According to the National Cancer Institute, “More than 1.2 million Americans develop cancer each year.” Cancer is the leading cause of death in the U.S. after heart disease. One in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. Odds are, you have had your own experience with cancer or have helped a loved one who has.
These are some pretty grim statistics. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel – you don’t have to be a statistic! In this article, we’ll outline all you need to know to get started on your own cancer-free journey.
What is Cancer?
Cancer happens when mutated cells grow and divide. A tumor or a series of tumors develops, depending on the type of cancer. Besides solid tumors that may lodge in or around an organ, various cancer types include leukemias, lymphoma, myeloma, carcinoma (in the skin), sarcoma (in connective tissue or bone) and central nervous system cancers, which usually affect the spinal cord or brain. Ultimately, there are over 100 different kinds of cancer that may affect the human body. All cancers have the ability to grow and metastasize. This means that they can spread to other parts of the body, generally neighboring organs or tissues.

Conventional medicine does a good job of convincing people that the causes of cancer are either unknown or are all based on “bad genes.” It’s just the luck of the draw who gets cancer and who doesn’t, right?
Wrong! In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.
Epigenetics and Cancer
A groundbreaking report put out by M.D. Anderson Medical Center in Texas discovered that only 5-10% of all cancers are caused by strictly hereditary genetic characteristics.
So what about the other 90%? According to the researchers, the vast majority of cancer cases can be traced to what are called “epigenetic factors.”
Epigenetics is the study of how external factors influence the expression of genetic information. If your DNA is your unique “blueprint” for health, then epigenetics is the architect that brings that blueprint to life. This also means that although a person may have a genetic predisposition for a particular disease, it will not express itself unless the right conditions occur for it to do so.
Some external, i.e., epigenetic, stressors that can lead to cancer include:
- poor diet, especially eating too much sugar, GMOs/pesticides, or “dead foods”
- environmental toxins in the soil, water, and air
- smoking
- excessive alcohol consumption
- chronic dehydration
- chronic stress or PTSD/emotional trauma,
- mental disorders like chronic depression/anxiety or bipolar
- being exposed to EMR, or electro-pollution (which may come from electronic devices, cell towers, SMART meters, or Wi-Fi routers)
- a sedentary lifestyle, i.e., not getting enough exercise
- lack of sleep
- negative thoughts or belief systems
- social isolation and feelings of loneliness
- stressors that occur inside the body but outside of the genetic blueprint, such as gut imbalances, high systemic inflammation, being overweight, or other diagnosed diseases
Remember – how you live your life is the most important determining factor when it comes to cancer!
Is Cancer a Metabolic Disease?
It is clear that diseases such as diabetes are directly linked to metabolic imbalance, usually provoked by sugar overload. But is it possible that cancer is also primarily a metabolic disease? Many experts say yes!
First, let’s take a look at what we mean by a “metabolic disease.” Our metabolism is how the body converts nutrients from food into energy. The metabolic theory of cancer states that cancer occurs because of an imbalance in the cells, in particular at the mitochondrial level. Mitochondria are responsible for cellular respiration. When function is normal, a cell can adapt and rebound from many forms of stress. When cellular respiration is poor, the cells are vulnerable to attack. And when they are mutated, they become cancer cells.
The link between cancer and sugar was established in the 1930’s by German physicist Dr. Otto Warburg. Cancer thrives on glucose, which is what sugar is broken down to in the body. In fact, cancer cells have many times more receptor sites for glucose than regular and healthy cells.
Studies put forth by Boston College oncology researcher Dr. Thomas Seyfried take Warburg’s conclusions to the next level. Seyfried says that all cancers stem from the same cause—damage to cell mitochondria. This damage causes the mitochondria to go after glucose molecules alone for fuel. (Healthy cells can thrive off of fat as well as glucose molecules.)
“All of the major hallmarks of [cancer] can be linked to impaired mitochondrial function,” writes Seyfried in a 2010 report in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism.
This is a pretty profound discovery, if you think of it. It means that, just like diabetes and autoimmune disease, cancer can be reversed through positive epigenetic changes, such as eating a healthy diet and cutting down on stress.
Cancer Treatment
Pancreatic Enzymes and IPT for Cancer
Whether or not you believe the new metabolic theories for cancer, there is no doubt that sugar (i.e., glucose) is cancer’s number one favorite food. Some specific natural health protocols utilize this tendency to their advantage, tricking cancer at its own game.
Pancreatic enzymes are needed to break down carbs, fats, and proteins from food. They also have been shown to contain substances which can kill cancer. Pancreatic enzyme therapy is a proven method that was made known by the late visionary oncologist Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.
A 2018 joint study spearheaded by the University of Notre Dame found that a pancreatic enzyme called Receptor-Interacting Protein Kinase 1 (RIPK1 for short) can help kickstart mitophagy. This process destroys the mitochondria in cancer cells before they metastasize. Another study conducted in 2008 at the University of Cologne in Germany found that pancreatic enzyme therapy can boost the immune system, lower inflammation, decrease tumor size, and reduce the risk of metastasis in breast and colorectal cancer patients.
