October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a month that is about supporting each other through healing and awareness.
A big part of awareness for me is dispelling the myths when it comes to the many kinds of breast cancer, their supposed causes, and how well they respond to “treatment.” For conventional medicine, this treatment mostly means chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
Today Show personality Joan Lunden’s announcement in 2014 that she had triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) created a lot of hype around this form of breast cancer in the media. As a bio-energetic chiropractor with 36 years of experience and as a professional who has worked with thousands of women who have or had breast cancer, I would like to dispel some common myths about triple negative breast cancer.
What Are the Real Facts About TNBC?
When Lunden was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and went public about it, she began to chronicle her course of action, which included 19 weeks of chemotherapy followed by a lumpectomy and six weeks of radiation therapy. Here is what she had to say in an online article for the Today Show:
Doctors found two tumors in my right breast, both triple negative breast cancer, which means it’s more aggressive and faster growing. From the moment you hear the words ‘You have breast cancer,’ it’s almost like you’re shot out of a cannon. You are just propelled at this meteoric speed straight to a cancer surgeon.
The first thing I must question (and you should too) is why is there such a stigma around triple negative breast cancer? If a woman has TNBC, is it REALLY the doom-and-gloom scenario that traditional doctors (and Lunden) say that it is?
The reality is that there is much hope for healing TNBC, especially when one is open to adding evidence-based natural medicines to their healing protocol. The scary scenario that conventional medicine paints around TNBC is caused by the fact that conventional treatments mostly focus on hormone-positive cancers. TNBC cells do not have receptors for estrogen, progesterone, or Her2/neu proteins. Therefore, there is nothing for hormone-based treatments to “latch” on to.
What does this mean for a woman who has triple negative breast cancer and decides to treat it with conventional treatment like chemotherapy?
Unfortunately, a less-targeted and more intense round is often needed. The result is treatment that is even more toxic to the body’s immune system and also treatment that creates very resistive breast cancer stem cells. These cells can potentially create a reoccurrence of cancer and metastasis.
Use Nature to Heal Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Through natural medicine there is hope for women with TNBC. Nature-based protocols work with the body to boost the immune system and target unhealthy cells.
Here is a listing of just a few documented studies that show the effectiveness of natural products for TNBC patients:
- Researches at NYU have discovered the effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), a major component of bee propolis, which has anti-tumor effects in TNBC-affected women.
- Phytochemicals found in blueberries can inhibit the metastatic potential of TNBC by inhibiting tumor growth, according to a joint study published in the Journal of Cancer Research (2010).
- Curcumin, in turmeric root, has been shown in numerous studies to inhibit the growth of TNBC cells. It also induces a state of targeted apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
- When researchers at the University of Albany in New York gave mice Vitamin D supplements, they discovered that D, which is actually a hormone that regulates over 100 genes in the human body, suppressed the proteins required for TNBC survival. TNBC patients usually have depleted levels of vitamin D, making it a defining characteristic of those who have this form of breast cancer.
- Some studies, including ones published in January and February 2015, suggest that cannabinoids may lower the number of inflammatory cancer cell cytokines, reduce their proliferation, and induce programmed cell death.
Detection Alternatives for Dense Fibrous Breast Tissue
Lunden is a large proponent of early detection for breast cancer, which I am as well. What I don’t agree with, however, is the large-scale advocacy of mammography as the only option.
This trend continues even though there is no evidence that early stage breast cancer detection through mammography has reduced the rate of late-stage cancers. However, there is evidence that low dose ionizing radiation, which mammography uses, increases the risk of breast cancer among high-risk women. (Note: Learn more about the stages of cancer here)
Lunden’s passion for early detection was based on her having dense, fibrous breast tissue. There are many non-harmful options for early detection, however. These include thermography and specific blood tests for very early detection.
Did you know that thermography is especially effective for women, like Lunden, who have dense, fibrous breast tissue? Thermography detects heightened areas of heat in the body to pinpoint where inflammation may be occurring, sometimes years before it develops into full-blown cancer. According to a 2008 study, breast thermography has a 97 percent sensitivity rating in discovering breast malignancies, sometimes even before a lump has formed.
Did you also know that there are hormones and proteins that cancer cells can secrete that can determine if you have cancer (and where), even when it is the size of a pinhead? In my professional experience, the best test to determine if you may have these substances in your system is called the Oncoblot test.
