Cancer is a threat to every person on the planet. Although scientists are unclear as to why some people get cancer and others do not, there are known factors that increase your risk of being diagnosed with this deadly disease.
Cancer develops when your cells are damaged but do not self-destruct or are not destroyed by your immune system. They then mutate and begin to multiply out of control. That is why it is essential to cancer proof your home.
Many things can lead to the initial cellular damage. Environmental pollution, nutritional deficiency, overall physical health, and family history are evaluated when cancer is detected.
As individuals, it is important to minimize as many “outside” influences in regards to cancer as possible. Risks that we can personally change are a step in the right direction.
Maintaining a healthy bodyweight, quitting smoking, and avoiding too much unprotected exposure to ultraviolet light are well known changes you can make to your lifestyle to lower your risk.
There are several others that are not as commonly known…
Cancer-Proof Your Home in 7 Steps
1. Monitor the radon levels in your home. Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in the earth. It enters your home through the ground. Radon is radioactive and a known cancer-causing agent. In fact, radon is second only to smoking as the cause of lung cancer in the United States. Your local store will stock radon detectors, which works similarly to a smoke detector. It is easy to install and fairly inexpensive.
2. Ditch the non-stick pans and “resistant” fabrics. While non-stick pans are convenient, toxic gasses caused by perfluorooactanoic acid (PFOA) are released into the air every time you use them. “Resistant” fabrics – such as stain, fire, or water-resistant – also contain these cancer-causing chemicals that pollute the air with fumes you can’t see or smell. Research has confirmed that these chemicals (especially worn against the skin or in your carpeting) accumulate in the blood at an alarming rate, leading to chronic diseases like cancer.
3. Evaluate your beauty regimen. The average woman who uses make-up can absorb as much as five pounds of chemicals each year that include heavy metals, formaldehyde, and other confirmed carcinogens. The application of such ingredients to your skin is more dangerous than ingesting them. Your saliva and stomach can break down some toxins and flush them from your body. When applied to the skin, they are absorbed through your pores directly to your bloodstream. Minimize your exposure by searching out organic products that might be a bit more expensive, but are well worth the investment.
4. Skip the canned food and plastic containers. When plastic is heated, it releases toxic fumes, which can also be absorbed by your food. Canned goods are packaged in tin, aluminum, and steel that can break down and leech into food over time. Many canned goods are also lined with bisphenol A (BPA) – a cancer-causing agent found in plastic resins and thermal papers. Opt for frozen vegetables over canned and look for “BPA-free” products.
5. Take a second (and then a third) look at your cleaning products. A 2010 study published in the journal Environmental Health reported that women who used the most cleaners and/or air fresheners in their homes had a much higher breast cancer risk than women who used the least. According to researcher Judy Brody, “Women who reported the highest combined cleaning product use had a doubled risk of breast cancer compared to those with the lowest reported use. Use of air fresheners and products for mold and mildew control were associated with increased risk.” Many cleansers, air fresheners, and detergents contain carcinogens that include styrene, alkylphenols, triclosan, diethanolamine (DEA), and triethanolamine (TEA) – all of which have been linked repeatedly to cancer studies. There are many sites online that provide organic cleaning product recipes that work!
6. Check your building materials. Many building materials used in residential homes may contain cancer-causing chemicals, not to mention other components that can harm the environment. Many types of insulation contain styrene and fiberglass, formaldehyde is used as a cheap binding agent for laminate and plastics, and many older homes test positive for lead and asbestos. Though remodeling your home can get expensive, search for inexpensive methods of rectifying some of these issues if you find them in your pre-existing home. If you’re having a home built, insist on environmentally friendly materials.
7. Grow your own organic garden. Given all the pesticides that are being used in and around our vegetables and fruits these days, it might be a more sensible choice to grow your own organic garden. A new method called “square foot gardening” makes it possible to grow fresh produce even in small spaces or urban environments. In the beginning, it may seem like more trouble than its worth but the flavor – and sense of security – will change your mind.
Taking one room at a time, you can “cancer proof” much of your home within a few days. You’ll breathe, sleep, and eat easier.
