal cells.
Hormone receptors are dependent on iodine, which increases the sensitivity of the receptor to the hormone it was designed. So rather than block your receptors, it would be prudent to ensure you have sufficient iodine in your diet so that the receptors can work most efficiently.
Article Summary
Good communication between a cancer doctor and their patient is essential for the best cancer outcomes.
Here are 12 things you should never hear from your cancer doctor. If your doctor says any of these it could be a sign that they need an attitude adjustment… and that you need a new doctor.
#1. I’m afraid I have bad news
#2. You have X months to live
#3. If you don’t do “X” you will die
#4. You have no choice
#5. Calm Down
#6. This treatment will not harm you
#7. Here are the statistics
#8. This treatment will cure you
#9. You are wasting your time with nutritional supplements
#10. Cancer Just Happens
#11. Alternative doctors are quacks
#12. Estrogen causes breast cancer
So true. And I would add another common saying by nursing and medical staff: “You may as well eat whatever you like. Make the most of whatever time you have left!”
I was once told it If “didn’t do this” I would die. It wasn’t cancer, but a nasty bacterial infection that left me at 80 lbs and losing a pound a week. I was literally not getting anything from my food, even though I eat about 80% organic. I was told I needed a mammogram…HUH? They tried to sell me on every test and drug known instead of treating the ROOT of the problem. When I kept saying NO, the toe tapping PA, no I never even saw an MD, ask me what I expected. I told her I expected to be treated for the problem I was there for. She basically told me I was going to die. I later got billed for procedures I didn’t accept and called them on it. That was 10 years ago and guess what! I didn’t die!
I think the only way to good health is thru what you put in your body and learning to run…not walk…from the money grabbing “greatest healthcare in the world” BS. 30+ years of being MD free. 62 and not a med in my house. (Plenty of real food though!)
Same here. I have a medical aid that cost a fortune in case of motorcar accident because SA has 80% idiotic road users. Never put a claim in for over 10 years.
Great article. After observing the dishes of candy in the first Oncologist’s office and hearing how he was trained to do the most radical surgery, and knowing he was a Pharma pimp, I went to another Doctor. When I requested my records after more unprofessional behavior, I never got them. He knew he had messed with the wrong hornet. Just as flagrantly unprofessional, the next Oncologist was handed a list by me on surgery day for a hysterectomy. She signed it, then asked for it back. It ‘disappeared’, so they could do what they wanted to, like staples vs. stitches, the ‘new era’ of anesthetics, and though I said NO to stripping my pelvic lymph nodes, she took ten out of one side. She said she ‘thought’ it was one. The result of pelvic lymph node stripping is bladder and rectal nerve damage, and the nerve running down the front of the leg ‘usually gets severed, though they ‘try’ to avoid it, so you have a numb leg there. No thanks. She also said ‘I was right’ when I handed her an abstract from a study and request to do a CA-125 cancer blood marker test, arguing that I had cervical cancer. No, I said, it’s Endo-cervical Cancer. Do they even read their client notes? And why I wondered, was the patient having to research and request things that the doctor knew nothing about? They don’t keep up on the new research. A lot of her ‘files’ were deceased. She said I was the only one other than one other patient that refused the lymph node stripping. ‘Is that other person alive?’ I asked. “Yes.” Um hm… When she suggested I ‘visit radiology’, I had already had that discussion with her. “I don’t believe in radiation or chemo.” I only debulked the cancer by surgery, but I wouldn’t even do that again. I’d keep on the low carb diet, juice, exercise and do baking soda douches. Fear is the worst enemy for Cancer in decision making. PS. Just the hospital food with the sugar, caffeine and sulfites sprayed on the salads and in the box juices, etc . will head not only the patients but the staff towards Cancer. If a friend had not brought me yogurt and homemade chicken soup, I wouldn’t have done well, as starving after surgery or eating trash isn’t helpful to healing.
they kept on telling me to have a mammogram every year and my daughter told me that it is radiation and that I should not have it done. Why scratch where it does not itch? I am a health freak and people get irritated by me for declining offers to eat in restaurants and other scary(for me) places where I cringe to think how they prepare the food. xm
I so agree with this article and these comments…I went to a prominent NYC hospital for staging after a tumor in my left breast grew large. I had worked near the WTC and my health habits had deteriorated despite mostly good food.
Stress level was high and my work was not easy. People that gave me tests seemed disgusted and asked stupid questions poking and prodding more than was necessary, retesting and ignoring my concerns about radiation and cancer cell spread. Their attitudes were scary and
They pretty much predicted death especially when I mentioned my extensive research re tx of cancer. The surgeon I went to refused to do anything saying I was stage 4 and the cancer had spread all over my body. She sent me to an oncologist who specialized in research and proposed that all she could do for me was put me in one of her double blind trials and promote”end stage quality of life”. She resented my knowledge of alternative medicine,was angry and threatening when I refused all trials and went elsewhere for a second opinion.
I ended up having laser surgery which
Was successful getting rid of the cancer ( now wish I could have avoided) but six months after the first tests another scan showed 0 spread 0 cancer anywhere…
I cannot describe the trauma the first round of “staging” caused. I am single , still working and becoming one of their Guinea pigs would have totally disabled me and exposed me daily to the horrible atmosphere of their “treatment” center.
Am with a decent oncologist now but he is scared about my research and knowledge I can tell. He wants me to take femara and xgeva ” for the rest of your life ” . It’s 2 years now and reading TTAC info I must find other ways soon….
Many years ago I had a lump in my breast and my dad (an animal husbandry farmer who raised us on natural meds)told me not to worry about it as it should go away. I never thought about it again and one day I remembered and searched for it; and it was GONE!!!! I bet you if I ran to the doctor; he would have ‘had to operate’ causing me to get cancer later on.
They certainly are fear mongers and bullies in white coats! I had an oncologist who tried to convince me I was going to die and he refused to give me any “stats” as he told me my “chance of survival was so poor if I knew the ‘stats’ I would immediately give up”. I was resistant to taking the chemo cocktail of 3 drugs but he was pushing me to take chemo and informed me I must add a 4th trial drug. But after I read the literature and saw the side effects were heart attack, stroke, vision loss etc, I felt I must decline this 4th drug. When I let him know he blew up in anger and stormed out of the room. I did end up taking the 3 standard drugs and had many horrible side effects. The toxic drugs made me very ill and dizzy and I passed out on the floor after the first round suffering serious head trauma. I laid unconscious bleeding from a deep gash in my head and ended up in emergency for stitches and a CT scan. I also developed severe daily nose bleeds daily that would bleed heavily for an hour or more and once it was so bad I had to call paramedics. But this oncologist dismissed absolutely every side effect and would flatly state “it’s not in keeping with the drug profile”. They were in fact side effects of the chemo drugs but he tried to make me feel it was all in my head.
Yep, it’s never the fault of the chemo, which (don’t forget) has undergone rigorous clinical testing for efficacy, safety, toxicity, etc., unlike the natural, ineffective alternatives we advocate. Yeah………..right.
They all want to prescribe the chemo & radiation!!! This is what kills you, not the cancer. I know! This is what killed my wife.
I agree. I am sorry your wife passed. I think all the preventative, xrays, Cat scans, radiation Chemo. It is an attack. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I am going to have surgery to remove it. They say it usually comes back so they want you to have painful, dangerous long term treatments. My question is; How do I know that they removed the whole cancer? Maybe they leave a small piece to grow back. How would I know?
I was given my husbands diagnosis of Cancer over the phone at my workplace. No asking you to come in, sit you down and explain the results. Just cold hard facts. Your husband has Cancer of the Nasal Cavity, is terminal, Has 3 months. I had to inform my husband myself.
Well he lasted 2.5 years past that date with courage, a sense of humour, proper diet, juicing etc. I was not impressed with their lack of empathy, being treated like a number and no choices. I was the pro-active patients wife that spoke up.
So sorry to hear you and your husband were treated so badly. How heartless ! Glad you took the initiative to use natural treatment and that your husband outlived the doctor’s prediction. Sorry it was not a much longer time that you had with him.
Ann, I tried to tell my MIL with recurrent uterine CA that removing sugar and carbs from her diet would help and to ask her doctor about it. He said “You could do that, but do you want to be miserable?” I could not believe it. He didn’t deny that it would help, but IMPLIED that she couldn’t be happy without foods that spike blood sugar and feed cancers.
