Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority.”
– Sir John Dalberg-Acton
In Part I of this series, we looked at the absolute incompetence that has defined the CDC since its inception. Perhaps worse is the pervasive corruption that exists within the agency. Government officials, pharmaceutical companies, and even the media have worked together to maximize their profits and power at the expense of public health.
This has resulted in a world in which we can no longer trust government leaders, CDC directors, or even major news outlets to give us the truth. And when brave patriots have come forward to fight this corruption and injustice, they have been slandered, sued, and silenced. In Part II of our series, let’s take a look at the impact of this corruption.
The Vaccine Agenda and Bill Gates
The CDC, government officials, the pharmaceutical industry, and the mainstream media are capitalizing on the coronavirus pandemic to further their ongoing agenda and eliminate any remaining opposition that may be in a position to fight back. Unfortunately, the organizations that are supposed to protect us have been used as pawns in the war on freedom by the elite.
You see, there has been an agenda for years now to force vaccines, chemotherapy, and other pharmaceutical interventions on all citizens. After all, these drugs generate obscene amounts of profit. Mandating them would create a guaranteed customer base of hundred of millions of Americans (and billions across the globe).
This “pandemic” has already generated substantial new wealth for those who are already rich in a way that most of us can’t even comprehend. As over 40 million people file for unemployment due to jobs stripped away by fascist political mandates, the world’s billionaires are thriving. In fact, U.S. billionaires have increased their wealth by nearly 10% – to the tune of over $400 billion.
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos – already the richest man in the world – increased his wealth by more than $25 billion since the outbreak of COVID-19. Eric Yuan (CEO of Zoom), Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), and Elon Musk (Tesla) have all seen their fortunes grow by over $1 billion. Members of congress are being investigated for insider trading, accused of selling and buying stocks based on the coming economic collapse while assuring the American people that everything would be fine.
Bill Gates (the second-richest man in the world, behind Bezos) has been working on a different kind of investment: the WHO. Gates has been considered by many to be a champion in the medical field during this pandemic… despite the fact that he has absolutely zero medical training.
After building the Microsoft empire, the U.S. government convicted him of breaking antitrust laws in 1999. A year later, he founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which essentially runs the WHO. (After the U.S. suspended funding to the WHO, Gates became the WHO’s single largest donor.) The WHO has been a leader in spreading fear and misinformation and has adamantly pushed to fast-track a vaccine…even suggesting that we forgo the already inadequate safety testing normally used for vaccine development.
How did Gates transform from a power-hungry overlord who was sued by the government for breaking the law to a renowned philanthropist and beacon of altruism, intent on ridding the world of disease? He didn’t. When Gates could no longer expand his empire, wealth, and power through the tech industry, he immediately set his sights on a bigger prize: control of international health policy.
The plan is actually brilliant. To the untrained eye, it would appear that Gates is on a mission to help the world. However, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, he has transformed the WHO into the vehicle through which he can obtain even more power and control.
One of the few outsiders in the political arena is President Donald Trump, who has been battling the WHO for some time now. On April 7th, President Trump announced that he will suspend funding for the WHO pending an investigation into the UN-connected organization.
“The WHO…they called it wrong,” said President Trump in his April 7th Coronavirus briefing regarding the WHO’s inactions in the early months of COVID-19. “They missed the call. They should have called it months earlier. They would have known. They should have known. And they probably did know. So we will be looking into that very carefully, and we are going to put a hold on money spent to the WHO.”
The following week, Trump explained more.
America and the world have chosen to rely on the WHO for accurate, timely, and independent information to make important public health recommendations and decisions,” Trump said at an April 14, 2020 press conference. “If we cannot trust that this is what we will receive from the WHO, our country will be forced to find other ways to work with other nations to achieve public health goals.”
At a May 1, 2020 briefing, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany clarified the administration’s stance towards both the WHO and China.
It is no secret that China mishandled the situation,” said McEnany. “Just a few examples for you: they did not share the genetic sequence until a professor in Shanghai did so on his own the very next day. China shut down this lab for ‘rectification.’ They slow-walked information on human-to-human transmission alongside the World Health Organization and did not let U.S. investigators in at a very important time.”
Even media sources who are normally critical of Trump admit that the WHO’s stance in line with China is investigation-worthy.
Institutions of international governance, like institutions of national governance, are prone to a particular form of corruption: they’re inclined to serve powerful interests at the expense of their mission,” wrote journalist Robert Wright in an April 10 article for Wired magazine.
You can read more about the WHO corruption here.
The CDC: A History of Corruption
But this corruption is thriving within U.S. borders as well. For too long, the CDC has had a cozy relationship with corporate special interests. The result? Bad policy and misinformation designed to exploit the American people rather than protect them.
