I love garlic. I can (and do) literally use it in just about every meal. It’s packed with flavor and adds a complex aroma. There are numerous health benefits of garlic and you can even fight cancer with garlic.
By now, you must have heard about the healing powers of garlic. It is naturally anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial.
Throughout history, it’s been used to prevent infections and protect from disease. While garlic may be as old as the pyramids, modern day scientific studies have confirmed the incredible health benefits of garlic and its active compounds.
Allicin is the most critical substance found in this member of the allium family (other allium members are onions, leeks, chives, and shallots). This sulfuric compound is what makes garlic a cancer-fighter.
7 Scientifically Proven Ways Garlic Helps Your Body
- Garlic is nutrient dense. High in the good stuff like manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium, and fiber your body needs without heavy calories. It even has a bit of protein and carbs.
- Garlic is excellent for your heart. Researchers in Saudi Arabia found that the equivalent of four cloves of garlic was as effective as a hypertension drug called Atenolol. Red blood cells convert the sulfuric compounds of garlic into hydrogen sulfide gas, which helps to expand blood vessels and lower pressure. Garlic also has been proven to help prevent hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
- Garlic boosts your immune system. One study conducted during prime cold season in the United Kingdom found that participants using garlic had 60% fewer colds that wrapped up faster (with less extreme symptoms) than those on a placebo. Steeping crushed garlic in tea (with a bit of lemon and honey) could be the cold relief you’ve been looking for all your life!
- Garlic is a powerful antioxidant. Free radical damage that leads to body-wide inflammation is the root cause of many diseases and conditions including heart disease, obesity, diabetes, aging, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. Garlic “ramps up” your body’s ability to fight free radicals. If you suffer from an autoimmune disease (a growing epidemic around the globe), you need garlic in your diet!
- Garlic is effective against fungus and parasites. Regular consumption of garlic can help prevent negative effects of bacteria and parasites in your food (including food poisoning). Studies have included using fresh garlic to treat E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enteritidis.Also, for those who suffer from athlete’s foot, or jock itch, adding garlic to your eating plan is an excellent way to get these problems under control. If you live in areas where worms and parasites are a problem, again, garlic can be helpful. You can grind garlic into a paste, mix with coconut oil, and apply topically to problem areas. Garlic was even used by soldiers in both World Wars to prevent gangrene. Studies have included using fresh garlic to treat E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enteritidis.
- Garlic is a natural (and highly effective) detoxifier. Not only is garlic excellent at mopping up free radicals, it is also effective against heavy metals in the blood. One study found that lead in the body of men who worked in a battery factory went down by 19% using garlic.
- Garlic is great for your skin. The sulfuric compounds in garlic are excellent against inflammatory conditions of the skin such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. While you don’t want to walk around smelling like garlic, you should give a garlic and coconut oil mask a try! The next time you see a pimple forming, rub a slice of raw garlic clove over the area.
Using garlic to fight cancer is honestly common sense. It has the ability to detoxify, lower free radical damage, and boost your immune system − so it’s a natural choice.
Cancer-Fighting Garlic Facts
Cancer cells become damaged from dietary and environmental toxins, rampant inflammation, and a compromised immune system, to name a few. Garlic specifically targets these weak spots, giving you an extra layer of protection without dangerous side effects.
In laboratory settings, garlic appears to kill leukemia cells as well as slow the growth of tumors in prostate, bladder, colon, and stomach tissue. More human trials are needed, but there are many reasons to make garlic part of your anti-cancer lifestyle. Alongside the powerful effects of allicin, garlic also contains cancer-fighting quercetin.
Over several years, men and women who regularly consumed garlic in their diet had a 30% lower risk of colorectal, esophageal, and stomach cancers. The greatest benefits came from raw or chopped, cooked garlic… supplements didn’t have the same dramatic results.
Chemotherapy and radiation treatments ravage your immune system. If you’re currently undergoing conventional cancer therapies, including garlic in your diet can provide a 50% boost to your immune system. This is critical in helping cancer patients prevent colds, flus, and infections.
How to Get the Most Health Benefits from Garlic
A garlic bulb or head contains between 10-20 individual cloves. They should be chopped, minced, or crushed raw to release the allicin. You shouldn’t cut up garlic after cooking because it loses many of its powerful antioxidant properties.
