Very few essential oils evoke the passionate response that people have towards fragrances as lavender essential oil does. People either love it passionately or hate it just as passionately. When the latter group is asked what it is that makes them hate it… usually it has to do with a cranky grandmother who used lavender scent in her underwear drawer!
Love it or hate it, lavender essential oil has more uses and benefits than just about any other essential oil on the planet. This article will focus especially on its uses for cancer patients and provide some helpful tips for using lavender essential oil.
The botanical name of true lavender is Lavandula angustifolia. Although other types of lavender may also have beneficial uses, most of the research is on Lavandula angustifolia and it is the most highly regarded and therapeutic form of lavender.
Historical Use of Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil holds a special place in the world of herbs and has long been regarded for its wonderful healing properties. Its history goes back some 2,500 years to the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians who used it for healing, embalming, and perfume. The Romans were known to use lavender for its medicinal and cleansing properties, scenting baths, as an insect repellent, and even for smoking!
During the times of the Black Death in England, lavender was used for protection against the plague. People actually fastened stalks of lavender to their wrists and ankles to protect them against the disease, not understanding the exact reason for that protection. Now we know why it worked… lavender repels the fleas that carried the plague!
In times of war when medicines and antibiotics were not readily available, soldiers were often given lavender oil to ease the pain of injuries and to kill any bacteria in their wounds.
We have now discovered hundreds more uses for lavender. It is known to be calming and relaxing to the nervous system, it eases depression, and improves cognitive performance. Lavender essential oil heals burns, eases allergy symptoms, kills bacteria, neutralizes the itch of insect bites, is a natural antiseptic and antifungal, and so much more.
One of the most interesting aspects of lavender essential oil, however, is how it helps cancer patients.
The 4 Best Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil for Cancer Patients
1. As an anti-tumoral. One of the active phytochemicals (plant chemicals) within lavender is perillyl alcohol. In 2015, researchers found that perillyl alcohol administered via nasal inhalation was an effective treatment for glioblastoma patients. These patients had become unresponsive to standard cancer therapies and faced a “dismal prognosis.” The study indicated that long-term inhalation of perillyl alcohol was very well tolerated over several years of daily use. (Several years means the patients lived much longer than expected!)
Another phytochemical within lavender is linalool. Recent (2016) research on linalool indicated it has “significant” cytotoxic (cancer cell killing) and apoptotic (programmed cell death) activity against epithelial ovarian cancer cells. In addition, researchers found that combining linalool with paclitaxel significantly decreased tumor weight, compared with the use of paclitaxel alone.
2015 research on linalool against human melanoma cells revealed that linalool had an inhibitory effect on the growth of these cells.
A 2014 study demonstrated that Lavandula angustifolia essential oil exhibited significant cytotoxic effects against malignant cervical cancer cells. It had the same effect on both estrogen- and progesterone-receptor positive breast cancer cells.
In another study from 2013, researchers found that Lavandula angustifolia decreased the viability of Hodgkin’s lymphoma cells. Lavender inhibited cell proliferation (rapid growth) and induced apoptosis (programmed cell death, lacking in cancer cells).
Tips for use: Using a therapeutic grade lavender oil, massage oil directly into affected areas. Used transdermally (through the skin), essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream within about 20 minutes. Lavender essential oil can also be diffused into the room using a cool mist diffuser. Never heat essential oils as it ruins their therapeutic properties.
2. Relief of anxiety and stress. Lavender is excellent for its ability to calm the nervous system and ease stress and anxiety. It also helps improve the quality and depth of sleep. A 2009 study confirmed lavender’s ability to improve mood, and to reduce anxiety and depression.
Tips for use: Drip a few drops of lavender oil into your hands, rub hands together, and deeply inhale the scent for a minute or two to enjoy its calming effects. Lavender oil can also be diffused into the room using a cool mist diffuser. It can be applied to the soles of the feet prior to retiring to bed for the night. A drop or two of lavender oil can be applied directly on the pillow.
3. Improvement of immune system function. Studies show that the anti-bacterial effects of Lavandula angustifolia help to protect the immuno-compromised cancer patient from opportunistic bugs, even the dreaded Staphylococcus aureus, or golden staph. It influences the body’s macrophages and phagocytes, part of the immune system, and influences genetic activity to help fight the infection.
Tips for use: Massage lavender oil into the skin, making sure to use a therapeutic or medicinal grade of oil. The soles of the feet have the largest pores of the body, so this is a good place to apply essential oils, especially before going to bed at night. Lavender oil can also be diffused via a cool mist diffuser into the room where you work or study.
4. Pain relief. Lavender has long been used for pain relief. A small 2007 study using lavender examined the pain medication requirements of 54 patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric banding. Eighty-two percent receiving just a placebo required pain medication. Only 46% of those who received lavender by inhalation required pain medication. Also, significantly less pain medication was required by those receiving lavender as compared with a placebo.
Tips for use: Lavender can be inhaled directly from the hands or via a cool mist diffuser. Massage it into the skin of the affected area or soles of the feet.

Precautions When Using Lavender Essential Oil
1. Make sure your lavender essential oil is derived from true lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, and not lavandin. Lavandin is often substituted by makers of cheaper essential oils because it yields more oil than true lavender. Lavandin is not a legitimate substitute for Lavandula angustifolia as it does not possess the same healing properties and should never be used on burns.
2. The use of lavender may increase or potentiate both the narcotic and sedative effects of other drugs because of its calming effect on the central nervous system.
3. Be cautious about using lavender together with anticoagulant drugs because the combination may increase the risk of bleeding.
4. Never apply essential oils anywhere near the eyes or inside the ears.
5. It is not recommended to use essential oils as a sole treatment for cancer. But used in combination with other therapies (both conventional and alternative), essential oils can play a huge role in helping a person to heal.
Article Summary
Whether you love or hate the scent, lavender essential oil has more uses and benefits than just about any other essential oil on the planet.
Although other types of lavender may also have beneficial uses, most of the research is on Lavandula angustifolia and it is the most highly regarded and therapeutic form of lavender.
Lavender essential oil holds a special place in the world of herbs and has long been regarded for its wonderful healing properties. It is used to heal burns, ease allergy symptoms, kill bacteria, neutralize the itch of insect bites, is a natural antiseptic and antifungal, and so much more.
