Most of us know that there are a number of foods which are powerful cancer fighters and immune boosters, such as red beets, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, etc. Likewise, most of us have heard about the value of juicing in both cleansing the body of toxins as well as providing valuable nutrition for a healthy body.
With this “Bloody Mary” recipe, you get the best of both worlds… a potent and tasty juiced drink which contains some of the most potent cancer fighters on the planet. And if you are a fan of Bloody Mary drinks (albeit non-alcoholic), all the better.
Juiced “Bloody Mary” Ingredients
Here is a look at the ingredients in this ultra-healthy and delicious juiced drink:
Red Beets – Beets help protect against cancer, particularly colon cancer. There is also something called “Beet Therapy” which doctors have used to get rid of tumors and to help with blood diseases and leukemia. Beets are also rich in betaine, which stimulates liver cell function and helps keep the bile ducts healthy and flowing so that the body can properly eliminate toxins.
Carrots – Carrots and carrot juice have been widely used to successfully beat cancer, sometimes as a standalone treatment. Among the many healthy compounds found in this root vegetable are polyacetylenes, which studies have found to be beneficial against inflammation and cancer.
Tomatoes – In addition to providing the tomato juice that gives the characteristic red color to Bloody Mary drinks, tomatoes help guard the DNA in your cells from damage that can lead to cancer. Tomatoes contain a particularly high concentration of the antioxidant called lycopene.
Baby Spinach – Spinach is one of the healthiest dark green leafy vegetables. It contains a large number of valuable vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Spinach is especially rich in folic acid. Folic acid helps maintain the cell’s genetic code and regulate normal cell division.
Broccoli – Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable − a group of vegetables that are among the most powerful cancer fighting foods to be found. Cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and important antioxidants such as beta carotene and sulforaphane compounds. Cruciferous vegetables contain isothiocyanates. These are phytochemicals which help break down potential carcinogens. They also contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help prevent estrogen-driven cancers.
Wheatgrass – Wheatgrass is one of the most potent superfoods on the planet and is used as a primary component of some alternative cancer treatments. Primary among its many cancer-fighting ingredients is chlorophyll, which has almost the same molecular structure as hemoglobin. Chlorophyll also contains the noted cancer-fighters selenium and laetrile.
Celery – Celery is a powerfully healthy vegetable that is most noted for helping regulate blood pressure. It is also a powerful cancer fighter and it contains apigenin and luteolin, compounds which are bioactive flavonoids that fight cancer cells.
Garlic (2-3 cloves) – Garlic, as well as onions, leeks, and chives, have immune-enhancing allium compounds. These compounds increase immune cell activity, help break down cancer causing substances, and block carcinogens from entering cells. Studies have linked garlic to lowering the risk of stomach and colon cancer. Diallyl sulfide, a compound found in garlic oil, has also been shown to incapacitate carcinogens in the liver.
Cayenne (as much as you can comfortably drink) – Hot peppers such as cayenne (chili peppers) and jalapenos contain capsaicin − a chemical which fights cancer and helps neutralize certain cancer-causing nitrosamines. Hot peppers are especially valuable for helping prevent stomach cancers.
Whole Lemon – Lemons are widely used in anti-cancer diets and treatments. Studies have found that lemon extract can successfully destroy malignant cells in a wide range of cancers, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer.
Turmeric Root (or powdered turmeric if you can’t find turmeric root) – Turmeric is a popular kitchen spice whose main ingredient is curcumin. Curcumin has become a rising star against cancer in recent years. Its powers have been detailed in a whopping 8963 studies and papers in PubMed, the U.S. national library of medicine.
Tip: Choose organic and fresh, locally grown ingredients as much as possible for the healthiest recipe. Also, wash all fruits and vegetables well before cutting or adding to the recipe.
Directions for Making a Juiced “Bloody Mary”
1. Use a more or less equal amount of the above ingredients, except for perhaps using a few extra tomatoes, using only a few cloves of garlic, and using only as much cayenne pepper as you can tolerate.
2. Juice the above ingredients in a quality low-RPM juicer such as the Omega Vert 350HD used by this author. Note that high RPM juicers oxidize the ingredients and greatly reduce the juice’s health benefits.
3. Add fresh ground black pepper, turmeric powder (if you cannot find turmeric root to juice), and Himalayan salt to taste after making the juice. Then, plop in a celery stalk and perhaps a couple of green olives and enjoy!
