What if there was a common household spice that could rebuild the gut wall to improve digestion, destroy cancer cells, stop a heart attack in its tracks, and was useful for weight loss? I’m assuming you’d want to know more about it, right?
The hot fruit of the cayenne plant (“capsicum annuum”) has been used as a superb culinary spice for centuries and may be the most valuable medicinal herb in the entire plant kingdom for many of the reasons mentioned above!
High in vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium, and potassium, studies have shown that cayenne can rebuild the tissue in the stomach and the peristaltic action in the intestines. Moreover, cayenne acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other herbs and alternative cancer treatments.
Have you ever gone after the chips and salsa with gusto and then felt flushed while your nose started to run a little bit? Cayenne warms the body and stimulates the release of mucus from the respiratory passages. If you’ve ever eaten a fresh hot pepper, you know it clears the sinuses and causes sweating.

Cayenne peppers raise the body temperature as it stimulates circulation and blood flow to the skin. Herbs that promote fever and sweating are considered to have a diaphoretic (sweat-inducing) action which helps reduce fever and relieves the congestion of colds and sinusitis.
The active ingredient in cayenne is called capsaicin and in 2004, Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava and colleagues (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine) treated pancreatic cells with capsaicin. They found that it disrupted mitochondrial function and induced apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancerous cells without affecting normal pancreatic cells!
The results of the study were published in the April 20, 2005, issue of Innovations Report, in which Dr. Srivastava stated:
Our results demonstrate that capsaicin is a potent anticancer agent, induces apoptosis in cancer cells and produces no significant damage to normal pancreatic cells, indicating its potential use as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for pancreatic cancer.”
In an article published in Reuters on March 16, 2006, entitled, “Hot Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer Cells in Study,” Dr. Soren Lehmann of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine asserted:
Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture. It caused 80% of the prostate cancer cells growing in mice to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis.”
Researchers in Japan have also shown that cayenne pepper can dramatically slow the development of prostate tumors, and is an excellent addition to alternative cancer treatment for this type of cancer.
And if cayenne’s cancer-fighting capabilities weren’t enough, its effects upon the venous structure and heart are nothing short of miraculous. Cayenne is incredibly nourishing to the heart and has been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds. If you want something in your first aid kit for a heart attack, carry cayenne tincture.
According to Dr. John R. Christopher,
In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in (if they are still breathing) I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water) and within minutes they are up and around.”
In addition to being a welcome addition, there’s also evidence to suggest that cayenne may be useful in the treatment of obesity. Results of one trial showed that consumption of 10 grams of cayenne pepper with meals helped to reduce appetite, while results of another revealed that cayenne increases the metabolism of dietary fats. Lastly, herbalists from centuries past would pour cayenne pepper directly on fresh wounds in order to sterilize and stop bleeding.
Many of us (over 90%) have worms or different parasites in our systems. One simple way to get rid of them is to have a “cayenne drink” daily. Fill up a glass with water or juice and then add 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper. Stir it up and then “down the hatch.” Yes, it’s a bit spicy, but you’ll get used to it.
As you can see, the amazing curative powers of cayenne are almost mind-boggling. Clearly, it is a “wonder herb” that has scientifically proven its worth! According to Dr. Richard Schulze,
If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.”
On a personal note, I take cayenne pepper every day as part of my bodybuilding and nutritional regimen and also as a “preventative” cancer treatment. I also keep a cayenne tincture in multiple rooms in our home and in our cars … just in case!
Hopefully this provides you with a good overview of the many amazing medicinal uses of cayenne and you put this information to good use.
Please leave your comments below and share this article with loved ones. It could even save a life.
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in July 2019 and was updated in January 2024.
thank u
Cayenne is available in a capsule too right? Is that a comparable way of ingestion?
You need the cayenne to touch the tongue for it to work at it’s best, esp. for heart attacks.