The 4 Best Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil for Cancer Patients include:
- As an anti-tumoral
- Relief of anxiety and stress
- Improvement of immune system function
- Pain relief
There are several precautions that should be followed when using lavender essential oil:
- Make sure your lavender essential oil is derived from true lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, and not lavandin.
- The use of lavender may potentiate (increase) both the narcotic and sedative effects of other drugs because of its calming effect on the central nervous system.
- Be cautious about using lavender together with anticoagulant drugs because the combination may increase the risk of bleeding.
- Never apply essential oils anywhere near the eyes or inside the ears.
- It is not recommended to use essential oils as a sole treatment for cancer. In combination with other therapies essential oils can play a huge role in helping a person to heal.
If a woman used lavender essential oil for her breast, because she has cancer in it, will it work and make the cancer disappear completely without conventional treatments?
Hi Silvia, I don’t think anyone could answer that. In any case, the oil will help. It is better if it is combined with other alternative treatments just to stay on the safe side.
If you live in the USA you are able to get hemp salve made of CBD marijuana (don’t remeber the company name DIXI or something?). Massage breast with this salve. This is recommendation of Dr. M. Sircus well known alternative doctor who treats cancer patients.
Another thing is taking enough Iodine. Nansent Iodine is the best option. DR. M. Sircus has a website where you can find these topics easily.
Not sure. But you always can add that oil to whatever you do.
Silvia, please read the last point in the article summary above, which states: “It is not recommended to use essential oils as a sole treatment for cancer. In combination with other therapies essential oils can play a huge role in helping a person to heal.” There is no one treatment that can work 100% for anybody for any condition.
Hi Silvia, I have studied Clinical Aromatherspy and have been educating on EOs for over 10 years. I have the best results by using ZYTO biofeedback with clients. Biofeedback is a preference system. I recommend having this done regularly since you will need to change EOs as your body changes.
See my FB page to Message me for more information. Betty Walczak (Washkewicz).
Also following organic, non GMO foods diets, making your own teas, eliminating sugar will make your boy inhospitable to cancer cells. I did get SacredFrankincense and use 1-2 drops on my tongue a day. Young Living Oils are the ones I know aren’t synthetically made. Cheap synthetic oils can burn your skin and cannot be taken internally. Yes, this is a bit costly, but at what price do we value our lives to live longer. Conventional chemo is not the answer and it leaves you with no energy any many more side effects and doesn’t eliminate new cells growing elsewhere.
I haven’t known anyone using lavender on their breast helps with breast cancer, but the blended essential oils meaning a combinations of a few different types of essential oils, yes. The lump gets softer and slowly disappears and the cysts disappeared too.
What exactly do you mean by being cautious about using lavender (and all essential oils?) together with anticoagulant drugs? Should it not be used at all just to be on the safe side? My husband has pancreatic cancer and also takes Warfarin for his heart. We bought lavender and frankincense and a diffuser and had used all of these a few times, and he had an unbelievable bleeding incident (nose) – had to be hospitalized. His INR was 8.8. There were a lot of other things going on that this could be attributed to, but shortly after all this I read something similar to what you said. After a few nights of not using the oils we started up again, and he has been OK with only a little bleeding a couple times. Is there less chance of bleeding with a diffuser than other means of using the oils, or should we stop them altogether?
As an aside, my mother had a horrible nosebleed when she had pancreatic cancer. When I realized her liver was involved and not producing Vitamin K, I bought a bottle of Vitamin K to give her. She had no more nosebleeds. She had also been on warfarin, and when her liver was not producing Vitamin K, she did not need Warfarin. You may want to check this out with your doctor.
There is no FDA regulated “therapeutic” or “medicinal” grade of any essential oil. These terms are made up and used by the companies selling them. You have to trust the company you purchase from as there are currently no regulations.
Kathie, Safe Essential Oils were just accepted as FDA approved, or so they state. My problem with that is the FDA will regulate something if they determine it NOT to be health beneficial. Don’t you think that maybe the BIG PHARMA would have their hands in that too? I appreciate your comment, but for me, I would rather use beneficial 100%pure Therapeutic oils that Young Living Oils make. They are not pesticide sprayed. They are pricey, but if you noticed and looked real close, this is the same brand of Frankincense that Ty Bollinger was handing out to the homeless man to use. Of course none of these companies can claim they are for medicinal use, as they will then be blamed by the BIG PHARMA and people seemingly disappear like the doctors Holistic doctors Ty said were harassed because they were proving that conventional treatment for cancer is not working. I am not trying to sound attacking in any way. Just want to add some facts.
Tropical Traditions sell the French 100% pure and organic certified Florihana ones and they are much cheaper than any multilevel marketing company ones.
I would suggest that people who are not trained to use essential oils dilute them in a carrier oil for massaging into the skin.
2 – 3 drops in 10 ml of organic, cold-pressed grapeseed oil would be good. For undiluted and oral applications, it is best to consult a certified aromatherapist.
Ty – are you there ?
Seriously , I would like for you to consider doing a new series TTAA (The truth about Autism) , and help us treat our loved ones .
Please respond
There are some great articles on about autism and vaccines.
It would be nice if these questions were answered in a timely manner.
Always dilute essential oils appropriately before applying topically!!! And never ingest oils. Really, ever. Either pathway can harm the liver.
Pamela, I know the company Safe Essential Oils promote this practice, and if you are using cheap oils, they may also be synthetically man-made, which of course can be harmful and can burn your skin. But Young Living Essential Oils are made 100% pure therapeutic grade. They have many oils that can be ingested. Some are their lemon, lime, other vitality oils, Sacred Frankincense and many others. Yes, they cost more, but they are truly the SAFE oils I and many, many ingest. Also, their oils are safe to use directly on your skin without diluting. There are some that may be a bit strong for skin, like spruce oils, and yes, you need to never touch your eyes after ANY oils on them. You can email them with any questions at
As a certified aromatherapist, I urge anyone who is serious about incorporating essential oils into your life to study them through certified Aromatherapy schools. That’s the only way to ensure the proper uses of these wonderful gifts from nature. Though therapeutic, essential oils can cause more harm if not used properly. Have an aromatic day!
I too am a Certified Aromatherapist and wholeheartedly agree with you. Oils are natures drugs to be taken seriously!
I would love to know of any recommendations you have on certified aromatherapy schools.
Where are the references for the studies you cited?
