Let’s talk about your gut flora and cancer! You may not realize just how important your bowel condition (known as the microbiome) is to cancer prevention.
Spoiler Alert: Gut Health is Critical
A friend of mine recently pointed out an article in Bloomberg’s Business News that shows mainstream science is finally catching on to what I’ve been saying for a decade about gut health! The results of their data shocked the researchers with Roche AstraZeneca, but I wanted to do a face-palm!
Your good gut flora will help you prevent and fight cancer. That’s a fact.
Cultivating beneficial gut bacteria is your first line of defense against cancer and many other serious diseases. It does this by boosting your immune system at the places you’re almost always hit first with − toxins, heavy metals, parasites, fungi, and harmful bacteria.
Nurturing the system that protects you from so many layers of possible invasion of foreign contaminants should be common sense. But you’d be shocked how many in the medical community don’t recognize the importance of the gastrointestinal system in total health.
The man who heads up Roche’s cancer immunotherapy research, Daniel Chen, said, “Five years ago, if you had asked me about bacteria in your gut playing an important role in your systemic immune response, I probably would have laughed it off.”
And so many have, again and again, while doctors like me wanted to shake them and yell, “How can you not understand the science of this? How can you not see the connection between gut health and cancer (and heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, chronic pain…)?”
The Role of Your Immune System Against Cancer
In order to boost the immune system, to prevent cancer (and so much more), you need to boost your colony of good gut flora. You let your bowels fight cancer. You let them be your “boots on the ground!”
Research from the University of Chicago found that boosting mice gut bacteria (specifically with Bifidobacterium) equaled the results of immunotherapy (using your body’s immune system to attack cancer) in slowing the growth of melanoma cancer cells!
They then combined the two (gut bacteria and immunotherapy) modalities and achieved success that was comparable to anti-cancer drugs.
Another study referenced in the Bloomberg article was one from France. Researchers noted that some healthy gut flora was activated when immunotherapy was administered.
We’re talking about fighting cancer without destroying all the healthy cells in your body! Using your own body to fight for you − not creating a nuclear wasteland of your healthy cells (and absolutely leveling your immune system). Gut health and cancer prevention go hand in hand.
I’ve been shouting this from the rooftops since the 1980s while getting shut down by the medical and pharmaceutical establishments. It appears that mainstream scientists and doctors are finally seeing that there are better ways to fight cancer than destroying your entire body in the process.
The Supremacy of Your Gut Flora in the Fight Against Cancer
The human microbiome is an incredible network of 100 trillion organisms that live in and on the body. They’re made up of beneficial bacteria as well as fungi, viruses, and bacteria that isn’t so beneficial. We need this microcosm to survive. The relationship between them and the humans who carry them is symbiotic in nature.
Antibiotics disrupt this relationship in a similar way that chemotherapy affects the human body. Chemotherapy wipes out perfectly healthy, non-cancerous cells inside you along with the cancerous cells. Similarly, antibiotics wipe out all bacteria (the bad kind as well as the good kind you can’t live without).
For years, I’ve pointed to the overuse of antibiotics as a leading cause in the rise of cancer cases. Destroying what keeps you healthy simply isn’t a good method of treatment.
How to Build Up Your Microbiome
Building up your gut microbiome is the way to prevent cancer, fight cancer, and live a longer, healthier life overall. There are three important “PILLARS” of fighting cancer… all of which help to improve gastrointestinal system health.
- PILLAR ONE – Emotional Cleansing: Stress is known in the traditional and alternative communities as a major cause of inflammation. It is one thing everyone agrees on (though traditional medicine’s answer is another prescription). Inflammation is a building block of all known diseases. In other words, stress will kill you through cancer, heart attack, or autoimmune disease − if you allow it to control your life.
- PILLAR TWO – Detoxification: Personal pollution is as dire as environmental pollution, and we are surrounded by both at every turn. There is a host of contaminants in our soil, water, and air. That means these toxins are also in our food supply. The control lies with you. You can control what you put on your body, what you put in your body, and how you maintain the environments you live in most (your home and work space). Then you need to work on removing the toxic soup inside you so you can start with a clean slate.
- PILLAR THREE – Diet: Anyone (medical professional or otherwise) who tells you that diet does not affect your health or ability to fight disease is a liar. Period. Diet is everything. What you choose to put in your mouth may mean the difference between life and death. So much of our poor gut health is linked to what we eat and drink.
The fastest way to build and strengthen your beneficial bacteria is following these three pillars and then applying them in every area of your life.
Gut health and cancer prevention belong together. It is likely the primary reason native peoples have a non-existent rate of cancer. They have far lower exposure to toxins, are not inundated with stress, and consume a diet of natural, raw foods (definitely more of a hunter-gatherer way of life) that aren’t processed.
They also don’t fill their bodies (or the bodies of their children) with antibiotics at every turn. In fact, they have no exposure to pharmaceutical drugs at all! I find that to be one of the most telling differences.
The Profit Angle (Because There’s Always a Profit Angle)
I abhor the profit-hunger of the pharmaceutical industry as a whole (and realize their interest is solely to find another income stream). But I am really shocked that they’re exploring this avenue of research. Unfortunately, it will probably develop into some “miracle” pill that implants synthetic microbiome organisms in your gut to replace the ones you have naturally.
You know anything “natural” is ultimately exploited and mutated for profit.
Roche AstraZeneca is looking at their research in a cancer-treatment capacity. If they develop a cancer therapy that depends on healthy gut bacteria, they’re going to own the patent. They’re going to rake in incredible profits, and only those who can afford it will have access.
That’s why it’s critical that you start building up your personal microbiome now. The one that’s living in your gut right now… just waiting to help you.
Loving Your Universe of Healthy Gut Flora
Swallowing probiotics will cost you a fortune and the chances of success are slim. These organisms simply don’t thrive in a bad environment. The three pillars are crucial. Start with emotional cleansing and detoxification.
Once that’s done, you’ll need a two-phase attack on diet:
- Phase One: Incorporate the food source that healthy gut bacteria eat to survive, in the form of pre-biotics. Jerusalem artichokes, chicory, garlic, onions, leek, shallots, asparagus, beetroot, dandelion greens, fennel, peas, cabbage, nuts, and seeds.
- Phase Two: Incorporate a variety of probiotic foods to diversify the healthy bacteria in your gut. Active-culture yogurt, kefir, kombucha tea, tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled veggies (in brine – not vinegar), fermented meat (eg. corned beef), and fish (sardines).
If you can, you simply must choose to breastfeed your newborn. Breast milk is an amazing source of natural prebiotic compounds. There’s no other substance like it on earth for the good stuff. Baby picks up bacteria from the mom’s vaginal canal and gets prebiotic nourishment for the bacteria from breast milk.
The gut health and cancer connection is real. There is no reason you can’t start eating today for cancer prevention or to fight this horrific disease. I believe in the human microbiome and I know you will, too. Once you start loving your gut, you’re going to feel incredible!
Article Summary
Cultivating beneficial gut bacteria is your first line of defense against cancer and many other serious diseases. It does this by boosting your immune system at the places you’re almost always hit first with − toxins, heavy metals, parasites, fungi, and harmful bacteria.
Antibiotics disrupt your gut flora in a similar way that chemotherapy affects the human body. Chemotherapy wipes out perfectly healthy, non-cancerous cells inside you along with the cancerous cells. Similarly, antibiotics wipe out all bacteria (the bad kind as well as the good kind you can’t live without).
There are three important “PILLARS” of fighting cancer… all of which help to improve gastrointestinal system health.