The best way is drink it as a tea….the highest heat unit (HU) you can find…over 40,000 is best…only organic. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer last spring…he has been drinking 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (good quality organic) & 1/2 teaspoon on organic tumeric in 1 cup of pre boil water, every day since diagnosed…he started with a 1/4 t and worked up to 1 t. We will be getting a follow up this month….hopeful for good results…Praise God!
Carol, any good news on the follow up?
Hi..any news on the follow up??
I would love to know how it went……I pray it went well.
Wonderful idea to add turmeric.
I drink this for my heart, now I will add turmeric.
I bet you get good results, I have used a lot of cayenne on my food every day and I am healthy in all of those ways.
I have prostate cancer along with an enlarged prostate and the associated urinary problems of frequent urge and weal stream. I have been advised that spicy foods irritate the prostate and bladder and increase the urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Yet I read here that the hot cayenne peppers can kill my prostate cancer so I have been using them and seem to have increased urinary symptoms. How can I reconcile this?
I have prostate cancer and also the urinary symptoms associated with prostate enlargement(frequent urge to urinate, slow stream, etc.). I have heard that spicy foods can irritate the prostate and increase symptoms. How can I use cayenne pepper to fight my cancer and not have it aggravate my prostate?
My brother had a problem, just the symptoms and has not been tested but he tried Shaklee’s Saw Palmetto Complex and his symptoms went away. It helps to support prostate health and helps to maintain proper urinary flow. It also has turmeric in it too and I would still eat the cayenne hot peppers to be on the safe side too. Remember, nature has everything we need for food to eat, not processed food! Certified Organic food is the best you can get, it’s not perfect because you will still get 5% to 10% toxic stuff in it but it’s better than no certified organic at all!
10 years ago, I think, I saved my neighbors life. He had a greyish teint, felt weak, had chest pain an back pain.
I gave him two hot chiles and he ate them. Only a few minutes later he looked and felt much better.
At hospital he was diagnosed with an overcome embolism of the lungs.
We love spices and one of our preferred ones is cayenne pepper and other hot peppers.
How does this affect someone with Barrets Esophagus ? It burns on the way down.
It will also kill a headache in seconds. Whenever my sinuses are hurting, I make a cup of hot tea and add a sprinkle of hot pepper (90,000 heat units). I bought this cayenne nearly 30 years ago at a health food store. It is so strong that only a few flakes will do the trick and the small bag I bought in bulk will probably never run out. Those who freak out over expiration dates would probably think I should have thrown it out long ago, but it is still effective.
I’ll add another reason for carrying a little bag of cayenne pepper around with you. It will stop bleeding almost immediately. My husband nicked himself shaving & because he was on blood thinners for a short time, it did not stop bleeding & I tried all the tricks I know, non worked, until I reached for the cayenne, put it on a kleenex & within 20 seconds it had stopped. I have used it on cuts too same results, not too stingy but depends where it is & if nerves are involved. The top of a finger cut was very stingy, but it did the trick but took a bit longer, a couple of minutes & did sting like crazy but then calmed down. Sometimes you gotta make a choice, put up with the sting & stop the bleed.
Can cayenne benefit patients with stomach ulcers? I also say capsules are they effective too?
Yes, I used to have bleeding ulcers (10 years ago) and I ate hummus, added a Tbs of cayenne pepper with pita bread, drank with aloe Vera juice for lunch two days in a row and they haven’t been back since! Cayenne pepper stops the bleeding and aloe Vera heals the ulcers.
I pop 5 or more cayenne peps into my mouth and swallow them likes capsules then drink water before meals. I hope it helps shrink my big tumor hanging from my breast.