Yep Sam … and that is a far too common response… and this from medical professionals who have taken an oath to preserve LIFE! My medical and nursing studies only propelled me on to seek information for myself. As a result, I found that in many instances I ended up with a lot more questions than answers. Whilst the facts we learnt concerning human anatomy and physiology were indisputable, when it came to studying malfunction due to disease or inadequate nutrition, there was virtually nothing in the way of down-to-earth holistic treatment using natural foods, exercise and the benefits of stress reduction. It was a matter of deciding which potent chemical or risky procedure should be used to deal with the symptoms. That was when I started out on my own quest for answers, to the dismay of my colleagues!!
That’s EXACTLY what my mom’s oncologist said to her while going thru treatments for Lung cancer. He also gave her “an expiration date”. These dang doctors could use a Dale Carnegie course on how to relate to people in a more POSITIVE way. I became so angry w/ that doctor…..because I knew better….even before seeing Ty’s series on the Truth about Cancer.
If you have ever heard of Dr. Patch Adams, you will know what great bedside manners are. He said they should teach med students how to listen to patients, how they should give patients hope, how to be attentive. Some doctors are so strong technically but fail in the human relationship category.
Candida, parasites, virus and bacteria all crave and do well in a low oxygen acidic environment, aided by sugars. When people fast, it can kill these critters off. I try to remember that cravings are not all about my lack of discipline, and that these critters, like any drug will demand survival, and cause discomfort in withdrawal from it. I got to go to college as an older student, and seeing the people as classmates that will become the next ‘white coats’ is a wake-up call. They are not Gods. Just ducklings that may not read the material, remember it or enter medicine for the right reasons. It’s like searching for a good mechanic, dentist, lawyer or anything else. Lots of work. I found very few choices in Oncologists when I dealt with cancer. Most are narrowly trained. I asked a Uro-Gynecologist who prescribed Macrobid to prevent UTI’s if that is all she had to offer. A drug that lowers white blood cells and as an antibiotic, kills good bacteria, setting people up for…..Cancer. The American medical reality is more than disturbing. I felt like a lone island, doing hours of research, finding I was missing meals. We need an ‘alternative’ CD crash course on other methods. Thanks Ty!
Ah yes, I should have added that one in…and likely they had a nice bowl of candy or plate of cookies in the waiting room…
Thank you, Elyn! Before I even heard about Ty and his work, I have already been reading your articles and signed up to get all of them ???? It was after I was told I had bc that I went diving into natural med and that’s how I found you. I just want to say thank you for helping all of us. You are one of my inspirations.
I would hate that bad news, if my oncologist told me that I only had 2 or 3 months to live and I had to do chemotherapy. Alternative therapies should be given to cancer patients instead of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Oh yes! My mum took this to heart and actually said she’d rather eat whatever she liked and die sooner – which is what she did. Now my dad’s in the same boat and saying the same thing. I’m going to loose two parents because their taste buds were more important than their will to live.
So sorry to hear that. It is very hard for people to change a lifelong lifestyle. Don’t blame yourself.
Oh yes, I heard lines like that: you did not do anything wrong, cancer comes out of the blue. Nutrition doesnt change anything. What a lie that was. Yes, we are responsible for what we created, the good news in that is that we also can change it once we become conscious, and reverse the cancer. To my experience.
I was diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer 5 years ago. I was given the option of a mastectomy or lumpectomy,node removal with radiation and tamoxifen. I had the lumpectomy only without node removal. I had to fight the surgeon about that, “but that is what is standard treatment”. I then went to Mexico under the care of a doctor from Arizona and had 12 days of hyper barric oxygen, IV vit C and laetrile, ozone therapy and liver detox treatments. She told me if I had ever had a root canal to have it removed. I was shocked as I had one like 20 years previously. After 6 months, I had it removed and even though it never bothered me and looked fine on the exray, it indeed was terribly abscessed. The dentist told me that this could have certainly caused me health issues.
My oncologist continues to monitor me and so far, even though I was told since I didn’t have radiation that I could suffer a metastasis, no recurrence!
I had mercury fillings in some of my teeth and the only dentist who could remove them successfully was a biological dentist and it was very expensive as my medical aid only pays for Big-pharma dentists. I also had intravenous oxygen during the procedure and I do believe that is wonderful for people who suffer from cancer. It is very expensive though and once again Big-Pharma medical aids do not fund it in South Africa.
I have bowel cancer, metastasized to liver and lungs, and although it was removed surgically from the bowel and liver (plus one course of chemo which didn’t actually work – and I didn’t really want it anyway) – it is only appearing in the lungs now.
I live in the UK and have had a lot of advice from a ‘nutritional/natural’ doctor (was a General Practitioner for 25 years before going into natural healing) – Dr Patrick Kingsley, (UK) who became quite famous for curing thousands of cancer patients (some had been called incurable or terminal) over many years. He’s retired now, but has given me lots of advice over the phone. He says very clearly in his book “The New Medicine” that if you tell a patient they are going to die in X months, and they believe it, they will. He never told anyone that there was no hope, and even advanced cases who came to him far too late, ended up living considerably longer.
So I have never asked my Oncologist what she thinks my outlook is. I don’t want to hear anything that makes me lose hope. Although immunotherapy (GcMaf) plus a ketogenic diet for 6 months, hyperbaric oxygen (20 sessions), a no-starchy carbs/no red meat/no sugar/no dairy diet (still doing this), Protocel, and now Cesium High PH therapy, plus a huge supplement regime, don’t seem to have stopped the cancer as yet, I can’t say they haven’t helped. People always say they are surprised how well I look, although I have lost most of my energy. I have probably lived beyond what the statistics suggest anyway. I am not giving up hope. There are still lots more alternative/natural treatments out there!
One thing I haven’t seen yet in Ty’s information, but I am sure he would agree, is the power of faith and prayer. It can make a huge difference. I have a very big circle of Christian friends, and when my cancer was diagnosed two and a half years ago, I had letters, phone calls and emails flooding in from friends in the UK, France, Germany, Holland, Barbados, Australia,,New Zealand, USA and Canada, assuring me of their prayers and sympathy. The support has been tremendous and I know it really makes a difference. And when you feel down and really scared, you can rely totally on the Lord Jesus Christ, the great Healer of mankind.
I have to say I have a very rare UK Oncologist – absolutely the ideal doctor – very sympathetic and totally unprejudiced about alternative treatments! So I am VERY lucky. She works with the patient and never pushes you to have a treatment you don’t want. She is also honest about statistics I have asked her about, which show that having chemotherapy or having no treatment at all, had almost identical survival rates for bowel cancer.
Ty’s articles are very interesting – either new to me, or confirm what I have already learnt. Thanks Ty and keep up the good work!
I was diganoised with leiomyosarcoma last year .I had a 5 pound tumor removed from my abdomen on August 7 th 2015. For 3 years I was in and out of ERs for pain and vomiting. Every time it was noted I had a mass on my left side no-one looked into it just kept saying nothing was wrong sent me home.Then I got a doctor that had 1yr left in residencey. She is the one who found the tumor exactly where the mass was that’s when I was told I had cancer. I’ve been told there’s no cure for my kind of cancer .I was just 1 of so many 1000 to have the bad luck. I now have a colostomy and having the same symtoms as before.I was told there is a 70% chance it would come back. I have 2 spots in my lung they are watching 1 was there when I had surgery now another has shown up. Can you tell me is there something they can do to help me fight this. I’m 61yrs old and have had to have 13 back surgeries can that be related to me coming up with cancer.
