The human body is continuously striving to maintain health adequate for survival. More than 10,000 disturbances to our cells come from free radicals. Some of the most potent varieties include reactive oxygen species (ROS) which our cells must constantly defend against. Our bodies are equipped with the amazing capability to self-heal by preventing and repairing damage done to the body. One powerful strategy to enhance this ability for our bodies to self-heal is chiropractic care.
The complex network of activity that controls all functions within the body, including healing, is the central nervous system. Consisting of the brain and spinal cord, the central nervous system serves as a signaling pathway to communicate with 75 trillion cells for proper functioning. Part of our physiological makeup needed for the human body to function optimally is a sensory system called proprioception. Proprioception allows the brain to sense information based off of stimuli being inflicted on skin, joints, and muscle receptors.
Healing is affected by Physical Nerve Stress
When the spinal bones are improperly aligned this causes a physical form of nerve stress that adversely impacts the body’s healing potential. The stress hormone cortisol elevates when physical nerve stress creates a deficiency in proprioception. This disrupts brain signaling and therefore disturbs the body’s potential for healing.
Daily trauma such as sports activities and common accidents at home or in the car are known as macro traumas. Less noticeable traumas including repetitive motions, improper sleep habits, and bad posture are referred to as micro traumas and also cause spine and nervous system damage. A modern day health epidemic receiving little attention is bad posture. Poor posture degrades the health of the spine and consequently leads to the degrading health of brain and organ function. The brain, spinal cord, and all organs are critically reliant on the health of the spine for optimal function.
Nobel Prize award winner Dr. Roger Sperry refers to the spine as a motor which drives the brain. Dr. Sperry’s research concludes that movement within the spine is responsible for 90% of both the stimulation and nutrition to the brain. Approximately 90% of the brain’s energy is required for its ability to process and maintain the physical body’s relationship with gravity and only 10% of brain energy promotes healing, immunity, metabolism, and thinking.
Loss of Natural Spinal Curve
The natural loss of the spinal curve is one of the most harmful health problems people experience today. Ideally we should have approximately a 40-45 degree curve in our neck. Neurosurgeons and chiropractors alike refer to this curve as the “arch of life” due to its properties to protect the brain stem and spinal cord promoting the function of nerves traveling throughout the body.
Forward head posture and loss of neck curve are postural abnormalities often created by poor posture and trauma. The birthing process, especially by forceps delivery, is particularly traumatic to the spine.
Unfortunately, daily activities by the majority of individuals today lead to a forward shift in the head, creating forward head posture and a lasting posture pattern. The typical individual sits slumped in front of a computer, television, or cell phone at least 3 to 4 hours in a single day, and likely this is a most conservative estimate.
The resulting pattern of forward head posture adds up to 30 pounds of abnormal weight leverage and pulls the spinal cord out of alignment. The late Rene Cailliet, former director of the University of California’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, reported that this positioning can result in a 30% reduction of critical lung capacity.
Chiropractic Care for Subluxation
Misalignment of the spine is called subluxation. Subluxation results in compression which agitates the nerve signals and affects the body’s organ systems. Although subluxation can cause pain, few spinal nerves actually transmit pain signals so subluxations often go un-noticed and therefore untreated. Three of the most dangerous forms of subluxation include losing the arc of life in the neck, forward head posture, and scoliosis.
Receiving frequent chiropractic adjustments alleviates the built up pressure on the nervous system. As a result, the body is able to heal as it was intended.
Long-Term Chiropractic Care & Best Anti-Aging Results
In one study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation (JVSR), researchers found that chiropractic care can reduce oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is the damage that occurs when free radicals outnumber the body’s antioxidants.
Seventy-six individuals participated in the study including a group which received short-term chiropractic care, a second group which received long-term chiropractic care, and lastly a group which received no chiropractic care. Individuals were qualified for age, sex, and nutritional supplements.
Results showed that healthy individuals that received chiropractic care for two or more years had higher serum thiol levels than those with disease. In fact, some of the patients receiving chiropractic adjustments had serum thiol levels much higher than what is understood as normal. Thiols are sulfur containing compounds in the body that act as antioxidants. They react with free radicals to neutralize them.
