You may know that stress reduction is vital to maintaining health and fighting cancer, but just where do you begin to create true emotional health? Luckily, you might not have to spend hours in a therapist’s chair in order to heal the emotional wounds that could be standing between you and cancer healing and prevention.
Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as EFT or Tapping) is a fast, easy, and effective way to reduce anxiety, clear emotional blocks, and become more peaceful and focused in all areas of your life.
The Psychological Side of Cancer
Did you know that studies from over twenty years ago indicate that acute or chronic psychological stress can lead to DNA damage?
“I searched for cancer in the cell and I have found it in the brain,” said renowned German cancer surgeon Dr. R.G. Hamer after examining over 20,000 patients with cancer.
Hamer and others, such as Dr. Douglas Brodie, creator of the “Cancer Personality Profile” and a pioneer in the field of psycho-oncology, believe that cancer is most often created shortly after a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one, a natural disaster, or witnessing an act of violence. Such an event could “short circuit” specific areas in the brain which can then effect a particular organ.
In the same vein, the field of energy medicine and energy psychology, of which Emotional Freedom Technique is a part, is based on the foundation that good health relies on the proper energy flow throughout the body. Any major stressor can interrupt this flow, creating an energy “block” that can lead to disease. This concept, which Chinese and other ancient healing modalities have relied on for thousands of years, is now being verified by modern science.
“In the past few years, energy psychology has amassed a respectable research base,” says Dawson Church, energy psychology researcher and author of Genie in Your Genes.
What Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Does
Another name for Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is Meridian Tapping. This is because EFT, originally created by Stanford-trained engineer and self-improvement coach Gary Craig, utilizes the same energy-meridian system that traditional Chinese acupuncture uses − minus the needles.
EFT is done by lightly tapping on specific points on your body (usually eight or nine) between your chest and the top of your head. While tapping, you vocalize first the negative issue at hand (and your feelings about it) and then vocalize a more positive perception of the issue (even if it is just to accept it).
This combination works on an energetic, emotional, and physiological level to clear emotional blocks and bring the mind and body back into balance. On an anatomic level, regularly practicing Tapping and utilizing it in times of stress helps stabilize hormones levels. It will also calm the amygdalae, the part of our limbic system that responds to emotional stimuli and is responsible for the “fight or flight” response.
EFT Tapping has been shown to significantly decrease (and in some cases eliminate) conditions such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- PTSD /Trauma
- Food Cravings
- Addictions
- Phobias
- Test and Public Speaking Anxiety
- Physical Pain
According to physicist Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, EFT is also a way to “supercharge” deep emotional healing. This is because it reprograms negative belief patterns to more life-affirming ones. Most of the time we are not aware of the negative beliefs we hold as adults, many of which were formed in childhood. Yet these beliefs can and do contribute to the development of diseases like cancer as we age.
Lipton metaphorically equates the subconscious mind to a tape player: “Tape players are not good nor bad. The programs (that they play) can be good and can be bad … You have to learn how to push the record button to change the program in the subconscious mind.”
According to Lipton, practicing EFT Tapping allows us to “push the record button” on our subconscious mind and replace negative belief systems and patterns with healthy ones.
What the Studies Say about EFT Tapping
While many may still view the field of energy psychology with suspicion, Meridian Tapping is gaining ground as a legitimate practice for stress reduction.
In journal articles published by the American Psychological Association, there are clear indications that Emotional Freedom Technique may soon meets the criteria for “evidence-based treatment” for various conditions, including Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD).
In addition, many studies over the last decade have validated the effectiveness of EFT Tapping. According to the World Health Organization, major forms of depression are soon expected to be the second “leading disease burden” worldwide. In a study published in 2011 in the journal Traumatology, 30 moderately to severely-depressed college students were given four 90-minute Tapping sessions while a control group were not. The students who received EFT training showed a marked reduction in their depression symptoms three weeks after receiving EFT training.
Another area where studies show EFT to have a profound effect is with individuals diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an extreme anxiety disorder that can develop after any traumatic event, including a cancer diagnosis. In fact, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, a recent study found that close to 1 in 4 newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients experienced some form of PTSD. PTSD can develop at any stage of the cancer journey, including first diagnosis or in response to on-going surgery and tests.