Back in 2016, a group calling themselves the CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research, or (CDC SPIDER), put a list of complaints in writing into a letter to CDC Chief of Staff and provided a copy of this letter to the public watchdog organization U.S. Right to Know (USRTK). The members of the group elected to file the complaint anonymously for fear of retribution.
It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests… and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception,” the letter states. “These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health.”
According to an article in The Hill, the complaint cites (among other things) a “cover up” of the poor performance of a women’s health program called the Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Woman Across the Nation, or WISEWOMAN. The program provides standard preventive services to help 40-to 64-year-old women reduce their risks for heart disease and promote healthy lifestyles. CDC currently funds 21 WISEWOMAN programs through states and tribal organizations. The complaint says there was a coordinated effort within the CDC to misrepresent data given to Congress so that it appeared that this program was involving more women than it actually was.
Definitions were changed and data ‘cooked’ to make the results look better than they were,” the complaint states. “An ‘internal review’ that involved staff across CDC occurred and its findings were essentially suppressed so the media and/or Congressional staff would not become aware of the problems.”
The letter mentions that Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, a Democrat from Connecticut who has been a proponent of the program, has made inquiries to CDC regarding the data. A spokesman for her office confirmed as much.
The complaint also alleges that staff resources that are supposed to be dedicated to domestic programs for Americans are instead being directed to work on global health and research issues.
And the complaint cites as “troubling” the ties between soft drink giant Coca-Cola Co., an advocacy group backed by Coca-Cola, and two high-ranking CDC officials – Dr. Barbara Bowman, who directed the CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention until retiring in June, and Dr. Michael Pratt, senior Advisor for Global Health in the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) at the CDC.
Bowman retired after revelations of what the complaint called an “irregular” relationship with Coca-Cola and a nonprofit corporate interest group set up by Coca-Cola called the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). Email communications obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by USRTK revealed that in her CDC role, Bowman had been communicating regularly with – and offering guidance to – a leading Coca-Cola advocate seeking to influence world health authorities on sugar and beverage policy matters.
Emails also suggested that Pratt has a history of promoting and helping lead research funded by Coca-Cola while being employed by the CDC. Emails obtained by FOIA showed that Pratt has also been working closely with ILSI, which advocates for the agenda of beverage and food industries. Several research papers co-written by Pratt were at least partly funded by Coca-Cola, and Pratt has received industry funding to attend industry-sponsored events and conferences. Last month, Pratt took a position as Director of the University of California San Diego Institute for Public Health.
Coca-Cola has been pushing an agenda to remove sugary beverages like Coke from the obesity discussion. Their theory goes that consumption of sugar-laden foods and beverages is not to blame for obesity or other health problems, and a lack of exercise is the primary culprit.
Experts in the nutrition arena have said that these relationships are troubling because the mission of the CDC is to protect public health, and yet certain CDC officials appear to be close with an industry that, studies say, is linked to about 180,000 deaths per year worldwide, including 25,000 in the United States. The CDC is supposed to be addressing rising obesity rates among children, not advancing beverage industry interests.
Bad Science
Now, the CDC is attacking the President and using fear of the coronavirus to bend the American people into submission. Tensions have grown since the President essentially sideline the CDC after the agency’s utter failure to lead the response to this new virus.
The New York Times obtained a copy of the CDC’s reopening guideline recommendations and described the President’s decision to reject it. The recommendations include using disposable dishes and utensils at restaurants, closing every other row of seats in buses and subways while restricting transit routes among areas experiencing different levels of coronavirus infection, and separating children at school and camps into groups that should not mix throughout the day.
But the White House and other administration officials rejected these recommendations over concerns that they were overly prescriptive, infringed on religious rights and risked further damaging an economy that has already been severely crippled. One senior official at the Department of Health and Human Services with deep ties to religious conservatives objected to any controls on church services.
“Governments have a duty to instruct the public on how to stay safe during this crisis and can absolutely do so without dictating to people how they should worship God,” said Roger Severino, the director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights, who once oversaw the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at the Heritage Foundation.
And that disagreement is now out in the open. As the White House continues to dismiss CDC guidelines for reopening the nation, accusations have been made that the President doesn’t care about public health. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. First, many of the recommendations made and implemented have absolutely no scientific basis.
We’re being forced to stay indoors, even though appropriate vitamin D levels are crucial for good health. Parks and beaches are inexplicably shut down, even as the research shows that this is making things worse. A new publication from Dr. Eamon Laird and Professor Rose Anne Kenny, School of Medicine, and the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), in collaboration with Professor Jon Rhodes at University of Liverpool, highlights the association between vitamin D levels and mortality from COVID-19.