- Emotional Cleansing
- Detoxification
- Diet
Probiotics are expensive and the bacteria won’t thrive in a bad environment. Use the 3 pillars starting with emotional cleansing and detoxification. Once that’s done, you’ll need a two-phase attack on diet:
- Phase One: Incorporate the food source that healthy gut bacteria eat to survive, in the form of pre-biotics. Jerusalem artichokes, chicory, garlic, onions, leek, shallots, asparagus, beetroot, dandelion greens, fennel, peas, cabbage, nuts, and seeds.
- Phase Two: Incorporate a variety of probiotic foods to diversify the healthy bacteria in your gut. Active-culture yogurt, kefir, kombucha tea, tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled veggies (in brine – not vinegar), fermented meat (eg. corned beef), and fish (sardines).
Gut bacteria is nourished by probiotic elements, it is important to include them in your daily diet. Agave plant same used to make Tequila has 25 % inulin but it needs to be processed. Inulin can benefit all your digestive system.
A portion of animal protein enters the colon undigested which feeds and promotes unfriendly gut bacteria. This is why a plant-based diet is best for overall health and cancer prevention. Cooked animal protein is especially difficult to digest (breaking protein down into amino acids) leaving undigested protein to undergo putrefaction. Wheat gluten can be an issue also as it is not so easy to digest. The path to a clean healthy colon with a population of healthy bacteria is a diet of fruits, vegetables, sprouts mostly raw and preferably organic.
Mark – You may want to return to the Natural Cancer Prevention Summit series and listen to Natasha Campell-McBride’s presentation. She talks about the role of animal foods and plant foods in omnivores. Crucial information for those who want to minimize the consumption of animal foods – especially animal fats and organ meats. She also addresses the issue of cooking vegetables vs consuming them raw.
Dr. Campbell-McBride is one of those rare MDs who has a post-doc degree in nutrition and recovered her own child from autism.
I see you mention Dairy. British prof. Jane Plant CBE was on the severalth round of chemo after radiology and surgery on her breast cancer. She was measuring a persistent tumor in her neck with calipers (she’s a scientist) and eating Yogurt for probiotics after chemo. Hmmm. She’d done research in rural China – the people there don’t get breast cancer. They are lactose intolerant. So she stopped eating dairy, yogurt, … and the tumor decreased in size linearly down to zero. She researched the science – cows milk is to grow calves into big cows in a couple years and has factors to promote such fast growth. IGF1 growth hormone promotes fast growing cells to grow faster. Oops, in human adults that could be cancer cells. Hmmm. The breast cancer regions of the world are exactly the dairy regions. Check this out. Even in Africa, two tribes side by side, the one doing cows gets breast cancer the neighboring farmers don’t. For more detail see prof. Plant’s book “The No Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention Program”. The same thing goes for prostate cancer, only men tend to get that later in life which isn’t as devastating as women’s breast cancer at earlier ages.
I live with an autoimmune disease and there is nothing I can do about it. My gut is my biggest problem, besides stress from the pain I live with… Thank you for everything you do
Why do you say there is nothing you can do about it? What specifically are you diagnosed with?
There is a lot you can do for autoimmunity. I strongly believe it starts in the gut and healing the gut is the most important step in going into remission. I have 3 autoimmune diseases (RA, Hashi’s, AS) and I manage to keep the pain levels down by avoiding certain foods. I started with the AIP but had to modify it as many of the ‘allowed’ foods were causing me issues – beef, coconut, turmeric. If I stay off these + eliminate the usual culprits, wheat, grains, dairy, sugar, nightshades, etc. then my pain is almost non-existent. However, one mouthful of an offending food and I can’t walk within an hour. As my gut heals, I am becoming less reactive to some of these foods but I think it will take time. Everyone reacts to different things so it’s about finding what your triggers are.
Beth, Our clinic has helped hundreds of people who have seen as many aw 20 other Doctors before starting the Health Flex protocols.
We detox with organic seaweeds and herbs. drhealthflex.com
Autoimmune disorders (I had Hashi’s) are essentially an environmental health issue. Unfortunately most medical practitioners in this country who know anything about environmental medicine, require private pay.
you HAD? you mean you reversed it?? :O how? I know withania does wonders for Hashis..
era0, a naturopath I consulted about 5 weeks ago said that 80% of all autoimmune diseases are due to leaky gut; the rest, due to stress, environmental factors, cold/flu, genetic. Many with autoimmune disease have more than one ailment.
Vaccines are infamous for their initiation of autoimmune diseases.
Regarding autoimmune disease, there are things you can do, as I have been diagnosed with one myself. There is a great book to read called Medical Medium by Anthony William. Don’t let the title scare you away. This guy is healing thousands, and yes, has things to heal autoimmune disease in the above mentioned book. Also, Amy Myers is another expert since she healed herself. Hoping we all find ways to heal from this diagnosis.
I have been having an autoimmune disease the last 8 months. I have tried changing my diet – mainly -cutting out white sugar (refined) from my diet. Everything has been improved in my body since. Less pain (hardly any) and my disease started to go away.
Beth Rauch – I had the “incurable” Crohn’s/Colitis – voiding blood up to 15 times a day, whole-body sickening cramps that would even put me into shock, a top doc in the field telling me it was time to start taking chunks out of my guts. The expensive meds have left permanent side effects (“moon face” – I’m so vain). But the Lord led me to a cure, which may work for you too. My gut flora had been destroyed by one too many rounds of antibiotics, literally too much sanitation, the SAD (Standard American Diet), and the final trigger of the stress of losing two immediate family members. I repopulated my gut flora by foraging weed greens – had to learn which plants are edible / when / how, and eating the leafy parts that are close to the ground, where the rain pelts bits of dirt up onto the plant, and the sun makes the dirt bacteria somewhat dormant. Gut bacteria *is* the version of dirt bacteria as manifested in the intestinal environment. It took only a few months, and I’m completely healed. The side effects to this cure have been marvelous – I now have an immune system that seems almost completely impervious, and I’m getting vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and plant medicine all in one that makes me healthy and has me looking and feeling younger than my peers. If you don’t have unpolluted plants around, you can just buy the stuff – Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSO’s). But if you do have some plants or gardens in your yard or in nearby unpolluted fields, you can start with the following – Dandelions (whole plant is edible and extremely nutritious, you’ll want to boil the roots to eat them – and the roots will give you a little “buzz” for the first week that you eat them); Clover – whole plant is edible. Big Red Clover blossoms are awesome, especially with morniing dew. Broad-lead plaintain (often considered a turf weed). Maple tree seeds – if the seed inside the spinner is green, it’s still good! Chamomille flowers and daisy flowers. Queen Anne’s Lace (Wild Carrot) is nice and spicy [Do NOT confuse it with hemlock – learn the difference]. Purple Conflower, also called Echinacea – the petals and leaves are great – and the leaves are both semisucculent and give you a nice “tingle” in the mouth. Cattails – peel the bottom stalk and the inside is basically cucumber. About a third of what you see outside is food, is medicine, and if it’s close to the ground, it’s specifically for curing your guts. One can start with Green Dean’s site eattheweeds.com.
Thanks for the good write-up. I do take Garden of Life’s HSO’s. (Primal Defense). Good stuff. Also helpful is to take activated charcoal, by itself, on an empty stomach. This will help clean out toxins of all sorts from the gut.
Beth Rauch please look up “the little yellow pill” it is proving to be amazing…PROTANDIM.