So glad the risk of radon is getting out there. My daughter had Hodgkin’s lymphoma and our house had very high levels of radon. I wish every house was tested for radon.
I’m so interesting about all information in the documental but a have a cuestio? is this information avaliable in Spanish is very important for my Latin community to learn about all this terrible disease!
Hi Marina, We currently do not have our series available in other languages. This is something that we plan to have available in the future.
So, how does one test a house for radon?
There are home radon specialists who can test your home for radon levels. Search your yellow pages or on the internet for specialists in your area and ask them about their training, years in business, etc. To mitigate radon levels, the crawl space beneath my home was sealed with a plastic liner and an exhaust fan was installed. The cost is relative to the square footage of your home’s footprint, the level of radon in your home and the steps required to bring the radon level down to an acceptable level.
What is the point of fussing over radon? I might be able to measure it, but so what???, if I can’t keep it our of my house!!!
There are actually simple ways to keep it out of your house. Radon comes up out of the ground and it comes up everywhere in small varying amounts. Sealing floors is the most important thing one can do to stop radon seepage into a house. Vinyl sheeting, linoleum, floor sealers for stone or concrete, baked sealed floor tiles … all of these prevent radon from entering a house. Outside of a home is no problem radon naturally is a light atom and rises in the outdoors. It’s also a good idea to freshen the air inside a home every now and then, perhaps once per week. It only takes an hour to totally change the air inside a house. Just make sure all the doors are open, open windows on the east and west sides or the north and south sides, depending on which way a breeze a blowing. If it’s a windy day, a totally air change can be completely in a few minutes instead of an hour.
Thank you Ty for your help. I have arthritis in my thumb any suggestions.
Surely monitoring the level of radon in itself won’t help – advice on how to reduce the level is also needed to cancer proof the home?
Get a home radon test. If you have high levels of radon in your home, get a radon mitigation system installed. You can google companies in your area that install them. We had one installed 2 years ago. Only took about an hour and wasn’t too expensive.
I have read that not using the microwave oven and turning off WIFI when not needed is helpful in preventing cancer. Are you aware of these suggestions and are they valid in helping to avoid cancer?
Yep never stand within 6 feet of a running microwave, .. wifi, bluetooth, wireless baby monitors. DECT cordless phones wireless routers ,printers, tv etc , all sources of 1.8 to 2.4 gigahertz radiation, all detrimental to health. same as mobile phones and transmission towers. all household wiring gives off a ‘dirty’ magnetic field , 220v worse than 115v but all essentially detrimental. purchase an ‘electrosmog’ meter and check your house. cornet ed88 is a reasonably priced meter , avoid restaurants, pubs etc that have free wifi, even cars , buses and trains have wifi. all wifi is 2.4 gigahertz. same as your microwave oven, just a lot less power, but power, nonotheless. and what do you never put in a microwave? metal…. what are trains cars and busses made of?….. metal riding in a low power microwave oven… lovely.. ‘we cookin’..’
I have “The Neutralizer” by Aulterra on each of all my electronics- wifi, microwave, cell phone, cordless phones, tablets, ttv, computers, etc… this blocks the EMF & radiation on each item at home and at work. Check for it online. I found it in Amazon.
Sounds like you have an EMF blocker kind of thing on your items… my question is what about one that is not attached to a device …. Just sits nearby? Or on bedside at night?
Any suggestions on this kind?
I have heard the same, and am disappointed that EMFs were not mentioned in the cancerproofing piece.
Yes, there is a substantial body of research which shows WiFi and cellular radiation is harmful. Several hundred peer reviewed studies now show that this kind of EMR radiation damages DNA, which is a sign of increased risk of cancer. It is a good idea to turn off the WiFi when you’re not using it. Even better is to use a hardwired connection at home and to turn off the WiFi entirely. There are many other steps you can learn about online.
Thanks do you have any suggestions about Where to find laundry products that work.
Yes I have used Shaklee cleaners for 40 years and they work so well..very concentrated so inexpensive to use.