The authors of the article, just published in the Irish Medical Journal, analyzed all European adult population studies, completed since 1999, which measured vitamin D and compared vitamin D and death rates from COVID-19.
This study shows that, counter intuitively, countries at lower latitudes and typically sunny countries, such as Spain and Northern Italy, had low concentrations of vitamin D and high rates of vitamin D deficiency among the population. These countries also experienced the highest infection and death rates in Europe.
The northern latitude countries of Norway, Finland, and Sweden, have higher vitamin D levels despite less UVB sunlight exposure, because supplementation and fortification of foods is more common. These Nordic countries have lower COVID-19 infection and death rates. The correlation between low vitamin D levels and death from COVID-19 is statistically significant.
The authors propose that, whereas optimizing vitamin D levels will certainly benefit bone and muscle health, the data suggests that it is also likely to reduce serious COVID-19 complications. This may be because vitamin D is important in regulation and suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response, which causes the severe consequences of COVID-19 and the ‘acute respiratory distress syndrome’ which is associated with ventilation and death.
Professor Rose Anne Kenny said: “In England, Scotland and Wales, public health bodies have revised recommendations since the COVID-19 outbreak. Recommendations now state that all adults should take at least 400 IU vitamin D daily. Whereas there are currently no results from randomized controlled trials to conclusively prove that vitamin D beneficially affects COVID-19 outcomes, there is strong circumstantial evidence of associations between vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 responses, including death.”
This study further confirms this association. We call on the Irish government to update guidelines as a matter of urgency and encourage all adults to take supplements during the COVID-19 crisis. Deficiency is frequent in Ireland. Deficiency is most prevalent with age, obesity, in men, in ethnic minorities, in people with diabetes, hypertension and in nursing homes.”
Dr. Eamon Laird added: “Here we see observational evidence of a link of vitamin D with mortality. Optimizing vitamin D intake to public health guidelines will certainly have benefits for overall health and [will] support immune function. Research like this is still exploratory and we need further trials to have concrete evidence on the level of vitamin D that is needed for optimal immune function. However, studies like this also remind us how low our vitamin D status is in the population (even in sunny countries) and adds further weight to some sort of mandatory vitamin D fortification policy. If the Nordic countries are allowed to do this, there is no reason Ireland, the UK or rest of Europe can’t either.”
We know that most cases of COVID-19 transmission happen in confined spaces for extended periods of time; such as entire families isolated in their homes for months without end. We also know that mask mandates make the problem worse, not better.
Furthermore, the models used to impose these restrictions have been proven to be utterly wrong. According to The Daily Wire, The Imperial College London model from March showed that as many as 2.2% of Americans could die from COVID-19.
But the model was off — way off. And now experts say it was “totally unreliable.”
One computer data modeling expert said the Imperial model coding, done by professor Neil Ferguson, is a “buggy mess that looks more like a bowl of angel hair pasta than a finely tuned piece of programming,” the Daily Telegraph reported.
“In our commercial reality, we would fire anyone for developing code like this and any business that relied on it to produce software for sale would likely go bust,” David Richards, co-founder of British data technology company WANdisco, told the Telegraph.
And that’s not the only issue. The economy and public health are invariably intertwined. Here are some of the realities arising from the shutdown and quarantine:
- In some parts of the country, domestic violence is up 25%. This disproportionately affects low-income Americans.
- Hundreds of thousands of children may die this year as the economic impact of our response has deprived them of basic medicine, food, and clean water. Tens of millions will likely fall into extreme poverty. This disproportionately impacts children from low-income families.
- Current unemployment trends are likely to result in tens of thousands of additional suicides by the end of the year. These will disproportionately affect low-income families and those already struggling with mental illness.
- Economic recession and reduced tax revenue always result in cuts to health services and hospital staffing. Those living in rural, low-income communities and third-world nations will be most impacted.
- Time away from school increases dropout rate, which lowers income potential and decreases life expectancy. Especially for children from low-income families.
- Special needs students are especially likely to suffer from long-term school closures, both from abuse and severe setbacks in their ability to assimilate and function.
- Rises in unemployment during large recessions lead to reduced income, additional stress and unhealthy lifestyles – all of which lead to shorter lifespans. A 20% unemployment rate could result in tens of millions of years of lost life.
- Young people entering the job market during an economic recession live shorter, unhealthier lives.
The truth is that children and the poor will be most severely impacted by our response to this virus. Many more of them will die and suffer from the fallout than from the virus itself. It’s easy to accept the extreme restrictions that our governments have levied and scoff at those who dissent when you live a life of privilege, but the reality is that we are killing more people with our response than the virus ever could. More lives will be lost. The quality of lives will be diminished. Dreams and lifelong investments will be destroyed.
