Video Transcript: Drug Interactions & Drug-induced Dementia
Ty Bollinger: Earlier in the interview you mentioned that sometimes we’ll have people that are patients for life. I think, based on what you’re telling me, if the focus would shift from treating symptoms with drugs to treating the whole body. And giving the body fuel that it can run properly on, the way God made it, then a lot of those patients for life would not be patients for life anymore.
K C Craichy: Very true. It’s funny. Jeffrey Bland gave a talk this weekend. He’s the founder of functional medicine. The guy is brilliant. He was saying that he’s always been blasted about, “Your stuff is not double blind, placebo controlled. I only practice scientific medicine.”
He finally said he got to the point where he said to the doctor, “Answer this question. You’ll be honest with me, right? We’ll agree that I’m a little bit on the outskirts of what you’re talking about as scientific medicine; but let me ask you this question… Have you ever prescribed a patient a drug who was already on four other drugs?”
“Oh, of course.”
“Could you point me to a study that showed a patient population on those five drugs?”
“Well, I have the study for this drug and this drug…”
“No, that isn’t what I said. Could you show me a patient population that has been studied on those five drugs?”
“And the answer is… of course not.”
In fact, I was told by Dr. Scott Hannan about a study recently, that there is a study out that says if you are on five or more medications it is impossible [video skips].
…Sued if you will. So, the standard of care gets implemented after things have been studied and studied and studied and people have a fair amount of comfort level that we’re going to treat things this way, and if you don’t treat things this way then you’re opening yourself up to lawsuit.
Then it takes years of new stuff coming out before we can say that we’re going to go away from that standard onto a new standard.
If you would actually look at the standard of care over the last five decades you would be shocked. If you try to do some of the things today that were done 5, 4, 3, 2 and even one decade ago, you would be in malpractice just from doing what was standard of care. Again, truth does not change… but our understanding of it does.
Ty Bollinger: Well put. I agree with that. One of the things that’s interesting that you mention about drugs and the symptoms that drugs cause… My Grandmother died a few years ago. She was 92 when she died. Before she died, she was on about 12 or 13 drugs. And if I remember correctly, only two or three of those drugs that she was on were for the original problems. The symptoms.
The other 10 or 11 drugs that she was taking were drugs that had been produced to mitigate the symptoms that the first couple of drugs caused.
K C Craichy: It happens all the time. I remember my Mom always complaining that her back hurt. It wasn’t her back − it was her kidneys. If you ever read the side effects of the drugs she was on, it was causing that problem.
My Dad died about three weeks ago. I can remember about three years ago it was to the point, or maybe four, my wife and I went to see him and he was so spaced out that my wife said to me… “I’m not sure we will see him again. He’s in really bad shape.”
I thought, “I need to go check his drug register,” so I had them show me his drug books. He was on 13 different meds for all kinds of different things. Now based on the five drugs [study], you can’t predict a clinical response. That’ll tell you that that could be an issue.
Well, you know there’s a clinical condition now referred to as drug induced dementia.
Have the doctors take a look at what that list of drugs is and see. Let’s go down to just the critical few and see what happens. It is a detox. There are a lot of toxins in drugs and the combination of drugs.
Drugs are “well calibrated poisons.” Eli Lily supposedly said if it isn’t poison it’s not a drug. How can something that’s not good for you when you are well, be possibly good for you when you are sick????When you are sick you need more of what was good for you when you were well. Or possibly something else, but not anything with risk. I use a LOT of home remedies for clients. Amazing results. Even the people on this site would probably not believe it! You have things in your house or garage which can help you get well if you know what they are and how to use them and when!
There’s a lot of wisdom in ‘let your food be your medicine.’ This subject of marketing drugs to trusting Americans is a sensitive one for me, as I’ve watched too many friends slowly die. I talked to an EMT yesterday who said the Vets in our country are being poisoned by a myriad of meds. Yes, I told him, they send the meds in the mail, plush compliance, and they are using Seroquel for a sleep aid: An anti-psychotic that causes seizures and psychotic breaks for side effects and withdrawals. It also damages the swallowing mechanism and sets people (especially the elderly) up for aspiration pneumonia. The OSH murdered my Father by putting a man with simple short-term memory deficit on 25 meds, including Seroquel for someone who had already had seizures that triggered strokes. After I consulted one of the good Pharmacists, and I pointed out how they were duplicating meds, combining the wrong meds and causing pain with others, the Medical Dr. on my Father’s ward said making changes was too much time for one person.