It gives me hope and encouragement to know that 63 to 83 percent of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer now use at least one alternative protocol as part of their overall healing journey.
Each kind of cancer is unique, as is each woman. Choosing healing methods that work with a woman’s own unique body system, instead of against it, is the only way to let nature nurture the body towards health.
Thank you for sharing this information. As a woman being treated conventionally for TNBC for the second time, I am wondering if it is really as simple as it sounds to cure it naturally. If I just increase my intake of blueberries, curcumin and vitamin D I should be okay? I watched The Truth About Cancer and love the testimonial and natural healing but when someone like me gets cancer, how do I go about receiving this natural treatment? And how do I know which one is right for me? Whereas it seems some people have cured themselves naturally at home, how does one go about this and know they are using the best regimen for their situation?
It’s not simple but it does work. You need a good alternative and complementary physician properly
Trained in this. My wife is 8 yrs cancer free after being
Diagnosed with TNBC following program from Dr. Nick
Gonzalez and his partner Dr. Linda Issacs. You would be
Served well to go to her website and learn more about
How it works. They have successfully treated hundreds of
Patients with end stage cancers including Pancreatic and
Melanoma, cancers that the big centers have no success
Treating long term. Many of thier patients are doing well
10, 15, 20 and even 25 yrs later. Show me any cancer
Centers with those statistics?
I had a double mastectomy 8 months ago and now the cancer came back in the same breast.I really need to know what your wife did. I plan on fighting this with all my might
the KETOGENIC DIET will help
That’s the problem herein. I had only 3 chemo treatments using Taxotere and Cytosine, could tolerate the side effects, and went the all natural route. Followed the advice of a cancer Tutor from Australia, Marnie Clark, and also suggestions from a website, GoodHealth Naturally. Did ALL that was suggested to me, and still do. SO far no recurrence at 2 1/2 years out, supposedly
the danger zone. Feeling better than before diagnosis, so whatever I am doing, seems to be working and sure beats the chemo side effects for me. I truthfully felt that would kill me before the TNBC. Building a healthy immune system is what I needed, and hopefully will see me through for many years to come, along with positive thinking and laughter with good friends!
I refused chemo once and I’m about to refuse it again. I am a survivor and will beat this demon. But I need to know did you juice at all or eat raw? I’m trying to find the best veggies that’s very high in protein and will kick this cancer right in the butt.
yes juicing veggies will help a lot, stay away from sugar like carbs cuz cancer loves sugar
cemo will only return cancer anyway y put your body threw that.
I have or had TNBC. The tumor were removed, not in my lymph nodes and zero margins. I started chemo. Completed my first 4 rounds and have decided to stop. I have lost sight of killing myself for prevantative measures. Especially when there is a chance it could come back regardless. I am now searching the Internet to find the best natural way to build my immune system back up to heal my body, as well as treat my body w/ natural cancer fighting agents. My family thinks I’m crazy, but my gut tells me chemo is not going to prolong my life.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, also known as “Dr. V” is a natural health pioneer with over 30 years active practice in Bio-Energetics, Digital Thermography, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Chiropractic. After she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004 and healed herself through natural means, she decided to devote her time to sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with others. Her years of experience and extensive research have culminated in the award-winning book “Heal Breast Cancer Naturally” and “The 7 Essentials,™” her coaching program that unravels the mystery of healing the body in 7 easy steps. Her story, wisdom and knowledge has touched the lives of thousands internationally.
I just had two cancerous lumps removed yesterday,and I’m 3x neg. I know I’m totally capable of undergoing chemo and radiation,and with a daughter who’s 2 months away from being a nurse practitioner,she’s barely speaking to me because I’m saying no to both! I don’t want them,my heart says no. I’m making GREAT smoothies for breakfast,full of kale,spinach,banana,blueberries,and when I have them onhand,salt free premium nuts. It fills me up,and I believe its a positive way to chase off any rogue cells that might still be in me. Listen to what your mind is saying to you. If its saying NO, it may just be God talking!
Thank you Barb. I had surgery for 3x neg. and decided not to do the chemo route. The only way I could explain it was the way my heart was saying to go and your saying the same thing is comforting.