One of the most impressive studies to validate the effectiveness of Tapping on PTSD was published in 2013 in the Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. Researchers used Emotional Freedom Technique on veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder who were already receiving mental health services.
Researchers exposed the veterans to a 6-hour long EFT training session. In examinations one month to six weeks after the training, the veterans displayed “significantly reduced psychological stress.” Ninety percent of those trained no longer met the criteria for someone who has PTSD. This percentage remained fairly consistent at three months (86%) and at six months (80%), demonstrating EFT’s effectiveness as a modality for long-term stress reduction.
Finally, new evidence is coming out that proves EFT’s effectiveness on physical symptoms and pain. One of the latest studies was published in April, 2015. It took a look at Emotional Freedom Technique’s effectiveness in relieving the fatigue and mood disturbances in women with breast cancer that were using chemotherapy drugs such as Tamoxifen.
Measurements were taken after six weeks and twelve weeks of working with EFT. Marked reductions in anxiety, depression, fatigue, and hot flashes were noted. According to the study researchers, “these preliminary findings suggest that EFT may be an effective self-help tool for women with breast cancer experiencing side effects from hormonal therapies.”
Conclusions About Emotional Freedom Technique
As the connection between emotions, energy flow, and physical health becomes clearly verified by scientific research, many new thought and alternative health leaders, including Louis Hay, Wayne Dyer, and Dr. Joe Mercola, have come out strongly in support of Emotional Freedom Technique. Through the process of significantly reducing stress and helping to change belief patterns to ones that can lead to real healing, EFT Tapping can be a strong ally on your road to vibrant and cancer-free living.
Article Summary
Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as EFT or Tapping) is a fast, easy, and effective way to reduce anxiety, clear emotional blocks, and become more peaceful and focused in all areas of your life.
Emotional Freedom Technique is a part of the field of energy medicine and energy psychology which is based on the foundation that good health relies on the proper energy flow throughout the body. Any major stressor can interrupt this flow, creating an energy “block” that can lead to disease.
EFT uses the same energy-meridian system that traditional Chinese acupuncture uses − minus the needles.
Many studies over the last decade have validated the effectiveness of EFT Tapping. It has been shown to significantly decrease (and in some cases eliminate) conditions such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- PTSD /Trauma
- Food Cravings
- Addictions
- Phobias
- Test and Public Speaking Anxiety
- Physical Pain
One of the latest studies from April, 2015 looked at the effectiveness of EFT in relieving the fatigue and mood disturbances in women with breast cancer that were using chemotherapy drugs such as Tamoxifen. Marked reductions in anxiety, depression, fatigue, and hot flashes were noted by the researchers.
Through the process of significantly reducing stress and helping to change belief patterns to ones that can lead to real healing, EFT Tapping can be a strong ally on your road to vibrant and cancer-free living.
Does EFT really help people feel emotionally and physically better? If one tried EFT on a stage 4 cancer patient, will their cancer disappear completely without any conventional treatments? What does a person do exactly in EFT?
You can find how to tap on the points if you Google EFT tapping. It is an excellent tool that has relieved anxieties about the cancer I have and for pain relief it is amazing. As far as removing the cancer completely without conventional treatments that has yet to be studied. (at least that I am aware)
It disapeared for me using eft along with matrix reimprinting, do you beleive you can heal? Is a starter questions everyone is so different, nothing is guaranteed.??? but there is hope
My healing journey is still a daily practice…. why do we drink water daily? To stay alive… To stay alive we have to nourish our body mind and soul daily, there is no magic pill out there as until we have resolved our inner conflicts, more ilness will turn up in other forms like I found out. Its a complete lifestyle change to be healthy forever…. look at the healthiest peoplr and see what they re doing…???
I have a friend who believes and does this. When he does it I see an immediate response but within a few days he’s struggling again. I like the Re-evaluation Counseling better. Check it out on It has helped me get over my issues with my ex and a couple of my sisters. When my ex’s name was even brought up, I froze. Now, many years, after working with the RC technique I still feel free of that frozen feeling and I can now talk with him on the phone. Same with my sisters, I can relate with them even now. It’s so nice.