Hi, must be painful for you ! Did you mean you use whole 5 peppers , tat must be breathtaking . Keep update here please , my son is growing some crazy pepper pod full of very eye watering peppers he bought i think online for reason…. I was using aprikot kernels alot even with chemo up to 5 dsp a day (50 kernels) when i had peritoneal . Take care
hi, my aunt was cured from stage 3 uterine cancer by praying and drinking guyabano leaves tea. She was diagnosed almost 4 years ago, and did not undergo the required chemotherapy. Today, her laboratory shows no sign of cancer anymore. the leaves should be mature green. not the young leaves and also not the yellow one. Put the leaves in a paper bag, and allow it dry and turn brown in room temperature. Boil 40pcs.of the leaves in one litter of water. Drink the tea in 3 divided doses each day. The next day boil another batch of 40 leaves. Do not recycle your leaves.
For how long is your aunt been taking the tea before she was declared cancer free?
I’m thinking of buying organic cayenne pepper power, in the spice form, and putting it in empty veggie capsules. Basically I am going to make my own supplement, put it in veggie caps and ingest it. Hopefully this will provide the health benefits I need!
I do this. It’s great
Hi I’m Jeff I was diagnosed about a year ago with prostate cancer stage 4 I’ve been doing different things to see if I can get a handle on it unfortunately I have not I would like to hear more from you about the Cheyenne pepper to see if has worked for your husband
Hi how are you doing? Did you find anything that worked. I have had great success with dr Kelly’s pancreatic enzymes also bravo yoghurt to boost gcmaf and I contacted the Banerji clinic in India and they put me on a homeopathic remedy that has been working wonders. You can also contact Ralph Moss he’s a wealth of information he had prostate cancer and has cured himself of it. If you google him you will find how he did it. All the best, Kinga
Hi, I am glad to have found this article.
I have been taking small doses of Cayenne spice in my coffee to improve my circualtion and it appears to help.
One big concern!
Why isn’t Ty Bollinger replying to the above comments?
That’s great that it’s helping Arie!
I was absolutely thinkin the same thing. God bless Jeff. I hope he is well
I I had proste cancer I have been talking 1/4 tsp with apple cider vinegar for 2 years now my cancer is healed I got a good report from the Dr
I think this is one of the protocols used by Dr Dy Liacco in one of your episodes on Eastern Medicine
Thankx for this great article. I like hot chilli and Tumeric. Use it every day in a meal.
Luckely I do have a perfect health(71 years young)
Wish all of you a good health. Herman Spain
Using a pinch of cayenne in my coffee or eggs will usually help me get rid of a migraine.
Hi Ty can you tell me how you make your cayenne tincture for the house and cars. Also how long can you keep it in there before replacing it???Thanks Dye
Hi Diana –
Thanks for your comment.
Most Cayenne tinctures are made using dried or fresh Cayenne peppers and a 90 proof alcohol. It is then stored on a shelf to “brew” for weeks. But because Cayenne may interact with other medications you may be taking, and concentrations may vary, we suggest you speak with a health professional to learn the right dosage for you. 🙂
Blessings and love!
I had a colonoscopy… was diagnosed to have: Colon Cancer 6 years ago…the Doctors wanted me to: have operation and then Chemo then Radiation…I did not cooperate with them, so they dropped me…would not deal with me at all…
When they gave me the colonoscopy…it hurt like hell…so they scared me off…to have anything else done with them…. soon after the colonoscopy, I had problems with my bowels…no control…diarrhea, and constant pain in my rectum…I still have this condition….I would welcome any suggestions from anyone as to what to do.
Try Gerhsons therapy, juicing carrots and certain veges reduced my wife’s cancer count to almost normal in less than a year. Select Budwig is also another surefire cure.
What if you are taking prednisone for controlling fevers from chemo and immunotherapy and have potential stomach ulcers and have been told to stay away from spicy foods. He’s never gonna get out of this cycle it aeems
There was an above comment about stomach ulcers. They drank cayenne pepper tea and drank aloe vera juice (cayenne stops the bleeding and aloe vera heals the gut lining). Since cayenne helps with circulation, the fever should not be affected, as it will assist your body’s detox and nutrition—but you need LOTS OF FLUIDS to make that successful. Spicy foods stimulate your stomach acid production, which ultimately is good for digestion. Heal that gut lining and spice away. You may also want to drink organic or homemade bone broth (for the collagen) and consider taking zinc-carnosine to help the gut lining, as well.