If I may add, I was diagnosed with tnBC October 2017. Stage 1, almost 2 when I had it removed surgically. The dr told me I would need surgery, chemo and radiation. That it is recurring and will. One back when ever and wherever it wants and I do it all over again. I was in shock but said no way am I subjecting myself to that poison. I saw what it did to my dad and many others… sucking the life out of body and bones. I’ll be 65 April 21, God willing… I have bad osteoporosis & osteoarthritis. I was 5’10 1/2, ow I’m 5’8 1/2 and weigh 115 pounds. I was 133 most of my life. I’m shorter so I would weigh less, I guess. Never been a big eater and can’t eat dairy & gluten. When I was diagnosed I went Vegan. I started following the Gerson diet. I start with oatmeal with raisins and nuts like walnuts. If I use seeds I sprout them overnight first. I juice everyday. 10 pounds Carrots, 5 pounds of granny smith apples, lemon, celery & cranberry. I juice greens with Granny Smith apples and lemon too. I make hypocrites soup, raw colorful salad with berries and nuts. *Everything I eat, put in my body or on my body is non gmo organic. I drink 2 oz. Essiac tea twice a day preferably in an empty stomach. I do coffee enemas every couple days sometimes twice a day. No sugar. I use stevia. Remember everything is certified organic, non gmo. I dry brush my body and use a rebounder everyday (or I try rather) . I use pure essential oils such as frankincense on my tongue and roof of mouth 2-3 times a day. I use other oils too. Most importantly along with all this, I use high quality pure CBD OIL and THC OIL. twice a day on tongue. I use cbd/thc for pain, sleep, appetite, nausea. I have eaten about 2 ounces of sockeye salmon twice in a years time. I drink a golden type drink I make with turmeric powder, fresh ginger, flaxseed oil, black pepper, cinnamon and almond milk. I drink 2 in the morning. During the day and in the middle of the night (2::30ish am) )when I wake from my osteoarthritis and bone and muscle pain. At this time I make my hot water and drink 2 cups of turmeric drink while I do yoga, stretch, pray and meditate. (I am having trouble with spirit because my moms lung illness, her death in June15, 2019. Sister and I are conflicting. I am a doer, she is not. Both executors to my moms will, has been extremely stressful. May8th was my mastectomy on right side. Took 2 lymph’s and they were clear. I went to dr 2 weeks ago and said mammogram was clear. It’s been 8 months no reoccurrence. I’m fighting this with all my might.
Drs are not happy with me and I’m on my own except groups I belong too. I live in the hills and do not drive… so not much community.
Go Barb! That’s an amazing story. I hope your daughter sees how well your doing and rejoices with you very soon!
Listen to that voice! It will never let you down. The problem with people with advanced degrees is that
They believe they have al the answers. If that was
True why do so many people get and die of cancer?
poor diet.
Barb, just from reading your story and all, I am saying no to chemo. THANK YOU ALL. AND THANK GOD I FOUND THIS PAGE.. My wife was diagnosed with 3x in June this year 2016. And from then till now we’ve been in and out of hospital for that reason. Make story short, she did not feel good going for chemo, and last visit she had, I as an husband, felt deep down in me that for some reason, her Dr. Didn’t really care of her concerns. He just push for the chemo, and in fact this coming Monday the 12th she’s schedule to begin 1st round. And after reading some of this comments and stories on this page, which I plan to continue till the last, I am going to help her cancel chemo which she really don’t wanna do it. Thank you and thank everyone for sharing all this.
Hi Barb,
I recently received the news that I have triple negative breast cancer and was told that the only way to “survive” this was undergoing radiation and chemo. The problem is that my heart and mind tells me not to do chemo. I am willing to do the radiation and try some more natural ways of healing my body and making my immune system as strong as possible but you know doctors, in general they do not believe in alternative medicine or the importance of nutrition. This is a hard decision but in the end I know I must listen to what my body is saying and live with my decisions.
KETOGENIC DIET get the book.
cemo radation will let the cancer come back with a grater force….and make new tumers.
i have invasive ductal carcinoma grade 1 ER positive and PR positive dcis is present grade 2 with central comedo-type necrosis KI 67 intermediate HER-2 eguivocal fish pending. i had radiation 6 weeks and now they want to do cemo. i tryed the cemo but my body dont like it. what can i do to cure this thing for good.
Hi Robyn, The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
I have my friends on probiotic, vitamin, and Omega. The key is gut health. I would love to share.
darleneplexus777@gmail.com You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. I am so excited that people are looking for a more natural way to get healthy. We all have cancer cells. The key is keeping them healthy not letting them become diseased .
