You may not have heard much about fulvic acid in the mainstream media, but to put it very simply… life as we know it would not exist without it!
It is directly relevant for a healthy body because it makes nutrients in the foods we consume (such as vitamins and minerals and other herbal supplements) more readily available for use by our body’s cells.
Fulvic acid is critical for nutrient absorption because it is highly “bioavailable.” In other words, it is easily absorbed into our blood when we consume it. And while being absorbed itself, it also improves the absorption of various nutrients via our digestive system.
In fact, mineral absorption without prior chelation (a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions) by fulvic acid is only about 10% effective. Fulvic acid also allows minerals to regenerate and interact with one another, enhancing their availability.
Finally, because of its very low molecular weight, fulvic acid is able to pass easily through the protective membranes into our body’s cells. While doing so, it brings in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in the right quantities, while keeping others out. In fact, it is able to transport over 60 times its own weight in vitamins and minerals into cells!
In other words, fulvic acid increases the overall retention, absorption, and efficient utilization of nutrients present in both foods and supplements, improving the overall health and functioning of our body.
The Healing Potential of Fulvic Acid
Along with enhancing nutrient transport, fulvic acid’s fantastic healing potential is also related to its ability to:
- Dissolve and remove accumulated toxic pollutants from the body
- Act as powerful antioxidants, inactivating harmful free radicals
- Increase the body’s overall “redox potential”
- Enhance enzyme activity, including alkaline phosphatases (help to break down proteins), transaminases (needed to make proteins), and invertase (breaks down sugar into glucose and fructose)
For all these reasons, an increasing number of health experts are beginning to advocate that everyone take a fulvic acid supplement regularly – both to overcome any nutrient deficiencies they may have, and to better maintain their health and wellbeing.
What is Fulvic Acid?
Fulvic acid is extracted from humus – a thick, dark brown or black organic material that forms in the soil, sediment, or aquatic environments when plant and animal matter decays into its most basic chemical elements. Humus makes soil more fertile and also allows air and water to move easily through soil, allowing oxygen to reach the roots of plants.
Along with fulvic acid, humic acid is the other major component of humus. In fact, fulvic acid is actually a type of lightweight humic acid. Of the two, fulvic acid is used for its many nutritional benefits, while non-fulvic humic acid is better known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Many of the chemicals that are naturally present in fulvic acid are important (even critical) nutrients for plants, bacteria, and other organisms that live in soil. Soil containing humus and fulvic acid is better able to retain moisture. They also improve soil structure and enable plants to easily take up and use the vital nutrients they need.
Fulvic Acid, the Super Antioxidant
In combination with active carbon and high molecular oxygen, fulvic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants around. When it encounters free radicals, it supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralize them, acting as a health-protective antioxidant.
By being an electron donor as well an electron acceptor, based on the cell’s requirements, fulvic acid protects our body’s cells and their internal structures from harmful oxidation by environmental toxins and pollutants – and is therefore a crucial factor in the prevention, even reversal of infections and diseases.
Fulvic Acid Improves Efficiency of Metal Transport
The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules in fulvic acid carry an enormous amount of energy, enhancing virtually everything they are bonded to.
Fulvic acid forms strong complexes with many metals – including “ferric” iron, aluminum, and copper – thereby increasing their ability to dissolve in water. These metallic minerals dissolve and disappear into the fulvic structure, becoming biochemically reactive and much more mobile.
In other words, fulvic acid is nature’s way of “chelating” metallic minerals, turning them into readily absorbable, bio-available forms. Fulvic acid also allows heavy metals to move through the body much more efficiently.
In nature, fulvic acid makes minerals and metals more easily absorbable through plant root cell walls. Minerals (such as iron) that are not usually very mobile are easily transported through plant structures thanks to fulvic acid.
Fulvic acid also dissolves and transports vitamins, coenzymes, hormones, and antibiotics that are found naturally in the soil. While plants make many of their own vitamins, they are further supplemented by those in the soil they grow in, thanks to fulvic acid.
Fulvic Acid Balances the Body’s Electric Potential
Along with all its other beneficial properties, fulvic acid is a powerful electrolyte that dissolves in water and other liquids and is able to conduct electric currents, helping to keep the electrical potential of our body’s cells balanced.
