If you’re in the habit of partaking of Indian and other South Asian curry dishes, you’re already doing your mental health a world of good without knowing it. That’s because evidence is piling up that one of the many health benefits of turmeric – a traditional ingredient in almost every curry dish – is that it acts to protect your brain against the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease.
The yellow color of a curry (and mustard) is because of the spice turmeric, known scientifically as Curcuma longa. A “rhizome” or root known for its tough brown skin and bright orange flesh, turmeric is found all over South Asia and is believed to have been in use in India for at least 3,000 years.
Turmeric also has a long history of medicinal use, especially in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. Known to Ayurvedic practitioners as a “cleanser of the body,” turmeric is recommended for treating a wide variety of inflammation-related health problems including toothache, gum diseases, skin diseases, wounds, parasites, digestive disorders, urinary tract infections, flatulence, jaundice, menstrual discomforts, bruises, hemorrhage, and colic.
Today, modern science is uncovering a rapidly growing list of diseases that can be effectively and safely treated by turmeric – specifically by its more than 300 bioactive components, which exert one or more biological actions in our body when we consume them.
More than a thousand research studies so far have looked at the properties of curcumin, a yellow pigment and the main “curcuminoid” bioactive compound in turmeric. According to a 2015 study, “Research to date suggests that chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and most chronic diseases are closely linked, and the antioxidant properties of curcumin can play a key role in the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammation diseases.”
Chronic inflammation is believed to play a critical role in the development of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. And in fact, many published studies show that curcumin acts against cancers of the breast, prostate, liver, colon, lung, and pancreas. It does so by stopping cancer cells from dividing and by triggering apoptosis – also known as programmed cell death – which is nature’s method of getting rid of infected and dying cells in our body without affecting surrounding healthy tissue.
How Does Turmeric Affect the Brain?
India has the lowest dementia rates in the world. The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease among Indian adults in the age group 70-79 years is 4-5 times less than that of similarly aged American adults. Some health experts believe this is because most Indians consume between 25-50 milligrams (mg) of turmeric as part of their daily diet over their entire lifetime. Let’s take a look at what is known so far about the mechanisms by which turmeric acts to protect our brain health.
Curcumin Enhances Macrophage and Immune System Activity
Macrophages are an essential part of our immune system. They are a type of white blood cell that engulfs and digests cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, cancer cells, and anything else that does not have proteins that signal “I’m a healthy body cell!” on its surface.
Alzheimer’s patients are known to have defects in clearing away so-called “amyloid plaques” in affected areas of their brains, which is a task normally performed by macrophages. Amyloid plaques build up outside nerve cells in the brain (known as “neurons”) and contain beta-amyloid protein and other substances.
Beta-amyloid protein is a toxic protein, formed in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients when amyloid protein is processed improperly. Promisingly, in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, low doses of curcumin reduced beta-amyloid protein levels in their brains by around 40%. A follow-up study conducted at UCLA in 2006 found that curcumin helps macrophages to clear amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s patients as well.
In this study, macrophages in blood taken from nine volunteers – including six Alzheimer’s patients and three healthy control subjects – were treated with curcumin. Macrophages treated with curcumin showed a noticeably improved ability to engulf and digest amyloid plaques. In other words, curcumin appears to enhance the immune system’s ability to clear away amyloid plaques – which makes it potentially very useful as part of a future therapy for Alzheimer’s disease.
Curcumin: Anti-Inflammatory Benefits for Alzheimer’s Disease
One of the main indications in Alzheimer’s disease is chronic inflammation in the brain and a buildup of pro-inflammatory substances, which happens along with the formation and accumulation of beta-amyloid protein. Prolonged treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has been shown to reduce inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease.
However, chronic use of NSAIDs is also toxic for the kidneys, liver, and gut. Curcumin has been shown to potently lower inflammation levels via multiple proven mechanisms. Its main effect is to lower levels of the so-called “pro-inflammatory cytokines”, which normally act to promote inflammation in our bodies as part of normal immune system signaling during infections and injuries. Unlike NSAIDs, turmeric is non-toxic up to very high doses, so its safety is not an issue.