Unfortunately the Thermography testing is not allowed in Canada. I can not find a clinic in BC
HI June there is a lady working out of Qualicum beach on Vancouver Island who does thermography. I believe her nun
mber is 250-947-5424! Her web site is called Thermography Vancouver Island
I had a full body thermography this past April and since then I have shared the results with all of my dr.’s and NONE of them said they can do anything with these findings because they never heard of thermography and wouldn’t what to make of it. Finally 2 months later and several emails to my gynecologist she ordered the BRACA gene test and ultrasound but the mammography place will not do the ultrasound without doing mammography. I was so angry that the medical community is not listening to me! I already have a rare and incurable endocrine cancer and breast cancer runs in my family and the thermography shows moderate chance of getting breast cancer I already have a couple of spots that are questionable. I wish the mainstream docs would work with natropathic dr.’s and that the insurance companies pay for natropathic doctors.
It is interesting that doctors will not only recommend chemo and radiation, but they put breast cancer patients on the drug Tamoxifen which is known to make cancer cells grow and spread. Doctors play on the patient’s emotions when given the diagnosis of Cancer and persuade them that their “only” hope is with chemo and radiation. There are other ways to cure breast cancer despite your doctor will never tell you this, but instead with stress how vital it is to do chemo/radiation knowing full well, that radiation makes the cancer cells spread and Tamoxifen enforces the spreading of those cells. Chances of a patient who undergoes Chemo/Radiation getting a secondary cancer that is worst than the first one is stronger than someone going holistically and treating it naturally without the poisonous chemicals in their immune system. Chemotherapy is made out of mustard gas…If doctors won’t recommend it to their own family members and they themselves would not undergo that treatment, why would you want to take it? If you don’t get out the m other stem cell of Cancer during surgery, radiation just makes the cancel cells multiply and come back stronger!
My name is Catherine i was diagnosed with breast cancer months ago. I have gone through surgery and now on chemotherapy . My sixth sense tells me all is not well with me and I want to do natural treatmentplease advice if I can discontinue with chemotherapy and start your natural treatment
Hi Catherine,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
what was you natural treatment??
Listen to that sixth sense of yours. Doctors will push you to undergo chemo and radiation because that is what they were trained to do. You can beat it naturally if you get yourself a good naturopathic doctor and take the right nutrients to do so. Don’t be coerced into the gold standard that if you don’t do chemo or radiation that you will die. That simply is not true. There are natural ways of beating it. Keep positive and stay determined and you will.
My plastic surgeon did just that to the point I felt presured. He even to me he could take me to see some one who has 2 weeks to live. I thought that was in poor taste. I’m gonna take the fight to this demon that has infiltratingmy body.
Hello my name is Debra. I am a 5yr. survivor of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you. Cancer is an awful disease and can affect anyone. It shows no partiality. We all have Cancer Cells. It can lie dormant for years. It feeds on sugar. Also, the food we eat and our environment can cause Cancer and can be hereditary. Early detection is so important. I was leaking blood from my right breast nipple. I had a mammogram, but the mammogram did not detect it. I was given a clean bill of health, but because of my continued persistence it was caught early. We know when something is not right with our body. I too was aware of how poisonous and the harsh side effects of Chemotherapy. I paced back and forth talking to Jesus telling him I didn’t want to start Chemo treatments and can I just juice with fruits and vegetables. However, time was of the essence and because I have a relationship with the Lord; I was reminded of who God is and nothing is impossible for him. He is bigger than Cancer. He is The Big C (Christ) taking care of my Little C (Cancer). Several people have responded well with Chemo treatments. I started Chemo and trusted in Jesus to see me through. Jesus never fails. I know that because of him I am alive. He did see me through and I had support from family and friends. I had a double bilateral Mastectomy because Cancer developed in the other breast. Keeping a healthy strong immune system is very important; like Vitamin C, D. You can get vitamins, build up electrolytes from fruits and vegetables as well. Since Cancer feeds on sugar, also some fruits are naturally sweet so set a limit. During chemo treatments food will taste like metal or no taste. Use plastic ware when eating meals. Drinking Boost or Ensure is good when there is trouble keeping food down. It is best to when eating or drinking to to eat and sip slowly. Even when bathing or showering it is best to do so with lukewarm water. Hot water is too harsh for the skin and when drying off dab dry because the skin is sensitive. It is good to drink water that has at least a ph of 7.0 or higher balance the acids in the body. Alkaline water builds up the electrolytes too. There are several resources like the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, Breast Cancer.org and other online websites, just to name a few sources that are beneficial for assistance. I did a lot of research for myself. Another good website is Dr. Lorraine Day. She has an excellent website. She cured herself from Cancer. Also, check with your insurance or the American Cancer Society or National Cancer Institute to see what services or free material are available; example like taxi service that can take you to and from your treatments, or maybe your insurance may reimburse your mileage to and from your treatments. I had so much I wanted to share. I hope this helps. God bless and keep all of you in his care throughout your journey. Trust In Christ Alone!