You have to do it regularly to feel the full benefit.
The reason people often don’t achieve permanent results with EFT is because their issues are deeply rooted. So, the symptoms tapping provided/ suggested by many ‘practitioners’ and tapping scripts floating on the net are not appropriate for this. Find yourself an accredited by ACEP and the Craig family Gold Standard EFT practitioner for true permanent emotional freedom. is the home of authentic EFT
You have to treat all the aspects of the issue too, otherwise it is likely to resurface. I suggest you read what aspects are.
How can we get EFT/Tapping training?
Tina Craig, daughter of the founder of EFT has an extremely robust training programme which is the most appropriate for those who plan to offer EFT to others, especially paying clients
I have learned from various sources in the past, some of which were not very effective However I then came across EFT founder Gary Craig’s website and I have found this by far the best way to learn. He has very generously offered all of his brilliant clear instructions and tutorials, seminars, etc up to advanced level for free. I have completed the full course now and have found amazing benefits from it.
FIY The late Roger Calahan was the founder of tapping therapy and Craig was his student.
Go to youtube and search for EFT. You will get many videos on how to apply EFT for different subjects.
Visit this website to find a accredited trainer anywhere in the world. I’m an accredited advanced practitioner and I have to say that EFT changed my life. It is a very powerful tool to use regularly. Best wishes
EFT is an amazingly simple tool that canbe used for almost anything. I have been tapping for about 12 years and have gotten success in so many ways. You can’t do it just once and expect miracles. Stay with it. Lear all the aspects and you will get results. There are several sites online where you can learn the technique for free. Gary Craig EFT, Nick and or Jessica ‘try it on everything’ etc. Google and practice! It’s worth your time.
If you are in the UK then contact the Guild of Energists there are lots of people to help you learn EFT. If you are in the U.S then try the or
Hello Margo,
simply go to youtube and type in tapping with Brad Yates. He is a EFT instructor and has over 400 FREE videos to watch.
I love him and his work and EFT. I do every day as a part of my health regime.
Aster B.
I have recently had therapy and I learnt EFT. It’s literally changed my life. I am now no longer on antidepressants and I have found myself. It’s the most amazing thing ever and I want the world to know about it. It really does work!!! ????????????????????????????
I am glad to see an article in this website about EFT finally!
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer in Feb 2016. I have been using EFT consistently throughout my care to reduce stress, alleviate past trauma, keep a positive mindset and heal my body. I’ve been an EFT practictioner for over 11 years now. When I got diagnosed, EFT allowed me to resist the fear-based pressure of the oncologist and radiologist so that I could commit 100% to all complimentary care. I m also receiving and practicing other kinds of energy medicine.
Their is strong science behind the efficacy of EFT for a variety of problems. I’m glad the APA is finally catching up. As a psychotherapist for over 25 years, I’ve found nothing more helpful to my clients than EFT, especially in regards to clearing trauma. It is easier and gentler on them than talk therapy, which often involves catharsis (which only reinforces trauma), and EMDR, which works, but also can only be used with a highly trained therapist. EFT is meant to be a self-help method that is easily accessible to anyone.
Annette, is there a diagram and instructions on how to preform EFT on myself, or maybe a book, i’m dyslexic so I do prefer a diagram.
Thank you for your time’
You’ll find everything you need to learn EFT at the home of authentic EFT at
Do a google search for ‘tapping diagram” and you will see multiple diagrams that show the tapping points. You can find multiple videos on YouTube by various practitioners walking you through a tapping process on multiple topics. Again search for ‘pain tapping’ or ‘cancer tapping’ and you can probably find several tapping processes on those topics. Once a year Nick and Jessica Ortner host a worldwide Tapping Conference online for 10 days with at least two speakers each day talking about different topics. Their site is Carol Look and Brad Yates have tapping videos posted and are good instructors. Look for their tapping videos. Hope that will get you started.
You can find videos on YouTube showing you what to do.
A good book on Arafat is “The Tapping Solution” by Nick Ortner
It has a diagram.
There is a very good book on EFT with a good diagram inside called, “The Tapping Solution” by Nick Ortner
He writes the book in a way that helps me to understand easier.
