Editor’s note: The following post is by Barbara Gannon, who was featured as one of our Cancer Survivor stories in October 2017. You can find out more about Barb’s healing from a diagnosis of terminal Stage 4 mesothelioma and Stage 2 breast cancer here and here.
G’Day TTACers,
So you feel you have been handed a bad deck of cards…
So “they” say it doesn’t look good…
So it’s scaring you half to death…
Can I give you some “Aussie style” heartfelt advice? It’s time to “Toughen up, princess!”
Does that sound harsh?
Maybe it is. Yet you know what? It’s all done from a perspective of good and that is love!
Maybe you are feeling sorry for yourself: “why me, why now… why, why, why?”(By the way, you need to stop using the word “why.” Why does not resolve anything. You need to change your words!)
“But Barbara” (you say). “You just don’t know about MY cancer journey. It’s so different than yours (or anyone else’s).”
STOP Right There!!!
Stop now, for goodness sake, and please watch what you say. Don’t say it’s “MY Cancer.” Because you keep saying “MY Cancer,” and guess what, it IS yours. You have taken ownership and it’s becoming you.
It’s absorbing your mind, your psyche, your body, your very essence. It’s becoming the sole focus of your existence. That is not empowerment; that is becoming a victim. And as God says, that is one thing you are not.
Look, God wants you to stand up, be courageous, and put this disease in its correct place, where it deserves to be. You don’t “own” a flu, a cold, or a broken arm, do you? Nor do you own cancer! And yes, I know fully well this is more than a cold.
Yet, your words speak volumes about where your state of mind is, or is not… Be the STORM!
So, are you getting angry yet? Good!
Make sure it’s a righteous anger. The anger that makes you say “NO! No further!” The line in the sand is drawn… Cancer is NOT a Death Sentence, and by God I will prove it for his Glory! I am, and as many are also becoming (on a daily basis), a walking testimony to what God intended for us all – a happy, healthy life.”
A bit of Aussie “tough love”? Definitely! Will there be some who will get offended by my directness and matter of fact delivery? Most likely. Do I understand what you are going through? Yes, I believe I do.
Do I have the right to make these comments? Feel free to judge that for yourselves. I am still cancer free into my 3rd year since diagnosis, with NO CHEMO and NO RADIATION.
That’s right, you read correctly. And not a case of “she did chemo then turned to natural therapies.” Nope, I did NONE of these. Please realize that my healing was achieved with ALL natural healing treatments and a huge change in diet from the very start.
Incidentally, I had a terminal diagnosis and was given 3 to 6 months to live (Mesothelioma, aka Asbestos cancer. There is NO cure for this type of cancer and it’s pretty well a given that you die fast… and painfully).
That was 3 years ago. And guess what? I am still here! (I won’t go into my story in detail here, but you can read about it in this previous TTAC post).
Most of us have arrived at The Truth About Cancer some way or another. Maybe we or a loved one have been touched by this horrible disease called cancer. But let’s not beat around the bush, as the expression goes. It’s time for us all to stand up and take back control over our bodies.
I wish I could stand right next to you to give you a great big hug, a pat on the back, or if required, a kick up the bum (whichever is needed the most). Regardless, Be the Storm! Think for yourselves and learn to ask informed questions.
Let me briefly explain…
After my ongoing journey was published as a Survivor Story on TTAC, I had a lot of inspiring “Go Girl” type comments and for that I give a heartfelt thanks. Other comments took my breath away; they were beautifully sad, yet inspiring. Others were written from a point of hurt, anger, definite absolute frustration, and denial.
For those of us who are broken, for those of us who are angry, let me empathize with you. I have been there and it’s truly horrible. I understand that this is a scary place to be in right at this moment. I stand here beside you screaming “JUST DON’T GIVE UP!”
If handled in an informed, empowered way, this phase too shall pass. I stand here beside you to give you hope that cancer can be beaten. It is being beaten on a daily basis and with natural treatments. I say again, cancer is NOT a death sentence. Be the Storm!
Becoming the Storm
Instead of commiserating…
Instead of calling this “My Disease” and owning it…
Instead of wanting to give up…
Why don’t we do something completely different and very practical? Something so that you can take your power back and be informed with the ability to ask the right questions. The right questions lead to informed decisions about your own healing journey.
In other words, let’s become the STORM!
Stop being the rain! The rain is blown whenever and wherever by the storm. In this context I think of the rain as doctors, family members, or friends with good intentions who don’t support you in a positive manner while you are going through this fight for your life.
