Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the Nov 2016 edition of TTAC’s Heroes Against Cancer member newsletter.
For many of us, our pets are just as much an integral part of the familial clan as our parents or children. So when it comes to taking care of our families, we mustn’t forget the health of our furry friends.

There are approximately 12 million diagnosed cases of canine and feline cancer in the U.S. every year
Cats and dogs develop cancer at nearly the same rate as humans. There are roughly 12 million new cases of the disease between the two species every single year in the U.S. Yet many pet owners fail to consider cancer prevention in the same precautionary terms for their cuddly companions as they do for themselves and other loved ones.
Proper diet, clean water, supplementation, and regular exercise are now widely recognized as vital components of a well-rounded, cancer-preventative lifestyle for people. But how many pet owners know how to engage the same standards for their pets?
How many people know how to hand-select quality, toxin-free food for their feline and canine friends, for instance? How many of them know which herbs and nutritive compounds best help pets avoid developing tumors? Or how about what to do in the unfortunate event that your cat or dog develops cancer… what then?
These are all considerations which my family has had to grapple with concerning our own pets, and perhaps you’re in the same boat. After poring over the available scientific data to determine how best to care for our beloved companion animals, I’ve determined that there are a number of things we can all do to help our pets avoid that much-feared diagnosis. I’ve also dug up some of the best natural remedies for treating pet cancer after it’s been diagnosed. I hope you’ll never have to use it, but at least you’ll have the information at your disposal in case you do.
Common Types of Feline and Canine Cancers
According to “Fetch A Cure,” a non-profit organization devoted to teaching pet owners the ins and outs of how to avoid and deal with pet cancer, dogs are more prone to developing cancer than cats. In fact, cancer is currently the leading cause of death in dogs (excluding euthanasia by humans for various reasons). The number of feline deaths due to cancer is lower than with dogs, but not far behind. There are nearly 100 types of animal cancers, including many of the common culprits in humans: cancers of the skin, bones, head, neck, lymph, abdomen, and testicles, as well as both blood and mammary cancers.
Skin tumors are the most common form of cancer in dogs, accounting for roughly one-third of all cases. Among these, as many as 20% manifest as mast cell tumors, while the rest show up in the spleen, liver, and bone marrow. Roughly half of all skin tumors in dogs show up on the central parts of their bodies, while approximately 40% emerge on the limbs. The remaining 10% or so show up on the head or neck.
Oddly enough, skin cancer in dogs is usually benign, while in cats it’s typically malignant – though cats are considerably less prone to developing skin cancer than dogs. What cats and dogs have in common, however, is that both animals become much more prone to developing cancer the older they get – something that can’t be avoided. But as you’ll see throughout this article, there are a number of contributing disease factors that can be averted.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Pet Food Products
The first and perhaps most obvious cancer risk factor is pet food. Most commercially available pet food is loaded with ingredients that run contrary to what cats and dogs need for proper nutrition. These packaged pet foods includes things like genetically modified corn and wheat gluten that aren’t easily digested, and that in many cases go against the grain of proper animal nutrition.
Heavy processing combined with the use of added preservatives, fillers, and food dyes makes the situation even worse – contributing to chronic health problems like obesity, periodontal disease, diabetes, arthritis, and of course cancer.
While convenient, much of the commercial animal food sold as either dried kibble or “wet” food in cans is toxic for pets. Generally speaking, animals both domesticated and wild perform their best on a raw food diet composed of primarily meat and vegetables – not processed grains, rendered fat, and chemical preservatives which are commonly found in many commercial animal food products.
Dr. Patrick Mahaney, a Los Angeles-based veterinarian and veterinary acupuncturist, warns that nearly all commercial pet food is made from substandard “feed-grade” ingredients as opposed to human-grade. Feed-grade ingredients are legally allowed to contain all sorts of questionable contaminants that, if many pet owners knew they were present, would likely switch to other forms of nourishment. These offending substances include:
- Mycotoxins, a poisonous byproduct of fungal mold growth that often forms on grains and seeds. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) says exposure to mycotoxins like aflatoxins and fumonisins represents a serious health risk in animals that can lead to the formation of both acute and chronic diseases, including immune disorders and cancer.
- Animal byproducts, or the parts of slaughtered animals left over after the parts for human consumption have been removed. Besides the ick factor of many of these remains (e.g. hooves, heads, and manure), animal byproducts often contain residues of pharmaceuticals like pentobarbital, an anesthetic drug used to euthanize animals.
- Synthetic chemical preservatives, including substances like Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Propylene Glycol (PG), and Ethoxyquin. BHA and BHT are both known carcinogens and reproductive toxicants that are added to pet food to keep it “fresh.” Ethoxyquin is so harmful that it’s illegal to use in human food, but it’s a common ingredient used in dried pet food, especially varieties that contain “fish meal.”