I have been making my own laundry soap for several years. Very simple. I use the Duggers recipe. You can find it online.
Grab Green is a great product. I use their laundry soap and dishwasher detergent.
Costco sell a powder which is brilliant. I was sceptical at first but it washes the clothes well.
Molly’s Sud’s and dryer balls.
I use Melaleuca cleaning, personal, and beauty care products. They are very effective, and thrifty. Even my husband uses them now.
Nellie’s can be found on Amazon. It works okay.
If you can tolerate Biokleen, I think it cleans better for the same amount of powder. I have used it for years, and get it in the 50# size to minimize the expense. Health stores can probably special order it. Always try any product over time, before buying large amounts, though.
I’m very passionate about helping others to make what are often simple changes in and around the home to help support Health & Well Being.
Thank you for sharing this information Ty as it can only help to get the message out that we can all play a bigger part in our own Health journey 🙂
I second the comment about wifi – electromagnetic smog must be a factor disease creation for venerable people. Avoiding high intensity sources would help I would guess. Lots of stories of people getting cancer like an imprint upon the location where they most use their phone.
Shaklee alfalfa everytime breaks down uric acid crystals.
Where do you get these shaklee alfalfa tabs?
I can get them. I have used them for 36 years. .i use them for digestion and have for knee pain. Kathy
3212882308 call or text
I would love to buy some of the heath care products but stay in South Africa and our Rand vs the Dollar is: R13.50/$1.00
I believe that these products could do very well here in SA. Love to market it here! I was 38 yrs in the pharmaceutical industry.
I got a radon detector and keep it plugged in always! It reads the levels and has an alarm that goes off when it goes up. I usually open the doors and let in the fresh air and it helps to clean the air and reduce the levels. It is more prevalent in the winter when everything is shut tight to keep warm. I also have a air filter to keep other pollutants out of our home. My breathing and health is good because of this.
Thank you Ty for continually presenting the real facts in clear simple English and the connection to our daily “routine” habits…
Perhaps the BEST question to ask is WHY our government officials think that it is appropriate to poison its own citizens through every imaginable channel, from our water, our food, the air that we breath, the pesticides and herbicides dumped on our produce in the trillions of gallons, the carcinogenic GMOS that are actually subsidized by the government (along with GMO seeds), to cleaning and self-care products and worst of all BABY food and products!!! Impossible to believe, but sadly true and now that the orange-faced grand-stander is about to take office, hold your hats because his plan is to mercilessly destroy the environment for Corporate profits.
What can be used to replace fiberglass insulation?
There are other materials that are used to insulate homes. Shredded and stabilized paper is blown into a home attic and walls in new construction. If your walls are open, you can cut and form 1″ or 2″ foam board (styrofoam) to the shapes between the studs. They should be made as tight as possible. If you already have fiberglass and don’t want to go to all the work and expense of removing and replacing, you can just make sure that your walls are very well sealed, including spaces around your outlets and switches, spaces around your vents and water pipes, etc.
Excellent advice as usual, many thanks. As I have MCS I serve as “canary in the mine” warning system!
Canada, and many of your states suffer also from local wood smoke (forty times more toxic than tobacco smoke). Many good sites on line to see how this threat might be handled. For me it has been a long battle
as many neighbours
think they are saving money by burning wood. !
I have the same problem of nearby woodsmoke, and it travels a long way in winter winds. Can you easily help us with some specific URLs, Bruce.
There are so many things we can do to cancer- proof our homes; I make many of my cleaning products, cosmetics, and laundry products. Recipes are easily obtained online, if one just takes some time to research.
For instance, my glass cleaner is simply vinegar, water, and sometimes essential oils. I scrub the toilet with vinegar & baking soda.
We have to take into consideration any pets in our homes; they walk on our floors and breathe the same air too!
I convinced my husband a couple years ago to finally ditch the microwave. I haven’t used Teflon pans in years and store food in glass containers as much as possible. Every little bit helps!
I never think about possible levels of radon in our home; thanks to this article I plan on buying a radon detector.