Turmeric: The Powerful Antioxidant
Highly reactive compounds known as free radicals are created daily in our bodies as a result of normal biological processes, but also because of environmental pollution, stress, and chemical exposure. These free radicals damage cells – including neurons – as well as biological structures within them, paving the way over the long term for chronic diseases including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Turmeric contains powerful curcuminoid and other potent antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and prevent damage to brain cells, not only in Alzheimer’s disease, but also in other brain diseases such as Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease. Both curcumin and curcuma oil have been shown to significantly reduce neurological damage caused by free radicals in laboratory animal models.
Further, curcumin has been shown to reverse some of the biochemical changes associated with aging in the brain. Along with the mechanisms already described above, curcumin also binds to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, and iron. By doing so, it may counteract any neurotoxic effects these metals may have on the brain.
Additionally, high-fat diets and increased blood cholesterol have been linked to amyloid plaque formation in the brain. Curcumin, because of its ability to block cholesterol formation, might benefit patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in which amyloid plaques are present.

How Can You Add Turmeric to Your Daily Diet?
The first thing you should know is that curcumin – the main beneficial bioactive ingredient in turmeric – is not soluble in water, but only in fats and oils. Therefore, it’s best to combine turmeric with healthy oils such as extra virgin olive or coconut oil whenever possible. Did you know that the main bioactive ingredient in black pepper seeds – known as piperine – can increase curcumin absorption by as much as 2,000%?
If you can handle it, the best way to get all of turmeric’s many health benefits is to consume whole fresh turmeric root mixed with a natural oil. Doing this enhances curcumin’s absorption into our bodies by as much as seven to eight-fold. Grated or chopped turmeric lends both color and a gingery flavor to soups and sauces.
A quarter to a half teaspoon of turmeric powder can also be added to vegetables – along with a little olive oil, black pepper, and other spices to suit your taste – before roasting or baking them. One of the easiest ways to incorporate turmeric into your diet is by making turmeric tea. Start by finely slicing or grating fresh turmeric root. Add to a teapot along with cinnamon, cloves, and sliced or grated ginger root and steep in hot water. Sweeten with local honey or green leaf stevia before drinking. Remember, always use only organic, non-irradiated spices to receive the most effective anti-cancer benefits possible.
Our favorite turmeric product, which we use daily, is Dr. Ed Group’s Organic Liquid Turmeric.
Just wondering if black pepper seeds enhance the absorption of turmeric , why are they not one of the ingredients in Tumeric 3D
I brought Christian Wilders Enhanced Turmeric Formula a while back and have been aware of many side effects, one really bothersome is swelling of toes at night that I can hardly walk on in the morning, but it has several ingredients including black pepper, so I go back to just plain turmeric and it seems to cause coughing fits, maybe it’s just the brand or maybe turmeric just does not agree with me..I will try adding the spice to food next time.
In one paragraph you state that curcumin is not soluble in water, only fats…. and then you suggest taking it as a tea (hot water). Then the curcumin is not soluble???
Good observation of the information. I also add some coconut oil and black pepper to my tea to solve that issue. I will also use fresh squeezed lemon juice for a flavor that I enjoy better. Enjoy!
I am curious why turmeric tea is a good choice if turmeric is not water soluble. I just want to be sure I understand how to use it.
Add some sort of milk (it has fat in it) with you tea
If the bio-active ingredient in turmeric is not soluble in water, how does the tea work?
Curcumin use by itself…..is toxic to the liver after extended use.
You must always use medium ground black pepper to aid in absorption(do not use finely ground) and try to have it ground freshly from whole pepper corns.
I use a mixture of 5tbsp of turmeric, 1tbsp of ginger, and 1tbsp of freshly ground black pepper. I add 1/4 tsp to most meals when cooking. I also take this in capsule form daily.