- Artificial colors, which are typically petroleum derivatives. Dyes like Yellow #5 and Red #40 are known contributors to hypersensitivity, behavioral problems, and cancer. Caramel color is likewise problematic, especially in animals because it contains a chemical known as 4-methylimidazole (4-MIE) that’s a scientificallyproven animal carcinogen.
- Rendered fat, a flavor-enhancer that’s often contaminated with microorganisms, heavy metals, and other toxins. Rendered fat is also a common source of mycotoxins, which forms when too much moisture is present.
- Carrageenan, a common additive in “wet” pet food that’s been shown to provoke an inflammatory response in animals. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) admits that carrageenan is a “possible human carcinogen,” and recent research conducted by The Cornucopia Institute (CI) identified this likely cancer-causing ingredient in roughly 70% of canned pet food products.
- Pea protein meal, a cheap replacement for actual meat that lacks the complete spectrum of health-promoting amino acids. Unless a pet food product containing this ingredient also contains either meat, rice protein, or some other source of all 20 amino acids, pets that eat it will likely develop nutrient deficiencies that could eventually lead to chronic disease and cancer.
Certified organic pet food products are preferable to most conventional and commercial options, though even some of these contain questionable ingredients like carrageenan. You need to always read the ingredients label. At the same time, certified organic pet food cannot legally contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, and other toxic ingredients that are commonly added to non-organic pet foods.
Functional Anti-Cancer Meal Plan for Pets

A whole food diet of mostly meats, organs, and bones, supplemented with appropriate vegetables, is optimal for both cats and dogs
Since diet is probably the biggest determining factor in animal cancer risk, it’s important to feed your pets the types of foods that support their immune systems and jive with what their bodies need nutritionally. Many experts who’ve studied animal dietary patterns in the wild agree that a whole food diet composed of mostly meats, organs, and bones, supplemented to a much lesser extent with vegetables, is the way to go for both cats and dogs. Preparing this type of food at home from fresh ingredients can be both efficient and cost-effective.
Generally speaking, the proper nutrient ratio for dogs is about 75 percent meats, fats, organs, and bones, and 25 percent vegetables. For more active dog breeds, the ratio of protein to carbohydrates can be adjusted to include more veggies – these being complex carbs that will provide extra energy. It’s important to remember, though, that all dogs do best with complex carbohydrates in the form of fresh produce rather than simple carbohydrates in the form of cheap grains and starches.
Cats are a little more carnivorous. Their ratio leans more heavily on the protein end of the spectrum, ideally constituting about 88 percent meats, fats, and organs (bones are bad for cats) and 12 percent vegetables. For both cats and dogs, it’s important to always serve them the freshest meats and produce for maximum health benefits, though dogs can get away with eating meat products that are slightly less-than-fresh. Within the confines of affordability and accessibility, it’s best to stick with grass-fed, chemical-free, and organic varieties whenever possible.
Human Foods That Are Bad for Cats & Dogs
It’s also important to avoid feeding your pets certain problematic foods that might be healthy for people, but that aren’t good for them based on their respective species. For cats, these problematic foods include onions, garlic, and chives, all of which deplete feline red blood cell counts and possibly lead to anemia. Dog food, grapes, raisins, tuna, dairy products, xylitol, bread, and chocolate, are also on the no-no list for cats.
For dogs, the list is much the same with the addition of apple seeds, avocado, cooked bones (raw bones are just fine), candy, cat food, coffee, raw fish – other forms of clean, raw meat are fine for dogs – hops, macadamia nuts, mushrooms, rhubarb, tomato leaves, and sugar.
If making your own pet food at home isn’t feasible, prepared frozen, freeze dried, and dehydrated whole food meals are now widely available, as are high quality canned and bagged food options that are free of offending ingredients. The Cornucopia Institute has created an official “Pet Food Guide” to help pet owners make the best choices when buying packaged or prepared pet foods.
Turmeric and Other Herbs for Keeping Pets Healthy
In addition to a whole food diet, you can also feed your pets supplemental nutrients to better their chances of living a long, disease-free life. One of these nutrients is turmeric, which is both anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral. Adding turmeric to your dog or cat’s diet can be as simple as sprinkling a bit of powdered turmeric onto their food (adjusted according to the size of the animal), or mixing it into their meat and vegetables.
It’s important to note, too, that commercial turmeric supplements high in curcumin (sometimes over 95%) aren’t the best choice for pets. Australian vet Dr. Doug English recommends opting for the whole form of turmeric (turmeric root), or a turmeric mixture called “Golden paste” when administering turmeric to your pets as these forms contains less curcumin which has never been safety tested in animals at unnaturally high levels.
