Video Transcript: Why You Shouldn’t Have a Fear of Cancer
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: It’s always about the run for cancer, right? Cancer this, cancer that. You can’t turn on the radio or the TV, you can’t get away from it. The pharmaceutical companies own all the media. So I want to say this. You can run from cancer, you can jump, you can sing, you can beg, you can pray, right? But none of that’s going to do any good until you learn that you are the master of your body. Everywhere we go it’s cancer, cancer, cancer. And the reason why they do that is because it breeds fear in you and you feel hopeless and helpless. And when you feel hopeless and helpless you make dumb decisions.
We are not weak and we are not feeble. Once we go inside ourselves and realize who we are and what our true potential is and start really taking and mastering this body that we’ve been given. We are living breathing organisms, and where we infuse life there will always be life. If you don’t protect yourself from yourself nobody else will.
The one thing that I really learned and that’s this, we came down here to create. Everything that you have Ty, you’ve wanted. And some things that you have you didn’t want. If you listen to all the propaganda and that cancer is a death sentence then you create a death sentence for yourself. Cancer’s like a cold or a flu. It really is. They make it to be the big, bad monster and then it gives you nightmares and then you feel like you’re helpless and hopeless and then you make dumb decisions.
You are not weak. You are not feeble. And what you focus on you will create. So you decide today to only focus on that which you desire and you will get it.
November 1, 2015 at 12:00 AM
I am in remission with acute myloid leukemia
You mean you are healed! Only believe!!!
Too bad doctors use the word “remission” since that implies a “temporary” state of well being with the idea that the cancer may come back. The doctors idea is that you are never “cured”, just waiting for them to make more money off of you. Too bad what Western medicine has become. Do some research and cure yourself.
Well said! Thank you for this reminder and uplifting message. As said in the poem Invictus “…I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”
Inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
That is my favourite poem also I love it . Chaga will help you with a long life as it is the highest antioxidant known to man check out
Goji berries are 25,000 on the ORAC score which is the highest rated anti oxidant. What ORAC score does chaga have?
Love Dr. Wolfe, and truly believe in his philosophies regarding cancer. I request more clips of your interview(s) with him, Ty. Thank you 🙂
At 56 found out I had 2 cancers in my colon and over 40 polyps. After the initial shock, got down to business, did cleanses, went vegetarian, implemented a lot of “Chris beat cancer” program. Had surgery 1 year later to remove cancers, REFUSED chemo, which was really forced on me. Added essential oils to my program, last scope the small polyps were benign, praise the Lord. Be positive, avoid stress, have faith, be faithful
to the program, yourself and your family and you will be a walking miracle. John
I am a bc survivor. What is an good safe alternative to tamoxifen?
Letrozole with Ibrance combo 10 years aftercare with anti cancer medications.
Frankensense! It’s an all Natural Oil from biblical days. It was brought as a gift ( From a king himself) to the king of all Kings on the day he was born! They hold the value high as they gave Jesus Frankensense, Murr, and Gold!
Hi It is my personal experience that any chemotherapy is poison. HAve you watched episode 1 of 9 on the truth about cancer episode 1 tells you all about chemo And it’s deadly effects..
Myomin and DIM. They do the same thing as tamoxifen but aren’t toxic carcinogens. Find a reputable naturopath.
Hi Alyce try going on ( for more practical solutions…
Judith, Thank you for your suggestion to visit
My brother has stage 4 lung and pancreatic cancer. He lives by himself in N.C. I live in Ohio. I have tried to get him to move here to Ohio. I told him I would make sure he ate right and we could do things together. He is just withering away. I love him very much. We are bonded. Our youth was very rough. We more or less had to take care of ourselves. We had an alcoholic mother and father. I call him every day with encouraging thoughts. But he seems so negative, saying the cancer has got him. I tell him no, you control it don’t think that way. I pray for him also.
Love the practical real advise Dr wolf
Dr. Wolfe, What is the best medicine to take ? i have acid reflux. Please acknowledge.
I used to have acid reflux so I changed my food intake and I don’t have it anymore- I am not a doctor but have listened to TTAC for a year and think the answer is don’t no take medication- solve the main problem instead. try looking into the eat right for your blood type -get book at library. food is your best therapy.