Ms. Vaillancourt, I am sorry that you have Stage 3 Lung Cancer. How are you going? Is the EFT making your cancer go away? If a person with cancer, even if it is terminal, does EFT, would their cancer disappear and never come back? Have you tried alternative therapies, a raw vegan diet without meat, fish, dairy, poultry, eggs, and desserts? Have you tried juicing and vitamin supplements such as vitamin B-17 or probiotics? Have you tried yoga, meditation, saunas, essiac tea, frankincense oil, and cannabis oil? Did you ever hear about the CMN clinic in Mexico in which a terminal cancer patient went there, because the doctor was running out of options or they refused conventional therapies? I heard that many of the people who tried ozone therapy, laetrile therapy, dendritic cell therapy, intravaneous vitamin C, and hyperhtermia, terminal cancer has disappeared and never came back again. Do you believe that those alternative treatments work?
Dear Sylvia, i am sorry you are going through so much stress and confusion. You must be scared. But by the sound of your post you seem to be chasing a cure. When one chases one doubts the acquisition because your mind is in chase mode. If you were my client, the first thing I would do is calm you down. your NEED to fix the problem is causing the problem to grow. Your energy should be carefully focused onto peace, love and faith. Let go of trying to solve the problem with the same mind that created it. There are many YouTube videos explaining how to use EFT I suggest you study them. concentrate on letting go and ‘mind be still’. Study Joe Despensa’s book ‘Placebo, that will help. But most of all don’t make the cancer more real by putting all your attention on it. put your attention on the idea that you are bigger than the dis-ease. you are The Child of The Most High. you did not come here to suffer. Look for those statements to make sense to you. Pray on it, ask for more information on it and it will come. When you study how powerful you really are ask yourself this: what if you were to learn that you made the cancer. and just like you made it you can unmake it. you can do this by eliminating the circumstance that make it thrive. Stress, worry, chase, desperation, fear and the victim mentality. EFT can remove these emotions. You can do this Silvia. start with the way you are thinking. from that place you will know what to eat and what to do. Good luck.
Dear Susan, I have read your post and am touched by care that emanates from your words to Sylvia! I will copy paste and save this advice for myself, even though I am lucky not to have any serious health issues. So true about us striving to do more instead of stilling the mind and trusting. Thank you a generous soul !!!
Awesome reply Susan. Thank you. I love your quote, “Let go of trying to solve the problem with the same mind that created it.” Genius! It explains why I can’t fix my relationships with my sibblings. There is not problem unless I create it. Genius! Is it your genuine quote?
You can also Google Jodi McDonald . She has developed anew type of EFTwhich she calls Metta ET .Her technique is very effective.
Don’t forget Dr Robert Morse he been healing cancer patients for years! They are prompt responding emails, also he has a library on YouTube a total free university of health. Love Dr Morse.
Hi Silvia,
Thanks for asking. At 4.5 months my CT scan showed that the cancer is shrinking and it’s not spread to any other part of the body. I’m not almost at 7 months and will be doing another CT scan soon. Between these 2 scans we opted to take a more aggressive approach than simply the high dose IV Vit C and Alpha Lipoic Acid, Low Dose Naltrexone and Ozone therapy, along with a few supplments, including pancreatic enzymes. I was also doing LOTS of EFT and other forms of energy therapies, including Healing Touch, PSYCH-K and alittle bit of acupuncture.
I am taking a multiple pronged approach to releasing the cancer. I use EFT mainly to manage the stress, anxiety, depression and release past trauma and grief that may have weakened my immune system. So I am not using EFT alone. I don’t know anyone personally who is.
As far as your other questions,
I’ve responded to each of your questions below
Have you tried alternative therapies, a raw vegan diet without meat, fish, dairy, poultry, eggs, and desserts? I have been on an alkalinizing diet for over 10 years, the main tweaks to my diet is to increase my juicing to daily, instead of every few day. My body requires protein.
Have you tried juicing and vitamin supplements such as vitamin B-17 or probiotics? Yes, all of these
Have you tried yoga, meditation, saunas, essiac tea, frankincense oil, and cannabis oil?