Eat it raw (or as close to raw) as you can for the maximum effects. When cooking, chop the garlic first and allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes while prepping other ingredients. This gives the allicin time to release and then cook as usual.
One of my very favorite ways to use garlic, is to make my mouthwatering garlic mashed cauliflower recipe. It’s a crowd favorite that your family will be begging for you to make weekly.
Your Body Needs the “Stinking Rose”
Every proven health benefit of this little vegetable is also going to help fight cancer. Garlic is good for your entire body… from baldness (it’s a thing) to colorectal cancer to athlete’s foot. There are no downsides to adding cancer-fighting garlic to your regular eating plan.
It may be considered a “stinking rose” but a little bad breath after your delicious salad made with chopped raw garlic is absolutely worth it to fight cancer, prevent colds, and detox from heavy metals!
Please help bring more awareness about the cancer-fighting health benefits of garlic by sharing this article with your friends and family below.
Article Summary
While garlic may be as old as the pyramids, modern day scientific studies have confirmed the incredible health benefits of garlic and its active compounds.
Allicin is the most critical substance found in this member of the allium family. This sulfuric compound is what makes garlic a cancer-fighter.
Here are 7 scientifically proven ways garlic helps your body. Garlic is:
- Nutrient dense – high in manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium, and fiber
- Is excellent for your heart – garlic also lowers LDL “bad” cholesterol by as much as 15% overall and has been proven to help prevent hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
- Boosts your immune system
- Is a powerful antioxidant
- Is effective against fungus and parasites
- Is a natural (and highly effective) detoxifier – excellent at mopping up free radicals and heavy metals in the blood.
- Is great for your skin – The sulfuric compounds in garlic are excellent against inflammatory conditions of the skin such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne.
To gain the most health benefits from garlic eat it raw (or as close to raw) as you can. When cooking, chop the garlic first and allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes while prepping other ingredients. This gives the allicin time to release and then cook as usual.
I use a lot of garlic in cooking. I even have a recipe from from cookbook from France on garlic soup. I have not made it for a while. I think that I should make that soup again. Thanks, Ty for sharing this cauliflour and garlic recipe. I might try it sometime. Even if garlic has a strong taste, it is very good for the whole body. Chris Ward says that he eats raw onions and garlic cloves, because he had stage 3 colon cancer at age 26 in 2004.
I do not use much garlic(it could be that it has that aroma), but I do cook with it, especially when I make spaghetti sauce, garlic bread, or some other Italian food.
It’s Chris Wark.
What do you put down under website to post a comment. My comments aren’t posting.
You forgot one other thing…..it keeps vampires away.
Hi, thanks for all the precious information here. I love garlic and I tend to suppress the central part that is bitter and difficult to digest (sprout). And also the taste is better especially raw, makes it more palatable.
Do you recon it would be better to leave it ?
I heard on your site about making a “rainbow” salad. I make them every day. After making the regular rainbow, tossed with olive oil, basalmic vinegar, tamari sauce and a sprinkling of cumin powder, I add a topping that makes a great salad spectacular. The topping consists of raw hot pepper, onion, turmeric root and a clove of garlic, all finely chopped together. The topping itself is another rainbow and gives a delightful zing to the salad. The salads vary every time with local vegetables and herbs from the garden and are so flavorful and interesting that I doubt I will ever tire of them.
Make sure you don’t buy garlic from China, which is what you find in most grocery stores these days. Look for garlic heads that have the roots ends still attached.
Please explain why………
Garlic from China has been bleached,
Thanks !
I do not know what bleached means. Can you explain?. I am Argentine my language is Spanich.
Hola Elena!
Bleached quiere decir blanqueado;a saber con que…
I enjoyed reading this article; I have always loved garlic and thought it must come from my part Italian heritage, and I was always glad that my partner liked it too!!
It reminds me of a time long ago when I was a kid. We lived in an area of western Canada outside of Vancouver, British Columbia that adjoined (then) a big race track, with all the horse barns, owners, trainers, and so on. I remember my dad coming home one time and laughingly telling the tale of one of his friends, a neighbour, who was a championship race horse owner who was regularly feeding his horse garlic in it’s feed…, and what a ridiculous idea that was!!. Turns out he was probably giving his horse a secret ingredient for winning those ribbons!