I am not saying that they are bad or evil. In many cases they are simply uneducated, or simply working from a place of fear.
I am also not telling you not to listen to them, but (and it’s a huge but), if they do NOT support you, ask yourself this then: “Who is the Storm?”
Who has the control… you or them?
Do you listen blindly to everything they say, and do everything they want you to do without question? RISE UP people. Start asking questions. I want to encourage YOU to Be the Storm!
What do I actually mean by “Be the Storm”?
Storm is control. Take control back!
Don’t be blown about. Take control back.
How do you do that practically? How do you cut through all the “noise”? How can you find out if what you’ve been told by “experts” (and I say that with caution) is correct?
It’s quite simple really. And this is how I did it. YOU need a method of measurement to be able to compare “apples to apples.” If you can compare, you can measure. If you can measure, you now have control, and most importantly, if you have control you can change the relationship you have with your health professional.
Instead of being a “deer in the headlights,” you can now ask relevant and informed questions about your journey of getting better. Most importantly you need to be able to measure your results – simply and without fuss.
In a nutshell, you are no longer only relying on what a doctor says. Your doctor effectively then becomes your support, working with you on a more “consultative” basis. Your whole relationship dynamic changes with your doctor (if you so choose), measuring/monitoring your progress together with you. It becomes more of a teacher/student type relationship, instead of a doctor/patient relationship.
When you have the “measuring stick” it allows you to focus on your healing, by having the ability to measure your progress on a meaningful basis. YOU take back control, YOU are empowered, and (yes) YOU now become the Storm!
The Storm is your empowerment. In other words, it is the ability to measure your progress for yourself, and to ask informed questions to assist your healing process.
I bet you are asking “What is my measurement stick?”
Simple! I learned to understand my blood tests in a very simple and particular way related to the cancer that I had.
Now don’t start freaking out on me and saying “but only my doctor can read test results.” Garbage, rubbish, and anything else you want to say. Always remember that you paid for these tests (or your insurance or healthcare service paid on your behalf).
You are entitled to ask for them, read them, and most importantly (if required) ask your doctors questions on the results of these tests.
Why You Need to Become the Expert
I encourage you to become an expert in reading and understanding, in particular, two (2) markers that show the inflammation and illness in your body.
Why? Inflammation markers basically show disease.
It sounds daunting but know this: it’s not. I did it, and if a determined Aussie can do it, I’m sure as heck you can do it. It’s truly empowering!
Side note: I have become so good at reading my results in a specific way I now use them as a measure to see if the Doc is any good. If I ask them certain questions (which I now know and understand the answers before I ask any questions), and if they don’t, won’t, or can’t answer these “tester” questions… I FIRE them). Be the STORM… take control!
These two blood test markers are:
- ESR (aka Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate). This test reveals inflammatory activity in your body. It’s not a stand-alone diagnostic tool, but it can help your doctor diagnose or monitor the progress of an inflammatory disease response.
- CRP (aka C-Reactive Protein). This test is a marker for inflammation in the body. CRP is produced in the liver and its level is measured by testing the blood. It is classified as an “acute” phase reactant, which means that its levels will rise in response to inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s response to DISEASE. The higher the markers are, the higher your body is responding to inflammation caused by dis-ease!
A third test I also recommend is getting your vitamin D levels checked. In disease, you will find the vitamin D levels are usually very low, so you need to build these up as well.
How Do I Use These Blood Markers to Improve My Health?
These blood test results are your baseline measuring stick. Every time I went to see any specialist I ensured that I would have a new set of blood tests done prior to these meetings (you are in control, remember). You have to ensure that the correct blood tests are ordered. Normally your GP (family doctor) will order these for you, but you need to tell them that they need to cover the ESR and CRP markers and vitamin D.
Be prepared as many GPs don’t like being told by their patients what they want. If your GP won’t cooperate, then FIRE THEM and find a doctor who will help. At the end of the day, YOU are paying doctors/specialists etc. They are in your employ. As an employer you have the right to interview, hire, and fire.
Does this sound just too bold for you? Well, this is your life we’re talking about, so repeat to yourself: “I AM the STORM!” You will have to be strong for your own sake.
Let’s Recap…
Maybe you’re so accustomed to troubling, stressful situations, etc., that you’re continually braced for it; like sitting in a comfortable recliner and not being able to relax! It’s time to stop worrying and start believing God’s promises to you! You have not been brought this far to be abandoned. You just need to BECOME THE STORM, draw the line in the sand, and say NO FURTHER.
