Benjamin Franklin’s old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is never more appropriate than when it comes to breast cancer prevention. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, at least 33 percent of breast cancer is preventable. Many natural health practitioners suspect that percentage is actually much higher. By simply adopting healthy lifestyle practices, it is estimated that you can bring that breast cancer prevention figure closer to 50 percent.
It is crucial to learn the things that can put women at higher risk for breast cancer. Not only do you want to avoid these risk factors, but also teach your daughters (and sisters and friends) about them. As a breast cancer coach, I always discuss these important breast cancer prevention tips with my clients.
7 Tips for Breast Cancer Prevention
Better Nutrition Comes from Whole Foods and Organic Foods
A healthy diet that provides good nutrition is the foundation of having good health. It is critical to teach our children how to eat wholesome nutritious foods and avoid packaged, processed foods. The goal is to avoid or minimize sugar, and to get back to the basics of wonderfully prepared natural and organic whole foods including vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and high quality free-range animal foods. Our bodies were designed to operate optimally on a whole foods diet (not a processed foods diet) and certainly not on chicken nuggets, soft drinks, and French fries.
The need for everyone to eat organic produce is at an all-time high due to our fruits and vegetables being so highly sprayed with cancer-causing pesticides. Many foods are genetically modified and it is becoming increasingly clear that GMOs are not safe for us to consume. In addition, soil depletion is occurring, which yields crops that are lower in nutrients than what was being produced just a few decades ago.
Organically grown animal foods are also a much better choice because conventionally raised animals are being pumped full of hormones and antibiotics that are increasing the incidence of breast cancer. These factory farmed animals also eat a diet that is unnaturally high in foods (corn and soy) that promote inflammation (high in omega-6 fats) when we consume them. Choosing organic produce and animal foods (preferably pasture-raised because these animals are, for the most part, eating what nature intended them to eat and will be much lower in omega-6 fats) not only decreases your cancer risk, it is also much better for the planet.
Avoid Toxic Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
Toxic chemicals are now present in just about everything we use in our homes and on our bodies, from dish washing liquid to eye shadow. These chemicals (and there are about 70,000 of them) are known hormone disrupters.
In addition to being toxic and carcinogenic, these substances can increase the estrogen load in the body over time and are difficult to detoxify through the liver. Called “xenoestrogens” (foreign estrogens), they mimic our body’s own estrogen and can alter hormone activity. Growing evidence implicates xenoestrogens in a wide range of human health problems, including breast cancer.
The easy solution is to use non-toxic or organic personal care products and cosmetics. It is important to know that the word “natural” on the label means almost nothing because the product can still contain toxic chemicals. It is best to look for organic certification on the label and to know what ingredients to watch out for. What goes on your skin gets in your bloodstream so it’s important to be proactive about this and to minimize toxic chemicals. What’s in your bloodstream can easily circulate throughout your body and into cells that create your hormones and organs.
Personally, I scrutinize every single thing I put on my body and I suggest you do as well. From nail polish (don’t use it) to hair spray to mascara. A good source of information to determine the relative safety (or dangers) of ingredients in personal care products and cosmetics is the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database.
Move Your Body
The American Cancer Society estimates that half of all cancer deaths could be avoided by practicing healthy lifestyle habits such as simple exercise. Recent research tells us that obesity, especially in the middle-adult years, increases the risk of breast cancer.
It is important to teach your daughter an active lifestyle and it is best to lead by example. Take her hiking, skating, for long walks in parks, have her participate in sports, ballet, dancing. Whatever gets her moving and enjoying physical activity! Also, tell her why it is so important.
Keep Your Cell Phone Away from Your Body and Out of Your Bra
Studies have determined that heavy use of cell phones increases the chance for brain tumors. Children are more vulnerable to electromagnetic frequencies because they have thinner skull bones and smaller heads. Their brain tissue also has a higher conductivity and this puts them at a higher risk.
Although there does not at present appear to be any studies which link breast cancer risk with cell phone use, I have seen too many women use their bras to hold their cell phones. As a cancer coach, I know of several women who tucked their cell phones into their bras and later developed breast cancer in that breast.
A doctor at an alternative cancer clinic being interviewed stated that three women under his care at that time for breast cancer had very often placed their cell phones either under the bra strap or in their bra and developed a tumor in that exact location! We may not know for sure that cell phones cause breast cancer, but it is relatively simple to put your cell phone elsewhere, away from your body.