Stay tuned for Part III of this series, where we’ll take a hard look at the leaders who are on the front lines in the battle for freedom.
Most Government Agencies, created for the benefit of the many, have been hijacked by Industries intent on making sure their stooges are in the upper layers of management and decision making to ensure the Industries interests are not compromised when the officers of those organisations bring forward any issues that would reduce the Industries lucrative profit. The reward for such treachery is the potential for a lucrative high paid position in the same industries they sold their souls to. It seems to me the appointment systems in these Agencies is just as corrupt as the industry swamp creatures they willingly employ. As highlighted by your reports having such tainted management in these agencies only benefits the Industry not the public and far more rigorous vetting of these failed beings needs to be undertaken else nothing will improve…..apart from Industry profits. CEO’s of Industries that cause damage to fellow humans and animals should be personally held accountable for their companies corruption just as they are for Financial issues. Customer/patients are far more important than shareholders to be told the truth about the management of these Industries.
Most people rely on the Media for info about the so-called “Pandemic”. From that it seems that the way it has been approached by governments globally was the right course of action. However, it is important to note that the Media as well as organisations such as the WHO, CDC, FDA etc. are continually lobbied by Vaccine makers and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Monetary bribes are handed out to the Producers in the Media, to Executives in Government Organisations, also to Doctors. Chief Medical Officers who are responsible for the “Pandemic” course of action have received hand outs from Bill Gates. The Media understandably do not want to upset their biggest advertising customers so they will only report what is not anti-Pharma, and do not report the very effective and safe treatments of viral infections including COVID-19.
Independent investigative journalists such as Del Bigtree, who have no vested interest in “Big Pharma” and without conflicts of interest, report what the Media isn’t reporting and that provides factual information about the “Pandemic”.
In Summary.
* A course of action was planned before this “Pandemic” started.
* The Corona virus was reported to have been Laboratory made in a peer reviewed Scientific Journal, but later the Editors were pressured into retracting the article.
* The modelling about the spread of the virus was totally wrong.
* Similar action taken by Governments globally strongly suggest that it was orchestrated.
* There is no Scientific evidence for Lockdowns and social distancing.
* There was a dramatic significant increase in mortality rates globally after the lockdowns were started.
* There is no Scientific evidence for wearing masks for the general population.
* Masks actually decrease the intake of oxygen and thus lower your immunity.
* To become infected requires close proximity to a symptomatic patient for an extended time around 30 minutes.
* There is no Scientific evidence that asymptomatic people transmit the virus to others.
* The mortality numbers have been hugely and fraudulently exaggerated.
* Doctors have been pressured into stating cause of death as COVID-19 for patients without testing and even those due to chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, strokes.
* More than 99% of people that have contracted the virus have no or very slight symptoms.
* The mortality rate is slightly less than the usual seasonal flu.
* All cause mortality rates globally is very similar to every other year.
* The FDA closed Doctors clinics which effectively treated Patients and revoked their Licences.
* To discredit use of Hydroxychloroquine 4 times the recommended dose was given to patients resulting in their deaths (WHO Murder).
* Patients with respiratory problems due to fear although tested negative for covid were still put on a ventilator causing them to die.
* Intravenous Megadoses of Vitamin C resulted in 100% survival.
* Intravenous Chlorine Dioxide resulted in 100% survival.
* Safe and Effective treatments are censored by the Media and discredited by the WHO, CDC and FDA.
* CDC has destroyed all the documents which provided evidence that vaccines cause Autism.
* Many vaccines contain gamma-retroviruses because they are grown in infected animal cell lines.
* The National Health Service ordered Doctors to register all deaths as COVID-19 without testing.
* PCR Tests should not be used for diagnosis according to the Manufacturers and the inventor.
* Viruses should be filtered out of body samples for identification, that was not done for the SARS nor for COVID-19.
* People may test positive if they previously had a flu shot.
* Hospitals received $30,900 USD for every death resulting from COVID-19 registered cases.
* The number of suicide calls has increased by 600% during lockdown. * Although case numbers have increased due to increased testing the mortality numbers are still decreasing.
The data exists but the CDC refuse to compare the health status of the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.
The Perpetrators must be tried for Crimes Against Humanity.
I think Gerald offers many statements of truth and further creates separation where each of us personally will need to make choices. I think these times present to us opportunity and also the need to let go of beliefs that no longer serve our Highest Good. These times are forcing us to make choices that either further the ideal of love, helpfulness and service to humanity in someway, or to further our security needs, me first. Some may label this selfishness. I think these are the issues that each of us now have to deal with personally. I have a homeopathic background and am retired from Oriental Medical Practice. I have witnessed the slander of Homeopathy from peer doctors. How can a substance of less than one part per million cure anything? As an energy medicine aficionado I would suggest looking into the works of Royal Rife and Wilhelm Reich and spirituality as other valid approaches to address our current pandemic.