Chiropractor Dr. Christopher Kent explains that one theory of aging and the pathogenesis of disease results from metabolic changes involving free radical production and oxidative stress. This stress is brought on by stressors relating to our physical bodies, chemical makeup, and our emotional balance. As a result, the nervous system can become impaired and create disturbances in nerve function which may further promote oxidative damage and damage to our cell’s DNA healing powers. Dr. Kent concludes from the study that “chiropractic care appears to improve the ability of the body to adapt to stress.”
Seeking Chiropractic Care?
Don’t wait until you experience discomfort or pain to receive chiropractic care. Subluxation is a problem which creeps into your life and accumulates damaging effects over time. Living a healthy life is dependent upon reducing subluxation, improving posture, maximizing your nervous system, and preventing disease. Look for a chiropractor that specializes in treating the healing of your whole body and optimizing the health and the wellbeing of your entire family.
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Article Summary
Our bodies are equipped with the amazing capability to self-heal by preventing and repairing damage done to the body. One powerful strategy to enhance this ability for our bodies to self-heal is chiropractic care.
The complex network of activity that controls all functions within the body, including healing, is the central nervous system which consists of the brain and spinal cord,
When the spinal bones are improperly aligned this causes a physical form of nerve stress that adversely impacts the body’s healing potential.
Bad posture is a modern day health epidemic. Poor posture degrades the health of the spine and consequently leads to the degrading health of brain and organ function.
Forward head posture and loss of neck curve are postural abnormalities often created by poor posture and trauma. The resulting pattern of forward head posture adds up to 30 pounds of abnormal weight leverage and pulls the spinal cord out of alignment.
Misalignment of the spine is called subluxation. Three of the most dangerous forms of subluxation include losing the arc of life in the neck, forward head posture, and scoliosis.
Receiving frequent chiropractic adjustments helps to alleviate the built up pressure on the nervous system. As a result, the body is able to heal as it was intended.
I am in Chiropractic school and it is exciting to see articles like this getting the message of chiropractic out.
My chiropractor in the NYC area also provides NAET (allergy elimination therapy). It’s amazing! I know a woman with MS in. Wheelchair. Nothing helped. 2 years of NAET & she now not only walks perfectly normal, but bends, kneels, and smiles again.
Wow this news is wonderful. I had a total knee replacement in 2010 but I have been experiencing swelling and a terrible burning sensation in the outer area of my knee. I am 64 years young, but this constant pain is so dehabilitating. Is there anything you can suggest.
I was once a complete believer in chiropractic treatments for a sore back which came frequently from heavy or incorrect lifting. Each time I visited various chiropractors I would be told I had put my vertebra out of place and needed a certain number of treatments to get it straightened out. I have since learned this was not true. On my last visit to a chiropractor fourty years ago he cracked my neck so severely that it was quite painful. I complained that he could break a persons neck doing that and he just laughed and said necks are hard to break. He had shown me a diagram explainIng that I needed 29 treatments to straighten it out, also untrue. By the the time I had walked less than 100 yards from his office my left cheek was numb which I had never before experienced and it continues to reocurr every few months since. I have been to various doctors including neurologists and had various tests with no explanation nor solution. My advice is to choose a chiropractor carefully for integrity and professionalism.
Sage you should check Pete Egoscue or start by reading his book called “Pain free”. I bought the book for a few friends in the past.
Excellent reply – as this brings to mind my own concern about having any adjustments. All bodies are different and usually adapt. Individuals seem to function well as they are. But when thinking about optimal health people may see a chiropractor to ensure a more healthy path.. I too have heard of such experiences as yours, and it is a major concern. When thinking about making an appointment with a chiropractor – and then reading something that you know to be true – such as your experience – I think why possibly cause a problem that was not there before ? Perhaps your numbness will go away – the nerve that was situated where it was seems to have been affected by the adjustment(s). It should calm down. I have friends that see only Chiropractors and are very healthy.