Use Meditation or Other Relaxation Techniques
It has long been known that prolonged periods of unmanaged stress can lead to diseases such as cancer. Nearly every one of my coaching clients tells me that they were under an extraordinary load of stress in the lead-up to their breast cancer diagnosis. Doctors tend to refute this, but science is starting to catch up and understand how cortisol, the main hormone that is released during periods of stress, can lead to disease such as breast cancer.
One of the best things you can teach your daughter is meditation. Children who learn how to meditate and relax deal more effectively with stress. They also learn how to live in the moment more often, how to distance themselves from stress and anxiety, and how to settle their minds, thus reducing cortisol levels and so much more. Again, this is about you leading by example because if your daughter still lives at home with you, she may be less likely to do this if she doesn’t see you doing it. If you don’t know how, perhaps you can learn and meditate together.
Don’t Smoke and Don’t Drink Alcohol (or Keep it to a Minimum)
You’ve heard this before and it’s so important that it bears repeating. Both smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol puts you at a higher risk for breast cancer, other cancers, and heart disease. Smoking has been linked with increased cancer risk, especially if someone smokes regularly before their first child. If you or your daughter smokes and has trouble quitting, switch to American Spirit additive-free cigarettes. Even better and cheaper is to roll your own with non-toxic paper using organic tobacco. Even getting away from commercial cigarette brands is a huge step in the right direction.
Studies on alcohol have shown that compared with non-drinkers, people that have one alcoholic drink per day have a small increase in risk. However those who have two to five drinks daily increase their breast cancer risk by one-and-a-half times over those who do not drink alcohol.
Avoid Birth Control Pills
Most doctors, after writing a prescription for birth control pills, likely don’t tell their patients, “you are increasing your risk of cancer”. Oral contraceptives increase a woman’s risk of certain cancers. In particular, cancers of the breast, cervix, and liver, says the National Cancer Institute’s own website. A recent study done with African American women revealed that oral contraceptive use increased the risk of estrogen-receptor positive, estrogen-receptor negative, and triple negative breast cancers. The risk declined after a woman stopped using oral contraceptives, but was still a causative factor for estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer for up to 15-19 years after stopping, and even longer for estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer.
Teaching Breast Cancer Prevention by Example
Simply understanding the factors that puts women at a higher risk for breast cancer is not enough. It’s critical for you to live by example and if you don’t know, then learn the breast cancer signs for yourself and teach them to your daughter. Encourage your daughter to be proactive with her health and not expect her doctor to take care of her because they either can’t or won’t.
Each one of us has our own responsibility to be properly informed about breast cancer prevention and websites such as The Truth About Cancer will give you trustworthy and accurate information you can follow. It’s now up to you to take the necessary steps… both for your sake and for the women you love.
Thanks – a few points: you do not mention Vit D which is huge! And you recommend eating “grains” in the same sentence you recommend removing sugar. Grains ARE sugar…at least they convert to sugar immediately, spiking blood sugar, causing inflammation and more. I’m surprised you’d recommend eating them.
Whole grains don’t convert to sugar right away. Processed ones do.
I believe it’s the white processed flour and not organic whole grains that convert to sugar immediately.
Gizella – All grains convert to sugar….well, at least wheat, barley and rye do.
You are correct the science is showing that anything below 30ng/ml of Vit D is the number one cause of
Breast Cancer..
Hi Wallace…that’s the number huh? wow! I also read some studies saying the combo of Vit D and turmeric is a very powerful combo for preventing breast, colon and prostate cancer. In fact, up to 75% of those 3 can be avoided altogether by that combo!
Prevention and early detection, please consider Thermology.
just a note about this….I had thermography done several years ago……It was a very expensive, private procedure and resulted in tons of colourful diagrams, maps, and pages and pages of analysis and projections. Turned out, there was a questionable area on my left breast, and it was suggested that I take note and be mindful of this irregularity, moving into the future. And, of COURSE , it was advised that I have another procedure done in a couple of years to see if there might be any progression, or change. Right breast was completely clear, and there was no cause for concern…. at all.
Four years later…… during an ultrasound, a cancerous area was discovered on my RIGHT breast! I ended up choosing to have a double mastectomy. ( left one removed prophylactically). Needless to say, my personal opinion about thermography is very low.
My advice is to do self exams, limited mammography, and ultrasound….be kind to yourself, eat sensibly, limit the alcohol, and steer clear of as many chemicals and artificial foods as you can. I wish you well. xo
Where is thermology available?
