Road to Total Medical Tyranny or FREEDOM? (Part 3)
PANDEMIC “Oddities”
There are lots of things about this pandemic that seem a bit “off,” starting with its origin. We reported in early February that reports that the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan food market were false. We reported that the virus was likely man-made and probably originated in a secret bio lab in Wuhan.
That story was widely criticized, and virtually all major media outlets insisted that the virus was natural, that its transmission originated with bats, and that it definitely started spreading from the food market. But that narrative – even according to the U.S. government – is changing.
We’ve now learned that the market in Wuhan doesn’t even sell bats, and that the nature of this virus is unique in a way not possible through natural means. In a unique turn of events, even a major media outlet like the New York Post has begun to call out the media for obstructing the truth. They published an article about 3 weeks after ours questioning the origin story we’d been given regarding the coronavirus.
Here’s their story:
Way back on Feb. 23, The Post ran an opinion piece by Steven Mosher saying that we couldn’t trust China’s story about the origins of COVID-19. He argued that the virus might — might — have jumped to the human population thanks to errors at a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, rather than via that city’s now-notorious “wet market.”
The piece was widely read online — until Facebook stepped in.
The social media giant’s “fact checkers” decided this was not a valid opinion. If you tried to share Mosher’s column on Facebook, the social network stuck a “False Information” alert on top, saying that finding was “checked by independent fact-checkers” and preventing your friends from clicking to connect to the original article to see for themselves.
Again, this was an opinion column, not a news report.
Mosher cited a host of suggestive facts, including urgent government directives, the sudden trip of China’s top bio war expert to Wuhan and that nation’s shoddy record of lab safety — as well as gaping holes in the wet-market explanation, such as the fact that the market in question doesn’t sell bats, the animal from which the bug supposedly jumped.
How, exactly, did Facebook determine that Mosher’s reasoned arguments constituted “False information”? Well, in fact, it didn’t so determine: Rather, it was an “independent fact-checker.”
And who did this fact checker rely on for their opinion? As reporter Sharyl Attkisson notes, one expert consulted had a clear conflict of interest: She has regularly worked with Wuhan’s researchers, and even done her own experiments there. Danielle E. Anderson, assistant professor, Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore, personally attested to the lab’s “strict control and containment measures.”
Anderson did admit, however, that Mosher was correct when he mentioned that SARS did twice escape a Beijing research lab in 2004.
The other expert who weighed in noted in her objection: “Any responsible government would strengthen safety and security procedures in high-containment labs that will and should be working with the novel coronavirus to develop countermeasures and diagnostics.”
Well, yes, any responsible government would.
Because these medical researchers took offense that someone would question the Wuhan lab’s protocols, Facebook decided you weren’t allowed to speculate online.
Nearly two months later, of course, Mosher isn’t alone in his opinion.
This week brought hard news in the form of State Department cables from January 2018 showing that the US government had longstanding, grave concerns about safety protocols at the Wuhan lab — China’s only Level 4 biohazard laboratory.
And multiple outlets, including Fox News and The Washington Post, report that top US national-security officials are increasingly of the belief that the bug came from that lab.
Currently, another conspiracy is currently circulating the web while being rigorously mocked and discounted by the mainstream media (the same media that laughed at our assertions that this virus came from a lab and not a market).
And this theory revolves around Bill Gates, his foundation, and the powerful men who support him. An article published by summarizes the issue well:
Under the “digital inclusion” initiative, Bill Gates was pushing for India’s Aadhaar digital ID system to expand around the world prior to the outbreak. The World Bank is heavily invested in the project.
Bill Gates has emerged as a global “authority” in the wake of COVID-19, funding vaccines and advising governments on how to respond to the pandemic.
Gates was busily working to establish global digital ID infrastructure long before the outbreak, which is now being promoted as a way to combat the virus.
The GSMA – the industry organization for global mobile operators – recently published a report detailing the push for digital ID systems worldwide to respond to COVID-19. As reported:
State governments in India are adapting real-time digital identification mechanisms to monitor compliance with quarantines arising from the COVID-19 pandemic…
Meanwhile, the Jamaican government is looking to fast track the rollout of its National Identification System to help it dispense aid in response to the COVID-19 outbreak…”
GSMA technologies are supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As reported last year, the biometrics company Idemia joined the project:
Idemia has joined the newly launched GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab to support the development of innovations and future technologies that boost digital and financial inclusion…
The GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab intends to promote access to financial, healthcare, mobility, and other services by supporting initiatives around open APIs, artificial intelligence, and digital identity… The GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.“
Idemia is a central company involved in supplying the infrastructure needs of most digital and biometric ID systems around the world. Idemia also makes drivers licenses in the United States.