So true, Mark. I am a 62 YO vegan nurse with NO health problems. My hospital coworkers yesterday morning all came up from the coffee shop with scrambled eggs and cheese on a croissant, complaining about their diabetes, their high cholesterol, their trouble sleeping, etc while I sat there eating my bowl of organic blueberries, sipping my cup of organic chamomile tea. They find my diet curious, but can never put it all together. At least there was no bacon (for a change) on their breakfast sandwiches! I usually make a comment when they do THAT! We lost two co-workers to cancer last year. I truly believe their diets and lifestyles bred the cancer, and the treatment killed them.
Exactly. People think unhealthy food is semi healthy.. The general population is considerably nutrient deprived.
I completely agree, but I have ulcerative colitis and even with taking my cannibis tincture (which helps a lot) I still have bad gut issues. Can’t eat kimchi and other things you mention. I’m at a loss for what to do. I’ve had cancer 4 times, but have been ok. I’m just terrified of getting cancer again. I need to improve my gut issues. Any suggestions? I won’t touch the biologics “they” recommend I take. Thanks so much, Deborah Cosentino
Deborah, a naturopath I’ve consulted said to have a bowel cleanse, just an overnight thing, then repair the gut with a couple of supplements. Also, no gluten, no rice, potato, no sugar, no dairy for 6 weeks.
Although I agree with that meat , specially processed meat are hazardous . However I do know many elderly people (80+) have been eating meat all their life, eggs and bacon every day and are thriving health wise. Someone please explain that?
My dad was one of those people, ate meat all his life, lived to 86. But maybe he would have lived longer if he didn’t smoke tobacco and eat meat, who knows? The only problem I have with eating zero foods like eggs, fish, poultry is: how do you get your protein? I’ve never heard from a vegan who shares this secret; hypoproteinemia is devastating to health (I know, I have it thanks to the aftereffects of celiac disease). So, maybe some vegan here will share their secret: do you use a food like quinoa, do you take a protein supplement that is vegetable based with protein digesting enzymes, do you use free essential amino acids, or something else? And do you regularly check your B-12 and Total Blood Protein to make sure you aren’t starving your body for muscle repair and neurotransmitters, which require amino acids?
Kudos to you Kim…hopefully your coworkers will follow your example when they see how you are thriving with an abundance of energy…its particularly disturbing to see the massive amounts of healthcare providers…Doctors and Nurses who are obese…having more ailments than the patients they are caring for…its very sad to see.
I am happy to see some vegans here. I am 39 YO vegan, however I am on this diet just half a year. That lifestyle makes me feel absolutely amazing and I am not even trying to be a healthy vegan. Would be great if people could see the way to their health which is just in front of them. Unfortunately most of the people in such a denial…
Kim, is it hard to be a nurse and follow protocol knowing it probably wont work?
I agree, I was on diabetes medication and following the ADA diet for years for T2, and just MAINTAINED the disease. Then I saw the movie Forks over Knives and it resonated with me, so I decided to put it to the test for 30 days…and never looked back! No more diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, and on and on! Even my doctor was still under the impression that diabetes is caused by high carbohydrates and sugar, which is just a symptom of the disease. It is intramyocellular lipids, too much fat in the cells, that is the cause!
( http://www.idf.org/sites/default/files/attachments/article_511_en.pdf )
We are biologically adapted to be starch eaters and even have extra copies of amylase to digest it, unlike most other animals. Think of rural Asian populations whose main staple was rice, you never saw a fat Asian back then, but now that they eat like us, it is all changing. Even carnivores don’t eat meat as often as we do, and we use so much oil and fat in everything! The diets of the rich and royalty down through the ages were known to have the same diseases as modern society, and that was BEFORE sugar and processed foods, so it is not entirely accurate to think that they are entirely to blame, though they are certainly contributors! Eliminating animal products and processed foods and eating a high starch, whole food, plant based diet, ala Dr McDougall, turned my life around, we ARE what we eat! This isn’t new info, they’ve know this since the 1940’s, yet I still get pathetic pleas in my e-mail and phone calls from the American Diabetes Ass. to DONATE to help cure diabetes? There IS a cure, DIET, and it is just another racket to bilk and brainwash us at the same time!!! I even tried making a post on their blog about my journey and linked them to other success stories and factual info, and I got called names that I won’t even repeat here, and ridiculed as if I were some malicious evil-doer! I know people find it hard to accept new info, but this ad hominem attack was obviously paid shills protecting their interests! Pathetic and eye opening!
One of the biggest things to affect the gut microbiome is a little bug called H.Pylori. I have had poor health for years and had to leave work 8 years ago to be put on disability due to severe Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue along with Electrohypersensitivity to wireless frequencies. My diet was almost impeccable and I supported my body for years with supplements as well. Nothing seemed to help. It was all like pouring water into a holy bucket. I was recently diagnosed with severe H.Pylori and since treating it, my Thyroid (I had Hashimotos) is working again, my detox pathways have opened back up and my gut health has picked up. I learnt through Dr Amy Yasko’s expertise that this bug shuts the Thyroid and Liver Detox pathways down and I demanded my Doctor test me for it. She refused, believing I didn’t have it as I didn’t have the common symptoms. I persisted and she eventually tested to rule it out. She couldn’t look at me when she told me the results. No one is talking about the full extent this little bug has on the body and the gut. Its a class 1 carcinogen meaning it definitely develops into Cancer and 75% of the worlds population is has it and doesn’t even know. The gut microbiome suffers in the extreme when there is permeability and this bug is THE leading cause of gut permeability. When you have permeability, you suffer from malabsorption so your gut bacteria can’t flourish, nothing can because you lose everything. If we want to build the whole organism, it begins in the gut, and eradicating the high levels of this bug in our populations, that’s contagious through saliva, from existence. Medical authorities have kept the severity of H.Pylori a secret, indoctrinating our practitioners to believe that if someone doesn’t suffer from Heartburn, they don’t have it. But the truth is, it does far more than this. This is the crux of our health issues and its gone unnoticed for way too long.
I would like to know exactly how you can kill bad bacteria in your gut if you have it? Without taking strong prescription medication. Apparently over half the worlds population have this bacteria and don’t know. The bacteria also causes Gerd, heartburn and reflux.
Hi Michelle,
I initially used a natural combination of Mastic Gum, Triphala and Cats Claw for 2 months but my levels were only reduced by 1000, I still had over 2000 to go so I had no choice but to do the medical Triple Therapy with 2 antibiotics and 1 PP1. I got my results yesterday and I’m now classified as negative even though my reading of Urease was still 80. I will be doing the natural treatment at least every year now. The symptoms of Gerd, heartburn and reflux are the common symptoms, there are many more that Doctors are unfamiliar with being related to this bug. After I finished the antibiotic treatment, I went hard with natural foods and supplements to heal the gut lining and repopulated good bacteria. I’m drinking Pau D’Arco tea, eating my own fermented vegetables and milk and water Kefir, bone broth, resistant starches, smoothies, greens and good fats. I also supplement with L-Glutamine/Glysine/Tyrosine/Inulin to help heal the intestinal permeability and reverse the Thyroid issue which has happened. My Liver and Thyroid are both working again and so much has changed. I feel healthy for the first time in my life. I think everything I was doing before was like pouring water in a leaky bucket, now my body is absorbing nutrients and making such a big difference to my health.
I would suggest too to do a gentle detox of the gut. I use activated charcoal. Take it with nothing else on an empty stomach, with a glass of pure water. Best of luck to you.
So this means I can sue my doctors that had me on 7 to 8 different antibiotics for a three year period.They killed my gut flora big time.
The mainstream medical mafia doctors need to have their asses beat bloody to teach them a lesson…….!!!
I new a woman that was angry all her adult life. She died of colon cancer. I suspect a relationship between her anger and her cancer. I have approached both the psychological and health communities, and they both rejected my perspective.