Right On Gerald!!
Man fuck the government stay woke
So Satanic is this World run by power mad conglomerates and individuals who consider themselves GOD almighty……Agenda 21 will make this World only fit for the billionaires which is their target as it must be blatanly obvious that this has been going on for decades with laboratoies making viruses, weapons beyond comprehension, mass elctricl beam weapons causing fires and destruction, pollution of the seas, and filling the air with cancerous elements such as Boron, Caesiu, Strontium and Aluminium Nitrate….the list is endless….
Thank you for a very important and informative discussion.
Just to add to what you stated about Trump withdrawing funding for the W.H.O., Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says the Administration funneled that money and more to Bill Gates’ GAVI.
Here is the link:
Right ON!
Governments and organizations supposed to and created to protect the human society turn out to be the great exploiters of those who mostly need help and protection.
The same concept applies to religions where the ideas of eternal punishment or happiness are infused into our minds for the only reason of domination and exploitation.
NB: This is only the thinking of a very simple and humble human being who also may be very wrong…!
To Ty & Charlene,
Promoting Trump and Devos as people fighting for us against corporate power is a gross misinterpretation of what is really occurring.
Vandana Shiva and her indictment of Bill Gates and Trump is never mentioned in any of your blogs.
Please take time to read Chris Hedges book ”American Fascists ( rise of the Christian Right)” to see what the real dangers to our democracy are.
Trumps environmental and corporate policies will cause more cancer then any other factors.
“Oneness versus the one percent” by Vandana Shiva, might be a good place to start.
The loss of our connection to nature (listen to Herbalist ,Stephen Harrod Buhner on YouTube ) is probably one of the contributing factors to the chief causes of disease.
Please take time to listen on YouTube to Chalmers Johnson and Noam Chomsky for awarenesses on what the greatest threats are to democracy.
Apparently, the Left has you brainwashed because they are causing us to lose our freedoms rapidly and their agenda is communism not democracy. George Soros and Bill Gates are all about depopulation everywhere and their vaccine will do just that. Refuse to take their poison cocktail of death! I have had plenty of time to research what is really going on (due to the draconian lockdown and loss of my job) and now I realize that we are censored regularly, there’s no freedom of speech, and fake news is what the average person swallows from the mainstream media. Make no mistake about it, the media producers are bribed by Soros and other entities like Big Pharma to “report” whatever news they want reported. They never tell the truth. Maybe you don’t like Trump but how could you like Biden who is unable to put two sentences together and has policies that will ruin the economy. At least Trump has worked with Senator Tim Scott to introduce many great programs for Black communities in the U.S. whereas Biden has done nothing to help Black Americans in the 50 years that he has been in Washington. Oh yeah, Biden helped pass the 1994 crime bill that put a lot of Blacks in prison for very long sentences but at least Trump has undone some of the damage. Trump has also done a lot for our veterans and American businesses and American farmers and the list goes on.
Right On!
Great reporting. I call your attention to Dr. María Eugenia Barrientos from El Salvador whose COVID-19 protocol is 100% successful provided it starts within first 72 hours onset of disease with anti-inflammatories and anti-flu medications OTC. In Spanish. I will forward translation of presentations if told where to send. See interviews of Dr. Barrientos by: 1. MARCELO GRANILLO,
GQ Radio Houston (Texas), May 8, 2020, and, 2. JIMMY JAILARA (Ecuador), Teleradio, May 7, 2020. Dr. Barrientos credentials: trained medical doctor in Baptist University in El Salvador, 2 years Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida, microbiologist, post graduate work in pharmacology, biochemistry. Thank you.
Dear Ty& Charlene,
we need to expose even faster more essential information. Here is a comment from AP today, talking about mandatory vaccinations:
If the president wants to send out his military with all the vaccines to everyone, and obviously the military will be vaccinated first, they might not even get to their end goal point..
NOVAVAX, owned by Trudy Morrison (Boston Med Uni.) will get the soldiers their jab. With the help of CEPI (= Gates) she came up with the nearest synthetic biology product called NVX-CoV2373, very similar to MODERNA vaccine, part of which was patented already in 2017 by Moderna, but Mrs. Morrison carries alone a patent 8,974,797 from March 10, 2015(!!!), which decoded 76% of the ENTIRE Sipke protein of Covid-19.