Dr. English’s own successes with administering turmeric to sick animals at his clinic are numerous, and include effectively treating inflammatory conditions of the skin, allergies, atopy (tendency to develop allergic diseases), arthritis, infections, age degeneration, and many different types of cancer. Dr. English also points to evidence in the scientific literature that backs turmeric as an effective treatment for immune disorders, neuro-degeneration, irritable bowel conditions, liver disease, and uveitis in equine.
Additional beneficial, anti-cancer nutrients for pets include:
- Milk thistle, a powerful liver-cleansing tonic that studies show is effective at preventing hepatitis, jaundice, parvovirus, and leptospirosis.
- Dandelion root, a nutrient-dense “weed” that supports healthy digestion, kidney function, and immunity. Research shows that dandelion root is also helpful in preventing and treating arthritis, kidney stones, congestive heart failure, and gallbladder inflammation.
- Echinacea, a potent immune tonic that functions as a natural antibiotic to kill harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. It also boosts the immune systems of animals so they’re less prone to catching “bugs” like kennel cough. Just be sure to cycle echinacea on and off to avoid creating resistance.
- Astragalus, another powerful immune tonic with strong antiviral properties. A strong antioxidant with antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties, astragalus works well with other immune-boosting herbs like calendula to promote healing.
It’s also vitally important that your pets always have access to clean, purified water, and that they spend quality time each day playing fetch, playing with toys, running, or otherwise getting regular exercise. Avoid using plastic containers when feeding or watering your pets; minimize the number of vaccinations they receive; and avoid the use of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals in and around your property to lessen their toxic load.
Natural Remedies for Treating Pet Cancer
Even in the event that an animal already has cancer, the aforementioned dietary and lifestyle recommendations are still highly relevant. But sometimes these methods aren’t enough on their own to completely dissolve a tumor or bring a very sick animal back to optimal health – especially if the cancer is already too far along or has metastasized. In cases like this, more intense treatment methods may be necessary.
The good news is that chemotherapy and radiation aren’t your only treatment options. The following methods, many of which are also effective in treating human cancers, are among the safest and most efficacious protocols for reversing pet cancer and producing a clean bill of health:
- The Kelmun Protocol
This simple anti-cancer remedy involves administering just two ingredients: aluminum-free baking soda and grade B maple syrup. This highly alkaline protocol (cancer cells thrive on acidity) has been shown to shrink tumors by luring sugar-loving cancer cells towards the maple syrup, only to send in the sodium bicarbonate “Trojan Horse” to destroy them.
Preparation for Kelmun involves mixing one part baking soda to four parts maple syrup and heating it to a high enough temperature to completely emulsify the two ingredients without burning them – typically around 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Kelmun works well on its own, and can also be combined with other natural treatment methods that require an “alkaline protocol,” though you should only use one alkaline protocol at a time.
The proper dosage of Kelmun for pets over 60 pounds is one teaspoon of baking soda (four teaspoons of mixture). For pets under 60 pounds, reduce dosage proportionally.
- Essiac Tea
This medicinal tea blend is commonly used to treat human cancers, but it’s also beneficial in pets. A combination of burdock root (Arctium Iappa), slippery elm bark (Ulmus Fulva), sheep sorrel (Rumex Acetosella), and Indian rhubarb root (Rheum Officinale), Essiac tea can be safety administered to animals with cancer in the following doses:
– In pets between 15 and 40 pounds: 1/2 ounce of tea, twice/day
– Between 40 and 80 pounds: 1 ounce of tea, twice/day
– Over 80 pounds: 2-3 ounces of tea, twice/day
You can find the recipe and instructions for making Essiac tea on The Truth About Cancer website. You can also purchase the tea online. Starwest Botanicals is a good source for purchasing organic, wildcrafted Essiac tea in bulk. Another great source is through the store on the Cancer Crackdown website.
- Cannabis Oil
Many pet owners are turning to potent extracts of cannabis, usually in the form of oil to treat their sick animals. Canadian researcher Rick Simpson’s “Phoenix Tears” cannabis formulation is one example of this. The late Dr. Douglas Kramer, a Los Angeles-based “mobile” veterinarian who helped pioneer the use of medical marijuana as a treatment for ailing pets, saw many of his animal patients recover from all sorts of conditions after being administered medical marijuana – including in the eradication of cancer tumors.
Traditional cannabis oil is composed primarily of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive element in cannabis that many people use to treat pain or stimulate appetite. But there’s also the cannabidiol, or CBD, component to cannabis that holistic veterinarians like Dr. Rob Silver believe are equally, if not more, beneficial for healing than just THC alone.