I have to concur that my persona experience with thermography tells me it is not good for diagnosis. When I had a mammogram followed by an ultrasound and then they wanted to do a biopsy, I started looking for thermography in my area because I had read about it before and wanted to try it. So I decided before I let them cut into me, I should see what a thermography showed. It showed a little bit of extra red activity on my left side, but that was it and it was not a diagnosis of cancer or anything concrete enough to go on. I went ahead with the biopsy and ended up having a tumor on my left breast. I wish there were an alternative to ultrasounds, which expose you to radiation, or MRIs, which have the gadolinium. The gadolinium ends up in your brain, and my breast surgeon said they have no idea what the affects are on your brain! So, I wish there were better diagnostic tools that weren’t harmful, but I can tell you from personal experience that the thermogram did not catch it.
1. How do I get off contraceptives and control acne? I am 26, and I would still get serious face acne without the pill. However, I am really concerned about breast cancer, since I already have a couple of suspicious lumps.
2. My husband is much older than me, and he would also consider vasectomy – is it safe to have it done?
Any input would be great appreciated! Thanks and blessings from us!
Just stop taking the pill. You are the one putting it in your mouth. STOP! I have never, ever taken any kind of birth control.
As far as acne, have your vitamin and mineral levels checked, deficiencies in some can cause acne like B vitamins and zinc for example. Also, a couple months after you get off the pill I would get your sex hormones checked as well. Sex hormone imbalance can also cause acne. The pill causes estrogen dominance in many cases and can also cause endocrine dysfunction (thyroid, adrenals and sex hormones). I was put on the pill, and was on it for years, I wish I never would’ve taken it, it caused me many problems. As far as a vasectomy for your husband, you didn’t state his age just that he’s much older. If he is in good health I wouldn’t see why he couldn’t have it done, it’s a relatively easy and quick procedure done as an outpatient. Just consult with a Dr about it. Just make sure if he does have it done that he goes back for the follow up check to make sure it was successful. My neighbors had a 4th baby because he didn’t go back for the final check!
From personal and professional experience – if you clean up your diet from sugar, trans-oils and dairy products, and follow the dietary recommendations in the article, and the stress management tips in the article, you will most likely get rid of your acne… Just know you have to give it time, and it might get worse before it gets better (during the initial cleansing process your body will go through when you clean up your diet).
Raw and organic dairy is very good!
Nubian Heritage makes a black soap that took away my chronic pimples. It got worse before it got better when I started using the soap apparently because every time it “draws” more things to the surface. But now I’ve been free of them for 5 years!! Only when I stop using that soap for several months does it start to come back. Also I second the natural diet advice. My sis had that problem and breaks out every time she eats eggs and cheese (which is too bad since eggs and cheese are amazing). Also… I hear good things about maca for hormone balance…. and relief of mental stress. Stress can cause pimples too (isn’t it ironic they show up when we need them least)!!
Try cutting out dairy. I know several women who experience acne breakouts as a mild allergic reaction to dairy products.
Dear Manuela
Take Lugol’s solution iodine. Iodine is needed in all glands that secrete, it sits in the skin and kills bacteria. See the work of Jerry Tennant in Chapter 6 of Healing is Voltage.
Also Marilyn – there is another major ommission in your article – Breast Cancer is linked directly to IODINE deficiency – please see the book by Lynne Farrow – The IODINE CRISIS
Kind regards
I had skin trouble too until I saw a hormone Doctor who put me on Natural Progesterone. I also wanted to get off the pill in my mid 20s as it made me feel depressed. The natural progesteron takes about 2 years to build up in your system, but skin improved dramatically. Stopped using it and oestrogen doninant symptoms eventually came back along with the over abundance of pimples. Just got to find a good hormone Dr. Saliva testing of your hormones is supposedly more accurate too.
They forgot that wearing bras contribute to breast cancer.
I agree. The wrong kind of bras that is. I would like to see an article on that.
Awesome free eBook on loving your breast naturally:
I believe its the metal underwires….something to do with the wifi and it “finding” the wires…stimulating the wire and being close to a number of organs, it causes cancers. There is a study in PubMed about this…and it found the longer you wear your bra daily, the higher the breast cancer risk. If you wear it to bed (as some large-busted women have to, for comfort), your risk of getting breast cancer is extremely high. So, ladies, take off your bra when you get home….or do as I have done, purchase plastic underwires and replace all of the wire!