Elsa Clarke.
I totally agree with you
Any information or help on Carcinoid Cancer? My sister in law has this odd cancer…
There are lots of natural treatments for Cancer. I’ve been researching them for years. Some dietary aids might include The Budwig Diet – Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese daily. I used this ten years ago to help a man go into full remission within 3 months. He only did this daily along with 2 tablespoons of greens powder. Ginger, Tumeric tea daily. I read a testimonial on how Phytoplankton completely healed 7 tumours in someone who began with a carcinoid tumour. Essiac Tea, Apricot Kernals, Garlic/Onions, Asparagus, Walnuts. Thunder God Vine may work but only use measured doses. Graviola, Frankinsence Essential Oil, Aloe Vera, Matcha Green Tea, Ozone, Chlorophyll, and high doses of Vitamin D3 accompanied with at least 90mcgs Vitamin K2 (this is a must for every Cancer patient). There are many more. Hope this helps Judith.
All those processed foods that we put in your mouth seem to be delicious for most of us, but we do not see to realize that they are toxic to our body. If we all ate a raw vegan diet, fresh fruit, and did juicing, maybe we will all be free of cancer and any other serious diseases.
Yes, Silvia, I believe that to be the truth! I have two former classmates who are killing themselves being overweight and never once trying to do anything about it… one has cancer, and the other is severely diabetic.
You hit the nail on the head, changing to a whole food plant based diet high in complex carbs changed my life dramatically! I don’t get why they are pushing bone broth here and other proven issue causing animal products considering all the negative aspects related to raising and eating them? I know everyone isn’t going to be vegan, but why encourage animal consumption?
Please be respectful that everyone is different and has different needs at different times in their lives. Be grateful that we are omnivores and can eat a variety of foods and have access to all of them when and if we need them. If a whole plant food diet works for you, all the better and blessings to you. For those who have candida and other gut issues and cannot do grains, carbohydrates, legumes, nuts, dairy, etc. it’s a good thing you have the option of eating vegetables, broths and animal foods.
Worth mentioning Colonoscopy here too and the chemicals used to clear the gut beforehand. I have been made to have 2 colonoscopies now – the first because the GP had previously been a gut specialist and decided for no good reason I could see that I needed one and refused to investigate another unrelated condition (which I do have) until I agreed to the colonoscopy, the second (2 years later) because I had what was almost certainly a false positive in a routine Occult Blood Test. I don’t think it is generally known but the Occult Blood Test (which I actually used as a clinical biochemist earlier in my life without realising) doesn’t test for blood but is a colour test – veg like broccoli – especially if raw – can give false positives. The Klean Prep (active ingredient polyethylene glycol – anti freeze is ethylene glycol and a poison …..) made me vomit every 20 minutes for 24 hrs after I tried to eat again. It has taken me 2 years to get my gut flora re-established – to start with I couldn’t eat any vegetable as they just went straight through me. I did try probiotics and fermented foods but nothing seemed to work – I just had to be patient and wait for my own gut flora to re-establish and in the meantime greatly reduce my vegetable intake/ make sure they were balanced with carbs like potato. I suspect the first colonoscopy sensitised me to the Klean Prep, causing this extreme reaction when I took it again.
I cant find any way to contact TY and I have a great marketing idea to share. Can you email me please?
Hi Debra, I can forward an email to him for you if you provide me with a message and an email address. Thanks!
Thank you for all your very helpful information. If only I had previously known about it, I might have been able to stop my husband’s cancer from suddenly spreading quite rapidly towards the end of his life. Throughout, he maintained a very positive attitude but he finally lost his very courageous battle on 8.10.15.
I would like to share this, as you graciously suggested, but when I try to print it comes up blank. You seem to have some blockage on printing. The people I want to show it to, have no access to the internet. Is there any way to get a printout of this? thank you.
Hi Sora, I will pass this feedback onward for you. The easiest way to print this out would be to copy and paste the article text into a word document and then print it out from there.
I have a friend who has been diagnosed with interstitial lung disease, what alternative medicines can she take to get rid of the desease. Please reply as soon as possible
Hi Joe, The best advice we can give you is to have your friend consult with one of the doctors that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
If you are looking for certain strains, good luck. I have gone to every market in my area in Los Angeles, from Russian market, middle eastern, Chinese and other Asian markets and have purchased and consumed over 35 strains that I found in my months of searching. So in LA, with markets of different ethnic foods, I found only 35 specific strains of bacteria from all forms of yogurts, kefirs, pills, anything pickled, and ONLY found 35 individual subspecies strains from Propionibacterium Freudenreichii ssp Shermanii, a strain rarely found to Lactobacillus Acidophilus, one of the most common.
You mentioned “boosting mice gut bacteria (specifically with Bifidobacterium) equaled the results of immunotherapy(using your body’s immune system to attack cancer) in slowing the growth of melanoma cancer cells!”, does it matter which one?
Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Bifidobacterium Breve, Bifidobacterium Breve R0070, Bifdobacterium longum, Bifdobacterium longum BB536, Bifidobacterium infantis, B. Infantis 35624, are the Bifido subspecies strains I found in my search.
So those are the only bifidobacterium available to me to consume, so hopefully anyone else can find these strains too.
the numbers behind the strains, I have assumed were patented, as they were in the specific companies probiotic pills. Everything else is from food.
This is a good article but I disagree with eating any forms of alliums (garlic, onions, leeks, shallots that you mention), and I have completely eliminated this food group from my diet.
When I moved to this village I was a young 25 year old and slim, reasonably healthy. I got a bad food poisoning within half hour of eating. The doctor here saw my ‘pregnant’ looking belly, and gave me 3-4 courses of anti-bionics in a short space of time. Resulting in my arms up to my wrists looking blown up/puffy as well as my tummy, and wide spread Candida I have done special diets for, a whole range of natural treatments, spent heaps of money, and am stuck with it, and a range of health concerns which I just give up with. I wish id known then about Candida and homeopathy/natural medicines. I now feel I can’t even bend hardly because of the muscle/joint pain.Ali’.
Hi Ali’
Have you tried colon hydrotherapy?
I don’t know anything about your condition,but it helped me get rid of Campilobacter Jejunii,wich was pretty tough to “de-camp” (hahaha,I’m so funny…); I refused antibiotics,as it had been no use on a friend,but this and a rice and a bit of steamed veggies diet for 2 weeks,along with garlic a-gogo,enabled me to keep food inside instead of evacuating 15 minutes after eating…
Then I went almost all raw (those 2 weeks of cooked were terrible,as I love raw!!!) and kept washing my collon and flushing my liver (thank you,Andreas Moritz!),and although it took about 6 months,now I feel all good!
I really hope you find your cure!
I couldn’t agree more with this article. I was blessed to learn so much of this from another pioneering researcher and probiotic product developer, who also shouted this info from the rooftops in the 80s onward, and his real-food-only, certified organic, prebiotic, probiotic superfood blends have made a huge difference in my health and the health of my family. The more voices shouting this truth in love out to the world together, the better – we need to empower the masses to do everything they can to support their natural health and vitality. (In the spirit of full disclosure, I do now sell those probiotic superfood blends also, but only because I’m first and foremost a happy customer myself and love hearing the testimonials I get from around the world.)
TB keep up the crusade! Superb Work Sir!
Yual Givins and Adell Davis both ate only organic and healthy food and both died of cancer. When it’s your time your gonna die. If people would spend more time with their Savior they would be happier and healthier
For longevity your require a healthy diet that consists of vegetables not fruits and fish or chicken no red meat.You also require a peaceful heart and being nimble and move like a pigeon in other words walk for heslth.Of course no booze or sugars.