There is always a new drug pushed, like a new fad. We’ve gone through blood pressure, anti-cholesterol, the Prilosec garbage, Coumadin, thyroid meds, low Testosterone now being pushed and Cortisone for everything under the sun. Steroids like HRT, Prednisone and Cortisone destroy cartilage, and thus the huge amount of hip and knee surgery replacements and blood clots. Each drug also depletes or blocks absorption of vitamins and minerals. Prednisone also creates mental breaks with reality when not slowly withdrawn from. The ER docs will throw this at people when they don’t know what else to do. It happened to a daughter of mine. There’s an info sheet called “Medication Induced Nutrient Deficiency”. My goals: Good food and a few good supplements. Sun and exercise. Reduce stress.
Wow that’s amazing. So glad you wrote this information as Well!
I to was on seroquel, an antipsychotic for depression in 2009. I didn’t even know what I was taking. I started having seizures and had so many that I suffered a psychotic break and was in the hospital in wrist restraints for 8 days. I had been on them for 1yr when this happened. I “woke up” one morning, the dr discharged me without telling me why I had been there and I didn’t even know WHERE I was or he was. I came home and realized over a few wks that I’d lost over 10yrs of memory from the day I woke up backward. That’s most of my sons life! This was with the 2nd neurology group that my son dragged my literally to because he came home from college to find me unconscious on the floor with blood under my face. He thought that I might get help at am different ER. They jerked me around and did all the wrong things….to many meds and too many tests. I switch to a 3rd group in the spring of 2012 and started to go through withdrawal during my last hosp stay. I came home knowing I as in trouble and curled up in the bed and withdrew for another 7 days….HORRIBLE!!!!! I swore to myself I’d NEVER take any drugs unless it would save my life. Guess what? I never had another seizure! But, they said I was an epileptic and would always have the possibility to have them again. I blew through around $200,000 in medical care….which I didn’t need….because the stupid dr that had me on them in the 1st place keep prescribing them for 2 1/2 yrs which kept them coming!!! And I’m $100,000 in collections…all medical. I can’t get a credit card…or when I could drive again I couldn’t get a car loan. They also diagnosed me with bipolar, conversion disorder, borderline personality disorder, general anxiety disorder and because I was suffering from the side effects of all the seizure meds and the atypical so and all the drugs to combat the side effects of the other drugs and I had mycotoxin illness…undiagnosed until this Feb from a big mold problem I had in July 2012…I was so irritable and was having mood swings that I hung up on a girl that called to change an appointment and she called the police an said I was suicidal and they locked me up in a padded room for a day with no food or anything to drink and transferred me to a psych facility and the dr lied in my chart to keep me there and Bill insurance for 8 days!!!! I was not suicidal and they wouldn’t listen. I have no mental health problems….except my ex hus!!!lol I was diagnosed in 2014 October with ovarian cancer early stage and didn’t want to do chemo “in case a single cell escaped the tumor” which is why the dr too me I had to do it. It didn’t make sense to me…that I should poison my whole body in case 1 single cell escaped…why couldn’t I wait and see what came in the future, I thought and asked. My son wanted me to use cannabis oil and I was so afraid the way they scare you that I went through chemo. Now my legs are gone…..neuropathy…extremely painful! And I discovered WHY I was having the seizures in Oct 2015. I got my drug history and googled the side effects and I was burning up with anger…that I suffered for 6yrs FOR NOTHING and they still don’t know what I figured out. I am soon going to report this to the state I live in because I want an investigation of this case and what I was un necessarily put through and I am going to demand that all the money I paid out be trturned to me and that they ALL remove the bills from collections so that I don’t have to file form bankruptcy, because that’s what will have to happen….I’m broke! DRUGS ARE EVIL….most don’t even work for what they say they are supposed to and most do more harm then good…in my personal opinion. I saw Ty and TTAC a yr to late but will keep up just in case I need treatment in the future….you know, now that I had chemo when they got the cancer out and no one told me it actually CAUSES cancer, so now I am at a higher risk for cancer that I probably wouldn’t had ever had again…except I did chemo, so now I’m at risk. Great!