One such product high in healing CBD is Canna-Pet, an oil concentrate made from organic, chemical-free industrial hemp. It contains eight additional healing cannabinoids besides CBD, as well as over 20 different terpenes. Terpenes are the fragrant components of the plant that act synergistically with both each other and the full profile of cannabinoids to perform of host of therapeutic functions. Not the least of which include targeting cancer cells!
As with humans, the list of alternative pet cancer treatments is extensive. This list is far from exhaustive, and I’ll be releasing a follow-up series to The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest that will more fully explore these and many other emerging protocols as they pertain to treating pet cancers.
There’s so much to cover, and I’m excited for the opportunity to share it all with you as we journey together to make cancer – both human and animal – a thing of the past.
If you want to protect your family pet from cancer… or heal your pet’s cancer when the vet says there’s nothing more to be done… or you want to give your pet the healthiest food and environment possible so they will live a long and happy life, then register now for The Truth About PET Cancer docu-series. You can watch the first episode now and get your name on the list to be notified when the series airs next.
Article Summary
Cats and dogs develop cancer at nearly the same rate as humans with approximately 12 million diagnosed cases of canine and feline cancer in the U.S. every year.
While convenient, much of the commercial animal food sold as either dried kibble or “wet” food in cans is toxic for pets.
Generally speaking, animals both domesticated and wild perform their best on a raw food diet composed of primarily meat and vegetables.
Some of the offending substances in pet food include:
- Mycotoxins
- Animal byproducts
- Synthetic chemical preservatives
- Artificial colors
- Rendered fat
- Carrageenan
- Pea protein meal
A whole food diet of mostly meats, organs, and bones, supplemented with appropriate vegetables, is optimal for both cats and dogs.
Beneficial, anti-cancer nutrients for pets include:
- Turmeric
- Milk thistle
- Dandelion root
- Echinacea
- Astragalus
The following are among the safest and most efficacious protocols for reversing pet cancer and producing a clean bill of health:
- The Kelmun Protocol
- Essiac Tea
- Cannabis Oil
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Hi there,
We do have graphics throughout the article! They may not be loading on your screen. Have you tried clearing your cookies and cache? This may help.
Where do we go to find dosages and recipes and also to purchase ingredients? I have a 5 lb chihuahua diagnosed with pancreatic cancer…desperate for help!!
Hi I can help you with home cooking and anticancer recipes for your dog. Plz pm me directly on FB.
My Sheltie has had surgery in August of 2020 to remove a soft tissue sarcoma grade II right thorax mass the size of 3x4cm spongy/lobulated/SQ . 6 months later on March 1st another mass, sarcoma, came back near the surgical site. It was removed. Now 6 weeks later, another mass has returned. My vet said we could operate again but that she feels we are fighting a losing battle. I have refused chemo and radiation as I want her to have a quality of life. I rescued her 3 years ago and she had all toes on both of her front feet broken and never treated 2 years previous. She was crippled and in pain. We have helped her with pain management of Deramaxx and Gabapentin. I give her natural supplements for her liver and kidneys to offset damage. If there is a treatment for this cancer that you would suggest, I would be eternally grateful. I am praying for a miracle… please help. God Bless you, Peggy Greer, Lake Wylie, SC
Truly when someone doesn’t understand afterward its up to other viewers that they will assist,
so here it occurs.
Hi, Thank you so much for all your important work!
Could you maybe please elaborate on the daily dosage and frequency of administrating the kelmun protocol ? and for how long should I continue with it?
I tried to find it on other websites and couldn’t find that particular information.
I’m now not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic.
I must spend a while learning much more or working out more.
Thank you for wonderful information I used to be searching for this info for my
Hi Huarache,
If you are interested in our sources please take a look at our Sources and References tab that is directly underneath the article summary at the end of the article. Let us know if you have any questions.
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First of all, sorry for my bad english. My cat has bone cancer, but still eats and looks fine. I bought him reishi and dandelion teas. I also heard that petroleum has possitive effects on cancer. Please tell me if you know for some examples of petroleum treatments on pets. I am affraid that I can poison him. He has just about 5 kilograms and I am not sure about dosage.
Hi Andrija, This is only my thinking, I am not trained in the veterinarian field. I don’t know what you are referring to when you say petroleum treatments. I know my dermatologist uses petroleum as a topical sealer for skin excisions because it is waterproof and keeps the area from drying out. From what I understand, petroleum is a byproduct waste left over on oil rigs so I personally might choose to use something else. It sounds like you are pursuing some herbal treatments with the tea and the mushrooms. An herbal treatment rather than petroleum treatments might be an alternative to consider. There is a veterinarian named Patrick Jones who uses herbs almost exclusively in his practice. He has a website called “The Homegrown Herbalist.” He gives out some suggestions, graciously answers lots of questions and has several short videos on U Tube. You might check him out. The best to you and your cat.
