Video Transcript: Is Cancer a Genetic Disease? The True Origin of Cancer
Charlene Bollinger: Do you know the true origin of cancer? Is cancer really a genetic disease? Watch this video with Dr. Thomas Seyfried as he talks about the compelling evidence AGAINST the gene theory of cancer, even though modern medicine is still studying gene mutations and genetic problems with this disease.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Seyfried is the author of the groundbreaking book Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and was one of the speakers at last year’s The Truth About Cancer live event. Make sure to watch all the way to the end.
Dr. Thomas Seyfried: So, I like to start my lectures with giving a state of where we are with respect to this disease, okay? You look at these numbers, these are from the American Cancer Society over the last five years. I’ve been logging these numbers for many years now. And what we have here are new cases, deaths per year, and deaths per day over the last five years.
What’s interesting about these numbers is that the rate of increase for deaths per year a day is actually about twice that of new cases, you know? And you say to yourself, you know… what’s going on here?
We raise money for cancer research… Do you know how many private breast cancer research, brain cancer research, lung cancer research, colon cancer…? The NIH government spends, [and] every year the budget for cancer research goes up. The only thing that we can be sure of is the more money we raise for cancer research, the more cancer we seem to get.
There’s something seriously wrong with this picture and it’s been going on far too long. And the reason for this is a misunderstanding of what the nature of this disease actually is, conflicting views on the origin of what cancer is. Is cancer a nuclear genetic disease or is it a mitochondrial metabolic disease?
I have a picture of a cell here, and in this cell you’ll see the nucleus and you’ll see the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the small organelle that generates the energy from the cell. Energy means life, without energy we have no life. The nucleus, of course, is the focus of a large amount of cancer research, because the mutations that we all hear about and talk about are located predominantly in the nucleus. Although there are some cancer cells that have no mutations, you should know about that.
So, the issue here is what is the origin of this disease? Is it the defect in the organelle that generates the energy, or is it the mutations in the nucleus that are supposed to drive it? Because the answer to this question is going to determine whether or not we’re going to lower those death rates.
So, what we have here now is the current dogma, the dogma is that cancer is a genetic disease. Cancer cells carry the oncogenic and tumor suppressor mutations that define cancer as a genetic disease. And this paper, “The Hallmarks of Cancer” by doctors Hanahan and Weinberg, sets the stage for the basic research that goes on throughout the world, throughout the top made major medical schools and research laboratories on cancer.
The problem is you have a dogma, and we know about dogmas. Dogma is an irrefutable truth, something that’s no longer questioned or discussed but simply accepted as if it’s the real thing by the majority of individuals that participate in a particular field. How do we know it’s a dogma?
I teach biology, biochemistry, and cell biology at Boston College. Every textbook, all of these textbooks, “Cancer is a genetic disease,” first sentence. Go on to the NCI website, it says “Cancer is a genetic disease.”
So, what this dogma has done is it has indoctrinated the mind of generations of physicians and scientists to focus on an aspect of this disease which, I’ll present evidence, may not be correct.
So, here’s another image from a college textbook. It shows a car out of control, gas pedal’s to the metal, the car has no brakes.
And what this is supposed to simulate is what we have in cancer. We have defects in tumor suppressor genes, which are supposed to be the brakes on keeping the cell from proliferating, and then we have these activated oncogenes, which are the accelerators that make this vehicle, or the group of cells grow fast. And the signature feature of cancer is cell growth out of control. That’s the definition: cell growth out of control, driven by these genes.
Now, here’s another picture from a textbook, current textbook in biology. You know cancer is supposed to occur because the cells accumulate mutations in the nuclear DNA. You know, we have random mutations that accumulate, and eventually the normal-looking cell on the left becomes this reddish malignant cell on the right, and no one really knows for sure how many mutations are necessary to convert a normal cell into a tumor cell, alright? This is not solid anywhere.
Now Michael Stratton and his colleagues from England, using deep sequencing and other genetics, genome sequence, eventually identified several hundred million mutations in tumors. No two tumor cells have exactly the same mutations. This is the main thrust. We have to bring in big computers, the Watson IBM computer, to try to figure out how many mutations are in these cancer cells.