That patented sequence had all 4 amino acids out of 5 known to be required for 100% binding to ACE2 receptor in it. What does her abstract says about the newest vaccine? Quote:
Purified NVX-CoV2373 S form 27.2nm nanoparticles that are thermostable and bind with high affinity to the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) receptor. In mice and baboons, low-dose NVX-CoV2373 with saponin-based Matrix-Madjuvant elicits high titer anti-S IgG that is associated with blockade of hACE2 receptor binding, virus neutralization, and protection against SARS-CoV-2 challenge in mice with no evidence of vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD).”
WHY ON EARTH DO WE HAVE ACE2 IN OUR HUMAN BODIES?? NOW ALL THOSE ACE2 RECEPTORS SHALL BE BOUND BY NOVAVAX nanoparticles only in order to avoid flu-like symptoms which until now didn’t even cause any substantial deaths??? Dr. JUDY MIKOVITS was right, we were not killed by the virus, but will will be by the vaccines!!!
I can’t express my pain for the vaccinated soldiers who shall vaccinate others.
You missed the part where Trump retracted $280 million taxpayer dollars to WHO, but then turned around and pledged a ballpark $2.5 billion taxpayer dollars (over the next three years) to Bill Gates’s GAVI, which is now the #1 supporter/financier of WHO. Trump is a 1%er…he’s not an outsider.
Please give evidence/facts on this statement. I’m seeing nothing about this pledge.
Thank you!
Ty, Excellent article. Maryland Govt officials have been fining and closing businesses for not masking or social distancing. I was told by a stranger, and a clerk to wear a mask in a store. I promptly walked away, as I was not prepared or in the mood to argue with fools. Is there handout I can give to these brainwashed?
Please keep me updated in your health reports!
I am very concerned for my health as well as my Family!
I have 3 Small great grandkids ranging in age of 4 months, 2 1/2 years & 12 years old!! I would like to see them grow up to be Strong Healthy Adults & any reliable information to keep them Safe is a Blessing!!🙏💖🥰
Thank you!! God Bless!!🇺🇸💖🥰
Ahh Geeeshh. It’s all too much. Hey you guys did the brilliant article ” 8 facts (lies) about this plandemic” right. You have been doing the greatest work and have brought together the best people who are speaking out and standing up. Why, ow, are you speaking, in fear, about the pandemic which you practically proved is not happening?
How about not being so diplomatic about this bogus plague. You are still going on about the corruption of dealing with what? What they gave us to be occupied with? This is how they play us! How about there is not even evidence of this bad virus killing a bunch of us, and certainly in no way in any pandemic numbers. Do we want people to stand up and take off the masks or not? What shall be Medical Freedoms Super Pac goals?
The sorcerers do deceive don’t they. Myself, I am beside myself.
Still, you guys are the best. Love you. Thank you.
The more I read these comments, the more depressed I become !
There is NO virus, period! It is all a big scam and nobody should obey any of these goons for anything ! This crap is unbelievable ! Even though I know, that flus are caused by big fluctuations of electromagnetic energy (EMF) in the atmosphere for thousands of years and this will be the cause “major” as soon as the criminals switch on 5G of literally the death of all life on this planet. It is already happening since after WW1, as the bees disappeared from the Isle of Wight in 1918 and is continuing at an accelerated pace to this day world wide, because of the massive increase of cellphone use and various other pulsed EMF. We might as well kiss our asses good bye, because this planet will stink to high heaven very soon. I hope the billionaires die last so they have to smell this longer!!!
The more I read these comments, the more depressed I become !
There is NO virus, period! It is all a big scam and nobody should obey any of these goons for anything ! This crap is unbelievable ! Even though I know, that flus are caused by big fluctuations of electromagnetic energy (EMF) in the atmosphere for thousands of years and this will be the cause “major” as soon as the criminals switch on 5G of literally the death of all life on this planet. It is already happening since after WW1, as the bees disappeared from the Isle of Wight in 1918 and is continuing at an accelerated pace to this day world wide, because of the massive increase of cellphone use and various other pulsed EMF. We might as well kiss our asses good bye, because this planet will stink to high heaven very soon. I hope the billionaires die last so they have to smell this longer!!! –
SOOO, smart ass, post it already!!!
Thank you for your work to inform the American Public about the Truth about vaccines. There are two points that I have not heard from you or from the speakers yet that I think are very important:
1) Informed consent reguires that the person who is being informed understands the consequences of the action being suggested. In other words, people have to be informed of the contents of the vaccine and of the consequences of those ingredients.
2) Many of your speakers will say “I am not opposed to vaccines. I just want them to be safe”. There is no “safe” vaccine unless ALL. it contains is only a small, weak virus sample, and only if it is administered in the way that contamination would normally take place. A virus would normally be taken from the air through breathing it in, taken by mouth if it is in contaminated food, or taken through the skin. We have immune defenses for anything that we take by mouth, through the skin or that we breathe. Our body is built to respond that way defensively against invaders (viruses, germs).