Yikes! Petroleum? Raw meat, organ, and bone should do the trick
May I just say what a comfort to find an individual
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Would very much like to try the products- I’m in the UK where can I buy them?
Hi Ilona,
We ship to the UK!
I am actually thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this impressive piece of writing at here.
Thanks for your comment Tiara!
What is the dosage of the Kelman protocol. It is a little ambiguous in article it says one teaspoon of baking soda (4 teaspoons of mixture) for 60 lb dog does that translate to 1/2 teaspoon of mixture for 7-8 lb dog. They don’t know what she has suspect none cancer she has very few red blood cells. I have been giving her 1/2 teaspoon each nite …there is visible improvement but don’t know what the red blood cell count is now.thank for any infornation or reply you can give.
Would that translate into 2 teaspoons for an adult @ 120 lbs. Also is protocol once a day. Does one need to add milk thistle to diet to clean liver ? Thank you again.
He well not tell you any of the details because he want you to buy their products and you will have all the answers then I suppose!! Don’t you notice he does not give a reply for anyone that asked these type of questions!! His articles are good, but not complete. Vet. Dr. Becker gives you all the answers for your beloved fur babies, and Dr. Mercola does the same for us humans!! Really great web sites as well. Hope this helps.
really great article thanks for writing this.
You’re welcome!
i think very good informative blog. Thanks admin
We are glad that you learned a lot btelinx!
My cat developed a tumor in his lower jaw. The vet says it is advanced. I can tell it’s painful. His gums are red and the vet says his bottom teeth are basically floating because of the damage to his jaw bone.
The article mentioned trying cannabis oil. I bought a bottle but it only has CBD oil – none of the others you cited. Where can I buy that brand?
It would be great if you could list resources of products you recommend, such as cbd oil dosage, essiac tea dosages, or where we could find this information.
Love your information
Thank you – Great article but cats are obligate carnivores so they shouldn’t be given vegetables.
I watched the TTAC series about pet cancer last time it aired. Not all dogs will eat raw food, mine included, so one might wish to use a recipe book that has been created for dogs or dogs and humans together.
Great info. in this article. These newsletters are so informative! But there wasn’t anything mentioned about medicines such as heartgard, and flea and tick medications. Are those safe for dogs, or are they problematic – if so, what are healthy alternatives?
Why are raw eggs bad for cats and dogs? Wild animals eat them all the time. We would love to see some information to back that up. We feed raw egg yolks and put it in a couple of our blends we sell. The eggs are from chickens that are truely pasture raised and not fed soy or corn. Egg yolks have iodine and a number of nutrients and minerals. I would Not feed or eat factory raised eggs but pasture raised seem to be fine for our pets and raw food blends we produce. We do appreciate this article and the entire series just wanted to comment on the raw eggs. Thank you for all you do to get this valuable information out to the public. Please continue your wonderful work!
Hy Brynn,
Just a quick comment about feeding eggs. I am 100% in agreement with you on feeding them, but if you only feed the yolks, they become unbalanced. You should feed the entire egg, and for a special kick, crush the shell into small chip-sized bites (please wash them first though, in case they were cleaned using a solvent) and add those to the dog’s dish. A couple of my dogs love to crunch the shells up, like chips. The shells are also a balanced calcium/phosphorus supplement you can add if you want to powder them, both for your dogs and cats, or yourself. Chickens are such useful creatures, aren’t they. They feed us until they are too old to lay, then they feed us one last time. 🙂
Hello, Brynn!
Thank you so much for being here with us and bringing this to our attention!
We passed along the feedback and the article has been corrected accordingly. Many of our experts in our docu-series The Truth About PET Cancer do suggest feeding eggs. https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/pet-docuseries/order/?gl=5b6ddb4e02e26b201836658a
Have a blessed day.
Since when are raw eggs bad for dogs? My dogs get one every day.
I agree with you Lara. Here in Australia we’ve never come across a vet who told us eggs were bad for dogs…I’ve had dogs for all my life (and I’m now 82) and I have given both raw and cooked eggs to my dogs (and cats) occasionally without any ill effects. Perhaps the writer means to not feed them in excess or daily!
(Or are eggs in the States different in composition? – Just kidding!)