Hi Jean, The sources are directly under the article summary box. They are under a tab called “[+] Sources and References”
Thank you. I just wish we had come across your information prior to my ex partner getting breast cancer. However, I am passing on the information you and others give for general well being. As we all should be saying, “it’s better to prevent than wait and have to try to cure”.
Any precaution needed for autoimmune patients with overactive immune, such as vasculitis? I use it occasionally for hubby but I have vasculitis and sometimes get it on my hands. Maybe I should wear gloves…
These essential oils like lavender might be good at healing and soothing pains, but sometimes essential oils could produce side effects. One should be aware that some people are allergic to plants.
You can’t be allergic to properly distilled lavender essential oil. In proper distillation, all of the protein molecules are not a part of the end product, and it is the proteins in plants, etc, that we are allergic to. We can, however, be sensitive to different essential oils, and we should always proceed slowly, as sometimes detox effects may occur.
Something that I was just told was that it depends on how the oils are distiller. If the company only puts the plants through the distiller once (as it should be!), then the allergens are separated out. But if they distill multiple times there are much higher chances of the left over allergens being mixed in.
Lavender is great for many problems for sure. Essential oils have such tremendous hidden potential to cure diseases, that it’s maybe not too wise to write as it may shock people having little knowledge about energy and vibrational healing.
Jasmine essense has working frequency = 180, and rose claimed to be highest in plant world = 250!!
Cancer as disease has vibration = 42, thus ALL essential oils can in fact cure it, so far they are above 120.
This healing power however can be kicked off, only by EXTERNAL sourse of similar high vibrational energy, of a healer, who acts like car generator to start the engine. Then the energy is released from the plant sourse to do healing. Native Americans do this (or at least were able to in the past) with TOBACCO, which turns from a poison, to effective cancer treatment (plus virtually all neurological diseases), and this is general method for all plant healing traditions on Oriental cultures.
Western medicine made people firmly forget these ancient roots for healing, having created numerous chemical drugs, which:
— are dead in terms of energy, having it far below cancer’s frequency of 42
— cause many side-effects, spoiling and poisoning body. What repeated chemo does to one’s body, is horrible in many cases, when one faces option of staying permanently cripple
— plus have price in $, now much higher, than essential oils for example?
How does one determine the frequency of different substances, diseases, plants, etc.?
Aleksis Smith, What have you studied to learn of the vibrational frequencies of diseases & Essenyial Oils? I am asking because I am very interested in learning myself! TY!
Cynthia E
Turmeric is very strong at causing bleeding in those who are susceptible also.
What brand of lavender essential oil is most beneficial?
There are several companies out there selling oils and because it has become such a buzz word even more are coming out of the wood work daily. I get my oils from a company that had been around for over 25 years and I have been using them on my friends and family for 7 years. I have total confidence in their purity and the integrity of the the company. I have used them topically, diffusing and ingesting with great results.
I use Edens Garden essential oils. They are pure and reasonable in their price unlike the MLM essential oil companies.
I’ve always been led to believe that all essential oils should be applied via a carrier oil like sweet almond oil and never undiluted. Could someone please clarify this point as it could be important to people who read this article.
Charmaine, not all essential oil companies are created equal. The research that I’ve done and read about lead me to use only the Young Living brand of oils. Their Seed to Seal process is one of a kind in the oil industry. With that said I’ve never diluted any of their oils unless I wanted to but I do recommend to others to do that until they are sure that they have no sensitivity to them. These oils are pure. Nothing added, but a few do have a carrier oil added to them but that is stated on the bottle. You can check them out at I hope this helps some.
I read that pure essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil like jojoba oil i.e. 6-7 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil. What is your recommendation?
Not all oils are created equal. Yes, if you are new to using them you should dilute to start with. If they are a quality oil like I use then that may not be necessary when you get accustomed to using them. If you want references to check out I would be glad to share some with you.
Ty, it would be beneficial and helpful to me and I’m certain others if you could share who you purchase lavender from. Or provide some names/brands of those which are recommended to purchase.
I use and I am also a consultant for doTERRA. One of my friends uses Young Living. If you are buying oils diluted with other oils, you’re being cheated. Of course the price is a lot cheaper, so you get what you pay for, right? You want to be sure the oils are pure and free from synthetics.
My cousin in Stockholm got my message with the different drugs. She talked with her surgeon, who said that she has a very aggressive cancer, and that they do the best they can for her. About the drugs they did not pay attention to them. They said that it is not time for drugs that are not defined as medicine. So she gets radiation now, with the hope that she could be free from cancer..
If you can get it, she should be on cannabis oil too.Google Rick Simpson and Phoenix Tears
Where can I get this cannabis oil… My son has aggressive Cancer and can not have anymore radiation or chemo…. Please advise if you can where I can find this his situation is critical
Edens Garden has cannabis oil
I am confused. I saw a documentary on breast health where young mothers were nursing their babies. They were tested for BP toxins found on thermal paper (all receipts that you handle from cash registers have a film on them and it goes directly into the bloodstream) They said that lavender was the most bio identical to estrogen and that if you have estrogen fed tumors in the breast, you should avoid lavender especially in deoderants (even natural ones contain lavender) Am I wrong or misinformed?
Donna…With issues like this I go to, the gold standard for doctors and health care practitioners on the latest research. I did an advanced search using the search terms lavender and cancer. I requested hits when searching Titles/Abstracts and received 22 returns. Bottom line, lavender has demonstrated antiproliferative ability on cancerous cells repeatedly. As said in this string, doctors are not trained in this area. I encourage you to do your own research. Do the same using the search terms for frankincense and cancer. The best to you.
People, do your research. Oils are natural. Drugs are not. Some people can do the research but others want doctors to do everything for them. So be it, if you don’t want to do research, Listen to your doctor.
I have a good 1, I have cancer now an using Frank, ceadawood, an Lavender on my neck an feet, just a few days ago I noticed 1 side of my neck was bleeding in spots but not the other side, I had Cancer 10 years ago an had radiation on the side that’s bleeding plus a small sunburn, is it bleeding because of the radiation I had 10 years ago an taking the toxic out??, or from the sunburn, I am not sure what caused the bleeding, I don’t take any prescription drugs, does anyone know what may have caused the bleeding on that 1 side pls reply if so ty bruce
Some oils are photosensitive and you should not be out in the sun after applying them.