We do not naturally take in a virus by injection. Injecting anything, virus, disease or chemicals is automatically missing all of our bodies natural defense mechanisms. “The Life is in the blood”, not the immune defenses. The blood is the home that is protected from attackers by our defense team in our skin, our gut, and our mucous membranes.
Although marketed to strengthen our immune system, It is obvious that vaccines today are intended to weaken, not strengthen our immune system through injecting toxic chemicals, foreign DNA (junk) into our blood. If the blood is contaminated, how can it feed the rest of the body? Will it just be carrying the toxic soup and the disease throughout the body?
The scientific community is at the hands of those who do not have respect for our God created body. Children who never take any vaccines are healthier, which means their blood was never contaminated by any chemicals, viruses, and dead tissues so their bodies fought off all the intruders that tried to enter the body to attack. Any virus that tried to enter, never survived the natural filters and immune mechanisms, the skin, the gut or the nasal cavities. Sneezing and coughing are our body’s way of ridding itself of intruders.
We cannot believe that “a safe” vaccine could ever be made as long as it is being injected. Those who designed it to be injected know very well that they are setting up the body to fail in more ways than one.
Even the word “immune response” has been distorted. An immune response is what occurs through our natural ways of immunity. Once poison and disease is injected into our body, the response of our body is “a survival of an attack” response without the advantage of our body’s natural immune response filters. Whether the body attacked through injecting a harmful mix of chemicals, dead materials and viruses produces antibodies or not, this poisonous and harmful mix creates detrimental and often fatal effects. Babies are dying. We have also bought the lie of “herd immunity”. First of all, we are not “a herd”. We are not cattle and should not be identified as such. If the Vaccine industry uses this word, it is because they are treating us “as a herd.” They have lost respect for us as human beings equal to them. Deaths have just become statistics they prefer to hide. But we should never use this word, ourselves. We should not use their dehumanizing language. There is nothing scientific about it. Science clearly shows that the strongest bodies are those that did not receive any vaccines. Even they know it. But the money has become more important.
Also, the contents of vaccines and the dangers of the contents must be listed so that people can make an informed decision. Everything in it should be listed including toxic chemicals and rat, fetus, dog, chicken, etc DNA materials that target the vaccine to be dangerous and deadly. Most people, like me, thought all that there was in the vaccine was a little portion of a weakened portion of the virus or disease. Even this would be super dangerous if injected.
All your presentations are great, but when I hear the words: “I am not against vaccines, I just want a safe vaccine.” I think, given all the evidence, I do not think that the vaccine industry is planning to provide a safe vaccine. They would have to change everything they do now and put people above money considerations. They would have to really be interested in saving lives.
When they hear that “all we need is a safe vaccine,” the audience is being set up to believe that there really could be a safe vaccine. Their doctor or nurse will tell them that the one that they are going to inject into them “is safe.”
We already know from what the speakers have exposed that money is the main motivation for the vaccine industry, so cheap chemicals, cheap procedures and deception will continue as long as the morals of the leadership do not change. We also have heard that Mr. Gates on TED telling everyone with a smile that vaccines will help to de-populate the world. Why would he say that unless he already knows that the vaccines are being made to be unsafe.
It is better to say:
1.”no vaccine should ever be injected.”
2. toxic chemical should never be included
3. no animal or human DNA should ever be included
4. viruses should never be “modified” to be more dangerous
When we say this, we may still be ignored by the Vaccine Industry, but at least we give the people who are listening to us a clear picture of what is really going on, so that they can say “NO,” and know why it is the best choice though they may receive opposition for their decision.
If we lead people to believe that “there is a safe vaccine” out there somewhere and that there are now people in the vaccine industry.who will sacrifice dollars to insure safety, they may believe that the next vaccine is the safe one because their doctor or nurse will tell them “it is safe.” Yet, it may be the vaccine that kills their baby or gives their child autism.
Excellent! I am copying this best summation of the vaccine issue, and what vaccines really are. Ty & Charlene, when I watched The Truth About Vaccines documentary, I became totally anti vaccine. It boggles my mind how so many doctors, and even Judy Mikovits still say they are not anti vaccine, even some in the documentary.. However, I do believe she has also stated that “No vaccine has ever worked”. It makes one wonder.
What you are saying here about these amazing bodies we have been given, and their total ability to defend against any invader is key. And we can rely on the system to work, IF we don’t corrupt it, and specifically do not intervene (intervein!) in such arrogant and pervasive manner, making it unable to work.
On top of that all vaccines have been full of the poisons you listed and many more. Is anyone awake out there? Are you doctors alive?