There are literally hundreds of dietary changes, as well as herbs and supplements which can heal your cancer. Don’t just choose one – but about 10 or more. They don’t have to be terribly expensive, but if necessary, I would remortgage my house! Google for Chris Wark (also his ChrisBeatCancer Youtube videos), and check out the following sites for more info on natural cancer alternatives: Cancertutor.com and cancer.news (note dot between cancer and news). Also check out the entire site of DrJockers.com – especially his info and products on parasite removal, the Keto diet, intermittent fasting, and coffee enemas. Also check out his great recipes for healthy eating. Read as much as possible for a week or two on TTAC site, as well, and then make a written list of 10-12 changes you are going to make or supplements/herbs you are going to add. If I found myself in your situation, I would personally make my first change the consumption of at least one, HUGE, totally organic, colorful raw salad once a day, with only a home-made olive oil, vinegar, and garlic dressing. No store-bought! But this has to be your choice! Personally, my second choice would be to work up to (over 7-10 days) 12,000 mg. of curcumin divided into 4 equal 3,000 mg doses – between meals if I could handle it. (Otherwise, with meals.) Also follow up with Eric’s suggestion to check out the Budwig plan (or parts of it, anyway), and the Gerson therapy. Also consider seeing a local naturopath or integrative physician. Just know that insurance usually won’t cover their costs. After three or four months, if no improvement, add 3-5 additional known cancer eradicating strategies, or well-recognized immune boosters. Good luck. Keep reading, and may God bless you in your journey toward better health!!!!
Hello Mary. You are a wealth of information. Thank you for sharing and caring about others. God bless you!
Is that curcumin tablets? Can you please explain please?
Those are excellent well thought out suggestions. It can be overwhelming for someone because of a sense of urgency and because there is so much info, much of it contradictory. I collected some notes that should be helpful to guide people on their research – http://tiny.cc/cancersolutions
I had a colonoscopy after an Ecoli infection. I have to mix 1 tsp of pure phillisium husk into a glass of water and drink it twice a day in order to stop the chronic diarrhea. I buy it in 1 pound bags and in capsules to take when I travel
Hi Folk
I have sent advice to you to PLEASE cease accessing my bank account each month. I wasn’t aware that you would do that when I only sought to purchase one item some months ago. I’m a pensioner and don’t have the resources to be constantly paying for emails I don’t have the time to access. My computer was out of order for some months so haven’t been able to even contact you. Please refund me and take me off your list. No doubt you have a very large following and I would gladly contribute if I had the resources. ..but I don’t.
Hi Jennifer!
We’re so sorry about this inconvenience.
Please know that I’ve contacted our customer support team and they will be taking care of this right away.
You’ll hear from them via email.
Please let us know if there’s anything else we can help with and we’d be happy to do so.
Blessings and love!
I use cayenne pepper in my rice dishes and my meat fillings and they taste good just the same.
I read the article back in 2015, just in time. I had some type of weird sensation and had trouble walking to my kitchen. I poured a glass of water and douced it with cayenne pepper and drank it. I seemed to get better. I had a scheduled doctor appointment the next day and told him what happened. After running several test it was determined I had a stroke. The cayenne pepper saved me.
I use Cayenne Pepper powder daily..I use Organic 90,000 heat unit Cayenne from Frontier Herbs..It’s extremely inexpensive ..I use 1 teaspoon mixed with lemon, orange and grapefruit made fresh in the juicer..Break out a shot glass and start small..Use an 1/8 of a teaspoon and work up from there..Pour the fresh juice in the shot glass and down the hatch..See how you feel..If it’s burning in your stomach drink a glass of water after the shot..It will put the fire out..I get a rush after consuming it..You may need to poop as well..Try working up to 1 to 2 teaspoons per day..The citrus masks the Cayenne rather well..