Remember and repeat: “Cancer is NOT a death sentence!”
Do you have a question you’d like to ask a cancer survivor? Post your question or topic you’d like covered in the Comments section down below. Try to make it one that is beneficial to many people (i.e. patients, caregivers, family), and not directly aimed at the type of cancer you’re suffering through. Think about the one burning question that you would ask a cancer survivor if they were sitting in front of you.
If you are a fellow cancer survivor we also want to hear from you. Share some of your journey. What advice do others ask you for? What piece of wisdom would you share with a loved one who has been recently diagnosed? Please share in the Comments section below.
Article Summary
God wants you to stand up, be courageous, and put cancer in its correct place.
Cancer is NOT a death sentence.
It’s important that you’re able to measure your results.
Inflammation markers basically show disease.
Ask your doctor questions about tests and results.
you are so awesome!!! Thank you for reminding me of my strength in Christ!!!
I needed this so bad today!!
Scotti, be the amazing you, god smiles down on you always. Gods waiting for you to scream out at the top of your voice….HEAL ME! Now, as you enjoy a lovely soothing shower, see on the tiles these words…. “I AM healed”, “DONT be dismayed”, Jesus loves ME, Do NOT fear! And then, talk to the creator of all, God created you, perfect in his eyes, so embrace that your healing has been done at the cross, you just do the work now to bring about that manifestation! So , go be The STORM today! Wishing you gods grace & healing! Hugs…Barb
You are very encouraging and we all need that. I am on mt 7 th year with no chemo or radiation. I had breast cancer stage 4 aggressive triple negative. They said even with chemo I had maybe 3 yrears. But I have a mighter and greater physician, the Lord. So happy to hear about your journey. Would love to talk with a group of women that has been down our road. God Bless you
So good to find this. Barb, I so enjoyed your story. I am working on more things now. Thank you for your uplifting message. I love your story n your humor as well. Thank you Lori Carlson
Wonderfully truthful article!. Thanks for speaking the truth we all need to hear.
Thanks for your comment Cynthia!
Hi Cynthia, thanks for your comment! If you want any question addressed, please email me, and we shall see how to answer for everyones benefit.
Gods blessings!
I just looked at my last blood work done. The three you suggested, ESR, CRP and Vit D, were not on the panel. I will ask next week when my blood it taked again.
Hi Pamela, do ask, you need to know, this empowers you to take control, to understand, and to focus on, you become empowered!
Then, whatever the results, work to bring them down into the lowest possible range. Organixx have great products, and i would very much get the magi complex & mushrooms into you. Im sure Doc Daniel Nuzum can give you some clarity on this.
So Pamela, go be The Storm!
Gods blessings!
Thank you 🙏🏻 very powerful reinforcement. The Truth About Cancer has been the best thing for me since the doctor told me I had metastasized “incurable” Breast Cancer. Not only for giving Hope when doctors deliver these diagnoses but all the amazing and insightful information. I’m currently tested for two markers but not the two you mention. I will look into them further but thought this question may also benefit others. You recommend these as universal markers no matter what type of Cancer? Or these in conjunction with our type?
Hi Natalie,
I gather your being tested for tumor markers, these are different to CRP & ESR & Vit D, these 3 markers are looking at inflammation in the body, they tell you how much inflammation is going on, and you need to work at bringing them down. Disease flourishes in a body that is inflammed, as you bring these down, your body starts healing. You must ask that these 3 tests be in your blood work. They are part of our full blood tests here in australia, but in America, i’m seeing that you have to request them, so do so, & you become the master of your body, and this will give you direction to go about removing the inflammation & disease!
Wishing you amazing grace!
Did you go to a whole foods diet (just fruits and vegetables)? I tried to eliminate dairy, sugar and salt as much as possible. My doctor says diet doesn’t matter, does it?
PLEASE! Do NOT believe it when your doctor tells you “diet doesn’t matter”! The truth is, they really don’t know much about nutrition at all. If you haven’t yet had the chance to watch the first episode of TTAC yet, it covers exactly what doctors are NOT taught while going through school.