I love your acknowledgement of God, it is so important to share how much comfort and confidence you get from your trust in Jesus Christ.
Debra, thank you for sharing. I am also a follower of Jesus. I did go through chemo, lumpectomy, radiation,, because my lump was so large, (I had been falsely diagnosed, biopsy said dead fat cells not cancer,so the lump grew large, second biopsy said TNBC) I am 5 months done with treatments trying to get well, eating healthy, some exercise, looking for ways to be healthy. Trusting Christ.
Research the Budwig Protocol. change your lifestyle and diet 100%. No sugar, and No processed food 🙂
I’ve been reading up on Bugwig and that’s the one I’m goin to do so thank you for the reinforced suggestion.
Is anyone trying out Tullio Simonicci’s bicarbonate of soda cure?
How is it working? Anyone?
I’m not sure why Joan Lunden had to be addressed in this article except as a grabber. TNBC should be enough of a hook. I was diagnosed at the end of last year with TNBC and went the alternative route with low dose chemotherapy IPT, Vitamin C IV’s and hyperbaric oxygen treatment as well as mistletoe and other supplements. I was already eating an organic vegan diet mostly raw and juicing. I also did regular thermography and it did NOT pick up my tumor. I had a scan 5 months prior to finding my lump. My reason for sharing this is to say please don’t rely on only one type of diagnostic. I would recommend doing ultrasound with thermography. And if insurance won’t cover it without doing a mammogram…pay for it yourself. None of my treatment has been covered by insurance (except for my recent mastectomy) and a small portion of the chemo drugs. I am recovering from my mastectomy now and have high hopes for complete recovery and keeping cancer at bay!
The reason it may not have shown up on a thermography is because it may have been too small at the time you had it done???? . In any case, I would recommend thermography with an ultrasound. if one doesn’t pick it up the other will. Chemo has been proven to make cancer cells grow. I hope you remain cancer free, but in a lot of cases wherein patients have undergone chemo low dose or otherwise, they have also developed a secondary cancer stronger than the first one. I question why you underwent a mastectomy versus a lumpectomy or taking an alternative route and not had a mastectomy at all? Most doctors (MD’s) will push for chemo and surgery, since this is what they are taught in medical school – the big pharmaceuticals back the medical schools that they attend, versus thinking outside the box. Medicine today, is a big money making business. It is all about making money…not necessarily saving lives in the long term.
HI Carla
I like that you chose the low dose chemo and the alternative route combined. This is what I would like to do. I too am triple negative and scheduled for dose dense AC then Taxol afterwards. I am seeing a naturopath who will be giving me vitamin C therapy along with mistletoe.
What type of chemo did you receive if you don’t mind me asking.
I hope you are doing well
Tamoxifen that is given to breast cancer patients, actually causes Cancer cells to grow and it has been proven to do this, but doctors will never tell you this.
Kathy, I had A/C and Taxol, standard for TNBC.
Bella, Tamoxifen is for regular breast cancer.
Ok so I was diagnosed with triple negative cancer and have decided to do a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery but going alternative medicine for the rest of my care. My lump is huge and is extremely painful. I was wondering if anyone else ever had this issue with their cancer? Most people say it was detected by a mammogram etc. but I felt mine coming on. I’d like to talk with someone else who has had this type of cancer. I’m scheduled for surgery October 31st. Thanks
Dearest Nikki,
I do hope and pray that all has gone well with your surgery. I was diagnosed this past spring and yes, the very same TNBC, huge tumor and very painful also. I empathize totally. I have not had any medical procedure nor chemo or rad. I have listened to The Truth About Cancer and other documentaries, plus lots of research about functional medicine and that has been my choice.
Would like to know how you are progressing if and when you should choose to respond. One women to another… there is always hope.