It gives me heartburn???
I believe cayenne pepper saved my life. I unknowingly had pulmonary embolism after the birth of my son. As I felt the pain I took cayenne pepper. I got to the ER in hospital and they told me my situation was really bad they don’t know how I survived. I survived by God’s grace and by what He created in nature to heal us. I drink cayenne, ginger and turmeric tea almost everyday and I know they are the reason why my body is healing.
Thank you for the article.
Someone above mentioned tumeric too. Good idea to add ginger to the drink. I will do that from now on too.
Thanks Tye and Charlene for your many posts on building better health. I was drinking hot water with cayenne powder for 3 weeks and was noticing my body developed body aching and stiffness. We walked every day over 10K steps and practice Qigong daily. We are plant based eaters and have been consuming a whole food supplement for 16 years. I finally stopped taking the cayenne and started taking Turmeric powder in the mornings. My joint stiffness and aches have gone away. I am not saying Cayenne is bad for you but this was my experience. Thanks for all you do in your Life’s Mission of promoting the Best Health practices.
Thanks so much for your report. I have been taking cayenne pepper now daily for a long time. It stop my rheumatic pain. Yes herbs and spices have many therapeutic benefits. God given medicine is the best!
The powder is also used in scalp mask applications to strengthen or regrow hair.
Cayenne Pepper is also for 101 medical treatments! Cayenne Extract 250 mg two (2) drops “MUST” go under the tongue for cardiac arrest and stroke. Takes the person to NORMAL, buy from Starwest Botannical 1-800-800-4372. Eat cayenne peppers, jalapenos DAILY to keep the Blood Flowing. GOD BE THE GLORY, GOD BLESS US ALL
I have known about Cayenne, for a trillion yrs, DR. Richard Schultz is a big fan, he has been around for many years and has a website, puts all his patients on it!! It’s amazing when I was at Humana for a seminar on Thyroid issues, where the only recommendation is a Med for Thyroid, and some woman came up to me and she spoke that Cayenne helped with High Blood Pressure…Of course I was there to explain I had Thyroid Nodules, and was breaking them down with Herbs from the rainforest…Suma G Nathan, Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Planetary Chinese Herbologist, pioneering Holistic since the 1960’s, Strength Trainer, Rock & Roll Dancer, going on 84 in July of 2021 Partner is 82…P.S. Dr. Christopher has written about Cayenne several yrs ago, and yes one can save, is a person is having a heart attack, Amazing info!!
Where can we learn more about breaking down Thyroid Nodules?
More than 15 years ago, I cut the end off my thumb through the end of the Thumbnail. When I stopped “dancing and screaming” I rinsed my bleeding thumb off, looked over at the razor sharp chef’s knife and there was the end of my thumb and nail (about 1/2 inch) sitting on the knife! I shouted for my wife to get out our spicy hot red pepper. She did. We dumped it right on the bleeding thumb, held it in place with 2 bandaids, bleeding stopped, SO, I cut the end off two plastic soup spoons, put one spoon ABOVE and one BELOW the Thumb, bound it in tape and within 5 minutes all pain was gone! 2 weeks later, we did a Simple Remedies in Mongolia and I was able to USE the THUMB to give Massage! I lost a tiny bit of feeling in the tip of my Thumb, BUT NO SQUARE THUMB! We have used that in Korea and around the world! NO PAIN AT ALL with the RED HOT RED PEPPER!
