T-Mobile recently announced that its new 5G network, already underway in 30 cities, will be available on its prepaid service in 2019. As carriers race to build the 5G networks of the future, one must ask: is 5G safe?
What is 5G?
Here are the basics: 5G stands for 5th Generation. It’s simply the latest iteration of wireless service. It promises to be faster, and to allow more devices to connect by utilizing higher frequencies, known as “millimeter waves”. These waves have a much shorter range, and so telecom companies will need to build hundreds of thousands of towers to transmit them.
With estimated speeds 10 to 20 times faster than the current networks and the ability to connect more devices, there’s a clear incentive for 5G capacity. Carriers expect to launch in 2019, and have been working aggressively build their networks. This means more towers – and more harmful radiation.
What Are the Risks?
It’s estimated that 95% of U.S. adults use cellphones; by 2021, there may be as many as 28 billion devices online. At TTAC, we’ve discussed the carcinogenic effects of cell phone radiation, which will be made worse by the addition of hundreds of thousands of new towers.
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) initiated its own studies on the long-term health effects of cell phone radiation, in part because not much is known about this topic and because current safety guidelines seek only to protect users from acute injury because of the heat that cell phones generate.
Partial findings, reported in May 2016, revealed that the brains and hearts of male rats developed low incidences of tumors.
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) associated with radiofrequency radiation have been shown to trigger oxidative stress, which in turn is known to promote many acute and chronic diseases. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) currently classifies EMFs associated with radiofrequency radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”.
They’ve also been associated with depression and anxiety, DNA damage, and fertility issues.
It is believed that one’s proximity to cell towers increases the risk of negative effects from EMFs. As 5G networks are erected, it may become all but impossible to avoid them.
What Can We Do?
With such a massive increase in cell towers already underway, it’s important that we protect ourselves as much as possible. You’ll want to avoid excessive contact and proximity, so be sure to keep devices in another room at night, and try not to carry them in your clothing. If possible, use a bag or other container for storage.
#1. Reduce use of headphones and chargers. Headphones and chargers can actually increase the EMF exposure from cell phones so don’t use them while they’re charging, and avoid traditional headsets whenever possible.
#2. Opt for an air tube headset. There are several great options for air tube headsets, which can deliver great sound without exposing you to EMF radiation.
#3. Put your phone on airplane mode! Putting your phone on airplane mode when not in use stops connectivity with the towers, which is another great way to avoid harmful radiation.
#4. Use an anti-radiation phone case. There are some great, high quality sleeves that block EMF radiation currently on the market!
#5. Get the Qi Machine! Qi Technologies is a German-patented technology that cancels out the EMF frequency. To protect yourself and your family against the devastating effects of EMFs and create a safe sanctuary against EMFs, click here.
There will be “towers” ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! I read where they will be on light/phone poles every 2 to 8 houses as their reception is very short distance! If 4G is causing problems, imagine what 5G is going to do. But it is BigMoney and BigConvenience so those are hard to turn around. How about inventing EFM resistant suits? …and EFM resistant houses… and cars… and everything?
Apart from the health dangers of 5G too few people are aware that the GWEN towers represent a central control mechanism and have the ability to be lethal weapons. No, this is not conspiracy theory. This is conspiracy fact. Hence the fact that this 5G technology, and the towers that are the mediums, have been rushed through to implementation by ‘the powers that be’ without a full and transparent scientific and public enquiry.
I heard this as well…
PLEASE indicate the Safe headphone options..
my understanding was Bluetooth was harmful whereas direct cord connections were safe.
I note that iPhone’s 10/10/18 update prevents automatically connects to 5G even if you’re in a 2.4G area.
Is there any thing that would shield us from the waves? Even if we could line our bedrooms with something it would give us an 8 hour break from the effects
Should folk be boycotting this or what?
Absolutely, it’s implementation is just around the corner. If we ignore the implementation of 5G, like we did the implementation of 4G ( bet you didn’t see them install your smart meter) we could be caught in an inescapable trap. I realize the smart meter and 5G are not completely the same but I’m merely pointing out the deception that is being used. There are many experts who are pointing out that the effectiveness of 5G is being grossly exaggerated. The safety testing isn’t being credibly done. The animal effect test results have been appalling.
This thing is so close to happening we are almost out of time. The people who are pushing this are enjoying an unimpeded agenda but I don’t believe their underlings really understand the basics of human physiology and the potential disaster they are helping to create.
