I interviewed Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski about his anti-neoplaston treatment. He verified that the reason he chose to use it on incurable brain tumors is because it is the most difficult area of oncology while reiterating that the patients’ tumors were killed and they survived remarkably well for 20 to 26 years and longer with a wonderful normal life. He has pictures of his patients that came to him at 2 years old that were cured and went on to be married with children. This is success and it means the treatment works!
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s Anti-neoplaston Treatment (video)

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Ask the “Board”: Why don’t they run transparent trials, with patients who have been pre-diagnosed as to their type of cancer, in a lab of the Board’s choice, and allow Dr Burzynsky to work with these patients, ones who are currently, or have undergone conventional treatment with negligible results, but instead with his proprietary method, with informed consent from eneryone involved? Independent witnesses who are expert in scientific methodology could be added to team. If they’re really interested in empiricism. Even so, their response to this would shed light on their agenda.
Is anybody out there looking into treat ing everyone with or without cancer
If I want to get treatment from this doctor what should I do?
Change your mind and keep your house instead.
My friend was just diagnosed with a brain tumor today with 3 months to live what is the first course of action that you could tell me to help them?
Hi Valerie, The best advice we can give you is to have them consult with one of the doctors that we interviewed in our Global Quest series. Here is the link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
The world needs more selfess, humanitarians like you Mr.Ty Bollinger.God bless you for your incredible documentaries about cancer and natural alternatives that are available.Thanks again
You are doing a wonderful job!..just like you I have lost three close relations to cancer and I have had bowel cancer and melanoma, I was diagnosed 5years ago and so far so good.I got the clear for my bowel cancer but the melanoma was in my lymh nodes and had many of them removed. Luckily I never had chemo or radiation and never will! i just wonder which would be my best option to get rid of the dreaded disease at the lowest cost.I live in England and do not want to fly.
Kind regards, Rita
They’ve made up their minds to hang him. God help him. This is the ‘norm of the north’.
My husband has Soft tissue sarcoma, they don’t no what kind, but no they can not cure him. He started chemo and also has done radiation for pain. He feels that chemo isn’t working and we are lost at what the next step should be. How could I get more information on this plasma medication?
Hi Diane,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Turmeric can cause tumor cell death. Indians have been studying turmeric and its cancer fighting powers for several years now. Look on Google Scientific.