I am a retired university professor in Korea. Working at my cooking hobby one day, I cut the end of my left thumb off! After I stopped “screaming and dancing” I washed off the bleeding thumb, looked over at the razor chef’s knife and THERE was the END of my Thumb sitting on the blade! I picked it up, put it in place on the end of my thumb, my wife got out our red hot red pepper from the freezer, I poured it over the bleeding thumb, then held it in place with 2 Bandaids. After that, we cut off the spoons off 2 plastic soup spoons, put one above and one below the thumb, bound it with tape. Bleeding stopped, Pain stopped immediately! The MD the next day said that the thumb piece was growing in place. 2 weeks later in a Simple Remedies Seminar in Mongolia, I was able to use it to give Massage! A bit of loss of sensation in the TIP of the Thumb is all!
Wow… Thanks for that story. 🙂
45 years ago I read on the benefits of Cayenne. Ever since then I have been using it on every cuts or small wounds I ever had since then with success. I cover the wound right away, it doesn’t sting. If it stings, it means the infection has already started. It coagulates with the blood and forms a scab immediately which allows the wound to heal easily and quickly. I always keep some in my first aid kit.
Thank you for this valuable information. I have a glass cut n my index finger which has not formed a scab yet although i cut my finger 10 days ago.
In the summer of 2019 I was diagnosed with bladder papiloma and i underwent surgery to remove it. The Dr. suggested immunotherapy with tuberculosis bacteria. I refused and i told him to give me a prescription for cannabidiol which he provided it. All the tests, scans and cystoscopies that i had since 2019 have not shown any tumor. I add cayenne pepper, turmeric with black pepper and various other herbs and spices in my oatmeal breakfast and my dinner salad which always contains red cabbage which is a tumor killer.
thank you so much for this reminder about cayenne pepper! I had neglected using it of late and will bring it back into regular use.
For the last 30 years or so, I have used Cayenne to get rid of eye infections. I wear contacts and work in dirty environments and at least once a month I get an infection going on. Either from rubbing my eyes, or having dirt fall in them while working under a car, it happens. I have a contact case I use, and I fill it with saline. Then I drop a pinch of cayenne in, and let it settle. Using an eye dropper, I put a drop in the affected eye. Yes, it stings for a bit. But you get use to it. and it works every time.
Herbalist, veterinarian, and naturopath, Dr. Patrick Jones, says he has had more sensational recoveries with cayenne than with any other herb. As a veterinarian, he IS the emergency room for his patients. Dogs that come in due to being hit by a car with their eyes rolled back in their heads, are “brought back” with cayenne. His website is homegrownherbalist dot net.
Dick Quinn had a heart attack at about age 40 and had heart surgery. After telling him for months that he was doing well, the doctor finally admitted he wasn’t getting better and they would need to do it over again. Dick declined the offer, started taking cayenne, and healed his heart. His book is called Left for Dead.
I love Cayenne Pepper. I sprinkle it on my salad each evening. I was wondering where would I purchase Cayenne Tincture?
I have Peripheral Artery Disease in both of my legs plus I have stents in both Iliac Arteries and two more in my left leg. I still have pain at the bottom of my calf muscles. Do you think Cayenne pepper would help?
Is that ok to drink cayenne on empty stomach?
Thank you for this wonderful report.
Mind blowing info. Wow! Of recent, I have been low on cayenne consumption. What an incentive to scale up. 🙂
Where can I get the tinctures?
thank you for empowering us Ty & Charlene!
What if you can’t handle the cayenne spice or hot pepper spices is their another way to get the healing properties ?
I’ve suffered from genital herpes for over 30 years. I get an eruption about every 2 months. I take Lysine which helps and tops with Emuaid. Is it possible to be cured? I’ve always thought the virus lives in the spinal cord for life. I also became very sick years ago with a case of Cytomegalovirus, till i miraculously came across a post bout Dr okosun six years ago, a herbalist from africa, whom i contacted and was sent some herbal supplements by him and eliminated every single trace of herpes from my system and today im herpes free, been free since three years ago, never thought this was possible till it happened to me and i recommend this Dr to yall. drokosun55@gmailcom