Very good for arthritic issues as well as what is mentioned in the article..
You might want to read this for an accurate look at curcuma and the liver. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/why-turmeric-may-be-diseased-livers-best-friend-friend-a
Good information, but are you aware that you suggested using curcuma as a tea, after stating its not water soluble, and is enhanced by pepper. . The tea you describe would not have any of the benefits from curcuma because it includes no oil, and no pepper. Just wanted to point that out. Curcuma is what it’s called in Mexico where it is also grown and used
Add oil or pepper to the tea.
We add a little coconut oil to our tea to help with absorption 🙂
I agree regarding conflict in recipe with no oil, pepper. Although I see many turmeric tea recipes with neither pepper nor oil. I personally prefe the taste when I use coconut oil or coconut milk when preparing Tumeric tea
Ive received turmeric tea recipes from Ayurvedic practitioners prepared with water and with neither oil nor peppero
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This supplement contains fermented Vitamin D3- would we then need to reduce our Vitamin D3 intake if taking both supplements daily?
Great post Nora
I ferment it because I prefer the taste then add pepper and salad dressing all on my green salad
John – do you ferment raw peeled grated Turmeric with the same freeze dried Kefir powder like I do my other ferm. veggies ? Thank you for your answer.
Lipids are the keys to unlock the gate of the cell, so adding coconut oil helps absorption and flavor of this tea. I like to add coconut milk, which has fats in it, also. I use dried turmeric, and the root when I remember to buy it. I also use dried ginger along with grated ginger root. Just this morning I started adding a few dried cloves, and some cinnamon. Now to remember my yogurt on a daily basis or sauerkraut, etc. for the probiotics, hydrating, sun and exercise.
Just as Nora has said, the tea does not have any oils or pepper in it so can you explain how this is of benefit?
I take it in capsule form twice a day and seems to help me. I feel better oo
The other day there was an article about high fat ketogenic diets being healthy and now this article says high fat diets are linked with Alzheimer’s. I imagine there must be a difference between fatty French fries or vegetable oil and coconut or olive oil, but this could be more clearly discussed in your articles.
The supplement for sale with this article does not have black pepper – why wouldn’t they include it?
Ty, this is a very interesting articles. Thanks for sharing it with us! I should go to the Health Food Store or the Nutrition House to look for organic turmeric, cinnamon, and cloves to try the tea. Would turmeric tea cure a person with stage 4 cancer?
Make sure you have high curcumin capsules, not turmeric in the caps, otherwise you are buying the powdered spice a a million times higher than by the pound. For cancer treatment 3 square cm grated plus oil, pepper mixed into yogurt or milk makes it well absorbed according to the turmeric research I have read. Also mix in curcumin caps.
Give it a go and go on the ketone diet or keto, low carb high fat diet as soon as possible. There are books on it. Caitlin ( has a book) had a large breast tumour degrees in 2 weeks. I would not eat egg yokes or milk fat – both high in hormones. Vegetarian protein is a better amino acid profile than meat but there are some books on vegetarian versions,
YOU need to replace carbs with a lot of oil, olive and coconut, fasting is also another way to decrease cancer growth.
The beginning of the atkin diet book explains how and why. Also you need less than 40 gm of carbs a day.
dietdoctors has a lot of info, and you tube may have some too. Books are on eBay. But don’t eat too much protein, meat fat – fish or NZ green shell mussels are better.
Sylvia, are you dealing with stage 4 cancer? I am using alternatives only. Wondering if Curcumin would make all the difference.
Jo, no I do not have cancer. I was only curious. I just want to take Curcumin to prevent me from getting cancer in the future. I have a lump in my left breast, but it is just benign. It is fibroadenoma.
only known for about 2000 years and now TTC will claim it? let me wait, the next 5 mails will be for overpriced curcumin, but not any, their special one , the only one that works, off course
I am afraid what most Indians consume is no longer turmeric. Commercial turmeric has the beneficial curcumin removed and fillers added. Luckily we have good sources in our organic stores who I trust and who source from farmers they’ve checked out. Sadly, not many people know this and they keep buying the commercial ones. Possibly a reason for cancer on the rise?
