Video Transcript: What Does an Iodine Deficiency Have to Do with Cancer?
Dr. David Brownstein: Let’s do the basics on people to help supply their body with the things it needs to function optimally, which is how we were designed by our Maker. If we supply the body with the right nutrients, it should do fine for a lifetime. So, I consider one of the basics iodine. Every cell in the body needs and requires iodine to function optimally. We can’t function optimally in an iodine deficient environment.
I’ve tested, along with my partners, over 6,000 patients. Over 96% were low in iodine, the vast majority significantly low in iodine. When I talk to clinicians around the country who are looking at this, they find the same numbers that I’m finding.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. David Brownstein: Iodine’s main job in the body. Iodine has a lot of jobs in the body. The immune system can’t function without it. You can’t fight infections without it. But one of its main jobs is in the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands include the thyroid, the breasts, the ovaries, uterus and the prostate.
What are we having problems with out there? The thyroid, the ovaries, the uterus, breasts, and prostate. I’ve mentioned the prostate, I’ve mentioned the breasts. The fastest-growing cancer in the United States is thyroid cancer. We have uterine and ovarian cancer growing at epidemic rates. We’re having epidemic rates of problems with them.
Iodine’s main job is to maintain a normal architecture of those tissues. With iodine deficiency, the first thing that happens is you get cystic formation in the breasts, the ovaries, uterus, thyroid, prostate and, let’s throw in the pancreas in here as well, which is also increasing at epidemic rates – pancreatic cancer.
Cysts start to form when iodine deficiency is there. If it goes on longer, they become nodular and hard. If it goes on longer, they become hyperplastic tissue, which is the precursor to cancer. I say that’s the iodine deficiency continuum.
The good thing about iodine is, iodine has apoptotic properties, meaning it can stop a cancer cell from just continually dividing, dividing, dividing until it kills somebody. Iodine can stop this continuum wherever it catches it and hopefully reverse it, but at least put the brakes on what’s happening. Over 80 percent of women suffer from fibrocystic breast disease. That’s a precursor to breast cancer, which, as I said, one in seven women have. I say it’s an iodine deficiency problem, period. That’s what it is.
Hallo there, I am not going to argue with Dr. Brownstein about importance of iodine in our body. It surely plays a crucial role in overall health and esp. health of thyroid gland. What I’d like to stress out is that iodine supplementation alone might be dangerous. Most of the “mainstream-following” docs do not even care about proper iodine levels testing and prescribe Euthyrox/Lethrox meds (most of my clients get this based on their TSH only!!!) that already contain some elemental iodine. As some know, iodine has a “buddy” – selenium and if levels of this mineral are low, supplementing iodine might cause even higher iodine deficiency and iodine intolerance. So it is important to put this into perspective before saying everyone should supplement with iodine.
the biggest problem with iodine is the ignorance about it. i believe you might learn from a collection of iodine information, discusses cancers, deficiency, goiter, etc. a god plac to learn from those that went before us.
Fluoride competes with and replaces iodine in the body. It’s put into everything: water, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, tooth fillings, processed foods made using fluoridated water, beer, wines(especially most California wines that use chryolite), meats(Chicken, beef, lamb, pork or any others) that drink fluoridated water. Fluoride also naturally occurs in black, green and white teas in massive amounts.
It’s a wonder that there is any iodine left in our bodies. ” IT’S THE FLUORIDE, STUPID”
I took took iodine supplement based in rec from my highly regarded integrative MD for years. He never warned me about its possible side affects. I ended up with too much iodine and Graves’ disease and am still struggling to get thyroid under control. Please people do research before taking iodine!
I used to regularly eat seaweed but post party I started reacting to it with hyper symptoms. I’m suspecting has hashimoto’s and so have stopped iodine consumption as I feel unwell. What would you recommend for someone like me?
You definitive need Iodine if you have Hashimtos, but you need to learn the protocol, search Iodine group, and start with Selen supplementation first!
What iodine supplement is reccomended?
We switched from table salt with iodine to pink Himalayian because we thought it would be healthier, does it contain enough iodine? How would we know if we are deficient, we don’t take multi-vitamins just a few individual ones, no iodine. are there foods we should consider or do we absolutely have to take a supplement to be sure?