I love this website and the daily emails from someone who truly cares about what the cosmetic & medical industries are doing to our health for the sake of profit.
Thank you, Ty!!!
I freeze food in glass containers too. Very occasionally I am not careful enough, and the jar breaks, so I lose the food, but if there is an inch of headspace and you both cool overnight in the refrigerator, and only then freeze it, on its side, it usually works, and at least only the lid is plastic, unless you pay for the metal ones.
Don’t forget reducing EMF exposure!
Causing cancer is a cash cow
Ty, the suggestion to stop ingesting the hormone disrupting class commonly known as “plasticizers” such as BPA, is probably the most important because of the ubiquitous nature if it (skin and breathing “ingest” every bit as much as via mouth), and also because this class of chemicals bio-accumulates and damages so many body and environmental systems and causes so many diseases. An important realization however, is that many replacement chemicals have been introduced since the BPA in baby bottles scare. And you can find studies explaining how the replacement chemicals that allow the manufacturer to advertise: “NO BPA” on label are much worse than BPA! The correct advise is to learn to unwind our dependence on plastic anything. This class of chemicals is killing our living planet.
Thank you!!!
What is BPA replaced with if it says No BPA? That’s scary information!
BPS is commonly used to replace BPA, and is now known to be at least 10x more toxic! The concentration of BPA / BPS is also very high in thermal cash register receipts and can be absorbed through your skin when touched…always opt for the email receipt version instead of the paper receipt if given the option.
BPA (bisphenol A) is often replaced with bisphenol S, which is similar by structure (so it is also hormone disruptor) but still there is no much data on its toxicity. Some studies shows that it can be the same or even worse. Anyway, plastics contain a lot of other chemicals with structure similar to our hormones…
BPA is an added chemical that has No useful purpose in Anything! Why is this toxic chemical used and Who puts it into our lives?
And WHY???
What about eating only organic food or non GMO at least?
GMO is huge cancerogen: lab rats who was fed GMO food developed lamps in various parts of their bodies after 4 month.
I agree and only eat 98% organic and gmo free foods.. it is vital to your health
Also: Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). Research now shows a clear link between certain kinds of harmful EMR exposure and DNA damage, inflammation, and other precursors to cancer. The good news is that it’s possible to dramatically reduce these emissions in our homes. Turning off the WiFi at night is a good basic step. Another is to remove all DECT cordless phones and baby monitors from the home and to replace them with much safer alternatives. The best thing is to work with a consultant who can walk you through the steps in a comfortable and clear manner.
To complete cancer proofing your home you have to remove all items that generate electromagnetic radiation inside the house and screen any EMR entering the house from outside. To day most likely a number of cell phone antennas are possibly close to your house, or a smart meter just outside your house or a number of smart gadgets inside your house creating EMR.
What about food grade DE? Is it good for you?
Massage therapy can help in many ways, but you also must take a look at your internal health. A nutritious diet will do wonders for your joints and all other systems within your body. 🙂
Thank you so much for the information very helpful. I would like to know if you have any information about the hybrid cars. Do they have any cancer causing emissions or anything we should be aware of??
I am not familiar with square foot gardening. I live in an apartment building in California with a small space outside and I’m thinking this might work for me. Do you have any specifics on how to try this and just how much square footage do I really need?? Joan W.
Excellent advice here – except the omission of really harmful to health electro-magnetic frequencies which have been hyped up to include the SMART grid! When our cellular membranes shut down to protect themselves, then de-tox mechanisms are adversely affected and also absorption of nutrients. So the amazing self cleansing and self healing of the body is impaired- leading to a build up of harmful chemicals and heavy metals which lead to gross acidity in the body that cancer loves!! I can recommend protecting the body against the frequencies with organite in the form of a pendant and also making sure that the living space is free of wireless technology as much as possible.
De-tox. can be helped by using magnesium transdermally (e.g. Epsom Salts in the bath and/or floatation therapy,) as well as increasing ingestion of good quality sea salt…Please research the amazing health giving joys of good quality sea salt such as pink Himlayan crystal salt which has more than 87 essential minerals. An alkaline diet is also essential – lots on the Internet about this and avoiding stress by increasing unconditional self love. The huge energy field from our hearts sings for joy when we love ourselves first – no matter what.