Where can you get plastic under wires
Thank you shelly
Not all bras, but those with wires – they are antennas directing harmful radiation from electromagnetic sources directly to delicate tissue!
You are right Laura thanks for sharing . Take Chaga capsules from and you will be protecting your self from getting Breast Cancer . The US government is saying this on Pub Med . It is anti Cancer .
All grains create inflammation in the body. I love them but won’t eat them and most especially because most grains are now sprayed with Roundup (potent pesticide/herbicide) as a dessicant (drying agent) which never comes off the plant and is ground up in the various grain flours. If you eat grains they should be organic.
Yes eomccormick, grains cause inflammation (brain and body), increases blood sugar to silly levels, and doing this breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack snack snack keeps the body constantly trying to neutralize the sugar in our blood….setting the table for diabetes! It also has gliaden in it, which makes us always want to eat!! thus: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack snack snack. The pesticides etc are another matter and poison our organs too…nice huh?!
Whole food diet, no sugar, dandelion & budock root teas. Find support from a natural healer to deal with your acne. Prescribing the pill for acne is one of the big BS ways pharma keeps women hooked on synthetic body physiology control.
What is the cause of acne?
Thanks for this article. I teach these things in regards to health and healing in general. I will share this with my high school health class as we are now doing our Human Sexuality / Relationships unit. Good timing.
Look up “backing soda face and body wash” to get rid of acne almost instantly. It’s powerful.
What are your thoughts on breast screening by having a mammogram?
Let’s not forget to talk with our sons, as well.
If I could add one more. Your hair dressing shop has the most toxic substances you can find any where. I lost a good friend because of Cancer from her owning a beauty salon . So if you want to end up as a beautiful cadaver in a box go to your local hair dresser once a month. Many hairdressers are now changing and using all natural products Please find them I don’ want you to suffer and die like my friend did in Barry’s Bay. Remember this… “a man will love your heart not your looks if he is real and in the morning our your smile and heart shines not the way your hair looks.
Acne can be changed from the inside out with good diet. Also, I know someone that had Candida and was given the right diet plan and the right supplements and the acne cleared along with other issues.
Find a naturopathic doctor or functional medicine doctor to get you on right path.
And breastfeed your babies!!! For as long as possible, for their health and yours!
Glad to hear someone finally mentioned that. It is super important in preventing breast cancer research shows in mothers who nursed and their daughters. Of course, it has a ton of other benefits for both mom and baby. I am still shocked that no one works on getting breast feeding the standard in our country. It would significantly reduce breast cancer and cost nothing-except an advertising/education campaign.
Nice tips but you shoulde edit #1 to read eliminating animals from the diet all together. Consuning meat from rass fed animals may be a step in the right direction but us as humans were not intended to eat animals. Have you read The China Study? The information is out there. People need to be vegan for true cancer prevention.
Hi Mel,
Thanks for the suggestion!
I’ve heard the China Study has been debunked…it’s crooked. Forget the deets, but it’s not above board. Anyone else hear this?
I find it amazing that checking your vitamin D level yearly is not on this list. Anti-cancer levels are optimal at 75. Most people test around 30, and uniformed medical doctors think this is fine. It’s not. Studies show that a very high percentage of women with breast cancer had low vitamin D levels. I supplement with 40,000 IU of D3 with K, 4 times a week and have been doing so for years. That is the advice I gave my 29 year old daughter. Her doctor tested and did indeed put her on a Vitamin D regimen as her level was in the low 30’s. Estrogen dominance being another huge contributing factor, should be kept in check as well, but is a more costly and complicated test and treatment (it is imperative that one uses only bio-identical hormones prescribed by a physician educated in anti-aging restorative medicine) that unfortunately, insurance companies won’t cover. Perhaps the new administration will help insurance companies “see the light” – that healthy individuals will cost them less money in the long run.
Look up Steam Ozone Therapy which is not that expensive to setup and it’s very very effective on soft breast tissues, my wife use to have lumps on her breast that needs massaging out periodically but since the use of steam ozone therapy all the lumps are gone and it only took about 3 half hour sessions to clear completely. The reason it works is because cancer cells ‘hates’ oxygen (or alkaline) as it will not survive in an oxygen rich (or an alkaline) environment.