Getting the right support to fix your gut will go a long way to improving the autoimmune problem, it takes a while but can be done
Round-up is an antibiotic, so it kills gut bacteria, thus an obvious reason for the Round-up/Cancer connection. We are not Round-up ready.
My son is being treated for potential Lyme disease with a round of 21 days of antibiotics. I am so sad that this is the only course for him. Especially after reading this article. But so many medical professionals are leading us in this direction due to a tell-tale bullseye rash that he developed. Fortunately this is the first time he has ever had antibiotics, but I am worried because he also was supplemented with formula because I did not produce enough milk, and was born via C-section so missed out of vaginal microbes. However it is nice to know the other ways to support him during this process.
Super Sulfer is a second-generation MethylSolphonylMethane (MSM) product that gets deep to destroy the burrowing spirochete of Lyme disease. You could find MSM right away but seek out this second-generation MSM. Naturodoc.com has it.
In my opinion probiotic supplements from my research on the different strains are best avoided. A healthy diet is all that will promote good gut health. And avoid any supplement with copper in it, and there is reasons for my saying this but I can’t get into it. Avoid high copper foods, also keep in mind the feed animals are fed is often high in copper, grass fed cow foods are probably fine for example so long as it is not alfalfa which is also high in copper ( don’t know if alfalfa is in grass feed?) Too much copper, in my opinion promotes bad gut health. This is from personal experience that I came to this conclusion, it’s my opinion from my own research.
I am a breast cancer survivor and I agree that stress is one of the biggest factors in cancer. At the time I was diagnosed, I had stress deluxe in my life. Due to unforeseen events, I find myself extremely stressed again and am trying to handle it to the extent I can. I am in therapy; I am trying to see friends; I am taking antidepressants. I have made a choice to accept some of the parts of life. For example, due to circumstances, my adult son found himself homeless and he came to live with me. That was fine and we were actually doing well. Then his 2 1/2 year old daughter’s mother ended up in jail. While I am proud of him for trying to get custody of her, it is difficult to be much, much,, much older and poor health and trying to keep her while he works and is usually gone for 15 hours from the house. He comes home exhausted from a very physical job and takes complete care of her. Then we have his ten year old son for the summer. I’m totally exhausted. Having children that were not raised in this home with our rules is extremely stressful. Both were raised with a lack of rules and appear to have gotten attention with negative behavior. Now we not only have to train but untrain the learned behaviors and then train acceptable behaviors to us. Common things like MAY I, PLEASE, THANK YOU, YOUR’RE WELCOME, proper grammar. If I hear ME WANT more one time, I have to deep breath and remember that’s what has been learned and it’s a behavior not the child. Yet is it stress, stress, stress! My children did not do this. I’m back on blood pressure medicine. I was raised that family comes first. I don’t know what will happen if my son does not have me to help him. I guess someone else will come to his aid. His dad is in much worse shape than I and can barely care for himself as far as I know. Maybe I need to change my diet. When I went through cancer treatment, the oncologist was just happy when I would eat and didn’t lose more weight. I lost 12 pounds the first week with chemo. I couldn’t keep anything in my body at all.
I recently had some repair work on my lumpectomy incision. Due to where it is and radiation, the only way to tell if there was cancer, was due to a biopsy and put it under the microscope. When I went back at one week, the incision looked great. Better news, there was no cancer. The surgeon told me that he had been concerned more than he had let me know. So, again I think stress planned a huge part. Also, I’ve been taking antibiotics sparingly for diverticulitis – again I think stress and diet. He is not going to be pleased as the incision has a place that has not broken open again – part of what we were trying to accomplish with the surgery.
Personally I think some antibiotics have a place as needed. My primary care uses them sparingly so they will be effective when needed also, Not only can they have negative side effectives but also can a person can build up an immunity to their good effects. I may be more of a proponent since my life was saved primary by them when I was four and one of the mycians had just come out. I had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and the family doctor used that and along with fluids, I came out of the coma, the 104 degree temp subsided and I survived. He had given my parents a 5% chance of my survival. I think the antibiotics were warranted.
Susan, please see my reply to Deborah submitted about 7:34pm on 6-1-16. I think you will find it very helpful and to know you won’t get Cancer again will bring you great peace of mind and body. You might like to tell your story to Delilah.com. She gives great advice on radio and privately on handling life’s troubles thrown at you. And she won’t hesitate to add how God turned her life around and can do the same for you. He makes a way where there is no way. She’ll send you to organizations which work with various problems to lighten your load. It seems you should have an Aid for you and your husband. You can get an Aid through Medicaid. You can keep you present health insurance. To get the Medicaid eg, if your monthly income is (rough figures) $1,000. Medicaid allows $800, therefore they will take the $200 difference and you will have an Aid. Now, if you own your own house they will give you back the $200 towards running your house. You should go to a lawyer who specializes in Elder Care to get these things set up properly. Good luck and God bless you and your husband with a most amazing future, your son and grandchildren too!
Best gut flora that helped me when nothing else worked was Keifer.Has some 56 bug cultures.Wont find them in a pill
I like to make kefir and fermented veggies using a couple Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic caps as starter. I “proof” it by blending them with a red pepper for the veggies/kraut and just blend a couple with a bit of raw milk added to the other milk and whatever other starter I’m using for kefir. They claim 12 differing strains in the caps. I recently bought some EM1…It has a soil-born organism, like Garden of Life probiotics…is it? EM, Essential Microorganism is a firm that’s been around for awhile and they’ve recently entered the probiotic market
thank you for everythink
How do you accomplish this with someone who is on a semi-elemental formula being fed through a J-tube and taking Erythrocin 3 times a day to try to increase gut motility? He is not supposed to take any food orally. He is also on Warfarin. I keep trying to find out how to improve the health of his gut but, so far, no one has been able to help us.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE THE ANSWER TO STOPPING 75% OF CANCERS AND HEART DISEASE !! I have been trying to get someone to listen to me for years…You have to make Dental care part of major medical. No one can afford 10’s of thousands of dollars for dental care. But if it was part of your medical insurance instead of a separate entity for an obscenely greedy dental system, People could get work done regularly. A healthy mouth a healthy body. That’s why those who are rich have such a small percentage of serious illness. Those who watch what they eat… eat less and have cleaner food being digested. They can afford the high price of organic food. They can afford the dentist. I believe the food you say that causes disease is actually picking up bacteria from your mouth. Gum disease Rotting teeth even food stuck in the small crevasses Cavities, even the air we breathe in is so full of garbage that microscopically sits in your mouth during the day and gets washed into your system when you eat or drink. Have you ever felt sick and it made you hungry…when you eat something you feel better ? The cravings causing Obesity are linked to this bacteria your body is fighting with. The more bacteria the larger the cravings. The more you eat the worse your health becomes. Even the University of Akron in Ohio. Their school of nursing has started looking at the effects on a baby due to the mothers poor dental issues. Based on a research grant. Heck I believe if everyone removed all their teeth and had full sets of implants. 50% of the health issues would go away in about 5 years. BUT NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS !!!
Good post; I too have stressed the importance of good oral care in the prevention of cancer. The mouth is full of all kinds of harmful stuff that need to be removed by proper dental care. I just had two teeth pulled and the oral surgeon was bright enough to put me on antibiotics for a week to guard against infection.