Yes, essiac tea and Marinol, which is medical marijuana in a capsule. I tried frankincense oil, but had a strange reaction, so discontinues. No, to the saunas and yoga, however, I do exercise several times a week.
Did you ever hear about the CMN clinic in Mexico in which a terminal cancer patient went there, because the doctor was running out of options or they refused conventional therapies? Yes, I think I’ve heard it all!
I heard that many of the people who tried ozone therapy, laetrile therapy, dendritic cell therapy, intravaneous vitamin C, and hyperhtermia, terminal cancer has disappeared and never came back again. Do you believe that those alternative treatments work?
I believe that what I am doing works because the lab and scans show that it is.
Hi, you told about EFT, but you didn’t mention how to do this. What parts of the body do you do this tapping on and how long do you do it? Please give the tapping exercises, thanks Renee
You’ll find everything you need to learn EFT properly at where there are clear instructions, images and video footage. Be mindful of much of if the info on the web, its not always authentic up to date techniques, therefore may not produce optimum results. Good luck it’s a fabulous tool when applied appropriately and accurately
There is an app called EFT Clinic which gives a detailed guide. Also if you look it up on YouTube you will find it there. I love tapping it’s genuinely changed my life. ????????????????????????????
There is a website called the tapping solution by the Ortner family. I’ve found their scripts easy to follow and also lots of free information about all of the different life stressors.
They are amazing and have helped me through a really hard time in my life. I tap everyday and my life is getting better and better. My stresses and worries melt away and the healing of my pain (I have fibromyalgia, back and pelvis issues) I “had” depression but I’m now free????????????
I’ve been EFT’s user since many years. And fought breast cancer quite easily, just with surgery but no chemio, no radio, no hormon-therapy.EFT is great for a lot of issues
EFT works!!!
There are tons of free videos, ebooks and other resources on EFT. Google it, and you will see many options for getting free instruction. Gary Craig was the creator of EFT, and Nick Ortner is another big practitioner. I’m glad to see Ty embrace this modality. Many people think stress and emotional trauma are the root cause of all disease. EFT is easy, effective, and totally free, so why not try it?
EFT sounds promising. I am a fan of alternative healing treatments, and I know that inner peace and healing can also be found in reading God’s word, confiding in other caring believers and singing songs of praise. This has helped me overcome PTSD in my life.
Search for Gary Craig – longest practicing EFT person
I am a true believer in EFT and just by chance found this wonderful 21-Day Tapping Challenge by Sonal Pandey. She emails a new tapping each day. She offers a guide e-book that is 72 pages long with great instructions and photographs of tapping points and it is only $7. Each day addresses something different, like procrastination, low self-esteem, past hurts. She has videos on many topics where you tap along with her. If you do the challenge you get one free. Others are only $7. I can and will tap every day now, especially more so because of this article about cancer. I do not have cancer but have many friends who are either survivors, fighting or losing.
I watched the series Ty had and have made huge changes in my lifestyles. Gonna be tapping every day now as well. Let’s tap!
EFT is very effective and for all of the reasons outlined in this article. I can literally feel the energy moving when I do it and the calm is almost instantaneous when you start because it is soothing the “fight, flight, freeze” response of the amygdala. I personally have benefited greatly from the audios/videos of Brad Yates ( and Nick and Jessica Ortner – The Tapping Solution ( What I love about them is the positive energy they exude and Brad, especially, has the most wonderful sense of humor and deep compassion and empathy (he has posted a wealth of free tapping videos on YouTube, as well, that have made me laugh out loud and helped me access emotions that were “stuck” simply with these free videos – amazing). Nick and Jessica are equally as impressive in their approach and both they and Brad share their gifts with the wider world (in their generosity to causes) in ways that are so admirable. I highly recommend these resources or find a practitioner who speaks to you but know that this is a powerful and excellent tool. And it is just that – a tool. It is a highly effective tool on the journey of healing and though a previous commenter said that she has seen a friend use EFT and then fall back into the struggle a few days later, remember that healing is like peeling the layers of an onion and that it took many years of stuck energy and emotion to accumulate and it’s all about being patient as it unwinds and releases. There are many wonderful tools out there and we have to remember that it’s a day by day journey, to find what tools work for you and you may experience an instant healing and you may not – it’s different for everyone. But do use the tools and be dedicated to loving and healing yourself. That’s what’s most important.