Best medice is changing your life style . Heartburn like cancer is nothing more then a cry for help !! All illness are !!! . The food you eat can’t digest due to the inflammation and lack of hydrocloric acid .
You can take drugs or natural remedies nothing will really work until you take charge of your own way of living and thinking !!! Stress can demage your GI system more then any food you ever eat .
One tablespoon of ACV.
Silly fingers on the phone as I was trying to say I love the practical and sound advise of Dr Wolfe. You are real your suggestions are simple easy and anyone can do this . Taking control of our own health is our own responsibility.
I think step #1 is to equip oneself with knowledge. Knowledge is power and creates a sense of control…..which is what we all want. We are terrified of losing control of our lives, our bodies, our future. So let’s focus on getting well equipped with knowledge ……it is a weapon against many trials and tribulations in life.
I am shocked and saddened at the number of people within the medical community who treat patients with metastasized cancer as if they are The Walking Dead, regard those who remain hopefully with pity and I hurt for those patients (in the face of this treatment) who are planning to die rather than get on with living.
j how dangerous is psa of 22 over 6 months time? ct scans negative. was in remission for 9 years
Re acid reflux… I managed to persuade my husband not to take PPIs (15 years taking pharma drugs) He rarely has an attack now as I have slightly tweaked our diet but when he does he has a swig of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and is fine immediately. Always told by docs that he had a hiatus hernia?! No need to take prescription drugs for this complaint.
Sounds good but when ur brain is swelling and causing seizures it’s hard to say that cancer is the flu. I have the flu, now and my aunt is dead by Friday due to brain cancer. 2ns family member to die in 3 years of the same brain cancer.
I love all the info but honestly, cancer is not the flu. I’d rather have the flu
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer over 20 years ago, my sons were very afraid I was going to die. I told them I had no intention of dying yet. I had too many things I wanted to do. Well I’m still here and very fit & well. The cancer had spread into one of my lymph glands. I had a mastectomy and chemo. they also zapped my ovaries with radiotherapy as I was still menstruating. The prognosis wasn’t good then. I was given only 30% of surviving and having chemo would giving me 40% survival, which is why I took it. Wouldn’t have chemo ever again, and I think it was a mistake to allow them to zapp my ovaries. Easy to be wise after the event. I’m sure my attitude was my main reason for surviving.
Positive approach is deffinat,everyone weather the pharmaceutical or people selling natural products all want to make money from this horrible decease..when you have pain like bone cancer and thinks like tumuric and ginger and bone broth are not working what are you going to do …get another alternative help the chemo and radiation treatment or not ?
Ray if u really want to know how many people have been cured of cancer – search. Check out Jordan Rubin and Lou Corona. Also Chris beat cancer. Yes these people have great knowledge and yes they have products, no one is obligated to buy them but personally I would rather listen to those who have powerful stories to tell without using chemo or raciotherapy As for medical doctors – I trust them less and less every day. If u want to know the truth check and be prepared for some difficult truths. The problem is because we have been lied to for so long tne lies have become tbe truth. Best wishes.
A wonderful read that supports the power we hold within our mindset and mindfulness is the work of Ellen J. Langer. One of her books, ‘Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility’ shows the limitations of medical information and how it should be used not for answers but as an instrument to ask questions. When we take control of how we use information, it can alter our well being.
Myomin and DIM. They do the same thing as tamoxifen but aren’t toxic carcinogens. Find a reputable naturopath.
Then you should try out some Chaga from . The book Cancer Ward was all about Chaga and that was a best seller. Good life to you and my prayer to you Lilian has help for your cure for cancer as stated by the US GOV pub med Chaga is great but very rare in the forest. There still is some left and I can get it for you .
