Health and wellness giant Johnson & Johnson knew that their products caused cancer and chose to keep that information secret while manipulating research and regulations to protect the company. Executives allowed consumers to become ill and die, even going so far as to lie in court, in order to protect the company’s reputation and bottom line.
According to an investigation by Reuters, Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that its signature baby powder contained asbestos and kept the information from regulators and the public. Though executives at the company have denied the report, Johnson & Johnson stock fell nearly 13% over the weekend, costing over $50 billion in market capitalization.
Talc, one of the softest minerals on earth and the primary ingredient in J&J’s baby powder, is mined from underground deposits. Asbestos is a dangerous carcinogen responsible for causing mesothelioma, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer. Asbestos is also found underground and can often be found in talc deposits, creating a risk for cross-contamination.
J&J has been sued countless times over claims that their baby powder causes cancer, but plaintiffs were often unable to obtain the internal records they needed to prove the company’s guilt. Several of these cases have gone to trial, including a case this summer in which 22 women, who blamed asbestos in the baby powder for causing ovarian cancer, were awarded $4.7 billion by a St. Louis jury.
You see, Johnson & Johnson has been able to keep their internal documents private for years, labeling them “confidential.” This new report sheds light on information that has not been made available to the public before – including internal documents, research results, and trial testimony – which tells a chilling tale. According to Reuters:
[The information] shows that from at least 1971 to the early 2000s, the company’s raw talc and finished powders sometimes tested positive for small amounts of asbestos, and that company executives, mine managers, scientists, doctors and lawyers fretted over the problem and how to address it while failing to disclose it to regulators or the public.”
It goes on to say that the documents “also depict successful efforts to influence U.S. regulators’ plans to limit asbestos in cosmetic talc products and scientific research on the health effects of talc.” Reports from as far back as 1957 describe talc contaminated with fibrous tremolite, a recognized type of asbestos.
You can read these previously unreleased documents for yourself here.
Americans have been using Johnson and Johnson products since the 1880s, and Johnson’s Baby Powder (officially branded in 1893) has been used by mothers to help prevent chafing in diaper-aged children for well over a century. The Johnson & Johnson brand was established on the “Safety First” motto and is one of the only health and beauty companies in the world to put the company name on all of their products.
And for 125 years, that approach has worked. Johnson & Johnson is a massive company that has been trusted by consumers to be safe and effective. In addition to Johnson’s Baby Powder, the company also manufactures:
- Band-Aid
- Motrin
- Tylenol
- Benadryl
- Listerine
- Aveeno
- Acuvue
- Clean & Clear
- Neutrogena
- Rogaine
- Lubriderm
- and a host of other recognizable brands
Although Johnson’s Baby Powder accounts for only a small percent of their nearly $80 billion annual revenue, it is one of the most widely used personal care products worldwide. With one of the most recognizable fragrances in the world, the powder has been used for infants in diapers, as a feminine hygiene product, to prevent chafing, and as an all-purpose freshener.
And its users invariably inhale the carcinogenic, airborne powder.
Johnson & Johnson has since launched an aggressive campaign, attempting to stop one of the biggest financial slides in the company’s history. They’ve redesigned their website, revising a section called “Talcum Powder and Cancer” which used to say that “all talcum products have been asbestos free” to now say that guidelines state talc product should be free of asbestos. The website’s homepage now features a message from CEO Alex Gorsky about talc safety. Gorsky even appeared on CNBC’s Mad Money last night in an interview with the show’s host, Jim Cramer.
“What’s really important to focus on is not to select just one document, one piece of evidence, but to look at the body of evidence in totality” Gorsky said on the show. “And when you do that, in this case, again, we remain very confident in the safety of our products, but more importantly, the actions of our people.”
But the evidence tells a different tale, in which J&J executives repeatedly made efforts to silence any studies that showed the powder to be harmful. In the 1970s, several studies and independent researchers found trace amounts of asbestos in Johnson & Johnson powders. But that didn’t stop a powerful spin machine from protecting the money-making giant.
