Video Transcript: The 7 Toxicities That Prevent Healing
Charlene Bollinger: In this video, Dr. Buttar discusses 7 toxicities that are all around us in the modern world. Plus, the importance of the mind and emotions in dealing with these toxicities.
Ty Bollinger: Don’t miss this fascinating look at how to combat disease and live healthier and happier lives.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: What goes through a person’s mind when they hear, “I’m sorry but you have cancer?” I don’t know what that feels like. I don’t know. But I can tell you that most of what they feel, they have a choice to feel or not.
I wasn’t going to say this but I’m going to share something personal with you guys here a second. I think it’s important because it just hit me that this is why I’m here with some of the best people on the planet that have become close friends of mine over the last 10-15 years, and there’s a reason that I’m actually giving this talk now. It just hit me.
Seven toxicities. Most of you who followed any of the work that we’ve done know the seven toxicities, but I’ll just review them very quickly.
#1. Heavy metal toxicity.
#2. Persistent organic pollutants.
#3. Opportunistics. Those are the bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, yeast, and etc.
I call them opportunistics because they need an opportunity to set up house, they need to have the first toxicity, heavy metal, the second toxicity, persistent organic pollutants in place, which suppresses the immune system and allows them to set up house.
These first three talks toxicities are tangible, they can be measured. The fourth toxicity and beyond is a little bit more esoteric.
#4. The fourth toxicity is energetics. You know what the number one form of energetic toxicity is, that when we’ve measured it from a kinesiological electrodermal standpoint? Microwave. My children will not eat any food that’s been in a microwave. We don’t have a microwave in the house. Stop using your microwave.
#5. Fifth toxicity, that’s what we’re talking about now, the emotional psychological toxicity.
#6. The sixth toxicity, food. Not what we are eating but what we do to food. The homogenization, pasteurization, the genetic modification, the irradiation…all the things that we do to food to manipulate it so it’s not even food anymore.
And the seventh, last one, is spiritual toxicity.
Now why am I talking about the fifth one? People say all the time, “Dr. Buttar, what’s the most important toxicity?” You know what? There’s not a most important one. But I will tell you that if we don’t address the fifth toxicity adequately, we will fail. We will fail.
Peace is not the absence of conflict. Peace is not the absence of conflict. It is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”
Either Ronald Reagan said that, or Mahatma Gandhi, because I found it in two different places.
[audience laughs]
But I would want to add to that. It is the ability to handle conflict with love, with patience, with understanding, with acceptance. This conflict that I’m talking about, if unresolved, or if not dealt with adequately, will lead to Dis-ease, as Dr. Quillin talked about.
Dis-ease is the lack of ease or disease. And when it’s chronic it will lead to cancer.
The RASCON is a reticular activating system control mechanism that’s within our subconscious. It is a goal-seeking mechanism. It seeks a goal. When people retire—they move on with their lives. They say, “I’m now retired, I’m just going to sit in front of a couch and watch TV.” They usually live three or four years and that’s it, they’re dead. Men faster than women.
Why? because they have no further goals. The reticular activating system control mechanism is a subconscious mechanism to set a goal and move forward. It doesn’t make a judgment, it just follows instructions. We don’t program the RASCOM correctly.
So, I’m going to give you two resources, two books that I want you to read that will really help you.
Old books, in fact I’ll give you a copy of those books—electronic versions of those books absolutely free. It will take me two days to get that set up, but it will be there. Using sound and voice, using sight and images, using touch, tapping, meditation, relaxation, there’s many ways to help deal with the subconscious mind, and give it the proper instructions.
The key is that you want to give your subconscious mind the correct instructions. For example, fear. Tony Robbins has an acronym for fear: False Evidence Appearing Real. We take that fear and we allow fear to motivate us. What’s the opposite of fear? Love! When you make a decision based out of love it will always be right even though it may be hard. You make a decision based out of fear it will always be wrong even though it may give you security.
Charlene Bollinger: Wow! Remarkable information from our good friend, Dr. Buttar. We hope you learned from this video!
Ty Bollinger: And if you did, please share it on social media and let you friends and your family know about The Truth About Cancer. God Bless!
Editor’s Note: Looking for the two books Dr. Buttar recommended? Want to see the rest of his lecture… + 40 more experts at our last TTAC Live Event? Get an endless supply of resources on your road back to health. Learn more>>
I am an energy practitioner. I do not normally find microwave toxicity in my clients & friends. But I often find EMF/cellular toxicity from cell phones, cell phone towers, Wi-fi electronics, etc. Also fluorescent light toxicity from many years ago that is still in the body.
Heavy metal toxins can be passed energetically from generation to generation. If either of your parents have Alzheimers, then you most likely have heavy metals in your brain, which may develop into Alzheimers. I’ve found that the easiest way to release toxins and also pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc.) is energetically, by using the Body Code (Dr. Bradley Nelson).
What about EFT or the lifeline technique I go to an energy psychologist, to release subconscious emotions Any other good ways to detox the brain ?
I would love the name of the two books he recommends. Love Dr. Buttar💕
Hello there Peg, unfortunately that was an exclusive offer Dr. Buttar made at live event. Thank you so much for reaching out.
Because of my anxietys, because of my anger about the way my son was killed, because of my pain and inability to deal with conflict., i am afraid possibly i will get cancer…HELP!!!
Fear and stress are an enemy to your health and mental well being. Here is an article that explains the link:
Please take some time to take care of yourself. Essential oils can help as well. We send you love and support. God bless.