In 2019, Old-Thinker News reported that Bill Gates was pushing for India’s Aadhaar digital ID system, supported by Idemia, (now promoted to fight COVID-19) to expand around the world:
It’s not just a social credit score system spreading around the world from China that threatens the free people of the world; India’s Aadhaar National ID program has the full support of Bill Gates and the World Bank as a model for other countries to follow.
Gates said in a 2018 CNBC interview that it was “too bad” if someone thought that Aadhaar was a privacy issue: (
Those who refuse to be tagged by this system will eventually become outcasts and denied basic services.
Others are speaking out as well
Our dear friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has dedicated his life to advocating for children and pursuing ethical safety practices for vaccines, recently addressed Gates head-on:
Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.
Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.
Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.
During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Approximately 50 of the 500 children vaccinated developed paralysis.
South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless and immoral.”
In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.
In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO saying, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.”
A month later, Gates said in a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”.
In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.
A 2017 study (Morgenson et. al. 2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it prevents. DTP-vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of children who had not yet received the vaccine. WHO has refused to recall the lethal vaccine which it forces upon tens of millions of African children annually.
Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of steering WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development.
The Gates Foundation only spends about $650 million of its $5 billion dollar budget on these areas.
They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe.
In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine.”
Our freedom, privacy, and way of life is under siege. These changes are happening RIGHT NOW. And unlike the violent rise of a malevolent dictator, these changes are happening quietly and peacefully right under our noses.”
If we want to protect our freedoms, the time to act is NOW.
The Cost of Freedom
The powers that be – billionaires, the tech and pharmaceutical industries, and governments around the world – have used fear as a means to seize the very freedoms that define our society. Many of us are at the mercy of these authorities. Businesses are failing, citizens are hurtling towards financial ruin, and the rights enshrined in the constitution have been stripped.
To quote a poem by renowned author T. S. Eliot:
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but with a whimper.
The drastic oppression we currently face did not come with a bang. It came swiftly and softly as the world was fooled into believing that the sacrifice of our God-given rights was the only way to save humanity. It’s time to fight back, no matter the personal cost.
And the cost may be great.
For years, we have peacefully protested and fought for our freedoms. We have fought to take our health into our own hands and resist fascist laws and censorship of information. We’ve written our representatives and rallied against proposed bills that would essentially force parents to inject their children with whatever drugs Merk, Gates, and the CDC deem “necessary.”
And while these measures continue to be important, the time has come for more drastic measures.
The political arena has become a veritable cesspool of corruption and misinformation. The bodies that were created to protect us have been infiltrated by special interest groups that care more about power, money, and control than the well-being of real people.
Fear has been fully weaponized, and it will cost us exactly those ideals enshrined in the Declaration of Independence: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
America was born from a rebellion against a totalitarian and authoritative regime. Our forefathers fought and died to preserve what they deemed to be life’s greatest treasure: freedom. I would echo those fateful words that began the greatest revolution in world history:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
Our cause is just.
We demand freedom.
We demand autonomy over ourselves and our families.
We demand that those elected to represent us return to their intended role as public servants rather than omnipotent overlords.
The time has come for civil disobedience
Like the Boston Tea Party or Rosa Parks’ refusal to move to the back of the bus, we will no longer sit idly by as our liberty is trampled upon. We will no longer wait for the scraps of government elites and corrupt corporations to feed our families. These United States belong to the people, and the people alone can reclaim them.
Practicing safe habits as a virus spreads is important. Supporting your immune system, practicing proper hygiene, and taking care of those most vulnerable among us is of paramount importance. But the oppressive measures taken against us will cause far more damage than this virus ever could.
The inevitable conclusion to this chapter of our history will be a bargain: comply with government orders and they will return to you your freedom.
But conditional freedom is no freedom at all. And it’s time we sent that message loud and clear.
So please, write your representatives. Spread the truth even if you are mocked. Remember these actions when the time comes to vote for our leaders. But most importantly, it’s time to start practicing civil disobedience.
