Tom and Peggy’s journey began when both of them were diagnosed with cancer in 2013. Tom was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell cancer of the head and neck and 7 days prior, Peggy was diagnosed with stage 1 nonmetastatic breast cancer. Both maintained good physical health and a nutritious diet, so it really hit home for them both. Peggy described feeling like “the world had stopped” when she found out that Tom had cancer as her mother had died just 2 years prior of squamous cell cancer.
Before going into traditional treatment, Tom did some prophylactic antineoplaston treatment through Dr. Burzynski. And after visiting an oncologist, they decided against full protocol because it meant taking Cisplatin which they believed would have left Tom profoundly deaf, thus ending his career.
They opted for an alternative drug called Erbitux instead after a number of interviews and heavy research on the drug. They knew Erbitux would likely cause a skin reaction that looked like acne but within 2 weeks of taking the drug, it had burned many parts of Tom’s upper torso, neck, and head. Peggy described it as looking “like he had been dipped in sulfuric acid.” Tom went into anaphylactic shock from the swelling, and the ER doctor couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
After refusing to continue Tom’s infusion treatment, they felt that Western medicine had washed its hands of them saying they could no longer help if Tom & Peggy refused the protocol. They did continue with the radiation however, and Tom lost 42 pounds and had burns all over his neck. And for his side effects? He was prescribed more drugs and sent to nutritionists who recommended multiple sugary foods… even if these foods fed the cancer.
Watch the video above to find out how Tom & Peggy discovered the Truth About Cancer in their search for not just killing the cancer, but truly recovering and maintaining wellness. You will also learn how Tom & Peggy now view informed consent, and how Tom learned how to talk again, regain his physical strength, and much more.
Have you survived a cancer diagnosis and lived to tell about it?
We hear so many amazing stories from our readers about how they beat cancer using the very techniques they’ve learned from The Truth About Cancer… and we’d love to hear YOUR story!
Sharing these stories brings hope to those who have been diagnosed with or are currently dealing with cancer.
So, if you have a personal story to share of your triumph over cancer, please click here and tell us all about it. ?
Each week we’re posting a new story on our site from the submissions. We’re calling it “Survivor Stories.”
How do we get in contact with Tom and Peggy? My wife was recently diagnosed with the same cancer in her mouth. The doctors at this point are recommending removing the entire chin and replacing it with part of her leg bone. The surgery they described would changer her life and appearance completely.
My youtube channel and website (An American Homestead) helped promote TTAC last year. My wife and I run that company and we have a YT audience of over 74,000.
We need to talk to someone who can give us some direction. Can you put us in contact with Tom and Peggy? I can’t find their contact info anywhere.
Hi Zachary –
I’m sorry but we don’t have any information about Tom and Peggy that we can give out.
For privacy reasons we wouldn’t be able to share their contact info even if we had it on hand.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Have a blessed day!
Hello dear new friends- I’m just now seeing this and hope it’s not too late. You can contact us by email at:
I’ll also try to reach out to you via YouTube.
And we’ll keep y’all in our prayers.
God bless you.
Peggy & Tom
Just a quick update:
Tom and I are now 6+ years out from being diagnosed with cancer. We are cancer-free (contrary to some false rumors we’ve heard about people claiming we are dead!). We do not call it “remission” since that words feels tentative to us. With God’s guidance and blessing, we feel we have conquered cancer. Thanks to resources we got from TTAC (e.g. Dr. Bryzinski, GreenMedInfo, Mike Adams, Dr. Z & Mama Z, Dr. Nuzum, and so many others) we are now reborn as alternative health evangelists. I (Peggy) have developed a lecture series called “Enlightened Health” that covers the amalgamation of about 5,000 hours of study into a 7-part lecture series. I offer it as a live lecture series to small groups here in Central Florida where we now live. If anybody wants to hear more just contact me by phone or email:
To those of you who’ve contacted us with help from TTAC so far, PLEASE, let us hear from you with updates on your condition and outcomes. We continue to keep each of you in our prayers.
Be blessed and be well!
Tom & Peg
We continue to feel great as cancer conquerors and welcome hearing from anyone who wants to connect with us regarding squamous cell, breast cancer or couples who have cancer simultaneously. TTAC has been such a great influence in our lives, and we cherish every one of you who has reached-out to us. We keep each of you in our prayers.
Dear Tom & Peggy; After reading your case, I am experiencing Squamous cell in my mouth! Have had buccal mucosa dissection! That was a rough surgery! Have been recovering for the last 5 months! and I have been using, rick simpson oil , as an alternative treatment – abject to radiation! So far so good! Although the oil treatment, is a bit overwhelming, black pepper has minimized the effects! It is an expensive, but effective treatment! After reading what Tom had gone through with Erbitux, am appalled at the after effects of the western drug! Don’t agree with big pharma’s approach, on cancer treatments! Will not do chemotherapy, or radiation! they are so invasive and body damaging! Am curious how you have managed to beat the disease? I know that it was probably expensive, and probably experimental! I have had good results so far with my current treatment! However I’m not sure how long i will have to keep taking the oil, as well as a cbd dystilate in conjunction with the rso! Rick Simpson oil is a marijuana derivative! Any alternatives would be welcomed if you can offer a different alternative treatment! Would be greatly appreciated! God Bless you both, and keep you healthy, happy, and robust!
It’s Tom and Peg again. We are blessed by our heavenly father to be doing fine – now almost 9 years post-diagnosis. God is good!
Sadly, our “case-load” of newly-diagnosed people who want to hear our story is increasing exponentially. Where we used to hear from someone every 3-6 months we’re now hearing from people a couple of times/week! Those who regularly follow Charlene and Ty’s work know the reasons why. Please know that you’re welcome to reach-out to us by email at this new address: and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
We continue to admonish people who develop cancer to address the basics first: faith/spirituality, understanding what cancer really is, food, water, movement, sleep, detoxification, and alternatives to surgery, radiation and prescription drugs. We’ve been doing this successfully for so long now that it’s just our regularly lifestyle. We believe there is no cheap, quick fix, and everyone must ask themselves: what is the value of your health?
Meanwhile, please join us in thanking the entire TTAC organization for the continued work to spread the truth and publicize the alternatives. God bless all who read this.
How can we access this video please?
Hi everyone – it’s Tom and Peg here. We are now almost 11-years out from diagnosis and still cancer-free. We continue to provide assistance in the form of resources and comfort to folks from all over the world. You can reach us by email at We do not participate in social media, but we found that somebody saved the video about us after YouTube censored and deleted TTAC’s content during the panic-demic. Here’s the link to view it on FaceBook.
It’s come to our attention that someone named Mike Harrisson falsely commented on Facebook that we both died of cancer. Obviously you should not believe this mis-directed online troll. We can only pray for such a person, since he has obviously succumbed to the lies of the enemy.
We continue to keep Ty, Charlene, and the entire TTAC family in our prayers. We wish you all every blessing.