And then the ultimate result of this dogmatic view of what cancer actually is comes with what we call personalized medicine, personalized therapy. You’ve heard this, it comes on the news, NPR, they talk about personalized medicine. Individual’s cancer cells are genetically tested for personalized therapy, and based on the information, this woman staring into the screen, based on this, they make a decision as to how we might treat the disease, or how we might diagnose the disease. Now this is all well and good if the disease is in fact a genetic disease.
So, what I’m going to do now is present evidence that challenges the dogma. Whenever you challenge a dogma, believe me, people don’t want to look at it. They don’t want to talk about it. And they don’t want to hear about it. And basically, this is the situation. So, I can come up here and talk, blue in the face but if you’re if you are of a dogmatic viewpoint, it doesn’t make any difference what I say.
But what I’ve done, is I simply went through the literature over decades of work, and every few years a paper would appear in the scientific literature with evidence that seems to not support the gene theory of cancer. And what I simply did was bundle all those observations into a single story. I published it in chapter 11 of my book, and then in this more recent paper published, open access, I would encourage you to read the data, it’s open access. You can get it anywhere, it’s online, Cell and Developmental Biology.
And in this presentation of studies, what I did, I found out that you’re using human cells, mouse cells, different kinds of cells, they all came to the same general conclusion, that when you move the cancer nucleus into a new cytoplasm, it suppresses the growth of the tumor cell. But if you take the normal nucleus and move it into a tumor cytoplasm, you get cancer cells. And if you swap the mitochondria you get the same. Cancer mitochondria make normal cells grow fast, whereas normal mitochondria make tumor cells grow slower or not grow at all, or become normalized. I said, “What’s going on with this?”
And they were done by many different scientists at different universities, and they all came to the same general conclusion. So, what I simply did was put all this together, and then this image, this figure that my students and I put together, summarizes all of these different studies.
So, the green cells that are normal. Normal cells beget normal cells, and they have normal nucleus, and normal mitochondria.
And the red cell is the cancer cell, and we know the tumor cells beget tumor cells. But the tumor cells have defects in the nucleus with the mutations, and they also have defects in the cytoplasm with the mitochondria.
So, what is responsible for this phenotype? Is it the mutations in the nucleus, or is that the damage to the respiration? Is it possible to make these distinctions? And the answer is yes. From those nuclear transfer experiments, it is possible to determine what’s going on here.
So, when the red nucleus is then put into a green cytoplasm, as you see here, you have normal…These cells, they form normal cells, normal tissues, and sometimes a whole frog or a mouse clone from the nucleus of a tumor cell. What’s going on here?
Then you take the nucleus from the normal cell and put it into the red tumor cell’s cytoplasm, you get dead cells or tumor cells.
This is not what you would expect if cancer were a nuclear-driven genetic disease. It’s just the opposite. This is the strongest evidence to date to refute the gene theory of cancer. It makes no sense. These genes are effects, they’re not the cause of the disease, yet the field is mostly studying gene mutations and genetic problems with this disease.
Charlene Bollinger: Wow, that was such great information from Dr. Seyfried. It makes sense to me.
Ty Bollinger: It makes a lot of sense. And it’s totally against the modern train of thought – that cancer is a genetic disease. Dr. Seyfried really laid out the points, step by step by step, why cancer is actually not a genetic disease. But he looked at the mitochondria, and he looked at cancer as a metabolic disease. Fantastic information – we hope you’ve learned a lot! We hope to see you next time.
Charlene Bollinger: Thank you, God Bless.
Carmi Hazen says
100 years ago and even going as far back as to the time of the American Civil War, physicians successfully treated cancer because they understood what caused it. In essence we have turned our bodies into walking cesspools. We eat foods that fail to adequately nourish our cells which produces toxins from their faulty metabolism. The waste byproducts of the inferior metabolism circulate throughout our bodies and collect in areas of poor circulation; namely in the breasts of women and in the prostates in men. As the stagnation increases the availability of oxygen becomes depleted. Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) causes the cells to form papillae (polyps) which are stalk-like protrusions out of the epithelial tissues (about 80% of cancers are of this form called carcinomas), which have glutamate (a neurotransmitter that signals other cells) and insulin receptors on them. This slow evolutionary process is for the eventual shift of the metabolism of the affected tissues (their mitochondria) to transition away from burning fats for energy and towards sugar fermentation which leads to malignancy. This process is driven by poor diet and inefficient waste elimination, both of which is correctable.