Your right to freely exercise your religion is enshrined in our constitution. No emergency order or CDC mandate can take that from you. You have the right to peaceably assemble. You have the right to free speech. You have the right to be secure in your person, home, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. And you have the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Friends, we have been grieved.
Our governments have crossed a line that they cannot uncross. They have taken freedom hostage. And soon, they will offer vaccines and other concessions as the terms for its release. It is of paramount importance that we do not accept their terms.
We will not submit to communist surveillance. We will not submit to mandatory vaccinations. We will not continue to pay taxes that end up in the pockets of corrupt businessmen. We will not forfeit our rights to travel freely, worship freely, and pursue happiness.
It’s time that we end the vicious cycle of corrupt politics and the intervention of private industries on our governing bodies. It’s time that we stand tall against the wave of tyranny that is upon us and declare that we will not go quietly.
God created mankind to be free.
Let no man take what God has given us.
I am so appreciative of what you are doing for the true patriots, the true American people. My wife and I started watching the 2008 John Adams miniseries again starring Paul Giamatti. If you want to get fired up about freedom and Liberty, watch Part 2!
Communism is control
Surveillance is about control not communism or any other ideology but I agree with the rest of the article.
What’s the difference? There isn’t any. Communism “is” control and is one
of the highest forms of evil!
Excellent article! I agree 100%. Bill Gates is evil and needs to be stopped along with others! I hope it’s not too late. God Bless you and God Bless America!
Bill Gates is the Angel of Death….the death Angel.
Malinda doesn’t look happy. I wonder what she “knows?”
News via Josh delSol: “representatives from the Gates Foundation met with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush at a sit down in Rwanda, East Africa in mid August 2019 to hash out who would score the windfall from a government contact tracing program. And just last month — nine months after the meetings with the Gates Foundation in Rwanda — Rush, a Democrat from Illinois, introduced the $100 BILLION H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.”
Thank you Charlene and Ty!!!
RIGHT ON!!!! I’m right there with you!!!!
Wars have failed,
World wars have failed,
Economic manipulations have failed
Seduce the populace with Trojan Horses with gadgets in mobile phones and credit cards changing becoming the shackles of slavery, here the government wants you to install an app to track where you’ve been in case you come in contact with an infected person. Who needs expensive surveillance network with camera’s. Let people carry their own….
So much crap is going on in Mexico as well as a lot of the world.
The WHO is not your friend like they would like us to believe.
So stand up for what you believe regarding your health and that of your parents and/or children.
Too many vaccines that all contain various toxins are being pushed by various so-called health agencies – WHO, HHS, FDA and some other agencies. I believe the FDA is responsible for 90% or so of the toxic drugs being prescribed to reduce symptoms rather than to cure an illness.
Fact: Big Pharma’s toxic prescription drugs “murder” over 100,000 persons every year when taken as directed!
And remember Bill Gates good friend, Anthony Fauci. I wonder if he was in China when the virus surfaced.? If so, why was he there and what did he do/not do?
Fauci had been working with coronavirus until it got too dangerous and he was told yo shut town or move his lab so he moved it to guess where – Wuhan. In 2017 Fauci was interviewed saying there would be a surprise pandemic during the Trump presidency. Why not say the next five to ten years ? It’s a strange timeframe to choose.
You guys are stunning. Such a team . I thank you million times over. How terrible to live in America. Bless you both
Just a note on traveling freely – we gave up that right years ago when we accepted a state driver’s licence. Licence is permission to do what is otherwise unlawful. Traveling isn’t unlawful…until they make it a “privilege” which requires permission. We are in deep, thanks to bad decision after bad decision for generations.
Encouraged to see some people waking up though!
Thanks for Sharing n your devoting to truth.praying for you all to continue your hard word in spreading facts. Will share your articles.
God bless.
Thank you for your open words. I totally agree with you. I deeply hope that we will not be degraded to a society of ants.
Thank you for these three articles. In the comments from Robert Kennedy, Jr. in this article, two paragraphs were repeated. Is that intentional?
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for pointing out that error.
I thank God that you are there and for all the research you’re doing to keep us informed. Thank you for all you do as we all do our part in this ungodly morass we find ourselves in. My prayers are with you all!