Recipe Tips & Notes on Juicing
- As a cancer preventive, enjoy a couple of glasses several times a week. As a cancer fighter and detoxer, drink 6 or more tall glasses per day for at least a week with no other food consumed. After that, continue drinking several glasses a day along with a healthy diet and other cancer-fighting supplements thereafter.
- For a sweeter morning version, substitute apples for the tomatoes and also add ginger.
- The key to getting the maximum benefit from juiced drinks is to consume them while the plant enzymes are still “live.” Thus it is best to only make as much as you will be able to drink within a couple of days instead of making large batches that may take days to consume.
Please share this healthy, anti-cancer “Bloody Mary” recipe with friends and family who might enjoy it. Plus add any of your favorite juicing recipes into the Comments section below.
Can I use a blender instead of an expensive juicer?
I think so. Try for yourself.
There are blenders that can chew up everything you put in them, which gives you all of the nutrients in them but also more fiber which may fill you beyond your ability to consume the amount of nutrients you are after with the cocktail.
Especially if you are trying to heal, I would recommend a juicer. The masticating juicers ARE pricey. But, on Ebay, if you shop carefully, you can get a “new” or reconditioned Omega centrifugal, non-masticating, with or without pulp ejection, for less than $80, US shipping and 3 year warranty included. My new Omega with pulp ejection feature just was delivered. It is an older model, but I have had it’s predecessor without pulp ejection since the early 90s and it is still going strong. Easy to clean and takes up little space. The new ones on the market come with a 15 year guarantee. I’m not sure if mine will have that but they are made to not have the warranty be needed.
If you are going to juice leafy greens or grass, a good trick to know is to wrap them in a bigger leaf, like lettuce or Kale or collard with a firm stick of something like a sliver of celery, carrot or collard green or kale stems. The stiff stick helps it not get bunched up, while the bigger leaf holds it all together while it’s being grated and the juice extracted. You can’t push it too fast or the motor cuts off. If this happens, there is a restart button on the back, so it’s not a terrible thing.
Good luck!
A blender is less effective in terms of nutriments, but if you do so you will have then to drain the mixture through a nut milk bag to obtain a “juice”.
I think it’s called V8.
Wes you can’t compare V8 to juicing your own fresh veggies. Besides read the label. Then wonder how long its been in that bottle.
Tony, A question for you. I have this very juicer but I have problems getting it to juice celery and cabbage. Do you have any tips? I would really appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you.
My husband a.was diagnosed with a brain tumor that can’t be operated on,,, chemo and radiation did not help,,,, please help us
This reply is to Chris MacBeth. It is a duplicate of what I wrote before, but the comment program did not match the reply to the person, so I am re-posting.
The Budwig Protocol (mostly dietary) was developed to cure cancer. Here is my partial understanding of some of the principles it is based upon.
1. Cancer cannot live in an O-2 rich environment.
2. Cell respiration (O-2/CO-2 exchange) and cell metabolism (taking in nutrients/discharging waste products) can be enhanced with the result that cells can operate according to their innate (DNA) instructions, whatever kind of cells they are.
3. #s1 & 2 can be accomplished via intake of flax seed oil and cottage cheese or quark when they are bonded via easy but special instructions + basiclly a fresh, organic, lacto-vegetarian diet.
I find the diet delicious and easy. If I have to eat this way for the rest of my life, I won’t mind. Depending on your tastes, you can spice it or leave it plain. Johanna Budwig, the nobel-nominated bio-chemist who devised the protocol, also wrote a cookbook. Her recipes look delicious, but they take more time than I have, so my meals are more simple. She was German. 3 of her books have been translated into English and are available on the Web.
Here is a great website/chat where you can learn from survivors what they did.
After you sign-up, you will probably receive a welcome email as well as one which details the Budwig protocol.
I have personal, successful experience with the protocol, but fibromyalgia, not cancer is the condition. Immediately I began seeing reduction of symptoms. Rapid improvement followed. It has been 3 months. I still have occasional symptoms but usually not. When I do, they are mild. I don’t think 3 months is enough time for a cure, but I am happy with feeling so much better.
Blessings for complete healing and a wonderful life ongoing.
Alkaline 80% Acid diet 20% read on line no Bads bread alcohol dairy or sugar. Organic local live sprouts colored fruits vegies steamed or raw and become a vegetarian mostly. Grain fed if you eat some meats use ac vinegar mushroom powders brown rice quinoa coconut olive flax and essential oils all the good things of mother nature has to offer you will be healed.herbs Auyvedic and walk in nature do yoga and breath. Laugh and watch funny movies. Blessings
Chris M. Chemo and radiation usually won’t help tumors. Your husband needs an organic food, veggie and fruit diet and meats without growth hormones ( GMO’s) with no pesticide/chemicals in the meat. Also, get rid of all sugar unless it’s naturally in the organic fruits, etc. Sugar feeds tumors, like a sponge to water, so shakes like Ensure, etc. are full of sugars. See about getting a book by Dr. Joel Wallach ” Dead Docters Align” which also talks about the dangers of STATIN drugs. It’s the stem cells that form the cancer, and are immune to chemo and radiation. Then look for the info tabs about doctors in alternative medicines that TTAC ( thetruthaboutcancer) mentions for other extensive treatments. Just a new diet, eliminating sugar makes a huge difference in healing. Also, if you can order a reliable pure oil like Young Living, or Doterra, Frankincense oil 1-2 drops on the tongue a day. Never get cheap synthetic oils. I only recommend these two brands.
My son had an aneurysm in the brain and it ruptured causing him to have a stroke and loose his paripheral vision. His life was saved by going to Boston and being treated with the Proton beam. It is used for inoperable brain tumors as well as the Cyberknife. They are much safer then the chemo and radiation treatment and do not destroy the good cells. There is information and videos about the treatment. My son works on missiles and its been twenty years since his treatment and he is in good health.
Good :Luck
Do you use raw or cooked beets?
For Lunabellax: I juice my beets as well as all other vegetables and fruits raw. The raw beet juice adds a wonderful sweetness. Since I have to cut everything to fit in the chute, I make a sandwich: 2 beet slices with a slice of lemon in the middle. It mixes sweet/tart with all the other ingredients.
Thank you, Marj. I’m going to try it out.
People should know that there are 4 nightshade vegetables that will make arthritis/joint pain worse. These are, Tomatoes, Potatoes, (does not include sweet potatoes) peppers and eggplant. I stopped eating all tomato products, potatoes and peppers (I rarely ate eggplant) for one year and there was a tremendous difference in the joint pain I had been experiencing. Now I can have a little of these items occasionally and have no adverse effects. I am very careful tho as I know how these products can affect my body.
Would kale also work if spinach wasn’t as available?
Thanks for comments and turmeric comments I do not go on facebook
This looks like an excellent cocktail with one important exception: If you incorporate wheat grass, make it fresh each time: Wheat grass must be consumed immediately after being juiced.
I learned this when my doctor prescribed a wheat grass douche to address an abnormal pap smear.
Not having a juicer, I went to the local juice bar. I took a big jar. The bar man told me not to buy so much, that it would not be good, later. I disregarded his advice Without telling him what I planned to do with it, I insisted he fill up my jar, as it was a long way home. He did. On the way home, the juice in the jar hissed loudly for about 10 minutes. Then, it went silent. I assumed it had been hissing out oxygen, which is important to the healing power of the wheat grass. (We are told that cancer has a hard time living in an O-2 environment.) After that, I took my equipment with me to the juice bar every day for the prescribed period.
BTW: My follow-up pap was negative.
Excellent article. Going to try it. I’m sure it’s good for our overall health.
Thanks for all your wonderful work. I really appreciate what you do.
Marilyn Wertheimer
Same question, isn’t a good blender ok? Just set the blender on “food processor” speed so the pulps are pureed? Better to actually drink the pulp of the vegetables?
I agree with the article. It must be tasty. But as a Ukrainian I must admit that we have Borscht. And kefir (and Kvass). And bone broth. And slightly salted (almost raw) herring/sprats. And apricots with their kernels. And buckwheat. Different herbs, mushrooms… And much more (I admit we do not have laminaria, turmeric, black pepper and some other things). No need to go fancy. Ukraine rules.
You forgot the vodka!
The Budwig Protocol (mostly dietary) was developed to cure cancer. Here is my partial understanding of some of the principles it is based upon.
1. Cancer cannot live in an O-2 rich environment.
2. Cell respiration (O-2/CO-2 exchange) and cell metabolism (taking in nutrients/discharging waste products) can be enhanced with the result that cells can operate according to their innate (DNA) instructions, whatever kind of cells they are.
3. #s1 & 2 can be accomplished via intake of flax seed oil and cottage cheese or quark when they are bonded via easy but special instructions + basiclly a fresh, organic, lacto-vegetarian diet.
I find the diet delicious and easy. If I have to eat this way for the rest of my life, I won’t mind. Depending on your tastes, you can spice it or leave it plain. Johanna Budwig, the nobel-nominated bio-chemist who devised the protocol, also wrote a cookbook. Her recipes look delicious, but they take more time than I have, so my meals are more simple. She was German. 3 of her books have been translated into English and are available on the Web.
Here is a great website/chat where you can learn from survivors what they did.
After you sign-up, you will probably receive a welcome email as well as one which details the Budwig protocol.
I have personal, successful experience with the protocol, but fibromyalgia, not cancer is the condition. Immediately I began seeing reduction of symptoms. Rapid improvement followed. It has been 3 months. I still have occasional symptoms but usually not. When I do, they are mild. I don’t think 3 months is enough time for a cure, but I am happy with feeling so much better.
Blessings for complete healing and a wonderful life ongoing.
Marj, thank you for posting this. I have fibro also and not cancer and am interested in natural ways to get healthy.
Rae, You’re quite welcome. It’s good to know someone has read what I wrote and might benefit. A few weeks after starting Budwig, I was extremely impressed with the results, but I also felt skeptical that it could be working so fast. I decided to journal to keep track of what I was experiencing. For that, I started a simple, personal blog. I thought, if it panned out, perhaps someday, it could be of use to others, but that was not my first goal. In case you’re interested, here’s the site of my initial entry.–musings/budwig-beginning. You’re also welcome to explore the rest if it, but you may find it somewhat boring as I journal my walking progress, weight loss, and other minutia.
If you try the protocol I would love to hear your experience. Until I develop the site for the public, probably the best way to do that would be to pick one of my entries and leave a comment.
Marj, thank you so much. I will check it out.
I just tried this with the exception of wheat grass. I liked it!
I I partially cook my beets to soften them to quarter for fit to size pieces for juicing. I reserve any beet juice water and mix it with my green tea, making sure the tea is organic and the tea bags are unbleached.
I had a hernia repair a year ago, Feels like the mesh is inflamed, and it hurts. Was told by Dr. It’s a healing process. One month ago went to emergency room , they scanned abdomen, nothing showed up.? Have a annoying pain and it appears am swollen. If this mesh is indeed inflamed, my immune system is trying to fight it. What could I do to help myself.
Irene this sounds like a reaction to surgical mesh which is very common. Get a second opinion from another doctor as it may be necessary to have the mesh removed. The mesh cannot be inflamed as it is not a living thing however, the tissue in your body around it could be inflamed. Reducing inflammation in your body will not make any difference if you are reacting to the surgical mesh. Please get this checked out properly as it could lead to chronic pain and other problems if it is caused by the mesh.
Rae, I don’t know why you couldn’t use a little liquid in a non Teflon pan to soften those kind of veggies up slightly, let it cool and add them to the juicer or blender afterward
Thank you Marilyn. I’ll give that a try. The celery is so stringy it has been getting caught in the chute. Bless you. I hope you have awonderful weekend.
Noticing no one replying……maybe needing to ask my situation in a different way. Could anyone help me, if my body had inflammation.? Thank you
Irene, My apologies in getting back to you so late. Just went through the death of a brother from complications of brain tumors, radiation and chemo. He wanted to go the traditional route, asking me what if I was wrong about homeopathic ways and diet to treat cancer. Well, sadly he was wrong and passed last weekend.
Inflammation: Beside ice, elevation and rest, I have oils through Young Living Oils that people have used for inflammation. I don’t know if you had an exam to eliminate possibility of sprain or broken bones or another condition, but these oils can greatly reduce the production of nitric oxide that results in inflammation and tissue damage. The six oils that helped the most are Oregano, nutmeg, lemongrass, melaleuca ericifollia, dill, and peppermint. If I’m not mistaken, the first two oils might not want to use if you have heart conditions. You can consult an aromatherapist at their website. Apply on location and to brain stem back of neck up to the skull. You can look up in the ” How to Use- The Personal Usage Reference” in the Essential Oils Desk Reference under Inflammation or Anti Inflammation sections for some excellent blend recipe. Hope this helps. Also Doterra brand oils are excellent oils to use, if you should choose. Don’t use cheap synthetic oils that can burn your skin and keep them away from your eyes.