My favorite way to use garlic (one of them anyways) is to make homemade pesto. I use more than the recommended amount usually because I just love garlic. But this way I can have it raw and I add it to my sandwiches instead of other spreads, my wraps, my pasta and sometimes I just eat it with pita chips or crudité. It is one of those super foods that I can easily get plenty of in my diet without even trying!
I have tried garlic but seem to be allergic. ? I absolutely stink, get a stomach ache and have the worst wind ever. Any other opens to gain the benefits? Would pills be affective or a waste of money?
Dear TL, there is a natural “antidote” to the troubles you suffer from when eating garlic and it is to eat fresh (must be fresh) parsley in the same time. This is why (I’m writing from France where I live) much of French traditional cuisine of the kind that has garlic in it as a standard ingredient , makes use of garlic chopped TOGETHER with fresh parsley. Did you try removing the sprout (cut a clove in half and remove the “heart”)? For this is the worst part of the garlic, giving many people trouble digesting garlic….
Parsley is geat, it contains a wide range of interesting things, one of those being lots of C-vitamin. Parsley is so efficient in giving better breath, that many dog-owners (I’ve seen this on many dog-owner blogs worldwide and on Pinterest) use them in a kind of canine after-meal treat to remove bacteria and bad breath. I find it expensive to buy in bunches in shops, you can easily grow your own -even in the window front.
P.S. parsley and garlic that are chopped together (or one after another and mixed) can be fried (in butter and mildly, no butter turning brown please, this is very unhealthy) and served as topping on fish, meat, etc.. Another way to make use of parsley+garlic is to mix chopped garlic and parsley with (organic) butter, roll, freeze or refrigerate and cut slices that can be used as topping on oven-baked potatoes or grilled meat/fish etc..it melts over the hot food and tastes great and this way you can still eat it raw.
Whether refrigerated/frozen and raw or fried, it’s also great on spaghetti, fried shrimps, or plain bread. You can also fry the raw mix together with sliced raw or oven-baked potatoes (and some organic butter+a little oil to raise the smoking point of butter, and here again mind you, no browned butter/oil mixture, keep it golden!).Add some bread crumbles to the garlic+parsley mixture (with or without gluten) and some soft butter, and you’ll get a great pesto-type of spread to put on top of fish (typically cod and the like) before baking it in the oven.
Thanks!!! Love garlic and use it often. I also take out the middle part for it is what makes your breath unbearable and if I do eat it I need to drink tons of water. The article is so interesting!
I think perhaps you can give Kyolic (fermented non-odorous garlic) a try.
Chewing on raw fresh parsley absorbs the smell for those worried about stinky breath.
Thanks Ty, if you cut out all the green in the clove out the smells are drastically reduced, I eat a lot of garlic and my friends are shocked when I reveal that saying that I never smell of it.
I was told that the green inside sprout was the most beneficial part of the clove. My family has only used slightly sprouted garlic instead of antibiotics for the last several years for treating everything from colds, flu, to bladder infections. Symptoms go away after about 3 days with a dosage of one cut up clove 4 to 6 times a day. I have even cut up several cloves and put in empty gelatin capsules then I immediately freeze so they are easily available for the next several dosages.
I use garlic minced up with grated Apple to ward off colds. Even my young daughter would eat spoonfuls.
Is pre-diced garlic sold in a jar with liquid also a nutrient dense food? How does it compare with fresh garlic? Also, does garlic powder contain much in the way of nutrients?
I read that pre-diced garlic sold in jars has preservatives which are not good for us. My guess is that the jarred stuff doesn’t have much benefit compared to fresh garlic. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Have not read anything about benefits/nutrients of garlic powder. Sorry.
Garlic benefits are derived only when it is fresh pressed and consumed shortly afterward.
The garlic in oil…adds flavor and nothing more.
To consume garlic raw, just crush it and add a bit of raw honey and swallow.
Not difficult in this way.
Start the day with a crushed garlic bulb mixed with a spoon of organic/ raw honey in a glass of warm or hot water and half of a lemon squeezed into the water combination. If no honey on hand, use allowed “Stevia” for the sweetener. This mixed drink tastes great and is a big boost to your health and your day…every day.
