Video Transcript: How Gov’t Interference with Experimental Cancer Treatments is Killing Us
Jonathan Emord: …and that’s what our government does. It’s a travesty and it’s really, when you think of the number of people who have died or have suffered immeasurably because of it [Gov’t interference with accessing alternative cancer treatments], you want to hold those responsible to account.
And yet they’re protected by sovereign immunity of being prosecuted, despite the fact that they are very directly responsible for taking the lives of these people. By denying them the freedom to choose an alternative that works for them.
Ty Bollinger: A case in point… a friend of mine, Jim Navarro, the father of Thomas Navarro, wanted to go to the Burzynski Clinic and was not allowed to. On the death certificate it says that the chemotherapy was why he [Thomas] died.
Jonathan Emord: Donna Navarra is here tonight. We’re honoring her for her struggles and that great movie that documents the life of her son, Thomas.
Ty Bollinger: “Cut Poison and Burn.”
Jonathan Emord: That is just a horrible, horrible example of how government can very directly and horrifically affect the lives of people. In their case, it was just so tragic, and it didn’t have to be. Obviously if they [authorities] had gotten out of the way, who knows, Thomas may have been still alive today.
But they stood in the way and they blocked his access. It took months and months and years. And all the while, his condition worsened.
So by the time they finally did allow him to have access to [Dr.] Burzynski’s anti-neoplasms, it [medulloblastoma (brain tumor) ] was so far along. And then what ultimately killed him was the toxic reverberation effect of the chemo therapy radiation that he had received a year before.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Jonathan Emord: It’s just so horrible, and his parents knew that that would happen; they knew they needed access to the alternative.
And they were prevented by their own government from doing it. Even though the consequences were just plainly understood. Both by the physicians who had administered it, and by other physicians who were oncologists who were talking to them about what to do.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, because of matter of fact they [Thomas’s parents] told me that the oncologist told them before the treatment, they knew it wouldn’t work, but they did it anyway.
Article Summary
Many people have died as a result of the Government blocking access to alternative cancer treatments.
One example is 4-year-old Thomas Navarro who is featured in the documentary “Cut, Poison, Burn.”
Thomas had medulloblastoma (brain tumor) and his parents wanted to take him to Dr. Stan Byrzynski’s clinic for treatment instead of using conventional medical treatment.
The Government (FDA) blocked their access for so long that by the time they were allowed access to the clinic it was too late.
His oncologists admitted that they knew the chemotherapy wouldn’t help, but they did it anyway and ultimately it was the effects from the chemotherapy that killed Thomas.
Well Ty, Edmond…all I can say is that I think we should find a country where the respect of personnal decision will be respected and where people can do their own alternative healing..of course without pushing totally the official way sometimes…it can halp also…but thinking that we are going to get rid of these rotten politiciens and will take ages and in the meantime people are dying because of them….
Or..we could have a world wide vote something like or let these politiciens know that they better get their …. of our way..and let the freedom ring… It is criminal and no one is seeing this completely…besides us…
I think you have this backward. Though you can take your child to alternative treatments/alternative medicine, you cannot take your child out of conventional cancer treatment or your child will almost certainly be taken from you by dept of children and families, and then kept from you while they force feed your child the conventional poisoning. However, if you take your child to alternative treatment it may be risky to your child’s health/life to not tell the oncologist about the alternative treatment. If chemo is being used the same time you are giving and doing alternative treatment (depending what it is), you may get adverse effects. So the real problem is not that you are legally held from getting your child alternative treatment, but that the doctor and state/courts/government can legally(?) force you to have your child poisoned with conventional and experimental “treatment,” surgeries and radiation. Although it is now common practice in our country, I don’t believe it is “legal” for anyone to force parents to give their own child a particular treatment or surgery, and is next to impossible to find a good “Constitutional” attorney who understands this and is willing to take up the fight. Then too, if you have a sick child with cancer you don’t have the time to fight through the courts to be Constitutionally “cleared” to reject conventional poison and go for alternative.
Another point I don’t think was made in this article is that when “something goes wrong” due to the conventional treatment your child is given and your child goes into a coma, the hospital and doctors (at least in some states) can and do make the final call on whether or not they THEY will “allow” your child to be put on any life support measures, or the time limit THEY will agree to allow life support before pulling the plug, whether or not THEY want to do any kind of brain function testing before taking child off a breathing tube, etc….. Parents are being told that they do NOT have the authority to make such a decision for their child and that if they interfere when the nurse removes the breathing tube that the parent will be removed by security, taken off grounds and forbidden to be with their child while child is still alive and being put to death.
Ty and All,
In December of 2014, I was at a dinner party and the subject of cancer was brought up. Quite interested to see how the discussion might proceed, it was curious that there was much agreement that cancer treatment is horrible, stressful, and not without controversy. No disagreement there. One of my friends mentioned how he knew a local man with prostate cancer who had refused traditional chemo and healed himself, eating cottage cheese. I knew exactly what he was talking about, the Budwig protocol, but kept quiet as I wanted to hear more from others at the table. All insisted that if they were faced with the prospect of cancer, as we were all in our fifties, they would look to something beyond the traditional means.