Other studies have found that pancreatic enzyme therapy can work in conjunction with chemotherapy drugs and make them more effective. A 2017 Spanish report published in the journal Scientific Reports found that pancreatic enzymes in combination with the chemotherapy drugs Trypsinogen and Chymotrypsinogen A had a significant inhibiting effect on both pancreatic and ovarian cancer in in vitro studies.
Insulin Potentiated Therapy
In addition to being sugar-addicted, cancer cells are known for containing a large number of receptor sites for insulin. IPT, or Insulin Potentiated Therapy, uses this fact to its advantage. IPT uses insulin as a carrier for chemo drugs. Insulin can increase cancer cell permeability so that the drugs can enter the cancer cell. While it is true that healthy cells have insulin receptors as well, cancer cells are much more aggressive and will “gobble up” added insulin before any healthy cells have a chance to get to it.
Believe it or not, IPT has actually been around since the 1930s. It is a “targeted chemo protocol” for cancer. It is considered a conventional therapy because it uses pharmaceutical drugs. It is also ‘natural’ because it relies on the body’s own processes. IPT utilizes significantly less drugs than regular chemotherapy – about 10% of what a conventional protocol would use. Because of its success, many integrative and functional oncologists now offer it to their patients.
A European study conducted in 2012 treated men with prostate cancer with IPT. The results, according to the study report, were promising. In addition, no side effects were experienced with the chemo.
“Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is one of the safest and most innovative approaches to treating cancer,” states Dr. Jonathan Segal, founder of the Center for Advanced Medicine, in a recent article.
What About Diet?
So far, I have discussed what to avoid for cancer treatment and prevention, namely sugar and simple carbs. But what can you include in your diet? There are a LOT of diets out there that focus on cancer healing. How do you know which one is right for you?
If you are dealing with a cancer diagnosis, your healthy diet may be more focused than if you are fairly healthy and simply want to prevent disease. There are some guidelines, however, that can apply to anyone who wants to lead a cancer-free life:
#1 | Eat to keep inflammation levels low. High systemic inflammation is the common denominator in most diseases.
#2 | Limit simple sugars and carbs. However, low-sugar fruits like berries and green apples can definitely be on the menu in moderate amounts. A randomized and controlled trial published in the 2014 edition of Nutrition Research found that six weeks of daily blueberry consumption increased levels of Natural Killer cells in both men and women. (NK cells are the part of the immune system that destroys abnormal cells before they become cancer cells.) When it comes to blueberries, always make sure they are wild and organic.
#3 | Focus on eating a “rainbow” of non-starching veggies daily. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables like kale and arugula, and bright warm-colored veggies like butternut squash and red peppers should be staples on your diet.
#4 | Healthy fats are very important in an anti-inflammatory diet. These may include olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter (if you are eating dairy). A study at Rutgers University found that a substance called oleocanthal in olive oil has the ability to break apart the cellular wall of cancer cells. Always make sure your olive oil is cold-pressed, organic, and contained in a dark glass bottle.
#5 | Hydrate through fresh, filtered water, preferably with lemon or lime, to help alkalize and detox the body. Also, consume healing herbal teas but keep caffeine and alcohol to a minimum. Regarding the latter, remember that alcohol is basically a sugar. Furthermore, consuming too much caffeine can tax the liver and the adrenals.
#6 | Always go organic, as well as non-GMO, farm-raised, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, pesticide-free, free-range, and preferably locally-sourced with what you eat and drink whenever possible.
When eating an anti-inflammatory, cancer-healing diet, you can still enjoy delicious, satisfying food. It is just a matter of making wise choices and choosing alternatives that are going to heal and not hurt your body.
Three Cancer-Busting Foods You Need to Know About
There are hundreds of natural foods and food substances out there which are anti-inflammatory, pH balancing, insulin balancing, and can protect against oxidative stress.
But what about substances that target cancer cells directly?
Hold on to your hat if you don’t know this already, but here is the absolute truth. There are DOZENS of herbs, plants, and foods that have been proven by evidence-based science to target cancer cells — and destroy them!
Let’s talk about a few of them, namely curcumin, sulforaphane, and mushrooms.
I already discussed the importance of lowering inflammation to heal and prevent cancer. No other substance has more studies behind it in this regard than curcumin, a healing phytonutrient found in the Indian spice turmeric. A quick search on the National Institutes of Health database will bring up over 31,000 titles on curcumin and cancer. Here is just a snapshot:
- curcumin helps to promote anti-angiogenesis, which stops the growth of tumors
- curcumin stops protein synthesis in tumors
- curcumin can lower systemic inflammation, the foundation of all disease
- curcumin can also reduce pain
A clinical trial at St. John’s Medical College also found that curcumin combined with piperine (a phytonutrient that comes from black pepper which catalyzes curcumin in the body) is 2000% more absorbable in the body.
Sulforaphane is a naturally-occurring phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, and broccoli. Dr. Paul Talalay of John Hopkins University was the first researcher to discover all the amazing powers of cruciferous veggies, including for detoxification and for fighting cancer.