Hi, Kathy. I also use Shaklee cleaning products and have been for 35 years. There products are safe and economical.
I’m confused about #5. It seems to say that women who use the majority of cleaners/air fresheners have the same breast cancer risk as those who don’t. Am I reading it wrong?
Hi Laura,
This should be taken care of now. Thanks for pointing it out to us!
It reads double the risk now.
Thank you Ty and to your team of dedicated people. You mention the damaged cells in which apoptosis, cell death, is no longer functioning and so those cells go on to mutate and cause havoc in the body. I read an interesting piece of research into the role of redox molecules,which our body used to make in abundance when we were kids, in restoring this process and also detecting the damaged cells and signalling the repair process. I have since used this with great success in my own pain clinic. I would like to know if you also have research on this new technology. I won’t put anything here but feel free to email me at as I may have missed you discussing this. Blessings
Visit dough english his webpage about golden paste (turmeric/coconut oil/fresh grounded black pepper) the recipe is on his site. It is totally organic and helps fantastic. I am a user and never have been better. They also have a facebook page turmeric users group. Very informative! Good luck!
Wow, there are a lot of things missing on here. Smart guard meter screens, WIFI screens, getting rid of ALL cordless telephones, checking the electrical hotspots in the walls, taking all magnets off the refrigerators, getting rid of the microwave oven (even if it doesn’t emit too much in the microwaves line, it still demolishes food and makes it dangerous), water filters. That’s the additional things I can think of off the top of my head. Whooopsie! Get rid of ALL pesticides in your home. All of these things are extremely important!
Blessings to you Ty for all that you do. I herd you on Coast to Coast last night. Yes, essential oils are fantastic. I have been using Young Living oils for over 20 years.Almost daily. Essential oils are helpful in dissolving petrol chemicals in our bodies. Example, put a few drops into a styrofoam cup and see it dissolve a hole in the cup.I sure would love to see us go back to using hemp products in the U.S. Another thing I came across which is very helpful for all to know is that the government has been putting government mandated fire retardents in all mattresses for some time now. The mattresses have terrible toxic fumes while they off gas. Killing us softly. When I bought a new mattress 6 years ago I didn’t sleep in it for almost a year because of the off gassing. There are organic mattresses, but they are quite expensive. People are catching on and providing alternatives. We just have to outsmart the powers that be and stand up to these forces who want to control almost every aspect of our lives. Much Love, Gratitude, Admiration and Respect to You Ty for your incredible example of being your brothers keeper in setting the captives free.P.S. Ty You may wish to add this piece of info. about mattresses to your list on preventing cancer in your home, as very little people even know about this. If your staff has time, finding alternatives may be a great investigation worth sharing.
Also, remembering that brand new products Out Gas into your environment. Consider that a new born baby would suffer in a freshly painted room with a brand new mattress and everything brand new. Check out Sherry Rogers book ‘Detox or Die’.
I have found low intensity laser treatment via the device known as the Willow Curve to be outstanding in reliving “inflammation of the joints,” i. e. Arthritis. As well as being instrumental in recovering from a torn meniscus, verified by Cat Scan.
What about microwaves?
Pure sour cherry juice is a good anti inflammatory and helps against arthritis
You can copy and paste them in to a language converter.
Four years ago, we purchased a mid-century home that appeared to be mostly in need of cosmetic repair. We discovered after moving in that there is asbestos under our carpet and that mold in our shower had been covered by newly replaced tiles. A friend who has worked in asbestos for 40 years checked out our flooring and told us that the type of asbestos we have is the least airborne type, especially when left undisturbed, however we badly want to replace the carpet. We bought a powerful air purifyer that is supposed to kill and destroy mold spores and I do the best I can with keeping after what is visible through natural products, though we are not skilled in what would be involved in dismantling the shower tiles to tackle this problem. I’ve been watching your website for the past year, hoping someone could lead me in a healthy direction to dealing with these issues in our home. Because our budget is very limited, we typically try to tackle as much as we can on our own, but we do not want to disturb asbestos or mold spores into the air. Any information to help lead us in a healthy direction with this would mean the world to us!