How do we add iodine to our diet? I’m under the impression that morton’s iodized salt is not the way to go
Cranberry, berries, yogurt, cheese, eggs… kelp and other sea weeds apparently have the highest levels of iodin
When taken as a supplement, what is the best form?
How much should we take on a daily basis? I just bought some iodine but maybe the recommendation on the bottle is not enough. I have an autoimmune disease and leaky gut.
So how do you get more iodine, besides in iodized salt? Are you recommending a supplement? Thank you.
Seaweed and shell fish contain iodine and are available.
Would you know how I could find a holistic family physician in the New Haven Connecticut area? Is there an association to consult or would you know of someone? Thank you for posting this. I resonates so true.
Hi Carolyn, You could start by looking at our list of medical experts that we interviewed in our latest series. Here is the link to that page:
Thank you. What daily dose of iodine do you recommend for fibrocystic breast disease?
50mg at least … i personally needed 100mg for 1-2 months to stop periodic breast pain ..:. whenever i take less my pain comes back
Good afternoon Dr. Brownstein,
My name is Peggy Webb and I live here in Detroit, MI. I’ve been diagnose as having throat cancer and there is a mass sitting on my vocal cord. The doctors I’m seeing wants to do chemo, radiation, and surgery. I will not allow them to. I don’t have money to pay for Holistic or Alternative Treatments. I do have Obamacare insurance that won’t pay for the treatment that I chose. Do you know of a way for me to get the treatment?
Thank you for the information that you have shared. It’s been enlighten. Let me know if you have any advice for me.
Thank you,
Ms. Webb
Peggy, I have found the book Cancer Free by Bill Henderson a wealth of information on dealing with cancer, along with Ty Bollinger’s book, Cancer – Step Outside The Box.
Best wishes, Laurie.
Start blending vegetables and drink at least 1/2 gallon of blended organic veggies daily. Stay off all carbs. Go vegetarian for about 90 days and see where your cancer markers are at that point. Try to take a good multi-vitamin. You don’t need money to beat cancer.
There are plenty of things you can do on your own. Check out bill hendersons gentle healing (budwig diet). You don’t have to spend a fortune to heal. Good luck!
Dr Brownstein I have been plagued with illness that I think is all from a MRI contrast dye Gadolinium .Most all my symptoms were thought to be real but Drs could not resolve . All that I have done is to try and stay alive thinking that some day time will get this out of my system . I think gadolinium disease NSF is being covered up like many other toxins ….do you have any suggestions …NAC , CHELATION , DIALYSIS….nothing seems to help sufferers
I’m praying for you Ms. Webb, and hope that you’ll get a reply from someone at TTAC.
Nena: exactly – iodine is one of the most crucial minerals for our body, but also the most tricky one. You should be absolutely sure on your iodine/selenium/manganese/magnesium/calcium/iron/zinc (they all play the role in thyroid metabolism for which iodine is needed the most) before starting any supplementation. To the other questions – dosing is really individual, but if you have selenium on healthy levels I would slowly start with 100mcg of potassium iodine and increase it to 300mcg max till the iodine levels are OK.
i personally only get my periodic breast pain in check by consuming 100mg (not mcg) per day . I do that game since 2013 …: whenever i take less, boob pain is back.
Peggy, I can second above recommendations – Budwig diet (plenty of ALA), a lot of leafy green veggies (try broccoli sprouts as they have highest content of sulphoraphanes), curcumin + piperin, check some of the “megavitamin” protocols of Dr. Saul as well. You don’t really have to spend a fortune to beat the cancer!!! And (depending on stage of your cancer) you can win with food and proper supplements (for boosting immunity only – “fighting part” is your food).
Wes, you are correct – all other halogens (iodine belongs to the same group) – fluorine, bromine and chlorine – they all attach to the same receptors, blocking iodine to be used properly. Everyone having hypothyroid symptoms (ruling out Hashimoto’s as auto-immune disease) should stay away from chlorinated water, tooth paste w/fluorine, etc.
Sarah, I’ve had success (treating a client) with 4,2mg (0,06mg per 1kg of body weight) of molecular iodine.
Coleen/Molly: shrimps, cod, sardines, wild-caught salmon – those are all good sources of iodine. With regards of sea veggies – I would be careful as these also contain other halogens (nulling effect) and some other heavy metals. My personal recommendation would be to go for kelp in form of noodles or use it (in dry form, know as kombu) when soaking and cooking legumes – on one side, legumes “suck in” some mineral content from kelp, on the other – kombu helps legumes to get rid off lectins and some purines = reduces bloating/gut irritation associated by some RD’s/nutritionists with legumes consumption.
There is a wonderful healthfood store in Hamden, Ct ….Thyme and Season … if you speak to Linda in the Supplement Dept, im sure she will be able to direct you to a number of Holistic Practitioners in the New haven area…
Apart from the dietary changes, I really recommend meditation and imagery for healing cancer. Stress has been recently found to act as a fertiliser for cancer (we all knew that but now the science confirms it) and imagery can activate accelerated healing. You might like to check out Ian Gawler an Australian who teaches all this stuff after his own remarkable recovery in the 70s.
Yes, fluorosilicic acid in your water supply does remove iodine from your body. It should also be noted that glyphosate in your food prevents the missing iodine from being replaced. The combination of fluorosilicic acid in water and glyphosate in your food can cause low iodine in your body. I was really upset when half the Democrats and all the Republicans in the Senate Agriculture Committee voted to increase the amount of glyphosate in our food and prevent it from being on the food’s label. The FDA and USDA testified that glyphosate was completely safe even though it is banned from the Congressional Cafeteria and it is on the California EPA list of Carcinogens. Hippocrates all.
Raw thyroid is an excellent source of iodine although not vegan….
We buy dried seaweed and add it to soup, is there any problem and how much is safe. I read you really need to be careful with kelp
Seaweed is to be taken with caution
Do your research. Heavy metals abound in the seas. Seaweed has to be screened
Excellent power point on iodine 101. Dosing info also
Is pink Himalayan salt better than sea salt ?
Dear Martin please could you give me some advice . My 19 year old son has a very rare immune deficiency , and for the past 3 years has been plagued with horrible boils all over his body – caused by staphylococcus aureus. I have read that this could also be connected to iodine deficiency , where and with whom could I safely go to , to do these tests ? We have tried everything we can to stop these boils – juices , essential oils , cutting out sugar ( not easy for 19 yr old to stick too ) . Healthy diet etc. Antibiotics are not helping just masking the problem and he is becoming resistant to so many of them ! We found a fantastic staph cream made in the Netherlands which is a huge help – but due to his immune function or lack of the boils keep coming back. I know this is a cancer website but My son has been stuffed with so many chemicals over the past 19 years as sick since birth – constantly in hospitals , I can’t help but think it would be a miracle if he remains cancer free. Please if anyone can give any advice we would be so very grateful. Thanks in advance . He lives in Australia. Thanks Juliet
Back in the day about 40-50 years ago, we were taught to fight staph with diluted lugol’s iodine Solution, and it was a miracle… one drop 5% Lugol’s to 3 drops sterile water….that was the typical dilution we swabbed our quarintined staph patients with.
Hallo Juliet, for detailed and more tailored recommendation I’d need to see your son’s microbial tests to see if there’s any co-infection and standard blood tests as well. My first-line recommendation would be: shea butter mixed with 100% lemon verbena essential oil (50g of shea butter + 10 drops of oil) applied topically; manuka honey (the higher grade, the better – should not be a problem for an Aussie) with shredded turmeric root and a bit of freshly grounded black pepper – mix it all together and leave it in a dark place, room temperature for at least 14 days – after that, consume 1tbsp mixed in luke water first in the morning.
Andy Bauer, based on my findings (I have a friend in lab – she does some tests for me for free from time to time) kelp/kombu is the safest of available seaweed here in EU. A way better than nori used for sashimi (higher in iodine than kelp, but unbalanced otherwise, with trace amounts of heavy metals) or dulsi (heavy metals). Did test dry versions only (not kelp noodles).
Hi Juliet, Eva from Australia here. I’ve had success with several things on my daughters staph boils on her face, which look like acne. Applying potassium iodide (Lugol’s Solution or Aqueous Solution of Iodine) worked quite well for a while and she must have been very deficient in iodine, because it would soak right in and disappear overnight although applying every night for a couple of weeks. Very best results have been this past week with olive oil. The stronger the oil, the better. Olive oil is graded in 3 tiers, mild, medium and robust. The robust is the strongest and smells and tastes quite strongly. It has much more polyphenols and other antioxidants than the milder olive oils. After only 3 applications over 3 days the boils/acne had reduced by half and now after a full week, they have reduced by 75%. I don’t yet know how well it will stand up to time or if they will come back, but it is pretty remarkable results so far. Best is to apply both externally and internally, as the body will be happy to get it both ways. You can add it raw veggie salads with freshly squeezed lemon and a little bit of sea salt or Himalayan rock salt.
My daughter is still iodine and selenium deficient so I have also added Nascent Iodine (at first 5 drops, then tapered down to 2 drops per day over the week) and liquid selenium (started off with 3 drops, now down to 2). The 2 drops of each is maintenance dose for her. Not everyone needs selenium, but in my practice where I work with sensitivities, intolerances and deficiencies, both iodine and selenium deficiencies are very common. Very few of those do not need selenium along with the iodine.
Iodine is also an excellent viral, bacterial, fungal and more, hunter and putting it in if you are deficient will keep illnesses at bay.
I was diagnosed with a missing thryoid from birth and been on thyroxine since then. I have always been a believer in natural alternatives vs pharmaceuticals and have been wondering lately if I could take anything else. Can iodine replace thyroxine medication?
Juliet, have you tried CBD Cannabis Oil on your son. It is truly amazing.
Its extremely RARE in this country to NOT get enough iodine! Its IN SALT! Also in most seafood, kelp, etc. etc. etc. Too much is dangerous as I’ve discovered from taking larges doses continually for over a year, I’ve now become HYPER THYROID! Believe me, thats something you do NOT WANT! And I had NO idea, this could happen, because a naturopath doctor recommended the iodine to me~!
Thank you for your honest feedback. I too was taking kelp powder everyday and my TSH went up to 6.0 from 1.9! Just because something is good for you doesn’t mean it’s good for everyone!
Responding to “Nena” above, YES, thats exactly what happened to me too!! VERY annoyed, to say the least! All I can say to people is DO YOUR HOMEWORK, check out many many sites before following a protocol. READ BOOKS! I’m learning lots of stuff now that I didnt know a few years ago, like the toxins in our environment etc. My Dad was just diagnosed with cancer thats spread into his bones now, I’m trying to get good information to him that might save his life, IF he only listens to me – it’d be a first lemee tell ya!!
Iodoral Iodorxx Lugolabs Lugols Solution …. anything that contains iodine and iodide …. Lugols Solution is the cheapest
Hi stephy, that is HUGE!!! I know that recommendations vary a lot from 100mcg up to 50mg, but never heard about anyone taking 100mg. This is what I call bio-individuality squared – for some this dosage might be detrimental, for you it looks like it’s your sweet spot.
What water filter do you recommend? What I’ve seen doesn’t filter fluoride.
Well done mate,and put.
I live in Perth Australia and have tried using iodine as Lugols solution over the years and on its own it can cause problems if Co- factors such as Zinc and Selenium are not added or taken with Lugols solution. I have heard that Lugols solution on its own taken over a period of time can trigger auto immune thyroiditis. So I started compounding a U.K Metabolics liquid coloidal minerals, zinc and selenium, with Lugols and found that quite costly. I now have resolved to using Kelp, it has all the Co factors and essential sea minerals already bio -available without laboratory processing. I use a good Tasmanian Raw Kelp from King Island one of the cleanest waters in the world, raw being richer in nutrient value.
I hope this helps
Dr. Group recommends and sells a very special Nasent Iodine at. : He sells several really good supplements at this store.
On a really hard swollen lymphnode?! Dr gonna Take it out for analyse in 2 weeks. Wanna shrink it before!
I use Lugol’s Iodine.tincture twice a week since switching to healthy Himalyan Pink salt which has no iodine. Been doing this for 7 years after breast cancer scare. Check iodine level with doctor. Research Lugol’s for yourself! God bless you.
Himalayan salt has no iodine. Must supplement. I have used Lugol’s Iodine for years after cancer scare.
Very well said….High Iodine levels are also dangerous…..Se supplementation absolutely reqd. for alleviating thyroid problems…& yes, physicians never care about any of these ….neither iodine nor Selenium…..they only care about facilitating the sale of thyroid hormones ….synthroid (Levo thyroxine) etc. etc. etc….
Exactly. There’s more in their pockets for writing scripts for the chemicals rather than natural healthy products for us
I switched out family to Kosher salt, and I am pretty sure, the salt I am using and the pink salt does not contain iodine. Iodine is added table salt, like Morton’s; and, I am going back to my iodine salt!
I saw in one of the replies that you were setting apart Hashimotos, rightfully so, because it is autoimmune. I have Hashis and am currently taking Selenium but no iodine (using sea salt). I have read alot of conflicting opinions about iodine and Hashimotos. What is your take on it? I personally experienced the greatest drop in my antibody counts after supplementing with bluegreen algae for about 6 months. Since then I have stopped taking the supplement, mostly from forgetting it was in the fridge, and my numbers have been climbing again. (I’m around 6,000 antibody count)
Nascent iodine, the good halogen
Why would the majority of people in the U.S. be deficient in iodine when we as a society eat way too much salt? It is literally in almost everything we eat.
Not all salt is enhanced with iodine. Especially now that many people have switched to sea salt or Himalayan salt, etc. Also many doctors have been telling their patients to reduce or eliminate salt as some doctors believe salt raises ones blood pressure.
Great question,so The only logical answer to this would be ,the iodine in our salt isn’t enough for a mouse! Can’t believe everything they tell you.
Iodine is added to salt. People switched to gourmet types that don’t have iodine and doctors telling people to avoid salt due to blood pressure has caused a huge reduction of iodine consumption.
Many people cut back on salt and many switched from Morton’s Salt (Idoized salt) to fancy salts like Himalayan.
Most salt doesn’t contain iodine.
Not all salt is IODIZED. Not even sea salt, although sea water contains certain amount of iodine, provides the required amount of iodine needed by human body. All salts are not equal. Prepared foods that Americans are eating contain salt as an ingredient, but unless the label says “iodized salt”, don’t assume the salt is iodized. It is plain salt. Look for salt that’s marked “iodized.”
Also, get rid of your anti-perspiants and deodorants as the chemicals filter in through the lymph and that just shaved arm pit. Replace with a clean diet, soap and water, and alcohol when needed to kill the bacteria. You body will take a while to adjust to the change, but persevere.
I very rarely use deodorants and haven’t for years… use baking soda to help keep you dry and sweet!
Won’t the alcohol filter through the lymph?
Peggy Webb, go here for your answers.
Why dont you try coffee enema? Take dairy and gluten..take lots of organic vege juicing…try them..?
The best thing you can do to prevent iodine deficiency, besides supplementation, is to eliminate
fluoride consumption.
As in tooth paste
I don’t let my dentist do the fluoride rinse anymore and I have a Pur filter on my faucet as well as filter that came on my Refrig .. I’m sure it’s not the best but better than none!
PUR filter does nothing for fluoride. At the minimum get a Berkey Water Filter with the optional fluoride filters.
Zero water filters remove fluoride.
Yes you dont need money to heal your cancer! Read You are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza. This book really changed my perspective on my own condition (scleroderma, hashimotos and fibroids). Follow a cancer-healing diet that feels right for you (some great recs on this string), take the heavy hitters like curcumin and sulphoraphane and VISUALIZE YOURSELF HEALED every day! Form follows thought (and feeling)… that’s a universal law. You can do it!
Hi hope ur doing well, would u pls share abit more regarding specifically what did you find helpful for your scheleroderma, my son got it and since affected his soft tissue put him in flexion contracture and result in wheelchair and I haven’t find anything specific to help with the damage of his soft tissue, I’m using turmeric as much as possible in food and as supplement in capsule, what else specifically you find helps scheleroderma pls , thank you above happened after second bone marrow transplant due to leukemia
What type of supplement is recommended?
One caveat: high levels of iodine supplementation without selenium can lead to hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s). I have called Dr. Brownstein’s office to encourage this inclusion when he speaks of adding iodine but got no response. (Read STOP THE THYROID MADNESS PART II. Bowthorpe shares a study where populations with low selenium in their soil who were given iodine doubled the risk of hypothyroidism (p. 154). Selenium protects against the “toxic effects” of iodine (p. 153).
How much iodine supplement and how much selenium
how much iodine does one need? I’ve got a couple of nodules on my thyroid and I’m scheduled for a thyroid biopsy this Wednesday. I’m on thyroid medication that my doctor has not mentioned iodine
I am so glad you brought up this important fact. Sometimes people go on and on about how good one supplement is. It all has to do with balance. Supplementing with iodine when you have low selenium can cause serious thyroid problems such as hashimotos!
Where is the best place to purchase an iodine test kit?
You know… there isn’t anything that can’t be had these days. We’re living in a World that is so depleted of so many resources…that it’s not unusual that we are suffering from one malady to the next.
And as much as I want to stay informed…I know that even more insights can lead a person to feel overwhelmed by What to do Next???
So… unless we have a nutritionist stashed away in our closet, that we can take out from time to time; and get their feedback… IT is ALL left up to chance and hope it works.
I eat as clean as is possible…given the State of our Planet. The rest is left up to Hope, and praying for a Better Future. But certainly NOT by the input of mankind…They’ve done all they can to destroy the wonderful world we Use to Have.
Besides this… WHAT FOODS help with Iodine consumption???
Seafood, seaweed, dairy products if the cow had access to an iodized salt lick.
When we speak of iodine, is salt intake the answer? What foods ?
Salt isn’t a naturally high source of iodine. Iodized salt provides some. Foods include seafood, seaweed, dairy products if the cow had access to an iodized salt lick. Lugol’s iodine drops is a supplement that has been in use for over 100 yrs and used to be a regular item recommended by doctors. If supplementing with iodine – vit C, selenium, and magnesium are needed as cofactors to keep the oxidative stress under control which occurs naturally when the thyroid is provided iodine and makes thyroid hormones from it.
If you already have a fibroid cyst in the body, can iodine supplementation reverse (heal) the condition? Will the fibroid always change into an eventual cancer or will iodine stop the process?
I have been able to reverse breast cysts with Lugol’s iodine, calcium d glucarate, DIM, and turmeric. I also take the cofactors of iodine which include vitamin C, selenium, and magnesium.
I am in love with organic roasted seaweed sheets. I eat about 10 – 15g seaweed per day. Is this too much?
Where do you get iodine from other than salt with iodine? Also where does selenium come from ? Please give more information so we know what to take and how much and where to get it! Thanks~
You get iodine from kelp , either in supplement form or by eating seaweed .
Health food shops, or pharmacies. If they don’t have it (Lugols brand), ask them to order it in for you.
Health food shops also sell selenium.
Fish like herrings and mackerell and kelp.
Ann you can order selenium supplements. Also brazil nuts are high in selenium if the soil isn’t deficient in selenium. Best to eat organic foods for maximum nutrient value without harsh chemicals used for pest control. I eat brazil nuts and also supplement. Lugol’s iodine is a good supplement as well.
There is a seaweed called Dulse sold at natural grocers and other health food stores which supplies around 900 percent of daily iodine…
Hope that is helpful. It’s pretty salty, but some of that is potassium. K in dallas
Have soaked external highly malignant tumors on my doggies with great success. The one doggie was given a couple of weeks to live. Soaked the tumor for one week, it collapsed and became a scab that fell off eventually. Vet said that whatever I was doing, I should continue doing. Continued rubbing onto his skin intermittently. He lived another 2 years. Got me thinking that cancer could be fungal or bacterial. Also use this in combination with what I believe is the most potent antibiotic ever, Wild Oregano Oil. Rubbed the lugols onto areas on their bodies where there was skin with no hair and combo’d with the Wild Oregano Oil. Got rid of distemper within 1 week with one of the doggies I rescued and parvo within 24 hours on puppies I rescued. Personally suffered with Lymes disease. Nothing helped in 18 months, medically, homeopathically, some relief, but the Wild Oregano did the trick. Am symptom free 2 years later. I would never be without Lugol’s iodine or Wild Oregano Oil. They are my go to solutions for any infection and the lugols certainly helps with cancer. A combination of the most powerful immune booster and the most powerful antibiotic sorts out most stuff. They are both anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral. From my personal experience, I believe that most illnesses originate from fungal, viral or bacterial infections Purely a laymans perspective.
Does Organixx have an Iodine supplement which is safe to take. I live in a country which has low selenium and zinc levels and I believe there can be contra-indications when taking Iodine????
Thank you. .