I was just about to share my experiences of lavender, but after reading that last comment, I am not sure how this will come across. All I was going to say is that I have used lavender essence for years, first having come across it while grape harvesting in France, where we rubbed it directly on ankles and wrists and any other exposed areas that were susceptible to the bites of tiny flies (not mosquitoes!) called ‘moucherons’, which would cause your ankles to swell up and feel hot to the touch. The bites were far more painful, disabling and long lasting than any mosquito bite, but the lavender essence kept those pesky critters away wonderfully! Now I use it all the time, and always directly on the skin, undiluted. I like to rub it into what is politely known as the ‘bikini area’ (avoiding any mucus membranes) and under my armpits before applying pure crystal potassium alum, which is what I use as a deodorant. I also use a very good pure natural organic skin cream and balm which contain lavender in a beeswax and sunflower oil base.
Mary, if you are talking about flower essence of lavender that is a whole different substance than an essential oil. As Kimberly so kindly explains in her comment below, a hundred pounds of plant material is heated and the oil distilled out of it. With a flower essence you are just soaking a few flowers in a bowl of spring water to allow the essence to permeate the water. You then discard the flowers and dilute the water even more. So you can see that a flower essence is totally different than an essential oil. There is so much confusion about the different forms which flowers and herbs are used in.
I’ve started using lavender oil in my dryer, on wool dryer balls. With the oil being heated in the dryer, am I destroying the benefits? It smells lovely at least.
Pamela, can you direct me to the authoritative information about the dangers of ever ingesting any essential oil? I have purchased essential oils which are approved by the FDA as dietary supplements, are 100% pure and organic. If they are from common foods we eat, why would they be dangerous? I put a drop or two in a 20 oz water bottle, so I’m not talking about ingesting them in their concentrated form.
Over time, you can burn your esophagus because oil does not mix in water, it floats on the top of the water.
Do not ingest oils without the direction of an aromatherapist.
Please don’t forget that most essential oils are toxic to cats, so you will want to keep them away from them and make sure you wash your hands before petting them.
A couple others have asked this but I did not see an answer. WHERE do you recommend we buy essential oils? Thank you!
I don’t think Ty can make recommendations here. I have some resources if you would like to contact me privately. No pressure but I think Ty has to be compliant here.
Dawn, I really like Young Living Essential Oils at I have used their oils for years and are the first ones I studied up on along with herbs for healing, several books I have read and studied. I like Young Living Oils because they are 100% pure oils, not synthetically made like some cheaper brands. Synthetics can actually burn your skin. You find them at places like Rennesaunce Festivals. Young Living oils can be ingested, where other brands cannot. I suggest buying Y.L Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils. That manual tells you which oils are best for certain ailments. Though no company can legally claim healing, for liability reasons, the Frankincence that Ty used to give to the homeless man, I recognized the label as the same Young Living brand I used, as I recognized the design on the label, and most can be ingested. Good luck.
The black man whom Ty was giving the Young Living brand of Frankincense oil to, was he the black man with stage 4 lung cancer? If this man with stage 4 lung cancer used this Young Living Frankincense oil, would his lung cancer disappear completely? What shops can you get this particular type of Frankincense oil?
Young Living Essential Oils only guarantees the products you purchase directly from then since there is a lot of adulteration in the marketplace. Our website is connected directly to Young Living for ordering, you will also receive our EO educational e-newsletter.
Regarding the man’s lung cancer: Anything is possible however it has been our experience that the cause must also be eliminated for full restoration.
I hope this helps!
I use Young Living essential oils and believe they are the best . Our company starts with their own non GMO seeds and fro the seedling to the sealing of the oil being bottled is completely guaranteed to be 100% pure and distilled at the correct time and the right temperature as to not destroy any of its constituents. You may pay a little more than the oils in the health food stores but you know you are getting the safest most beneficial oil out there. Gar Young started this company over 21 years ago with a vision and a passion to get our oils in to every household in the world. That is is mission and he is very passionate about all of our oils and their purity.
I have estrogen positive breast cancer – My oncologist has advised me to NOT use any product with lavender (either the oil and an infused
product) as it has been proven to increase your estrogen levels.
Just letting you know…….
Oncologists are not trained in any way in the use of therapeutic oils. Mainstream medicine is NOT the same as alternative medicine. So do your homework before you believe what any conventional doctor tells you.
me, too stage 1, dx 7 mos ago, was rec. double mastectomy (2nd tumor in 15 yrs) refused, and have used 10-15 different strategies, frankincense oil externally, cannabis oil internally, dmso, alkalOH gel topically (kills ca. cells within 3 in of the skin) and keeping my pH alkaline 7.0, and lymph massage, and several other supplements like Maittake Mushroom, Ashwaghanda, Astralagus…..had a thermogram (way better than a mammogram, years sooner diagnostically) but mammograms make a huge profit, while thermograms have been around a lot longer, and much less expensive, so my thermogram after 4 mos. of alternative tx. shows no malignancy, NONE….having a 2nd thermogram this Sat. to monitor the breast and told my oncologist exactly what I am doing and why I had no surgery, no radiation, no chemo, no drugs to suppress my estrogen for 5 years, and he’s ok with it……there’s more but hope this may help in some small way. And according to the NY Times last week, they are downgrading some thyroid cancers to lesions and have evidence to support downgrading other ‘cancers, inc. brca……..
Gail, where can you do thermograms? Are they much better at detecting breast cancer than mammograms are? Do they determine how long a malignant and benign tumor has been in the breast? Where do you do thermograms?
I have been getting thermography for 2 years – I have never had a mammogram, way too much radiation! What I understand of thermography is that it is heat sensitive. Cancers develop their own blood supply which puts off heat. Thermography picks up these blood systems as they are forming. Mammograms cannot detect this early developmental stage. Mammograms also have many false positives – thermography does not. A doctor reads the thermograph. I’ve always had the docs reply and my copy within 24 hours!
If you Google thermography you should be able to find a practitioner in your area. : )
Hi Gail where can you buy cannabis oil and alkaOh gel
Take selenium and never eat burned food.
Google Dr. Joel Wallach & Youngevity.
Is selenium sold as vitamin supplements? Are they available at your local pharmacy? Do they seriously prevent a woman from getting breast cancer and any other forms of cancer in the future?
Thankyou Kimberly Finally someone with some experience at the research of essential oils.with clear information .
I always ask for the GC/MS report for my oils. It spells out the components and percentage of each in of that batch of oil. If a company refuses or cannot supply this test I won’t use that company/oil.