I love garlic and don’t give too hoots what people think of the aroma! When ever I am using garlic I always use more than the recipe says. I live in Norfolk, England and sometimes manage to buy locally grown garlic which is fabulous. Viva la garlic!
Thanks Ty. How about garlic supplements? I heard aged garlic supps are good. Are they worth the cost, or is fresh garlic the way to go?
You can eat the garlic scapes (seed heads on the stiff neck garlic plants) too. Use the curly green stem like a green onion but it tastes like a milder version of the garlic cloves. They’re available at farmers markets in early to mid-June here in the Midwest. I make garlic scape pesto from the garlic plants I grow and sell. Also add cream cheese to the pesto for a great veggie crudité dip or as a salad topping.
Great article & comments
I cannot see the recipe. (I will check back later to see) … if by chance someone sees this & is willing to copy and paste the recipe in the comments — thank you!
I have tried making cauliflower mash in the past but couldn’t get them smooth enough … now I do half cauliflower and half potatoes and my kids will eat it too!
The recipe is up in the article. Just scroll up till you find it!
instead of using butter on your morning toast, try this……..
use 3 -4 cloves of garlic, press the cloves through a mincer, into a small chafing dish. use enough evoo to cover the minced garlic put the chafing dish and contents into your oven for as long as it takes to bring the evoo to a beginning bubbling stage. remove from heated oven, and when cool enough, spread garlic and evoo on your toast. the girls in the office will ask you what you had for breakfast, but so what !! it is always available in our house.
Ty, your written articles are all read at least once by our family members. thanks for these and the info. ruesch family
Thank you very much for the great article and the recipe Ty. I am going to cook it as I love both cauliflower and garlic!
What about minced garlic in a jar?
What about black garlic, which I eat 2-3 cloves of every day. I also eat 2 green olives stuffed with garlic. both of these options don’t have the burning and strong odor, but I have read they are still very beneficial, especially black garlic. What have you heard?
It is also raised in toxic soil.
I eat, and use, a LOT of garlic. Being 1/2 Greek, I figure I was weaned on the stuff. I remember, as a child, eating garlic sandwiches:a slice of bread, spread butter on it, put slices of garlic on top, then add feta cheese and eat. My dear husband now eats as much garlic as he can, which is a whole lot more than he ever did – growing up only using the powdered stuff sold in the store (ugh!). He loves tsadziki sauce, in which I put a ‘ton’ of garlic. I love him ,and want him to live a long, long time.
I eat about 4 cloves of fresh garlic every meal delicious
I like to use raw garlic for a scratchy or irritated throat. I will cut one clove in half and suck on it for at least 20 minutes several times in one day. Yes, it is hot and spicy, but if you wait it out, it gets easier. Surprised at how well it works and the throat issue is gone the next day. No side effects either.
If you’re a vegan, substitute coconut oil for the butter.
Thank you. I found raw garlic hard on my stomach. Then heard about fermented garlic. It was easier on my stomach.
I am of Greek ethnicity, both my parents were Greek and garlic was very popular and common in our family and while I was growing up. I remember when I was a young boy, I’m now 67, my father used to eat raw garlic every day. I especially remember when he used to take us 5 boys, I’m the youngest, fishing up in Wyoming from S.L.C., Utah, and while traveling, he would eat the garlic raw and stink up the whole car, as he always reeked with the garlic stink. We asked him once, “Papou” (pronounced papoo, grandpa in Greek), “why you eat that garlic?” and would always say, “It help me catcha the feesh (fish)” And he always caught more fish than all us boys put together. But that’s not why I’m writing this about garlic. He lived to be 82 years old and he smoked cigarettes until he couldn’t hold them in his hand. He outlived everyone, age wise, in our whole family, and was always healthy, I don’t remember him ever being sick, no colds, nothing. And he even had black lungs from working in the mines! Garlic is good for you!
Thank you for sharing your story… made me smile thinking about the stink in the car… and hearing the accent.
Thanks for the article Ty! I’ve always heard about garlic being good for elevated blood pressure, but was surprised to find that it also fights cancer. Another amazing, natural, God-given cure! Wow! I can’t believe how many cures there are in the plant kingdom. It’s simply mind-boggling!
Ruth, when I was a little girl and got fussy about eating food, my mother told me, always remember food is like medicine… you might not like the taste of everything but it makes you stronger and keeps you well. I think she was right!
