In the real world, people are busy. Not just “go to work” busy. We are busy in every single area of our lives… work, play, and life in general.
We try to be efficient with our time and plan as best we can. In the interest of cutting corners, it’s so easy to reach for convenient foods. Whether it means driving up to a window or heating up a frozen dinner at home, this can be a dangerous option. It definitely means you aren’t eating the best or healthiest foods possible for your anti-cancer lifestyle.
What Food Manufacturers Don’t Want You to Know
You probably already know some hard facts about food you buy at your local grocery stores and fast food joints. The majority of the population knows (even if they ignore) the dangers of soda, fake meats, and chemical-laden food that comes in a box.
Bad fats and hidden sugars are covered with pretty packaging and words like “low fat,” “gluten free,” “sugar free,” “natural,” and “healthy.” Some food labels list so many chemicals to simulate real food that you’d have to have a PhD in chemistry to understand exactly what you’re eating.
These dangerous foods masquerading as “healthy” foods are the curse of the fast-paced life. You think you’re doing the right thing for your family, that you’re choosing options that might not be as good as “homemade”, but maybe aren’t too bad.
Anything that is packaged, boxed, canned, jarred, or has a label with more than one ingredient (especially any that you can’t readily pronounce) listed has been processed. That means something about that food has been added, taken away, or refined to make it edible, shelf stable, and marketable.
Manufacturers don’t care about your diet or desire to eat the healthiest foods. They want your money and will use pretty pictures and fancy words to get what they want. It works every day, with thousands of foods, and their marketing campaigns result in astronomical profits.
Fresh Foods Aren’t Always the Healthiest Foods
Fresh food has its own set of obstacles.
In your local market, 90% or more of the fresh produce has been treated in some way. Oranges are dipped in food coloring to make them bright and consistently orange. Apples are waxed and polished like brand new cars to make them universally appealing.
Unless it’s been labeled “organic” or “non-GMO,” it’s been processed just like packaged foods. Perhaps not to the same extent, but in ways you don’t want or need to be consuming. These are not the healthiest foods you can select.
Commercial agriculture is a multi-billion dollar industry. Big corporations and pesticide industries have figured out many ways to corner the market and we’ve allowed them to do it. Sadly, the fallout will affect many generations beyond our lifetimes.
Seeds modified in a lab are planted into soil that’s been chemically enhanced and will continued to be treated as the seeds absorb artificial nutrients during development. Plants grow under a shower of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides to abate the weeds that refuse to die even in the presence of such adversity. Food is rinsed in water containing bleach and bathed in wax to kill (some) bacteria and make it look pretty for consumers.
By the time it makes it to your kitchen, these foods have spent days and weeks in trains, trucks, and on boats either ripening or being tricked into not ripening by artificial means.
Many of the items that should be the healthiest foods (and that all of us are trying to eat more of in our diet) may instead be speeding along the alarming rise in cancer and other deadly illnesses worldwide.
Is Fresh Meat a Healthy Food?
Perhaps fresh meat is safe? Don’t be so sure.
Local butcher shops are rapidly becoming a thing of the past and even most grocery stores have done away with actual butchers. The majority of meat sold in chain supermarkets is cut in a factory, sprayed to prevent discoloring, injected with salt and preservatives, pre-packaged to look appealing on the shelves, and frozen.
It’s shipped to your neighborhood store, slapped on the shelf, and you think it’s “fresh” when it’s been in transit longer than you’d be comfortable knowing.
Commercially raised cattle (unless you buy more expensive, specially-raised meat that is organic and grass-fed) eat genetically modified grain feed enhanced with growth hormones, grown in pesticide filled soil. This feed is formulated to force the animals to grow to abnormal sizes to feed our appetites. The animals are also injected throughout their lifetimes with antibiotics, growth hormones, and other nasty compounds that infuse the meat you ultimately consume.
Another shocking food fact is that some meat is irradiated (exposed to ionized radiation) before it hits shelves.
Even the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – the people in charge of the safety of our food supply – funded an educational video designed to “influence public acceptance of food technologies.” If the government funds a project to influence the public, you can rest assured that you should be concerned.