Hi Sherry,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Wow I salute you! I believe you as I’ve had so many things happen to me too. I was told I have stage 1 bc and so all the whistles went blowing with people telling you what to do. The moment I was diagnosed I got down on my knees to pray and I prayed really hard for guidance. I never questioned. I just gave thanks and praise even though I was so scared being told I have to do this and that. I changed my diet and lifestyle. I had no lumps, all found in 1st time mammo. Had Genetics test done and all were negative. My onc then started talking about treatment and hurting me to get stuff done when I knew the cancer had not gone anywhere. I even waited more than a month to see as this was so early of a staging. I went diving into research. Didn’t matter to the 1st onc. She just went talking away with tx and esp tamoxifen. Fast fwd…I fought her so hard on side effects and all other treatments and she denied me. Until the last day we spoke she finally admitted my risk would outweigh my benefits. Imagine being told to take Tamoxifen for 10 years? Really? I used to work in oncology so I saw firsthand what cancer drugs did to patients. I told her it’s a human carcinogen and fired her! Went to a new one who is chief at 2 same hospitals with more than 45 years experience in bc only to be told I had no cancer…non cancerous cells and not even a stage 1. Imagine my higs with happiness and lows with confusion. In that rollercoaster ride I felt sick to my stomach because many doctors prior to that pushed for all kinds of treatments and I wanted non . I even got prescribed Ativan for anxiety and I said no. Ended up in ER and I got prescribed that 4 times. I said no. I went home fin . No anxiety, nothing. A pain doctor even once told me I had to take all 4 meds or else and they were alive, flexibility, neurontin and that he’d give me shots for back pai . I am a 40 year old mom who’s been working in the medical field and do a lot of research. Knowing me I can have a smart mouth too. I looked that pain doc in the eye and told him I’d rather take cannabis over his prescriptions. Guess what? He looked at me saying no no and never called me back, not even for MRI results, even if I had called his office a.million times. LOL. I never heard from hi . I had to tell my primary doc to pull my results out. It was hilarious! Today instead of fearing anything and looking for ways to monitor everything I just trust in God first and foremost. Allow him to do his amazing work and my body to tell me what’s wrong. I continue to eat healthy and pray, exercise and just be thankful. Not once had I taken the prescriptions because I knew it would only destroy my body. I go to acupuncture and chiropractor aND my pains and even headaches from all the stress and digestive issues to stress are gone. No.meds! And this tamoxifen thing that my first onc pushed on me doesn’t help. She said it helps all the body. I said not true. It only helps one area and temporarily and also acts like estrogen I’m all other parts. And the new onc said I had non cancerous cells and this one is good. He told me he’s not going to make me do anything. He told me cancerous is curable and that I should continvest to live a healthy and hapoy lifestyle. He said be happy, be thankful. He even told me many of his patients don’t take the tz…an astounding 70% and he said they were fine while only 30% of his patients took the treatments. Now that says a lot! I left the office confused and Hallyday but I knew deep down I made the right choices for my own body. And these things were answered prayers. I opened the bible and how many scriptures have I bumped into that talked about the medications and pharmaceutical companies. I just stopped going to the doctors and have decided against mammograms mysel . I know if something is wrong, my boss will let me know. Thank you TY and all the amazing people her . God bless you all.
Marie, I was hooked on morphine by them. When I intuited this was wrong, I asked oncology how I could get off of it. He said there was NO WAY. And I left that meeting with a prescription for MORE MORPHINE!
I was diagnosed with melanoma and when I related that my father had also had far more severe melanome removed 23 yrs ago the doctor exclaimed “And he’s still here unbelievable !”
That made me feel a while lot better !!!!
Some not only lack knowledge, vision and humility they also lack all tact.
Needless to say my Dad is fine and so am I.
H, France
I’m so GRATEFUL for Father’s wisdom to find and follow the truth! My Stage IV lymphoma was NOT vanquished by their (oncology’s) surgery, chemo and drug protocol that I followed most all of 2015. Instead, the doc called me at 7:30 at night, during the Homecoming football game and shockingly gave me a 6 month terminal diagnosis. I was told i would expire on March 17TH, 2016. However, following my intense research into the efficacies of standard treatments, I opted out. I left oncology, completely changed my diet, began working with a certified microbiologist who has been in dis-ease healing for 30 years. (“All dis-ease is systemic, cellular malfunction.” ) On March 17th, 2016, I returned to oncology for an exam. ..exactly on the 6th month date of my alleged death. There, they found NO SIGNS of cancer.
Unbelievably, NO ONE EVEN ASKED ME what I had done. And the doctor failed to come to my exam room….
To date, have suffered innumerable horrific collateral damage (not “side effects” but DIRECT EFFECTS) from the symptomologists masquerading as health care practitioners. I am now a champion of truth in this matter and am living proof there ARE non- toxic, non-invasive ways out. Shame on the “race for the cure”, “run for the cure”, “walk for the cure” pink ribbon people foisting their dangerous “experimental treatments” on the unsuspecting American middle class while stripping them of their wealth. The cures are here. On Ty’s website, among others. Look to Our Father. Listen to his soft voice and obey the truth. He WILL set you free….
Say, is there a prize for having been told the most of the 12 things by the oncologist?
Marcus, so glad to read your story of survival, using natural healing and faith. I wish doctors would not give a time line. Only God knows. What kind of natural treatment did you use to cure your cancer ?
Daughter’s Dr. said, “Surgery is no big deal, it can be fun.” Second opinion scheduled right away.
Wow Bob. I don’t even know how to respond to that. Glad you went somewhere else. My response to that would be–A bag full of rattle snakes could be fun too–what’s your point doc?
I have to respond to these comments both in a positive way and a negative way. On the positive side, I agree that the world of the MD has very little if any time for alternatives to help their patients beat cancer. But on the negative side where is the understanding that these folks are Medical Doctors, not nutritionists or therapists or life style counselors? On the positive side I agree that there are MANY integrative herbs, foods, supplements, and therapies that can greatly augment the MD/ONC treatments of chemo, surgery, and radiation. But on the negative side where is the willingness to let the MD/ONC do what she does best and treat with the tools that are proven can at times cure cancer or at other times treat it successfully enough to give a person more time and better quality of life? On the positive side I congratulate everyone who found answers and help beyond what Western Medicine has to offer. But on the negative side why did this part of the journey create such negativity toward the MD/ONC? On the positive side I agree that some docs are too arrogant to be in medicine at all and my heart breaks for all who had an awful experience with their MD/ONC. But on the negative side I don’t understand why some let the anger overtake them instead of just realizing that this MD/ONC is not the right fit for them and move on and keep interviewing until there is a great MD/ONC sitting across from you who will be on a team with you and treat you like they should, which is the most important person on the team.
I don’t have all of the answers but I do feel very strongly that there is a tremendous effort on the part of Western Medicine to make all integrative disciplines known to the cancer patient. Please note I don’t use the term alternate. Integrative brings together, alternate leaves out. My experience has been integrative with a MD/ONC and her Cancer Center Team and the resources the Cancer Center provides to the herbs, foods, supplements, and therapies that can also help fight this insidious disease. I have BCMETS to my bones and liver. I am alive because I have accepted, with trust, my oncologist’s treatment plan PLUS I have used integrative methodologies that have increased my ability to handle the chemo and radiation and they help whack back the cancer too. I feel that this is the answer to doing all I can do to wake up to another day and be grateful to God and to all we have available to fight cancer…all inclusive, all integrative.
I salute you! You are obviously a fighter, someone who thinks for themselves and a researcher. If only we all made informed decisions in all areas of life! lol If we read, we will walk in a doctor’s office knowing and understanding more than they do in important decision areas of treatment. I just stay away from all ‘doctors’, too. What a bother. Even with a full blown Lyme EM or bullseye rash on my left thigh (10 years after the Cancer worries went away..) some ER guy diagnosed it as “Cellulitis”. I took a picture of it and my 30+ Lyme symptoms and posted them on my blog. God, give me patience. Now they want to give 28 days of antibiotics (which doesn’t kill the 6 or so forms of the Borrelia spirochete) and call it good. We have to know we’re on our own.
On my first visit to my oncologist, I had a page full of questions that stemmed from my having read a book on cancer. I needed to have answers and who better to answer them than my oncologist. Unfortunately, on that particular day, she was not in the mood (or whatever) to answer my queries. I had about three questions asked when she asked me if I was finished because she had alot of patients waiting in her clinic and she did not have much time. I was so taken aback that I did not reply but instead left with a heavy heart. I considered changing doctors but fate had it that she left…to go on mat leave. I can only assume that perhaps her hormones were acting up and that I had hit a bad day. My next oncologist was an angel in disguise. I am a 20-year breast cancer survivor.