I’d like to make a comment about your list of no-no foods for dogs. Why on earth would you list raw eggs as a no-no food for either dogs or cats since BOTH dogs and cats are obligate carnivores, and eggs are one of the most perfect protein sources on the planet, 100% digestible, and offer soft silky coats, healthy skin, etc. I feed my dogs eggs regularly, along with a balanced prey model raw diet. Eggs are incorporated into their meals a couple times a week, shells and all (great source of balanced calcium and phosphorus!). If it is salmonella you are concerned with, there is no need, unless of course the eggs are rotten, as a dog’s saliva contains properties that kill bacteria on contact. They are designed to eat their food raw, and this includes eggs. It isn’t likely that a wolf who is lucky enough to happen along a nest just overflowing with eggs is going to pass it by because it’s on the no-no list, or stop and cook them first, now is it… 😉
I also do not agree that dogs, and especially cats, should be eating so many veggies. A little, maybe, a few blueberries or other berries that they might eat in the wild, but their digestive system is not really designed to with the correct enzymes to digest them properly. Carnivores, even scavengers like dogs, were meant to eat a diet of meat, bones and organs, not veggies and grains. I learned this the hard way, as I used to feed around 20 to 25 percent veggies and fruits and three of my dogs had issues I couldn’t find relief for (ears, digestive problems, irritability, etc.). Once I got them off all veggies and plant matter other than a few herbal supplements, nasty ears, bad attitudes and digestive conditions all just melted away.
I realize this is a heated area of debate, but if a person wants to learn the truth about carnivore nutrition, look to the wild cousins of our domestic animals and see what they eat. Also, open the mouth of your own companion and take a look at his or her teeth. If they are all sharp and pointy, they are not designed to eat grains and plants. Those teeth are designed to rip and tear flesh, not carrots…
I have had three dogs of whom one is still alive and so far doing well at the age of ten.I keep my fingers crossed and try to look after her well. My first dig was quite old when he died but the negligence of his veterinarian contributed to his death. The second dog developed cancer–not from food but from being exposed to a toxic herbicide on my condominium’s lawn. She recovered and lived to a ripe canine’s age while my activities contributed to a herbicide ban on private lawns in Ontario, Canada.This is an issue that hasn’t been raised: how many dogs are harmed due to exposure to lawn herbicides? A ban on herbicides protects dogs and cats from herbicide exposures. Bear in mind that “pesticides” is a generic term including herbicides.
That is true, but the Purdue University study, they gave dogs raw vegetables with their kibble and it lowered the risk of Cancer by 90%.
THAT is the biggest change you can make to prevent Cancer in dogs.
The rest of the things you do might help some. Medicinal mushrooms do help. See the I’m Yunity Turkey Tail Mushroom study.
Water fasting is what I recommend. It needs to be over 48 hours to be effective. One week gives them a whole new immune system. One week every year might prevent them from ever having problems with Cancer. There are dogs who have been healed entirely after 21 days. 21 days is a little too far for my comfort, but it is the number of days where the dog owner fasted his dog with hemangiosarcoma and the dog was healed. I saw 10,000% improvement after a 2-week water fast. After 14 days on a fast is when it can get more dangerous if your dog has heart problems. You should watch a video of what happens after how many days of fasting.
I used electrolyte water. I don’t think the fasting centers do. I just know that we need electrolytes.
It is when they start re-feeding that you start to see how good the improvement is.
Again, watch videos on YouTube about Water fasting.
Have you had any experience with cats water fasting? Last night we lost our little friend to stomach cancer.
We’re so sorry to hear about your precious cat, Nadya! 🙁
Wishing you endless love and comfort.
Please explain water fasting. Do you only give your dog water and no food?
I have a very sick cat – breast cancer… and I have some thc oil.. can someone please help me with dosage!!! PLEASE!!!
1 mg/ 5 kg
How.often do you give baking soda maple.syrup mix to a 55 lb. Dog
My dog was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma 6 months ago. He had a melon-sized tumor in his spleen, plus a lot of secondary tumors and serious lung infection and had collapsed and needed to be carried into the vet. All of his lab numbers were way off and he had a high temp and wouldn’t eat and wouldn’t respond to affection even.
The vet said that if I did the surgery and chemo, which would cost me more than $10,000, he still had never seen a dog survive more than 3 months and most die between 2 weeks and 35 days once it has reached the organs.
I did a lot of research and wasn’t sure whether to do KetoPet Sanctuary – 90% coconut oil with 5% animal product and 5% vegetables or whether to feed him vegan or whether to do water fasting or whether to just do turkey tail mushrooms and Yunnan Baiyao.
I had found dogs with lower stage Hemangiosarcoma who were healed each way, though the Keto Pet Sanctuary also did surgery and Hyperbaric Oxygen and they might have used chemo and the vegan dog was healed just doing vegan and the water fasting dog was healed with 21 days water fasting.