Irradiated food is dangerous. This practice originated in a plan to find a use for spent fuel from the nation’s nuclear reactors. It wasn’t about making your food safer, it was about finding a new use for nuclear waste!
If what the food companies want to sell you is good, why does it need to be irradiated? What are they trying to kill? What do they know that we don’t?
The Bacteria, Funguses, and Viruses that Survive Food Treatments
It is not secret that many foods – despite the chemical treatments, the antibiotics, and irradiation – are still susceptible to dangerous organisms that can cause sickness and even death.
If they can survive all of these methods (that are already dangerous to human beings), how strong are these bacteria? As our chemicals become stronger, so do the bugs. If we can’t kill them on our food, they end up in our bodies. They are clearly stronger than even our most extreme methods of killing them. Once they take root in your body… how will medicines do any good?
Pharmaceutical companies invest in more research for better drugs to counteract the pesticides that build up in your system. They try to produce new treatments for illnesses that rage out of control faster than drugs are produced.
The Healthiest Foods Available: Local and Organic
Consider the food facts about what you usually eat and commit to consume cleaner options. It will build your own immune system and help you to fight stronger and stronger bacteria. It takes work to protect yourself from something as basic as the foods you eat. You and your family deserve the healthiest foods possible that won’t result in bio-accumulative toxins at the cellular level.
Organic products are always the best option when they’re available and affordable. Look for and request your stores to carry better, safer products and buy them.
Explore your local farmer’s market. Get to know the people who grow your food and raise your meat. Ideally, the only hands that touch your food should be the farmer’s and yours. Be aware of what you purchase and say “no” to mass manufactured foods whenever possible.
Money Talks When it Comes to Food Choices
Money is what changes minds. Higher demand for local, organic options will drive healthier foods becoming more readily available.
Invest your hard-earned money in your local food scene. The expense and effort to find safer food options is far less expensive than the cost to your health later on.
Know the facts about the healthiest foods for your anti-cancer diet. Saving time isn’t the only thing to consider when it can take years off your life.
Dear Ty,
Is there a book you can recommend on what to eat if you are going through your third round of cancer? That would be my Dear sister. Going through radiation and chemo simultaneously this round. SO sad and scarey. Thankyou in advance for any suggestions.
Hi Deb,
The best advice we can give you for specific medical questions is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in our docu-series. We’ve created a page with the experts contact info as it was available to us. Here’s the link to get their info:
Wishing all the best for your sister!
Which one deals with osteosarcoma, please advice i need help for my husband????
Can you make out a list of the best foods to eat to prevent cancer and the best diet to keep you healthy and energized… that would be so helpful
Hi I am not a doctor but I have spent quit some time at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Pam Beach FL .
Where people had great results with changing there lifestyle and dieet !
a one week Detox at the center will be a lifesaver , your week will include drinking Wheatgrass juice on an empty stomach
Drinking Organic green juices , blue-green algae , coconut water , The best organic vegan living food buffet .
Massage , Aromatherapy , Colonic , Infrared Sauna , mineral baths , yoga , meditation and lots of information on staying healthy
So good luck to you !
There is an excellent book by Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, MD: The Gene Therapy Plan: Taking Control of Your Genetic Destiny with Diet and Lifestyle.
Buy this book and READ IT! It answers all your questions and then some. It aligns with the philosophies espoused in “The Truth About Cancer” materials. Information is presented at a practical level and will not overwhelm with medical jargon, although Dr. Gaynor discusses the scientiific rationale for the recommendations.
Report back while/after you read it and let us know what you think …
We have watched all the videos in The Truth about Cancer- it opened my eyes!! My husband has bladder cancer- using cannibas oil- but turmeric is a no no- we are only eating fresh organic vegetable and blueberries, strawberries, eggs, little meat- what other foods can he have to fight this- he’s loosing many pounds but tired and loss of energy as well. Locally, no one seems to be able to tell us much.. We have 6 weeks to kick this. Urologist wants to do 2nd surgery.. We also use Kangen water – high ph but his ph is only at 6.0. Been following this regimen for 6 weeks now.. No carbs and no sugar! We just can’t find what’s safe to eat and what Vegas are ok with sugar and fruits- please advise.. Thank you
Keland, I do not agree that you should cut out turmeric, have a couple drops frankincense (organic) in water, continue CBD, and keep on the low carb no sugar diet
, fresh veg & (low sugar) fruit juices….