Essential oils are classified as a supplement, not considered a medicine according to the FDA and therefore are regulated as a food. Therapeutic and medicinal may be legal terms, but in my world oils that provide the body with the building blocks to restore health has therapeutic and medicinal properties. Essential oils, especially those that have been harvested from native habitats, that have not been synthesized nor adulterated, are therapeutic and companies that sell such have every right to say so.
Vintage Remedies, founded by Jessie Hawkins, recommends never applying essential oils undiluted, even in extreme cases such as cancer. I wholeheartedly believe that EOs are very beneficial and can work wonders, even in the treatment of cancer, but we need to be really careful not to advocate improper use of any medication, whether natural or not.
Didn’t know about Lavender being that important as a healing tool
I wholeheartedly believe dōTERRA’s lavender to be one of the best in the world. It’s potent and pure and is vigorously tested for its purity, both on their own and from third party testing (keeping them honest). I trust using dōTERRA on myself and my whole family and I’d love to help you get essential oils for yourself!
I’m NOT Ty but a TTAC follower. Once Ty said in one of his talks he used the following oils: Ameo (not sure of spelling), doTerra and Young Living.
I see the titles but not the reference information so that the articles can be obtained. authors, journal, date, volume, pages etc. Please include this information.
Hi Mary, Under the Sources and References tab there are a list of articles that contain links. All you have to do to view these sources is click on them.
doTERRA does not do GC/MS testing so there is no way to know if the oils are not tainted by pesticides. I do not know about Young Living.
How about Ameo essential oils? I heard they are good too.
Young Living oils are 100% organic. I wouldn’t use anything else. I love them.
I have used essential oils from AV-AT for many years. The best quality and no MLM markups. You can always call the 800 number for info. They also have carrier oils which are wonderful. I have no affiliation with them, just a very satisfied customer and I hope you compare prices.
I believe you are mistaken about doTERRA NOT doing GC/MS testing. It is done by a third party, independent lab.
I’m confused I just saw this doc on breasts and it says Lavender is Bad news ????
Doco called: The secret Life of Breasts
Product: Tales of the Unexpected
Thank you for the wonderful article. As you have mentioned that EO should not be applied near eyes, but before my HIIT workout I use Pepper mint oil n my temples. The fumes do go into my eyes and also when I use EO in my bath that time also while washing face it goes into my eyes. Is it bad??
I don’t use any oils near my eyes. I do pat peppermint on my cheeks, chin , neck and arms by putting 1 drop on each palm of my hand and rubbing hands together, then also rub my arms down to prevent gnats from bothering me while working outside. Each drop is many many plants and very concentrated. Even in bath water, it floats as oil and water don’t mix well, even in running water. I would advise to wash your face befor adding oils to the water. I use only 100%pure organic Young Living essential oils.
Your comment doesn’t make sense. You say that “when her liver was not producing Vitamin K, she did not need Warfarin”. But prior to that you said that you “realized her liver …not producing Vitamin K” and ” “she had also been on Warfarin”.
I always take a bottle of essential lavender oil on long flights. Every once in a while i put a drop under my nose and have found that by breathing air that is diffused with lavender I don’t catch colds or other airborne diseases. What a wonderful gift these natural oils are.
Hi Pamela, in one of the episodes of Truth about Cancer (ep 2 or 3) a femail patient I think with a brain tumor was placing clove oil on the tongue and then rubbing it onto the roof of her mouth and claimed it helped heal and eliminate the brain tumor. So who is right??? Confused.
There are a number of references to researchers saying what Lavendula might do for cancer patients. Have I missed the references somewhere in the above article? I would like to check the source of these references.
Here are the sources and references from the article. The Admin is correct that there is a link immediately following the article: [-] Sources and References
Essential Oils and Anxiolytic Aromatherapy
Preclinical Development and Clinical Use of Perillyl Alcohol for Chemoprevention and Cancer Therapy
Linalool-incorporated Nanoparticles as a Novel Anticancer Agent for Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma
Antiproliferative Effect of Linalool on Rpmi 7932 Human Melanoma Cell Line: Ultrastructural Studies
Comparative Studies of Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Properties of Different Extracts and the Essential Oil of Lavandula Angustifolia on Malignant and Normal Cells
Aqueous Extract of Lavender Angustifolia Inhibits Lymphocytes Proliferation of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients
Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Essential Oil Exerts Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Macrophage Mediated Immune Response to Staphylococcus aureus
Treatment with Lavender Aromatherapy in the Post-anesthesia Care Unit Reduces Opioid Requirements of Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
I have a lot of pain in my right leg in the front , it seem’s to be in the muscle.I have a lot of tingling and burning.My Dr. has done every test she can think of and can’t find out what is wrong.Thought it might be DVT, but it’s not.My question is, can I put Lavender oil directly on the skin with out it burning me , to help with the pain? yes I have real Lavender oil.
So much misinformation in these replies! Would the author of the article please cite the research she had referenced?
Hi Deborah, Please looks at our sources and references tab that is directly below the article summary at the end of the article.
If you are looking for information on autism & have not yet read “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride M.D. ,you will want to give serious consideration to this book. You can go on her website for information as well as Dr. Mercola’s website. He has interviewed her at least twice so just look her up under his videos. GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) is also on face book. I believe it would be wise to have a physician knowledgeable in GAPS to over see your care as well. I found our physician’s practice on the GAPS web site. I hope this information will be of help.
I asked the same question earlier on in this thread. The admin gave an answer: The sources are directly under the article summary box. They are under a tab called “[+] Sources and References”
It sounds like you’re using it properly, Susan. Also, I had vulvar cancer (rare – on the outside of vagina) and cervical cancer. I cleared it all with only natural therapies, including topically applying lavender and frankincense essential oils in a jojoba oil base. Years later, I also used lavender oil in a coconut oil base, which I shaped and froze into suppositories sp? which I used vaginally to clear groupB strep just before the birth of my second child. Also, I took probiotics. They want to give iv antibiotics to all moms during birth now, for a virus commonly found down there that typically has no symptoms and causes no problems and wanders back and forth from colon to sometimes vagina and comes and goes by the day. The test is so stupidly inacurate, taken three weeks before due date, plenty of time for it to come and go several times on its own. Two swabs are taken, one of vagina one of anus, but the samples ARE COMBINED! So if the results are positive ( most are) you may only have had it in your colon WHICH IS HARMLESS! Sorry, Susan, for the unrelated rant…
Can you please share more info?