As an electrolyte it maintains the health of the body’s cells by allowing the free flow of electrons and other ions and increasing cell membrane permeability – which also helps to absorb nutrients faster and keeps them in the body longer.
The body’s overall electric potential can be negatively affected by fluid loss, emotional and physical stress, lack of sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor nutrition. Improving the electrolytic balance in our body’s cells helps them to protect themselves against infections and diseases. In this way, the electrolytic properties of fulvic acid help to protect our health.
Fulvic Acid is a Powerful Detoxing Agent
Fulvic acid is vital for binding to pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides and catalyzing their breakdown and dispersal. For instance, the toxic herbicide known as “Paraquat” is rapidly detoxified by fulvic acid.
Promisingly, most radioactive substances seem to react rapidly with fulvic acid, to form inactive complexes that can then be excreted from the body.
Health Benefits of Fulvic acid Supplementation
The many health benefits of fulvic acid supplementation include:
- Maintenance of appropriate nutrient levels in the body’s cells
- Improving memory, focus, and analysis
- Removal of harmful toxins and free radicals from the body
- Neutralizing radiation and eliminating or reducing its harmful effects on the body
- Enabling faster and more efficient absorption of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals into the body
- Boosting and helping to rebuild the immune system; warding off infections and illnesses
- Increasing energy and metabolism and leading to greater activity levels, weight loss, and an overall sense of good health and wellbeing
- Enabling more restful sleep
- Reducing stress levels
- Lowering levels of arthritis-related pain and inflammation
- Improving circulation and lowering blood pressure (BP)
- Enabling better hormone and electrolytic balances
- Maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails
Why Take a Fulvic Acid Supplement?
It’s a sad fact that most of today’s mass-produced fruits and vegetables don’t contain enough fulvic acid to ensure complete absorption of the many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they contain. Not only that, they already contain very low levels of these nutrients, because the soils they are grown in have become depleted thanks to over-farming and careless soil management practices.
For these reasons, an increasing number of health experts recommend taking supplements containing fulvic acid as a regular nutritional aid, with or before meals. Since fulvic acid is a naturally occurring acidic complex, these supplements should have an acidic pH. In more alkaline solutions they will be rendered inactive and unable to provide their health benefits.
Fulvic acid is an organic product and known to be completely non-toxic. However, it should be remembered that reports of their effectiveness are anecdotal at this time.
Therefore, always be sure to consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking fulvic acid supplements to ensure that they don’t interfere with any other ongoing treatments or medications.
Finally, remember that no supplement can substitute for a balanced, nutritious diet, proper exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. On the other hand, taking a fulvic acid supplement regularly will perfectly complement your healthy life choices – aiding in overall health, wellbeing, and protection from disease.
Ty, my Mother has amyloidosis and multiplemyloma stage two and has had it for some time. She also has stage three renal failure. Although she is able to be up on her feet she tires easily. She is 77 years old and always thinking of others. I appreciate your support and health care email. You have been a good support system for me and I always appreciate your help. Thanks again, Katherine Parsell
Hi Katherine,
We are glad we could be a support for you. Best wishes!
I HAVE A FRIEND WHO HAS BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH AMYLOIDOSIS AND BEEN GIVEN AT BEST 2 YEars at best. Ty can you help and put me in the right direction as far as which one of our experts has expertise in this type disease? Thank you for all you and your lovely wife do ( and all of your team of course) Prayers for you all.
I have amalgam fillings in my teeth and am told these can leak mercury into my system—-will Fulvic Acid make this toxin more easily absorbed into my system??
You may wish to try activated charcoal to scrub your teeth. It is not the same as standard tooth paste but , apparently, it does clear poisons from the mouth and if taken in pill or capsule form does the same to the body. It also whitens teeth. Check it on a search engine. It does not damage the teeth enamel. I have been using it for years during which time there has not been a requirement for dental treatment. It is also excellent for insects or snake bites and if feeling unwell, especially after a meal in a restaurant, first take charcoal. If this does not solve the nausea then it is not caused through poison. I have a number of amalgam fillings and I have had them for 60+ years. They may have had an adverse effect on me of which I am unaware. In my infancy and youth I drank tap water supplied through lead piping. Today’s tap water comes through copper piping which apparently also has problems. I now purchase natural water contained in plastic bottles which I read can also be contaminated! Presumably it must be our blind faith which keeps us healthy and sane.
standing in slightly humid soil will do for you everything mentioned above.
sure replenish your electrolytic balance.