I heard zinc deficiency is also a contributor to prostate issues.
Also, according to Andrew Saul, taking a mixed tocopherols with tocotrienols is extremely beneficial for preventing prostate cancer. Gamma Tocotrienol, found in natural vitamin E, which is the (D) alpha-tocopherol form, NOT the synthetic (DL, Dextro Levo) alpha-tocopheryl form, actually kills prostate cancer stem cells (which has been shown in several studies). Andrew Saul himself takes 800 IUs a day (along with his other vitamins and minerals) for prevention.
I read this on the origin of cancer and was amazed at it because some of the cancer patients l came across noted poor metabolism as part of their complaint. However, a check on Thorium – X a radioactive substance “previously” used for x-ray was also identified as a possible culprit. What’s your take? Thank you.
I’m not a biologist, but I don’t believe your definition of ‘metabolism’ is what he is speaking of. Cell metabolism is not the same thing as body metabolism. This is not to say there is or isn’t a connection between body metabolism and cancer, I’m just pointing out that he is speaking specifically about the mitochondria and cell metabolism.
He’s actually talking about cellular respiration which is how a cell makes enenrgy and occurs across the membrane of the mitocondria.
Great work! I’ve long doubted the genetic theory of origin/cause of cancer, and definitely doubt the long-term success of current conventional cancer treatments (radiation, surgery and chemo). I do understand the concept of “cancer stem cells,” and wonder what your theory has to say about this?
Seriously…the predisposition has to be genetic. My paternal grandmother had brain cancer and y you get sister had brain cancer. My maternal grandmother had breast cancer and my older sister had triple negative breast cancer. I also have triple negative breast cancer. Both my sisters are dead…in one year and 3 years after diagnosis. I do t agree with the study. The odds of this disease coming to family members in these manners is astronomical. Rethink it.
I believe often what we suppose is gene genetic is diet genetic.
look at the connection between iodine deficiency and breast cancer. If we drink tap water, the chlorine and fluoride in the water block the iodine receptors in the brain and iodine controls the hormones and we get underactive thyroid. underactive thyroid has babies: polycystic ovaries, breast cancer, prostate cancer and type 2 diabetes.
This is fascinating. However, we know that there are genetic mutations that are found in people with the same kind of cancer, such as the rb1 mutation in children with retinoblastoma, and offspring who inherit that mutation usually develop retinoblastoma. So genetics must play a role in some forms of cancer.
Yes, genetics play a role, but only in about 5% of cancers…..
excellent love your work spreading the truth i agree cancer is a lack of respiration to the cell resulting in fungal attack and manipulation of the cell
Wow this is fascinating! Such an interesting read. It’s completely put everything I thought I knew on its head!
Going down the genetic path is a dead end.
There are two factors that are causes.
1. Malnutrition
2. Toxicity
Good nutrition starts in the soil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NKP + CaCO3 does nothing for us or the soil.
NKP blocks MSM (S ) uptake & blocks boron uptake.
Mg is now far lower than daily requirements (western populations ~ 80% deficient in Mg) as are trace minerals.
Fe is elevated and counters Cu (you can thank monsanto!)
Mineral status of humans is completely ignored by medicine – yet our health hangs from this baseline structure.
Our first line of defence against toxicity is glutathione. without Sulphur (msm) we do not generate enough. nor metalotheoneins!
Mercury (fillings) & Aluminium (deodorants) deplete Glutathione and hence our bodys store of sulphur depletes. Cartilage is robbed of S to protect us.
Aluminium ions deactivate lysosomes > cellular detritus accumulates and toxicity occurs resulting in mutation and cell death.
Al also attracts other crapola like Fluorides. and vice versa!
Boron regulates Ca deposits to some extent preventing osteoarthritis and the calcification of soft tissues.
Mg also regulates Ca and others.
Mg was thought to be involved in over 300 processes but this is now revised to around 3000 (Morley Robbins)
Genetics is misdirection. It is used as an answer when there is no answer. or very little common sense.
We live in a coercive society. That makes us slaves!