Organixx does sell an iodine supplement and we recommend that you speak with a trusted medical professional before starting any new supplement or health regime. Here is a link to their product:
I am on a low sodium diet for chronic kidney disease, and use very little salt. Also, I have been hypothyroid for many years. Is there a way to find out if I am low on Iodine, and if I am, how can I get it without harming my kidneys?
You can eat one Brazil nut a day in place of taking a selenium supplement.
What is the best iodine supplement and how do I know if I need it?
Our friends at Organixx have a wonderful iodine supplement! Here is a link to learn more about it:
Ann iodine from table salt is deadly! First ditch the table salt, try Celtic sea salt or pink Himalayan salt to season your foods. Second a great source of iodine is Nascent iodine, you can buy as a supplement. I use Detoxadine by Global Health Center. You can buy it directly from them or on Amazon.
As for the selenium, a terrific source is from Brazil nuts! In our family we each eat six a day. Be care because they are high in calories and fat although they are tasty.
Hope this helped? Good luck to you. God bless.
I went to Vancouver Clinic to see an endocrinologist. He barely talked to me, just told me he read my blood test, I was fine, go home. After a few weeks I was still going from very hot to freezing cold. So I called him again. He dismissed me and said to go see my primary doctor. Not too long after that, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I do a lot of research and found that thyroid trouble can be a sign of breast cancer. Thanks Doc.
Is iodine and selenium supplementation needed, if you have hyperactive thyroid?
All very interesting posts. Doctors often caution people against iodine supplementation- quoting iodine allergy!! The post on selenium to be taken with iodine is interesting!! Dr Jonathan Wright also cautions against iodine supplementation without checking for thyroid function.
Question is- how much and how long does one take iodine- for a maintenance dose ?
I suffer from a mandibular gland and parotid gland swelling- would iodine supplementation help ??
Can somebody help me with the answer to this this problem ?
I take iodine daily but don’t know if it’s enough.
My doctor laughed when I asked for an iodine test. He pulled out the script from our local hospital and after looking it over said, “ We’ll, even the local hospital doesn’t provide this test”. End of conversation. What is one to do?
Recently had a 24 hour urine test to measure iodine levels. It had been under investigational status, but is currently approved.
To Ann,
I take a natural iodine supplement:: kelp capsules. You can find them at health food stores. I also take a vitamin / mineral supplement that includes selenium (Progressive brand) for women 50+.
I have more energy when I take these.
I have had breast cysts, hashimotos, eventual radioactive iodine because mine was so high. Something i was never told in the eightys was that by doing radioactive iodine i would end up with thyroid cancer. So that was removed this year. . I also have a slow growing lung tumour that will eventually put out its own brand of strange hormone. I was found to have a missing gene to absorb salts. So i can see my health issues throughout the family. I crave salt and have low blood pressure. Really low. I take many supplements for my cancer. Also eat seaweed . I use licorice root capsules to give my vascular system and its valves better tone. Blood pressure is up to a normal realm and i feel much better! My cancer protocol wirh my dr. Keeps my lung tumour static and i continue to climb mountains! Organic diet! Fresh veg juice. !
Thanks for sharing your story with us. We wish you all the best on your healing journey.
Oh Diane
I would be most grateful if you would contact me on and share with me the protocol your doctor uses to keep your lung tumor static.
Excellent and so informative. Thank you for the knowledge.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for your positive feedback and the support of our mission!
My mother [82] was just diagnosed with a fast growing thyroid cancer. Any suggestions?
Hello, Debb!
We are sorry to hear about the diagnosis of your mother and will keep her in our prayers.
As we are unable to give any kind of medical advice, please have a look at the link provided for a list of doctors/experts that we interviewed in our docu-series A Global Quest.
How much iodine should I take ?? My husband died from pancreatic cancer which started our research…
Julie if you carefully reread the article you’ll see that there isn’t any way to overdose…When I did research on Linus Pauling and his protocols and thoughts on vitamins he would recommend about 10x the daily dose. I have been taking kelp and a multi vitamin that has much improved my thyroid and energy…my hair was falling out and I have infections and anemia. Iodine needs selenium to work as well.
So about the 24 hour iodine test? Can someone comment on the efficacy of the old method of an iodine patch on the skin to see how thoroughly it is it absorbed through the skin? And also a comment or 2 on eating 4 or 5 Brazilian nuts for selenium instead of possible negative effects from selenium in pills?