Please “Take a second (and then a third) look at your” paragraph # 5, and rewrite it, thanks, Elf.
Hi Elf,
This should be taken care of now. Thank you for letting us know!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless you and our family and co-workers from Dr Glenda Hicks, South Africa
Editor, please look at the second sentence in this paragraph: “5. Take a second (and then a third) look at your cleaning products. Researchers have discovered that women who use the majority of cleaners and/or air fresheners in their homes have a breast cancer risk of women who do not . . .” Is there a word (or words) missing? For example, is their risk “twice that” of women who do not? I’m truly interested in knowing, so please make the correction or help me to understand the meaning of the second sentence as written. Thank you.
Hi Carol,
I’ve passed this information onward and it should be fixed now! Thank you.
I work in retail and learned last year that carbonless register receipt paper is high in BPA. I immediately found a source for BPA free receipt paper and made the switch for myself, my employees and my customers.
stop eating the big 5 and see if it helps, gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts and corn. Try it for 30 days and see how you feel, maybe try eliminating one food at a time for a couple of weeks.
Great reply and I offer to stay out of restaurants unless organic and organic and raw.
You say perfluorooactanoic acid (PFOA) are released into the air every time you use non-stick cookware. What is the best type of cookware to use to replace non-stick cookware?
I have read many reports about this and am very confused as to what to buy
I travel with a ceramic non-stick pan. Also a pricey diamond non-stick is supposed to be best, according to a family expert chef.
They are guaranteed to work or you get your money back. I liked that. I can send you info on alfalfa tabs via email or Post office. you can call me to hear my voice to know I am authentic.. lol..
There’s a documentary about mold,it’s called Moldy by Dave Asprey founder of Bulletproof coffee. This would be a great place to start tackling your mold problems. Hope this helps.
My comment is for T Meyers!
I’ve installed a radon mitigation system to suck the radon out of my crawlspace.
I always imagined it was the formeldehyde that made fiberglass a dangerous product. Once the more-recent formeldehyde-free fiberglass product is installed behind an aluminum Denny foil vapor – barrier, it would be a much better alternative than cellulose made of newsprint with added flame – retardant or spray foam. Rock wool may or may not be code in your locale. There used to be a southeast USA coded product made of old recycled jeans that we considered, but it would have been too expensive to have it coded elsewhere. There was also a very expensive magnesium product that was said to work well. The information is much more available now than 30 years ago, so investigate. Happy hunting, for knowledge!
Thank you. It makes much more sense now!
“Square Foot Gardening” is a system of gardening first explained 35-40 years ago in a book by the same name. A newer edition of the book has come out & is probably available through your library. The system is based on 4’x4′ raised beds, but will work in containers, on a patio, balcony or rooftop. You plant only what you need of each crop, successively, instead of a 40′ row of carrots all ready at the same time. Worked well for my family of 3.
Could you tell me name of costco detergent please?
They are so much fun to clean with becauae they work
Two questions:
1) Knowing that resistant fabrics (wrinkles, flames) are toxic, I am wondering if moisture resistant/drifit fabrics are toxic, as well.
2) Knowing that BPA, among other chemicals found in can liners, store receipts & plastic bottles are toxic, I am wondering if zipper-type bags (Ziploc) are toxic, as well.
We have been eating lean cuisine type microwave meals for many years are these a hazard? My finance developed brain cancer in 2015. He has 2 new tumors that are inoperable. We also have a restaurant that uses a commercial microwave.
There used to be an article called’ “The Truth About Microwave Ovens” on this website. Not sure why it’s not here anymore. Very informative article. I wish Ty would put it back up. In summery, ditch the Microwave Oven!!! Your body will be glad you did.
Hi Tom,
This may be the article you are referring to:
Hope that helps!
any information on the best non toxic or organic bed ?
I have heard that the older houses consists of asbestos which is not good.