That’s was great information what do you suggest about dialysis
I tried juicing everyday for a month. At first, I felt great. By the end of the month, I was in bad shape. I was hurting in my kidney area and my level of depression had increased. I had a kidney stone 24 years ago. I have hypothyroid and Hashimoto. I had used two different recipes, but both included kale, which is a cruciferous vegetable. From the research that I have done since, individuals with thyroid conditions should not have cruciferous vegetables raw. Now I am afraid to juice at all. Do you know anything about how this affects the thyroid or have any suggestions?
yes to much can lower thyroid function, dab on a patch of iodine for thyroid function, and eat bone soup, you can also leave crused lemon/ orange peals and pulp to ferment a bit overnight and make tea the next morning – skin and pip oils are anticancer.
this guy is alive using the leto diet, insect flour for protein and no plants at all in his diet – he has a problem with the natural pant chemicals. IN UK they are doing research on the leto diet based on his survival.
Practical Keto – low carb high fat, is a good site to join. Fasting is a great way to renew cells and immune function too, 5-4 days on water then leto diet.
All the best.
sorry meant to say 3-4 days on water fast – you need to add extra salts into the diet with fasting or low
carb high fat diet.
to Chris MacBeth: Eat only organic live fresh fruits & veggies, a LOT of juicing as the nutrients go almost immediately into the blood stream. If you have to eat meat, eat it less often and smaller amounts – meat is more difficult to process and if your body is trying to heal itself you don’t want to take it away from the healing process in order to digest & process meat. If you decide to continue to eat meat eat only wild caught fish and 100% grass fed – google it & you can find multiple sites to order from. BUT don’t just focus on nutrition… eliminate toxins in your home (cleaners, soaps, air fresheners, shampoo/conditioner, lotions, deodorant, cosmetics, etc.). these toxins are very easily absorbed through the skin / lungs and build up over time; some even contain compounds that easily cross the blood-brain barrier – which you definitely don’t want – you don ‘t want to feed a brain tumor! If he has already had chemo & radiation then you will need to find a naturopathic doctor who can get you on a detox program – you will have to put in an effort to detox for the next 5 years or more as the toxins from these 2 conventional “treatments” have long term effects and stay in your tissues unless you do something to get them out. Plus the chemo only hyper-aggravates that part of the DNA causing the tumor/cancer and it will come back with a vengeance – so you have to be proactive! Also realize that he may have a genetic predisposition for cancer so a lifestyle change along with periodic detoxing may have to be for life.
LMAO! I hope Wes was just being sarcastic. lol
The recipe sounds great except for the Wheatgrass. I thought humans do not have the enzyme(s) necessary to digest any grasses even if they have been juiced and therefore can’t absorb any of the nutrients it contains.
Thanks sooooooo much Ty I love all you do and want to share with everyone i know, I need to copy the page with this on it I heard you on coast to cost which I belong to and need a podcast on your wonderful message there, sincerely, Norman Waddell and God Bless, you and all you do , Norman
Chris, prayers for your husband. Assuming you already follow the anti-cancer diet, I second Marj’s recommendation for the Budwig protocol. In the 2015 series, Ty interviewed someone from the Budwig Clinic in Spain where they use it as the basis for curing cancer. The website has a section on it, and I personally know a woman who cured herself from some kind of cancer using the Budwig protocol after chemo/radiation failed and doctors sent her home to die. There are many videos on Youtube about it, including a series by a young woman in the same situation as your husband who drastically improved over the months using Budwig. You might also look for a book by Ben Williams, PhD called “Surviving Terminal Cancer.” He started out the traditional route for a glioblastoma but after getting stonewalled by his oncologist, formulated his own multi-pronged approach using different traditional medications plus a number of natural therapies. I’m just getting started on this journey myself so there is probably a lot of other information out there, but from what I’ve learned, I think strictly following Budwig (also look for the Cellect-Budwig protocol) will be your best and fastest option. With a brain tumor, you can’t take time to wait for detox etc alone to work.