If you are taking D3 Turmeric, do you still recommend taking the above in addition to the C3?
I get my turmeric every morning for breakfast by drinking “golden milk:” heat 1 Tblsp turmeric, 2-3 tsps peeled, grated ginger, a pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of salt with a 1/2 cup water in a small pot until the water boils away and you are left with a thick paste. Add 1.25 – 1.50 cups of almond milk (or other milk or milk substitute), 2-3 Tblsp real maple syrup, 1 tsp coconut oil. Stir thoroughly with a small whisk until well mixed and hot. Pour through a sieve into a large mug (or bowl) and garnish with freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of cinnamon and cardomom.
Any curcumin supplements instead of consuming with food?
Thank you so much for all the info you give. I am healthy and eat a wide range of spice. I have always known that the good feeling I get when I eat a curry. The body seems to know what is good for it. I am 70 years old now and still learning about food ? Most of what I am reading is very worrying.The amount of GM processed food containing ingredients that are harmful and the amount of sugar we are all eating. Most crops are sprayed with poisons, pigs and cattle are pumped full of drugs, the fish in the sea are getting contaminates in them. But most of all its my grandchildren I am worried about, the junk they are eating and drinking is making them sick, overweight and they have mood swings from all the sugar they have.
I put a lump of turmeric root in my juicer every morning and, although it turns most things yellow, I have got used to the taste and now rather like it. There are several kinds of turmeric and the white one (called mango turmeric because it tasts faintly of mangoes) is also an anti-inflammatory, although blue turmeric doesn’t list this among its properties.
If turmeric is so good, why does the pharmaceutical companies not cash in on it?
Pharmaceuticals don’t promote health because they’re made by greedy companies who make more money on wide spread disease than wide spread health. Pharmaceutical companies chose a direction to go in back in the 30’s. They make huge profits on sick people and anything that promotes health is a conflict of interest. Worse yet, they convinced the FDA that only drugs can treat and prevent disease, not health supplements. How ridiculous is that?
Kurkuma when heated loses most of its cumeric….. That is what i was told.
GC, Thank you for that great spice mixture!! I just stopped and made it!! TY
Certain body constitutions can’t tolerate Turmeric even though it is beneficial for some people.
Thanks for sharing this valuable information on benefits of turmeric. This is very useful.
You are very welcome Ramakrishnan!
I use fresh turmeric at least three times a week now. I start out using it every day after being told I was pre-diabetic. Several months after use during a routine Dr. visit I was asked “who told you, you are pre-diabetic?” I am not a diabetic or pre-diabetic. At one point I could not move my left or right arm in an upward position with feeling some serious pain. Several hours after taking fresh turmeric for the first time I was moving both my arms without experiencing any pain. I could go on and on but I think you have the point, oh by the way during a Dr’s visit I was told I have NO inflammation in my system.
Consumers should also be aware that there are many turmeric products in the market that have been adulterated. According to the American Botanical Council, many bright yellow turmeric powders may currently be adulterated with synthetic dyes or with other Curcuma species. Consumers should only buy turmeric powder from companies with stringent quality control procedures.
What brand of Curcumin supplement can we use?
I woukd try to find a health food store or an Indian grocery store that sells the actual root. To identify it.. You would be looking for fresh or dried orange/root that looks alot like ginger but the distinct color will confirm it.. Thorough it wash thw root for 2-3 days immersing ut in water and a good scrub. Then grind to paste, heat, blend with ground black pepper and oil.. Refrigerate and take a 1/8 tsp every 3-6 hrs in order to improve bio availability.. Else the liver tends to process it oit of the body in 2 hrs if taken without the pepper and oil
The pharmaceutical companies cannot cash in on natural substances. You cannot patent nature or natures products. You also do not want synthetic pharm made products as they are not of nature and do not have the divine intelligence of nature’s seeds and foods.