Im here and can protest with others but i cant find any others. I will write my representatives . We need to gather in Sacramento to protest-I know that they are all evil. Have morgellons from the stuff they spra and its NOT DILLUSIONAL AND IT IS MAN MADE. F someone talks about a crazy happening in this world, i no longer think conspiracy. Very sad, may God lead our-cause. Thanks to all who have took the hard road and put the truth out to others.
❤️✝️🙏🏻 debbie
Thanks for getting the truth out and keep it up! I appreciate your work and depend on your information. I totally agree, we are the people, this is our country, we need to protest, not comply, take action and be heard.
I invite you all to go into face book search for “the monster virus” Awesome truth.
Thank yu for yur never ending work for what is right in this world.
Way to go Ty & Charlene !!!!!
I commend you ……..
I have followed you and supported you the best I could and only wish we had you fighting for us Canadians too 👍. I pray for you, your family and your safety ❤️
God bless you 🙏
You mention many freedoms in this article, but you may no longer have them as a result of the 9/11 legislation, where many were taken away in the “fight against terrorism”. Have a look back and see that it may be true that those very rights enshrined in the constitution actually have already been eroded. I do admire your passion and agree with your premise, but fear it may already be too late. Nonetheless, keep up the good work against all odds!!
Many thanks for publishing these 3 articles!
Fauci was funding an AIDS vaccine in 25 labs around the world including Wuhan (and Australia).
Is that why 2 papers (one from Australia) claim to have found HIV strands in SARS-CoV-2?
WHO is now World Hoaxer Organisation
CDC is now Centre for Death Certificates, and the
Foundation is now the Gill and Belinda Bates Funeral Parlour!
The problem is that even when we try, Progressive Democrats don’t listen. We had THOUSANDS show up against the vaccine bill in Colorado. Robert Kennedy Jr and BigTree were there, too — they still voted to pass it. It is purposeful and we are facing evil.
It’s all about the money!!
I recently forwarded to you an article and subsequent complaint filed by NJ Assemblyman Jay Webber, Not only was our Governor Phil Murphy in violation of his own executive order, the subject of the complaint but he has also contracted with a contact tracing company that has affiliation to the Gates Foundation.
After finishing to watch the 5G Summit, STOPPING THIS MADNESS is the MOST PRESSING ACTION TO BE TAKEN GLOBALLY’ STARTING LOCALLY! Short of being able to get together to do so, nothing else will matter, because it will be the end of life on this planet. The destruction has already started, it’s like the world’s gangrene. Please, Mr & Mrs Bollinger, share what you know as
soon as possible, since the perpetrators are the same ones you mentioned above.
If there is a bus available to go to Washington DC, I’m onboard!!!
The other night I finally had a chance to see how Jeffery Epstein and his gang treated the poor and underpriviledged girls in West Palm Beach area in Florida. What was amazing is the calous and nonshallant attide of these men and women who participated, Just as if it was a right of passage.
Mr Bill Gates has taken it to another level and have taken aim at the entire world’s population under the disguise of helping.(same m.o and Jeffery E) He’s used his victims as lab rats and the resulting havoc, masked by his billion dollar accounts.(same m.o. as Jeffery E) His wrong doing and tiranical attitude are overlooked because he’s the wealthy philatrophist who thows his money around to cover the scars and devatations,. This is the same manner in which Epstein’s money covered the multitude of his wrong doings.
My question are:
When are we ever going to learn?
,And when will people wake up?
Why are goverments so weak to this type of manipulations?
The truth is absolute power will always lead to total curruption and our governments are so only too eager to hand over these powers to agencies, wealthy billionaires etc, and eaqually so willling to divest the people who elected them of the very same opportunity.
Hi Charlene,
Thank you for the articles and everything you are doing. I’m just wondering if you have or if Mr Robert Kennedy has contacted president trump to notify him of these evil demons that are giving him wrong advice. I look at dr faucci, brix and all the malevolent people surrounding the president. You are doing an amazing job. I would like to get involved in your good work.
Kindly yours
Lord have mercy on us! We are being colonized by our own people in our own Country!
I absolutely believe all this article is saying, however, I posted something very similar and was told I should “fact check” before posting because it is not true. So how do I fact check something exactly?
I tried to post this article on Pinterest and it would not allow it. Said, “Something Went Wrong.” 😠
I tried several times and still, the same message.