I am currently seeking healing alternatives for Cervical Cancer .
Any information would be helpful.
I am Looking for amount of oils and frequency of application .
Thank you so much.
Roxanne G.
Certified Organic Essential Oils are my choice. Purify Skin Therapy makes a good point that organic oils are cleaner and healthier than nonorganic oils, avoiding concentrated toxic chemicals. The home page explains a lot. This rings true to me and to many others. A Certified Aromatherapist sources the oils and makes the blends. We have an opportunity to do our homework and become knowledgeable, just like The Truth About Cancer is helping us do. It is worth the read.
If you are not educated about essential oils YES dilute them in carrier oil. Generally 3 to 4 drops per ounce of carrier
3 to 4 is enough
Ameo and 19 other EO Mfrs. just came into the market last year. Not growers or distillers.
Young Living is the only company that has the Seed to Seal promise, 20+ years leading the market.
doTERRA uses Dr. Robert Pappas as one of its 3rd part testers. Yes GC/MS and other tests are used to determine it purity. In one of his talks I heard where he has identified 5 ways in which companies use to adulterate the oils to increase their bottom line. Yes, it is very important which company one uses to get the full therapeutic value expected. Since the government is not regulating this industry, it behooves us to do our own research.
Dr. Pappas tests for any company that hires him or an individual for that matter. Yes, he has tested for doTERRa. He has a great website and Facebook page to get information. Check him out!!
I found this material intriguing! So interesting! I use essential oils from Young Living almost exclusively. I have two other brands that I had before learning about YL. I will continue to use them topically until they are gone. I prefer using YL because of their Seed to Seal production. I thank all who have shared their positive results from using EO’s and I hope all will have success as you research and plan your path to recovery.
Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria, not viruses. Never take antibiotics for a virus. It just leads to over use of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Maybe there is a little confusion regarding the actual microbe you are talking about?
Oops! Beverly you are so right, I meant to say bacteria! Silly me!
GroupB Strep is the bacteria I was talking about… oops ????
Is CBD from hemp as effective as CBD from the actual cannabis plant?
Thanks for the info, Larry.
Any particular schools you recommend?
Oncologists are not taught in their formal training about these things, that is not to say that every oncologist is lacking this knowledge. I am an essential oil user and I work in cancer research along side many oncologists. Some of them have never learned but most are willing to hear and learn about it. Some are alot more knowledgeable than you would expect. The problem is exactly what Ty has shared in the documentary, they are bound to standards of care that basically forbid them from steering you in that direction. There are many cancer centers throughout the US and abroad that teach “wholistic aftercare” as a means to educate without violating their “rules”. These doctors go to school for over 25 years of their lives (K-practicing specialist) to take care of us. Don’t discount everything they know because you happen to feel differently about modern medicine than they do. The wise decision is and should be multiple opinions from multiple medical providers which could include a homeopath or naturopath. Also, it is a fact that estrogen receptive cancers should limit exposure to lavender amongst several others. The same for anticoagulants since lavender wants to aid in cardiovascular function. Blood thinners are used for a wide variety of reasons and many of those reasons can be too life maintaining to take this risk, example, mechanical heart valves or DVT’s. So, dear EO consultants and enthusiastes: watch yourself and how quickly you push EO’s over modern medicine. It seems you are the one not so educated.
It was frankincense not clove oil the young lady used to get rid of the brain stem tumor
There are now devices for that, based on principles of hi frequency electromagnetic fields interacting with living or “non-living” objects, one of such known as Kirlian effect. BTW, it can show cancer on energy level, BEFORE any significant cancer cell formation occurs – cells formation as microstructure, far smaller, than the smallest tumor! The pic is terrifying, as it appears as real скфи claw.
Didn’t find this by Google images, but the link was given through my Linkedin network.
real crab claw
A certified aromatherapist, I dilute all oils except lavender and tea tree. Even for lavender and tea tree, I use them undiluted only for cuts, burns and minor skin issues and only for short period time (2-3 days and 2-3 times a day).
Depending on the severity of the issues I am addressing and the person, I dilute the oils from 1% all the way to 30%. Again, to use e.o. properly, one needs to be educated about them in order to reap their wonderful benefits.
Young Living knows the frequencies of most of their EOs. You can purchase the Reference Guide for Essential Oils which contains the Young Living Essential Oil information.
I recommend the Large Soft Cover edition.
Receive my Free Essential Oil Newsletter for more information. http.//
Praying for your son.
Nancy, I do not know where you can purchase cannabis oil. However, until you are able to source it I recommend flooding the body with easy to absorb nutrients. My favorite is NingXia Red a liquid Superfood for the entire body, contains EOs. Get several cases and have him drink it, up to 8 oz. per day. If he can not swallow just rub it into the bottom of his feet or other areas of his body until he can. Drink equal amounts of water.
Purchase Wholesale from Young Living Essential Oils, saves 24%.
I hope this helps!
It is important to remember that it is not recommended to massage the area where the cancer is found or more specifically great care should be followed and advice sought on how to massage someone with cancer in case the cancer is spread via the lumph nodes through incorrect massage.
The lady in question used frankincense oil in her recovery from a brain stem tumour. If memory serves the interview is part of episode 2. Her name is Allison Huish and her website is:
Hope this helps.
My family also uses Young Living Essential Oils. We have had many wonderful experiences because of them, and I only recommend YL oils to my friends and family. I have used other brands, and none of them have given me the positive results that I get with Young Living.
My husband has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer. I am looking into Lavender essential oils as one source of natural means to help him with this prognosis. He takes warfarin and atenolol. Would lavender not be a wise choice for him because of these medications he has to take? We prefer natural means to heal the body. I would use Young Living Essential Oils through someone in my area. My major concern is the possible bleeding side effect. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on this matter.
May 13
If your state has legalized medical cannabis then you can go to a local dispensary for help in finding it.
The benefit of applying essential oils along with a carrier oil is that it disperses it & weighs it down into the skin & tissues. Without it you’ll needlessly use more of the essential oil (wasteful) as the essential oil evaporates due to being distilled. I prefer using fractionated coconut oil personally.
What about peppermint oil, can you use it directly from the bottle to rub into muscle pain or doe’s it need’s to be diluted? I know if peppermint oil is to strong it can and will burn the skin.
Hi Donna, Your question and more are answered in our EO Newsletter. Log in at our website:
Lavender is safe to apply “neat” or undiluted. It also works beautifully in carrier oils.