Go the website The Truth About Cancer, they are on Facebook too. Ty Bollinger produced a 9 part series which aired last October on “The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest” – I highly suggest you watch it. – it may still be up on you tube in which he shows through various top notch doctors around the world that you can beat Cancer without Chemo and Radiation, as both make your cancer cells grow and come back as secondary or third cancer worse than the first. Ty Bollinger just came out with a book – sold on Amazon, Barnes & Noble entitled “The Truth About Cancer” it is a must read for everyone – not just those with cancer, but those who want to prevent it. One in three woman will be diagnosed with Cancer this year; 1 in 2 men will be. Despite what your doctor may tell you…you do have a choice doing it naturally and beating it versus chemo/radiation that will make it worse. Remember one thing here, if nothing else. Doctors and the pharmaceutical companies only say in business if they can “keep people sick” which radiation and chemo do – even if you don’t have the side effects, it is damaging other cells in your body and causing tumors to develop. Doctors do not make any money on healthy people, which is the major role of big pharma creating drugs to keep you ill one way or another!
That is so true about pharmacy. Thank God i am a survivor today.
I survived stage 4 TNBC after 6 sessions of chemo the cancer kept recurring and spreaded to other parts of my chest. I got a medicine from a doctor in Milan which i took for three weeks and today i am a cancer survivor. You can contact her for more info about the medicine and how ti get it too on aletedwin @ gmail. com i am sure she can help you too. Thanks
Hi sandra,is this real?what kind of medicine did the doctor give you?i would really like to help my sister with TNBC
How long before the cancer kept reoccurring? How did you hear about the medicine? I have completed 4 rounds and I’m at the point my gut tells me I am doing more harm than good for my body.
do the Ketogenic Diet
Read The Gerson Therapy!!!
I read the book on Max Gerson – Healing the Hopeless by Howard Strauss (whose mother is the founder of the Gerson Therapy Institute and daughter of the late Max Gerson).
My name is Katrina. I just recently found out that I have triple negative ductal cancer. I am going to talk to another surgeon tomorrow. I am glad to hear what you all have to say. And I too trust God is my help and he will see me through.
There is so much information about natural alternatives, that I am extremely confused. If my life didn’t depend on it, I might give up! I am a 56-year old woman who, except for this cancer, is considered “uber healthy” by my doctor. On October 31 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, nearly Triple Negative (weak 16% on the PR). I had a lumpectomy on November 18. Surprised my surgeon when there was “microscopic” cancer in one sentinel node (he said my MRI was the cleanest he had ever seen). Tumor size was 1.5 CM, with .8 CM cancerous. Because of the node involvement, the treatment is chemo and radiation, no gray area, no-brainer according to the doctors. And the first one is the “Red Death” or “Red Devil” type. The problem is that the traditional medical types only have this to offer, but there are literally millions of opinions about how to fight it naturally. Is there a doctor who has specialized in treating TNBC with natural alternatives? I have seen 2 Naturopaths and they have given me very different opinions. I read constantly and there is very little agreement. Please advise. We will travel to whomever can give me a specialized treatment plan that is for me, not someone with lung cancer or pancreatic cancer. I do not want chemo. Thank you.
Hi Susan,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Lookup GersonTherapy.com
I was diagnosed with triple negative on April 36, 3026 st she 48. I had 16 weeks of chemo and three weeks later a double mastectomy. I have my first chest X-ray Jan. 20 and I am scared to death! I did not text positive for the bras genes. I am so scared, and I am currently looking for some form of healthy diet to boost my immune. There is not a history of cancer in our family.
Hi Lisa,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
This is a very informative post. My story goes like this, i had breast cancer stage IV and i undertook 3 chemo sessions in two years to no avail and the tumor were still there and it even grew bigger and i was so scared which left me with the option of seeking an alternative cure which permanently changed my life for good and saved me from the cold hands of death. I read about Dr Aleta’s herbal medicine treatment which can cure breast cancer permanently without recurring. I got her contact and placed an order for the medicine which i took according to instructions and today i am cancer free. Well do not lose hope of finding a cure because there is a cure, you too can reach the doctor directly on (aletedwin @ gmail. com) for advise, and more information about the medicine. Happy new year.
Hi Carla I need your help I was just told I
Have stage 2 breast cancer. And it has spread to my lymph nodes I am 44 yrs old I don’t want to do chemo but I’m also afraid to try something natural and then waste time and be to late !!! Please help I’m so confused
Did you contact the Dr Aleta for the medicine?