Our daughter’s similar posts get booted off of Fakebook all the time, too. It is very frustrating to not be able to share truth with others.
I hope JFK Jr. has been in contact with the President warning him of these atrocities & that is why he has stopped supporting WHO!
Gates is the anti-Christ on so many levels. He is so cunning, but drips with evil, getting away with murder in India, Africa and other countries as well as our own. Those countries are suing Gates, so why isn’t “our” gov. doing the same?! We are not his guinea pigs. He is a narcissist on the grandeur of scales, & has no regard for human life. He is no better than any other communist that has killed 1000’s of innocent people. He needs to be held accountable to all those families he has destroyed. Certainly someone must have the power, namely our president, to do so. At this point, he is the only one that most Americans trust along with the Vice Pres. to keep Americans safe from harm.
it is one thing to discuss the status quo and desdcribe how Bill gates and the Rockefellers are using there wealth and power to drive the planet into disaster – this you have done quite competently – the bigger challenge is how to turn the tide – this is an uphill struggle – Gates has built up a huge amount of social constraints through propaganda and payola – to throw off this yoke of oppression is a revolutionary act – at the moment this strikes one as an uneven David versus Goliath contest – and yet Goliath/ Gates is one man and David his antagonist is 8 billion people – you would think that Gates does not stand a chance – but as the great Chinese strategist Sun Tzu “The Art of War” states that if the enemy is organized and your army is not you are doomed to failure – Gates is organized and the billions are not – this is the problem
In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine.”
The above extract should read that Gates bought a Company with 1.5 billion debt that has never made Vaccines before and provided any product for human consumption. The name of the Company is MODERNA, this is the company that Fauci and Gates are pushing as THE ANSWER to provide THE Vaccine to return the World to “normal”. They are now giving 40 very healthy volunteers their proposed relatively untested COVID Vaccine trial.
Deirdre – let’s have any new vaccine tested on bill Gates family/relatives and Fauchis family/relatives. And then next tested on all elected officials and their families and next all the buracrats in Washington DC and their families.
And next all of the employees for the producers of the vaccine. and next all of the Medical Doctors in the US before the vaccine is released to the general public..
Thank you Both for all you do? I believe in the Power Of Prayer, and I have been praying daily. 🙏🙏🙏
I have written my reps in all the states I have lived in. The reply is always the same “we will do what is best for the people”. I was told in Montana organic was not best for the people, that it would hurt the farmers in Montana. So I tried when we moved to another state. Same thing. And people keep re-electing these same people back into office. They only vote on what has money backed behind it.
I’d love to share this with people, but I don’t see where you cite your sources for the information. I’d love to know where you found everything!
The sources have been added – if you scroll to the bottom of this article and click on the ‘sources + references’ tab, you’ll find all of our sources well-documented.
Blessings, Brianna
“Great piece! I try to spread the word, but few listen. People are so scared to even debate, they run away. The propaganda campaign has been just so successful as well as the censorship. I can only hope that when the Fraud and Death Administration approves the COVID vaccine people like Gates, Fauci, and others in their cabal stand up and take the shot.
As an aside, Andrew Wakefield was skewered and his career destroyed for his MMR study. Let’s see if the Harvard professor who authored the retracted Lancet article will get the same treatment. Not holding my breath!
Dear Ty and Charlene,
Thank you for what you are doing and the informative articles you write. You empower me. I feel as though I’m in a Hollywood movie waiting for the good guys to win. But it seems like the nightmare has no end in sight. It seems surreal as though I’m in a trance trying to wake up.
We. Truly need to take action and get our lives back. I have written to my Texas state representatives, the president, ran Paul, I have called the news media, the health department, the mayor’s office, anyone who is involved in government. I wish I could do more so as to stop this insanity. I have posted all your articles on WhatsApp, text messaging and email. People need to awaken. I am ready to fight not just for our freedoms but for the freedoms of the future as well. I wish someone would give me direction help me to do more. I wish there was more that I can do. I wish I could work for your organization, or that of mr Kennedy’s. Something so I too can make a difference.
Your friend and loyal supporter.
Hi Shirine,
Thank you for your support and encouragement! We need more truth warriors like you to fight back against what is happening. Keep up the good work!
Can you please add sources to this article?
That will be really helpful when people start to either criticize me for sharing this information or asking me to show proofs.