We do not have access to good nutrition and we do not have access to sound knowledge.
Very interesting read.
I would like to share something: They say cancer is caused by bad nutrition, bad habits and sedentary lifestyle.
I’m a health counselor. For the last 20 years I have not eat meat, I eat a super health diet based in vegetables, grains and protein (fish, beans mushrooms) I exercise 5 times a week (weight lifting and yoga) I don’t smoke, drink very seldom, don’t use toxic cleaning products in my house, and have a spiritual life (meditation and positive affirmation)
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and bones metastases 2 and a 1/2 years ago.
But I went through a very suffering separation from a 25 years relationship 2 years prior to my diagnosis.
How could this be explained? Any body can share something with me? Thank you so much
Stress is key too. You have something tramatic happen and that stress can cause havoc on your body including cancer. There is a lot that goes into that on the and the why’s that it causes cancer. Stress is the number one creater of disease.
@ Sandra, look for German new medicine on the web. There is a very obvious link between cancer and emotional trauma.
There are so many factors that go into cancer. Maybe you lived in a moldy house, maybe you have a bad root canal, maybe you lived in an area that sprayed with herbicides or pesticides. It sounds like you’ve done all you can to prevent it and you can be proud of that. At least you are starting at a better place than most people in your cancer fighting journey.
This is not a criticism. It’s a partial explanation.
Grains are definitely NOT part of a “super health diet.” Neither are beans, but the issues there are different from the problem with grains, which are gut destroying “sugar” bombs.
AND, you have no idea what toxic crap you’ve been exposed to and harbor in your body. Very few of us do. And yes, the stress factor is huge.
Sandra, it’s all about stress from emotional trauma. Niki Gratrix has written about this among others. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) can help you heal from this. Also: Anthony William writes about herpes viruses, especially the Epstein Barr Virus, together with heavy metals on a physical level causing varous forms of cancer, including breast cancer. Adrenaline weakens the immune system and feeds EBV. In the book Medical Medium he explains this and how to heal. You can apply that in conjunction with EFT. Best wishes to you!
Sandra, your diet wasn’t healthy, you eat beans and vegetables but beans contain lectins and some vegetables like tomatoes, aubergine, peppers and potatoes contain them too and they coagulate the blood and that can lead to strokes, heart attacks and cancer as oxygen becomes restricted.
If I was in that situation I would cut all sugar (real and replacements) from my diet
Sugar feeds cancer
@sandra. There could have been other factors such as the fact that you may have been exposed to mold. Mold can cause many medical problems. Also many foods like brown rice and chocolate contain heavy metals. There is heavy metals in the soil. Even organic rice can contain heavy metals. Also you need Vitamin K2 (from grass-fed meat, grass-fed butter, grass-fed cheese, and foods like sauerkraut. If you eat any kind of diary in the store that is a no no. Dairy contains steroids and antibiotics. Also dairy contains fortified vitamins and not enough Vitamin K2 because the cows end up being caged (instead of free range or pastured). Too much Vitamin D and NOT enough Vitamin K2 can lead to serious medical problems. Also dairy in the store if it is not non-GMO can contain glyphosate because they feed contaminated wheat to cows. That is why it is imperative (even if you are vegan) to eat all foods that are certified organic and certified non-GMO if you can. Also you should limit anything with flouride in it like bottled water and toothpaste. Bottled water can also be contaminated with heavy metals which is bad for the body. All these things can compromise your immune system.
They say spiritually all cancer comes from unforiveness and bitterness…..
It’s interesting, but it’s what Bruce Lipton said more than 10 years ago in his book Biology of Belief.
Another thing that surprises me is that you don’t mention the greatest cancer researcher of all, Dr.Ryke Geerd Hamer and his extraordinary findings. I don’t think it will surprise to know how he ws treated by mainstream “science” “dangerous, especially as it lulls the patients into a false sense of security, so that they are deprived of other effective treatments.” You can find a video presentation of the 5 biological laws in English on youtube. His findings were further developed in Spain and it has reached full development. I absolutely appreciate all you do regarding this huge topic. I’ll be happy to aasist you with further information and also if you’re interested in the materials in Spanish. Thanks a million for what you do, lidia
This still does not refute a genetic theory because mitochondria have DNA. But for the same reason the information does rule out nuclear DNA.