I love garlic, and thankfully so does my spouse. I add it to everything savoury….and roasted in a garlic roaster oh my goodness!!!!! Thanks Ty
I absolutely love roasted garlic and eat that every day. But, is it still beneficial? And, how does it compare to raw garlic?
Avoid buying any FOOD product from China.
I use to have that problem so now I juice it. I throw a few large cloves in my juicer while making my green juice. It doesn’t hang out in the stomach and is easily absorbed.
Raw garlic(preferably organic) consumed three times a day with a serious infection is more powerful than any anti-biotic chemically made in labs.
It will destroy parasites within the intestinal walls very quickly but you must eat foods after that will replace gut flora to balance the ability within your gut to combat illness.
Sounds like you need probiotic therapy
8. Garlic protects against diarrhea. For years, I travelled in Africa and Asia working with a charity in local communities. A veterinarian introduced me to raw, sliced garlic as a daily prophylaxis against common gut infections. Three or four cloves each morning kept me well most of the time. If some strong little boogers got through, then I would take the same dose every few hours, till it cleared up. Even when home, I keep up the regimen for its other benefits. Clearly, I have saved 100s of hours of sick time and 100s of pounds in doctor’s fees and medication.
i was raised on garlic and onion and love it!!! I attribute this to our families health. I plan on this going through our families generations. It has been loved from generation to generation. Our immunity is stronger, healthy hair and nails etc. My parents are 87 and 82 and I attribute their eating garlic and onion of course in one way or another daily to their long life.
My brother in law lost his leg and would eat garlic crushed in a glass of milk three to four times a day and the doctor couldn’t believe how fast his stump healed. He had an artificial leg installed way sooner than other patients because of this.
In addition to Vampires, it keeps everyone else away too… which is fine by me. Usually.
About how much garlic would you recommend to eat on a daily basis in order to benefit from it? For adults and children?
I dont use garlic at all because it makes my stomack so sick. I had gastric cancer (NHL) 12 years ago, and all the spices irritate my stomack and I can be sick for 3 days after I eat it.
can you tell me why garlic apset my stomach?
What about garlic supplements in a pill form? If so, how mcch recommended
it helps to consider your blood type everyone of us is unique somethings might do more harm for some
could you say how much garlic you use and what is evoo?
EVOO is extra virgin olive oil
latin, I was thinking the same thing about evoo… i am going to look it up on google search. Ok, it stands for Extra Virgin Olive Oil… E V O O.
EVOO is extra virgin olive oil. 🙂
Thank you, good article.
Not sure if this helps but in the article above it says the tablets are not as good, without re-reading it I think it also said it is the centre of the garlic bulb that you take out, I read somewhere once that it is the centre part of the clove which causes upset stomach etc.
I started to USD RAW garlick after seeing the truth about cancer. I also eat very pure chocolate during the day. That takes away the bad breath. Not even my family has told me that I smell awful. Ever since I’ve started, I’ve been feeling better after years of being tired.
I am Australian, and we never used garlic before the European people arrived … We used onions, spring onion, or leeks in salads or for cooking… I married an Italian man in 1980 and then it changed for me. Since seeing how easy it is to use and disguise the flavor I love it now.
Thank you for this article, it generated allot of good responses and I learnt more about the use of Garlic. I have a receipt to share. I cook green string beans for about 5 mins over salted boiling water in a steamer pot with diced potatoes in bottom part of pot … remove the beans and while still hot I add freshly crushed garlic (as much as you like), evoo, some capers, sea salt, cracked black pepper or chopped red chilly for spice/hotness, toss ready to serve. I usually eat this with the potatoes mashed, while cooking these vegetables I am lightly pan frying meat, or fish or chicken of choice in a little hot olive oil, and then straight after removing your meat (which you lay on warm plate for a few minutes), quickly add some mushrooms to the hot fry pan and again I add some sliced garlic and cook into a sauce with the mushrooms (you can thicken this with a little milk or cream blended with a spoon full of corn or rice flour as soon as the mushrooms start to soften (salt and pepper to taste). It’s a fast healthy meal and tasty. 15 to 20 mins from preparation to plate.
Please answer the daily garlic clove amount recommended for adults / children. And the after effects on the probiotics – how to balance the two.
I love this comment and the humoristic sense behind :-)…. Reading this article because I have cancer, this made me smile for a very long time….
Thank you very much for all the wonderful helpful foods you suggest. My cousin who previously had breast cancer just found out that the cancer has spread to different parts of her body. I have sent her your articles. I have enjoyed reading all that you sent. I eat raw garlic daily now. I have even started giving it to my dog who has a skin condition and expecting for good results.
Bless you all
Beware and do some research, I have heard that garlic is poisonous to dogs. I’m certain that onions are, and they are closely related, so make sure your not causing liver or kidney damage!
Excellent article! However, picture is not representative of an organic and/or non-GMO garlic. Was taught that garlic should have ten cloves, no more and no less, and this is what I remember my mother using and I using. All others are GMO. As in your picture, find that even so-called “organic garlic” nowadays is distorted with more -or less- than ten cloves. So, since true organic garlic is hard to find, I stopped using it, although I sometime come across some good ones. Same thing for onions. These should have one nucleus. More than one, or less than one means it is GMO. Look for garlic and onions from Spain as I find they are non-GMO, but depends on the company.
It’s also a great birth control device.
A great idea; thanks for bringing it to attention. I’m fighting Cancer the alternative way, this dressing is a strong cancer-fighting ally. Than you. P.s. I love rainbow salads and saw smoothies!
Dear Ty,
I love your site and I am very grateful for your articles and advice.
I come from Poland, but live in Australia.
I would like to share a recipe for one of the best healing foods in the world, which is fermented milk.
Pour a cup or two of fresh untreated milk into a glass container and leave it for 2-3 days outside your
fridge at room temperature. It will become lightly solid and creamy and taste light sour. It is delicious
and very healthy.
Here is a recipe I make with fresh garlic virtually everyday:
1 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
nearly 1 tbsp lemon juice
1 garlic clove crushed in garlic press
1 tsp honey
Wisk with a fork. I found that adding sea salt isn´t necessary from the recipe I was given so don´t add it, but you could if you want add a tiny amount of sea salt.
What, is ‘evoo’?
Janklimek, ‘evoo’ stands for Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I buy this brand regularly and I use it in my salads and in cooking as an ingredient.
I’m surprised Ty didn’t include the very important FACT that true organic, raw garlic is actually purplish in color (like a red onion) and that what we get in the stores has been bleached. Even the “organic” garlic comes from a strain that was bleached or modified at some point in time before they started measuring modifications or certifying “organic”.
Ah finally people who see the light. God Bless everyone
Fely – I am not aware of there being cross-species genetic tinkering with garlic (the generally accepted distinction between GMO/GE and natural accidental or deliberate hybridization within a plant species), although I may simply not be aware of it. I guarantee that the one strain of heritage garlic that runs rampant in my organic gardens has anywhere from one single clove to multiple cloves, with all different sizes of bulbs, and even some color variations in those bulbs. So, exactly ten cloves in every bulb seems unlikely. Garlic that is sold as bulbs to a retail consumer is likely selected from a large harvested crop, offering only the biggest and most consistent looking, just like the other fruit and vegetables we find in grocery stores. The weird, imperfect and small ones never appear on the grocers display. The remainder would be either discarded or used for other purposes, like in prepared sauces, pesto, and the like, or to be chopped, dried or ground up.
I ran across a web site last year that I ended up spending several evenings reading through. I was absolutely amazed at how much there was to learn about garlic! Maybe you, and other readers, would be interested in poking around a bit there. There are certainly other sites with even more information. Maybe you can relax a bit about what your garlic must look like.
“One of the most exciting things about growing gourmet garlic is that there are literally hundreds of named cultivars/strains of garlic available. I was unable to find a definite source for exactly how many strains of garlic are available worldwide but it is likely somewhere around 500-700 strains. This number is compounded by the fact that the same variety of garlic can look different in different areas of the country or even under different conditions in the same farm……………”
“environmental conditions such as location, soil, weather, and weed pressure. Some of the traits that change the most with environmental factors are bulb color and size. We have noticed that clove size, clove number and bulb size are extremely dependant on growing conditions and seed stock vitality and size (and how green the grower’s thumb seems to be). Traits that normally remain stable are clove arrangement within the bulb, scape presence, bulbil number and appearance, and clove wrapper traits.” ………..