Thank you!
With love
Hi Jesper! The sources have been added – if you scroll to the bottom of this article and click on the ‘sources + references’ tab, you’ll find all of our sources well-documented.
Blessings, Brianna
The combined articles reveal so much of the obscure scheme devised by globalists. Again, thank you both for the research of truth and the encouragement for boldness to repeat it. “The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism.” Murray N. Rothbard
This covid19 is a perfect smoke screen for their other intentions. It is a trial run to see if the general public will adhere to their unorthodox rules, ie where a face mask and isolate yourself. Both of these practices have been shown to be completely ineffective. All you have to do to see what is happening is to go back to 1935 when Hitler did the exact same smear campaign to gain control of the German people. What was his carrot, that the German race was far superior to all others and therefore the rest of the world had to submit to their ways or be controlled and eradicated if deemed necessary for the goodness of the new race. What these people including Bill Gates are doing is exactly the same, just no guns or bombs. Just read Hitler’s autobiography what they are doing is described in full detail.
For some inexplicable reason, majority of people become perplexed and paralyzed by issues of this magnitude!! We applaud efforts from the comfort of anonymity; we agree that the essence of our humanity is being threatened, but for a host of reasons, we are comfortable in our own cosy nests watching from afar, as others sacrifice their freedoms and very lives fighting OUR fight! 21ST CENTURY HOMO SAPIEN!!
False narratives from a plethora of selfish, diabolical megalomaniacs, with delusions of superiority, cleverly duping the masses with lies, questionable science, manipulation and veiled threats! This is now the norm in most countries; MEDIA and LEADERS IN HIGH OFFICE CAPTURED! The very institutions that we relied on for centuries, as bastions of TRUTH and JUSTICE, now conspiring to lead humanity to destruction!
We blame many ideologies and biases for this degradation but the essence, in my opinion, is that we have separated GOD from the STATE MECHANIZATIONS! Divine law is superior to our man-made statuettes! We have history to prove that statement! THY WILL BE DONE!!!
Slavery, imperialism, colonialism, Marxism/Communism, Nazi ideology, Apartheid, Capitalism, all relegated to the dustbin of history. Totalitarianism/Globalization is the latest tenet,, no doubt to meet the same fate. But at what cost?!
I note with dismay and alarm, the conspicuous absence of the CLERGY in this life-threatening dilemma! Where are the IMAMS of MUSLIMS/ RABBI OF JEWS/ PASTORS and CARDINALS/ POPE OF CHRISTIANS/ PUNDITS OF HINDUS/ ELDERS OF BHUDDISTS and other leaders of the many faith groups that exist?!! YOU ARE FAILING US!!
Turn to our DIVINE BOOKS, they are all from ONE GOD!! Answers to all our woes are supposed to be contained therein?! Why then do we fear those with transient power?
We ALL need to turn to our places of worship and those charged with our spiritual upkeep! This is a matter of the soul more than the body. CORPORATIONS may attempt to replicate the mind and body for profit and control,they may even succeed! But they cannot harm your soul, if is connected to GOD!! Our not-so-secret weapon is precisely this truism: OUR SOULS ARE A COLLECTIVE!! A common threat to our collective existence is the catalyst that illuminates our path of action. All divine scriptures reassure us of this reality! Take the fight to the CENTRES of THEOLOGY and DIVINE JURISPRUDENCE!! This is our only hope at this time, which we are fast running out of!
Before long we will be faced with governance that will make Hitler look like a kindergarten occurrence!
Attend a religious service/gathering other than your normal venue, conscientize others; educate and coax them with irrefutable facts pertaining to this reality, request clergy to ponder and speak out regarding these impending suppressions and consequent atrocities. Instigate nter-faith/ inter-race/ bipartisan discourse; transcend the barriers that have polarized us for so long! This is singularly the pulse of the new world order- division by any means!!!
PS much of the world now takes a cue from USA! America sneezes and the entire world catches cold!! Curiously, a SUPERPOWER, with questionable race relations, foreign policy, penchant for war, encouraging individual wealth at all cost,, disregard for internationally accepted policy on planet preservation, manipulating justice to suit those in power, courting corporate interests, is now being anxiously looked to for justice and deliverance!!?