Anti-perspiration is a terrible thing to put on the skin close to a large collection of lymph nodes. It is not a good idea to block sweat glands so just deodorant would be the better choice. Better still use non toxic, organic health food store brands like Toms or the salt one. My adolescent daughter developed swollen lymph nodes from anti persperant, and didn’t tell me right away. I didn’t realize she had bought that product. Luckily
the nodes shrunk after switching products. Also conventional tampons are a nightmare of toxic chemicals. It is not worth the risk, either don’t use them or buy the cotton ones from a health food store.
You can use colloidial silver as an anti perspiration. I’ve been using it for a year now and it us great. You can make it yourself which can save you some money too.
As far as deodorant or anti persperants, due to aluminum
In these products, go to health food store
And buy a crystal rock, all natural, lasts for years, no fragrance!!!! Works great!!
As a father, I am just as concerned about my daughter’s health than her mother. I don’t see anything on this list that a father cannot talk with his daughter about. Why are these just for mothers?
Great, to the point article. This is one I can share with several women. I would also appreciate an article on the importance of a properly fitting bra. Thank you.
Re acne and birth control pills. You probably have acne because you are eating something that does not agree with you. Are you eating gluten and dairy? Cut these out of your diet and you will probably find that the acne clears up. There are many gluten allergies that are not able to be tested for yet but that does not mean that you are not gluten sensitive. My daughter had acne and did not test positive for gluten HOWEVER when gluten was removed from her diet within 3 months her skin was clear. Gluten is full of pesticides and is generally GMO so get it out of your diet. It takes about 3 months to clear the bad effects from your system so be patient and look for hidden gluten in almost everything processed. If you are concerned about breast cancer also get rid of the dairy as it is filled with hormones and growth factors even organic. If you must have some cheese try french, or Italian fetas parmesan OK also.
Marnie – I’d like to see you ad one ting to the personal care products and that is only buy fragrance free. Many undisclosed carcinogenic chemicals are in that one word “fragrance”. Pressure congress to remove the fragrance loophole.
I am a 24 year survivor this month. I also turn 80 this month. Hard to believe. I lost my mother and her younger sister to breast cancer. My mom at 63. I did not have the same kind of cancer. Not sure about my mom and her sister. They both smoked a long time, both divorced, and both drank. But their mom lived to 99 and her mom to 93.
I only drink if I go out to eat with someone and have only one drink. I don’t go out much, so I have to say, I am not much of a drinker. And I don’t smoke. I exercised faithfully fo 20 years. Since retiring from work in a corporate environment, I walk most days. Osteoarthritis is my biggest pain. I also have osteoporosis. I took some of those drinks for a number of years, until Reclast did something to my legs. It took a year for them to feel better. I stopped those drugs, and that was about 12 years ago.
I don’t eat as healthy as I should, but I do try. Not a lot of meat. I have always had a sweet tooth and have something sweet daily. I realize I am addictive, and am trying to stop, but it is hard. I know it would health the arthritis. I need to eat more veggies and fruit.
I take supplements daily and believe they have helped. I have to take small doses of drugs for blood pressure and thyroid. I also have to use Advair for my lungs, as whooping cough left some damage to them. I try and not use it any more than I have too.
I have always been small, and never weighed over 115 except when pregnant. I weighed 110 for a long time, and then down to 105 for a long time and now, 99. I am in a research program at UCSD, and they have tested our health in many weights. They said I was prediabetic, which was a shock. But my primary tested and said as long as I stay away from sweets and don’t gain a lot of weigh, I should be okay. Not uncommon as we age.
I have a daughter 57, and she works out a lot, but I think she likes her wine too much. She was a smoker when young, but stopped. I pray she does not go through this disease. Good luck to all.
you must be meaning something else when you mention a woman holding a cellphone in her bra. ı never heard or see anyone doıng that. can you make ıt clear please. thanks for the article. there is good advice in it.
I’ve read about women holding cell phones in their bras and the cancer caused by this. Look it up, but be careful of FDA or Health Canada sites…they are BIG PHARMA shills.
Nursing babies helps prevent breast cancer. My maternal grandmother and her oldest daughter (who nursed no more than one baby) both had breast cancer. My mother nursed six babies and did not. (I nursed three sons.)
Genetics and the pill given me when I went through menopause caused my breast cancer. A couple of months after I started taking the hormone pill going through menopause, I told my ob-gyn that it made my left breast hurt. He said, “You’ll be taking it the rest of your life.” In his defense, that’s what the medical journals and reviews put out by the drug company said. A close friend, a nurse, whose husband was an internist, listened to her body and stopped taking the drug immediately. I finally quit after several years. My cancer was in the left breast.