I suggest that if reasonable minds are listening we should perhaps try this in a 100 sq. mi. forest first. Let it run full blast like it will be in cities, towns and anywhere else there are people. If in six months there are no measurable negative consequences to the trees and animals we can begin to cautiously make assumptions. It’s the lack of any non toxic alternative being offered or even research on such that has spurred my cynicism. This has the scent of population control measure. ( I know: “Put on your tin hat and be quiet”) I’m personally acquainted with people who say they feel rotten but cannot come to any reasonable determination as to why.
So, to end it off I’d like to say: I hope I’m completely wrong but I don’t think so.
” May our minds and wills be strong and our gullibility absent. “
Nobody has mentioned the millions of trees that are being cut down because the signal does not go through leaves. In Gateshead in the UK there has been a recent court case where the local council tried to silence Mark Steelle, a (very well-informed) critic, who has done masses of research into the dangers of 5G. There are many documented cases of cancer, nose-bleeds, insomnia, depression, etc. associated with the new LED lights. 5G is many times more powerful than the present system. It is used by the military and is one of the reason for the many suicides by soldiers which are in far higher numbers than those killed in combat.
I’ve seen the safe sleeve but unfortunately they don’t make them where they can protect your phone if dropped like the otter box. They really need to make them to also protect the phone or make case where they are able to fit a phone in a protective case can fit into the safe sleeve. I’m surprised otter box themselves has not come out with cases that also protect us from the effects of the radiation. I’m constantly on my phone so for me turning it to airplane mode or not using it isn’t an option.
I love your work, been going through withdraw from my pain meds and depression. I am in horrible pain again even though I had one pill a day some relief. Depression, tired of crying, and panic attacks. I hate drug’s! Went from Graves disease to feel horrible on levothroxin. Feel terrible, wish I had Graves back and tHe my changes of dieing.
Feel so horrible, but Cancer so much worse diagnosis. Thank you I tried to watch 3 & 4, Amazon tablet fought hours to get to work. Internet full of kids so I was up.all night to catch last nights. The stress made my restless leg worse. Could not sleep anyway. Thank you with all my heart. I always knew there were cures. United States killed Doctors that cures very cheap, local things. Stole all his case files. I need that skin cream really bad. Tell him to add something that does not harm you in any way. Call it skin moisturizer, sell it again.. Let ones like you know where to buy things that do not have the all natural eating around them. The ones on tv look great, huge real food not here, Frost and freeze warnings tonight. Struggle to not be on welfare, but we need something like this to stop Corperate Crime. I feel insurance is owned by Big Pharma, I worked for one of the big or maybe largest. Very good at hiding even companies, medicinal decisions where ordinary people convince by just people not Drs. Allowed to choose not to cover natural Medical Help. Talk about getting a bullet into you. How you managed to pool this off alive is amazing! I am so grateful we at least know if it is possible for some, and you are delivering it to the world. God Bless you. You are a Soldier for the World of hope against the Giant holding us insurance poor for no Coverage. While out tax paid people have the best? Filtered all the way down, but God sees all. He knows everyone staying quiet out of greed for their one behalf, is not ok by God. I am studying the book of Job, in the Bible where he lost everything he had. Everything, still holding on to his faith God will provide what he neeeded. You are one of these pieces. Telling the World, we have hope. God will reveal how through Godly Soldiers for his neighbor in suffering, to just hear it, is faith. We have faith revealed.
The most deadly part of 5G is being overlooked, 5G produces massive amounts of positively charged ions. So many that the balance of negative and positive ions will be tossed aside.
The result is lower ATP activity* and lower biological cell voltage. We breathe in 28,000 viruses a day, but normal cell voltage repels those viruses. But low and no voltage invites the viruses to lunch. Pneumonia is also repelled by the voltage. But now pneumonia will also move in.
This is why 5G affects all living things in a deadly way. Nothing living is exempt other than viruses and bacteria. This means there will be rampant flu infections almost immediately with no recovery in sight. It really will be an end of society event and it could happen in a week or less!
* The electrolyte ions in our VOLTAGE gated cell channels such as mg, Na, K, and calcium are all positively charged. If they are exposed to a large number of positively charged ions from 5G, the electrolytes will be repelled from their normal activity. In the case of mg, our ATP becomes inactive. Studies from Russia reveal that ATP is lowered 37% due to microwaves. They also found that adrenaline is INCREASED 100%.
Those were from 2-3 hours of exposure. Our exposure will be 24 hours a day.
The only way to escape this scourge will be to buy some land in the boondocks along with a cabin and a high powered rifle to take out any 5G installations that surreptitiously pop up on your property.
The only ones that will benefit from this are the telcos, the depopulation folks (who will burn you out when they discover where you are living, then buy up your land for more towers), and the big pharma and the oncologist populations. It seems that the NWO people and all the elites have been able to get an exception to the installations of 5G on their own dwellings and properties, knowing full well what this will lead to in the end.