From what I have heard from cancer patients, they are told to eat whatever they want. The calories are what are important. I maintain that where the calories come from is more important. I live in an assisted living complex, the residents I am aquatinted with come back from chemo or radiation fill up on simple carbohydrates, sugary deserts, milk shakes and the like, supporting the it doesn’t matter where the calories come from. They forgo protein and healthy fats which strengthen the body and their practitioners encourage them to do so. The medical community receive little to no training on the importance of good nutrition and rely on “dietitians” for dietary advice. The problem there is they are trained using the SAD recommendations rather than sound nutritional advice. Feeding your cancer the sugar it needs to flourish instead of foods that starves cancer cells.
I agree. I worked in oncology myself and saw this firsthand.
They cannot help it. They feel like crap and they are going through a heavy detox. We know we have herxheimer reactions from too much detox too fast, that we overwhelm our body’s ability to flush toxins from dying cells and debris. With Alternative treatments, its toxins mostly from bad stuff like candida and cancer, or parasites, etc., But with Chemo, you are killing bad with the good. So the load has to be at least twice as high on the body which is draining, and super hard on the kidneys and liver in addition to the damage done to the gut flora and more.
Whenever we have exerted ourselves, our bodies want energy. We crave simple sugars and carbs for a quick pick me up. When you add that to the thrashing death of candida, it magnifies those cravings enormously. Everything alive has a will to live. It might not be conscious like we humans are, but instinct prevails even at a cellular level. So horrible bad cravings, and possibly this could be combined with certain food-substance addictions too, like certain sugary sweets and high carb snacks. It’s also psychological. Nostalgia possibly. You are older, life is hard, your health is failing and you have had the you-know-what scared out of you, been through surgical and chemo-hell and back, and maybe the treats of childhood sound pretty darn good.
That’s why cancer patients need a team. Friends and family to urge them to be gentle with themselves in recovery, to go lightly on sweets and carbs and get moving as soon as possible. To adopt a positive, proactive routine against cancer and it’s partner–despair.
Can anyone tell me if biopsy is necessary when your oncologist says they set something tiny on a PET scan. I’ve tried chemo 3 times. No more. I’m out running races and I feel great. I eat well and am learning more about food and what to avoid. I don’t want to go back down the chemo road.
I’ve been taking organic turmeric in veggie capsules 450 mg each. Sometimes 2 days a day. Breakfast & Dinner. I’m a breast cancer survivor stage 3 b. Right breast removal. 11 lymph nodes removed. No cancer. Protocol. I hate that word. I’m cancer free for 1 year 2 months. My neuropathy is gone and I’m back to normal. Turmeric is Gold to me. I highly suggest it. It has worked for me. I buy mine at The Vitamin Shoppe. It contains peperine, which is pepper. Helps absorption.
I asked my Oncologist if I could do anything about my MDS (pre leukaemia), he said NO, with an undertone of, I will be seeing you again. I did my research and now my blood count is way better than it was 10 years ago. Gee, I guess I could do something after all…..
Awww I’m so happy you did your own research, Lee. Happy to know that many people are now seeing the truth in all.of this. Continue to believe in all good things. Prayer is by far, the most powerful. Believe me, I’ve been told everything that scared me and I have my family to.live for. I realize now that may oncologists, if not all, will indeed scare you. When I declined I wasn’t entertained. Nobody wanted to anewer my questions. Sad but true. Wishing you good health and many more blessings.
you were so right in telling them what you did!! I agree 100%
Hi John Samphier Here Melbourne Australia. My surgeon and Oncologist told me I would kill myself taking apricot kernels and quality nutrition to cure myself. Well almost 17 years later and no recurrence of cancer I’ve never felt healthier at 81 years of age. Also have drunk around 2 litres of filtered water with bi-carbonate of soda added each day
You are a wise man, John!!!!
You would have to eat a lot of them. And I mean a whole lot of that and nothing else to “commit suicide”. I make sure and eat apple seeds when I eat apples now. I crack peaches and apricots and grind the pits up for that reason. It’s not just for cancer either, but for inflammation too. It’s good for a lot of things.
Well I don’t have cancer or as yet not. I’m struggling with a kidney infection and have been to a Urologist who prescribed ciprofloxacin. I had been warned about this drug some years ago and refused to take it. It is very destructive and can have permanent side effects. I ended up in hospital for 2 days having some I.V. antibiotics, a different sort. This still has not cleared the infection and I still get pain on and off. I have to have another scan to see what is going on, but I’m worried that nothing will kill this bug. There are also questions as to what else might be going on with the kidney, re: some sort of lesion. I am sensitive to a lot of drugs etc. and worried about what I can do now. A friend has offered some MMS, so thought I could try this. Has any one else tried this and what has been your experience. Apparently it can be used for cancer as well. It is so heartening to hear of other people’s success stories, but I am sort of going through the same thing as are people with oncologists, in that my doctors push dangerous antibiotics on you instead.
With a few minor variations, this sounds like the attitudes and treatment I experienced! And, after a life threatening experience with the anaesthetic which left me with a damaged heart muscle (which they refused to take responsibility for – despite their having done an ECG before the op! – accusing me of, obviously, having problems I hadn’t told them about. Then they said they would use the same anaesthetic again, but keep an antidote on hand!), they tried to get me to accept permanent heart medication – similarly using bullying and intimidation to get me to acquiesce. I later experienced a prolapsed bladder (‘oh, no worries, we can fix that’ RIGHT!!!) and psoriasis on my leg (which, as I am highly sensitive to substances, the naturopath said was triggered by anaesthetics and antiseptics). From negativity and discouragement to downright intimidation and bullying all the way. In the end I simply refused to see another Dr as the constant battles caused the stress levels I was supposed to avoid to be off the charts! I was also told that food doesn’t matter, so I might as well eat whatever I wanted, and that I was wasting my money on alternative treatment! Three years later their threats haven’t materialised!
i am Emily Luke my heart is full of joy for what Dr Ogun Root and Herds the traditional healer has done for me, i was diagnose with cancer for the past four years, i thought my life was going to end like that, cause i thought there is no cure for this deadly disease, untHiil i came across a testimony of a young man who said that he was cure with the herbal medicine of Dr OGUN, initially i thought it was a scam testimony but i said i must also try this man to see if it true or false testimony. so i contacted this man through his email and he response to my emails and told me what to do, i kindly did what he ask me to do, and he sent me his herbal medicine and instructed me on how i will be taking them daily, i kindly follows the precaution and after some weeks i went for medical check up and my result came out with Negative.i want to use this medium to inform everyone living with cancer to stop wasting time on medical drugs and contact Dr OGUN the traditional healer for some herbal medicine that will cure you once and for all. Please contact him through his email:drogunrootherds@outlook.com please note that this man is 100% trusted and guarantee
I was told ” You are lucky you didn’t have a stroke ” by the doctor. I promptly changed to another as I knew from the outset that he was unable to be empathetic.
A doctor whom I knew slightly years ago and who was converting to complementary medicine told me of a visit to a specialist with a female friend. He didn’t tell the specialist he was a doctor, he just listened. I can’t remember whether it was breast or uterine cancer for which he was recommending surgery. The doctor accompanying this lady was hoffied at the attitude of the specialist who told the patient in a totally offhand manner: ‘Well, you don’t really need to keep it (the organ in question) any more do you’?
So, so many healthy options & we all need to get the word out there so people can learn, search, investigate & make their own choices.
Suzanne Sommers, Ty Bollinger, many ex pharma Dr’s, so many Dr’s / surgeons now speaking out & writing books to also educate what has sadly been going on.
The Truth About Cancer series is amazing, many wonderful Dr’s on there from many countries.
A Dr. with tears in his eyes saying what they are doing is working ( non toxic, non invasive ) & they are being punished for saving lives. ????????
Research GCMAF cancer treatment, actual live footage showing the cancer cells being destroyed……shows microscopic videos…..
A neurosurgeon lectures now on the alarming dangers of vaccines & says the scientific data was out there showing the strong link with autism etc…….which jumped drastically when vaccines were introduced in higher numbers & doses. This Neurosuregeon said ‘ THEY ‘ knew this & still keep pumping the mercury aluminum etc…..into babies…..the neurosurgeon said they are causing brain damage & we haven’t seen anything yet if they keep doing this.
It’s absolutely heart breaking what is going on. There are wonderful caring Dr’s out there, but I so feel for them, caught in the system. Wonderful holistic Dr’s who truly know nutrition/ herbs etc…..
