Video Transcript: Cancer is Not a Death Sentence
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Believe it or not, the most significant is the emotional psychological component. I have had patients… you know the stories. I’ve got a book that I’ve written that I haven’t published. But the stories that I can tell you where we’ve actually taken patients…in fact, I’ll tell you we’ve had two families that agreed to autopsies on patients that I treated.
You know, most of the time when you talk to family about getting an autopsy, why? The question is, “Why would we want to spend another five thousand to do an autopsy when we know they had cancer and they died of cancer − there’s no reason.”
But one family in 1999 and another family in 2001 agreed to do an autopsy after the patient died, after we treated them. Because in my heart there was no way this person had cancer. You want to take a wild guess what they found on autopsy?
Ty: No cancer.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: None, at all. Not even a trace. What was interesting was both patients however died within a week or two of when they were told they were going to die by their oncologist. The power of belief. That’s what they believed.
Doctors don’t realize… they’re a doctor so when somebody hears, “Well they’re the doctor, they know.” So when the doctor says something they just put the thought in the person’s brain. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Now interestingly enough that second patient that they did the autopsy on. The nephew of that patient owned a funeral home, and the patient was buried through that funeral home. He came back a couple months later to tell me a story.
He said, “Listen I wanted you to know Dr. Buttar that when we got the autopsy, when we ordered the autopsy…”
They sent the patient from the funeral home for the autopsy and they hadn’t started the process yet so they sent him for autopsy and the pathologist that was doing the autopsy contacted the funeral home and said, “You sent me the wrong patient.”
They said, “No, we sent you the right patient.”
“No you sent me the wrong patient.”
And it went back and forth four or five times.
And finally the funeral home said, “Listen, there were only four patients that came through our facility this week. Three of them were women; one was a male. You’re supposed to have the male. We know the difference between a male and a female. You have the right patient.”
And the pathologist’s response was, “Well, this patient had died (supposedly cause of death was hepatocellular carcinoma liver cancer).”
The pathologist said, “Well one, this man has no cancer in his liver. And secondly his liver is that of a 35 year old.” The patient was 67 years old.
Now I know that there’s no way this guy could have had a cancer in his liver anymore because what we were doing was rebuilding his liver. And as you know the liver is a highly regeneratable organ.
It was an interesting piece of history for me that as I was going through this, because I stopped asking for autopsies after that. I believe that if I cannot address the emotional psychological issue of a cancer patient, I will, no matter what happens, I will lose that patient.
But if I can address it, I don’t care whether it’s multi-organ system failure or the kidneys are failing, the liver is failing, stage four, multiple metastasis, they will come through it. I have actual patients, you’ve seen some of these patients on video that had cancer that went from breast, spread to the brain, the spine, the spleen, the lungs, the liver, the scalp. And this is the same patient given—gone through chemo and radiation.
Actually she was an oncological nurse, believe it or not. She’d been oncological nurse, a cancer nurse for 45 years and she was told that she had three months left to live and she lived almost 10 years. You’ve seen the videos, right? Anybody can go to Medical Rewind and see some of these videos.
But the point is, it’s the power of belief. And that emotional, psychological burden that a patient has. I have never seen a cancer patient yet, in fact, that did not have a deep seeded emotional trauma.
Many times they may not even be cognizant of it. They may have suppressed it. But until that’s released, you will not see a complete and permanent resolution.
My patients that have really done well, and some of those patients you will be talking to. I know you’ve scheduled to talk to some of them.
There’s one recurring theme that I hear from them…
After they’ve gone through this challenge, they relate to me how grateful they are that they had this disease. How it transformed them. How it changed their life. How it allowed them to see a different perspective that had they not seen, their lives wouldn’t be where their lives are today. That gratitude, that appreciation for having gone [through] that experience, that’s really… cancer is a wake up call.
I believe that in 20 years nobody is going to be scared of cancer. It going to be like getting a cold.
But it’s a wake up call. When you get cancer you need to do something. It’s God giving you the ultimate email. It’s something that takes the wind out of your sails as soon as hear it.
It’s not a death sentence. It’s only a death sentence if you believe it’s a death sentence.
Please share this information with friends and family. It could save someone’s life!
Since I was diagnosed with lung Cancer. At first I was taken by the bad news and I signed the surgery consent scheduled for September 2015. At home, I reviewed everything I was told in my mind. I was depressed but I remembered that my faith always took off any challenges throughout the life. So, I took a deep breath and decided to study my condition on my own. I started my journey on the internet. Incidentally I got lucky when I watched the Ty’s 9 episodes interviews with 100 professionals around the glob. I knew it was a great message to me and I used it. I learnt lots of things and made radical changes in my diet, and my life style. Now I feel much better. I next Cat Scan will be in Sept.2016 and I am positive there is a huge change in my tumor because I physically feel it. I will share the news with you when I receive the results.
Thank you for sharing and I am among those who are interested in hearing about the results. More blessings to you.
. Fear is a horrible thing. Acutally it has a way of creating paralysis. The day I learned to think myself happy was one of the greatest days of my life.. I am a believer in the word of God and find that it offers many promises for it admonishes: “Give attention to my word; incline your ear in my sayings. Do not let the depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh.(Proverbs 4:20-22NKJV) when I study the word, and permit it to rule in my self perception over anything anyone says to me, even the doctors, I find great peace.
I would not be afraid of getting cancer, even if it was advanced, if I do not have to conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy which just makes a cancer patient even sicker. If they only offered alternative therapies to all cancer patients, this will be great for everyone. Don’t you agree?