“In 2003, the different subvarietal groups or families of garlic were identified through genetic analysis by two different scientists on opposite sides of the world. Besides proving that great minds think alike, it answered the burning question of how many garlic varieties are really out there (I know that a lot of you were really aching to know that!). If you are interested in garlic genetics, please see our information on the ten garlic families and read more about garlic classification. “
Is Elephant Garlic as powerful as regular garlic? I think we tend to forget that it is a little different, yet, it has some very nice garlic aroma to it.
I know you asked this a while back but i personally have experinece with this and was wondering the same thing for a while. No, elephane garlic does not have all the health benefits as regular garlic. It does taste yummy though! I would use it for flavor and regular garlic for flavor and health!
Did you get a reply on this question ? I am also curious about the benefits of cooked garlic.
My Dr. told me today that galic does not kill Cancer, I hope she is wrong, bedause I am counting on it and Curcumin by Turmeric
Hey Ted, how’s the garlic & tumeric going? I’ve been doing the same (large amounts of raw tumeric – eaten like a carrot- and raw garlic put near my cervix) for about a week now. Just curious to see how your feeling!!
Be well,
I hate when doctors their opinion on natural and alternative products when they only studied 10 hours of nutrition in medical school 😑
My hosabad he is a ractal bowle cancer Dr said they don’t do it treatment because he is not fit he has also Biren toumr and bladder tuumr but I verrid bowel cancer
Hi Gorgiea,
We are sorry to hear about what your husband is going through at this time. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
I give to him garlic is good for him or not can you tell me please thanks
I have read alot of negative things about garlic despite its claimed health benefit,….things like it could cause aneamia and also brain damage.. Can anybody please shed more light on this.
Thank you for pointing out that the sulfuric compounds in garlic are great at fighting inflammatory conditions. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and I think I should find her some black garlic. I’ll have to do some research and find the best garlic paste in the area.
I’m taking crushed garlic for two months now (2 – 4 cloves daily) and my experience is that my two (2) lumps / cyst about 1 cm (perineum and upper back) disappears. These lumps were already reddish and painful.
We are so glad to hear that your lumps have gone away Rico!
I believe the cancer on my nose is back with a vengeance, I read the article about eating fresh garlic. I immediately ran to Walmart and bought a bag of fresh pealed garlic, I chewed up one clove and I am now sitting here feeling sick to my stomach with an awful taste in my mouth. Not sure if I didn’t understand or what I did wrong? Please help guide me in the right direction?
I did have cancer about 8 years ago and my Dr. said he got it all. It in the last few days a lump just under the bridge of my nose decided to pretty much grow overnight. I thought it was a pimple so I put a warm compress on it, and BAM, it wiped the skin off my nose (just like the last time) and looks exactly the same but much larger. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Michael,
We are sorry to hear that your cancer is back. We unfortunately cannot give medical advice, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Best wishes!
i read some where that taking 2-3 cloves after getting chopped and making them rest for few minutes can be effective. secondly would can some one recommend that rather than chewing or eating them can we swallow it with water. would that be much effective in case of cancer?
I agree with the taking of raw garlic and turmeric ..I had vasculitis which doctor suspected that it might have been triggered from leukaemia until further tests ruled out leukaemia n confirmed that I had an autoimmune disease instead called Hsp ( hernoch Schonlein purpura ) in 2016 ..( with supposedly no cure as well ) .. Along with Hsp was vasculitis ( bleeding of blood vessels under the skin spreading all over my arms , legs n belly) I was on prednisole ( steroid) recommendation by my doctor for about 2 months before I tried raw garlic n Raw turmeric .. The healing process was magical n incredible with the will of The almighty Allah . Even my doctor was amazed .. I told my doctor that I would want to stop prednisole immediately when I saw n knew that my efforts really worked out well , but the doctor was against this drastic move instead he was open minded n helped to taper the intake of steroid alongside with me consuming garlic and turmeric .. my Hsp was gone completely Alhmdulillah with the will of Allah .It took about 9 months to 12 mths from the first bouts of vasculitis inflammation towards a complete cure … But I hv made it a habit of taking raw garlic regularly now ..
Does anyone know a chain of restaurants that sell organic garlic?