Ty, thank you for posting this message to people all over. I have lost friends, co-workers, and family members to this cancer illness. As a young fellow my adopted father taught me many of his simple ways to be true to himself, and I guess I learned these vicariously through watching him as we grew together. I am grateful he taught me young about “fear”, “independence” , “kindness”, “responsibility”, and “respect”. I learned that we each are the vessel we sail through life in, like a ship, that needs constant attention and maintenance to stay afloat to reach our destination. The only negative I have of this philosophy is we human beings are ignorant to the beauty of life and take our own for granted. If we all cared and loved each other, there is not a negative obstacle to life that we all together could not overcome. Peace and love to you and all your contacts, for sharing with us hope, is free for all of us to share and benefit from <3 (y)
Well said Dr. Wolfe – I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes in July of 2015; Celiac Disease in August and in September cancer of the throat/neck. A very serious triple whammy!! As well my brother-in-law passed away in August and a very close friend in September – both from cancer. In my overwhelmed state I stalled the very arrogant oncologists because I was ignorant and feared for my life, BUT, they scared me even more, by telling me I would not last very long and that I would come running back to them in 3 months if I did not agree to radiation and chemo – because I would be dying. I was fortunate to hit the TTAC video series on the first night of the broadcast, I listened carefully and realised that there was nothing to fear other than uninformed, money hungry medical practitioners and I decided exactly this – take full control, treat the disease like any other ailment – manage it as I would a cold, flu etc.! Be careful with my diet, ramp up my exercise routine, head straight into a naturopath’s office and find a knowledgeable herbalist. Spiritually I placed all in the hands of my creator and asked for guidance. For ethical reasons, I had to sign away my life because the naturopath, by law is not responsible for anything – but having viewed the TTAC video series, I understand this completely and I knew they had the knowledge and expertise to make it work. I immediately commenced a full range of interesting alternative, complimentary, natural, herbal treatments in January 2016, and today I am in excellent health, the tumours have been drastically reduced (rapidly becoming hard to find), I am constantly monitored and all is well. Something of particular note here as well – I am usually ill from the middle of Fall till the middle of Spring, it’s the most miserable time of year for me, but I am more than pleased to report that I haven’t had a flu shot, I have not had a cold nor have I had the flu when everyone around is/was so ill. I know that it isn’t always easy to catch this beast early, but for those of you who do, please DO NOT believe that surgery, chemo and radiation is going to fix you. It usually doesn’t. DON’T BE AFRAID.
GBM survivor 9 years. Use Dr. Wolfe’s philosophies everyday.
Thank you Ty. Just the positive advice I needed this morning .
Search ,Rick Simpson, online. His oil can Cure you.My wife got uterine cancer after 5 years on tamoxifen, a side effect of this poison. We had no knowledge of the many holistic cures not for cancer.May God bless you.
Whatever this doctor is or isn’t I am sick of the B/S statements like and I quote him from the above text:
“Cancer’s like a cold or a flu. It really is.” NO IT IS NOT, colds and flu do not result in tumours, this is total B/S
And as hateful as pharmaceutical companies may be they do not own all the media, this is false, ask Murdoch.
Some of the absolute farcical statements and relentless pushy sales tactics from TTAC are deplorable and an embarrassment to the cause.
Cancer is a disease of modern civilization. It is a simple metabolic disorder that can be easily corrected. All cancer is caused by a lack of adequate levels of oxygen at the cellular lever which is often due to sluggish lymphatic fluid flow. The body literally begins to rot. Tumors form as a protection mechanism to wall-off the necrotic (dead) tissue preventing it from poisoning the blood supply (sepsis).The condition can be corrected vai diet and a restoration of the basal metabolism. The G.I. tract must be cleaned out daily and the walls of the large and small intestine must be healed, again by diet and the regualr flushing of toxins out of the distive system. Thyroid function MUST be restored. When the digestive conditions are returned to homeostasis and the blood pH brought back to normal, cancer will go away. Carmi Hazen .
Blood pH has to be near normal all the time or you would die. A change in blood pH of a few percent will kill you. There is no bringing blood pH back to normal as it cannot have hardly any variation from a pH of 7.365 at all.
God Blesa you! Keep up the positive and good spirit. You will beat it. Congratulations.
The pharmaceutical companies, who btw own the ENTIRE “unhealth care system”, must be held accountable for crimes against humanity i.e. the deaths of millions of North American citizens through the use of incredibly toxic and lethal chemo “therapy”, butchery and radiation poisoning!