Hello Donna! May God give you ways to solve your case and get those money back. Drs. and all people in medical field wants your money for there pockets in order to live. That is why they are letting you to believe what they think you have even though you are not. Take care!
There are always problems with drugs. Even if drugs might be good at treating one problem, they can always cause side effects and make a person even sicker than he or she is.
Those are not “Side Effects”, they are “DIRECT EFFECTS”! Why do you think they call them DRUGS?
THIS A MUST READ FOR EVERY ONE OUT THERE LIVING WITH CANCER! I can’t believe this. I never believed that their could be any complete cure for lung cancer or any cancer, I saw people testimony on blog sites of how Dr Eric Daniel cannabis oil brought them back to full health again at ( I had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks I started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the drugs the doctor gave to me. Right now I can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain, and I have just went for text last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any cancer in my system. Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine Man Dr Eric Daniel thank you, This is a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don’t need to spend money on anymore on Chemotherapy, radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work.. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for cancer that is Not true ,just contact him and get cannabis oil from Dr Eric Daniel and follow his instruction and you will be free and free forever, Try it and you will not regret it because it truly works. There is no harm in trying. Remember, delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his email once again:( Thanks and God bless you Dr. Eric am grateful…
Where are the blogs for Dr Eric Daniel?
Over 90% of prescription drugs are palliatives. That is, drugs mask the symptom, which is usually the healing process, without remedying the cause of the disease. Thus, drugs lay the groundwork for an even more debilitating and chronic disease. All allopathic doctors are pharma pimps. It’s a huge business. If most people became a vegan or even vegetarian tomorrow, the “healthcare” system would collapse, and our economy would go into a depression. I haven’t been to a doctor for the last 40 years. Why would I? Unless I get shot by a cop, or am injured in a car crash, there is no need. Being a vegan has probably helped too. 🙂 Health insurance is the leading cause of death in most western nations.
Sorry, I meant to say that I haven’t been to an ALLOPATHIC medical doctor in the last 40 years. I have gotten some acupuncture treatments from a friend (acupuncture works). But that’s about it. If you eat healthy food, exercise, drink RO or distilled water, get some sunshine, clean air, educate yourself about health, etc., you really don’t need a doctor. Allopathic doctors are really only good for physical injury, at best.
good article.I agree there is a great problem with interactions of meds. I watched my dad go thru it until my sister and I looked up all of his meds on line and many were not to be given when on others he was taking. After having the dr take him off of all the meds he became dad again after 5 to 7 days.These drs are great at prescribing meds but have no clue how they will act together with different people.. Also, I have Mesothelioma from asbestos and have been living with it for eight years. I am off chemo but need to be tapped every 3 to 4 weeks for ascites. Better than the chemo! I never see any of your articles pertaining to this cancer. Please send any information you or one of you drs may have about this disease. Thanx, Bill Aubin Sarasota, fl
The video skips at a very inopportune time. Can anyone give me the documented source of the study related to patients on “five or more medications.”
Very interesting informations, just I could ask if is possible to have ease away to translate to Spanish to extend all that educative information to different communities in Spanish.
Please let me know.
Thank you
As a Pharmacist, I know this is all too real. Unfortunately we are a quick fix society and think there is a pill for everything (Actually there is and many times the side effects are worse than the condition being treated).
The number of medications people take could be significantly reduced with healthier lifestyles, but that takes work…
Unfortunately doctors only turn their complaints over to their attorneys and insurance companies while they Deny and Defend! I’ve tried to acquire a federal attorney, but the only time you get to see one, is when they are prosecuting YOU! This is our legal system protecting the medical community.