Okay, six months later, I tried all of the above. The vegan stalled the Cancer from growing and bought me time. I did vegan and the mushrooms and other supplements like Modified Citrus Pectin for the first 4 months. At that point, he got sick of vegan and I tried raw and the cancer grew with animal products. He ended up with a tumor breaking through on his neck and I had to remove his collar and bandage it. He ended up with tumors on his legs and paws. At that point, I tried to shift to the KetoPet Sanctuary way, but he wouldn’t eat coconut oil or olive oil or heavy cream and I called the vet saying to be ready because I might be putting him down.
But I tried the water fasting. I water fasted him for 14 days on electrolyte water and then, I did a mimicking fasting for the 3rd week, mostly because I couldn’t handle it anymore and mimicking fasting is a thing which they are also studying with Cancer. I fed him baby food that week.
It has now been a few weeks since then and the water fasting was the single most powerful thing which I have done. When I had put him on raw, I was also doing CBD oil and essential oils and I found out since then that CBD oil can shrink OR grow cancer and he stopped wanting it entirely. That was the day I thought I would have to put him down.
Anyway, he is outside walking around and is back to being able to get up off of a slippery floor without help. (I bought 10 runners, but he likes the cold floor and would get stuck every day and his feet would slide around while standing.)
I didn’t do chemo with him. I did short-term steroids that first week, but I don’t recommend long-term steroids. Water fasting and raw vegetables is what I do recommend. Purdue University did a study with dogs and eating raw vegetables with their kibble decreased their rate of cancer by 90% – look it up.
Maybe try Golden Paste google for more info. May all go well for you and your fur baby
I am not sure if my comment from before will post.
My dog was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma 6 months ago.
Water fasting is what really showed the most results. I did vegan, which was good for stalling it, but didn’t get rid of it entirely. I did raw food, but it grew during that phase. I tried turkey tail mushrooms and turmeric and I’m Yunity and Modified Citrus Pectin and enzymes and it was so expensive that I spent $10,000 by the end of 5 months (including diagnoses and vet visits, but still, it was $10,000!!!)
I tried Apricot Kernels, which he didn’t like the taste and I tried B-17, but it made him so sick and it stopped him from wanting to even take any supplements at all and I haven’t done supplements in over a month and the expense came down so much that I feel relief.
I am doing vegan with him and I would have done KetoPet Sanctuary diet, but he wouldn’t eat the coconut oil or olive oil or heavy cream and one of those had to be 90% of the calories for their program.
I am not afraid of Vegan because I found dogs who had been healed that way and the Guinness World Book of Records used to have a Vegan dog who had outlived every dog everywhere. I think a farm dog has now outlived him, but he lived long enough to be in the record books for a long time.
Water fasting is what I would do with a dog, no matter what. I came back because I don’t think cats can be water fasted, but I am not sure. They have different rules and they can’t live without taurine is one rule for them, so I am not recommending vegan for cats.
If your vet is like mine and recommends a lifetime on steroids, don’t do it. Steroids can cause Diabetes and make the animal so prone to infection.
I also wanted to add a mistake I made of giving him Yunnan Baiyao for too long. For Hemangiosarcoma, you need it if they are bleeding out, which he was when we carried him into the vet. I gave it for a month maybe and eventually clotted clumps of blood started coming out when he went to the bathroom.
Turmeric and Ginger and Garlic are things which people use and they are strong against Cancer but can cause Hemolytic Anemia. So don’t just keep giving them.
I did use things like Oil of Oregano and Olive Leaf Extract when he had symptoms of infection, and they seemed to work, but the infections kept coming back until I water fasted him.
Water fasting was so miraculous for me. I hope someone else benefits from this free way of handling things.
Dear Deb–my dog has been diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and a poor diagnosis. Please share some more details.
So far, the there is a tumor in his spleen and adrenal glands.
He has a bleeding tumor and we have started Yunnan Baiyao one week ago and it seems to be working. Do you suggest going off of it for 5 day sand then restarting?
Should we water fast him first ? Or should we do the KetoPet diet?
Or the veggie diet?
Can all of this be done in conjunction with chemo?
What did the vets say when you told them you would do this regiment?
Please advise. I would love to ask you more questions. We are so sad about our beloved 13 year old maltipoo. He is in good spirits still but on major pain meds.
my much loved cat , died of Lymphoma he was 11 years old, noticed he started limping , took him to Vet had xrays blood work , ultra sound and biopsy , I could not stand seeing him so ill , thought of chemo , my Vet said his disease was really against him , I gave my permission to put him to sleep , he died in my arms, part of me went with him , my Vet said it was the most compassionate decision I would ever make , and now , so many doubts of my actions and feel I failed him ,would like another but fear it will happen again
Hi Anne –
Losing a pet is always so hard to go through. I’ve been where you are before. And I felt that I had lost a child.
Please know that you are in our prayers and thoughts.
You did the very best you could in that moment and I’m sure your precious cat knows how much you loved him.