Google the raids, clinics shut down, holistic Dr’s up to I believe 50 now……mysterious deaths, some murdered, missing …….some were previously raided…..why ? Coincidence ? Some natural ?
Interesting that years ago Ronald Reagan went to another country for cancer treatment…….doesn’t that tell us all something ??
People are on so many meds …….tragic……my opinion ????
I applaud nurses, trauma Dr’s etc……but my heart tells me so much has gone wrong……
How about this one?
After refusing treatment:
You are a goner !
You are not going to cut into me.
You are a goner !!
I’m not doing Chemo.
You are a goner !!!
When I got the bill, it was $300.
I think he charged me $100 for every time he said I was a goner.
Oh and there was a BIG bucket of lollypops and hard candies as you checked out!
Thank you Ty and your family for all the good that you do.
Thank you for the knowledge
God Bless
Living well with cancer.
The amount of sweets they push on people at oncology departments says it all.
I have a disease that lives on sugar. You want to give me more.
You don’t like me–us very much do you.
Seriously if they loved us, they would have a juice/wheatgrass stand in the lobby.
I discovered a lump in my breast and had an ultr-sound scan. The radiologist (not the Dr) told me it doesn’t look good. This was way out of order and tactless. A biopsy was carried out and am awaiting results.
Hi Penny. Will.pray for you. It’s never easy hearing that. Pray and ask questions. Push for the pathologist to tell you the results and not the tech. I’m sorry, I just don’t trust that as I’ve seen too many mistakes made. Believe me. I’ve worked in the healthcare industry long enough to see to see mistakes happen. Whatever the outcome, take time to think things through and not allow anyone to.make decisions for you. Get a 2nd opinion and again ask all the questions in the world. Don’t be rushed into things because I was and those doctors did nothing but scare me every single day. But I fought hard and prayed hard. This is your health. Listen to you body and remember there are so many things that can be done to change things. Whatever you choose to do, pls. reaearch, research, research. I’ve been told too that this or that can happen if I don’t do anything NOW and all the crazy statistics. Remember that God knows your life better than anyone. He holds your life in his hands. Will be praying for you and everyone who needs it. GOD BLESS YOU!
Lol… $100 charge everytime the doctor told you that, huh! That made.me laugh. Thank for sharing your story. Guess I am a goner too since nobody wanted to entertain me after I said no to my oncologist, esp for not accepting her proposal of taking 10 years worth of tamoxifen, for not taking all sorts of treatments. She didn’t want to hear any of the known side effects I told her about. She told me it was in my head and that I had too many things in my face so she thought I was way too stressed about everything when really I was stressed over her prescribed treatments. I even went over my supplements and for every one of them she said she needed to speak with pharmacist. Then the pharmacist said he didn’t know anything about them. Hahaha. That really says a lot about many doctors, If not all, not knowing anything about proper nutrition.
Oh wow! My goodness!
Oh my goodness, Marcus. But no, I’m not surprised that even happened to you. They did all they could do to scare me everytime. I asked if there was another option and I was told bluntly, “NO!” I said goodbye to that doctor. She finally admitted at the end of our conversation that risks and negative side effects will outweigh my benefits…this was months and months of battling with her over cancer drugs she tried to make me eat! She didn’t accept anything I told her only to tell me.in the end I was right…after pounding her head so much about it. After her admission, I said goodbye.
Yes, everyone needy can contact my certified microbiologist. Gary Tunsky. 888-863-1733. Brilliant man. I am celebrating 4 months survival after my supposed oncological terminal prognosis. Oncology gave me rounds of dreadful chemo. With huge collateral damages, not just sweet sounding side effects.
THEN, I found Gary. I am delighted to share that there is a way out!!
No Darnell, I would NEVER recommend a biopsy. They break the integrity of the “sack” that is our Creator’s way of protection. Spreading wildly to other parts of your body. Call Gary Tunsky certified microbiologist 888-863-1733.
And that is why our friend Ty put up this website. Lost 7close family members to cancer. .. the treatments were barbaric on both his parents. Thank you Ty!
My mamogram came back clean ‘nothing to worry’ although I felt a lump prior to mam. An ultrasound followed and the radiologist said “doesn’t look good”. What right did she have to devastate me before a full analysis? Isn’t it the Doctors responsibility to give you results? I reported her to the Dr who agreed with me but offered no apology. I am now awaitong results of a biopsy and most of all I am dreading how they will communicate.
Thanks that”s exactly what I’m doing ; tsking my time. This news “doesn’t look good” was given to me on a Fri so I had all weekend to lose sleep. And wait for this the radiologist said I could get the rrsults within 3 days if I paid privately in order to give me peace of mind. So I chose to wait and by next week I should have pathologist report. The time in between has givren me time to think of alternatives and make my own choices. So thank you for your support. Unfortunately you don’t always get the support snd tact from health care.
Hello Penny. Sorry to hear of your horrible experience with the radiology assistant telling you it doesn’t look good. My husband got an ultrasound done recently and asked the assistant about it and she said I can not tell you anything, as in not allowed. We did not hear back from the doctor and the ultra sound was about a week ago, so hoping that means good news as in no cancer seen. But the doctor scheduled an ultrasound and an appointment with a urologist after red blood cells were found in the urine in a routine medical exam. We are both naturally very worried and I am going with him to his urologist appointment tomorrow. Hoping it is good news, something minor, that caused the red blood cells to show up in the urine. Worried about cancer, and hoping and praying it is not. What did you find out from your ultra sound ? I hope it was good news.
I was originally diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in Dec. 2011. It actually turned out I have Smoldering Myeloma which is a pre- Myeloma condition. I do not have the Disease. It’s now Aug 2016 and I’m still Smoldering. I had one moron (I’d love to name him and the well known Hospital but I won’t) tell me I’d better find a new career because I will never be able to continue to perform my physically and mentally demanding job. He also told me my type of MM was aggressive and needed to be treated as such. He wanted to use a therapy on me that is used on Leukemia pTients and was not or still I’d not common practice on MM patients. He stated in a 4 page report that he physically examined me when he in fact never even touched me. He could not stand the fact that I was educated in the disease and questioned his recommendations. I still see a Dr quarterly to keep an eye on my condition. I went through 6 Drs before I found one I was comfortable with. He actually listens and is impressed with my knowledge by the way he is a well know and respected Dr. in the Hematology/ Oncology world.
Isn’t that the truth!! Too bad we cannot warn others away from these types of doctors that demand their patients to do exactly as they say and ask no questions.
I hear you on the restrained ‘Moron’. The word should be More-Off. Physically examined you from a distance, eh? lol. Maybe a Medical Board complaint letter along with a question mark on the bill? The year I went in for my endocervical diagnosis, the trend was putting CA patients on ‘helpful’ psychiatrics, pimping anti-depressants, etc. Because I didn’t know how much time the initial visit was, I spoke rapidly with all the information to present and decisions to be made. Imagine, 10-15 min. to be ‘processed?. The ‘More-0af’ then wanted to step out of his narrow professional training and diagnose me as manic or bi-polar. What a joke. Being in the mental health profession myself, I suggested he stay within his professional boundaries. Perhaps this is why his office never gave me my medical records from that visit. I would have probably awaken from surgery on LIthium. I am still ‘smoldering’. Incompetent Jackass might be a better expression than Moron .
Usually ‘smoldering’ means inflammation. I fought my cancer for 8-10 years. Today I would have gone alkaline in my diet-cucumbers, greens, fruits and veggies, alfalfa tea and turmeric tea, etc..Avoiding meat, dairy, coffee, etc. A diet to treat Candida (w/ the DNA of cancer) is anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, etc. Changing the environment within makes us unwelcoming hosts to CA, fungus, parasites, virus’s and bacteria. Reduce stress and exercise, and hydrate. At the tail end of raising 7 as a single Mom, w/ a lot of unasked for additional realities, it was like the end of a stress-filled time with mega fight or flight chemicals flooding and depleting me, after being on survival for years included a let-down period for disease after an adrenaline highway. I still fight to be aware to make choices based on protecting myself.
Hi Sandy – did you go for the normal treatment? Surgery, radiation and drugs? Sue (post op breast surgery)
Which clinic did you go to in Mexico? Also, did you have the dental work done in Mexico as well? Thank you in advance.
which center in Mexico did you go to?