Your president is, unwittingly, in an invidious position!! His support base is now encouraging a break from the very tenets that he is steeped in! (Corporatization is now exposed as the real entity pulling the strings)! We pray that he is rightly guided (rumored to be strongly advised by a Church denomination). Notwithstanding, this devolves to the people of USA!! Should you fail in changing the course of this narrative (MANDATORY VACCINATIONS), much of the world will perish.
From the outside looking in, there is much evidence of complicity of the liberal leadership!!
There is only one word for this series……..Unparalleled. OK, well brilliant, exceptional, impressive, extraordinary do come to mind too…….
Thank you, Ty and Charlene! Together we are strong. Together we are united. Together we can accomplish great things! Bring back our liberties, our health freedoms and our lives. May God bless you and our world!
Covid 19 is proved to be a created “non-natural” virus simply because Bill Gates holds a PATENT on it (according to Dr. Buttar, I believe). You cannot get a patent on anything that is not invented, “created. The many, many earlier Covids cannot be patented because they are natural. Let’s look into why GATES has a patent on it. And how it was issued. In secret, one may assume. And who rubber stamped the creation of it. And why a civilian is allowed to own a patent on it, if it’s so dangerous.
Thank you for all your hard and GOOD work. Prayers for you and your family. Thank you so much!
Who said that Covid-19 was transmitted from people eating bats from a Wuhan market?? Scientists have long held that bats transmitted Covid-19 to an intermediary species (such as the pangolin), which was sold at the Wuhan market.
Thanks for all you do for this important cause. The thing I fear is that if we don’t find a way to take back the media and the schools including collages, I don’t see how we can win in the long term. They are simply out numbering us with most all young people going socialist.
We have lots of younger friends who are too busy raising families and working to spend hour after hour sorting through and researching all this information, they are relying on mainstream media to tell them the truth – but they will not. Reasoning and facts do not seem to work with so many of the “sheep-all” out there, just look at the Idiots wanting to do away with police departments (and rule of law). We need people like you to help train people like the rest of us, on how to convert our already conservative friends to “Wake the Hell Up!” the left wing nutcases and snow-flakes are beyond help at this point we need to just defeat them politically first. If the Republicans don’t win big in elections then I truly fear for the survival of our great country. I am getting too old to fight in a civil war but may have to.
The older men and women on the show, 20/20 would have been in ALL their faces on this corona stuff but the media on main-stream TV are not allowed to show stuff like this anymore, bunch of wimps now and are all afraid to be real reporters without being fired!!
I have heard that Dr. Fauci said that the coronavirus came from nature, is that true? Will we ever find out the truth about the origins of this virus?
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
Pretty stupid, indeed, it would seem, as the C19 panic-mongering begins anew…
HERE IS THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH (because its aptness will not fade until at least July…): How stupid do the stenographers-for-the-state at Associated Press and the other MSM outlets think we are?
This past Friday, every such outlet featured one or another version of, “Alarming rise in virus cases as states roll back lockdowns” (for instance, this). Are we supposed to be so stupid as to not realize that a rise in the number of “cases” just reflects a rise in testing?
Are we supposed to have forgotten that millions of Americans were infected all the way back in January and February (as shown here), and therefore more tests will of course reveal more infections?
But more importantly, are we supposed to be so stupid as to not realize that more revealed infections in no way means more danger from the virus? Instead this “more case” revelation just emphasizes the harmlessness of the virus.
The “more case” revelation just emphasizes the fact that the virus has been circulating continuously for more than half a year now throughout huge swaths of the population. That, in turn, underscores the fact that despite continuous circulation throughout huge swaths of the population the virus has only produced a fatality rate on the low end of typical for the standard flu– if even that– and from the same demographic that would have been succumbing to this year’s standard flu anyway, if not one of the other co-morbidities with which most were afflicted.
THERE IS NO CRISIS. There never was. A rise in virus cases as states roll back lockdowns won’t mean a crisis in the future, either, and an uptick in hospitalizations is just more of the pearl-clutching over-reaction that has been going on for months. Neither are alarming.
What IS alarming is that the possibility that this latest effort to suck Americans into persistent panic so the incompetence or crimes of those responsible for the still-ongoing destruction of liberty and the rule of law will be overlooked or forgiven.
Don’t let it happen.
