You might not like the smell of onions and garlic on your breath, but you might want to reconsider your dining options. One of the major benefits of onions and garlic is that they (and their allium cousins: shallots, scallions, and leeks) provide serious cancer prevention and fighting power.
Packed with allicin, sulfuric compounds, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and selenium to name a few, garlic and other allium vegetables are incredibly nutrient-dense but naturally low in calories. They stimulate your body’s production of glutathione (the most potent antioxidant for your liver) which boosts detoxification throughout your entire system.
The Science of Food Medicine
According to studies conducted by Italian researchers, people who have a diet rich in onions and garlic have a significantly lower risk of developing certain cancers. In a comparison of many Swiss and Italian studies, they compared the relationship between consumption of allium herbs and the development of cancer cells.
An increased daily consumption of onions, garlic, and other allium species like chives and leeks significantly reduced the chances of cancer cells developing in the mouth, larynx, esophagus, colon, breast, ovary, and kidneys.
A moderate consumption of onions was found to lower the risk of laryngeal, colorectal, and ovarian cancers. Its anti-cancer effects are notably greater when more onions were consumed. As for garlic, a moderate consumption has been associated with lowering the chances of developing colorectal and renal cell cancers. People who ate more of this herb have been found to have a decreased risk of contracting all cancers.
Due to the fact that breast and prostate cancers are primarily hormonal and reproductive in nature, the allium family does not have as big of an impact on them.
The sulfur compounds that give these vegetables their characteristic odor and flavor are integral in constructing connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.
Top 9 Benefits of Onions and Garlic
1.Naturally antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory
2.Shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels
3.Stimulates production of “natural killer” cells that improves overall immunity
4.Aids in detoxification of the blood
5.Helps prevent hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
6.Lowers blood pressure (hypertension)
7.Improves blood flow and reduces the risk of clots that lead to heart attack and stroke
8.Has been shown to lower your overall risk of major diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and most forms of cancer
9.May help control the formation of fat cells in the body
Preparation is Crucial
If you can consume garlic and onions as close to raw as possible, you’ll reap more of the nutritional benefits. In addition, chop or crush garlic and allow it to sit for two minutes before using. Never microwave your antioxidant-rich foods since the process decreases the antioxidant content by more than 75% in just one minute.
Coupled with proper exercise and a balanced diet, garlic and onions can truly make a positive contribution to your healthy lifestyle. They may seem simple and unassuming in the produce department of your local grocer but they make a significant contribution to your total body health.
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in 2014 and has been updated in 2024.
I just turned 75 o the 13th of July and I was told I had cancer in my right breast, given a date for surgery in June the 17th, cancelled it and no chemo and no radiation, then watched “The truth about cancer, world quest” a real eye opener, but I knew before I watched it, that the conventional way was not working, I nursed my late husband when he was dying of cancer, Litterly was tortured and then died anyway.
I was not going to go out the way he did. Anyway, your program was great, except you never told us how much cannabis to use or how to do any of the things you were talking about. I have the Frankincense and the cannabis oil, but how do I take it and how much and how often. Could you give me this info, I’m also juicing and no more sugar and no more gultten, and taking a bunch of natural products including the termerric you were advertising on your net page. Can you tell me how to take the cannabis oil and the frankincense.
Thank you Brenda Bigelow
The best way to take the oil is through injections if you don’t mind them….they should be done everyday for at least 3 months.
Search the blog named: 5 Cancer-Fighting Essential Oils & 5 Ways to Use Them, Nov 29, 2022, I found it helpful.
It’s a terrible disease that robs People of there loved ones.It’s very disturbing to watch some body die from it.My Heart goes out to People who have got it and there Family having to go through it with them.
It’s important that we learn a lot more about the disease and how to live and deal with it.
The people i know who have used the Essiac Tea felt better, but their cancer continued to groe and metastasize further. Very disappointing. I now have 2 others close to me with cancer. One has been lucky enough to be considered for a study of immunotherapy. The other, who is also taking essiac, will begin radiation therapy. The essiac is not benefiting him at all. This is causing me to doubt all other ” natural” cancer treatments. Cancer is a killer.
cancer can be prevented by quercetin, which is an anti-cancer agent found in onions. consumption of onions also lowers the risk of many cancers.
Hi. I take 8/10 tablespoons of freshly squeezed red onion juice for cancer plus up to 30 capsules/tablets of herbs spices and supplements. Im also on Anastrozole hormone therapy. I feel ok.
Just a comment. A 2.4 cm tumor was found in my left lung Dec 2018. A biopsy showed cancerous. After reading about garlic I started consuming large amounts of raw garlic twice a day for apx 6 weeks now. I had a pet scan 2 days ago preparing for surgery and my Doctor said he is confused, the tumor seems to have stopped showing aggression. Take this comment for what it’s worth, It makes me wonder.
How many clove raw garlic did you take each day ?
Yes it is 101 percent true that one raw onion a day and six raw garlic cloves aday for two months along with meals would certainly save any cancer patient without any surgery or chemo especially at first and second stage cancer. Also one teaspoonful of original turmeric powder taken every morning empty stomach with water will expell cancer cells from blood please try these. FROM PROF KSK BELGAUM AREA INDIA
Thank you Ty. This is very helpful. I have been fighting cancer and have been eating a lot of garlic in some organic humus every night. It has become a treat for me since I am on a strict protocol.
Best to use a clove of garlic, bruised or nicked to release alicin, as a suppository. It is into your lungs and bloodstream in seconds.
I add chopped onions raw in my tuna, bean, and onion salad and even to my Greek salad.