I agree. Turmeric is a good cancer fighting spice. I take capsule doses in the morning and keep ground turmeric on my kitchen table. It’s great on just about everything I eat.
I agree about the frankincense as long as it is the pure essential oil. Highly recommended company is Plant Therapy. I just read about a 13 yr old girl who had a brain tumor removed but they cd only get half of it. She diluted some frankincense on her neck and also put on the roof of her mouth a few times a day and it killed her cancer. They say it will also obliterate skin cancer! Guess I wd try a mixture of good water and the oil on my arm or leg till I got it right. Straight it will burn your skin. Or suggestion is to mix with a base, like coconut oil.
I know someone who cured their cancer on predomonantly a diet of broccoli and broccoli sprouts years ago.
Google ‘baking soda and molasses’ as a way to raise ph.
Great article!!!
Here in Canada it seems this is called Food Fraud. Even if it is fresh fruits, veggies or what it is supposed to say on packaging it most likely is lying. Very bad for those that cannot eat certain foods to get a lie and get sick from what was supposed to be what it was supposed to be, like gluten-free might be a lie if wrong person who cannot eat, eats some gluten-free product. Or someone with nut allergies could consume something that has been around nuts. Hiding bad sugars too. Is it real maple syrup or Aunt Jemima false syrup also was brought up, real honey or false honey. As seen online and on TV local news where I live in Alberta, Canada,
Hello- thank you so much for all your information. Could you please recommend a special diet for multiple myeloma.
Hi Mariela,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I like how you pointed out some of the nasty facts regarding grocery store meat. I have been raising my own laying hens for 6 years, and last year i raised commercial meat birds and two heritage pigs. I do all my own slaughter and butchering, as hard as it is, partly due to cost but mostly for the animals’ sake. The difference in the quality of the meat is indescribable – i pasture all my animals, so they get as much exercise and fresh forage as they desire. The meat has more flavour and is so much more dense that you can only eat about half what you would of the grocery store kind before you’re full! My mother even said it’s the best pork she’s ever had, and she also only eats my chickens now. I wish i had more land (we only have one acre) so i could fill the freezers of everyone in my family and get a small dairy cow 🙂
I would like to add, for those who are interested, that raising animals really isn’t that difficult nor time-consuming. Between the pigs and the chickens, the chores totaled only about a half hr per day, with an additional hour per week for any cleaning required (mostly raking). Try it!
Hi Ty
You have completely opened my eyes up to the world we live in, and how the choices we make on our shopping list can affect our health, happiness and ultimately our life span!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing all you have done, I know you were inspired, and for good reason, but to go to such lengths to help the world know and understand what we need to do to help ourselves is truly amazing!! I saw my partner of 54 yrs old die of cancer, and after watching all your video’s have made an oath to myself, that no-one I know and love will ever die like that again, not on my watch!!!! I’ve told everyone I know about your video’s and have got into the habit of printing off all the information you post to me, to keep for posterity, and hopefully help my family and friends when I am no longer around to do so. We now buy all our food from the organic veg store close to our home, which sells all local produce, and I have told all my family and friends to do the same. I am still in process of changing our eating habits, but I can tell you that over here in England, it was only reported on the news the other day that there has been a huge surge in people buying more organic veg/fruit, and I put it all down to the great work you are doing. God bless you and your family, you are an amazing man.
Karen from England
I have a question which has perplexed me for years. I buy organic… yet I wonder about the produce coming from other countries. Aren’t they also irradiated to get into our country? And haven’t they been picked weeks in advance, prior to being ripe? Are they also processed to ripen?