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But this is not limited only to Chiropractic treatments, the are other professions also that help with spine alignment like Physical therapy and specific technics as Myofascial release that help the body to heal itself.
Bowen Massage is also excellent for alignment issues of the body. Personally, I prefer the bowen massage over chiropractic. Recently, I find chiropractic treatments are too harsh for my body, even while using the activator tool. I don’t want to be in pain afterwards.
I discovered Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care (search N.U.C.C.A.) when I had severe subscapular pain, numbness radiating down my arm, and a blood pressure that fluctuated depending on whether I was standing up or lying down. My first treatment was so gentle and painless that I thought it would never be effective. But with persistent treatments my issues resolved, as did those of my husband who suffered with sciatic pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. We now do maintenance treatments. I am very comfortable with these minimal adjustments with maximum results.
Excellent reply! I, too, am an upper cervical chiropractor. There are only 2% of chiropractors who do upper cervical specific work. There are some different upper cervical chiropractic techniques and NUCCA is one. I do Orthospinology, which is another “orthogonal” technique, but typically done with either a hand-held or table-mounted instrument. Again, the work is VERY gentle and there is never any manipulation of the spine (which PT’s can do now), which is not specific. The upper cervical chiropractor only adjusts when necessary, based on objective testing done each visit. The goal is to correct the subluxation in as few visits as possible. There are valuable websites to learn more info such as and
You nailed it, Louise…maximum results with minimal adjustments.
I want to thank you so mutch for all the information i get.Thank you very very mutch..Eddie
I have had excellent results from Bowen Therapy which is musculoskeletal and Dorn Method self help exercises for body alignment. I had very bad scoliosis from nursing and lifting heavy patients. After 6 visits to my Bowen Therapist who also showed me how to do the Dorn Method self help exercises, and doing the scoliosis exercise 3 times a week for 18 months, my spine is now aligned. I now do the scoliosis exercise once a week for maintenance. My Bowen Therapist not only realigns my bones she also gives me exercises to strengthen the muscles to keep them in place.
Hi your post has caught my attention. I too suffer from scoliosis. Can u please tell me where you went for Bowen therapy and where I can learn about the dorn method so maybe I can find some relief. Thanku
A very well explained article. I worked as a Chiropractic Educator for almost 5 years and everything in this article formed my education material.
Hello! Please, could you tell me if a chiropractor and an osteopath use the same kind of therapies? Thank you!
No. A chiropractor does specific adjustments to remove nervous system interference. An osteopath does manipulations to improve blood flow to an area of the body (if you can find an osteopath that actually does manipulations anymore). They are two different philosophies.
Thank you so much Dr., easy & good explanation! 🙂
you should check Pete Egoscue. He wrote a book call Pain Free. Here’s a link explaining a little about what he does.
I have scoliosis ( 15 Cobb or 21 Risser-Ferguson angle) and wondering if it can be reversed. I’ve had one chiropractor saying “yes” and another saying “no”. I get tingling on one side of my mid upper back and numbness and pain sensations in my big toe on the other side. I now wonder if it is related to the scoliosis. My chiropractor was unable to tell me. I only had the one chiropractor session and wanted to research this area before I proceed but I have been unable to find research evidence about reversing scoliosis with chiropractic treatment before embarking on the costly and time consuming treatment (few visits per week for many months). Can it be done Dr Jockers or any other chiropractor reading this?
Thank you.
I highly recommend this:
take care!
Matthew, I totally agree. One of the best things I’ve ever done.
Excellent article. As a chiropractor, I’ve had many patients tell me they have more energy and that they have less brain fog. This is because there is less “static” going up to the brain from muscles that have been tight and joints that have been misaligned.
If you haven’t been to a chiropractor, be sure to find one who looks at the muscles – they are what move the joints. A chiropractor who takes the time and finds out which muscles aren’t working will help you more than one who just adjusts you in 5 minutes.
Is chiropractic treatment suitable for a client with kidney disease and secondary hyperparathyroidism that both affect the health and strength of bones and muscle?