Go in the woods, breath fresh air and remove your rubber soles and walk barefoot.
It is also an antidepressant. And free os side effects besides a smile on your face or dirty hands hurray.
love, Heleen.
Will it help macular degeneration and glaucoma, which I’ve inherited?
The concern I have with FulviaMAX is that it contains 400 mg of folic acid. Those with MTHFR variants are encouraged to avoid folic acid because we don’t have the ability to process it.
I also wonder why the supplement facts graphic shows 90 capsules per bottle but the bottle graphic shows 60.
According to Shane from “The People’s Chemist” he states that folic acid is toxic and what we need is a natural folate supplement and he recommends Brewers Yeast. I like the one buy Lewis Labs. This is his opinion, not mine.
I also have MTHFR double mutation and use this from Morning Star Minerals. It doesn’t contain folate.
Ty! This is super information. Mary Anne already caught the one thing I saw…but I’d not read anything about fulvia, If it is a light humic acid perhaps there is a good reason our ancestors did well eating bits of soil that happened to get on their foods, grins! Mary Anne, if fulvic acid helps with processing different chemicals (I need to read more) wouldn’t it help with folic acid? What is MTHFR variants? I’ll look it up, thank you!
Are you in business with Jordon Rubin????
Morningstar Minerals has a liquid Fulvic Acid mineral/vitamin/amino acid combo that is great! I buy it by the gallon for 47.99, put it in glass quart jars, and store it in a cupboard, keeping the one I’m using in the fridge. One ounce a day is the serving size, best in the evening.
Thanks for posting this, Ty. Just a quick check of fulvic acid on shows an amazing level of high ratings for it, regardless of brand. Must be something to it, worthy of consideration. Love to learn!
Ty, great information. I have noticed that your supplements are Manufactured for Epigeneticlabs. Who and where are actually producing them? What kind of assurance is taking place that prevents the contracted vendor from cutting corners or crucial steps to ensure purity, potency, and content analysis?
Hi Chuck,
If you contact Epigenetic Labs customer support team they will be able to answer your questions:
Tys business is not just a job it is his work and his purpose/ i like to take shilogy for fulvic acid and i suspect you can get it by working the land and by foraging
My concern is heavy metals. Often the fulvic acid is sourced in India where there is high arsenic and lead. Recently Indian turmeric has been recalled because of high lead levels and we know there is high arsenic in rice and fulvic acid is sourced from the soil. My question to Ti is does he know of a brand that has been tested for heavy metals. I recently found that I was quite toxic with lead from eating a lot of dark chocolate which has also been found to have very heavy loads of lead. I would appreciate if anyone knows of a good tested source of fulvic.
I have had both Fulvic and Humic acids on hand for probably around 4 to 5 months. The Fulvic acid is a product from Trace Minerals Research, Utah, and is sold in 2 fl oz bottles. The Humic Acid for around the same price is sold in a massive 32 fl oz container and is called Vitality Boost HA sold by Morning Star Minerals, NM. There is no mention of folic acid in the description. On first taking those acids I combined them in a 6 oz glass of (bottled) water but found the mixture and the recommended dosages distasteful. After about 3 to 4 days I ceased taking the mixture. There was no eureka effect; the feeling was more subtle.
Two weeks ago I returned to the acids but on this occasion took them separately and at much lower dosages. The first occasion I took the Fulvic at 3 drops in a small glass of milk prior to retiring I had my best nights sleep ever but regretfully the experience was not repeated. I feel that my body is benefiting from the Fulvic at this lower dose but the feeling is subtle and I do not believe that it is connected to the placebo effect.
The Humic I take after meals, again in a 6 oz glass of water but at a much lower dose than recommended and the impact is noticeable and feels good. Shortly after drinking the Humic water the balls and toes of my feet relax. This is followed by a relaxation in my brain when my breathing becomes freer. Later I am able to breath freely through both nostrils and the my eye balls also relax. The sensation that the Humic is benefiting me remains for some time afterwards. I do feel more energetic and bodily warm with the Humic. It could be described as being mildly intoxicating, but, subjectively it feels more beneficial than the Fulvic acid.