This is the only article on your entire site that even mentions glioblastoma. Yet people keep sending me to your site as an authority on GBM. :/
They are no doubt superb essential oils if Ty uses and recommends them. But there are other pure and organic sources not so impossibly expensive, a necessity for those of us literally impoverished by health crises causing loss of employment to care for our beloved family members yet still believing that our Lord is guiding us toward natural healing.
Hi sorry for news of son. Place. Look at. Silver water. And xocai healthy Choc. Very Hight on super food. It will bring he’s body antioxidants up. And the will help body get beater lol. Hope it helps
Check out “Rocky Mountain Essential Oils” I have been using them for about a year. Expensive, but after much research I do believe they are the best you can get.
I’ve ALWAYS used my EO’s without diluting them and have NEVER had any issues whatsoever. I buy 100% pure EO’s. I rub my lavender directly on my temples, forehead, behind the ears, wrists, inside elbows, and back of knees for many different types of ailments. I’ve also done the same for anyone I’ve come across, even on burns and never had any issues. I’ve also used peppermint and eucalyptus on my face with no problems at all. I do however close my eyes for a few seconds, cause the fumes can sometimes agitate the eyes. So, as someone who uses oils ALL the time, I can testify that using a good EO makes it possible to not have to dilute.
Sissy, I use Youg Living Essential oils. I studied herbs and oils for a few years, and trust this company to have 100% pure oils. You can contact them at or call them at 1-800-371-3515. They are spendy, but can be used directly on your skin or diluted in a carrier oil ( olive oil, almond oil, etc. about 4-5 drops per ounce of oil. I know some companies sell them cheaper, but they also might be made synthetically, man made not from nature, and those can actually burn your skin. If you saw the cancer videos Ty interviewed in, and looked real close, the bottle of Frankincense oil he gave the homeless man was Young Living oil. I recognized the older label because that’s what I use. The Frankinsense oil was put right on the tongue, 2 drops a day for cancer to build the immune system, but a strict diet change must be used too. I use the lemon oil, 2drops in my glass water bottle just because I love the taste of lemon water. Safe Essential brands specifically say to never ingest oils, which makes me wonder, and they are cheaper to buy. That doesn’t mean they aren’t good, but I just don’t trust the purity of oils if they state that. You do need to study up or ask companies if or which of their oils are for injesting. Then you also need to know which are recommended for health issues. I recommend Young Living’s Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils. Just because something is natural doesn’t make it safe. Example, Valerian for depression, an herb is not to be taken for over 9 months without three months off, as it can shut down the central nervous system. Reference Kitty Campion’s herbal book. No matter what oils you use, don’t get any near your eyes. Good luck!
Young Living Essential Oils may have received permission to ship to Kenya. Enter your country and language when placing your order through our website.
If there are toxic to cats they will also be toxic to humans. Young Living Essential Oils are not toxic however there is one EO that is not recommended for cats.
You may log in to our website to order or receive our EO Newsletter.:
Sylvia, I am sure a lot of things in combination strengthens the immune system. I’m sorry if you got the impression that the oils alone can get rid of cancer. While I believe the Frankincense from Young Living Oils is a great preventative building up the immune system, a person also needs to have a serious diet change. If you keep putting sugar into the body, it will keep re-activating those cancer cells. Changing to all organic non-GMO veggies, fruits, meats, non-flouridated water, and getting sugar out of the diet is also a way to build up the immune system. If you have or know someone who has cancer already, a switch to a homeopathic Doctor (search online) would also be part of the regiment. All methods together as the videos suggested, will give the body the best chance at healing.
I would think so!
Add VK to control bleeding.
Hi Donna May: I have used Young Living Peppermint oil directly on my skin, but everyone has different sensitivities. Again, if you have special needs such as being pregnant or a toddler, I would check with Young Living first. I put one drop directly on each palm and rub my hands together and pat it up and own my arms and lightly pat my face below the eyes and pat it on my ears. It seems to deter gnats when I am working outside. I never pat any in the forehead area. If you sweat, it make pick up the oil and travel to the eyes that way. Even though the oils are safe on my skin, I NEVER get any by my eyes. I have also put the peppermint oil in gluten free brownies I make and other items I eat that calls for mint flavoring.
Hi Katherine.
Aromahead Institute in Florida is one of the best known schools for teaching.
All done online through self study and no time restrictions.
But…..certification is not cheap and the oils needed add additional cost most are unaware of when signing up.
They have a few webinars you can view to get a better understanding of what they offer in addition to certification that is not as expensive.
I believe the correct description of the best iodine form is nascent.
Does anyone have an idea / recommendation about using an EO on joints that have painful rheumatoid arthritis please? Thank you any reply!
Yes, PanAway by Young Living has been soothing. The following combination applied in this order Valor, PanAway, Peppermint. I also recommend the Sulfurzyme supplement by Young Living.
To contact me, order and/or to receive our Young Living EO Newsletter go to our website.:
I have used Panaway! Wish it were a little more affordable even at wholesale prices. I have used other Y.L. oils in combination, but nothing worked as good as Panaway. It is fantastic! I used it twice a day straight undiluted on my forearms for six months, as my tennis elbow was unbearable. I also iced. After six months it went away totally. Then after two years if I even started to get a twinge of pain there, I applied it for a week and that’s all it took. Pain was gone for years. It really does work!!!
What about the brand NOW? I have purchased the Frankincense, Cloves, and Lavender of the NOW brand but not used them yet. I am recovering from Stage 1 Breast Cancer – the estrogen and progesterone positive kind. I am also on a blood thinner. How can I best use these Essential Oils to help prevent recurrence? I have to make the decision soon, whether or not to take Tamoxifen. I have already tried the Letrozal and it has caused me so much pain in my legs that I had to quit. I did not have Chemo, but had 25 Radiation treatments which did not cause me any trouble other than a temporary burn under my arm and the affected breast. I am in a real quandary as to what to do now. Can you help me make the right decision? Donna
Hi Donna,
Take those EOs back to the store for a refund unless you want to use them as perfume substitutes only.
Purchase Young Living Essential Oils instead. I only recommend their EOs to my clients. They are the only company around who have had authentic EOs for 20+ years. You will get results with their EOs.
The EOs you need are in the Premium Starter Kit for $160.00 ($320.00 Retail Value) plus add Melrose EO Blend to your order. The Premium Starter Kit includes a Lifetime Wholesale Membership, 24% savings on all future orders.