My sister who nursed her children has not had breast cancer. My sister who is fifteen years younger than I and who adopted her children (so could not nurse them) came down with breast cancer nine months after I did.
Marnie, I think you should comment also on the data suggesting that it is better to have children starting before age 25 and to nurse each child for a year. That data is easy to find and pro-family.
Dear All, Am today forwarding this article and all the comments to my daughter. Thanks! Best, Carolyn Johnsen
Another way to prevent breast cancer is to not have an abortion . There is a connection with abortion and breast cancer that has been ignored by the medical profession for far too long. It is not informed consent that women do not know that there is a definite correlation between the two. I believe that this explains part of the increase of this type of cancer.
For our family it is constant “unsolicitated advice” from family and sometimes friends concerning how we raise our children. For instance ” why don’t you just feed them normal foods” or this one is great ” you don’t feed your children!!” All because we eat all organic, no candy and Some processed organic foods. For instance it was my fathers birthday and I gave my kids a slice of cake and some ice cream. After they were done my uncle loaded their plates with more cake and ice cream. He knew they just had some but felt they needed more?? This is also similar to Christmas time. Each family member will bring 5 gifts a piece for my children? Why? It’s this idea that more is better. After Christmas I am completely overwhelmed with the whole room full of gifts. Let’s call it a total of 200. This is real and our house is tiny btw. On another note, my oldest daughter will come home with candy and tell me her teacher gave it to her for being good at school. My point is that people look at me like I’m crazy for saying no thank you to their offer of cookies and candy for my kids on a daily basis or to my kids playing a game on their iPhone. God forbid my child should learn to sit quietly without any technology.
What are your recommendations when it comes to mammograms? Because I am over 50 I receive letters from a screening program for breast cancer to have one done every two years.
I don’t think it is just oral contraceptives. There are other forms of contraceptives that have estrogen.
And regarding comments about acne – diet is huge here. I would much rather have acne than breast cancer.
You are correct, any birth control with hormonal basis is trouble: shots, implants cervical rings, pills, IUDs, etc. Altering normal reproductive and glandular physiology with fake hormones disturbs body health right down to the cells.
some people need to use to these to keep their mental state balanced-
Re acne: sodas of any kind, diet or regular need to be eliminated from diet. Chronic stress can also lead to acne. I like the dandelion and burdock root tea idea, very cleansing. Try simple 5 min. daily or longer of meditation. Relax.
A few suppliments I suggest are Vit. D, selenium, DIM, green tea extract and turmeric for breast cancer prevention.
I agree with Carol — lack of Vitamin D is the biggest problem. I have very fail skin and stayed out of the sun for fear of skin cancer. Now I know I almost killed myself because of that. I had stage 3 breast cancer because my vitamin D levels were off the chart low. I now go in the sun for at least 1/2 hour every day and when there is no sun I take vitamin D supplement — The other 7 items you mention are good ones especially the estrogen (don’t take it in any form) but you Must keep your vitamin D levels up — get tested.
Way to go Karen!! Keep Vit D on the high side of the range, and also eat turmeric (with pepper, to help absorb). The combo is powerful!!! All the very best and enjoy the splendid sunshine!!
For the woman concerned about acne. I had chronic acne since the age of fifteen. Look into getting a near infrared sauna as the bulb in this will heal your acne. It only took two months for my acne to heal after having it and believing I’d have my scars from the acne for life. Also research nutritional balancing. I was turned away by many naturopaths who gave up on me because they ran out of excuses as to why I was breaking out. It’s time for you to find the healing you deserve.
great to see in print from Dr.’s and researcher’ think my grand daughter will more thoughtfully gleen information from this than when I tell her these things-thank you
Hello Blessed Family; The website called Mind Valley shows through muscle testing how a underwire bras can disrupt the energy flow through the maridians and need rebalanceing. Also in woman who when at a early age have been touched/ fondled by another can develope breast lumps. Also the hormones can be balanced by using the accupressure points on the inside of the legs just below the knee joints in the hollow above where the inside of the calf muscle begins to protrude. They will pulse in approx. 3 minutes and repeared twice more / day until hormones are balanced. Again a form of muscle testing/ dowsing will help in the knowing. With things as abuse of any nature Forgiveness is important in the healing of the body. For cancer homyopathy can be useful along with Forgiveness. Loving Blessings. Yourself called alan.