Ty, this is an interesting article. I have never heard of fulvic acid. What shops in Canada can you buy fulvic acid supplements? Does taking fulvic acid supplements prevent a person from getting cancer or curing it, if he or she has it?
I recall NZ going on strike when the Government tried to introduce compulsory addition of folic acid to all bread. It never happened. And for good reason.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) and Fulvic acid are entirely two different acids.
For the most part I am pleased with the products you have been endorsing and trust the science and research behind Dr. Daniel Nuzum. I am presenting taking Dr. Nuzum’s mushroom and seaweed extract, along with his detox supplements through Epigenetics. My concerns with any supplement is that most are not manufactured to the “GMP”s of the pharmaceutical industry and are not third party certified to meet that high level of manufacturing, nor certified that they use the highest quality of raw materials in the products. So there is a level of trust.
I know you like and trust all of the doctors and scientists you have met along your journey and I know you are committed to making products available that are of the highest standard.
But, in the case of a multivitamins, you are coming up short. I challenge you and your panel to do their research and look at the multivitamins and minerals manufactured by USANA Health Sciences ( I assure you if you do your homework, look at the genius and commitment of Dr. Myron Wentz, the founder of USANA, there is no way you could put any supplement ahead of theirs. From a personal standpoint, I have been taking USANA’s supplements since 2007 and there is nothing that made a more profound impact on my health.
I like your commitment to the best and I’m sure you would see that USANA is the very best, second to none.
Dominic Lascara
Hi Dominic,
Thanks for giving us this feedback. I will pass this onward for you!
Ty, thank you for your support and reply to my email. My mother as I told you has amyloidosis and multiplemyloma. I forgot to mention that there are no cures and they(the cancers) will eventually kill my mother. Again my thanks again for your support and reply.
Hi everyone,
Please how do I buy Fluviç Acid? I am writting from
it sounds expensive but if you figure an ounce a day it is a half year supply
can I use fulvic acid from the garden supply ??
Sept.2,2016 at8.32
Moderation,is the word,and prevention, in every thing we eat and drink in an Ideal World!so we are told.?
This is all great, but is there a place where I missed the (emperical/scientific/peer reviewed) citations? I don’t mean to be rude and greatly appreciate the information; however, without being able to back it up with evidence, it is mere opinion.
Hi Jen,
Please refer to the Sources and References tab that is directly under the article summary for more information.
This is why God in the bible told the israelites to farm the land for 7 years and then let the land rest for 1 year and plant nothing during that year…it was to restore humic acid.
Thanks for your comment and insight Kevin!
I have been searching online for fulvic acid powder from a reputable company, for some time now without success. I suffer from arthritis in my knees and my neck. I’m in severe pain and also nerve pain from pressure in my neck area from calcium buildup. I need fulvic acid to dissolve Spurs/Buildup to help reduce this pain. Prescription Pain Meds do not help. It’s impossible to sleep comfortable without putting pressure on my neck.
Can you recommend a supplier of fulvic acid powder or supplements?
I anxiously await your reply.
@Carol Hill, look up Michaela Petersen and the web site meatheals, I have the same Problem. Muminjo Shilajit, on eBay or Amazon, it is a good source of fulvic Acid. Rgards,
The Goodly Company offers certified organic powder.
I recommend FulvicForce. I have been using it since a few yeras. I cannot live without it
Hi Ty Hope you are well. I am writing on behalf of my friend she was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. It is now stage 4 and last year it spread to her liver. The chemo and radiation.has not helped She is now on Fulvic acid and some other supplements.
I know you can say nothing for sure. I just want to know has it been successful in removing any tumors. Since they can’t operate on her liver or throat.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards
Hi Bianca –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your friend – I’ll be sure to pray for her.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Thank you so much God bless you
I know this might not be a part of this page, but do you believe fulvic acid can help with the hpv warts virus? I’ve tried about a dozen natural remedies & high dose vitamins, all to no avail. If not do you have any recommendations. Thank you, kindly.
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