I went to New Hope Unlimited out of Scottsdale AZ. but the treatment was in a city across the border just south of Yuma.
On our first and only meeting on 8th Feb 2016, before examining me and making only scant reference to the results of a CT scan that he dismissed as “inconclusive”, the “specialist oncologist” from our local teaching hospital told me:
1. that until he operated he would not know precisely what surgery would be required but, because of the size and location of the tumour, surrounding lymph nodes would be removed “as a precaution”.
2. to contact his secretary to get booked in asap because of his existing waiting list and the small window of opportunity in which he calculated the tumour could be controlled
3. radiotherapy then chemotherapy would be required to “mop up” any remaining rogue cells
He agreed curtly with the info provided by the Macmillan brochure about vulval cancer that:
– what he called “radical surgery” would in fact remove a fist sized area involving genitalia but made no acknowledgement of the impact either psychologically or physically of what in other contexts is termed Female Genital Mutilation
– there is 3 month+ recuperation period because of the complex surgery and interventions (catheters, shunts etc) plus “slow healing” that procedures in that area necessitate, during a large part of this time I would be hospitalised (a 5hr journey time away from home) and highly dependent
– the removal of lymph glands will impact on the circulation in my legs significantly impairing my future mobility and creating an on going challenge to control infection
When pressed about potential outcomes he said without his interventions I would suffer “a long and painful death”, involving “rank odours as the cells in the area broke down”. – only after repeated questioning did he define “long” as being perhaps 12 months – coincidentally the length of time I would be. He described this response as being in line with his “professional duty” to inform me about options.
Readers of this will be thrilled to know that with only pain relief I continue to enjoy a fabulous quality of life: staying ahead of the weeds in my organic veg patch and harvesting / preserving – and swapping spares for drinks at our local pub! It helps to believe that “my time has come” and this gives me the opportunity to say dignified goodbyes. I highly recommend “The Natural Death Handbook; Sophie Sabbage’s The Cancer Whisperer and Felicity Warner’s A Safe journey home – a simple guide to achieving a peaceful death.
Onward and upward!!
Chris xx
LOL I love your story! Like everyone else, I too, was diagnosed with cancer….breast cancer, that is (they said stage 1 in the beginning). Doctors told me so many things…literally hurried me and even with non cancerous cells affecting lymph nodes, they still wanted to remove 1. Declined treatments. Fired my first oncologist because she would not accept anything I told her about Tamoxifen…things like how they are a human carcinogen, how it has too many dangerous side effects, etc. She tried pushing down that thing in my system for 5 to 10 years…for early stage. Something was not right every visit because she sounded the same, like a broken record. Didn’t even talk to me anymore about any other thing…just reading from the same darn report on the computer system. She said, “Well, okay, maybe we can cut it down to 5 instead of 10 years!” I thought it was wild…for many mos she insisted 10 years and I kept saying no and she then said 5 and I laughed. For those newly diagnosed, pls. ask the pushy oncologists if they would ever take any of those deadly cancer treatments even for early stage cancer. I promise you will see a diff personality in doctors who don’t care about your well being. The more I saw her, the more I resented her. I dropped her and found me an onc with more than 45 years of exp…same hospital but a chief of 2 diff locations. He said I didn’t have to take anything. He said he wouldn’t force me and that many of his patients (at least 70%) didn’t bother with treatments and they were fine. Then he read my pathology report saying I never had cancer. From stage 1 to 0 with non cancerous cells? Okay, I know a huge part of it had to do with my diet, exercise and more than anything, my prayers. The onc told me he couldn’t figure out why I kept saying cancer when I had non cancerous cells. Imagine if I took all the recommended treatments! My hates off to you and all others who are taking the better and higher route in life and with your health. I did a lot of research as soon as I was diagnosed. Today, by the grace of God, I am feeling great. Can’t afford to hurt my body with those cancer drugs…God holds our lives in HIS hands, not these doctors. There are good ones but there are many just in for the profit. Cancer is a very profitable business. I should know….I used to work in Oncology. Saw all the women treated firsthand and looked even worse.
Wow, good for you!!
Are you still on here? If so, here goes. I had B.C. 14 years a stage 2. Then this year for a different kind on the other side and at stage one. They took sentinel node which had cancer cells in it but oncologist said no, they probably aren’t even cancer cells and tamoxifen would be enough!
Thank you for sharing. I too was diagnosed with vulvar cancer went to lo a linda for evaluating pretty much told same as you. I refused and treatment starting with that horrible surgery . I am 74 years old and have had good life. Not sure now what d r to go to for treatment has to be one that does. Not do any auregery ha
We agree 100%. I had a tiny lump on my upper chest. It was encapsulated and movable and never changed or grew in over year. I decided to have it removed and because it contained a few dormant cancer cells, chemo and radiation was forced on me. I was told it was to kill the remaining cancer in my breast and my body. I was told my prognosis was very poor to survive the cancer and I would likely not be alive in 3 years. I became so ill from chemo I quit after 4 rounds instead of their prescribed 6 and I argued and fought to drop carboplatin after 2 rounds as it triggered severe vertigo and tinnitus. I had tried to drop the carboplatin after the first round but a second round was forced on me and the damage was cumulative. After the first round of radiation I could not tolerate it so was forced into a mastectomy – and I mean literally forced! I was devastated and angry when results came back that there was no cancer in my breast. It is 8 years later; I am still alive but suffering horribly from the remaining collateral damage from the toxic chemo. It makes us nauseous to see the Run for the Cure, Walk for the Cure etc, etc, taking money from unsuspecting and naïve people who unfortunately trust the “system”.
Was there not ever a biopsy?
Kathy, yes I had a needle biopsy and when I found out it contained some cancer cells I had a lumpectomy 4 weeks later. I did not want chemo or radiation after the lumpectomy results showed no spread to lymph nodes and had clear, excellent margins. My biggest regret is that I didn’t push back harder.
Wow. I had my lumpectomy 5 years ago. Stage 0. I refused node removal, radiation and tamoxifen. Pretty much told I was crazy. I feel bad for you 🙁 I too don’t participate in Run for the Cure etc. Best to you!
Thanks for your thoughts. You did what was right for yourself and we should always follow the wisdom of our intuition. I took tamoxifen for 2 months and then quit. They were so angry with me for trying to push back they painted me as crazy in my medical records and accused me of “sabotaging my own cancer treatments”. What a joke, how I wish I actually could have sabotaged the treatments and saved myself from so much harm. I have lost all trust for most medical professionals.