I know I’m not eating all of the pesticides but I am concerned about the irradiation process, or whatever else they do to foreign organic produce. Please enlighten me! It is a nagging question every time I buy a red pepper from Israel or an avocado from Peru… etc. Thank you!
Hi Ty
I am presently on blood pressure meds and am sick and tired of all the crazy side effects…whenever I mention it to the doctors they seem to push it aside by giving some bogus scientific reason why should stay on it. I am the type of person who believes in taking charge of my health…I know beyond a shadow a doubt that natural means are far better than all of those chemical drugs. What does one do if a doctor does not want to work with you when you want to come off meds and replace them with natural means???
Hi David,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Organic Cocoa Powder brings blood pressure down but be careful cuz it could go too low.
What brand of cocoa powder do you use? Thanks
Very interesting. Thanks. Would love to cleanse with your system from Epigenic Labs but they aren’t keeping up productivity. Is it possible to get any orders out yet?
Hi Tonya,
Please reach out to Epigenetic Labs for more information:
I live in the UK and am horrified by some farming/food production methods, processing and legislative lethargy (“paid for” politicians) in the USA. Some of these practices such as intensive pig factories have been exported to Europe but at least we have mandatory labelling laws so that you know if GM/biocide treated ingredients, chemical additives have been added to the food or if it has been irradiated. You are right to promote buying organic produce as the safest strategy to maintaining good health however; this is not an option available to the majority or citizens. A form of revolt is necessary to bring about the necessary changes. What you spend your dollars on is the only sure fire way of pressurising those changes.
“The European Union, utilizing the “precautionary principle,” has banned several dozen agricultural pesticides and practices that still pollute U.S. food, food packaging, water, body-care, cosmetic, and cleaning products. Still, and despite the fact that the President’s Cancer Panel, in 2010, warned that up to 80 percent of U.S. cancer cases—currently striking 48 percent of men, 38 percent of women, and increasing numbers of children—are directly caused by poisons in our environment and food, by Big Food, pharmaceutical, chemical and genetic engineering corporations, aided and abetted by federal government bureaucrats, are still telling us “don’t worry.”
Ronnie Cummins, who has led the fight against the interests of the agro-chemical and Big Food processor businesses for many years deserves our recognition and support. Until the weight of American public opinion tilts toward “the right to know” what we are buying and eating, the status quo is certain to continue. The organic consumers website is a trove of valuable information and I cannot recommend their mission highly enough.
Thanks Ty for all that you are doing and for your persistence in disseminating the information people need. Above all, you are giving us hope. May God bless you and your family in this endeavour.
Good article, but I have to take some issue with a few things you said about the meat industry. Unfortunately, consumers have long equated marbling in a steak to equal tenderness, and there is therefore been a long standing demand for marbling. Marbling is caused by fat in the muscle. So the use of hormones to accelerate growth, and grain to increase fatness became industry norms. The animals are NOT forced to “grow to abnormal sizes” they simply reach full growth younger. It is younger cattle, not marbling that result in more tender meat. All cattle are grass fed with their mothers, until they have been weaned (at approximately 6 months of age), and then are separated from the cows and “finished” and this is where the grain diet comes into play. Even from a strictly financial point of view, mis-treated animals aren’t healthy, and an unhealthy animal won’t make money. Farmers DO care about their animals and are really trying to balance love of the animal and the need to make enough money to stay in business and feed their own families. Most farms in this country are still family owned, even those dubbed “commercial.” Farmers are simply incorporating to protect their businesses or to allow additional family members to join the business. Consumers long demand for cheap food and processors habit of paying as little as possible to the farmer have forced farms to have more animals just to have a living wage. Please stop vilifying the farmer. Yes there are pesticides and herbicides and GMO seeds, but these have been adopted by the farmers just trying to increase their yields so that they can pay their bills. The companies producing these chemicals need to be held accountable for the safety of their products, long before it is sold to the farmer to use. Farmers don’t have time to study the safety of every product used, and the transition period to organic is so difficult, that not many traditional farms can afford to make the switch. We need to help the farmers afford to adopt more friendly practices, not make them our enemies. NO Farms = No Food.