Dr. Hal Huggins passed on recently but he pioneered the Biological Dentistry that growing numbers of professionals now practice. See Dr. Tennant’s “Healing Is Voltage”
Find doctor morse on you tube he can help
Deborah Cosentino – I had ulcerative colitis for years, very bad. Cured it by incorporating soil bateria into my diet by eating plants with leaves close to the ground. Rain pelts dirt bits onto the lower leaves, sun attenuates the bacteria, “packaging” it for safe consumption. It repopulated my gut flora and cured my Crohns/Colitis in a few months. Or you can just buy the stuff (“Homeostatic Soil Organisms” or “HSO’s”) as a powder.
My Hashi’s was primarily due to gluten, which seems to be the most common cause. However there are others. You might look up Izabella Wentz PharmD and buy her book, or lookup Joseph Bebe and read some of the stuff on his drbebe.com website, or see what stopthethyroidmadness.com says about autoimmunity. There is a lot of info out there about autoimmunity and its causes, but almost no MDs know it or care, the only thing MDs do for Hashi’s is give you T4.
Dan Quixoté,this is so similar to what we do at home…I used to love Maple seeds as a kid,but I wasn’t sure they weren’t gonna kill me,so I never ate more than a couple every once in a while!!!
We rinse our stuff with spring water and use a bit of olive oil (reducing this to 1 tsp per dish…) and a bit of lemon juice and unrefined sea salt;is any of this wrong??? Should we just dust the leaves and eat them in situ? (I like the idea!!!)
The only problem with this theory is that 100 years ago there was virtually no cancer and people drank milk back then too. Go figure. In addition, for anyone taking radiation and chemotherapy for breast cancer, milk consumption should be the least of their worries, instead the rebuilding of their shattered immune systems should be front and centre. Conflicts of interest – I’ve had cancer, recovered without chemo and drink raw milk.
Al – Greetings fellow forager! That all sounds fine to me! Adding salt & oil sounds great, especially if it’s any of the pink Himalayan rock salts, even the stuff from Walmart. Most of us are really hurting for minerals and in the right mix — it’s why we’re always hungry – it’s our body craving enough of the good stuff. The Himalayan rock salt is pretty much the best mineral intake medium I’m aware of, short of buying Youngevity’s expensive Beyond Tangy drinks. You can sprinkle that on everything. I even grind the rock salt into my tea and other drinks, onto food I wouldn’t normally add salt to, somehow it doesn’t wreck the flavor at all. With regard to the rinsing, it does greatly diminish the number of microbes you’ll be eating, so I don’t rinse ANYthing I eat from outdoors, but I nearly always rinse foragables before serving them to others. The 90+% reduction in microbes from the rinsing saves them from tummy aches or sore throats that can result from strong exposure to creepy crawlies their bodies haven’t gotten acquainted with yet. It’s a great way to ease the introduction of new species or if you’re gathering from an area with an unfamiliar microbial species mix. So if I’m traveling, I really tone it down. And I’ll readily admit that in the spring when I restart with the heavy foraging, the strains that mutated during the winter without me maintaining good equilibrium with the ambient microbes like the outdoor critters do, can and have given me the occasional tummy ache and even strep-throat. I actually know within minutes. But I use a honey+garlic+cayenne pepper paste that I eat or drink as a tea as my ENT (ear-nose-throat) antibiotic, and it clears right up with no insult to the gut flora. Learned that through professional singers who need to not have strep and not have bowel problems while out on tour. So maybe *I* would do well to rinse my greens (with UNflouridated water!) at the beginning of the season. BTW – some more common species of forageables to share that come to mind – rose petals, which taste like candy; 97% of the seeds of grasses (what do you think wheat is?); MINT PLANTS – there are 3500 species, all are edible top to bottom, leaves/stalks & all (including “catnip”) – if the stalk has a square cross section and it has pairs of densely/finely veined leaves, it’s generally a mint. And of course any wild berries you might recognize. Different things are available on natures menu. For example in the midwest, baby maple leaves and the appletree blossoms just left the menu, but the red clover blossoms just came on. And many of the mint species are flowering – the flowers are a *spicy* kind of mint, with a little bit of a powedery grainy texture.
Dan Quixoté,thank you!
We..’re putting flowers in our dishes,and that is so beautyful…
I wonder if you eat nettles;they are one of my favourites.
I chop them up,pretty fine,and mix with a little lemon juice,
Any herb that inspires me at the moment I do it,and a
pinch of salt,snd let sit for 45 minutes (30 is good,but
you may still get some stinging!).
Then you can mix with your salad…
Also,lately I’ve tried putting the whole tips,
unchopped,into some kimchi juice for a day or two…
Thanks, Al. I don’t presently eat nettles, but it just so happens that last week I started studying thistles & nettles for potential food and medicinal use. It would be nice if they can be put to some use other than kindling (when sun-dried), since they’re so plentiful and hardy. Maybe the pressed juices could be useful.
Your mention of the touch of stinging from nettle reminds me of echinacea (purple coneflower). I don’t know if it’s common where you live, but in the Midwest it is found covering swaths of fields, and in patches next to roads. The nearly succulent leaves are covered with tiny spiny hairs – they don’t string, but they do leave a lasting tingle in the mouth, which is pleasant. The petals are edible too, but the woody central core of the is only good for making tea, not for eating like most flowers.
I might also recommend cattail. The stripped lower stalk is basically cucumber, the roots are a decent cooked starch, and the top fuzzy & flowering parts are a passable grainy /starchy / proteiny filler for baking. Some people start by using those top parts in pancake batter to start getting acquainted with working with the material.
Hi there,Dan Quixoté!
I was just wondering how you’re doing,
this season?
Me,I’m still foraging and enjoying it (when
I go to the city,I always bring my greens!),
and I wonder if you’ve tried any new herbs?
Hi Debra
Did you manage to get rid of this? I had this and suffered terribly from really excrutiating pain in my stomach going up through to my head, much worse than any heartburn. I understood that it was a symptom of a pre-ulcer condition and I had a course of antibiotics with acid suppressant twice which helped for a while. I still get the pain from time to time and just take Zantac or similar. Co-incidentally, I also have Hashimotos disease and have been taking a thyroid treatment for the last 18 months. I did not realise it was a carcinogen and it was generally dismissed as something people get before an ulcer. What treatment did you have? I would really like to take something natural to try and combat this condition as I really have little faith in conventional medicine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Sheila,
Yes my test results yesterday showed a negative result. It can take 1-2 years, depending on severity, to heal intestinal lining. Unfortunately, using antibiotics alone was also found to have a 70% reoccurrence rate of the H.Pylori which is what is often missed. I initially used 3 natural treatments, Mastic Gum, Triphala, and Cats Claw but my Urease levels only diminished by 1000, leaving another 2000 to go and that’s when I had to agree to the antibiotic therapy which did eliminate it. Because I am aware of the propensity for it to return, every year I will do another course in the natural treatments too. I also drink Matcha Green tea and Moringa tea to prevent reinfection. The best thing you can do to heal your gut is to make your own Chicken Bone Broth, but only do this after you know for sure that the Pylori is gone. I think it was Ty Bollinger that gave a recipe for it on his website. It contains the essential amino acids such as Glutamine/Proline/Glysine that help to heal intestinal permeability and restore tight junctions. I am supplementing with these and notice a huge improvement. Almost daily, more inflammation is going down in my body. At first after treatment I suffered from pain right across the top of my stomach, under the ribs and severe Diverticulitis when I ate cruciferous foods or fibre. I can now eat these with no discomfort. My Thyroid is working like it hasn’t in years and all the swelling in my neck has gone. I do use Iodine/Selenium/Zinc/Tyrosine but before my body would soak these up with very little result. Now the Iodine I put on my skin is there 24 hours compared to the 2 before. My Liver was so compromised because of the H.Pylori, I had only 2 detoxification pathways in phase 2 working, now I have 4 and a half out of 5. There are many strains of H.Pylori that people suffer from and sometimes some things will work for some and not for others. Some people swear by Mastic Gum and others swear by Matula Tea, so it may be the strains that make the difference. The longer its been there, the harder it is to eradicate too. My levels indicated mine had been there since childhood, possibly 50 years. I suffered from childhood anaemia, severe underweight issues, Migraine Stomach pain, and an overactive Thyroid and yet nothing was picked up. Over the years I suffered from heartburn and reflux which eventually went away. Still no one picked it up. Then the symptoms went deeper. I have been an avid researcher of natural health for 16 years, averaging 2-8 hours a day in material. My diet is almost impeccable and I’ve used countless supplements to try to cure my issues. I can’t believe it took me so long to come across the information on Helicobacter Pylori but my health is changing radically as a result of curing myself of it. I only hope my experience will inspire others to empower themselves with information on it. All our health issues can be reversed when we find the core issue. I wish you all the best Sheila. If there’s anything else I can do to help, please let me know.