Research has also shown that this powerful phytonutrient has the ability to kill not only cancer cells but cancer stem cells. It does this by promoting and strengthening certain enzymes in the body whose specific job is to seek out disease-causing pathogens and destroy them. A 2007 UK study found that sulforaphane can destroy the pathways for cancer cells to grow.
The highest concentration of sulforaphane can be found in broccoli sprouts, according to Dr. Talalay. Many people healing from cancer utilize sulforaphane in supplement form.
You may already know about the healing property of mushrooms like reishi and chaga. If not, then you are in for a treat! You may also be surprised to discover that many ordinary varieties used for cooking contain healing properties as well.
Edible mushrooms are cancer fighters because:
- they can boost the immune system, including cancer-targeting Natural Killer cells and pathogen-scavenging macrophages
- they lower inflammation
- they can protect against Alzheimer’s Disease
- they help to stabilize blood sugar levels
Some medicinal mushrooms you should consider keeping in your cancer healing toolkit include Reishi, Chaga, Lion’s Mane, and Turkey Tail. Turkey Tail mushrooms contain Polysaccharide K, which has been found in clinical trials conducted at Bastyr University and the University of Minnesota to inhibit reproductive cancers directly.
Even the most common kinds of mushrooms are disease-fighters. A joint study sponsored in part by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that white button mushrooms contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help adults with metabolic syndrome (i.e., type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions).
Mushrooms also contain dozens of powerful cancer-busting and immune-boosting compounds. One is beta-glucans. Beta-Glucans are phytonutrients found in Baker’s yeast and also in edible mushrooms. Once ingested, they can boost the production and strength of roughly 80% of your immune system cells. Research has also found that they have the ability to stimulate the production of macrophages, or “scavenger cells.” These immune system cells target deadly pathogens like cancer and literally “gobble them up!”
A Quick Note About the “Big Three”
If you have already been diagnosed with cancer, odds are you are being presented with a few options. If you are within the conventional medical system, those options probably include some combination of radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery, aka the “Big Three”. This is what’s usually on the menu when it comes to orthodox treatments for cancer. You can get all the information you need about them from your own doctor, including the risks and side effects.
I encourage you to do your due diligence and learn all you can about both the long and short-term side effects of chemo, radiation, and surgery for cancer before you enter into these protocols.
The good news is that all the modalities mentioned above can benefit even those who are choosing to go the traditional route. They can boost immunity, reduce the side effects of radiation, and even help chemotherapy be more targeted towards cancer cells and less harmful to healthy cells.
You can find more information on natural substances that can help you with the “Big Three” on
Putting It All Together
The main purpose of this article is to present you with as much information as you need to make a good decision for your body, or at least point you in the right direction. Now your job is to use this information to make the best decision possible for your health.
Never forget that it is you who calls the shots when it comes to your health, not your regular doctor, oncologist, or immunologist. Not even your nutritionist or naturopathic doctor can make these important decisions for you.
All of these individuals can be part of your healing team. So can trusted resources such as The Truth About Cancer. Never forget that it is your own inner wisdom and the insights you may receive during prayer from God that will ultimately determine the right course for you.
By putting it all together – a healthy lifestyle, an anti-inflammatory diet, key supplements, and more—you can have a cancer-free life no matter what your health situation.
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in 2022 and has been updated in 2024.
I’ve heard not to eat raw mushrooms but to always cook them for their health benefit. And that actually raw mushrooms are carcinogens. Do you have any insights or information regarding this?
In the China Study Book, a Chinese scientist and American doctor did an exceptional research on why were so .any children dying of CANCER.
The test proved that aflowtoxins and Fungus were in foods like Mushrooms and Peanuts, and children eat alot of Peanut butter!
I switched to Almond butter and never liked Mushrooms.
I was healed of cancer in 3 months just by changing my foods to organic non Gmo plant based foods and prayers 🙏!
I’m still on same healthy lifestyle since 1984, my 38th year of Disease free!
This article is great but needs to research more.
What kind of cancer did you have?
Adenoid Systic carcinoma
Near the beginning of this article (Cancer 101), you show the following–Besides solid tumors that may lodge in or around an organ, various cancer types include leukemias, lymphoma, myeloma, carcinoma (in the skin), sarcoma (in connective tissue or bone) and central nervous system cancers, which usually affect the spinal cord or brain. In Sept. 2018, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and they put it down as Multi-focal Carcinoma. There seems to be something odd here. My understanding is NOT that carcinoma is skin cancer. It’s very clear that it’s breast cancer.
I want to thank you for all of the help that I’ve had from TTAC–it helped me not to have the dreaded chemo &/or radiation and avoid surgery. I’ve still got it, but it’s much smaller. I’ve got a large lump in my lymph node, but one doctor online said that if this happens, it’s a jammed lymph node, jammed with dead cancer cells. I hope that he’s right. After accidentally coming across your website, I quit sugar and it made a big difference. Thanks for being there and thanks be to God.
Can you tell your diagnóstic and in wich etape was it ? My mother has breast cáncer & metástasis & I dont know what to do for help her
Thanks for the info.
I miss this type of information in my country (Spain).
Where it is very difficult to access this type of content.