wow this sounds practically like what I have just been through. My doctor never even diagnosed me but basically told me (before the genetics testing and MRI) that with my family history and the multitude of issues going on in my breasts (fibroendema I think was one and a cysts and occasional discharge from one breast) coupled with a new suspicious mass with ill defined edges that I already had over a 70% chance of developing breast cancer and that Tamoxifen is one route but it has so many side effects that if it were her she would have a bilateral mastectomy with DIEP reconstructive surgery. I told her “well perhaps i’ll be part of the 30% who doesn’t develop cancer and she put a sad smile on and said she was so sorry and she knows I wasn’t expecting any of this when I came in to get my check-up yet she DIDNT tell me I had cancer. Afterwards it hit me she didn’t order a biopsy before offering me the options of Tamoxifen or mastectomy, in fact she NEVER sent me for a biopsy but she did hug me as I was leaving ang told me “don’t worry, after the surgery you’ll have less than a 1% chance of it returning…again she never said straight forward “you have cancer”. She sent me for an MRI and despite it coming back negative she had me see a genetic counselor, a plastic surgeon (2 actually who work in tandem because the surgery would be approximately 12 hours) and an angio Cat scan or something to map out the veins etc. I was in a whirlwind, did I have cancer did I not have cancer. When I called and asked the secretary straight up her reply is “doctors don’t like to just tell a patient they have cancer especially when they are alone” yet she still didn’t say yes or no. The genetic tests came out neg for BRCA but did come back with a mutation RAD51C which is currently listed in the moderate-risk for ovarian and female breast cancer. Now worse is Since Sept. 2017 they had scheduled my surgery 4 times, but the 1st 3 times there were errors: 1st was scheduled for the wrong patient, 2nd was for the wrong type of surgery, 3rd there was a mix-up and I needed clearance from my gyno due to some complications they discovered on the CAT scan with my ovaries and finally the 4th was cancelled the night before literally 1 minute before my last meal because apparently the MAIN plastic surgeon pulled a muscle in her neck. This was in March 2018. When I flipped out they told me I would be one of the first cases scheduled and I should be grateful that my cancer isn’t so bad that I can actually wait. Then I was told the new date would be in JUNE!!! When I complained about that someone casually mentioned well it is a Prophylactic mastectomy…wait what?!! so I don’t NEED to have this done? I finally called them back and told them I don’t want the surgery and was told that was dangerous but if that’s what I wanted then they would put me on the high-risk schedule where I come in every 6 months and they’d do an U/S with a mammo on one visit and the next would be an MRI etc. I was shocked and said “that was an option?!!” she said “yes but its very stressful because its a waiting game of WHEN it will develop not IF it will develop” (Scare tactic much?) Then I asked “wait so do I have cancer or not?” and she replied “well some doctors don’t consider it actual cancer but it is sometimes referred to stage 0″…did that sound like an answer to you because it didn’t sound like one to me so I just said “just forget it, I don’t want the surgery” and she said “ok but if you change your mind let me know” Now I have been trying to get a diagnostic mammo from a new doctor but because I one in April ( days before my last supposed surgery) and for some reason the technician wrote on one paper that it was a screening and was negative yet checked off recommendation to follow up in 6 months and then send a letter that there were “no suspicious masses, calcifications, or areas of architectural distortion in either breast and no evidence of malignancy” recommended an ANNUAL screening and coded me as BIRADS: 1 after having been categorized as 3 since 2016 I am going through hell trying to find a place that will perform a diagnostic mammogram with an ultrasound…each place claims I’m not due until April and it would just be a screening unless I obtain a script from the breast surgeon…the one who wanted to mutilate me for no reason. I said forget it, i’ll go to my gyno and get a reg script and bring all my paper work and cross my fingers they’ll do the darn mammogram even if I have to pay for it out of my own wallet.
I like to talk with you. I do believe you. I want to know because at mammogram and called me come back. I feel like what! I hate that they stole my life from doing at home or etc. I came back and they said I had cancer stage 1A. I had surgery and they found out and called me good news and negative. And I went to see surgeon and she wanted me go Radiation. I said you said no cancer. She said I had cancer so she encouraged me go there. I refuse go. And refused take stupid tamoxifen I changed eat and buy anti- cancer supplements. I have turmeric tea, hemp oil, green tea. I am going get c24/7. I did do my homework. Why all surgeon tell us liar? I wonder.
Wow! Good for you!!
Thank you, Kathy. I didn’t like how I was told about some statistics. No genetic test was positive, no family history of b/c. Just found on mammogram and the people around me just kept saying “suspicious”. I felt so rushed as if my life would have been over in 1 day. It was vrey scary and stressful of a year esp. after going back and forth with treatment options the many drs offered. I didn’t feel at peace and the more I read the Bible, the more I saw what God had wanted to do for me. I couldn’t afford to put poison in my body esp. for 10 years. After deciding not to go with any treatments, I also battled with crazy thoughts like what if, what if but as I contd. to lean on Jesus, I had peace. I hope and pray the same for all. I’m a 40 year old mom and I have a family to live for. I might as well do it right. It is my body.
Repeated mammograms cause cancer. Too many women fall into this deathtrap.
I had my first mammogram when I was 58 years old, they found a “rare” radial scar. Just had an excisional biopsy and am waiting for the results….
I don’t know what caused it, it wasn’t mammograms. I hadn’t had any yet.
I love the way you asked the doctor if she would take the medication. I went for my results after I had a lumpectomy said they got it all and I was “cancer free”, but still needed the radiology treatment and letrozole for five years. I asked if he would have radiotherapy and of course his answer was ” Well I am not in your position”. As you say, they are not preventing but encouraging cancer. I asked why all the women in the waiting room are not being asked to take part in studies to see if there is a common denominator, it fell on deaf ears! I am still not sure about the radiotherapy! Take care
I would encourage you in the same direction you are thinking. In my humble opinion you should NOT want to enter into any more toxic treatments such as radiation, which is the hallmark of oncology today. I am a STAGE IV cancer conqueror THIS YEAR! After the chemo, drugs,and surgery, I was told “we didn’t get it all”. They had failed. Unless I submitted to MORE, I was given 6 months to live and slated to die on March 17th, this year. However, by that point, I had done adequate research to know the truth about oncology’s actual track record for their “treatments”. I opted out…. I went the non-toxic non-invasive homeopathic route and am alive today because I resisted and asked Father above for wisdom! Gary Tunsky, a nutritional biochemist was instrumental in my recovery. phcelltox.com He travels the nation actually healing folks of all types of dis-ease. I encourage you to meet him! You are on the right track, Sue!
Sue, Can you provide any studies that show sugar feeds cancer’s growth? In the 17 years I have battled aggressive metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer I have never read an article that proves this to be the case.
Its called the Warburg Affect and Dr Otto H. Warburg won a Nobel prize for the discovery in 1931.
Go also to Hallelujah Acres (hacres.com). A health company founded by a man who stopped all sugar and ate raw greens to starve out his colon cancer. Cancer loves sugar, that’s why they put glucose in your body to find the cancer tumor. Doctors know this. My psychologist told me his 35 year old brother was told he had 6 months to live as his cancer had spread. He ate mostly raw greens for a year and it went away.
I had a biopsy done cause my lymph node was large come found out Dr say he didn’t take enough tissue to test it so she going to keep a check on my blood work for uterus cancer
Lymph nodes are the garbage removal system. Cutting into anything cancerous can spread the cells throughout the system. Diet, exercise, detox like coffee enemas and sun help your body balance and heal. I douched with baking soda after a radical Hyst. for endocervical cancer for pain, and it left immediately. If I could go back, I’d do no surgery, just the baking soda douches, and the above. My best. Our bodies are talking to us with symptoms. The AMA is mostly clueless, and make money on our fear and misplaced trust.
Kathy Oldaker: Would you give me the name of your doctor in Arizona and where in Mexico did he send you. I’m interested in those same treatments. Were the treatments cheaper in Mexico and did they work for you?
I contacted New Hope Unlimited. Dr. Branyan. Look them up and they can give you more details. This was not covered by insurance. It has been 5 years this June and still cancer free.
When my husband signed for an operation to remedy an unsuccessful previous operation, the Dr. said,” Oh good. I haven’t done an operation like this before.” The next operation wasn’t successful either (same Dr) as ‘accidentally cut the pancreas’ and didn’t try to fix it. He died in under three weeks.
Oh Dee, I am so sorry for your loss and his suffering.
I am so sorry to read about your loss. More and more I feel it’s best to just stay away from hospitals and doctors. Medical errors are the fourth leading cause of death. My dad was Chairman of the Board of a hospital and threatened to quit and out them in the community because they voted to give a doctor, a surgeon, with eight lawsuits hospital privileges. They rescinded the vote only upon his threat. They cannot be trusted.
Balancing the gut flora with daily probiotics is about the best preventative move. Grapefruit Seed Extract will help reduce the Candida, as will fresh juice, alfalfa tabs when you drink your filtered water (hydrate!) and Vitamin C. I use sustained release natural C with all the bioflavanoids. I used to have lots of UTI’s and sinus infections, which was about systemic fungus, or Candida overgrowth. Netti pots w/ a pinch of baking soda and 1/4 tsp. of himalyan salt to 8 oz. of water, no sugars, rest, exercise in the sun, etc.
Marshmallow root tea takes away the pain really quickly, as it is a mucilage that coats the bladder. For me, Cranberry was just acidic, and Macrobid after sex sets us up for gut flora imbalance, feeding Candida, a reduction of white blood cells and pelvic cancer. A gallon glass jar helps keep track of liquid ingestion. MMS works for a lot of things, but for me, didn’t end my UTI’s. Starve the fungus, balance the gut.
Indeed, the fluoroquinolone ‘ antibiotics ‘ are extremely dangerous drugs.