After having a lumpectomy to remove my breast cancer, which was a small TNC tumor in my left breast, I agreed to a sentinel node biopsy 2 months later. At the surgery we were told everything “looked good”. When the lab report came back there were microscopic malignant cells in the node, but they were not actively growing. I did some research and learned that those microscopic cells are often your lymph node doing its job; removing cancer from the breast and destroying it. The Pub Med reports I found said treating the patient with chemo based on that finding alone did more harm than good. It is definitely over-treating if the tumor was small and the margins were clear.
Again I say, “Educate yourself”.
Hi..I m kanchan choksi from India living in gujrat city surat..I had detact breast cancer in 2008 .that time my er posetive n other 2 were negative..I went for surgery n chemo n radiations thn I took tamoxifen for 5years..
Now I again detect metastatic carcinoma cancer nods on near neck n back side of sholder n under arm..so Dr. Says I can’t go for surgery nor for radiations..so they I m on weekly chemo ..11chemo done 1more next week..after that I will go for pet scan again..thn dr will decide what to do next.Dr says I have no major problem so don’t worry..but I m worried as I read many articles online about triple negative cancer..I want to live healthy life for long..I do pranayams meditation n mantra chanting regularly so this all keep me stress free n mentally strong.
I take raw garlic cloves n half spoon turmeric powder on empty stomach daily..thn carrot beet juice..thn eating 2 kiwi in evening..n tea n biscuits for breakfast. Vegetables n chapati for lunch n rice n veg or soup or whole grains dal.eating golden raisins n almonds too..
Now I want to go for natural diet to heal my self n don’t want cancer come back again..
Pls pls suggest me what is good me ..I m soon much thankful to for this article..pls do help me ..God bless u n to all cancer survivor. Love you all 🙂
Hi Kanchan Ma’am, Can you share more about your therapy and present condition?
Hi Kanchan! Try eatable hydrogen peroxide!!! Read about it online!!!!
Hi Admin, are any of the doctors/experts based in UK or Europe? If not, can you recommend anyone based in UK/Europe?
Hi Francis,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Hi, my name is Gabrielle Crowther and I have triple negative breast cancer and have a compromised heart and I am anafilactically allergic to plaxcitaxiel. Will the above work for me?
Hi Gabby,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Sitting here with my wife in the infusion room @ UCSF.
She was diagnosed of stage 3 TNBC, with tumor size of 10cmX4.6 cm in June 2016. The cancer is aggressive. We changed diet and lifestyle- with occasional cheat days of glass of wine or dessert. We did 14 rounds of metronomic chemo with IV vitamin C. MRI tests in November 2016 showed no tumor in the body. Her vitals are great- WBC counts are normal, body function are normal.
Mid January 2017- she left a lump. My wife slacked off on the diet a bit- 6 weeks later, the tumor was back at the same location. We are seeing it grow- breast becoming harder. Did not metastasize:) We consulted with 2 natuorpath doctors. They both are of the opinion TNBC is hardest to treat with natural medicine. We are back to chemo again, follow it up with surgery.
Being a food police is hard. Maybe we need to tweak our diet. Today it consists of veggie smoothie, grass fed meat ( one a week), supplements- turmeric, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Beta Glucan, Aloe juice.
Maybe this type to cancer requires more than strict diet. Just the fact it came back, has us doubting if clean diet and lifestyle is sufficient for treating TNBC. TNBC tumor grows very fast. It’s scary. Has anyone been in remission with diet changes?
Hi Jerry,
We wish you and your wife all the best.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
You can’t kill a POISON (Cancer) with another poison, Chemo or radiation are toxic POISONS in your body. You can kill Cancer naturally. I suggest you contact Ty Bollinger – he is on Facebook regarding the Truth About Cancer. He can probably steer you in the right direction or who to contact regarding doing it naturally. Taking Chemo or radiation, will make your cancer grow as you have already found out with Chemo
and radiation makes it spread. Your only hope is to do it NATURALLY to be rid of it once and for all.
Total ignorance and advice that will kill people.
Amen to that.
I’m sorry but natural eating and clean diet alone does not kill this type of cancer. Please don’t fool yourselves. We know many celebrities that tried… Jill Ireland, Gilda Radner, Michael Landon and I could go on and on. They had vast amounts of money to buy the best for these diets but they failed.
Yes, eat good and eat well but listen to your oncologist. They know their business and only they know your type of cancer, cell, stage and grade. You’re fighting a losing battle if you think diet alone is a cure all.
Amen. Too many people are dying thinking that they can eat or enema their cancer away.