I am very holistic inclined and was quite surprised that this was the consensus among the group. In reality, it is much easier to express this viewpoint than to follow through once confronted by the diagnosis. I stated then and maintain that faced with the cancer diagnosis, I would look to alternative means first before considering traditional treatment, if at all. At that time, I would have most likely ruled out traditional treatment entirely. But because of the path my family would walk, I offer that there might be a place for chemo and the like, albeit in a limited sense.
Little did I know that I would get an opportunity to put My “cancer mindset” to the test. But the curve thrown at me was a shocker. I did not get diagnosed with cancer. My seventeen year old son did!
Namely, my son was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, bone cancer in May, 2015. A very aggressive malignant cancer it is. His tumor was located in his distal femur, above the knee, and was getting worse with every day that we held off treatment. By the time he was diagnosed, via biopsy, he was on painkillers, oxycodone, 24/7. He still would scream out and moan at times from the intense pain he experienced. At diagnosis, he was unable to put any weight on the leg with the tumor. And the doctors feared that the bone would break at any time.
Quite the dilemma for this mother that vowed she would turn to alternative methods for treatment of cancer.
I am very well versed in the thoughts and treatments on the alternative side of the coin. I had viewed the video series “The Truth About Cancer”. Irony of ironies, months prior to my son’s diagnosis, I watched the series during its last airing and bought a copy for myself.
But in our case, there were numerous factors that pushed us to traditional care for our son.
I KNEW that if we turned away from traditional care, that my husband and I could face losing our son, taken away by the government so as to “see” that he received appropriate care. Add to that, friends and family would ask us if we had “lost our minds” by not following professional recommendations. What about my friends at the dinner party? I don’t know. The discussion altogether changes when you talk about a child or adolescent with cancer
There are other several reasons that we chose the traditional road but I will not go into on this post. But one to be noted is the stage of the cancer at diagnosis. Had we not proceeded and quickly, I was feared my son would lose his leg.
It is very sad that I was limited by what my gut told me to do but at the same time, I feel like my son was well served by traditional medicine. After chemo, he was able to have an implant placed in his leg and he is doing quite well. There are two sides to every coin.
I did use some natural approaches, and still do, to limit the side-effects of chemo. I consulted an integrative doctor at the hospital and in all honesty, that was a waste of my time. It was laughable. She did not even ask me what chemo my son would be having. Go figure! Doctors do not recognize how to mitigate some of the damage that chemo/radiation brings about. Some of this damage lasts an entire lifetime. And for a teen, that is a long time. But there are ways and I used many of them.
I would be glad to communicate with others about making this type of decision.
I can assure readers that the decision becomes more tortuous when a child is involved.
Having said that, in our ten month journey through the traditional route, I read and learned of many who had followed the accepted protocol, received a clean bill of health, only to learn of a relapse. And with the relapse, turned back to the same protocol or looked another mainstream treatment, followed it to completion, only to run into another relapse. Very sad. I call it chasing the cure. Most patients gain months or years but at what cost, emotionally and financially.
Thank you Ty and company for all the hard work you do.
The U.S. government was also behind 9/11, in order to wage and sustain the global war on terrorism, in order to maintain global capitalism for as long as possible, at all costs.
Thanks Ty for all the information you give us in alternative medicine about cancer. Love you and your beautiful wife. It’s a tragedy that the people are sooooooooooooo clicked into regular doc’s. Hard to get them to do any alternative medicine which you and others recommend. What a mess our government has put us in. Wouldn’t want to be a FDA or government person when he has to stand before God and give account. Off they go in the lake of fire. It is a good thing we don’t have the right to judge them, but we sure have a right to make observations, different than judgement. Keep going my friend you are well respected by me.
The problem with notifying the doctor about alternative treatment is the doctor may notify CPS about your actions and then your child is kidnapped by CPS and the medical police.
Dr josh wright ,I think that’s his name…..a well respected scientist cured cancer around1940, he did the required tests which were successful. The drug cos wanted the majority of the profit, he said no, so they destroyed him and his profession….he was born in 1888 and died in 1971. If you look him up on the net he is hard to find because of all the stuff that has been posted to hide his story……..
Hello..just a horrible wild guess…could it be possible that a small amount of people controlling the world bank .,with checkers analysingly spirit…saw what would be the world population..and decided to do several jumps in one… ….making a huge amount of money on the dying of people with cancer?….could this be a conspiracy all paying very much …some… do the dirty work?….like they are doing in my opinion..,with all these holostic docs who are dying one after the other?….it looks more and more like a conspiracy…
Well in a way it amounts to the same ending..most of the time…depending in which level your child is in……even if you can take your child to the alternative treatments to heal on the other side they force you with this other treatment at the same time …which demolishes all the benefit that you are putting in place to heal your to me this isn’t liberty it is criminal and they know it.
Two comments: some alternative strategies mitigate chemo/radiation damage as well as enhance chemo. Also, please watch the movie “thrive”. – it will all make sense – government, big money, big Pharma ????