We have one in 35 children now autistic from vaccines! Period! No science discussion! It is quite simple reality. Bill Gates, who has killed and maimed millions with his vaccines has said publicly that “Vaccines with help depopulate the planet”! He is now standing up before us and telling us that we all much be forced vaccinated, and there must be a system in place, a chip in the vaccine to monitor us to deem us “safe’.
Look what have we been learning here in the last couple decades. A great number of doctors and scientist have been stepping out, and have been putting together all the secrets of health, and how simple it is that if we just give the body the proper nutrients and minerals, it will be impervious to disease. We do not need vaccinations, or any of the doctors pills. We now have endless testimonies from all over the world from people healed from every known affliction, simply by changing what they are taking into their bodies.
THERE IS NO REASON FOR VACCINATION. How many now know that you will not get sick anymore because you have discovered this principle? There is not, and can not be any kind of epidemic for which we can not handle. If people are getting sick and dieing fast from some plague, we have cures. Chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, mito-copper, zinc, Vitamin C, and many others. And for preventative of those who may become infected, the same and many more. Vaccines are WRONG!
Your points on why they are wrong are precise and eloquent. Very good Thank you.
PS: Money is no motivation for the elite, such as Gates, who already own the planet. The motivation is to control us, and kill us. Now, do we stand up and say no, or do we submit? And……….take OFF you MASKS people!
Absolutely love these wonderful detailed summaries ! Any chance you can make these available in an audio format??? These are super fantastic high quality amazing pieces of work!!!! We ‘ re soooooooo busy & love to listen while we work. Thank you so very much!
So, we know about the lies, false information, corruption, etc. What can we actually do about it?
Many in my circle agree & are disgusted, fed up & frustrated that we know what’s going on. Or think we do. But feel powerless to do any thing but appear to be in compliance for the sake of those whose lives are lived in fear.
What is CDC? Please clarify.
The CDC is a private corporation that makes vaccines for profit only.
Muito interessante e esclarecedor.
It is beyond comprehension how corrupt the CDC and many organizations are in USA and other countries… how can a man like Fauci, the GATES, GAVI and a few dozen more exist ? I am so shocked how the CDC has not been shut down, defunded, Fauci is not in prison yet, and Gates are still alive ? along with a pile of Big Pharma executives. Where is Justice????
From day one of this fake pandemic existed, I did not believe an ounce of information Fauci, the CDC put out or any of it. I feel I had the virtual support of organizations like the TTAC, etc. many of your articles helped me learn more and to be empowered.. Hats off to Dr. Darrel for his passion and for his excellent advice.. I have not watched the news, nor have I read the news nor have I listened to radio that mentions anything about this fake stuff. For the past 15 years I have not believed in any main stream media, and of course I have not integrated the media into my life. And honestly that’s my reason for being happy.
Dr. Buttar was one of my go to as well, the Plandemic, by Judy Mikovits.. Brian Rose of London Real was another one…David Icke, Dr. Mercola, Del Bigtree, Erin the health nut news on Instagram. Sayer Ji and his Green Med info, Dr. Kelly M Brogan. Robert F Kennedy, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny too.
Being surrounded in a community like that is extremely important, during this challenge, and I thank your team for the information the inspiration and the virtual support. God bless you all.
Please keep it up. Every ounce of information helps the people.
From a canadian citizen who refuses to accept this brain washing agenda they’re pushing.
Regarding corruption and BLM. The whole Floyd show had so many flows, that even a non-observant 5 year old would notice them. Next time Mr. Sarosh or whoever organized it, should engage a professional Hollywood crew. Floyd probably did not realize the damage this was causing. I am sure that he was well paid for it and can enjoy a few months luxury holiday in Florida.
Amazing write up exposing corruptions by governments & corporations for mutual vested interests all money driven decisions leaving public health behind in rat race to grab power and dominate. India is no exception when it comes to cascaded interests of global forces which makes up so called pandemic.
I loved when the information provided by Ty and Charlene did not have the political tint, it was only about exposing the truth. Now it became so pro Trump who lies on our face daily, in the morning he gives an interview to his media network and at the PM he tweets the oposite or vice versa . He is very focus on his re-election campaign. He is not even coherent with his message. How are we going to believe him??. I hope this is not part of re-election campaign. Covid has affected the entire world, other countries have managed the problem completely different than USA , they are already going back to normal without political tint on it. This not only about USA, or they want us to believe the entire world decided to affect the global economy only to mislead Trump. I don’t think he is that important.
The economy is suffering because of those lockdowns where people do not have enough money to feed themselves nor the family.
It seems that w/all these deaths, regardless of age, B.Gates & Dr.Fauci should be very happy. Their main goal is to reduce the population. Why should the virus end until the population has gone down far enough that they feel “safe” again.