FasterEFT has over a thousand free videos that teach you how to tap and release stress and unhelpful inner programming. No EFT is a magic bullet like a pill you can take to get rid of your physical symptoms, but if you do the work and eliminate the underlying emotional and mental causes that contribute to the symptoms they very often subside. Release can come quite quickly with FasterEFT, as I know from my own life. The link: There’s a section on Severe and Chronic Diseases.
The best place to find out about EFT is from the founder himself. Go to
EFT is a wonderful way to reduce stress and give the cells a break from stress. By placing a positive tapping phrase after removing the negative stressors, gives the cells the emotional help to start the healing process. After the first 20 minutes you feel the release in your body. I am a therapist of different modalities and find EFT work wonders even with 80 year old stubborn men suffering with Cancer or other diseases. Thank you Ty for including EFT in your mails.
EFT is amazingly effective. Even the basic, ‘one-minute’ version has worked when I used it, at various times, on about 20 people with a success rate of about 85%. Usually the problem is solved in 2 minutes or occasionally even 1 minute. The longest time required in the cases I worked on was about 7 minutes, to remove the pain of sciatica. The problems on which I used EFT included a receptionist who had a migraine headache (a 2-minute job — and no more headaches when I saw him again some months later), a man in a post-office queue who was dizzy and could not stand (2 minutes), painful salivary glands, relief from itching caused by midge bites, etc.
The problem may return at a later time, which means that there are further emotional issues that need to be resolved.
To learn how to do the basic version, type ‘EFT JUDY BYRNE’ into a search engine and find Judy’s You Tube demonstration. For much more information, see the founder’s (Gary Craig’s) web site
I have been using EFT and other Energy Therapy / Energy Psychology techniques for over twenty years to successfully treat people with many autoimmune and other serious chronic disorders. Use of the energetic meridian system is definitely life-saving and life-changing on all levels. To know more about using EFT, Energy Therapies, and Natural Health to support your journey back to health you may check out my books on Amazon — I so appreciate the information that Ty Bollinger continues to share!!
I am always surprised that little mention is made of TFT (Thought Field Therapy). This is the original version of the therapy created by Roger Callahan. As I understand it, Gary Craig studied under Callahan and later developed his own version. I have been practicing TFT for 16 years with myself and others and find it so much more powerful than EFT. Whereas EFT is touted as “greatly reducing” a miriad of issues, I have consistently found TFT to eliminate those same issue and at a fraction of the time. Craig has created several tapping patterns to treat many things whereas with Callahans technique, each emotional situation and each person has there own specific tapping patterns. I liken EFT to giving the same medicine to everybody. Eventually it will do some good. TFT gives you your own formula specifically for your own personal needs. I love it
Check it out.
Callahan was not a brilliant marketer as was Craig, but he discovered tapping and developed it.
I have been doing eft now for several years and it releases trapped energy. You can google carol look or you tube her. It only takes a few minutes and shifts your energy. If you have any questions you can Facebook me diannagloria.
Nick Ortner is NY Times Best-Selling author of “The Tapping Solution”!
I had some sessions with an EFT practitioner and it was amazing how she helped me. It is a valid avenue of treatment for many things hidden within our bodies. I highly recommend it.
Sorry to say that EFT is more like a band aid than a cure. Energy Psychology works. The most effective energy psychology therapy is Advanced Integrative Therapy. How do I know? I have used both a lot. AIT may sometimes take longer but it really lasts. Asha Clinton will be teaching the AIT Psychogenic CancerTreatment seminar this coming October. It’s amazing. It treats the immunological, psychological, and spiritual causes of cancer, and there are already remissions!! It seems that Ty may want to interview Asha.
Hi ,
Have you not heard of mms ,by Jim Humble?
EFT is very effective. I was taught years ago but was not ready for it. Now if something is creating worry, long term stress I use it until the issue has no longer an effect on me. I grade the issue from 1-10 than keep on tapping until its a 3-4 than lower than you feel emotionally strong. Also other things may come up that you may not be aware of while you are tapping these can be than tapped on. It is gentle, unobtrusive, a gift you can share!
