Before You Watch This Video
TTAC LIVE! 2021 was a powerful, life-changing event, and by far the best we’ve ever hosted. One of the highlights was Eric Trump’s keynote speech at the end of Day 2. Eric is a friend of ours and a friend of freedom. His speech received a standing ovation from a capacity crowd and we couldn’t be more proud to work with such an amazing patriot.
Later that night, I was able to interview Eric on the red carpet about the importance of coming together as a nation, the threat of censorship and media lies, and clear and present danger posed by the most incompetent leadership in our nation’s history.
Charlene Bollinger:
Eric, welcome to The Truth About Cancer Live 2021. We just were downstairs together and your speech was electric.
Eric Trump:
Thank you.
Charlene Bollinger:
And I’m so proud of you. We love your family and my son loves you, my family loves you. What did it feel like? I mean, you’ve been off campaign for a while. You’re in work. You’ve got a beautiful wife, two kids.
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
But you’re here.
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
What made you come here? This morning CNN hit, right?
Eric Trump:
CNN always hits.
Charlene Bollinger:
Talking about us coming together.
Eric Trump:
Listen, I think a lot of things. I believe, first of all, in freedom of individuals to do what they want. Second of all, it’s great to talk about my father’s accomplishments, right? And you look at this administration and they’re going down the tube. They’re not doing anything well for this country. We’ve become a little bit of a laughing stock in the world. And my family has fought very, very, very hard for a nation that we love, for red, white, and blue, for religion in this country, for our national anthem, for the pledge of allegiance, for the things that make us America, the greatest country in the world. And I think they’re doing everything they can to hurt it.
I mean, literally they’re trying to boycott Halloween right now. You’re seeing that. You have 250 ships that can’t even get into this country because of pure incompetence. No one wants to be found, all sorts of problems. Afghanistan is a problem. The border is a problem. Inflation is a problem. And we’re going to continue to work and we’re going to continue to fight very hard for this nation. We’re going to continue to tout my father’s accomplishments because he’s done a great job and we’re going to get these guys again.
Charlene Bollinger:
There are so many hits coming against us. The more we try to do good for our children, and the more we try to build a solid, robust education system to bless our children, and the more we try to protect the citizens of this nation, and the more good we try to do, it seems the harder they hit us.
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
You know, you are the tip of the spear. You, your father… I know that your father fought for medical freedom.
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
For us, we get a lot of questions about, “Well, why did he do the vaccine? Why did he roll that out?”. But your father knew that half this country wanted that vaccine, but he also knew that half the country did not want that vaccine. And he stood for freedom. And he said that time and again. I mean, we just want to be free. What do you think about that?
Eric Trump:
I agree. Listen, my father was probably the first person in this country to be vaccinated. But time and time again, people try and jam things down the throat of Americans and that never works out well. Americans should have freedom. They should. And that’s frankly why I’m here today. I’m actually a guy who got the vaccine, right? But I believe in the freedom to make that choice. And there’s other people who I know who are very near and dear to me that hadn’t, and that’s their choice to make. It’s called being an American. You can make that choice.
And we’ll see, ultimately, who is right. But you know, don’t jam things down people’s throats in this country. Let people live free lives. Focus on the things that matter, which we’re not doing right now. Focus on education, focus on the economy, focus on being a strong country, being respected around the world. We’re not doing any of those things right now. In fact, we’re doing the exact opposite and that’s very, very dangerous. To give up the freedoms that are granted to us as Americans, that our lives are based on under the founding documents in this country, to strip those away does not feel good and I just don’t think it’s something that America’s going to put up with, to tell you the truth.
Charlene Bollinger:
Right now we’re in the middle of cancel culture.
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
And Mark Burns, our mutual friend-
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
He’s a man that is black in skin color, but he’s an American. And he talks about the red, white and blue.
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
And they seem to try to be dividing us by skin color, or by gender, or by political party or association.
Eric Trump:
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Charlene Bollinger:
And it doesn’t even make sense because we are the human race.
Eric Trump:
That’s right.
Charlene Bollinger:
And here in America, we are Americans.
Eric Trump:
That’s right.
Charlene Bollinger:
It doesn’t matter what… and your dad was so great at saying, “We all bleed red blood”.
Eric Trump:
Red, white and blue, yeah.
Charlene Bollinger:
Red, white and blue for this country.