This is awesome stuff, it’ll put hair on your chest. You can also add onion, ginger, and cilantro. – a young guy who had brain cancer with months to live used the ketogenic diet. It starves the cancer cells of glucose. He is pretty extreme on how he eats but he is thriving after 3 years and now there is research into the diet for many things. Practical Keto is another very easy to follow diet advice specifically for cancer … there is a face book site as well. Professor Seyfried and D’Agustino( ?spelling) in Florida are the main academics in the field. You need to work out your callerie needs for a day based on height and age and convert all but 100gm of protein and 40 gm of carbohydrate to fats/ oils ( make it healthy ones like olive, some coconut, macadamia, almond meal) – weigh the oils you need for the day and find sugar free foods to eat them in – like almond and orange cake with extra oil made with stevia, coconut and lemon or citric acid in cilantro, tomato, soups, zero calorie noodles with mushrooms, tomato pasta sauce (low sugar), cut out milk fat and egg yokes because they naturally contain hormones. All the best.
one person I met who had 3 fast growing breast cancer tumours used red scallions crushed with equal parts sugar as a poltice … that way the allicin which is a very active ingredient in onions and garlic go straight into the blood stream and isn’t deteriorated by acid in the stomach, after 3 months they had decrease dramatically and after a year they had vanished. She also danced to her favourite music for an hour each day and ate vegetarian for a year. That was 15 years ago. She knows others woman with advanced cancer who had good results as well.
You need to use a slow turning cold press juicer for the best results. I use an Angel juicer and have done so for many years. Centrifugal juicers will not juice leaves such as cabbage, spinach or wheatgrass.
Is it expensive to purchase a RPM juicer? Would these type of juicers be available in Canada? Would a food processor be good for juicing my fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices?
When you say whole lemon, do you mean rind and all? the recipe but not sure of how much of every ingredient…could you specify a little more..I love all the veggies and do eat them often but they are cooked…..probably not as good huh?..thanks
Look into serrapeptase. Very interesting enzyme that helps a lot of conditions. Doctor’s Best is supposed to be a good brand and it’s affordable.There are articles and youtube videos that will tell you about it. Also, if you look up Dr.s Best serrapeptase on Amazon, go read through the reviews there for all the different things people have had good results that they were using it for.
I have a nutria bullet. I got rid of my juicer because there was so much waste and many times the nutrition is in the skin and or pulp. I read the above comments on not using a juicer but not sure I understand what you mean by this comment….”There are blenders that can chew up everything you put in them, which gives you all of the nutrients in them but also more fiber which may fill you beyond your ability to consume the amount of nutrients you are after with the cocktail.”
Can you try to explain that one again….are you saying that the fiber contained in the drink will fill you up to fast and therefore you will not want to drink as much as you should to get the nutrients?
Champion Juicers are the only ones I recommend, I have had mine for 15 years and it is easy to assemble easy to clean, spare parts always available, they grind, not oxidise the fruit and veg.
If you have arthritis, I would stay away from tomatoes. In fact, stay away from all ‘nightshade’ veggies and your joints will feel better.
To thin out the liquid if too thick, use coconut water. Add organic blueberries for added sweetness. Add some avocado for a creamier touch.
Spot on! They should call this a virgin bloody Mary ! Alcohol is not good for cancer. the body works on eliminating the alcohol before it starts fighting the cancer . Also the body detoxes much slowly when alcohol is present in it . But a little alcohol is good for your mind and spirit ?
I believe lycopene is only available to the body from cooked tomatoes. I would use all other ingredients raw.
I thought you should know that most of the ingredients on that list though being full of antioxidants and healing compounds are high in oxalates. These are beetroot, carrots, turmeric, celery, spinach. No doubt most people will have no problems with consuming those but if you have oxalate issues and don’t know it juicing these can make matters WAY worse. That’s what happened to me. After consuming pure carrot juice (1-2 glasses a day) for 1 month I was in so much pain that I had to make an appointment with rheumatoid arthritis specialist. My fingers and toes were in pain similar to being pinched in the door. All my joints were sore! The sad part is that even though my pain is mostly gone now, 5 months later, I can’t eat foods containing even moderate amount of oxalates now (carrots, beets, tomato paste, potatoes) let alone foods with high amounts like spinach, almonds, spices etc. Foods that I was able to eat just fine are off limits to me now. Be careful with consuming high oxalate foods in a juice form for a long time if you have any of the symptoms like joint pain, cloudy or burning urine, painful urination etc. especially if you have these symptoms after consuming almonds or spinach for example. That would be a red flag.
thanks for the heads up. I was randomly reading this whole page my partner posted to me. I wonder if these foods have anything to do with the pain I’ve been getting n my knees for a few months now?
How about adding some horseradish? Would that be beneficial as well as tasty? My favorite Bloody Mary ingredient.