The only real fear i have about cancer is the fact that Big Pharma lies, most of what they make is poison and that there are natural cures and someone is going around murdering the Dr. that use natural cures. Most of our Dr.s only know what the Pharmacuetical Co,s teach them. In the last yr and a half approximately 20 natural cure Dr.’s were killed, because Big Pharma can’t sell their poison.
I too detest big pharma, but do you have conclusive proof of your accusations of killings, or links to real investigative journalism?
Bless you – what a lovely positive message
I have mailed many questions, and most of the mails have gone to a wrong address. I am very interested to get an answer when and how can I recognize that I have cancer. It´s a problem when you find a tumor, which means that the cancer has during a long time grown to be of the size you can recognize. A relative died suddenly of cancer in his stomach, after he had stayed in 3 hospitals. The first thing he got was that something had happened in his brain, which lead to a situation that he could not stand up and keep his balance. He was a patient in the first hospital, where they did not examine him thoroughly, and in the second hospital they said that he had recovered as much that he could go home. A few days later they sent him to the cancer clinic, where he died due to the cancer in his stomach.
Kind regards
I am also bc survior my doctor wanted to put me on tamoxifen too. I said no. One I do not believe in this drug ,chemo or radiation. I did not do any of this n I’m 1 year cancer free. Praise God! I eat a plant base diet, lots of water, stay away from most dairy n take vitamins. There are a lot of foods out there that will help lower your estrogen levels also change all your products that touch your skin to paraben free. Makeup is the biggest that has parabens in them. Parabens play into your estrogen levels that help cause cancer. I hope some of this helps.
Worldwide they have built a system where the only way of “curing” is chemo, operations and radiation. I have difficulties to find a doctor who could use natural remedies. The other point is your age. Too old, and they do not bother to cure you. You did not answer my question how and when do I notice that I have cancer.
Kind regards, Stig
I also have acid reflux, got so bad I was vomiting nightly and sometimes blood. I started with Activated Charcoal (walmart for less than $5) Now I take 1 tbsp of Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) in my morning juice. I also avoid too many things that bring it on, such as greasy food, dairy products and spicy foods.
I declined Tamoxifen 10 yrs. ago for my stage 1 breast cancer. Instead I am very healthy doses of D3..which is shown over and over in the research literature to be a very important supplement to help fight off many diseases. Good luck!
I agree they are ALL tarred with the same brush whether alternative or conventional practitioners — they ALL value the $ first. They are in it primarily for the money aspect.
What utter crap these cancer ads are ,the truth is cancer Research is doing every thing possible ..NOT to cure cancer but keep CANCER going ,if it is cured and there are many proven cancer cures not big corrupt pharmas snake oils .. but natural and holistic CURES such as that of IMMUNOTHERAPY …and NO cancer research did not discover it has they stated it has been around since time and a natural product. In the news this week 23 Jan 2017 about a woman used useless chemo and sent then home to die,she then paid for IMMUOTHERAPY her self and the cancer is going and what is this cure ..that big pharma have suppressed by any means for many many years so they can TRY and patent and shut every body off from it is called GcMAF….with this CURE you would be off cancer researches money go round ..cancer research has been going for over 60years and raked in 50 trillion pounds + and still no cures ,for truths about how cancer CURES are being sysematically suppressed see the website THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER Ty Bollinger and Mike adams when you KNOW the TRUTH you will never fund raise or give in a will… to that corrupt cartel called Cancer Research…… all verifiable FACT
Thank you for your suggestion to visit
I dropped mine from 28.3 (we need a biopsy / surgery on lemon sized prostate both sides ) to 0.6 (they were gobsmacked) in 6 weeks on a near vegan raw fruit and high orac foods +2 brazil nuts daily, alkaline water, celery ,carrots, greens near to Chris Warks’ diet . Sadly I continued the cipflox and trimethoprim for 7 mths as recommended which left symptoms like cfs + leaky gut for the last 8 years.Waste of time because 4years later ecoli errupted and triage state with nuts the size of grape fruit. Colloidal silver and anaerobic protection would have been smarter ? They’d never seen a clean in six weeks ultrasound before. Power of the internet.
I completely agree