My mantra is… God made our wonderful, exquisite bodies to be able to heal themselves. Look at all the natural plants, herbs and minerals, etc He gave us to accomplish this. We need to become more informed about what natural, God given gifts will help our bodies to heal, even from the most simple maladies. Unfortunately, most doctors are uninformed about this type of healing because they weren’t taught with this mindset. Find yourself a good, holistic physician or nutritionist. Ask around; it might take a while but you will find one… don’t give up! (am I being too passionate about this subject?!!)
Hi Barbara!! Absolutely love your story!!!! it’s so motivating and have the exact same views on our medical system and how conventional medicine is failing us and in fact causing suffering in most cases! My mother was diagnosed with uterine cancer 2 days before Christmas, we’ve been to several, and I’ve been searching for an oncologist and gp who is open to holistic side to healing and understands the importance of nutrition, we love in Queensland, Sunshine Coast and we have an appt with Manuela who I found before reading your amazing journey helped you too! We see her on Monday! so I was super excited about that but still can’t find a GP, oncologist -drs have all been really horrible to us and the say awful things, the ‘quackery ‘ line used a lot 🙁 would you be able to share the name of your dr/ oncologist with me or email in private, it would be so amazing to work with someone who understands and supports our journey, would be greatly appreciated! Warmest wishes , Ally 🙂
Hi Ally I have a very good Oncologist at Mater. Please email at amadio1@bigpond.com
ive out lived my expiry date. I’ve always believed cancer doesn’t need to be a death sentence.
Your renewing, healthful body can be rebuilt from good materials if you eat wisely. Suggest you see nutritionfacts.org and chrisbeatcancer.com – medical schools don’t tend to focus on nutrition, so neither do many doctors who trained there
Wow! You ladies are ‘rocking it! Well Jo, these ladies have answered alot for you already.
My diet, i was keto/paleo! It was easy to drop sugar (thats a given, if i want to live, dont have it), i had fruit…dark fruits, organes, green apples, i used mostly in drinks, but i wanted to eat something sweet,,,,,,blueberries & raspberries. I’m not a dairy person, so no problem, i dropped salt, and a year later needed it in my diet, but was never a big salt user either.
Dr David Jockers has a brilliant ketogenic diet available & much to learn from it. If you’re not into much meat, like me, there are plenty of forms of protein about, you will find this on Dr Jockers site & plans. I ate & made lots of nuts, & seed bars with raw honey, they get you through when it’s difficult, but after a while, you wont need as you have retrained your tastes. I no longer can stomach the taste, smell, etc of chocolate! My favourite food & sweet cream….now, i’m physically sick if i’ve tasted them, cant even swallow them, and i now jump for joy that i am in control not those foods that could kill me!
You do it Jo, so be THE STORM, take your control back and just do it!
Gods blessings!
I did go the route of chemo and radiation for BC stage 2b. (Just finished last week). My doc has been wonderful about discussing options/ideas for my course of treatment. He knows I always come in armed and ready/educated. I sailed right through treatment (and worked full time) . I believed because, first and foremost, God is walking by my side, I took control of my life with diet , exercise and stress and have a doc willing to listen and come up with a plan together than works best for me and my body. This journey has really been a blessing.
Wonderful Renee,
Keep up your efforts, and what a blessing to have a doctor with an open mind to listen to you & consider your thoughts. You, your body, are receiving respect, empowerment, & you have a doctor who cares about you!
Continue you on and win the war! You’ve got this!
Gods blessings!
Thank you sso much much for this post, really inspiring and has made me think. I have Myelodisplasia syndrome, a blood cancer, and was resigned to not being able to do anything about it your article is really so positive I thank you again.
Hi Jane,
You can do things Jane, lots of things! Take back control, dont allow words to be spoken over you!
Draw a line on the ground, and put everything, including this cancer opposit you & over that line, speak to it, tell it, it has no power over YOUR life, and step out from the weight of what you have been told, and know there are OPTIONS FOR YOU! If you want to know more, pleade email me & i can talk you through some options!
God bless you, BE the STORM!
Beautiful! I love your tough approach! You are an incredible inspiration. May God always rich bless you.
Thanks Michelle! May God richly bless you too!
Go be THE STORM today!
ESR, CRP and vitamin D: That’s all for curing a cancer ? Is this real natural STORM battle ? I think that is good fable indeed. Anyway, thank you for the positive words those what everybody of us suffering from cancer needs to hear.
I think u misunderstood her. The blood tests are for us to monitor our progress. They aren’t meant to be part of the actual fight. That’s how I interpreted it anyway.
Perfect Connie!