It sounds like you have done all the right things to maintain good health. However when there is a conflict in one’s life , like the breakup of a relationship of long standing one, this can contribute to cancer. This is very well explained in ” Herman New Medicine” (GNM), discovered by the late Dr G Hammer MD. In Germany.
Eileen Rickard, you wrote a short text and still managed to get the name of this great doctor, as well as the name of his great discovery wrong… It’s Dr G Hamer MD and German New Medicine (GNM)… People are well advised to look into this alternative view on disease in general and cancer in particular. GNM might not cover the subject of disease 100%, but how much (or better, how little) does conventional medicine know about it? And the reason they know so little about it is, for one, that they choose to ignore and even ban any and all other conflicting theories. Another good example is Dr John Sarno MD, who also demonstrated how the body itself (biological processes, steered by the subconscious mind) is responsible for physical changes and pain. One of his first books is ‘Healing Back Pain’ and many people got rid of their back pain even by just reading his book(s) and understanding the underlying cause for their problem. I can testify that, for instance, cancer does go away on its own if never discovered in the first place and also when one finds out about it and understands the underlying cause for it. Emotional trauma triggers specific ‘diseases’ (symptoms) and when the trauma gets resolved, the symptoms disappear. Again, this might not work 100% – a lot depends on the duration of the conflict/trauma and the intensity, plus the state of mind of the person involved, etc. – but it’s much more encouraging than the doom-theories of the conventional medical establishment, which thrives on ignoring/covering up the real cause(s) of disease and only ‘treating’ symptoms. Hope this will help some people to start investigating what’s going on inside of them and take some responsibility for their own health.
Thank you, Ty and Charlene, for your stellar trailblazing outreach on the truth about cancer. Your daring research is a service to humanity. Thank you for the invaluable support you provide to those of us who are, in a small way, quietly and effectively working in the field of health restoration without drugs.
You’ve no idea how much my colleagues and I appreciate your dogged determination.
May every blessing be yours.
There are as many answers as questions when talking about cause of it.Five yrs of intensive study has lead me to the conclusion,cancer cells live in all of us under certain conditions involving inflammation and a weakened immune system,,,,,,,,,, cancer takes advantage of our bodies and begin to multiply beyond belief. the one and only way to defeat cancer like so many other diseases is YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM. stop the growth of cancer strengthen your immune system and you have a far better way to survive than current medical treatments provide.
Wholeheartedly believe in the metabolic theory of cancer, both from scientific and personal history. Counterintuitive, as initially two generations of my father’s family (mother,himself and 3 of 4 siblings) succumbed to cancer.
Were it truly a genetic disease, why has it not appeared in my generation, or two that have followed? Not a one other than some basal skin cancers,(environmental exposure). All that developed cancer lived in a specific pocket on the East Coast~radon a well-known factor, water quality & other chemical exposures unknown.
My nuclear family moved west in the 1950s…. Mom cooked from scratch, lots of fresh veggies & fruits, very few packaged items/convenience foods that I can remember (treats, not staples).
A good lay guide that cites Seyfried, Warburg and others of their ilk is “Tripping Over The Truth” by Travis Christofferson. Highly recommend!!
Hi All,
if I may contradict everyone here I would suggest that Cancer is Caused by a virus and at least one toxin,
Epstein bar Virus (60 different versions)…..Not discovered yet.
1.Heavy metals.
3.Too much medication.
4.EMF.dirty electricity,cell phones etc.
Treatable by Diet and Lifestyle.
1.No animal fats,Sugar,Dairy,Processed foods etc.
Courtesy of Medical Medium books….I have read .
Fascinating information! Can the next interview please address, then, how Dr Seyfried sees this information changing the management of cancer (with the science behind it)? THANK YOU!
Thanks for the suggestion Mollie!
Ty & Charlene, once again your dedication to sharing the “realities” of our American Health System is instrumental to humanity. I applaud you!! Thank you!!
This article and following comments are extremely informative. Thank you TTAC and your work. Thank you for bringing like-minded individuals together to share ideas. I wish you continued success and many blessings.
So happy to hear this! Thank you for sharing!