They are actually Topoisomerase inhibitors, ( If you look this up you will find that every drug described as such IS chemotherapy ). the Fluoroquinolones are in fact failed chemo drugs MASQUERADING as antibiotics. They result in systemic poisoning, the mechanism of action causes DNA damage/ mitochondrial toxicity / dysfunction & they have trashed untold numbers of lives over the last 30 years, & continue to do so day after day, no thanks to Big Pharma misleading Drs on the true seriousness of their toxic profile in countries throughout the world .
We who have suffered serious often long term, even permanent Iatrogenic injury have recently forced the FDA to admit these so called ‘ antibiotics ‘are MUCH more dangerous than Drs have been advised, & yet again they have updated the warnings on them
Please note that these serious Iatrogenic injuries which can result from taking the fluoroquinolone ‘ antibiotics’ can be delayed for months after finishing the prescription, this often often results in misdiagnosis ( common labels are fibromyalgia CFS/ME & various autoimmune diseases) & this serious Iatrogenic injury can be be caused by ALL routes of administration including the topicals.
You can potentially be hit with just 1 dose, or take several, or even many many courses of FQs before you can potentially be tipped into a living hell of Iatrogenic injury, & intractable pain of a severity that actually defies description, I know so, I have lived in that hell myself for the last 26 years, & I personally am permanently damaged by them
These ‘ antibiotics’ are actually SO dangerous, & the Iatrogenic injuries often caused by them SO disabling, that they should ONLY be used as a LAST resort drug, that is the situation when every other suitable antibiotic for the bacterial strain concerned has been exhausted, nothing has worked, & the only other alternative is the patients death.
Fluoroquinolone toxicity is actually one of the biggest, if not the biggest Big Pharma caused disasters of all time.
Please google fluoroquinolone toxicity / fluoroquinolone associated disability ( FQAD ) for further information on this hidden crime against humanity .
I can’t believe I made it this far in life (45) without getting educated on cancer. And I don’t mean the barbarism in the AMA FDA approve brochures they allow you have.
Not only have I been a happily-ignorant, blinder-wearing, donkey in denial but, after 2 months, *that’s 8 weeks! And at least one MD for every week and at least 2 know-it-all, only they care enough, Physicians Assistants *FOR EVERY ONE OF THOSE WEEKS and NOT ONE of them thought a few words on diet were of any pertinence. What the heck Humans?!!!
Needless to say the refrigerator and pantry is being cleared and scrubbed and the juicer is front and center again.
This is all new to my family member-patient and pretty much the opposite of his normal palate so, I ask wherever I go for any recipes and formulas to ease into this whiplash of the taste buds.
Thank you for this site,
Loved One Caregiver
I went to the oncology dept at a University that shall remain not named for now. I was/am still ambulatory. But I wanted to hit this cancer from every direction and I thought I could get some advice seeing how I was left to muddle through some serious metabolism problems that caused me to gain a lot of weight. I learned first hand after many phone calls that nutritional guidance is reserved for people who are way far gone in the bowels of Chemo. People who are emaciated and lying on the threshold of death’s door.
UH? Seriously?
Its like every thing I have read and witnessed. All alternative therapies which would include nutrition MUST accompany Chemo, and cannot be employed while the patient can still go the bathroom independently.
What purpose does that serve?
It satisfies a Self Fulfilling Prophecy wherein failure is immanent due to how the steps are arranged in treatment.
IF you win the lottery and get better for a time, then the Chemo worked. If you dont get better after chemo and these other integrative therapies are used, and you die–it’s proof that integrative and alternative therapies don’t work AND even hinder the “conventional treatments”.
That’s what passes for logic these days. I have seen better reasoning out of medieval heroic medical manuals. I suppose next they are going to drill holes in our heads to let the demons out?
they declare you dead before you dead.
I would like to add one more to the list. You will be on this the rest of your life. This doctor seems to have only one phrase to tell her patients. Patient after patient coming out of her office this is what they are all told. You will be on this the rest of your life and you know what that means when it stops working you are toast.
One of the worse things thatt doctors seem to do is keep you waiting by sitting PM their hands. In the meantime, your disease gets worse and worse…
By the way, has anyone heard from this woman doctor from Milan – a certain Aleta Edwin (aletedwin@Gmail.com)? Her cure has eight ingredients she is offering for€!900 ($1000)… Anyone?
My above statement: doctors sit on their hands for long periods of time keeping you in suspense as your disease gets worse and worse.
Any successful result from that eight-herb remedy?
Kathy, which clinic did you go to? I am strongly considering it.
My moms doctor told her today that her cancer is incurable! What do you think about that? How would that make you feel if your Doctor told you that?
my wife has stage 4 breast cancer for 4 years now and it has spread through her bones. the cancer ate through her leg above her knee. they put a bar from her hip to her knee. now they wan t to do radiation on her leg. is this a good ideal or are the doctors just wanting to make more money
We are so sorry to hear about what your wife is going through right now. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Wishing you and your wife all the best!
I had stage 3 colon cancer. Had surgery. Declined chemo. Oncologist said I would die without chemo. I knew I would die if I did chemo. I have no sign of cancer and am very healthy more than 2 years after diagnosis. I made no changes in diet but do feel I should eat less sugar, and I want to do that. I have been vegetarian my entire adult life. I do eat dairy, eggs, and occasional tuna.
Research shows colon cancer patients who fare best had at least 40 lymph nodes removed. My surgeon got 47 in my abdomen. I don’t notice them gone. You have many there.
After the cancer surgery, I found out I had large ovarian cysts —
polycystic ovary syndrome, I finally figured out from symptoms I’d had all my life. The body makes too much male hormones with this. I found out women with this are susceptible to colon cancer. The colon has many estrogen receptors, needs estrogen. My body was very hormone imbalanced. The estrogen replacement I’ve been on for 20 years after menopause was not enough to fight the amount of androgens my body was making. I had my ovaries removed, and immediately that night my body signaled me to lower my estrogen patch dose, bigger dose no longer needed. I will always have PCOS, however. It is a whole-body endocrine disorder.
Research shows rate of colon cancer survival is highest in those who do surgery but no chemo. Medical establishment doesn’t tell you this.
I have Gilbert’s syndrome, inborn deficiency in liver enzymes. Ten percent or so of people have it. Gilbert’s people tend to die if given chemo.
My oncologist was ignorant and a bully. I never went back after first visit. Pray for yourself and state to yourself that you must keep going for specific stated reasons. Mine were and are my grandchildren.
I hope this will help someone. Bless you.
A headache and ER trip told me I had a brain tumor. My PCP said ‘get your affairs in order’. It’s been over 20 years now…it’s grown such a tiny amount! Hardly worth mentioning. I went to the funeral home, made arrangements, got a will. All stressing for nothing!
I had a spinal (sacral) tumor. I was told it was a nerve sheath, then lymphoma by major famous world wide hospitals. WRONG. It was castlemans disease. They took bone thinking it was cancer. Now I live in chronic pain; have trouble walking. I had 3 opinions and traveled to get ‘the “best”‘ HA! Thankfully to God it was unicentric so only one tumor. Pain is no way to live but I manage with help. If I had been very young, I don’t know.
Be very careful. You DO have time to get opinions.
Hi Lynne,
Thanks for sharing your story with us. We hope that others find it useful and hopeful. Thanks for being part of our mission!
My Oncologist said he and the radiology doctor discussed my 6×4cm tumor in lung and mammory lymph node with the surgeon and it was determined that surgery to remove tumor was NOT an option. After radiation and chemo treatments were under way, my oncolgist made a comment that contradicted the statement regarding surgery “not” being an option.
He was caught off guard and admitted surgery could’ve been a possibility but they chose a different treatment plan. When I asked what surgeon he and the radiology doctor had conferred with, he stated they didn’t, that it was the radiology doctor’s stance that they go with statistically founded/common radiation and chemo route. I was/still am, very upset about the lies and having to suffer coughing throughout every single day because treatment only reduced the tumor to 2×2cm. My chronic coughing wad explained as the lung knowing there’s a foreign body and is trying to cough it out.
Also, no maintenance meds were prescribed during this 3mo wait for first checkup scan.
More appalling and upsetting;
When I asked my radiology doctor WHY they chose not to remove the tumor first or even after it had shrunk away from other organ, he said “you won’t find a surgeon that would spend that amount of money to remove a tumor, knowing (stage 4 metastatic breast cancer) the cancer will return.