I saw all the episodes of the truth about cancer and there was a recipe for skin problem/cancer. It was eggplant and apple cider vinegar. Could you please give me the recipe.
Not only is there a major frustration about what has been done to our food, but I also end up pretty frustrated that if I were to only eat the foods that are “okay”, our family would go into debt. Articles like this opened my eyes and have helped me to make better decisions, so I am thankful for the information. At the same time I wish there were more articles that talked about balance and how to prioritize (e.g. whether local pastured meats are more important than organic veggies, or vice versa, etc) when you simply can’t afford to make all of the right decisions.
I highly recommend going to the online Natural News Store and getting the tablet form of their amazing Hawaiian Spirulina, grown in pristine waters . It is not an algae but a phenomenal superfood. The normal dose is 6 a day. I wd call them to see the best dose for your husband. Have you been exposed to Powerful. He cured stage 3 Cilic cancer with diet, among other things. Is your water pure? I wd also look into Optimally Organic’s: fulvic ionic minerals. And the brand: RalaPure for their alpha Kippur Acid. In the 1986 disaster at Chernobyl they treated children with spirulina!
Hello Ty,
While I agree with some parts of your article, there is a lot of hyperbole attached to many opinions expressed about the sustainability and health values of organic food. I work for a 104 year old, NW Co. that produces 400 million lbs. of frozen vegetables annually and about 10% of our products are organically grown for niche customers. A major problem with organic food is it is relatively scarce and unsustainable, due to the high cost of production. For example, we have 600,000 acres of farmland in the Columbia Basin. If it was all grown organically, it would require about 18 million tons of cow manure from almost 10 million cows…that’s every cow in WA, OR, ID, & MT. The argument and fear regarding pesticide usage is so exaggerated that it would require another discussion article on that topic alone. Insect sprays used today are typically applied at the rate of a few ounces per acre with residual effects that only lasts for hours. Organic vegetables also cost 2 1/2 times more than conventional products, making it accessible only to wealthy consumers. There are also no verifiable nutritional benefits in these products but you’ll frequently hear anecdotal claims about their superior food value. Unfortunately there is a lot of ‘bad science’ and zeal attached to a product that is in short supply and only available to a few privileged consumers. This is the short version of a much longer story!
Keland – perhaps try “Lunasin”! Dr. Alfredo Galvez PhD, who discovered lunasin just spoke at the Keystone Conference on Epigenetic Health & Disease in Seattle, WA. Several other health professionals concluded that lunasin is a “game changer”. It is the first natural ingredient to have a direct expression on the genes in the cells. Message me for more information.
Try bathing in water with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar one day and 2 cups of baking soda the alternate days. Plus also add Epsom Salt to the water on all days. Bath for at least 20 minutes daily. Make sure you have good filtered water to bath in. This will raise your PH.
Plus drink fresh lemon juice with good water daily.
If you want a great resource about eating clean, check out Vani Hari’s (aka The Food Babe) blog and book. She has lots of great info!
Hello Dina, could you DM on twitter I would like to get more information about what your husband is going through. My faher has CML+ for 8 years.
utter doom and gloom,if you are not wealthy you cant afford the best,so thats why the rich live longer than the not so rich
May I suggest there is a highly successful cardiologist (retired) from CO that will help you with your concern. He too, will make the same recommendation that some of the members of the TTAC experts will offer. Message me and I will put you in contact with him.
No sugar at all that includes fruit you have to starve the cancer you have to make your own silver water and take msm water eat nothing that turns into sugar, breads, pasta, ect. good luck
grapefruit also raises ph. That and baking soda are similiar in their effects
Turkey (the country) has learned a new buzz word ‘Organic,’ they put it on everything, it does not mean what it does in the US and the US is not slowing them down/ protecting us. Read the labels on Produce, stay away from their crops.
Soaking vegetables in water and white vinegar help with non organic vegetables
Citation, please?
Hi there –
You can click on the link at the bottom of the article that says “[+] Sources and References” to see all of the references from this article. 🙂
Happy reading!