Good to monitor these, of course – also ask your oncologist what specific blood markers to look for relating to the diagnosis in question (eg CEA for colon cancer, PSA for prostate). Less toxic than doing scans!
Hi Christopher,
Crp,esr, vit D, these are markers for inflammation in the body. If you have outside the norm or even high results with the norm, these are the test names to check. Inflammation is from disease, as they come down, so does the level of disease. These markers help you work towards healing. You need to be aware of what the actual cancer markers are ie psa, but these crp/esr & vit d help you work on your healing, they are a gage for you, & doctors of course!
Hopevthat helps!
God bless!
I LOVE tho article & Barbara’s boldness in fighting back. I also love the quote about the devil that she has on a t-shirt. I think I’m going to make up a poster with that on it to put up at a series of 9 meetings that I’m going to have showing Ty’s docu-series. I also especially love your pointing out to not claim cancer as your own. This is so important. I have seen those who feel that if they ask God for healing and believe that they have received it, that that is enough. And believe me, I think that He can and will do that if our faith is strong (as He did for me). However, I have felt that God was also telling me to learn how to take better care of my body. He has put so many awesome things on this earth for us to heal us AND to keep us healthy, so that sent me on a journey to learn as much as I can about what is here to help us in this. I think it is irresponsible to ask God to heal us, and then when He does, to keep on exposing ourselves daily to the things that caused the cancer in the first place – through the environment, the chemicals & pesticides we are exposed to, and the food we eat. So also, I love how you point out to become educated, advocate for yourself, and to monitor your own health and care of your body. Thank you so much for sharing all of this wonderful information!
I am standing on G-d’s word to heal me. But, I also agree with you about doing our part of the work.
I love reading positive articles about G-d curing cancer. Barbara Gannon is wonderful!
El, God is wonderful, loving, generous, kindhearted, and truly wanting you to live your best life, so be The Storm today!
Gods blessings!
Yes, “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20).
Amen to that Shirley!
God bless!
Wow, you’re awesome Maureen!
What can i say…….Go Be The Storm today, i’m sure your info meetings are going to be amazing!
Looking forward to hear how your going. You’re welcome to email me anytime!
Gods blessings!
Interesting article. Although I do agree, I do see a potential problem arising, especailly if your physicians, and all your tests are being paid for by an insurance company. Most doctors are following rules which IMO, are being handed down to them from the AMA, insurance companies, and Big Pharma. So by firing your doctor, and refusing his potentially harmful recommendations, especially if you do it more than once, your insurance company could potentially drop you from their plan. Now if you have enough money saved up to pay for it out of pocket, I think there would be no problems doing just as the article expresses above. Anyway, just my opinion here. Anyone else have any thoughts or personal experiences with this?
Hi Paul
Well, thats a fair comment! So you understand, CRP/ESR & vit D are part of full blood testing and doctors should be reading tbese and you should be aware of them. These are test results that apply to you and you have entitlement to ask for the results. It not unusual request, you just want to know so that you have some control and can focus on them, not your body.
I also understand that you have a somewhat “shocking” health system where you are controlled by insurance companies & pharmaceuticals, but, you do have the right of choices over your body & its treatment. Perhaps you will find an integrative specialist will be more open to working with you than against you, and will lead you in taking back control. I dont know, as our health service here is considerably different to yours, none the less, i encourage you to ask questions so you get control of you into your hands, not the insurance & pharmas hands.
God bless you!
You can make an appointment to interviews a Dr. before you actually make a physical examination with him. I have done that before. Pay for that appointment out of your pocket. Then go through the insurance with the following appointments.
My sons girlfriend had osteosarcoma 6 years ago at 17 and it ihas now come back in her lung . 13 cm mass. Doctors want to do chemo and take her lung out….. she may be too weak to do this. She is in lots of pain from the tumor and has ,constant nausea from pain mess and constipation. We are in San Diego. Any suggestions?
Hi Amy,
A precious little life needs heaps of help! I can put you in touch with a brilliant integrative oncology specialist, she works with clienrs around the world via skype appointments. If you want to know more, just email me!
Has she started on cannabis oil? It needs to be specific for her, if you need help, again email me, i know a group there who can assist you further, honestly, correctly!
Will be praying for this little one!