It’s a personal choice whether you feel comfortable with having another cat. Maybe you could find a cat that needs love at a local shelter. There are so many wonderful animals out there who would LOVE to have someone that loves them. And I’m positive you will be a blessing to any animal you bring into your home.
he best advice we can give you is to reach out to a veterinarian or one of the experts interviewed in our docu-series, The Truth About PET Cancer.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
Here’s the link to The Truth About PET Cancer Expert List:
Also, the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association has a resource to search for holistic veterinarians here: https://www.ahvma.org/find-a-holistic-veterinarian/
Hope this is helpful, love! Have a blessed day!
Hello, I have an 11-year-old female cat Shamrock who first was diagnosed with mammary cancer when a lump was removed in September 2017. Since then she has had 7 lumpectomies, and last month I took her for another, and the vet discovered her cancer had spread to her lungs. I am absolutely devastated, I thought we were on top of this. He has prescribed Prednisolone, and I am also giving her Life Gold – Cat Cancer Support and she seems to be doing alright, but I desperately want to do more for her. So far she is eating and drinking, but I want her to get better and I don’t know how to do this. My vet said all we could do for her is this, that chemo would add maybe another month to her life but her quality would go down significantly. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
Hello Lisa –
We’re so sorry to hear about this! Please know that your cat is in our prayers.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to reach out to a veterinarian or one of the experts interviewed in our docu-series, The Truth About PET Cancer.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
Here’s the link to The Truth About PET Cancer Expert List:
Also, the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association has a resource to search for holistic veterinarians here: https://www.ahvma.org/find-a-holistic-veterinarian/
You could try reaching out to see if there are any holistic vets on your island – otherwise they can probably give you advice over the phone.
Wishing you both many blessings, love, and a healthy body! Thank you for reaching out to us about this.
Hope this info above is very helpful to you. Please feel free to reach out to us again when you need to.
Blessings and love from our entire TTAC family to you and your precious cat!
My 5 yr old dog had lymphoma. I tried the Kelmun protocol along with essential oils and activated charccoal. He lived only two weeks more. Please avoid this protocol. It really sped up the disease. I was recommended a keto diet by someone else and I wish I had gone with that option. Only a few days into the protocol and he could no longer eat properly and I had to feed him kefir just to get nutrition into him. Sugar should not go in a cancerous body. I made the mixture right. Although knew something was up when I cooked the baking Soda and maple syrup accccording to the instrructrions and it turrned into a candy hard treacle. I ended up dissolving the bs in warm water and adding tree maple syrup and because he had excessive thirst he drunk it. I only hope my experience will help someone else avoid this.
My cat was diagnosed with lung cancer, he has a 2 inch tumor & they said removing it wouldnt cure it😔 they gave him a month to live….what can i do to try to help??? I’m considering cbd oil…thanks for your help!
Hello Amy –
We’re so sorry to hear about this! I’ll be sure to pray for your cat. 🙁
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to reach out to a veterinarian or one of the experts interviewed in our docu-series, The Truth About PET Cancer.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
Here’s the link to The Truth About PET Cancer Expert List:
Also, the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association has a resource to search for holistic veterinarians here: https://www.ahvma.org/find-a-holistic-veterinarian/
They might be able to give you advice over the phone.
Wishing you both many blessings, love, and a healthy body! Thank you for reaching out to us about this.
Hope this info above is very helpful to you. Please feel free to reach out to us again when you need to.
Blessings and love from our entire TTAC family to you and your lovely cat!
Hi my cat has a very agressive Scamous cell carcinoma of the mouth, diagnosed 2 months ago. It was shrinking for a bit, then got big again, then shrunk, now its big again. She also is hyper thyroid and has lost half of her body weight. She is 4.5 pounds right now. I have her on a raw food diet (Darwin Food which is the perfect proportion of muscle meat to organ meat that a cat is supposed to have) I made her homemade stew but she will rarely eat it. I try to give her the bone borth from it in a syringe (she wont drink it on her own) her mouth is so bad today that she cant swallow even completely pureed food, I am giving her the broth in a syringe. I started adding the turmeric paste to the broth. I want to try the Essiac tea but how much should I give since she is only 4 pounds? You have only a half ounce for an animal at 15 pounds. What about Laetrile for cats? That maple syrup and baking soda protocal sounds interesting but I am worried about giving sugar to my cat even though you say the baking soda will counter act it.
Hi Michele, we are so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, we are not able to give any kind of medical advice. We suggest speaking with a holistic veterinarian in your area, or you can contact one of our experts from The Truth About Pet Cancer series: https://thetruthaboutpetcancer.com/our-experts/.
Even vets sell dry dog and cat food and tin cans and they never warn the owners of pets how dangerous they are to pets.