The best way to do that (and to protect us all from another round of hammering on the rule of law and the health of our tottering economy) is to GO ON OFFENSE (that always being the best thing to do against political villains anyway…). I have given you the tools to do so, here (and among them is now a Liberty And Accountability Key for Georgia, along with the others).
Use them, please.
Share them, please.
I really believe it is high time Bill Gates and his cronies, and all those people involved were arrested and thrown in jail, and throw the keys away for these abominable crimes against humanity, which surely involves the innocent deaths, of God only knows how many and damaged lives in many ways. ..The question I ask, is why are these creeps still doing their devilish work around this world. …I am God, loving fearing man, yet this genocide is still going on, and you notice, mostly it is done in isolated places it is in , how sly and cunning these dogs work, something needs to be done ASAP/
June 14, 2020 Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation
Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young women (Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the WHO and – yes – the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.
This is what they “should be” protesting about!
Upon reading this article, I learned many things that wasn’t even showed in the media or in the news. Especially about the origin of the disease saying that it came from a market in Wuhan. I want the media to inform other people about the real facts and not those fake news.
I am 70 years young. I am a nutritionist. I have cured myself of arthritis, cancer – due to mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings in the 1950’s. I looked after friends, children, grandchildren when they could not get out for their shopping, during lockdown. I did not wear a mask. This is so fake. The so called “health experts” and caring media companies the BBC, not once mentioned vit D3 with K2, Vit C, zinc. Reducing the sugar, alcohol and other bad toxins builds the immune system. Getting out in the fresh air and sunshine. I wonder if Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, world leaders will allow their families to have these vaccines.. Boris Johnson has just had a baby. Will he or his wife let the poison invade their precious child. I don’t think so. 5G and this ID mandatory vaccine are the work of the devil. We must collectively pray and tell whoever we come into contact with about this creeping evil. Good vibration will always come through over negativity. Their judgement day is very close.
their judgement day is already here.
And the cycle goes on and on much like the beginning of this country. Each person needs to do what they feel is right for themselves and their family.
Covid 19 really hits the world. I am glad that we survive it and back to normal.
Hi Ty and Charlene,
Three great three year old articles about the tyranny of censorship of freedom: thought, speech, activity, etc.
I’m new to your ‘TRUTH’ series which I decided to “own” about 3 months ago, as well as the Eastern Medicine series, and the current Truth offer. The Propaganda series is next.
Although I’ve been a diligent observer of the events transpiring since October 2019 when I was down and out for four days (Tuesday to Friday – I only work 2 days per week) with what I thought was simply a heavy case of the flu but the know-it-all health and vaccine elitists say was really covid 19. Yeah, that’s why the flu ‘disappeared’ for 3 years. Yeah, right.
I’m 73 years and 4 months, and I have never had a flu shot. Never. And, of course, I did NOT get a covid vaccine. Although I “got” something in late 2020, my immune system came to my rescue again, along with the usual supplements, C, D, Zink, Quercetin, Selenium, and etc., and now also nicotine patches against the snake venom shedding as Dr. Bryan Ardis recommends, since the non-addictive nicotine attaches to the alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Also, bee pollen too, as another ‘natural’ doctor recommends, because bee pollen also attaches to the nicotinic receptors.
As I told a friend in 2020 (we live in El Paso, Texas), I simply inoculate by getting the flu and then I’m good for 5 or 6 or 7 years (same with a cold – no medicine expense, no nuthin’). I have always had an excellent immune system, but since 2019 I am now more observant about what I eat and drink, and getting more exercise to get the lymph fluid moving with the muscle contractions to remove the toxins.
A thought: Maybe another “Truth” series could be about ‘The Truth About Freedom’ to counter the “freedom” of the elitists to censor whatever they disagree with.
Instead of the title ‘The Truth About Censorship’ or ‘The Truth About Tyranny’ with an emphasis on the tyranny of tyranny, ‘The Truth About Freedom’ would emphasize “freedom” against propaganda by “freedom” philosophers who speak about medicine, science and philosophy. The universal ‘natural law’ freedom to speak both sides is a positive “freedom” in contrast to the tyrants who promote the ‘positive law’ “freedom” to censor the other side with which they, the elitist tyrants, disagree.
Thanks again for your great series, and may the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the creator of our immune system bless you both and your efforts to protect the children. The children of our God are not for experimenting on, and His children are definitely NOT for sale.
Art Telles