Gods blessings,
I had breast cancer nearly 25 years ago and was given a 30% chance of surviving. I agreed to have chemotherapy (never again) as I was told it would increase my chances of survival by 10% and had my ovaries zapped with radiotheraphy (regret that one). But one thing that I think helped me was my attitude. My boys were afraid I was going to die and I told them I had no intention of dying yet – I had too many things I wanted to do. I also took high dosage Vitamin C – I think a gram a day and this stopped me from getting any infections when I was on chemo. The internet wasn’t around then. Was eating fairly healthy with quite a lot of home grown veg & fruit and have always grown organically.
Hi Diana, you were ahead of time! Well done to you, and it was achieved without access to what we have today.
25 years later, YOU ARE A SURVIVOR INDEED, yes,
God bless you!
When you get that terrible diagnosis and you have had hide tests done to confirm then where do you go from there.??
Hi Geneva,
Truthfully, I walked like a zombie for a couple of days in a daze! I drugged myself strongly to sleep for a week or two, then,
You pray, and you ask God to help you, to show you the way, to give you wisdom to understand what you see, hear & accept, then you start educating you! Your success is depending on you, & you, dont depend on the doctor but depend on Gods grace & Gods mercy, and then……
YOU ACT ON THIS! You were not given a spirit of fear, so you dust off and look the devil in the eye and you do it Gods way! Then, educate, research, dig your heals in, dont get bullied or be a victim to the medical/insurance/pharmaceuticals system, but believe in yourself & abilities. You are stronger than you think. TTAC offer amazing people for you to turn to, get the videos into you, pick what resonates with you and go for it. So many options to heal, but the biggest is your belief that with Gods grace, you CAN do this!
Gods blessings!
Just the right words I want to hear, thank you so much!
My pleasure!
Gods blessings!
Hi I’m a man stage 4 breast cancer now in my bones i love this article so true be your own doctor never give up don’t get depressed your fighting for your life and I truly believe it’s what we but in our body’s all the prossed food eat better eat organic I’m one who is learning as I go I fight everyday and believe it’s in our minds and eating good that’s the cure beat cancer don’t let it beat you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏
To whom it may concern,
Good Day!
Is there any natural treatment for Diffuse large B-Cell non Hodgkin lymphoma.
Best Regards,
Hi people,
I’m writing this for a friend of mine, he just got diagnosed intestine cancer and it has spread out a lot over different organs and they say it’s terminal and give him a year to live. I have found out about TTAC since last year but never bought the episode’s now I bought TTAC and gonna share it with him, haven’t watched all the episodes yet (at episode 3 now) but what are the top 5 things he should do now to save his life?? Or if anyone has a top 5 of articles on this site that could help him there’s so many on here in the cancer treatments section that I don’t know which to share with him first. Thanks in advance. Regards, Sammy
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Wishing you all the best!
thank you for sharing your story! I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2. i chose (to the dismay if many) not to do surgery, or any radiation/chemo. i am using a very good homeopath. but is there a site or a group that might have people like me? i cannot do keto as my body has real difficulty digesting fats. except for my homeopath, i have no real support. do you know of any groups for people who choose to heal differently?
thank you so much for your inspiration and guidance! God Bless you!!
Hi Christine –
This is fantastic to hear! God bless you!
We don’t know of a site designated for homeopaths, but perhaps the resources below (especially HealingStrong) can be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to http://www.healingstrong.org/groups, and like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/healingstrong.
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
I’m a 49 year young happily married mother of four. I live in Suffolk County New York.
I believe I have breast cancer based on positive ultrasound results after feeling a lump (4 suspicious masses were detected) and I am mentally stuck as to what to do next as I have no family doctor other than my chiro and haven’t seen an MD in well over a decade. A biopsy was suggested and I declined due to risk of spreading. My family is becoming frustrated with my inability to move forward but I don’t know where to turn. I watched TTAC. I am fully aware of the dangers of Chemo/Radiation and have NO intention of getting that treatment. I have two simple questions, if this were your loved one, what steps would you advise and what would be the first doctor/treatment you seek? There are (thankfully) so many natural options to treat… that I’m left unsure which is the most effective. I don’t want to waste any precious time.
Many thanks, 🙏 Kim
Hi Kim
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. My friend who is a doctor put be on a water only diet. I lasted 18 days , lost a lot of weight and cleaned out all the toxins in my body. From stuff coming out of my ears to aches and pains.
I then went ion to carrot juicing after reading about Anne Cameron. I am also following Chris’s book.
I think the first place to start is to clean the body of toxins then to go on to a healthy organic diet, no sugar with daily juices.
Barbara, how are you doing these days? Is your cancer still in remission?