I was diagnosed withe stage 0 skin melanoma. I was lucky, it was caugth very early. However, I cannot tell you the fear and depression I have experienced as a result and the research I’ve done to try and figure out why someone like me – one who has never been unhealthy or overweight, has own organic garden, eats healthy diet and cuts out all the bad stuff and yet there I was with a cancer. Mild and early, yes, but I was a mess. I had the surgery to remove the mole down to the muscle and I am still healing but it’s NOTHING like what I’ve suffered emotionally and I had state ZERO!!! This Dr. is spot on. What we DO need in THIS country is somewhere else to go except convention MD directed medicine. Mexican cancer spas sound great but they will break you financially. WHY can’t we use those protocols HERE!?? Something needs to be done about this. We do NOT get cancer because we’ve neglected taking our chemo or radiation. They are POISONING US to try and cure us and it doesn’t make any sense.
Anna I don’t know where you live but in Idaho I know of two homeopathic clinics that do the same as in Mexico. One is The Country Store in Aberdeen and the other is The West Clinic in Pocatello. I go to the one in Pocatello, its cheaper since they offer packages of IV treatments, cutting the cost way down. My mother goes to the one in Aberdeen and is now cancer free after 4 months.
Hi Anna, There are so many real ways to bring the body back to a healthy state. A combination of exercise to keep the lymphatic system clear, eating organic foods, juicing organic produce, MMS (Master Mineral Solution – massive pathogenic biocide), getting good oils into your body such as with the Budwig Diet which you add to your diet, get off refined sugars, and the use of essential oils – Frankincense being a real biggee coming up in the field of alternative cancer remedies both topically and internally. Relating to your circumstance, I recently formulated a combination of Frankincense, Black Seed Oil and Red Raspberry Seed Oil which eliminated a highly suspicious skin issue on the top of my right hand. I had a dark brown spot for years, then one day it started to raise, get red, then it started turning grayish. I put my new formula “Skin Rx” on the spot 6-8 times per day and it was gone in 3 weeks – all of it – dark spot and all. Everyone who has since used my formula have found various skin issues resolving – from brown and red spots, flaking skin, itchy sores that don’t deal, insect bites, animal scratches, blemishes, rashes, etc.. We do not have to lay our health in the hands of a “white coat” and hope they actually have the means to heal us with a bunch of poisons, radiation and mutilations!!! And, let’s not forget the fear factor they so heavily hit their victims with, such as “we’ve got to operate immediately or you’re going to die!!!” It has been observed that people who have been told by a “white coat” that they were going to die – actually died because they were “told” they were going to die. The power of our words are mighty – especially coming from someone supposedly in a position of authority – yes – we all know doctors are little gods who know everything – right?!?! The autopsies revealed on people “told they were dying” – had no life-threatening illness to kill them – they died merely because they were told they would die. FYI, back in 1853, the medical cartel placed their minions on the board of Universities and had them remove Spinal Biomechanics and Nutrition in order to sell more drugs & surgeries, period. If a University balked at this removal – the medical cartel removed needed funding – so the Universities sold out way back in the mid 1800’s! That’s how long this cartel has been working on providing “treatments” instead of “cures.” Needless to say, I disconnected from western medical decades ago when they killed my Mom with their “treatments” twice over. Unfortunately, I did not have the knowledge back then to have saved her. BTW, Obamacare was a total ruse to get everyone “paying” for western medical – and people think – since I’m paying for it – I might as well get my money’s worth and use it – exactly what “they” want us to do to keep us in a perpetual state of disease. The ONLY doctor I see is a Naturopathic Chiropractor to keep my nerve system streamlined which I combine with constant study in the alternative healing arts uncovering ways of supporting the body’s own healing mechanisms. I hope you never go through any mutilations ever again, Anna!!! All my best to you and every other dear soul here on the planet looking for “real” answers . . . Malibu Kim
Thank you ALL; I do enjoy reading the replies from the people who share your thoughts.
My wife endured 4 years of multiple chemo treatments – promised to be the “latest & greatest”. Eventually, her oncologist told her that he had run out of options. He told her this on Tuesday – she died on the following Saturday, believing there was no further hope.
Only quite recently I was naive enough to believe that Doctor has all the answers to human’s health problems. But now I realized that Doctor is a salesman for the drug companies. I will see Doctor only for his view and as for the medicines I will throw them away
This is such an important part of life and living for not only those with cancer or serious illness, but all of us. Our minds and are physical and mental abilities have so much untapped potential. Nobody ever reaches deep enough inside themselves to be all they’re capable of. This story was especially difficult for some of us who’ve already lost loved ones. My wife died from recurring breast cancer in her brain (6 tumors) and lung in 2014. Actually what killed her was total lack of imagination, real effort and outright bullying and lies by the doctors and their manipulators. Although I did everything I could figure out that should have helped her, and she was determined and emotionally onboard to beat this evil thing, we lost the battle. So now there’s so much more information available I need to know…..when someone is diagnosed with cancer, besides thanking the doctor and running for your life from those corrupt murderers, where do we go for the answers? Who do we turn to for a routine, a schedule, the treatment and the methodology that brings us the cure? Is there any documented information put together yet in a computer program that spells it out based on results and statistics how we destroy the evil beast? So many people are winning the battle now and we know about incredible natural and not so natural treatments too that are making this possible. Please somebody out there give us a place to start. All these posts can be so overwhelming. I appreciate all of them. But we need to start somewhere. Were do we begin the journey?
Hi John,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: