Since the war on cancer was declared half a century ago, hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into cancer research. However, despite annual pronouncements of cures and breakthroughs that are just around the corner, all that research has failed to keep the incidence of cancer from continuing to increase. Most of the small reductions in cancer deaths are due mostly to earlier detection which increases five year survival rates – the yardstick conventional medicine uses to determine success.
There is a very good explanation for why cancer research has failed so badly…
It has been directed away from the true main cause of most cancer – toxins. In early years, such misdirection could be partially explained by the lack of understanding about the nature and causes of cancer. In recent decades, however, cancer research has been directed away from toxins even as the evidence has mounted that toxins are indeed the primary cause of cancer. The reasons for misdirecting cancer research are two-fold:
- Covering up the culpability of those who produce toxins and sell toxic products
- Greed on the part of mainstream medicine and others who profit from cancer
As an example of the way cancer causes are covered up and the greed that drives the cancer industry, consider the marketing of “pink.” Many of the companies who are part of the hugely publicized Breast Cancer Awareness Movement (BCAM) sell pink-themed products which contain cancer causing toxins.
The Great Pink “Cancer Cover-Up”
There has been a huge effort for many decades to direct attention away from toxins. If toxins were recognized as primary causers of cancer, this would focus attention on the industries which produce toxins as well as the companies whose products contain toxins.
Consequently, many of those who cause cancer have joined together to direct research away from toxins and towards such outdated areas as genetic cancer causes. To make sure they keep the spotlight off toxins, cancer-causing companies have endeavored to place representatives in key positions in both government agencies and non-profit organizations. Such agencies and organizations include the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the Breast Cancer Awareness Movement.
The evidence is overwhelming that the primary cause of cancer is environmental, and thus preventable. Yet the National Cancer Institute refuses to acknowledge toxins as a major cause. It consistently understated the connection, maintaining that only 6% of all cancer cases stem from environmental and occupational carcinogens.
In 2010, the President’s Cancer Panel provided strong confirmation that exposure to toxic chemicals is an important and under-recognized risk factor for cancer. Right on cue, the industry-influenced American Cancer Society attempted to refute the panel’s conclusions. Both the NCI and the American Cancer Society, like other cancer agencies and organizations, continue to cling to the outdated and disputed theory that genetics are the main cause of cancer.
As Naturopathic Doctor Loretta Lanphier reported in “Genetic Cancer Theory Disproven Yet Continues to be Propagated,” a succession of scientific findings beginning with studies conducted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries led scientists to suggest that cancer is genetic and is caused by a sequence of DNA mutations in the gene. Coupled with this research was the discovery of the oncogene by Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT’s) Dr. Robert A. Weinberg. The well reported nature of these findings began the spark of the widespread belief that cancer is in fact genetic, which continues to this day.
Dr. Lanphier also reported, “As you may have not heard, Dr. Weinberg reversed his original theory twelve years ago after discovering that less than one DNA base in a million appeared to have been miscopied, concluding that not enough defect existed to cause cell mutation. His exact words: ‘Something was very wrong. The notion that a cancer developed through the successive activation of a series of oncogenes had lost its link to reality.’
More recently, in 2005, the directors of the world’s largest cancer research center in Houston, Texas, announced that cancer’s prime cause is not genetic. Despite the magnitude of these reports, they’ve been widely overlooked by the mainstream media.”
There is no greater example of the great cancer cover-up than the Breast Cancer Awareness Movement. BCAM was created by the Imperial Chemical Company, since bought out by AstraZeneca, which was recognized at the time of the inception of the BCAM as the second largest producers of carcinogens in the United States. Imperial Chemical was soon joined by chemical companies, cosmetic companies, food companies, and others whose products caused or contained cancer-causing toxins. BCAM has endeavored to keep the focus off toxins since the very beginning, including directing research almost solely towards genetics.
How Greed Drives the Cancer Industry
The cancer industry has grown to be a financial Goliath worth hundreds of billions of dollars in profits each year. Included in this industry, of course, are all the doctors, nurses, hospitals, labs, technicians, hospices, chemotherapy drug makers, and X-Ray machine and film makers. But the cancer industry also includes huge salaries, perks, and other expenses in numerous government agencies and non-profit organizations. The inescapable reality is that all those profits, salaries, and perks can only be maintained, much less increased, if we do NOT find a cure for cancer.
Non-Biased Cancer Research and Prevention Organizations
Although they receive a small pittance compared to the money spent on mainstream cancer research, there are cancer organizations out there who appear to be independent of ulterior influences and are working to actually make a difference. A partial list includes:
- The Independent Cancer Research Foundation
- The Annie Appleseed Project
- The Cancer Prevention Coalition
- The Breast Cancer Fund
When you look at how cancer research continues to be misdirected to this very day – despite all the evidence about what really causes cancer – there is an obvious conclusion. The failure to direct efforts towards finding a cure for cancer has been deliberate. As with mainstream medicine in general, greed and profits are foremost and our health takes a distant second place. It does not appear that this will change any time soon, so those of us who care will just have to keep spreading the truth as far and wide as we can.
This information is being suppressed from you by the mainstream media and the medical establishment. Be notified each week when cutting-edge articles are added by clicking here. You’ll be glad you did.
Article Summary
In the past 50 years hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into cancer research. However all that research has failed to keep the incidence of cancer from continuing to increase.
There is a very good explanation for why cancer research has failed so badly… it has been directed away from the true main cause of most cancer – toxins.
If toxins were recognized as primary causers of cancer, this would focus attention on the industries which produce toxins as well as the companies whose products contain toxins.
To ensure the spotlight is kept off toxins, cancer-causing companies have placed representatives in key positions in both government agencies and non-profit organizations. These include the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the Breast Cancer Awareness Movement.
The cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. The inescapable reality is that all those profits, salaries, and perks can only be maintained if we do NOT find a cure for cancer.
There are cancer organizations out there who appear to be independent of ulterior influences and are working to actually make a difference. A partial list includes:
- The Independent Cancer Research Foundation
- The Annie Appleseed Project
- The Cancer Prevention Coalition
- The Breast Cancer Fund
Those of us who care more about people than profits need to keep spreading the truth as far and wide as we can.
Yes, I would agree that toxins contribute to cancer. However, I would say that there is one other contributing factor. When I nursed palliative care patients in an Oncology Ward, I discovered something interesting. I became aware that each of these patients had undergone high levels of stress within the past 3-5 years. I interviewed them one by one, and found that in virtually every case there had been one of the following: a marriage breakup, a death in the family, or some other equally traumatic event. This is not to say that everyone who has these negative experiences ends up with cancer. However, if toxins are already present, it seems that severe stress is enough to trigger or activate the cancer. And of course treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation do absolutely nothing to address this.
Thank you for Sharing Anne!! I remember a study done in Germany about 35 years ago that would scientifically back you up. Personally, I tend to blame toxins first and foremost but if you were interested you could look up that German study and see what they said.
Hi yes I think you’re all right stress is a major factor and part of the problem in all health issues and must be dealt with as part of the solution, but lets not now give them the idea that they can use stress as the next big scapegoat once again diverting the attention away from the (toxins) they are propergating. Everyone knows that proportional cancer rates have sky rocketed since the 60’s or slightly prior and continue to grow but people have always had stress in their lives this factor hasn’t changed to the degree that it explains this great increases in cancer but what has undeniably changed over this time frame is the creation and increased incidence of the (toxins) we are all in contact with. I would consider stress like the straw that broke the camels back but as stress is a relatively natural thing I would assume all things being equal we would have evolved to cope with it but coupled with these unnatural stressors (toxins) that we have not evolved to deal with it seems it is a recipe for cancer.
Anne Bowyer That’s really interesting as I have come to similar findings, based on entirely anecdotal evidence. I am fighting breast cancer. I certainly had significant and combined traumatic losses 7-8 years ago and a few more 3 years ago. When I speak to other people who are going through the same thing, they remember one set of huge losses, followed by a set of smaller setbacks. While I am going along with the medical process, I feel I need to know mainstream, alternative and emotional analyses to have the best chance of long-term survival and thriving.
I agree with stress spurring on cancer 100%!
i absolutely agree Ann. I am a Breast cancer survivor. Within a span of 5 years before diagnosis, my younger brother died, I then started menopause and I had severe insomnia, then my mother died. Prior to those events, i had been a calm and easy going person who could field most stresses with ease. Now I am ridden with anxiety attacks although working with a natropath, I am slowly recovering. I did not do Radiation or chemo and only 6 months of the prescribed 5+ year meds which created extreme muscle fatigue among other new symptoms. I truly feel also that stress was the catalyst.
I have been saying this for over 2 years. Chronic stress. It makes complete sense.
I belong to a “Moving forward” breast cancer group.
All my ladies have traced their diagnoses back to very stressful events (including myself. I was diagnosed at 44) and there are literally hundreds of women who say the same on a FB breast cancer buddies UK site, who agree.
It would make sense to why the biggest demographic group of older people, suffer from cancer.
Our bodies, when older, don’t deal with stress in the same way as when they are older.
Breast cancer, specifically, affects older ladies…could it be because they have gone through menopause and the stressful affect of that on a woman’s body causes the dormant cancer cells to change?
I have also seen reports that women in un-westernised Countries get breast cancer, such as Uganda and Namibia.
They are lucky to eat even basic food, given their poor living quality, so chemicals in food cannot be blamed for their causes.
How would they get toxins in their bodies to begin with?
However, they do suffer stressful lives on a daily basis.
I had a neighbour who had a nervous indoor cat, who was fed on organic chicken it’s entire life and it got cancer, aged 9.
Animals get stressed. Of course they do. Some animals to more degree than others.
So my other theory is water. Stress and water perhaps?
Is there something under the earth that has changed and manifested itself into our ground and affecting water that we drink?
Whether it be for an indoor animal and women in remote African Countries( (that aren’t exposed to regular toxins) or us here in Westernised Countries. Food for thought I think.
Hi! What about the Cancer Tests in and of themselves as being the culprit? Our split nano second internal metabolisms of each of our body tissues when recorded by any medical test just doesn’t define what is really going on internally. Women’s individual and unique ongoing changes of menstrual cycles, on and off during a monthly cycle which repeats itself, and then the changes if pregnant, then to perimenopause/menopause, aging, and yes stress……..getting to the reality of the interpretation of a medical test of which one is putting their entire life within, if this person is trusting it to be God……
Ann, I truly believe you’re right about toxins and stress. I was put on atypical antipsychotics for depression in 2009 and 1yr later started having seizures and over the next 4yrs had been hospitalized MANY times for them and drugged up the you know what…IV’S, scans, labs, drugging me some more because they THOUGHT they were seeing other health problems and what do dr’s do? Prescribe drugs…lots and lots of drugs. And what are drugs? Chemicals. And what are chemicals? Toxins. Then I was sweating so badly while going through menopause at this same time and didn’t know the seizure meds were causing heavy sweating, I went on hormone replacement. More toxic chemicals while I’m completely stressed out from hospitals, being ignored by the dr’s, tests and drugs and 14mths after starting the hormones I was diagnosed in Oct 2014 with ovarian cancer. No family history of cancer, so the theory of genetics doesn’t hold up. And the worst part is I just this past Oct investigated now that I saw my 4th neurologist that the dr’s saying they didn’t know why the seizures started “just 1 of those things” was from the atypical drugs in 2009 and I realized the seizures STOPPED when after I was sick of taking them and them not working and the dr not listening to me when I kept telling him I felt worse on the, I took myself off them in the spring of 2012 and I never had another one again. Drugs which are chemicals are evil and in my opinion should only be used to save lives and then they should take you off them after the emergency is over…dr’s never talk about natural methods and people shouldn’t be told to live on drugs…they are literally killing us and have been for a very long time. So you see, I’m yet another person that had been going through tremendous periods of stress and had my body clogged up on toxins and I got cancer. Thanks for your comment because you are onto something. PS. I’d NEVER put my body through chemo again, it was horrible, and thanks to watching the series TTAC, I’m hopeful at the many other options out there. We ALL must keep speaking up and sharing with each other and we need to keep the pressure on the agencies (government, AMA, BIG Pharma etc) that we want and deserve options and should not have to die because the only options being offered are actually killing more then they help. We need more brave dr’s to investigate these options and to have the courage to speak up and push for change. I am an animal crazy person so excuse me when I say the old saying. There is more then one way to skin a cat….so people should open their minds and be receptive to the idea that there is more then one way to stop and deal with and often times cure cancer. Peace and good health to all.
Hi Anne and Donna! I found a lump in my breast in Jan 2007, they wanted me to have a fine needle aspirate and I refused, I then checked in 2009 and it seemed to be fine! from Aug to March 2010-11 I went through a period of excessive stress, from circumstances beyond my control. Every morning I would wake up resentful. I am normally a very happy person, in fact my mother used to call me Pollyanna!
I am also a spiritual healer, and have been for the last 30 years. I first encountered cancer in 1996 with a patient who seemed perfectly lovely and happy. Imagine my shock when I put my hands on her and felt blackness and one recurring word… RESENTMENT! RESENTMENT! RESENTMENT! I asked her if there was anything she was resentful about after the healing and I opened a floodgate of issues. The healing resulted in her 3 month “life sentence” from her oncologists resulting in near complete remission of her cancer.
When I realised I had a dimple in my skin above the lump in march 2011, I flashed back to my previous patient, knowing I had had thoughts just like her. I was diagnosed with ER PR positive stage 4 breast cancer, and advised to have surgery within 2 days, chemo and radiation. I went to a 2nd oncologist who conned me into tamoxifen for 6 months which put me into chemical menopause. He then told me I still needed cut poison and burn and I said bye bye!
I have since done loads of things including veganism budwig supplements, and cutting out all toxic products, of which there are literally thousands!!!! (if you need more info on what I have done just ask
I am still very much alive and kicking 5 years and 3 months after my five year diagnosis, and nearly ten year after my ‘lump”
The 2 biggest factors in my opinion are toxins and stress. I went to a cancer clinic in Germany in 2012, and I met a lot of cancer patients. I asked them all for their ‘cancer stories’. ( in the smoking area outside where most of the chat went on! ) ALL of them had a huge stress incident in the months to years preceding their cancer. They ALL knew what caused their cancer, as I do too! However the convergence of excess toxins allows the cancer to form far quicker than it would have done years ago. Couple that with toxic treatments that accelerate toxicity and you have a recipe for disaster that leads to death in weeks or months not years!
I took the road less traveled on my own five years ago knowing in my heart it was the right path, in spite of HUGE pressure from family and friend to take the ‘conventional’ treatment, My likelihood of being alive today is probably less than 2% if I had gone that route. I thank immensely Ty and TTAC team for helping me to realise I was not the only wild child out there to question the conventional route.
So in summary my message to you both and anyone else out there reading this is that you MUST get toxins out of your life, but to me the bigger problem is stress. Your body can deal with a lot of toxins if your heart and soul are as light as a feather…
Love light and fabulous health to you all!
Kangen Water
Thank you Helen for your story, it is most encouraging. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 ER and PR positive breast cancer in January 2016 from a secondary cancer on my scalp and subsequent CT scan. I too have had a breast lump for many years (over 10 years) and I feel fine. I have refused mammograms, further biopsies and conventional treatment and am following a similar path to yourself as I know too in my heart that this is right thing to do. The results have been marvellous and whilst many people have disapproved, none can argue how much healthier and more ‘alive’ I am, which has really helped.
Prior to the diagnosis I had undergone a period of several years of severe and prolonged stress, and then lost my father to an asbestos related cancer – it was a horrible and cruel death and very protracted. The stresses are now gone and the resentment is lifting.
I have led a very healthy lifestyle being very aware of toxins – and so tended to think that it was the stress rather than toxins that caused the cancer, however I now think that gel based sanitary wear is a major contributing factor, which I hadn’t thought of as toxic at the time.
I wonder how many others with ER/PR +ve breast cancers also use gel based sanitary wear? If this is a major contributing factor, then disposable nappies will be causing the next generation enormous health problems. Out of interest, does anyone know if there are any links between manufacturers of sanitary wear/disposable nappies and drug companies?
Love and light to you all
Keep your body pH up and you will not get cancer. That said, you probably get cancer many times each day and if your immune system is in shape it will not survive. What cancer is was discovered back in the 1920s’ by Dr Otto Warburg who has been ignored ever since.
Toxins! Absolutely. I do not have cancer but have struggled with diabetes for 15 years – not accepting the drug regiment and conflicting with my GP. I now am seeing a Functional Health doctor who says it is all about my diet. I am eating healthily and growing much of my own food. I have even gained five pounds! So, I say we are living in an over-toxic, under-nourished world. I have cut out most meats, all vegetable oils and sugars, processed foods, and dairy. What does that leave? Nourishing good food. I am convincing my husband to also eat better, but he likes his BBQd meat. I am worried about him as everyone in his family has had cancer of one form or another. His sister just recently died of bladder cancer and he is caring for his father (101 years old). Stress? Of course. But we will get through it and hopefully in good health.
The most important element you need to eliminate from your diet is gluten. It is a component of wheat, rye, or barley and disables intestine villi so that nutrients are not absorbed.
As many of these comments attest, it is life stye choices to reduce stress, a good diet, ( I emphasize going organic and GMO free and stay off the red meat), reduce or possibly eliminate your intake of prescription drugs and avoid toxins in your environment. Unfortunately, we know that Big Pharma and Big Ag are not interested in our nation’s well being, just plain greed! I gave up meat about eight years ago. I eat only wild caught fish and try to avoid processed foods, choosing organic, non-GMO products. I’ve noticed that I am healthier at 64 than I was in my 30s and 40s! It is truly sad and disgusting that our country has bowed down to the Big Pharma and Big Ag lobbyists and other interests and not take a stand for healthier options as has been done in Europe, the UK and other countries. I would say: folks do your own research, don’t buy into conventional cancer treatments, and choose the LIFE that you want to live!
You sound like you are on the right track. For more info you might try and look up Dr Otto Warburg who discovered what cancer is back in the 1920s..
Helen, What toxins did you clean up from your daily life around your house? Any suggestions on how to relieve stress as I go through a criminal and civil case against my dear 21 year old son’s murderer?
Stress can make a person susceptible to a number of physical problems. I believe the reason for this is the damage done to the immune system that is caused by stress. I suspect if a map were made of the areas of sickness and disease concentration, I believe the northern third of the country would show the most incidences of sickness of all types, whether the flu, colds, shingles, cancer, etc. The reason being that the low exposure to sun light on the bare skin during a good portion of the year causes a reduction in the body’s ability to produce Vitamin D. For instance, my wife loves to sew and spends many hours in a room where the sun never shines. It was in the middle of January 2014 when she broke out with shingles. By the way, we live about 40 miles north of Seattle, Wash. The third week of March it was discovered that she had an ovarian cancer tumor. All of us living in this region of the U.S. should be taking at least 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily during the colder months. Have your doctor test for D3 in your next blood test. This has nothing to do with cancer, but also request he/she check for C-RP, which is a very damaging protein molecule produced when interior fat tissue comes in contact with your intestines. Type it into your search box and see just how small an amount of this in your system is safe. The presence of this molecule in excessive amounts will guarantee you will have a heart attack down the road a ways. It damages the walls of your blood vessels as well as the heart muscle. The letters stand for: C-Reactive Protein.
It amazes me that Ty Bollinger has not commented on “The Emotion Code” or “The Body Code” which was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson within his research. Trapped Emotions create havoc in the body, and can be removed simply, quickly and effectively, and get to core of many illnesses, including Cancer. Dr Bradley Nelson developed “The Body Code” for the medical profession, but it was never taken up, so it is now out there for anyone to learn and use. I am 70 and 4 years ago, I discovered this and studied and learnt both practices, so if I can do this, anyone can. My grand daughter who is 11, has been using it since the age of 9. There is no use putting a band-aid on the problem, we need to get to the root cause, and these practices do just that. Search the net, “The Emotion Code” can be learnt free of charge, and once you learn to muscle test you can commence using it immediately. My advise to anyone learning muscle testing, is to connect to the “Creator of all that is” for help, and always look up and away when using it, so that the brain is disengaged, and intuition develops. Search for further information. Take responsibility of your own health, by removing Trapped Emotions that vibrate within your body and energy field, and you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to have the wealth of health.
Stress YES! But lets not overlook all the MANY environmental ones that also come into Play. The water we drink, the air we breath, the food, that’s not food anymore, Mercury filling,,, root canals, flu shots with many toxic ingredients! I could go on,,, and ON,,, the human body is hit from so many directions with toxic chemicals. Stress sets the ground work for the environmental cause to take hold.
Anne, what you’re referring to is the Oncogene activation through a traumatic event, which makes it that much easier for cancer to start progression..
So true Ann Bowyer. These are the very reasons we assist people with Lifewave PhotoTherapy patches. They not only ease stress, very quickly, but the Glutathione patch in particular is the best product we know of to safely raise Glutathione levels more than any other method known today and not only provide a massive boost to the immune system but also detox harmful toxins and heavy metals from EVERY cell in the body. Rob
Mr. Harding, what does the Glutathione patch do? What shops can your buy Glutathione patch? Would it treat terminal cancer in which the disease will never come back again? The reason that I am afraid to get cancer is because I do not want to do the conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy, because I am afraid to lose my hair. Are you by chance a medical doctor?
Hi Silvia, I will try not to take up too much of Ty’s space here but from the results we personally find with the PhotoTherapy patches the following could be of interest?
The patches are provided through Lifewave members around the world in the 100+ countries the patches are distributed. They are also provided in hospitals in Europe and elsewhere but are still provided direct from the members once leaving hospital. We can provide extensive information on the patches and various means for obtaining them if you would like to email us below?
We have used the patches with terminally ill people but any improvement can only be called coincidences as we do not actually promote the patches toward the treatment, prevention or cure of any disease. We can only promote for the improvement of actual conditions already proven with the clinical studies as mentioned below and in this the patches perform exceptionally well! Having said that, we can provide videos of both how the patches work and the effect they have on eliminating free radicals and other harmful substances from cells. There are extensive double blind controlled studies on the patches to prove the patches do what they are created for. In other words we rely on actual measured studies not just testimonials from medical professionals of individuals.
The Glutathione patch is our favourite. We find that raising Glutathione levels can provide a very effective means to attend to many serious conditions and the patches do this wonderfully. If considering raising Glutathione levels there are various methods to do this: ingested or IV Induced that can help a little. However these methods can prove expensive, intrusive and may also create negative side effects. The patches raise the level far higher than any other method known, are low in cost, easy to use, are extremely effective and have NO harmful side effects, even with the millions of people now using the patches.
TTAC have an amazing number of suggestions supported by many great people and we believe the consideration of raising Glutathione levels can definitely be part of the answer and particularly if wanting to avoid cancer and tumours in the first place. We find the patches do change and improve the appearance of the body on the outside and without wondering too much what is happening in the inside the patches have been clinically studied toward improving the function of 8 vital body organs, so that could be an indication?
While not a medical person myself, my partner and I have been extensively involved in assisting hundreds of people with the patches in many countries over the last ten years. The results with easing chronic pain, stress, inflammation, assisting with sleep, energy and a host of other chronic conditions has been a blessing to all. We have also been working directly with many medical professionals about the world and do believe these patches are an answer to many medical issues we face today
Personally I do not worry about cancer or tumours for me or other people I know that are regularly using these patches. If I ever did find these issues arising I would simply be adding that extra patch occasionally. This is only my personal finding and is only part of the big picture but one I will stay with.
While we are happy to answer any questions on obtaining the patches our main task is for assisting in the application and use of the patches, ongoing, toward a successful result. We do this free of charge, at our costs for communication and support worldwide.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need support in any way with the patches.
Rob Email:
Tell me more about your glutathione patch, Robert. As it turns out I am currently working on an article about glutathione for The Truth About Cancer. I agree that it is an essential item to use to prevent and beat cancer – it is one of the essentials in my own suggested anti-cancer protocol. Thus far, the best product I am aware of is the Aurora mega-liposomal glutathione from Vida Lifesciences.
Hi Tony, Thank you for question on the PhotoTherapy Glutathione patches.
From research and extensive experience we have had assisting hundreds of people in many countries it is found the patches will increase Glutathione levels far more efficiently, far safer, and with much lower cost than any other means known today and that includes any food or manufactured ingested IV induced product.
The patches communicate with the body’s energy system to provide a powerful positive effect. There is nothing going into the body. The patches allow the body itself to be in control of the raised Glutathione level with the body adjusting to what it needs at the time. So, no risk of overdosing and NO Harmful side effects as can be experienced with manufactured chemical products.
We understand the raising of Glutathione levels has been the subject in around 70,000 studies. While all tell of the benefits of raising the Glutathione levels they have also indicated problems such as short term life for the raised level, problems with side effects from manufactured ingredients, cost and in particular the small percentage the level raises even if the method is used over some time.
The patches have none of these problems and extensive double blind controlled clinical studies show the Glutathione patch can raise the level by up to 300% in 24 hours and will keep it at a high level as long as the patches are regularly used with the body safely adjusting the level. Considering Ingested and IV products may only raise the level by around a suggested 10% to 20% if used over one month there is little to compare between the patch and other methods.
When an initial trial was done with the patches to measure the level of raised Glutathione levels in a laboratory the results were considered impossible. A repeat study to confirm the processes used for the first study and finding the same raised levels proved both the first study and the repeated studies were correct.
Cost is also a consideration. Manufactured ingested products can prove expensive and IV induced costing from around $150 upwards for each session can work out very expensive if used regularly over the month. As an example; considering we sell the patches for around $5 each as retail in Australia and only a few may be used each month to maintain a healthy Glutathione level then there is little to compare?
This same patch technology is used for pain relief, energy, easing stress and inflammation, assisting with sleep (all problems experienced by cancer sufferers) and raising Carnosine levels along with other benefits. They are used to assist disaster victims around the world and are also used in hospitals in Europe, so already have a wide acceptance.
We can provide links to studies of the patches on request. It is important to note the patches are promoted from the measurements and results of these full clinical trials and studies and not just reports of experiences from various doctors or manufacturers.
Please contact us direct if wanting details of studies etc. We would consider the benefits of the above patches to be of interest to many followers of TTAC
Rob Harding
I will go to the site and investigate further. What about swimming with the patch? I am a life-long swimmer and swim in an outdoor, solar-heated pool several times a week.
This sounds very interesting Robert. Thanks for the link. I’ll follow it up. There has to be a better way than chemo – and boosting the immune system and removing toxins is dealing proactively with the root problem rather than killing off the good guys along with the bad ones!
On second thoughts, Robert, I think it is safer to use a holistic approach that has been scientifically investigated and proven to be effective via statistically significant trials. And that certainly doesn’t mean it has to be FDA approved!! Curcumin, for example, has been subjected to numerous trials of this nature, all of which have shown it to be a potent anti-inflammatory. Taking glutathione itself, even in patches, is not nearly as effective a supplement as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) which can reduce oxidized glutathione, thereby enhancing and preserving glutathione’s actions in a cell. ALA is an antioxidant which, unlike glutathione, can be absorbed intact from the intestines. Glutathione in any form cannot actually enter cells intact; it must be metabolized to form L-cysteine – one of the essential amino acids. Therefore a supplement such as N-Acetyl Cysteine does this more reliably, more potently and at a lower financial cost than glutathione. See, for example, the research contained at
GcMAF a proven cancer cure also for autism and many other ills that big corrupt pharma is trying to cover up ,Also another is proven BIO RESONANCE is based on a proven science Quatum physics kills CANCER with no side effects unlike chemo poisons
What toxins? What is your source? Do you mean the IARC cancer list?
Whatever the cause of cancer. (Toxins). CANCER IS MAN-MADE.
I applaud those people who run, walk and do all sort of things to rais money for research. BUT THEY ARE DECEIVED, by the cancer society in particular.
YES,,, the money goes to the very people who don NOT want a cure. I have said as much myself. You are not a patient anymore, but rather a customer! Lots of money in treating symptoms, little in cures! It’s sad that all govermental systems, and even our AMA, FDA, and CDC are controlled by $$$$$$$$$. So much unnecessary suffering all for the almighty dollar!
Right on Macnael. Aaand they also routinely ignore what cancer really is as was discovered by Dr Otto Warburg back in the 1920s.
Yes, Sylvia. What I am saying is that undoubtedly toxins are the primary cause, but a healthy body’s response to toxins is to neutralize them – unless and until, of course, they become unmanageable. Severe and prolonged stress is the trigger that messes with this process, allowing the breakdown of toxins to be interrupted…. and that is when “all hell breaks loose” and disease follows. These days it’s a bit like warfare between our bodies on the one hand (and their excellent ammunition for fighting disease) and the enemy ‘out there’ with all its toxins, stress factors, junk foods and other damaging factors that threaten to overwhelm us. We must keep our bodies strong and resistant to disease, our minds and emotions healthy and our spirits in tune with God, in order to win this battle!!
Very true Anne, a healthy body with managed stress a good diet, spirituality clean air, water etc (preferably toxin less) allows us to neutralize toxins better and stress can hamper this process but toxins can also hamper this process. For e.g. the fluoride they but in our water is known to slow your thyroid function, this slows our metabolism so this toxin decreases our bodies ability to neutralize other toxins. You see its like a circular accumulative effect. I’m sure you know this (just sharing) but what I’m asking is what is the solution? Stress has always been there and always will, we can manage it to a degree but eradicating it is not an option, it is natural whilst all these toxins on the other hand have not always been there, they are not natural and in relation to cancer (and other illness) are the factor that correlates with this statistically significant rise in cancer rates. So what do we? Deal with stress or toxins? Well I think clearly to be truly healthy we have to deal with both but when it comes to sustainably lowering cancer rates I think decreasing toxins is the main battle we should win. I know you acknowledge toxins are the primary cause and I agree and respect what you’re saying I just want to share my perspective.
Thanks for a great article. Greed perpetuates the ‘need’ for big pharma to continue to harm, kill and misinform. They know the truth and they don’t want us to know as it will mean a drop in profits. Natural healing and toxin avoidance is key to fighting many illnesses, not just cancer.
You’re missing one other part of the puzzle too and this goes hand in hand with the toxins. Nutrition. People just don’t simply get any where near enough nutrition. I would say that the vast majority of the pubic is nutrient starved to a significant degree, some obviously far more than others.
I believe the stree of cancer diagnosis is enough in itself to cause chemistry in the body to change drastically and quickly. The patients get diagnosis and then are scared into treatment immediately without having the adequate time to research their particular cancer. This too……is done by design. The last thing an oncologist wants… an educated patient on their cancer that is being treated. Once the treatment starts……reversal of much damage is very difficult(not impossible) and patients tend to wear down physically and mentally. That is why it is also important for one family member to take charge during the treatment to protect the one undergoing it.
I’ll tell you what is stressful. Finding out that there are cures and treatments out there but unless you have financial resources, too bad for you. Insurance doesn’t cover them so its all out of pocket. Usually, there are travel expenses on top of that so then you can’t continue to work. This is all great information but my husband and I live on a very small fixed income and most of these wonderful treatments are completely out of the question for us. I am more stressed out knowing that if one of us gets cancer, our options are conventional treatment (which is a death sentence) or death.
To teresa, I 100% believe that!!! My fiance and I are both on BadgerCare so the good treatments that are out there like natural treatments for cancer are all out of the question for us 2.. so but I don’t plan on getting cancer and I just try to eat as healthy as I can I know juicing is good for you and I would like to get a juicer so that’s my next step is to start juicing well God bless you and have a good day. Jodi
As a former nurse, I decided years ago not to have any health insurance. And In Australia there are some clinics that do not charge for seeing the local doctor when you are unemployed or on a pension. Anyway in your case, Teresa, you need to concentrate on what you CAN do. There are many guidelines to staying healthy that cost you nothing: eating simply, living holistically and living in a stress-free environment. A friend of mine grows her own vegetables in pots! Online education doesn’t have to cost you anything! And the principles of staying healthy, and achieving healing from cancer have all been given to us via this excellent series. Diet, exercise and lifestyle are the most vital components in the healing process.
GcMaf they use to have a company produce it in the uk, for Autism, unfortunately they found out it reduced tumors it was shut down?
Well said GC. A concern we have is that many people traditionally treated for cancer issues and are considered “Clear” appear to have the cancer re-appear later, with a vengeance and little time left to live. We suggest the PhotoTherapy patches not only to ease many of the conditions resulting with cancer but also to provide the best means possible to boost the immune system and help prevent cancer in the first place or the return of cancer once apparently “cured” after traditional treatment.
The mechanism for cancer recurrence is well understood. Even the most successful therapy typically only kills 99% of the tumor cells (we don’t know the exact number because those are the undetectable ones). Even PET scans aren’t sufficiently advanced to identify single cells that evade treatment. Once initial treatment ends, that small group of surviving tumor cells (that are resistant to the original therapy, having survived it), can begin to grow again.
Although I have not researched your product, is it absolutely clear that anything the cancer survivor can do to improve immune function (which is the front line defense against growth of tumor cells) and decrease inflammation (the main culprit in creation of a tumor-friendly environment), is going to vastly increase their probability of avoiding recurrence.
To prevent cancer, just keep the body pH up.
Awsome comments.I am a cancer survivor.I have been cancer free 37 years,I had acute monocytic Leukaemia.I read an article in a magazine that stated ‘People who have had a diagnosis of cancer and completed all their chemo,go through a form of ‘Shell Shock,’ or P.T.S.D. Thanks on the info about Glutathione Patches.I am an avid believer that cancer is caused by environmental toxins.So many more young children being diagnosed with glioblastomas and acute leukaemia in the 8month to 8yrs old age range here in Australia. Thanks Ty Bollinger and all the other alternative treatment researchers for this informative post.Blessings to you all.
Julie – How did you win the war on Leukaemia? What kind of treatment did you get? My mom died from this in 1985.
wish she was able to beat it – she was a wonderful person and I still miss her everyday. Thanks for your post, I think environmental toxins are a great concern when it comes to all cancers.
Very Very Valuable Information! Thank you so much for the latest wisdom and knowledge. My father had leukemia and went to MD Anderson Hospital in Houston in the 90’s and had chemotherapy and was OK for a couple of years and got it back. Then went back to MD Anderson and was cured with experimental drugs. He lived to be 93. I believe major stress caused the cancer for sure and with the help of MD Anderson and my Mother there every step of the way my Father lived to the ripe old age of 93! My Mother died 6 months before my Father. He would have gone on longer if she had lived. He had a very STRONG CONSTITUTION!
That is interesting about stress. I would note that those under stress tend to eat different and live different. Many become depressed. It is possible that such traumatic events as you described in people’s lives have many consequences which can cause a weakening of their immune system which controls cancerous cells produced in the body. It is also true that some people live under stress without traumatic events, due to health issues, financial issues, marriage issues, job related issues, social issues and so on. My point is that the traumatic events you described cause many things to happen beyond stress.
I have cancer mesothelioma asbestos related desase I live in the UK and I do agree with all that has been said will there ever be a cure no doubt that ,it seems to me that there is a lot of caruption going on, I have very little faith in chemotherapy
I agree about the stress. My father was stressed when he acquired this intense fear of retirement? He got Leukemia. I also believe people who are judged and don’t feel loved will stress out instead of moving on with their lives and making the situation as right as possible.
I agree with Anne that the emotional component to cancer is huge. As a homeopath I see patterns of recurring stress in the background of people who have cancer. But it’s not so much the particular event or stressor as how they dealt with it that matters. Those who suppress their emotions are much likelier to develop a cancer. Metaphorically speaking, if there’s not a “break-out” on the emotional level, there inevitably wil be one on the physical level! So any successful treatment must not only deal with what’s going on in the body but what is happening in the mind and emotions as well. Getting people to undo years of suppression and recognize their true feelings is key.
Cancer is too complex to have a single cure — and focusing on the elusive ideal of a “cure” distracts us from working on prevention, which is where the focus should be. Of course toxins are implicated big-time! Back in 1999, I believe, the Sierra Club did a piece on the American Cancer Society and how stacked its board was with people from the petrochemical industry. No wonder the ACS is one of the main distractors! I will not donate to that organization or to any of the subgroups that support it.
I also have had cancer twice ! The first colon cancer on 1983 when the right side of Colon was removed with no further treatment required . Again in 2008 with Prostrate Cancer when I had radical prostrectomy plus radiation for 38 days. Still being treated with Lupron injections & checkups every four months. The radiation plus Prostrate operation has left me with complete incontinence. Both cancers were preceded by stress . Prostrate Cancer also was a condition caused by agent orange for those serving in Vietnam. I was in Vietnam in 1970 – 1971. I also believe cancer is caused by toxins as well as stress.
After having one session of chemo after breast cancer, I started to lose the use of my hands and feet and had electric shock type pains shooting through my head every few minutes (and lost my hair) so stopped further chemo, refused barbaric radiation and hormone therapy and took back the control of my own life and health. I have found that by writing a book of gratefulness for everything I have (I was widowed and lost everything including my pension – another story) along with many of the healthy ‘treatments’ and diet as recommended in the Truth about Cancer, my life has totally changed for the better. I can now be thankful for the cancer as it has made me happier, more open and positive. I find that the more I’m grateful, the more I have to be grateful for. Please add writing a book of gratefulness to the treatments…
I have been following the many stories on curing cancer with The Rick Simpson Oil ! I am a 3 time cancer survivor all were caught very early! Breast and two lung cancers! By the Grace of God! Please anyone having this horrible illness please check out Darren and Amy Miller Facebook page! I believe God did give us natural medicines to heal many ailments! Gods Blessings ????
I am trying to locate information on the BEC1 treatment for cancer of the bladder. The oncologist said this cancer is from environmental toxins and second hand smoke. My concern is that the family member just wants to do the treatment and leave the work to the Dr. even though this treatment can be very hard on your body. Yes, the patch does sound promising and I will look into the website to learn more. Thank you
I really try hard not to be angry at those who keep people sick for their financial benefit, who lie to us, who cover up truths, who have the audacity to support industries which produce and support toxins. I have lost family members and close friends who suffered and then died because of all of this, so yes I am furious and have every right to be. Ty, thank you for working hard to expose the truth. Sincerely, Helen
Absolutely Ann, Helen Bangs Weygand, founder and teacher of Mind Psi Biotics Inc always talked about this in her classes. It is the favorite way for the subconscious to commit suicide … and the conscious self isn’t even aware of that decision hence the the real cause of cancer in these cases … meaning cancer is the subconscious minds last resort cry for help and when the conscious mind continues to ignore it you are dead.
Would the glutathione patch help with memory loss & dementia/Alzheimer’s ?
In answer to Carol Peters: “Would the glutathione patch help with memory loss & dementia/Alzheimer’s ?”. From our experience with PhotoTherapy Glutathione patches and other patches used, while we cannot promote the patches toward cure, treatment or prevention of any “Specific diagnosed” disease, the patches do have a profound effect on resulting “conditions”. If the conditions you mentioned are caused by blockages in the brain area and the use of the Glutathione patch or other patches or even some other means of raising Glutathione levels can help eliminate some of these blockages then this could be the answer you are after?
Never forget the power of money: – the greatest carcinogen in the world today.
I have a question. GMO is big but no one is looking at it for cancer. How do we start looking at this as the cancer rates are going to sky rocket. 2. here in South Africa we have just had regulation passed to prevent any advertising on natural products that may help cancer or any other illness. EG you may not say Vit C helps flue. What are we coming to and how does the man on the street oppose this.
Is there any information on the effectiveness of glutathione inhaled via nebulizer?
Please forward this to all loved ones. We must speak up!
I absolutely agree with Mr. Isaacs when he says that toxins are the main cause of cancer. I also see his point about there being no genetic cause of cancer, as long as what he’s saying is that there’s no single “cancer gene” that causes it.
However, because cancer is a disease caused mostly by toxic exposure, if you have mutations in genes that are supposed to detoxify your body and those genes become less functional, it can have a definite impact on whether you get cancer. If your body has a hard time “taking out the trash,” toxins can build up. Pretty soon cancer is knocking at your door.
So while it appears there’s no “cancer gene” per se, there are myriad genes that have an effect on the degree to which your body can dispose of toxins. Becoming aware of your status where those genes are concerned can be a big step toward making sure you stay as toxin-free as possible.
The war against cures represents criminal restraint of trade. In the late 80’s & 90’s I thought biotech would cure cancer. I found companies that had promising cures. Every time clinical results showed they had something big pharma would swoop in and buy them up. You never heard anything about the cure again.
A few years ago I was at a party talking to a CFO of a biotech company. l told him that story and his response was that nobody tries to do that anymore because you can’t get those products to market.
Millions are suffering and dying to protect corporate cash flows. Chemical pollution is our #1 environmental problem. Climate change is misdirection away from this fact.
I don’t see a reference to a great book by Devra Davis, “The Secret History of the War on Cancer”
This all seems to be ignoring the overwhelming evidence for consumption of animal foodstuffs (meat and dairy) as the primary promoters of cancer (and obesity, diabetes etc. etc.). I see surprisingly little evidence on this site of references for example to the monumental work of T. Colin Campbell in ‘The China Study’ .
I do not believe eating meat and dairy gives you cancer. Back in the settlers time or earlier people weren’t dieing grime eating meat and dairy they were dieing from cholera or having scarlet fever them kinds of diseases. Them people were a lot more healthier then we are in this day and age, is they didn’t have a all the toxins in the air and pills either.
On the whole, I find these studies simplistic and lacking in objectivity. It is far too easy to link dairy products and meat with obesity and disease, despite the fact that they have been around for thousands of years. What about the other, proven harmful components in the diet of obese individuals? Over the past forty years we have seen a huge increase in obesity – and it is certain that dairy products and meat are NOT the main culprits! Western civilization is being bombarded with chemicals in our foods and in our environment. The increased number of processed, sweetened and highly refined foods are doing far more harm to our health than our consumption of dairy products. We do need to avoid large amounts of red meat: that is obvious. Eggs do not promote cancer – in fact they are an important source of protein. Fish is important, and can still be sourced from unpolluted oceans. Refined carbohydrates are detrimental to our health, but we can choose to eat more wisely. And perhaps we should start growing our own fruit and vegetables, or at least buying organic, to avoid chemical pollution. All these things are within our power. But I believe that a wide variety of healthy foods, including dairy, fish, chicken and occasionally red meats (particularly organ meats) are necessary for healthy bodies. Incidentally most of my family and ancestors thrived on such diets, living well into their nineties. Perhaps we would be healthier if we dealt with environmental and occupational stress rather than severely limiting our food choices.
I totally agree with ann!! Our ancestors did live long healthy lives healthier than our society today most of them got sick from having cholera or scarlet fever but I do agree with toxins in the air and medicine that we shouldn’t have in our bodies but some need to have medicine and they do help people.
Ann It looks like you have a good start. Now look up
Dermot, vegan versus non-vegan is far too simplistic. Grossly, dangerously over-simplified. At the Vegan Fest two years ago, one of the national groups was suggesting Oreos and Rice-A-Roni as vegan foods. Meanwhile, studies of meat eaters include those eating processed, nitrate-laced CAFO-raised salami or barbecued arsenic-fed chicken, rather than just studying those eating local grassfed lightly-cooked ruminant meat. The devil is in the details!
Yes, it is healthy (for humans, animals, and Earth) to have vegan meals, vegan days, and perhaps even vegan weeks, but it is dangerous to go all the way, and the science does not yet know the dangers of veganism. Spend at least 1,000 hours reading the anti-vegan nutritional advice before risking your life on it. Perhaps start with the book Vegan Betrayal.
Then, do not be a “potato chip vegan”. I find that vegans and vegan restaurants rely very heavily on starchy roots, excess processed grains, hydrogenated GMO soybean oil, and such nonsense.
At least T Colin Campbell insists on WHOLE unprocessed plant foods–which eliminates flour and “vegetable” oils and manmade additives–that’s a start but not enough. Also, he advocates low fat, which then prevents uptake of fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,&K. He also advocates excess carbohydrates, which work for some people while sending others into metabolic syndrome (fat & sick).
Do you know about iodine deficiency linked to cancer? Bromine in those vegan breads? The importance of vitamin K2 (no, not K, not K-1, but MK-4 or MK-7)? Do you know that grain is NOT a vegetable? Do you know the inefficiency of converting your flax seed omega 3 (ALA) into EPA & DHA? And if you’re smart enough to use vegan algae-derived DHA, do you know about the problems absorbing it?
Eat more healthy, organic, REAL (e.g. not grain) locally-grown vegetables, but don’t bet your life on the poor gamble of strictly-vegan, low-fat, all-raw, or other stupid oversimplifications. Eat some trustworthy grass/pastured organic animal products and continue to study nutrition from all angles.
Amen…now look up
I am a 3 time cancer survivor and even had 2 months of Hospice. I am thankful I came across Ty Bollinger’s TTAC while in this process. The only thing medically I have done was surgery to prevent it from spreading as the type I have there is no medical cure. But I have turned to juicing and taking more more herbal products mainly straight from the plant and not pill form. I have changed my diet around. I still have a ways to go as the stress of me moving, and ending up homeless twice, has resulted in me going back to smoking and drinking caffeine (Soda) So presently working on doing that while at the same time I am facing serious issues with my back and possible surgery for that. Thank you Ty for all your helpful research. I just wish I could have afforded buying your DVD’s.
Hi, candy lovett,
I’m sorry for your bad scenarios in your life but you are in God’s hands and everything will be okay you will make it through this!!!! God bless you! I will pray for you????
Sylvia, do you have a link to the German study? It was many years ago, but I’d still like to check it out. Thanks.
Dermont there is a lot of info on the plant based diet on this site. If you have a chance to see the 9 part series almost all of the dr’s talk about diet and eating a plant based diet.
what steps are being taken by organizations like yours to work with insurance companies to cover the cost of natural treatment? All the methods sound good, but most people I know can only afford medicine because they have insurance that will pay 80% of the cost.
Oh my – I can certainly relate to your doctor problem – and the drugs they prescribed. I was wrongly diagnosed for over 33 years (bi-polar) had symptoms as far back as 47 years and not diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis! (Fiinally diagnosed at age 71!) Hospitalized a number of times from the OVER PRESCRIBED – constant changing – antidepressant/antipsychotic drugs and went though 12-14 ECT treatments in 2011. ( I ended up with partial colonectomy for cancer in 2006 and total thyroidectomy for cancer in 2008) I took matters into my own hand in 2011 and stopped ALL DRUGS, got a counselor. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in March 2016, and have refused surgery, chem and rad and the first of April 2016 I have been on a natural/herbal/supplements diet which I researched and put together (The Truth About Cancer series let me know I was on the right track) I will undergo a full body thermogram in a couple of weeks.. The oncologist wanted me to have a full body PET scan and when I refused he got indignant. God did not put us on this earth with drugs /chemicals in our bodies. There are a lot of natural means to address all sickness/ diseases out in our vast world. WE ARE THE SICKEST NATION DUE TO THE NAZI RUNNING OF THE FD/BIG PHARMA/ CDC/ MONSANTO/FOOD INDUSTRY FOLKS. I am continuously writing comments where allowed against these money hungry greedy folks and their false scientific paperwork. The public needs informed of what is truly healthy for their body/brain/soul. But,- so many are brainwashed by the advertisements from the food/drug industry/ “commercial prescription-writing doctors”. Drugs/chemical compounds create more diseases and people are so misinformed. We need brave people like Ty Bollinger, Robert DeNiro, Mike Adams and others to get the truth out. It really upsets me to see that a number of our holistic doctors are “mysteriously dying” from being brave and treating diseases by natural means. I firmly believe Mafia/Nazi FD/Big Pharma folks are the culprits. I say people who make stupid no sense comments are either drugged to the hilt or malnourished from poor nutrition-SUGAR. I will get off my soapbox.
Please, stay ON your soapbox!
You have a point Dermot,
What people talk about more often are the positive contributions of cruciferous vegetables, brightly colored fruits and veg, and the benefits of eating organic and medicinal vegetables. Different places emphasize different things. For example, some vegan sites won’t mention the value of the Budwig protocol of cottage cheese and flax oil, by Johanna Budwig, who discovered omega 3’s and omega 6’s. On this site, it is often mentioned that grass fed, pastured organic meats are healthier than CAFO feed lot meat. I would agree with you that a lot of meat is bad for cancer, kidneys, and many other things, especially cheap CAFO meat. The vegan sites almost never mention the danger from eating lots of bulk starch and carbohydrate, and how it relates to glycemic load. It is important for us to look at many sites and try to understand the emphasis that each one uses.
I just lost my brother-in-law to colon cancer in March. He was destroyed by chemo and countless surgeries only to have it spread to more organs. While connected to the 3 bags of chemo @$4500 per bag, they were feeding him coka cola, red gatorade and pepperoni pizza.
Go figure,,,,feeding the cancer while killing his immune system.
Charlie H.
If Life was something that money can buy, the rich would live and the poor would die. How true even for the non conventional clinics and doctors.
Is there any help for prostate cancer?
Number one for prostate cancer is avoid all dairy. Strongly correlated. Otherwise, all the regular: vegies, exercise, low stress, communiity, positive contributions.
Look up and Dr Otto Warburg. All it takes to cure cancer is oxygen and increased pH will prevent it. It might pay to find a practitioner knowledgeable in that area.
I have been on a quest of my own since viewing Ty’s first episode of TTAC. First it made me very angry with the pharmaceutical industry (I once worked for one of the largest drug companies.) Then I started doing research myself, which is what I recommend everyone do. I find these forums very interesting and enlightening. I recommend everyone who wants to live a healthier, happier life to do their own research and understand why and what to eat and supplement. I am a cancer survivor (6 years). Fortunately I did not have to undergo chemo, but had surgery and radiation, which had it’s own side affects. Based on what I now know, I would NEVER undergo chemo if I were to be diagnosed again with cancer. In order to make that a non-issue for me, I have changed my diet substantially and take supplements and understand what they do for me. I have never felt better. I am 64 going on 29 (again)!
I fervently support what Ty and all of you are doing to get the message out despite the barriers of the “industry”. I am saddened when I think about all the suffering I have witnessed in my own family due to heart disease, cancer, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers that could have been reduced or eliminated with the information we have available today.
It truly is a quest…getting the truth out, but absolutely worth the fight.
I hope you eliminated wheat from your diet.
hi, thank you for the chance to read all this new infirmation, there is so much going on, its hard to keep up with, I am 68 and keep very fit, cancer free, positive routine every day, plenty of sleep, good healthy diet try to be more positive, than negative , enjoy every day u wake up, and always listen to what your body is telling you.[ u all take care out there]
Trapped Emotions vibrate within the energy field. They are about the size of an orange, and can be found in organs, glands etc. Search Dr Bradley Nelson has developed “The Emotion Code” and “The Bodycode” that can be learnt by anyone, though it was developed for the medical, but never taken up by them. It amazes me that this has not been reported within “The Truth about Cancer,” as using “The Bodycode” gets to the cause of the problem, removes it instantly, and health restores to normal. I have had many amazing results using both these practices, and one can treat globally as we are all energy.
I don’t have an e book so how can I get the bone broth recipe book, please?
Thank you,
Marilyn Leisz
Hi Marilyn619, Here is the link to the bone broth article:
Do you really believe that eating meat and Dairy and carbs cause cancer some people can’t afford to have organic foods in their lives but they tried the best they can by eating regular vegetables but I do not believe that eating meat and carbs ,dairy will give you cancer. Toxins yes I believe.
Poor nutrition can make you susceptable.
the link for Robert Harding is not working
Hi Kirk, contact us here Robert Harding and Barbara Warhurst
I agree with Anne bc I saw this in others and myself ( BC survivor – 11 yrs just surgery NO chemo/radiation or drugs)
The immune system is compromised during extreme prolonged emotional stress – prob the resulting high cortisol levels. Of course I agree that the toxins are lethal as well.
I had a friend did of multiple myeloma and I remember her saying that her house and outdoor plants always died no matter what she did I believe her environment was toxic!
I totally believe that stress plays a huge part in getting cancer. In 2013 my younger brother died very suddenly in his sleep, he was only 55, then two months later I lost my job because my boss was verbally abused me, I took him to the tribunal, the case took a year, I won my case but the stress of that and dealing with my grief over the loss of my brother was tremendous and in September o2014 I was diagnosed with myeloma, bone marrow cancer, stage 3.
I now eat a 80/20% raw diet and have giving up all foods that cancer cells thrive on, and am feeling really good.
I believe about everything everybody saying about Toxins but we are all born with cancer cells, whether they come out to haunt us we don’t know we could still eat healthy exercise do everything we can to stay healthy and people still could get cancer yes I know it has a lot to do with the toxins in the air the factories of pollution the food we eat, but some people
don’t have the money to eat organic foods and yes I am talking about me I try my best I eat vegetables fruits and yes I still eat a little sugar I try to stay away from it but it’s kind of hard sometimes when everything is sugar in it and I do exercise probably not as much as I should but I do walk every single day we live on a one-income of a household of 2 and we do our best and I pray everyday that I do not get sick and it is in God’s hands and I have faith that he will keep us safe and healthy and out of Harm’s Way. Thanks jodi
To, Helen Thornton
I am very curious about all the toxins you took out of your life could you please give me some details???? and I’m so happy that you are alive and well God bless you thank you Jodi
In the 1950’s Dr. Max Gerson published his seminal work: A Cancer Therapy, Results of 50 Cases. He had used this nutritional and detoxification regime to cure tuberculosis patients, then tried it on cancer patients, with overwhelming success. He was, like many physicians who stand up to the medical and pharmaceutical industries..viciously attacked. His work, carried on in the Gerson Clinic in Mexico, has saved uncountable numbers of patients.
Thanks Jodi. I am not a believer in any type of religion or god anymore and I have my reasons. And not I am not angry. Just did not make any sense to me anymore and I am a licensed minister. But would never tell anyone they cannot pray for me. I am a spiritual person and believe in doing the right things in life. Long story and won’t bore ya with it. I have learned so much from all I have been through and am not angry it happened. It has made me a more compassionate person
So much for religions. It seems that they are more devoted to promoting themselves rather than a creator. .
No harm done here. To each it’s own. Through what you went through I’m glad it made you a more compassionate person sometimes people turn the other way… take care of yourself
This sounds much like what is happening in the world of thyroid failure. Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism have become almost an epidemic, due to environmental causes like general chemical pollution (e.g. perchlorates) and bad/hybridized/modified foods (e.g. gluten from dwarf wheat).
There is more to gluten, it is a component of wheat rye and barley. It disables intestine villi so that nutrients are no longer absorbed. Without nutrients many problems arise. One problem being hunger which has obvious results. A study done in Finland also relates gluten to mental problems, ADHD, etc..
Gather dandelion leaves and other edible weeds from your backyard. They’re organic and free. I’m poor but I can definitely afford that. Also grow berry plants, vegies from seeds, and fruit trees. Much cheaper in the long run.
Thanks a bunch!! I appreciate it what do you do with the dandelions and what kind of weed is edible I’m kind of dumbfounded when it comes to edible plants outside LOL we do have a garden this year we have carrots, peas, brussel sprouts, and pumpkin..I never grew fruit trees and Berry trees what kind of berry trees???
To john, Also what do you do naturally for thyroid mine’s a little high not too bad in the fours but it does fluctuate a little higher told the doctor I didn’t want to go on anything quit 61st try to get it down on my own. In a months time it went from 22.5 to 5.24 pretty good huh my sister’s on thyroxine and so is my aunt they’ve been on him for years and years and years and years no problems with that plus my mom was on it also. Jodi
Problem is David your body manufactures GCMAF so no patent. no patent, no money, no money, no interest.
Sorry, Jodi,
The only thing I know about thyroid is to eat enough iodine, so we eat nori and laver (seaweed) pretty frequently. Maybe someone else knows what to do about thyroid being too high.
For Hashimoto’s or Grave’s (hypo or hyper thyroid), investigate these factors:
1) Iodine deficiency. Read The Iodine Crisis and also Dr Brownstein’s book on iodine. Typical MD’s say the opposite (not surprising).
2) Autoimmune. Read The Autoimmune Solution by Dr Amy Myers MD (had Grave’s) and The Immune System Recovery Plan by Dr Susan Blum MD.
Yes, seaweed is helpful! But unpredictable iodine content. Be sure it’s not from Japan near Fukushima. To your health!
On the other stuff, I do know. Drs are saying dandelions are way better for you than vegies you buy in the store. A book I highly recommend that you can probably borrow for free at the library is “Edible Wild Plants” by John Kallas. If not, try foraging books by Samuel Thayer, or “Wild Wisdom of Weeds by Katrina Blair, or something by Rosemary Gladstar. Also Marjorie Wildcraft Yes, that is her name. I am not financially connected, They’re just great books. Kallas shows you tons of pictures so you can know exactly which weeds are edible. Some taste better than other vegies. Green leafies are the healthiest thing you can eat, followed by berries, which are super easy to grow. Berries depend on climate. I live in PNW, so we can grow almost every berry. In hot regions, wolf berry lycium is easy and great for you. Cold climates, blueberries and all their relatives, pink huckleberries, purple mtin. huckleberries, evergreen huckleberries, salmon berries, thimbleberries, goumi berries, autumn olive. Most berries are easier to grow than fruit. I don’t really weed anymore hardly at all, I mostly just harvest, and I do that every single day of the year.
John thanks again, I will find them books
John thank you.
I can really relate to that Harriet! I had to represent myself in court at repeated hearings for around 18 months. Like you, I won my case, but Ii was an incredibly stressful time. Then a year later I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. The doctor told me I would need to take high doses of cortisone indefinitely. I told him “No, I will treat it naturally. If I don’t improve over the next year, then we’ll talk again!” Twelve months of a healthy diet, no further night duty nursing, a comparatively stress free environment, and a natural health supplement called SB Floractiv – and I was healed.
I am a breast cancer survivor. I didn’t do any chemo or radiation. Just had lumpectomy. I give God all the glory for my healing. I had quite a few very stressful situations on my life and agree that’s what gave me cancer. I was hoping someone can help me with my chronic constipation because I know gut flora plays a huge role in our health. ThankS to all for strength, support and knowledge. Blessings. Robin
I can help Robin. Something that definitely will help.
Robin, for your digestive issues, a good place to start is reading The Microbiome Solution by Chutkan–a gastroenterologist on the cutting edge. Another great microbiome book is Brain Maker by Perlmutter, a neurologist. Lots of brand new books on microbiome, and the first step will be to cut out sugar, flour, and many drugs and add in low-starch vegetables and fermented foods. There are major new scientific breakthroughs that ordinary MD’s ignore or laugh away.
Keep your pH up.
There is a lot of information on the internet of protocols that you can try at home, and you can experiment to see what works best for you. I also refused radiation and chemo, and that was a year ago. My stage four tumor is steadily shrinking, and I just keep researching. Having a positive attitude and faith about the outcome is also really, really important. I have tried many different diets and supplements, but reaching out for the support of like-,minded people has made the biggest difference. It’s easy to get bullied by the doctors, but please know that you do have options that are affordable. Don’t give up.
Hi Amanda. I lost me beautiful wife five weeks ago to a combination of things related to cancer. Seven years ago she developed a cyst on her right breast about the size of a fifty-cent piece and it was filled with blood. The surgeon aspirated it and sent the fluid to pathology where it was deemed benign. It was drained, but filled with blood the next day. Surgery was performed to remove the cyst, which was encapsulated, but during the surgery a small stage one tumor was discovered underneath the cyst. It was excised and a week or so later, surgery was performed to harvest a couple of lymph nodes that had been illuminated. They were clear. Nonetheless, radiation was proscribed and seven weeks of radiation commenced, interrupted two-thirds of the way along because of radiation burns. We went through the tamoxifin stage for 6 years, but otherwise, no chemo protocol. 20 month’s ago Pam developed a “smoker’s cough” that was non-productive, but a nuisance nonetheless. She had quit smoking more than 25 years earlier. During our regularly scheduled visit for a physical with our PCP, she was sent for a chest X-ray. Both the PCP and the radiologist were puzzled. They agreed it was NOT pneumonia, but were stymied. An appointment with a pulmonologist and subsequent pulmonoscophy detected cells in both lobes of both lungs. The fluid used to flood the lung during the procedure was sent to pathology and resulted with a diagnosis of non-small cell carcinoma. It was deemed stage four, but no one EVER told either of us that it was that serious. I believe the lung cancer can be attributed to the radiation seven years earlier. We began with the standard protocol of chemo (but no radiation) for seven months and then transitioned to a “maintenance protocol” for another five months. The oncologist told us from the outset that it was NOT curable but could be managed if we could control it. Apparently we were successful, i.e., the transition to “maintenance.” Around Thanksgiving last year, Pam was given a reprieve from chemo because of visiting family and she wanted to feel as normal as possible. She did, and we had a marvelous reunion. After Christmas, she began to suffer severe loss of energy, so much so that the maintenance protocol was suspended a couple of times (it was administered every three weeks). In early-March Pam developed what she thought was a gout attack (she had dealt with a similar episode six or seven years earlier and successfully treated it with tart cherry juice and fresh cherries). She called her oncologist to ask about an OTC gout remedy and he said to not take it until he saw her for a regularly scheduled chemo session in 4-5 days. The pain was severe enough she could not sleep Fri-Sat-Sun, but when we went for the chemo infusion, I reminded her to show her foot to the oncologist, He took one look and said, “That’s not gout, it’s circulatory. You’re going to the ER immediately/” For the next 40 consecutive days, Pam was in a hospital bed and subjected to tests to determine the cause of the arterial occlusion in her right leg (a clot in the abdomen and just below the knee was discovered through MRI, CT Scan, Ultra Sound, Angio, etc.). In the process, she was administered massive amounts of Heperin to dissolve the clots, which overtaxed her already chemo protocol-compromised kidney function. After eleven days in a local hospital she was transferred to a regional hospital for surgery to amputate her right leg below the knee because the foot had become necrotic. The surgery could not be performed because her blood was too thin (INR = 5.1), but after massive doses of vitamin K, it was lowered to 1.8 and a bypass was inserted in her abdomen between the left femoral artery and the right in an effort to increase circulation in her leg and foot. After twelve days in the regional hospital, she was transferred to a rehab care center for two weeks while the foot was allowed to “present” itself and the surgeon could determine the procedure, i.e., salvage some of the foot or remove the leg below the knee. We agreed that Pam would have a better chance of recovery with a prosthetic limb than she would with a partial foot, so opted for the amputation. The surgery was a complete success and we were looking forward to rehab, physical therapy and returning home and getting on with our lives — we’d been married nearly 50 years. Two days after the surgery, her kidneys failed (again) and she was in complete renal failure which led to severe respiratory failure. I lost her to the complications of respiratory failure and renal failure. I am heart broken, of course. I question if we made a mistake by aligning ourselves with the oncologist instead of following the advice of our bio-chemistry degreed elder son who is an amateur nutritionist. He “lectured” us both continuously about the risks of toxins, GMO products, and the poisons and toxicity of the chemo protocol. We had altered our diet significantly years ago to eliminate all sugars, salt and prepared foods. We never drank soft drinks, ate fast food, or other so-called junk food. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in our regular diet. Apparently the protocol, coupled with the tests and treatment of the arterial occlusion pushed us over the edge. May God bless my beautiful Pam and hold her in His embrace for all eternity.
Amanda,You are right, there is much on the internet. Try and look up Dr Otto Warburg who discovered what cancer is back in the 1920’s and has been ignored ever since. Cancer is preventable by keeping the bodies pH high and is curable with oxygen but you might have to search for the right practitioner.
There is some truth in what everyone is saying.
what protocol are you doing for treatment?
There is a “natural” product called Lunasin. It is endorsed by the American Anti-Cancer Institute (located at the bottom of this page) in the book “Killing Cancer – Not People”. The scientist who discovered it in 1996, Dr. Alfredo Galvez PhD., is a foremost expert research scientist on Epigenetics. It is proven safe & effective against cancer thru hundeds of independent studies such as (type in lunasin & cancer in the search bar). It is readily available to anyone desiring it.
Cancer = Mitochondrial anaerobic fermantative glycolosis due to lymph stasis and or occlusion of the drainage channels. Toxins accumulate in the tissues which depletes oxygen availability whereby the Krebs cycle shifts away from burning mainly fats to mainly sugars. Massive lactic acid production results which, when combined with sodium, precipitates as salts into the tissues driving up the pH into hyperalkalinity. If the attenuated circulation occurs gradually, the cells will produce papillae which will add glucose and glutamate receptors portruding from the external membranes of the tissues which, remain benign until the O2 levels drop by 60%. The metabolism then shifts to an anaerobic state triggering the arrival of endogenous pleomorphic microbes which morph from yeasts into fungi. At this point the tissue becomes malignant.
Carmi, Wow, intriguing! Can you suggest a book or website with more details & science on that? And how to apply it for health?
Carmi,Interesting and informative. Do you have a reference? I am curious how the lactic acid production can result in a higher pH. You might also mention that added oxygen can reverse the condition.
Carmi-I agree with most of what you wrote. However, all of the research that I’ve seen says that cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and that we should try to get our bodies to be more alkaline, by eating more fruits and vegetables. Even baking soda can help, although it shouldn’t be the only protocol.
And as you say, education is the oncologist’s nightmare, and the key to survival!
Hi Deb,
We have a similiar fight in New Zealand???? with the Natural Health Products bill. Thankfully, one doctor will challenge it legally and another one started a petition on Thousands have signed and we hope that stupid, short-sighted bill will never pass!
Hi Ann, do you mean Morbus Addison? If yes, could you tell me what you did? (
Hi Dana – no, the autoimmune disease I had was something called pemphigus, which is a blistering disease of the skin and sometimes the mucous membranes.
I refused to take high doses of cortisone, which is the standard treatment. Instead, I told my doctor that I would take more natural steps to treat the condition, including: working less on night duty, eating a healthy diet, reducing stress in my life, and taking a supplement called SB Floractiv. This contains a non-pathogenic biotherapeutic probiotic agent called saccharomyces boulardii. It fights the production of harmful micro-organisms and prevents inflammation in the body. It was its anti-inflammatory properties that persuaded me to try it, as pemphigus, like all autoimmune diseases, is an inflammatory condition. Within six months my symptoms had subsided, and after around three years I no longer had any signs of the condition. I had also stopped night duty nursing, which I’m sure was a contributory factor!
Hi Anne,
Thanks a lot for your reply.☺️Even though it is a different disease you have given a lot of hope with your description. I’m in the process of reversing Hashimoto with similar measures but for my sister and her adrenals all help might be too late. She worked like you shift plus wrong diet, toxins etc. Apparently, one can not reverse Addison’s but your story might give her hope anyway.
Thanks again????!! Stay well!
Dana – do not think for a moment there is nothingthat can be done. You need to keep looking. I know a few folks who helped correct their Hashimoto’s Disease thru natural protocols. They are happy to share.
Dear dzuro1:
Thanks for your kind reply. I have followed Drs Wentz, Christanson and K. and started getting better already. I was more concerned about Addison’s disease and my sister as the mostly useless conventional drs told her nothing can be done reg her failing adrenal glands. With Hashi I’m still quite hopeful.????When Ann mentioned she stopped cortisone I thought she had Addison’s as well but it was another autoimmune disorder. Yes, learning never stops- if we only could get rid of all these Monsantos of the world…
Deb, we have had a regulation like that here in the USA for many years, I don’t know how the man in the street can oppose it except by prayer. But the first line of your comment is what caused me to write this reply: I have a rare cancer (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) which was already metastasized when they found it. I think it quite likely that eating too much GMO soy was the cause, because I did that for years (while doing all I could to prevent cancer) before I knew it was unsafe. I saw a picture once of lab mice which had been fed GMO soy in an experiment, lots of it (since removed from the web, apparently), they had great big bellies, distended from tumors; well, that’s what I have, a bellyful of tumors. I thought of that picture the minute I heard the diagnosis, but I couldn’t find it again. But Monsanto has a stranglehold on our government, just like JPMorganChase has; you can’t stop them and you can’t get the word out — except among a small circle of friends, most of whom have been brainwashed.
The German study you had mentioned regarding stressful events occurring prior to a cancer diagnosis is called German New Medicine.
Stress is undoubtedly the trigger for cancer. See the work of Dr Hamer, originally from Germany. About 18 months – 2 years after a severe emotional shock, and on top of a background stressful situation, affecting the emotions, there is a very high chance of cancer being diagnosed.
Don’t ignore diet. It can also have an effect on stress and emotion. Keep your pH high and cancer will not start.
I am very interested in all these comments about what actually causes cancer as in 1981 I gave birth to a healthy 8lb 4oz boy my second child. I was 23 years old and had never smoked and ate a very healthy diet. I did not drink any alcohol during the pregnancy. My baby was fully breast fed and putting on weight until he was 4 months old and his stomach became distended and the crying started with the refusal to drink. He was diagnosed with a rhabdomyasarcoma tumour of the bladder. He started chemotherapy straight away to harden and shrink the tumour which it did then when he was 1 year old he had an operation to remove his bladder and prostate . He then had a urostomy bag. He was given chemotherapy once a month till he was 2 years old. My nana went to a naturopath and got some medicine in a brown dropper bottle and as I could not continue breast feeding I used to put it in his bottle. I can not remember what it was called but it was a herbal medicine and had a strange smell to it.
My son is now 35 years old and I do not know whether the medicine or the chemotherapy cured him.
Robin – perhaps your son’s condition was genetically passed on to him. If doctors did a geneology research on your family they might say it was inherited. And your son may pass this condition on to your grandchildren. Epigenetics allows the genes inside the cells to activate “switches” – turning on the “good” genes and turning off the “bad” genes. There is only 1 company that has a natural product called “Lunasin” that performs this function. Several scientific studies have been published on this. There is a way to maintain great health with this. I know b/c I am working with several cancer patients that are thriving without chem; surgery or radiation. If interested – let me know.
I would like to insert a cautionary note about Lunasin. I’m a cancer researcher and am always skeptical when people advertise their products on forums like this, so I looked into it a bit. Be aware that ALL of the published work on the active ingredient in Lunasin have been on cell lines and animal models. Human clinical trials are only just beginning. Lunasin, as a nutraceutical, does not require FDA approval to be marketed to humans; it has been deemed safe for consumption and possibly effective in reducing LDL cholesterol and inflammation-associated cardiac disease. As such, I would classify it as “safe, promising, but unproven”.
Natural products will not receive FDA approval – only synthetic will. How many products have been endorsed by the FDA (which Big Pharma controls) that have had adverse effects on people? The proof is in the pudding as hundreds of cancer patients are experiencing health benefits from this amazing peptide. No doctor prescription required.
Go to In the search bar type in cancer and lunasin. Over 55 studies are published on lunasin against cancer.
There is overwhelming research proving this. Big Pharma wants to get their hands on this but the only way they can is to synthesize (making it into a drug) where only drs can decide who should have it and the cost will be 10 times greater. But it will be ok them because Big Pharma performed their $85 million double-blind study to showcase its efficacy. Give me a break! Other helpful products like turmeric and cucurmin etc.. have been showcased to help against cancer, why the red flag here?
Dzuro1 You need to look at that surgery again. Lunasin is interesting, but all that is necessary is oxygen. The program I am familiar with cured 40 patients without losing one. It was injected in triple distilled water 10cc twice a day.
Speaking from a purely logical perspective, since I have no medical background, chemo may shrink tumors but likely does not treat the underlying causative factors. Sorry I can’t help identify what the “medicine” was, but it was more likely to have treated the cause.jmho.
stress doesn’t cause cancer
Dear Robin-
Chemotherapy has never cured anyone! The disease can be minimized, but never “cured”! Oncology doctors say this and the media will promote it, but chemo is as deadly as the disease. Epigenetics is now what doctors are studying ( and will be required formedical board testing) from now on. Right now, no pharmaceutical drug has an epigenetic impact on the body, only “natural” products can do that. If you need further help, message me.
But years ago farmers didn’t pump their beef and dairy cattle full of antibiotics and growth hormones and the grass they were fed on wasn’t laced with pesticides and other artificial growth chemicals and fertilisers. Therein lies the difference a lethal toxic environment produces our food and it in turn poisons our bodies.
You are correct, Olive Oil (how can I call someone that!!) Exactly what I was saying, but in different words. And perhaps I need to make it clear that although stress is an inevitable part of being alive, how we DEAL with stress is the vital factor. For example, I believe that a good sense of humour is an extremely effective way of dealing with stress. Sadly, in this age of political correctness, it’s hard to have a good belly laugh without being declared ‘politically incorrect’! And as it seems that toxins are here to stay, we need to become super-vigilant in steering clear of them.
Apparently one of the longest living people groups in the world are in the rural areas of Greece and Italy, where a relaxed and active lifestyle, a lack of processed foods, an abundance of freshly caught, pollution-free fish, home-grown vegetables and fruits, and milk and dairy foods ‘on tap’ from their own animals, combine to guarantee a long and healthy life. Sounds a bit like heaven to those of us trapped in cities and surrounded by stress and pollutants/toxins, doesn’t it!
I specifically said “caution”, not red flag, and based purely on the FACT that NONE of the published studies (which I did look at before writing my original response) are HUMAN TRIALs (caps added for emphasis because you apparently missed it the first time I wrote it). All of the studies are on cell cultures and animal studies, which I agree show promise. the difference between your product and turmeric/cucurimn is that they HAVE completed human trials (and yes, I’ve read them. That’s my job). I never said your product wouldn’t work or didn’t show promise, only that it isn’t yet proven in controllled human studies. If you’re in the medical field you know that anecdotal accounts don’t stand up against real trials. Personally, my husband is a cancer survivor and we both take curcurimen and IP6. I’m open to trying lunasin as well – but that doesn’t change it’s status in the scientific pipeline of evidence.
I agree wholeheartedly, Martha. You just have to google ‘scholarly articles for clinically proven effects of curcumin on inflammatory diseases’ to see the results, which speak for themselves. So many of today’s diseases are the result of the human body’s inappropriate or excessive inflammatory responses. In other words, immune system disorders. Autoimmune diseases in particular are in this category.
Here is a response posted by Dr. Alfredo Galvez PhD, on the efficacy of lunasin. Even though human clinical trials “represent the benchmark” for medical/health professionals to endorse a product’s efficacy, how does it explain the several thousand patients getting positive health results without chemo; radiation or other allopathic protocols from cancer?
Dr. Galvez says:
I have been getting a lot of mail asking for advice about doctors and pharmacists telling their patients to stop taking Reliv’s lunasin supplements because of potential harmful effects and adverse interaction with drugs. My suggestion is to inform the doctors and pharmacists that taking Reliv’s lunasin supplements can only help and not harm the patient, and may even play an important role in their health care. Here are some of the reasons why.
First of all, most medical doctors and pharmacists including recent graduates have no working knowledge of epigenetics and the role of epigenetic modulators, like lunasin, on chronic disease development and treatment. Therefore, I would not consider them experts on giving information and recommendation on the use of lunasin products and their potential adverse interactions with drugs.
Second, the fact that LunaRich is extracted from non-GMO soy does not mean that they are similar to other soy-based products like soy protein isolates and isoflavone (genistein, equol and diadzein) supplements. LRX contain negligible amounts and LunaRich soy powder has non-physiologically relevant doses of isoflavones, which are the chemicals in soy frequently associated with studies cited by doctors and pharmacists for their anti-soy recommendations.
Third, LRX and LunaRich contain optimal amounts of bioactive lunasin. The mechanism of action of lunasin affects the dysregulated expression of genes and causes systemic health improvement throughout the whole body and not just the specific symptoms of the disease. This is different from the drugs’ mechanism of action that target specific gene products and/or disrupted biochemical processes associated with disease symptoms.
Fourth, recent scientific studies are now revealing that the underlying cause of chronic disease formation is the dysregulation of the epigenome, resulting in dysregulated gene expression, and not necessarily gene mutations. Since drugs for chronic diseases are developed based on the scientific premise that chronic diseases are essentially genetic diseases (caused by gene mutations), current drugs and medications, at best, can only delay the progression but cannot cure or reverse chronic diseases.
Fifth, lunasin and lunasin products are not drugs and are considered food with epigenetic nutritive value. So far, nutrition and health lifestyle are the only biological agent and treatment available that have been shown to have epigenetic effects to reverse dysregulated gene expression due to dysregulated epigenomes. No drugs are currently available in the market that can target dysregulated epigenomes and can cure or reverse chronic diseases.
Alfredo F. Galvez, Ph.D. is currently the Chief Scientific Officer of SL Tech, Inc. (formerly Soy Labs), a Reliv subsidiary company, working on the development of functional foods and nutraceutical ingredients based on the lunasin peptide, a soy protein component he serendipitously discovered in 1996 as a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley. He has a PhD in Genetics from UC Davis, majoring in molecular biology and cytogenetics. He is also a Project Scientist at the Center for Nutritional Genomics, University of California at Davis, working on elucidating the molecular mechanism of lunasin as a peptidomimetic of a human tumor suppressor. Dr. Galvez has published his work in prestigious journals, such as Nature Biotechnology, Cancer Research, Nutrition and Cancer and Theoretical and Applied Genetics, as well as presented in numerous International Conferences in the US and abroad.
My earlier reply seems to have disappeared! Anyway, I’m sure I can remember what I said…
Firstly, here is an overview of epigenetics:
The main problem with the above comment by dzuro1 Is that the writer is associated with a company known as Reliv – a multilevel marketing company with a dubious reputation hidden beneath a multitude of promotional spiels. Lunasin is sold by Reliv as a dietary supplement based on soy, but a complete list of its ingredients seems to be rarer than hen’s teeth.
Here is a blogspot that talks about Lunasin. It is written by someone who has used the product.
Bottom line: we need to do our own research when it comes to products such as this. And a valid question to ask is: “Who is going to benefit most from the sale of the product?” Commercial products produced via multilevel marketing and the like (glutathione patches, and Lunasin, for example) need to be thoroughly, and independently, investigated before embarking on their treatments. These days we can’t afford to be naive; we must do our own research, including seeking the advice of those who have nothing to gain via the advice they give!
I completely agree – do your own research. Pretty funny about the list of ingredients being rarer than hen’s teeth. Ingredients are listed right on the website, but because you can’t find them – it’s a mystery!
The woman who wrote the blog about being a scammed says “anybody can be a scientist”. How credible is this person? She endorses Blue Green Algae or Stem Enhancer because she may have gotten results with her Graves Disease from them. The problem is the person who presented her with the information, not the company!
Here’s a piece of info to help with your research. Go to In the search bar, insert lunasin and cancer. Read the studies that are published from over 120 different scientists. (After all, anybody can be a scientist LOL!) PubMed is a government owned & monitored website along with the NIH.
What questions do you have? We’re all here to provide solutions to help others get healthy from disease. Why is it other products or protocols can be presented, but lunasin is a scam because the company (Reliv) is an MLM and the scientists and all of us are just trying to profit off of it.
When anybody sells anything – there has to be a profit! The studies have opened up on this. But the posting of an article by someone whose expertise is questionable such as the one on epigenetics (what is the author’s creditentials?) makes me chuckle!
As I said earlier, Big Pharma is trying to synthesize lunasin, to make it into a drug! Will that make it credible to the masses because Big Pharma now is producing it? When this happens, doctors will determine who can get it, and the cost will be 10 -15 times greater.
Here is a balanced commentary on epigenetics from a more scientific standpoint… As for Reliv, which produces Lunasin, I have seen numerous health warnings against Reliv products, the company’s mode of operation, and other aspects of the multilevel marketing company. Here is just one comment by a former customer… and there are many more.
My last two comments have not been posted. I am very disappointed that you would, on the other hand, allow the above post – one which is totally biased in favour of a product distributed by Reliv, a multilevel marketing company that has vested interests and a poor reputation. If you check the above posts, you will find that those by dzuro1 are all promotional ads for Reliv. This is NOT what I call unbiased reporting, and is completely out of character with this blogsite.
Lynda, competitors in Olympics and other sporting events have no problems wearing the patches during events (they are sanctioned by the WADA – World Anti Doping Authority) so you should have no problems wearing the patches while swimming or showering. Rob
Birch mushroom- Chaga lcleans out toxins from your body ! sublimated water soiluble chaga extract is well known for cancer treatment – Biochaga !
Ann Bowyer, Hi Ann, the patches are approved by the TGA and for information the patches allow the body itself to raise the Glutathione level. The level raised is higher than any other known method and being naturally produced can enter EVERY cell in the body. No drugs, No chemicals, no substances into the body and No negative side effects as can be experienced with manufactured products. The patches are already extensively clinically studied.
When I inquired on Moffitts fb page, as to why it has taken so long- loke 35 years or more, and no imprivements have been found in the lung cancer field, and how many tests and how much research does it take, I was admonished to BE POSITIVE”.
Why not simplify one more step, and affirm that it is irritation and/or inflammation that generally cause the problem. It is either that, or a lack of oxygen. (See also Travis Christofferson re a metabolic theory of cancer. He affirms and supports the work of Otto Warburg, who demonstrated about 80 years ago that cancer is caused my the upsetting of the mitochondria. The lack of proper oxygenation of the cell seems to be critical, causing a breakdown.
For example, asbestos causes mesothelioma. That one is well known and well documented. Pharmaceutical companies would want a business model that contributes to many people living long but unhealthy lives, but the thing I don’t understand is that behind big companies are real people that also have sick family members.
Sometimes we need to look at what came first. The toxins stressed the body. Or stress made the body toxic. If you have toxins in your body along with Candida from eating sugars and taking antibiotics. The symptoms are anxiety. So clean up the body and sometimes stressful situations are handled much better. Also along with a strong faith. Tye and his wife have a strong faith. That is often times not mentioned when we talk about stress and healing. Don’t ignore the power of prayer in our situations.
This article concurs with the research I did in 1998 while a student at the UNC School of Public Health. Genetics definitely plays a minor role in the development of breast cancer and toxins a major role. I also learned about Imperical Chemical’s role in suppressing the role chemcial exposures play. Also I believe I found evidence that Imperial was affiliated with the Pharmaceutical company that made Tamoxifen. I also conducted a project providing that women and children were routinely exposed to very toxic pesticides (at least one now banned from indoor use -chlorpyrifos) in office and school buildings, and that these pesticides were routinely sprayed in violation of label instructions to air out the buildings after applications. Women and children are particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of pesticides. Also very toxic cleaners and petroleum-based fragrances are still used
in schools, along with pesticides that should have also been banned for use in schools and other buildings long ago.
Years ago, and insider within a nation-wide “cancer fund” revealed that the funds of “cancer research organizations” are used to pay exorbitant salaries of administrators of the cancer funds, and to conduct organizational meetings – PR events – and advertisement that fraudulently advertise the cancer funds. Any genuine findings on the cause or correction of “cancer” that accidentally results from any of the fraudulent “cancer research funds” is either carefully suppressed or shared secretively by pharmacy stooges. All “cancer research funds” are as fraudulent as the Oncology industry. Tax write-offs to these fraudulent organizations should be stopped.
You are all beating around the money bush. My investigation was centered around “The Cancer Fund” it is a world wide organization. Salary’s are hidden in cleaver bookkeeping, (many volunteers). I called and asked about the reference to ‘research’ they so proudly proclaim. My question “what type of research”. LET ME NOW TAKE THE TIME TO EXPLAIN TO THE UNWARY WHAT ‘RESEARCH’ MEANS. Two forms Clinical or Scientific. Clinical= take existing drugs give them to patients and observe what happens. 90% of today’s “research” is this pharmaceutical exercise. Scientific has a couple different forms. One form is the test tube lab rat try and discover what is happening at the cellular levels. Time consuming, very expensive, % of total $ spent on this type of research? My guess is less than 5%. Then the 2nd type of Scientific research will upset you. If you have a subscription to pubmed and “read” publicized medical research “YOU ARE A RESEARCH SCIENTIST” and that is where we are in the “pink ribbon” parade. Most all charity’s don’t want the donors to know where the money goes, very inventive techniques to keep $’s hid.
Dear Ty, I am a 3 time survivor, I commend u for what u are doing and getting the word out. I resent the drug companies, and some non profits that do nothing to help the survivors. I started working with cancer relief fund, inc from the bottom of my heart. It is a new non profit and I am learning as I go, I post a lot of articles from the truth about cancer on our facebook page that is how strong I believe in the words u share. No nonprofit pays a cancer patients rent, electric, or buys them food when they need it. Those pink ribbons don’t help with things u need to live! keep up the good work and maybe we can talk some time and maybe work together on projects to help the world heal with all this pain and suffering caused by cancer.
Linda Aiossa-McNally
President of Working with cancer relief fund, Inc.
The country with the least amount of breast cancer is Japan, and that is because they eat a lot of seaweed, which provides them with about an average of 12mg of iodine a day. The RDA for iodine is 1000 times lower than that at 125ug. Fluoride in water and bromide in breads and most new furniture these days are both halides, and they take iodine OUT of the body. Simply supplement with between 12 and 50mg of iodine a day and you will be fine, you will restore your natural levels. Iodine also helps to drag heavy metals out of the body. Read The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow for all the info you need. Stress is a factor in most chronic diseases but in the case of breast cancer it is a lack of Iodine mainly. ALL breads before WW1 had iodine in them, but it was taken out and bromide was added supposedly to lower the libido of the soldiers, but was never changed back after the war ended. That is the official story. I would say that it was well known that it was a slow death back in the early 1900s and the elite wanted this so it was never changed back. There are so many slow deaths in operation from these psychopaths. Look at the Georgia Guidstones for their agenda in plain sight. No1 on their list is to kill 6.5 billion of us off leaving just 500 million of us to be their slaves. They really think that they could ‘manage’ that amount of us. Fools.
Graham, Well said. Right on. Also read Dr Brownstein’s iodine book–though Lynn Farrow’s is better written and more thorough. Iodine may also play a large role in prostate enlargement (think goiter) and perhaps prostate cancer, although nobody’s funding sufficient science on it. I eat seaweed and pop the occasional 10 mg supplement of iodine/iodide. Wondering if it has any positive or negative effects on microbiome.
Judge the billion dollar cancer industry not by what they say but by the results they produce. If they could discover a pill that costs $500.00 to $1000.00 a month that the patient would have to take every month for the rest of their lives then we would have a cure by now. Don’t fool yourself! The industry is making billions of dollars every year by pushing their chemotherapy and radiation on us. If you became rich by looking for a cure would you really want to find a cure? According to Google the cancer cure rate in the United States is currently 2.1 %. In the last fifteen years I have heard of three cures and all three cures were silenced.
I watched both my parents die of cancer and I know that when the truth finally surfaces there will be millions of people who will see that their loved ones didn’t die of cancer. They died to keep the cancer industry filthy rich. If you have cancer do yourself a favor and educate yourself. Go to YouTube and watch “Cancer the forbidden cure”. That’s a good place to start.
Just think. If the Cancer Society “found” the cause of cancer they would cease to have a reason to exist could not continue to do fund raising and would all lose their jobs. We already know the major causes and preventions of cancer.
if they ever come out and tell the truth about cancer and start applying it it will collapse the u s a econemy also cancer is about population control
I’m truly sorry for what you are going thru. Please work on detoxing the body and flooding the body with nutrients throughout the process. I recommend juicing and eating as much raw as possible. I sell a great line of supplements, including detoxificant and intestinal cleanser, that are indeed natural, not synthetic. If you are interested, leave your email and I will correspond… Many blessings, Lynn
I had a pre-cancerous lump once,just over 10 years ago. I had a biopsy/lumpectomy and was treated with tamoxifen for 5 years, in order to bring the likelihood of a recurrence back from 5% to 2,5%, this before I’d ever consciously heard of all the Pink Ribbon stuff. After my latest mammogram (unfortunately there aren’t possibilities for doing thermograms in this sub-region of Paraná state) My doctor found something that to him looked suspicious. Another exam was done and the examinator thought no further action was necessary, at least not immediately.What, if any, actions can I take to postpone such things indefinitely? I’ve read everything you have written over the last year, but I’d like you to remind me of the most effective, or of what might work here in Brazil, far from the really large cities in the eastern region of this immense country. Curcumin might be a possibility, what more? No possibilities of ordering anything from the US, unfortunately!
With all the great work Ty is doing, it is beyond me how he and TTAC continue to ignore the Abortion/Breast Cancer link. Biological and epidemiological studies continue to make the case…but no one has the political will to admit it. All you need to know about this PREVENTABLE risk for breast cancer is here:
It would have to include miscarriage and spontaneous abortions….so it is not.just choice involved and not.just a.socio-political issue. Many factors influence breast cancer-0 births, age of first birth, whether a mother nursed, age at first menses, age at menolause, hormonesetc. Oh, and what will you blame the increasing number of men with breast cancer diagnosis on? Do not confuse correlation with cause’
Dr Ryke Hamer discovered a whole new understanding of disease through his own experience, called the 5 biological laws. Stress and past events indeed create disease and he has mapped out what they all mean. I know when I watched and learned, my whole fear of cancer and other diseases went away because I realized we can do something about it and its not a death sentence. Here is the website which I highly recommend everyone investigate whether you are ill or not. He was maliciously targeted for helping people in Germany but his research still remains.
I totally support this article..Big Pharm”s should be penalized for what they do and don’t do. Keep up the good work Ty and all others.
Can I just pass on an idea that could be of use to all of us?
I was reading an article today that suggested that trying to stop ‘being stressed’ is very difficult. Instead, (or in addition to our efforts) we should look to bring some joy into our lives. Yes, joy!
Once in the habit of looking for joy, it’s surprising that the more one looks, the more one finds.
My best wishes to everyone.
And thanks to Ty.
Very interesting article, the opinions of which are at last getting out to a wider audience. Personally it has angered me for years, the fact that the big pharmas continue coming out with more drugs etc, which mostly have proven to be nearly useless. If all the money for cancer research or indeed a number of chronic diseases had been directed towards curing them instead of to maintenance I am sure by now we would have seen the end of cancer and other chronic diseases. Type 1 diabetes, for example, was fairly well controlled with a long-lasting insulin which meant that young people could live a fairly normal life, then some years ago, the original insulin was withdrawn to promote another one which forces patients to test 5 or 6 times a day and inject 4 or more times a day, basically stopping patients having a regular life and the new regimen hasn´t proven to be any better than the older system. The only reason for the change was the fact that now the pharma companies can make double or triple the amount of money through selling more insulin, more test strips and all the other stuff that patients might need. I think it is obscene that their greed is paramount and that the curing of disease is far down the list of what they should be doing.
Keep up the good work Ty and tell it like it is!!
Hello Ty,
If you took money out of the equation there would hardly be a sickness industry at all. At 81 years of age I have been a cancer survivor for 17 years now. Have not put a single toxic drug in my body since. I have never felt healthier as I take a lot of quality supplements to make sure my body gets sufficient nutrients to produce quality replacement cells. Walk 5kilometers 5 morning a week and suffer no aches or pains. Only wish I had started years earlier. Strange thing is we would never put dirty oil in the engine of our car yet we put all sorts of contaminated food in our body just because it can be made to taste good. Keep up the excellent work Ty and your team. Stay well John
At the bare minimum you need to eat healthy. Only eat it if you can grow it, pick it, or kill it. Stay away from all processed meats. Buy grass fed beef and butter if you can. Absolutely do not eat any vegetable oils, they are all toxic. So basically nothing from a box, can or plastic jug. Buy organic veggies and fruits, and if you eat potatoes make sure they are organic. Water is much better for you than milk. Raw milk is good for you if you can get it. The MOST important one – give up ALL sugar as sugar directly feeds cancer cells.
I agree regarding the role stress seems to play in developing cancer – however I may be one of the lucky ones because perhaps I have always eaten on the healthy side when I had two huge stresses on my life, of my husband dying from Melanoma, and a son diagnosed with Schizophrenia and disappearing overseas, about 5 years late I was diagnosed with a large brain tumour, which was able to be removed and luckily was not cancerous. That was about 15 years ago with no sign of regrowth so maybe my reasonable immune system may have saved me, and on the whole try to eat mainly healthily.
Lots of great info and 95+% true!
Two more resources:
2012 documentary (from Netflix or library): Pink Ribbons, Inc.
Superb TTAC article:
I find it almost impossible to discuss this with people and have lost some friends over it. Now I sometimes send anonymous letters instead.I dread the BCA month each year. Whom will I offend next?
I’ve also concluded that most cancer patients are so desperate to fully trust their doctors that they compulsively react with extreme anger at even the mention of perhaps reading Anticancer by Servan-Schreiber or Foods To Fight Cancer. Not telling them to disobey the doctor but only gently suggesting to drink green tea or eat alliums & cruciferous vegetables can elicit rage. Incomprehensible to me.
Any suggestions on how to better convey the suggestions?
People are taught nothing about how their bodies work. They don’t give it a thought. They depend on doctors to keep them well. How can doctors keep anyone well, when they don’t study the foods humans should eat. The doctors I know have told me that they were not given one nutrition class in med school. When 95% of illness comes from the food or substances being put in the mouth….how can doctors offer you a cure? Years ago, I asked my O,B. wha books he would recommend with info regarding the food pregnant women should et. His reply floored me…Ladies Home Journal. Pretty pictures of plates loaded with cooked food. People need to ask themselves…what foods did their early ancestors eat? There were no stoves. They ate primarily raw food. Humans have an intestinal tract 75% longer than carnivores Carnivores need to expel putrefying meat rapidly. When meat sits in the body for 2 to ? days, it produces billions of bacteria. Bacteria migrate and cause problems throughout the body.
“Tripping Over the Truth” by Travis Christofferson is a great laypersons book. The is a more intense scientifically detailed one by Dr Seyfried. This is called the Warburg effect and is the root of all cancers (not the Cause). Cancer is primarily a metabolic, not genetic disease. Only about 10-15% of cancers have a genetic root am that doesn’t mean you will get it, just that you are predisposed. The field that explores genetic risk is epigenetics. Genes just “are”. But we have to do something or be exposed to something to turn them on or keep them off. Why do only 2 out of 3 siblings have. type 1 diabetes or while 5 of 7 in my Dad’s generation died of cancer but there has been none in the next generation. This is where the exposure to toxins (incl. Processed foods) comes in. Also, High blood sugar and high blood insulin feed cancer..and what do we have an epidemic of? Type II diabetes..
Funny story…after my experience with breast cancer, I signed up for the Making Strides walk to raise money for charity. We were all given a giant tote bag with some swag in it. After I got home, I saw a sticker in it that basically said ‘This bag contains chemicals known to cause cancer’ (California Prop 65) Yeah, from the American Cancer Society.
Ty – have you ever talked with a fellow named Anthony William – also goes by “Medical Medium”? He believes all disease is linked to the Epstein Barr Virus and just like all the comments above, it waits in your nervous system for toxic overloads, stressful events, rundown bodies, old injuries, before rearing its ugly head and doctors misdiagnose it as: Menopause, cancer, migraines, fibermyalgia, hashimoto’s, etc. Doctors often prescribing medication for depression feeds this virus. He explains the process way better than I can in a paragraph. I hope you take a chance and check him out and perhaps join forces on the fight against big pharma and doctors looking to make big bucks from people suffering.
You will come to find soon that Epstein Barr Virus is a symptom of disease and not a cause of it.
Stress is the enemy. My aunt, Mariko Ono, was killed by breast cancer and uterus cancer. They took in total of 13 years to finally end her. In the last moment, she could not hold a glass of water. First, she was mentally killed. Last, she was physically killed. She was a woman. Cancer abused her breast and uterus. To me, she was raped by cancer. Stress is the enemy. Men must behave themselves and respect, protect women. Men must mentally and physically treat women with gentle care. Thus, women will not have to suffer from everyday stress, and cancer will not rape them.
Dear Jerald, My sincere condolences. your wife is in a better place today.
I lost my father around 5 months ago. He fought bravely and I would say stubornly for five years multiple mieloma (blood cancer that has no cure) and also prostate cancer. He was diagnosed with both cancers when he was seventy five and underwent several types of chemo style drugs as maintenance protocol for multiple mieloma and also radiaton for the prostate cancer that was not administered properly (possibly not needed at his age). I was appalled and saddened by the lack of humanity of most doctors and also about their lack of common sense in most issues. A doctor should not only try to heal the body, they should also heal the soul (from a cherished book from Taylor Cadwell)!
Now I know it is not about how many years we survive but how we choose to live the years that we have. If we understand this, then all the decisions we take are much easier.
Ann, We feel you have lost the whole point of the Phototherapy patches? Not hard to do as they are a very new technology to many people. These patches have EXTENSIVE double blind controlled clinical studies to prove their effectiveness. The Glutathione patch in particular would appear as one of the worlds safest, most effective and low cost devices to raise Glutathione levels. Nothing is ingested or induced into the body. They simply communicate with energy pathways in the body to create an immediate and powerful positive effect. It is the body healing the body and in the case of raising Glutathione levels the body itself is raising the level so there are no issues as experienced with manufactured products. The levels are raised many times higher than any other method, the Glutathione raised this way can reach EVERY cell in the body and with the body in control of the raised level there is no chance of overdosing or other issues. Regards Rob
Good article. Thank you. This certainly isn’t an isolated case of cover up by industry and government. The refusal, particularly in North America and Australia, to acknowledge the dangers of wireless devices and radio frequencies is another industry protection mechanism.
I think one of the big reason a cure won’t be found through this type of fund raised is the fact about only 5% of money raised goes to the people doing the research. Most of the money is used in administration of raising the money. Jobs would be lost for many Fund raisers if a cure was found
Cancer is easily preventable and curable. Keeping the body pH high will prevent it and oxygen will cure it.
Quantum studies show that whatever you fight, you manifest. The “Biology of Belief” (see researchers like Dr Bruce Lipton & Gregg Braden) plays a huge role in how well you do. Experiments showed how fake knee operations, resulted in the patients’ full recovery despite the fact nothing was actually done. The patients and the surgical team just went through the ritual of an operation, without actually cutting into the patient. We are what we believe. If you think breast cancer is fatal, then that is exactly what manifests. People can drink strychnine and not die, they can walk on hot coals and not get burned, a frail woman can lift a car weighing one and a half tons when faced with an emergency. Who benefits the most from the propaganda that cancer is “out to get you”? The body heals itself, not the surgeon or doctor or some synthetic drug. If you work on realising your true power and have positive belief that the body will do what it knows how to do better than anybody on Earth, then I’m sure the fear will be displaced by the true nature of the powerful being that you really are. It’s about belief. Find your true self and you become empowered to trigger your own cure.
Cllinton, what foods that you eat can make your PH level high and prevent cancer?
I definitely think something has leached into our water that is causing harm on so many levels, and surely it is not just affecting us humans. We have to look at the big picture.
Hello Beth – I’m so sorry to hear of your son’s death. I cannot even begin to imagine how that feels. You ask about how to relieve stress and I can highly recommend several tools to help you – I am a practitioner of these and also use them personally. EFT is a gentle yet effective tool to deal with emotional blocks & traumas and helps to peel back many layers to get to core issues if done well. There are many videos on YouTube however, as a practitioner I don’t believe in using scripts for most issues as your laying down of thoughts, feelings, behaviours and emotions are different to everyone else’s pattern and so often the core issue and additional issues can be missed with use of scripts. Having said that, if you can’t work with a practitioner privately then please look for a skilled and experienced practitioner on YouTube.
In addition – and probably most importantly – I would recommend the Demartini Method. Dr Demartini is an incredible human behaviour expert and has honed his process over the course of 40 years. He is the most broadly and deeply knowledgable people I’ve ever met – he’s a polymath – who doesn’t just espouse theory but has a track record for excellent results with his methodology. As a facilitator and student of his I have seen the most incredible transformations in people’s lives who have been deeply traumatised, and previously unable to clear their resentments, anger, fears and so on. We have a specific grief process which is beyond belief (initially) – if you can access a facilitator of the Demartini Method and work with them it would totally transform what you experience in relation to your son’s death. Again, I say this respectfully, it seems beyond belief but I’ve seen it time and time again with people who have lost a loved one in the most horrific ways and they do end up dissolving the grief (and therefore stress) and can then go on to live their life and do what they need to do. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have if you are curious and want to know more – or please do your own searches on Dr Demartini, his methodologies and the grief process. Wishing you all the best…with love, Nicole
So how does one get toxins out of their body? ??
When my wife was undergoing her journey with pancreatic cancer, she would do a coffee enema. I know that this may sound taboo, but what this does is the caffeine instructs the liver to begin releasing these toxins. After the coffee enema, she would bathe in a bath containing Epsom salts. The bath water turned very dark. I am not sure, but I think a lot of the toxins exited her body through her feet. Reflexology is another term to also Google with respect to one’s feet and what part they play in this. Hope this helps. BTW, my wife’s cancer had metastasized from her pancreas to her liver and spleen.
hello Jeff!
Jim Hornung, founder and director of lifestyle center Ministry of Health, taught me that when doing epsom salt baths, to also include in the water a cup of baking soda so as to help prevent body resorption of toxins that have already come out of the body.
in case you want to contact them, you can connect with jim at
Hi Rob. Would this help with grade 2 chrondosarcoma? I’m interested as my sister is 6 months diagnosed and is looking for alternatives. We have looked at many but not heard of this. We are in the UK.
Hello Samantha, if you’re looking for natural alternatives & are based in the UK, a person i know that could guide you in the right direction is Bennet family, Jonathan & Sue (
God bless,
Samantha, could you please email us so we can contact you? Rob
The Bodycode can remove toxins from your body. Go to for more information.
Hi Ty, I am an avid follower of yours. My wife died from pancreatic cancer shortly before your 3 day internet event that coincided with PBS’s Ken Burns special, Cancer: The Emperor of all Maladies. In support of what you have said re: toxins being the root cause of cancer, I whole heartedly agree. Here is what we found out during our journey. Susan did not want to forego chemotherapy. There is such a low success rate with pancreatic cancer in first place. 6 months expected life once being diagnosed using one form of chemo, 7 months using the other form of chemo used in orthodox cancer protocol. We journeyed to Reno, NV to visit Dr. James Forsythe, which you also know personally. We were impressed with his protocol. We were also impressed with him finding the root cause of a lot of people’s cancer, arsenic in the drinking water in my hometown 60 miles away from Reno in Fallon. Through Dr. Forsythe’s efforts, the EPA was involved and forced some changes to bring about some resolution to this issue. As one’s hair is used by the body to try to detoxify itself of heavy metals, Susan’s hair sample showed arsenic and uranium. Later on we found that the drinking water in the area, (I live in North Platte NE) contained arsenic and uranium. Obviously, upon finding this, I no longer drink the local well water. The levels usually meet the EPA maximum allowable levels of these two elements. Interesting that an individual should be able to tolerate one at the level, but what about two? Getting back to the PBS special. The Nebraska statewide PBS completed the PBS documentary on cancer by holding the 4th night as a question and answer session with 2 oncology specialists from the UNO Medical Center (University of Nebraska, Omaha). One was a pancreatic cancer specialist. Nationwide, pancreatic cancer is the #4 killer due to cancer. However, in Nebraska, pancreatic cancer is #3. The mediator was asking the specialists, among other things, why is pancreatic cancer so prevalent in Nebraska. I am sure, since Uranium is mined in northwestern Nebraska, that we shouldn’t be too surprised to see people die. It would be a godsend, in my estimation, Ty, that your organization do some research into finding areas of concentration of certain cancers to support your position. Thanks for doing what you do, Ty. My past wife and I learned an awful lot about fighting cancer holistically. I used the Cancer Tutor website, followed its advice, purchased and used a GB4000 Rife machine as strongly suggested. After, Susan lived almost a full year once being diagnosed the previous April, 2014, using these holistic protocols and others.
barb, the fellow that proved the epidemiological causality of the epstein barr virus to cause cancer is a graduate of Loma Linda University Health, whos co-founder had already stated over a hundred years ago that infectious agents are also causants of these types of maladies.
based on that revelation, this doctor graduate, who’s from britain, conducted well-designed & controlled studies in africa, publishing his findings in prestigious scientific journals.
hope this helps,
Hi, I am from Belgium please explain cooking her books.?? thank you.
to ‘Grace from belgium’, the english idiomatic expression ‘cooking the books’ describes the act of changing wording/results to suit one’s purpose
Great article, if I as a herbalist (almost finished study) can give my humble opinion. Stress can do all strange things to the body, from pains all over until even fainting etc. This article is right, BUT. You forgot to mention a very important thing called WATER. Lack of clean water is also a main contributor to cancer, because all these toxins, how do you think they get flushed out ? Exactly the body uses water, and not only for that cause because water is need in everything from cell function to everything else etc.
Drink more water especially when you have continued stress, stress is not a disease stress a reaction of your body of something wrong within your body. Body drought can lead to severe diseases like Alzheimer, Caner, MS, Depressions etc.
Also look for the books of Andreas Morits, and body drought articles from him (very interesting).
Peace and Health
great point, Abu.
water can easily become one of the most forgettable things in one’s analysis of what’s wrong.
i consider water one of the 8 natural remedies, along with nutrition, exercise, sunshine, temperance, air, rest, & trust in divine power.
get more for free at
Even more specifically, a bookkeeping term…. Often, having two sets of ledgers, one for.public view or audit and one with the “real” numbers (cheating). Can be used in research as well, when undesirable results are ignored or thrown out and only ones in favor of the hypothesis are published
correct, Dawn; that’s a more thorough explanation.
thanks for taking the time to do so,
You are absolutely correct, Jim. I forgot to add the baking soda. Thank your for correcting me.
Beth, feel free to contact me at I eat a lot plant-based foods and take food-based supplements to ensure my body has sufficient nutrients for the cells to do what they are meant to do to protect me from diseases.
Recently Mark Zukerberg announced he and his wife are on a mission to eradicate disease by end of the decade an are donating three billion dollars for research. I think you or your staff should contact them and try to get their support and voice involved with the TTAC mission as they could raise the awareness significantly. Dave
I’m wondering if the TTAC team have done any research into the claims by research scientist Dr Jacobs and subsequent published studies (1000s) that DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) can kill cancer cells (and pathogens) and radically detoxify the body? It is claimed to be the highest natural antioxidant available.
I use DMSO combined with herbal medicines in my clinic but I’d love to hear what you and your team think. And whether big pharma, FDA, etc are deliberately preventing this readily available natural organic extract (made from wood pulp) from reaching general public use, as it is claimed that they are.
Also H2O2 and CBD are being suppressed by the authorities.
Has anyone else had experience of these inexpensive natural products in treating dis-ease and cancer?
Alan Hopking. Herbactive Health. UK
After my sister died at 14 in the same year we were both diagnosed I put 24 years of my life into finding answers 6 strokes and 5 cancers plus a handful of new tumors later I agree its greed I traced cancer to wheat that has ~5 different genetic codes so treatments for damage caused by one will not work on another wheat shuts down the bodies natural defense the thyroid and waits for a stress-er you have thyroid tissue in your brain thyroid and breast for example once receptors are blocked cancer in these areas will go up one of the first signs of cancer risk and many diseases connected to cancer is weight gain NOT THE CAUSE OF but another symptom wheat blocks the Lepton receptors that tell you you are full leading to an increase of adipose cells and fragile capillaries these adipose cell store toxins and wheat that works like a parasite its an animal not a plant it breeds male and female with a rudimentary spinal column like the aquatic Venus-flytrap its not even indigenous to this planet and some people are more prone to cancer because of weak immune systems others have a more hardy response because of a natural immunity like Germans that lived on beer and bread at times this has led to an increase of obesity in school of 300% since the guide line changes and an up tick in cancers among children wheat also inter-fears with the clotting factors in the body causing fibrogin to have no shut off when free radicals (caused by the body high in carbon, being high in Nitrites,and a high sugar diet The recipe for gun powder causing cells to explode into three instead of divide into two) brake the fragile capillaries leading to infection and tumors ect.
I agree that stress and chemical toxins are a very important part of an cancer diagnosis but the biggest toxin of them all is Sugar. Sugar is the primary food that feeds cancer. Cancer requires an acid, low oxygen environment and lots of sugar and simple carbohydrates to feed it. You increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood by alkalizing the body and starve the cancer by reducing sugar and simple carbs in the diet and you will literally starve the cancer to death. If you don’t do that along with clearing emotions, detoxing and reducing stress. You might have cancer go into remission for awhile but it will come back and when it does it is usually fatal the second time around.
I was in good health at the beginning of June 2012, then ended up in hospital for five days with pneumonia. I was dosed with lots of cortisone, orally, in my nebuliser, my asthma pump… I think it was a terrible shock to my system – take into account that I have only one kidney. Left the hospital sicker than had been before. Two weeks later I developed a 12x6mm tumor within a few HOURS. It was diagnosed as an aggressive Her-2 cancer. I totally agree with the toxins theory. I also agree with the trauma theory, whether it be mentally or physically. I believe that the synthetic estrogen that we take for birth control and also post hysterectomy, causes breast cancers. Decades ago we were told that using estrogen was preventing cancer, because of the low incidence of female cancers among women in countries where estrogen rich foods were regularly consumed. That was natural estrogen. Huge difference. I went through a year of Herceptin. Gradually regained my strength. Then the oncologist prescribed Tamoxifen. I have never felt healthy ever since.
Beth, try the free EFT self-therapy at Hope this helps!
Hi did you have any traditional treatments for your myeloma?
Ann, you are completely off the track with the patches. There is nothing induced or ingested, they communicate directly with the body’s energy system for a near immediate powerful effect. They allow the MODULATION of Glutathione and in doing so raise the level more efficiently and higher than any other method known today. Other methods STIMULATE the raising of Glutathione, they do work to some extent but no where near as effective and safe as the patches. We have people with rare blood disorders using the patches to safely raise their Glutathione levels but would die if they tried ingesting or inducing substances to do this.
After a mastectomy 5 years ago, UCLA wanted me to participate in a “cancer research” study. They mailed me a questionnaire and a $20 bill. There was not a single question about lifestyle, diet, excersize, stress, chemical exposure, etc. All the questions just asked how much I’d been informed about chemo, radiation, surgery, and how depressed was I. There is no way they would ever discover a cause with those questions.