I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE ALL THE INFORMATION PRESENTED AND SHARE IT WITH MANY. At this time I am 83 and in good health. I was very fortunate in 1994 to be introduced to Melaleuca products that are manufactured right here in America and contain no toxic chemicals, chlorine bleach, ammonia, abrasives, phosphates, fillers, phthalates, triclosan, parabens or, formaldehyde. Cleaning products are not required to even have child proof caps. I do not buy anything at any stores that I can buy from Melaleuca and there are over 500 products to choose from and all are scientifically proven to be effective. There are products for nutrition and weight loss, sports nutrition and healthy foods, medicine cabinet, personal care, skin care and cosmetics, home cleaning, laundry and dish care products. There is also a line of Essential Oils that are purity tested and quality guaranteed. I have helped many others to shop at Melaleuca, also, so they could enjoy all the health benefits I do. I love to help others protect their health as well. I am always available to share with others. Sincerely, Louise Alford
Good info, thanks for sharing Alan.
The videos talked alot about iodine’s key role in preventing breast cancer as well.
No, actually, whole wheat has more wheat germ agglutinin and apigenein that white flour. Both convert to glucose at about the same rate.
Right on Daniel!
I think it’s important to include adequate iodine, which is essential for breast health as well as ovaries and other parts of the female plumbing (no offense meant). Do a search on Dr. Jorge Flechas, who has done much research on iodine. It is most important for pregnant women to have adequate iodine levels, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy because the thyroid of afetus does not start development until that time and iodine is important for proper neuro development. Look into it!
If you don’t want to mention the studies that show the link between abortion and breast cancer, then it appears to me that you do not want to explain all the risks. Several studies show a correlation between abortion and breast cancer, and this is about science, not politics. Please tell people the TRUTH about the breast cancer and abortion link.
I have never heard of the abortion/breast cancer link Phyllis! I’d appreciate the link to the study/studies.
I guess it depends on the individual, but I really needed birth control pills for my dysmenourea. I started taking birth control pills at age 17 and continued for 30 years with no side effects. I quit taking them at age 47 and went directly into menopause. I’m 66 now and no problems whatsoever with hormones, although I used Progesterone cream for several years after menopause. I also had the great side benefit of clearing up my acne when I firs started on the pill. My hormones never seem to balance themselves so I needed that hormone therapy, although I suppose everyone has different needs.
Thanks guys for all of your comments, I am learning a great deal xx
Breastfeeding your children is a huge step to take in avoiding breast cancer. Did you miss that one somehow?
How come this article did not mention the benefits of breastfeeding in preventing cancer? This is the most important tip! Breastmilk lays the foundation of the intestinal tract bacteria for the rest of the child’s life (formula does not do this). Without breastmilk, the intestinal lining is lacking its most important foundation for a healthy life.
Please everyone Look for a Picture / Diagram of both the Stomach Meridian and it’s parner the Spleen Meridian. under Chinese Medicine.
Above everything we are Chi beings Chi runs through our body in a very organized fashion. When Chi becomes blocked in the breast area from wearing tight Bras or Underwire Bras OR from stress related issues such as Worry or Anxiety versus a place of Peace and Contentment.
Balanced qualities regarding : Groundedness, Stability, Good Boundaries, Sympathy, Compassion, Personal Power PLUS Contentment and Acceptance of our life ! Unbalanced Symptoms Will create Symptoms of Breast Ovarian, Uterine Problems Because of an overactive mind, flesh or muscular disorder, menstrual irregularities, Anemia, and digestive problems. Overprotective of home and family creates worry/anxiety.
Love your post Alan. Acne is caused by a chronic Strep infection. Improving the immune system with eating lots of fruits, vegetables and eliminating dairy, wheat, animal fats, sugar etc will help clear your skin and keep the chronic strep infection at bay. Sleep, prayer, positive affirmations, getting out in nature and doing a detox cleanse will all strengthen the immune system as well.
I don’t remember the exact number but I know it was huge….. Breastfeeding!!! The number of years a woman spends breastfeeding decreases the risk of breast cancer by a very large significance. Is this too sensitive a thing to inform woman of yet another benefit to nursing their babies? No one need feel guilty if they haven’t or they don’t. But that shouldn’t stop us from spreading the info.
