As cancer rates continuously increase each year, health insurance in the United States has started to become more and more a “privilege” that many citizens cannot afford.
Families around the country are facing financial turmoil. After cancer strikes, a lot of citizens face extravagant medical bills due to lack of coverage. Jean Sachs, CEO of the nonprofit Living Beyond Breast Cancer told the Associated Press in May 2018 that:
We know a lot of very solidly middle-class families, they were fine, and then… their financial lives changed. They’re not prepared for the cost of cancer, let alone the care.
Healthcare organizations and studies show the U.S. is seeing a trend where coverage available to citizens is severely decreasing per year, while the cost of conventional cancer treatment continues to skyrocket due to increased cancer rates. So as cancer runs rampant, treatment is essentially becoming harder to get.
New restrictions and policy updates regarding prescription drug coverage are also being set, which is causing patients not to be able to afford their medication. Cancer patients do not know what to do on their own. Many patients try to lower the frequency of taking their medication to make it last longer; this may mean skipping a treatment altogether.
News agencies are reporting on patients and their loved ones trying to keep up with the bill collectors, but in doing so are digging themselves into massive financial holes they may never climb out of. This includes opening up various credit cards to transfer debts and taking out mortgages on their homes.
Cancer centers and volunteers are doing their best to help families navigate through the confusing health insurance guidelines before and after cancer strikes. “A lot of times people don’t realize there are resources available until they’ve already gone broke,” states Dr. Veena Shankaran of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
Financial stresses – especially bankruptcy – are not going to help when trying to heal from cancer. Many people live in fear of cancer for reasons not linked to health. If you are in that same boat, the best thing you can do is educate yourselves on cancer prevention, and know there are many inexpensive cancer treatment options available if cancer ever does happen to you or your family.
You may also be interested in this little-known way to finance your cancer treatment.
My daughter has always been more homeopathic then traditional. She ate healthy, took supplements from her homeopathic doctor. She would always tell us what we were doing wrong in eating certain things. I believed so much in Truth about Cancer and everything that went along with it. My dad had bladder cancer and I know he was healed by supplements and no sugar, a lot of water etc. my daughter got breast cancer and she did have a lumpectomy but also still read and did everything she could find on healing her body naturally. But then her lump came back. She never to,d anyone but kept trying to heal herself.naturally until she went to ER for feeling so bad. They said it was in her bones. She did work with a naturalist doctor and traditional doctor to try and heal herself, she lived one and a half more years. The last five months the cancer just took over her body.
Having a positve diagnosis of brca 1 diagnosis was so alarming
A worrying time for me
I have watched and listened to every email link or video you have sent to me
I am now aware of thermography
I had my first one yesterday
So i cancelled my mamogram
I have a higher risk of getting breast ,ovarian and pancreatic cancer with my faulty gene i have inherited from my dad
Worrying tines for my very sick sister who is battling cancer the conventional way
She lives in France , the health service there is so much better than the uk where i am based
I thank you for your hard work snd knowledge
I never realised that our supposedly caring doctors and scientist never look or think out of the box
Its true … Such a worrying to think the doctors etc are lining their pockets over a loved human life and family
Cancer affects the whole family and not just the individual
Please recommend books and future books that will be published to purchase
I will certainly be buying them
Once again i thank you for reaching out to all .. Your hard work is shown The tremendous support and love you have given
I have referred your articles to many friends. All are quite enlightening. I read everything that you send. Thank you.
PS: I don’t have cancer. I want to prevent it.
We are so glad that you have been reading our articles and sharing them your friends! Wishing you a long and healthy life!
Hi Charlene and Ty,
I am writing you out of concern, regarding a young mother 33 yrs. Old.
20 mths. ago she was diagnoised with Pancreatic Cancer.
As you know the life span is, perhaps 1 – 3 years.
She has been taking chemo, etc.
Her” markers” are down from 1700 to 1300.
Apparantley this is good.
I do believe she is on medical marijuana , or some of that nature. She eats it in baked goods etc, and I would guess that she is using the capsules.
What type of herb and / or essential oil would be helpful.
I signed up to watch the episodes, Quest for Cancer and completely forgot to watch them.
I am asking you these questions, because financially, I cannot afford any of your CD packages.
But that’s ok, just hoping you may have some suggestions, I could pass on to this young lady.
I heard about juicing and using mainly organic vegetables and a little fruit, as it includes sugar.
I know ther is no quick fix. This cancer has methaesised into her liver and another major organ, I can’t recall at the moment.
Would this meal plan consist of organic juices only, or are there organic foods she should eat as well.
I would imagine, she must stop eating man made food.
Please I would greatly appreciate your suggestions and advice.
I am a born again Christian, this young lady isnt, although she does know the way as she was raised under ministorial parents.
God has placed her upon my heart, shortly after she was diagnoised with cancer.
She lives in Alberta as of now.
I find that most people around my environment don’t seem to heed , when I begin to talk about the healing properties of cancer.
I am from a little town in Newfoundland, Canada.
I really need to help this girl, I really do!!
Perhaps there are natural vitamins she can take???
Thank you for taking the time to read my email, I am very grateful.
Blessings in you and your Wifes’ ministry God has called you to do, with the Quest for Cancer.
Mary Wells.
Appleton Nl, Canada.
A0G 2K0
Thank you for all your hard work. I too lost both parents to cancer. It6just disgusting so many people because of lack of knowledge and of course greed. Thank you again for all you do.
Thank you for all your hard work. I too lost both parents to cancer. It is disgusting so many people die because of lack of knowledge and of course greed. Thank you again for all you do.
Please use this comment, not the above with the typos!
Hello TTAC,
DO pay close attention to the depleted deuterium water mechanism for renewing the functions of cell mitochondria, and then for the long term maintenance the high good Fat Keto Diets and low sugar veggies and they will never get cancer again.
Love your work Ty. The Truth About Cancer has been an absolute eye opener. As you and Charlene have quoted from the bible…, the truth shall set you free. Keep up the good work!