Eric Trump:
Charlene Bollinger:
But we are all Americans. We are all humans and it doesn’t matter what skin color we have and they make us focus on that. It seems they want us fighting each other. Is that what they want?
Eric Trump:
Yeah, they do. Because ultimately, they think that’s the way to get their base out. And I actually don’t think it’s going to work. I think it’s backfiring on them every single day. I think people are reading through it. I think Americans are very, very smart and they understand exactly what these people are doing. And you look at my… under my father, lowest African American unemployment, lowest Hispanic unemployment, wages were growing faster than ever before. Lowest female unemployment, lowest youth unemployment. It’s kind of hard to believe there is even such a thing but it didn’t matter. It’s, “let’s have the greatest economy, let’s have the best schools, the strongest military, let’s generally stay out of people’s lives, let’s protect this country, let’s have the respect of all other nations. Let’s not get ripped off. Let’s not get ripped off by China.” I mean, that was always his mantra.
And I think it’s why he’s as popular as he is. And again, you see a country that, in a period of 10 months, is unraveled. On every issue… every issue was fixed. All he had to do is go to sleep, not do anything, meaning Joe Biden, and everything would’ve functioned well. And it’s just amazing. And I think Americans are seeing the degrading of US prestige around the world under pure incompetence.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah. Well, when we see what happened with the Taliban and Afghanistan and what happened there, it was so shocking because your father was doing such a great job with working with foreign nations and being friends with other people and bringing our troops home. And not causing these wars with foreign nations, but protecting our nation, focusing on America first. And you know, today when you were here, there was a lot of American flag waving and these people were screaming “USA”. And the funny chant they’re saying down there. Everywhere you go, you are beloved in this nation.
Eric Trump:
Thank you.
Charlene Bollinger:
And your family is loved.
Eric Trump:
That’s nice.
Charlene Bollinger:
How does that make you feel when you walk into a crowd that just… they all love you?
Eric Trump:
Well, listen, it makes me feel great because we fought very hard. Believe me, it wasn’t a pleasant experience in so many regards. It was mean, it was nasty, actually downright probably evil in many cases. But we did it because this country has given us everything. And we had the ability, we had the resources, we had, I don’t know, whatever it may be, but we love this nation and we sacrificed the lot for it. And we would do it again in a heartbeat. And I think we will do it again at some point, to tell you the truth. There’s a lot more to give this country. I think everybody’s seeing the difference between real leadership and bad leadership. And again, I am a person who bleeds red, white, and blue. I love this nation. I love our flag. I love what our country’s founded upon and it’s a fight worth having.
Charlene Bollinger:
It is. And just to wrap it up, I know that you love your family. So the most important question is, where’s Lara? Where are these kiddos?
Eric Trump:
Lara’s at home with kids. Miss her, miss them.
Charlene Bollinger:
Eric Trump:
They’re great little ones. And they’re doing great. So…
Charlene Bollinger:
Thank you.
Eric Trump:
Thank you.
Charlene Bollinger:
Thank you so much. Guys, Eric Trump. So pleased that he’s here with us at TTAC live 2021. Thank you, Eric.
Eric Trump:
Thank you.
Please help us! My son has a Rhabdomyosarcoma and we need assistance! This is round two for him and he already went through with the doctor called “Barbaric and in need of update” type Chemo and Radiation treatment. The cancer has since returned as of August 18, 2021. He has had surgery to remove three lumps. Depression has set in for him as they continue to take away his complete beautiful body that God gave him. I am begging for your help! Please please please help us! My phone number is 260-760-3587. I live in a suburb in Fort Wayne Indiana. My name is Laurie Feipel and my address is 14024 Marion Center Rd., Hoagland, IN 46745. My email is I am begging you please please please help us! I am not good on the Internet as to why I continue to give you my phone number. We are about to embark on yet another chemo round and I’m hoping we don’t have to. If we can get a hold of you ASAP. We are eating as healthy as we know how but it may not be good enough. I have made a phone call to integrative medicine at Parkview and they finally called back yesterday while I was at work and I was unable to call them back because by the time I got off work they were closed. We want to follow you and your suggestions so that my son does not have to lose anymore of his livelihood. Thank you so much , I truly appreciate what you were doing and I really need to reach you! God Bless you and your family 🙏♥️