You can contact me, order and/or sign-up for my newsletter through my Young Living website.:
That’s great Marilyn!
The Helichrysum EO in PanAway is very expensive due to limited worldwide supply in the Young Living Therapeutic Grade. Helichrysum has properties that our bodies can use to regenerate tissue, etc.
Taking Sulfurzyme daily to support internally where lasting changes are made would be very beneficial.
I was also reminded that OrthoSport Massage oil has similar benefits as PanAway and is ready to apply over small or large areas and is more affordable for most however it does not contain Helichrysum EO.
I hope this helps! ????
IN the video The Truth about Cancer the young female was using frankinsense oil on the roof of her mouth not clove oil.
Can someone tell me please, in one of the latter series, one cancer conquerer based in the U.K, treated herself through homeopathy, or naturopath medicine. Despite being told by Drs she only had a few months to live. She went on to study the natural holistic approach herself and now has a practice in treating people for cancer. I would like her website address or contact details please. I can’t remember her name.
There is a preventative for breast cancer. Dr. Joel Wallach says to take selenium.
Also never eat burnt food. Look him up.
Forgive me if this topic has already been covered: Are there ANY good uses for Lavandin? I ask because I bought a bottle of Lavender essential oil that turned out to be from Lavandin a couple years ago before I knew better. I did some Google research and found various sites claiming that you can use it for calming, depression, disinfecting, healing of wounds (though not burns as Ty said), and others. But because of Ty’s caution in the article, and also finding that the chemical composition of true lavender vs lavandin is different, I’m not sure if I should believe what these sites say. So yes, obviously oil from true lavender is best, but is it okay to use Lavandin for certain things and if so, what are they?
Lavandin (Lavandula x hybrida) is a cross between English Lavender and Spike Lavender. It is easier to grow and yields more oil than Lavendar, thus it costs less.
It is primarily an analgesic, vulnerary (used in healing of wounds) and antiviral.
I just googled it and where I live we have limited resources for anything, Newfoundland Canada; that being said I was surprised to find this story of a cease and desist order on thermomography in this Provence.
Seed to Seal process is ok, but if you get your oils from the countries the plant grows in is better. Like the difference between a field tomato or green house. Harvesting from their mother soil, sun, weather etc creates a much more potent oil and healing properties. Some times you get what you pay for. When it comes to your health.. certain plants like lavender, oregano, frank, others can be ingested but if the processing is not done properly you can not use them internally. Yes a carrier oil is recommended, fractionated cocoanut oil does not leave stain or oil marks, witch hazel is another (many carrier oils).
I just returned from visiting the farm – watching as the plant material was distilled, tested and bottled. Yes, you can have that undiluted, extremely powerful oil at the same price as I get my. As a Certified Aromatherapist and Certified in Body Applications, it is extremely important that I receive the purest, highest quality possible! I just saw first hand how they do it and am fully confident that I AM getting the best. You can see pics of me at the farm on my FB page. It was an exciting time!
Distilled essential oils like we have today have not been around for a 1000 years. They arrived on the scene around the same time as distilled alcohol just a few hundred years ago. What the ancients would have used would be infused oils, that is a carrier oil that is allowed to macerate with the plant. This would extract different chemical constituents from the plants than steam distillation. Because the two processes of extraction are so different it is impossible to say that the essential oils would have the same action as the whole herb.
Thank you for your comments and yes, I agree…FDA approval doesn’t always equal safety of a product (often the opposite because they have reasons for approving products other than safety or efficacy). BTW where can I find the info on this recent FDA approval?
Ok ..wait — I’ve been using a lavender oil blend as an alternative to regular deodorant since getting breast cancer hormone positive stage 2 and in 2 lymph nodes and using lavender oil for my anxiety— now I read that it is estrogenic and can make my hormones increase which is , for me, like feeding my tumors– I am terrified that I have been increasing my risk for my breast cancer to return by using lavender. I have been doing everyone I can to not have a reoccurrence so to read this makes me sick. I’m so scared.
Did you ever find out any more info on this? I too was just told that lavender can have an effect on breast health?
Peace to you! That is not true. As long as you are using true Lavandula angustifolia you will be fine however I have better recommendations for deodorant. Contact me to discuss further.
You can google doTERRA im using this
yes!!! I have been using doTerra essential oils and they work like wonders!!!!
Actually, DoTERRA does do GC/MS testing, plus 9 other tests on every liter. In 2017, you will be able to enter the batch number from each bottle of oil to view the GC/MS test for that batch (many companies have GC/MS testing on their websites, but they are not batch-specific).
Actually, doTERRA is way beyond organic, and does approx. 16 tests per batch in addition to 3rd party testing to confirm actual constituents. Recognizable research institutions have largely focused on doTERRA not only because of the scientific testing but due to the fact that they have batch-to-batch consistency. If the oil chemistry varies, the research might be tainted and the oil suspect. doTERRA has developed some unique graphing techniques for screening and plotting the oil chemistry. I hope that people asking questions here do their due diligence and take nothing at face value. Your health is worth a little more time and effort and you need to be in control of it. Joe is Joe, Mary is Mary, and you are a unique being with distinctive issues, genetics, lifestyles, nutrition, fluid intake, toxin exposure, etc. Whatever is suggested, you still need to realize that your reaction could be one-of-a-kind and to proceed slowly as you discover how your body reacts. Remember, some initial negative reactions might be “detox” as nasty chemistry tries to leave your body all at once and since your skin is the largest organ, it is a likely way for toxins to escape. Do not be discourage, scared or quit. Keep the same protocol for at least one week (or longer) to see if the reaction subsided. Herxheimer reaction is common and mimics the original for of the illness. It will subside. Persist & push through it. Stay in touch with someone knowledgeable and experienced to support you. If someone suggest one single thing as a “cure all”; RUN away. Do not ignore nutrition and its impact as another factor in your discovery and recovery. Dennis . Health is a process.
Actually, I have a question! Who supplies TTAC with their Essential Oils? Thank you! Lynda
Hi Lynda Brown,
TTAC doesn’t sell essential oils, but the oils that we recommend are from Epigenetic Labs. Here is a link to find out more about them:
What is the status of Lavandula Officinalis?
I use them almost exclusively. They are clinical grade (100% pure, no fillers).
We are totally aware that you require to be able to get your info throughout to the general public as well as this is the best method to describe your infant strollers,