In other words mothers should support every effort if your daughter is breastfeeding. Encourage her to do it the best and the longest that she can. Even if you didn’t.
I cannot believe believe Breastfeeding is not on this list. Check the research, it protects both the Mom and the baby from Cancer in so many ways!
One other point that was not included was the abortion breast cancer link. Having an abortion changes breast cells.
Quoting the American Cancer society didn’t win me over. Yes, physical activity is important, but leave off using them to support your case.
two things to point out-organic food can be very pricey and drinking a glass of wine is supposed to be healthy for you-
As I always say, pay now or pay later. If more people support organic farming, the prices will balance out. We should also pressure our legislature to enact subsidies for organic farmers and not just the meat and dairy industry, (factory farms) which are causing disease.conditions to increase, think diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer to name a few.
Organic produce reduces the risk of these diseases, so it’s a win-win.
For underarm deodorant I run both my hands under running water shake of access, dip fingers into box of baking soda and rub it in my underarms. It works excellent .
Another option is organic coconut oil
A great and easy way to detox and lower cholesterol and overall keep healthy is to put 2 heaping spoonfuls of psyllium in whatever liquid you like, wait 5 minutes and eat it with a spoon. I eat mine with slightly warm coconut milk. Delicious. Enjoy. Get the organic psyllium.
Good idea! Thanks, Louise Alford
The proper term is ‘thermography’.
Please read “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox” by Kate Rheaume- Bleue BSc, ND. Anyone that talks about Cancer needs to know the involvement of K2 in cell regulation and how much it is involved in the development of cancer. Without knowledge of the role of K2 in the body, the picture is incomplete.
Thank you!
About mammography it is said in the book “The Truth About Cancer” that it is very bad for 3 reasons: 1- If there is a tumour, the pressure could make the cancer cells to break and diffuse among the body. 2- The use of X rays can also cause cancer. 3- There are many false positive results with this test, which mean you can be told you probably have a tumour when you really don’t. And then you are pushed to have a chemiotherapy for nothing, which can cause you more harm than good. Beside, there are other tests more efficient with no bad secondary effects. I don’t remember precisely about those other tests and I can’t actually check it out because I lent my book.
A large-breasted woman with whom I used to work routinely carried her cell phone in her bra.
Hello Familly; I feel that abortion is usually not without Feelings, we tend to separate what feelings come with a experience from the physical. Feelings of Guilt, Regret, Fear etc, all contribute to our health and well being. Feelings cause a chain reaction in our bodies that are toxic to Body, Mind and to our Spirit as they are all one. Experience and feelings can cause a imbalance of vitamines and minerals and other chemicals that the body has a balance of when there is harmony. Happiness and Joy the body responds to, I can feelit when I am smiling or not, both are tangable and real. Celebrate when you eat, Celebrate when you drink, watch the children and they will teach you how to live. Eating and drinking when we are sad or angry changes the way our body process the ingested food or drink, it introduces the same within. We are in a relationship with life. With all Love, Honour and Respect. Yourself called alan.
Even organic grains can have roundup in them.
You are correct John, but it is mostly the mom’s who talk about these issues with their daughters. Not so much fathers. We leave them to talk to our sons. But, it is not gender specific by any means. If you and your daughter are comfortable with this, go for it! 🙂
Great information! I provide infrared thermography scans for women to access the health of their breast, as well as, teach them to be proactive in their breast and overall health. This is so important especially in today’s toxic world.
I take my own hair supplies to the hair dresser and he is o.k. with using them because I know how toxic all those products are. I use Sei Bella from Melaleuca….there are no dangerous chemical is any of their hair products, nail products, make up etc. I never buy any of these things in stores. I would be happy to show you how you can get them, too. Sincerely, Louise Alford
You are so right about rock salt crystal deodorants being a extremely effective and healthy choice. a must have for all as it limites toxicity from Aluminum and Chlorohydrate. both are hazardous to human health
I might be wrong but, about sweat smell, I notice that it is worst when I wear tight cloth, mainly if they are colored. I suspect the cloth dye to react with sweat. It could be worst with some fabrics and some colours.
And what about the effect on the heath if the dye penetrate the skin?
My friend always put her phone beside her when she sleeps and always drinking alcohol I think she should know about this.
That’s an extremely unhealthy habit, unless it’s on airplane mode and she’s only using it for the wake-up alarm . Not only is it disruptive to the sleep cycle, but The EMF”s can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and even cancer.