I’ve just realized how important attitude is. It is sad to see so many people killing themselves simply by refusing to enjoy the love they’re given
Deborah, there is an excellent preventative and cure for cancer called Essiac. It comes in capsule form now and so easy to take. It was mentioned in The Truth About Cancer seminar as curing cancer, but when stopped it would return. I know about it from the 1990s. It cures it all, but if an organ is completely burned out, is the only thing it cannot bring it back. It’s around since the 1930s I believe. President Kennedy’s Dr Brusch was involved with the originator Rene Caisse from Canada. People didn’t know how to pronounce Caisse, so she spelled it backwards to pronounceable, Essiac. There are many distributors online of Essiac. Check the Legal Agreement on each site and be sure it says that it is from the Respirin Corporation. Rene sold it to these two gentlemen who promised to keep it pure and away from the hands of modern/Western medicine; our doctors who were called the first quacks, because they believed in putting chemicals into people to make big bucks from them, which continues to this day. If you can get your hands on a copy of The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas, you will see how Sloan Kettering, wanting to not join the breadline, botched up all her testing, by implanting the mice with animal Cancer, surgery, chemo and radiation. She’d asked for them to have human Cancer ONLY implanted in them. She could cure thousands. The local docs only gave her their worst cases, and she cured them. When asked to bring in the cases she cured she brought on 1,000. They would only see 48, then said that she could only cure 48. See how crooked they are. They don’t want a cure. Just an expensive drug they can administer. Believe me, you are never going to see all oncologists, researchers and Sloan Ketterings worldwide on a breadline. I know a researcher at NYU Langone, NYC and he agreed. I spoke to 2 of the Canada distributors and they were wonderfully, sweet, patient, kind people. You do save much by buying a 6 mo supply, and more by buying a years supply. A girl on my street had it in her bones, could only go down and up the stairs once a day, then needed a wheelchair. Her dr said, ok, try it. She was out of the wheelchair and up and down 4x a day and since moved to FL and is fine last I heard! Good luck and God bless you with radiant good health!
Great article…had a. doctors health assessment yesterday… take. No medication of any kind and still mow the lawn (a big one) swim and lead an active life …good food and natural medicine are the way to go and your articles have been very helpful… Love them.. Thank you…!!
what’s the reason behind this decision?
Atlantic Monthly published an article in 1999 stating a study in Denver showed fully half of doctors there were unaware antibiotics had been approved for the cure of ulcers-known to be caused by H. pylori. However colloidal silver does the same thing…the natural antibiotic alternative. “Johnny Silverseed”.
My daughter uses high quality probiotics daily…and is not suffering illnesses like she used to suffer. I don’t use probiotics, because I eat right. I went13 years without a sniffle or problem, until I started using some dairy in coffee…in 30 days I had a horrible hack. It lasted 30 days. I stopped the dairy…and now use some almond milk when I have coffee. I am in top shape at 82, because I adhere to the philosophy…food is your best medicine…and live primarily on an abundance of raw fruit and greens. I got rid of bad tumors twice (in 1976 and 1988) by stopping the foods which “fueled” them. I did ask for guidance..eliminated two very specific foods…and the tumors were regressed and never came back. They were gone both times in 10-1/2 weeks. Two doctors told me that I would be given no guarantees, if I didn’t have surgery…but I left the second office telling the doctor I was going home to pray. Well, my prayers were answered and an important book came into my hands within 2 days…Dr. N.W. Walker’s book on raw fruit and vegetables. I would say he was an authority. He lived 118 healthy years.
I know people who would like to buy the series The Truth about Cancer…where can it be purchased.? My daughter and I bought the series; and are holding screenings at our place.. People ask where can we get it?
serpentgurl, I just discovered a book by Carol Sinclair The IBS low-starch diet and she cured her IBS with no or low starch and found that her AS went into remission. The foreword to the book is by Dr Alan Ebringer and there are YouTube videos with him. So, it’s not just gluten to avoid. Investigate, research. Also, there are Facebook Groups about no/low starch and Ankylosing Sponylitis.
I also suspect that vegan is a bit extreme. But a good mixture of organically grown fruit, veg and tree nuts should provide you with the necessary amino acid building blocks for all of the protein that your body needs to create. Fats could be supplied by stuff like coconut oil. B12 supplements apparently come from bacteria these days, so are OK for vegans. B17 can come from apricot kernels. Trace minerals are now a problem because of mineral depleted soils, following the “green revolution” and the artificial fertiliser destruction of soil health after WW2. Applying powdered rock dust, bio-char and the correct fungus spores, along with compost and matured human/animal manure, could help to restore permaculture soil health. Some Vegan “superfoods” include: Goji berries. Quinoa. Pine nuts. Brazil nuts. Walnuts. Macadamia nuts. Cashew nuts. Amaranth. Hemp seeds, oil and leaves (raw). Sweet Potatoes (orange). Pomegranate. Mangosteen. Mustard Greens. Swiss Chard. Broccoli. Cabbage. Sauerkraut. Kale. Blueberries. Cauliflower. Coconut oil. Turmeric root. Kiwi. A variety of Mushrooms. Flax seed (freshly ground). Flax seed oil. Chia seed. Poppy seed. Sesame seed. Mineral rich Himalayan salt. Ground black pepper and spices. Dark chocolate & cacao.
What makes you so certain that this bug is carcinogenic? The only things that I am absolutely positive are carcinogenic are pharmaceuticals. Doctors point to other things as smoke screen problems because they are taught to do so by the cancer causing pharmaceutical companies while they are in med school. The only safe way of dealing with microbes is to keep them balanced against other microbes. I really think you are chasing a red herring.
I told Michelle that the H.Pylori bug is a Class 1 carcinogen because that’s what the World Health Organization has classified it as. You can read more here:
Yes, Allan. You are right. I have just left a comment on here how I was prescribed nexium to kill this bug as doc said it was the only way to get rid of it. Never again will I take medication. Have never really believed in it. Would very much love any suggestions on how to kill it naturally. If you or anyone else has any ideas. I would be very much appreciated, thanks????.