I tried EFT about 4 months ago. It really works. I used to stop a tension headache. Before EFT I always required an aspirin to relieve myself of the headache. I have also used it to stop drinking. Its hard to believe something that easy to do can be so helpful. I have no doubt EFT will help cancer patients.
I think I may try this.
I help people overcome stress by psychonutritional means – meaning using a combination of nutrition and psychotherapy. Read: Beating Anxiety and PhobiasBeating Anxiety and Phobias
EFT is great. I also like TRE Trauma Release Exercise founder Dr. David Berceli, PhD. It is being taught all over the world, so there may be a practitioner in your area.
yes, TRE! People looking into EFT should consider TRE. Here in California there is a teacher of teachers, a long time student of Dr. Berceli. her website is very informative
Stress is the main factor in any dis ease, EFT is an wonderful tool to help yourself, releasing stress from your mind and body.EFT is wonderful because you can use it wherever you are , so wonderfully self empowering.
So…My family carries the Brcca1 gene mutation. I’m curious whether anybody, anywhere has ever survived this. Also whether Natural methods make any impact on this aggressive cancer. my family are fighting a losing battle.
As an alternative form of healing EFT sounds interesting. I’m a Reiki practitioner which is hands on healing, and treats the body and mind. All these different practices are encouraging and help people.
having gone through many years of stress, oppression, I would turn to the LORD God and find comfort, and strengthened by Him and His love for me. I have kept the Word of God near to me, and held on to this scripture “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.’ Col. 2:8
“…While tapping, you vocalize first the negative issue at hand (and your feelings about it) and then vocalize a more positive perception of the issue (even if it is just to accept it)….”
This reminds me of a part in “Phantasy Trips” by Dr. G. Bayer, Germany. In preparation to listening to this part of the tape, you have to give the negative issue a cute name, and then think of the positive things, that issue is doing for you. Sure enough, after listening to this part, my problem with issue decremented within a few weeks. These tapes were utilizing DeHypno Therapy and NLP.
Hi Ty, really love your work! Yes it does make you self conscience at first (tapping the different points on your body) but you soon realise through persistence how powerful a technique it is, then there is no going back! Just check out Nick and Jessica Ortner (brother and sister) if you want to try this by going to the “”, job done!!!
Is this like hypnotism. Is connected with any religious rites. Little bit scary if you don’t know where it started from. Does anyone know
I am excited about this EFT Tapping. I suffer from complex PTSD. I had a therapist who began EMDR with me and just as things were in motion, she up and left. I’ve basically been “on hold” on a waiting list, as there aren’t many who offer this service in my area. My mother’s diagnosis of Epitheleal Mesothelioma in January this year has added to my long list of unresolved emotional losses and traumas – however herein lies a huge opertunity with the discovery of new information and a wealth of knowleldge for natural cures. We have learned that no cure is out there for her rare type of cancer, as research is limited and clinical trials are far and few. As for my sister and myself being both supporters and caregivers to our mom, we’ve been on a crash course learning about the big “C”, which was never present in our family history or of major concern to us. Time permitting, I will visit YouTube and Google EFT. I am psyched about this, as I see it being beneficial not only to myself, but to others around me as well. Thank you for enlightening our world with a real solution to empower us thru our journey.
I learned EFT from the master, Gary Craig. I use it every day. It is like magic at my finger tips and has transformed my life.
Glad AIT works for you, and EFT (in the hands of a good practitioner) is extremely effective, with lasting results. It’s certainly possible to tap and not take advantage of the best of EFT, but that’s not quite proof that EFT is “more like a band aid.” I do take you at your word that this has been your experience. Best,
The best stress releaser is to trust in God, the One who created us and gave us a Book that gives us everything we need to know to be able to live life the way He planned.
there is also more if you google “Faster EFT” by Robert Smith.
Thank you for letting us know your wonderful news, it proves again how EFT can help . It proves again that Holistic Therapy can be part of the Healing process.
interesting ! Thanks for information !
Thank you so much for letting us know that you enjoyed this article!
Blessings and love! 🙂
Thanks for your good website and information !
thanks for your good data