Yes Debra and Alan it is the the bug ( bacteria) Allan said it was. I would very much like to know how to kill this bacteria naturally. As the doctor put me on a course of antiobics ( nexium plus two others to conteract the nexium ), for 7 days. After day 3 I couldn’t move most of my joints had swollen and gone still, I couldn’t sit and could barely walk. As I absolutely detest taking any medication at all. But the doc said this was the only to kill this bug. I stopped taking it immediately. Just need natural suggestions if possible. Michelle
Hi Michelle,
I actually answered your question about natural treatments further up on the comments but you may not have received it. Its hard to keep track of the messages and responses on here. But I used Mastic Gum, Triphala and Cats Claw but wasn’t able to eradicate it entirely. I’m afraid I had to do the antibiotic treatment but because it has a propensity to return with this treatment, I will redo the natural treatment yearly to make sure it stays away. Your reactions may have been to the ingredients (Talc being a bad one) in the medication or it could have been the results of toxin release or Ammonia toxicity as the bug was killed off. I would highly suggest taking Yucca Root to keep the Ammonia down while you do treatment, and also Magnesium Citrate. Citrates and Yucca eliminate the Ammonia that H.Pylori release into the body. Ammonia causes severe pain through the body and joints. I was on a time limit with the natural treatments but if you did them over a longer period like 3 months, you may find it works. I hope this helps.
I am a breast cancer survivor of 22 years now, in largest part, I believe, due to my decrease in dairy intake, and a healthy diet of primarily vegetables and fruits. Thank you, TTAC, for presenting in such a clear and understandable way, all of the info that you have. I have since watching them changed my diet yet again to include more probiotic foods for gut health. You guys rock! God bless you
Yes, enteropathy/leaky gut is what I had, and that is an environmental issue: we are taking in allergenic hybridized/modified foods, agricultural pollutants, and general pollutants that are slowly killing us. The comment I’ve seen from a functional medicine practitioner is that 78% of health problems are “lifestyle-related” (i.e. environmental). Genetic issues are a relatively small portion, though most MDs would rather blame problems on genetics, than spend the huge amount of time required to sort through environmental factors, which they are not trained about anyway.
I suffer from histamine intolerance and cannot consume fermented foods. Does anyone know how I can repair my gut without ingesting fermented foods and other histamine containing or releasing foods?
IMO, your best “anyone” would be a licensed naturopath who can test you on a comprehensive set of parameters.
Well said! Being omnivorous may have allowed us to thrive through circumstances that were not only extreme but extremely different than other survivable-for-omnivore circumstances. Imagine how the world would look if humans were essential carnivores like the feline family! I like to imagine how it would look if humans were all vegetarian AND there was always enough for everyone.
Prebiotics, afaik, is the term used to describe the nourishing foods of the intestinal flora and fauna. prebiotin.com/foods-containing-prebiotics/
there is Siberian pine nut oil for H. pylori , and stomach ulsers, but I recommend tiger naturals…there have thistle root oil in it, and it is tasty
Protein comes from all the nuts, seeds, beans & pulses. I also have Almond milk in my tea. I don’t have cancer but try as best I can to eat and live by a healthy diet and lifestyle,but know many who have had it and who have lost out through chemo. I wish all this info had been around before ….
Anne – I don’t know which brand of Almond Milk you use, but you might want to check the ingredient list. The almond milks I’ve seen have stacked multiple toxic / carcinogenic fluids as stabilizers/preservatives. The last one I looked at struck me as about as toxic as oil fracking wastewater.
Hi Dean. Thanks for this info. I am have booked in to see a naturopath who said they have a strong herbal mix that helps eliminate this bacteria. I will also mention the charcoal etc, as this also sounds promising. Thank you.
Michelle, what are naturopathic doctors like? Are they very good at treating terminal cancer? What do naturopathic doctors make patients do in order to feel better in health and emotionally?
Hi Sylvia. I believe naturopaths address the cause rather than the symptoms using a natural approach ie: herbs etc, rather than prescription medication from a pharmacy. I’m not sure with the terminal cancer but I have heard and personally observed terminal cancer and other illness’s being cured using a natural approach as Ty states. I believe our emotional state plays a huge part in this.
Michelle, I have never been so a homeopathic doctor, so I do not know much about them. My father does not trust homeopathic doctors. He thinks that they are nothing but quakes. He told me if I ever get cancer, I should do the conventional therapies, not the alternative ones. In your opinion, do you think that he is right? I know that in the homeopathic doctors that I have in Canada, they have intravenous therapies, acupuncture, saunas, meditation, and holistic medicine, but I am not sure that it would work on terminal cancer patients. Four years ago, a little toddler had meningitis and his parents took him to a homeopathic doctor instead of a regular doctor and he died.
Sylvia, I think it is a personal choice and we should all go with what we believe in or should I say we should all listen to our inner voice. Not sure if you watched the TTAC serious? If you haven’t it is definitely worth watching, as it really opens your eyes as to what the big pharma are doing. It’s a huge money making business to them.
Michelle, I did watch ‘The Truth About Cancer’ and I have enjoyed the series very much. This series touched me a great deal and I did hear about the horrors of chemotherapy and radiation therapy which just made the cancer patients even sicker and they died. I did not share this series with my father and my sister who is a rheumatologist, because they would not believe in those treatments. They told me that it is nothing but nonsense about terminal cancer patients surviving and becoming very healthy again, because of the alternative therapies that they tried. They told me that they probably did not have cancer the first place. When I have told them that the chemotherapy and radiation therapy probably killed those terminal cancer patients, they have told me that the cancer killed them, not the conventional treatments. I do not trust big pharma at all. I even heard that mammograms cause breast cancer, especially if the person started earlier than the average, because of their family history of breast cancer. I have heard that tomography is better at detecting breast cancer on women than mammograms. The tomography can even guess the number of years that the tumor might had been in. The TTAC said that if a breast cancer lump is a size of a pea, it must had been there for 8 to 12 years according to tomography.
Thank you Dean, I used almost 2 bottles of the Activated Charcoal and it really helped with the Diverticulosis that developed after treatment. It is hard to take it 4 hours away from food though. I was waking in the night sometimes to take it.
Thank you Herta, I will look into this oil.
Hi everyone. Do any of you know about Plexus, I know they are supposed to be plant based and there is one supplement that they say is for your gut health called ProBio5 and BioCleanse is supposed to oxygenate your blood too.
I completely agree Jerry. I’m so glad I found Prof Jane Plant’s fantastic book ‘Your Life in Your Hands’ just after my breast cancer diagnosis and am always shocked when dairy is recommended to individuals with cancer. She is my hero! Thank you x
As well as any foreign animal protein…this isn’t news but very few will acknowledge the fact.
Dan Quixoté,
I’ve been so buisy in the garden,these past days
(and of course,I’m not done!!!),I haven’t taken the
time to answer;
How interesting,about cattail being edible!!!
I’m making a small pond to filter grey water
(sink,basically,and shower;we have a dry toilet.)
and was planning on growing cattail in it…and
as we won’t be using dish soap any more
soon (but I’m still looking fir the wonderful homemade solution…ideas,anyone?)
,I guess we’ll be eating some of that cattail,huh?
About thistles,I ate some,as artichokes,in polenta;
I was in the Swiss Alps,with not much food,and,
most terrible,no fresh vegetables…
My hands didn’t like them too much,but my mouth did!
People here,in the Pyrenees,grow Echinacea in their
gardens,but I’m not doing it yet…that was also something
I wanted to do!
Your knowlage is so interesting,I would like to keep in
touch;I won’t be checking the internet for a couple of
months,now,but I suppose you’ll still be on TTAC in
Or maybe we can excange e-mail addresses,if it’s alright with you…
Joe, please look into the enzyme, Serrapeptase.
Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin and Cancer Treatment Center’s of America have the best and most comprehensive synergistic program you can use to beat cancer. Conventional doctors gave my mom 4 months with stage 4 breast cancer. With CTCA and a radical sugar free, non GMO fresh food and 44 oz per day smoothie/juicing diet, she lived 9 more years.