In 1971, researchers from Mount Sinai Medical Center found asbestos in the lungs of people who had never worked with the mineral. They posited that talc powders, often contaminated with asbestos, may play a role and reported their findings to New York City environmental protection chief Jerome Kretchmer. A press conference was called, and an inquiry opened by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The company issued the following statement:
“Johnson & Johnson takes great care to assure the purity of its products, even to the extent of mining and processing our own talc for use in baby powder. Our fifty years of research knowledge in this area indicates that there is no asbestos contained in the powder manufactured by Johnson & Johnson.”
Months after the statement was released, mineralogist Arthur Langer, of the Mount Sinai research team, wrote a letter to Johnson & Johnson. He informed them that he had found a “relatively small” amount of chrysotile asbestos in Johnson’s Baby Powder. Both the researchers and Kretchmer were added to the company’s list of “antagonistic personalities” a year later.
Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson appeared to be cooperating with the FDA, sending samples of its talc to private labs for testing. The company sent the results of the tests to the FDA with a cover letter stating that the results “clearly show” no sign of chrysotile asbestos. An FDA document said that J&J provided “evidence that their talc contains less than 1%, if any, asbestos.”
But the information Johnson & Johnson shared with the FDA was incomplete. It excluded the results of testing on Shower to Shower by University of Minnesota professor Thomas Hutchinson. Professor Hutchinson found chrysotile in the popular powder that he described as “incontrovertible asbestos” in his lab notes.
The Reuters investigation found several more instances in which Johnson & Johnson deliberately omitted information or research results to present their products in a more favorable light. Still, the company had to acknowledge that there may be trace amounts of asbestos in their powders.
They launched studies and lobbied the FDA, citing a “large safety factor” for talc containing less than one percent asbestos. They claimed that the exposure was still inside OSHA’s workplace exposure limits and shouldn’t be an issue for consumers. An FDA official named Dr. Shaffner was quoted as saying the idea was foolish, because “no mother [is] going to powder her baby with 1 percent of a known carcinogen irregardless [sic] of the large safety factor.”
And why would they? Why would any of us continue to use a product that’s been shown to cause cancer? The answer is: we wouldn’t. And that’s why Johnson & Johnson has gone to such great lengths to keep this information from both federal regulators and consumers. What’s worse, Johnson’s Baby Powder only accounts for half a percent of the company’s annual revenue. The lies and deceit are protecting an extremely small part of the pharmaceutical giant’s empire.
On CNBC last night, CEO Alex Gorsky stood in front of a camera on national television and told the American public that he believes “unequivocally” that J&J powders don’t contain asbestos. He went on to say that we needed to look at the body of evidence “in totality,” claiming that any evidence that showed the presence of asbestos could be blamed on varied testing methods or statistical outliers. But is that true?
Lawyers defending Johnson & Johnson in court have given a plethora of wild excuses for the presence of asbestos in their talc samples. “This sample was intended for industrial use” they claim. “That type of asbestos is harmless.” They’ve even suggested that some talc samples had been contaminated by “background” asbestos. That the talc was pure and must have been contaminated somehow during testing.
But if that’s true, why has the company kept the information from the public for so long? Why, as Reuters discovered, have they made such a concerted effort to influence policy and regulation involving talc purity and testing? In her ruling against J&J, Middlesex County Superior Court Judge Ana Viscomi said:
Providing the FDA favorable results showing no asbestos and withholding or failing to provide unfavorable results, which show asbestos, is a form of a misrepresentation by omission.”
To be clear, “misrepresentation by omission” means lying.
A confidential memo to Johnson & Johnson managers in the baby products division shows the precise strategy used to deal with the issue of talc powder and cancer:
“Our current posture with respect to the sponsorship of talc safety studies has been to initiate studies only as dictated by confrontation. This philosophy, so far, has allowed us to neutralize or hold in check data already generated by investigators who question the safety of talc. The principal advantage for this operating philosophy lies in the fact that we minimize the risk of possible self-generation of scientific data which may be politically or scientifically embarrassing.”
Other examples of Johnson & Johnson hiding information, manipulating studies, and influencing public policy exist. It is one thing to discover that the company’s products may cause cancer. It is another thing entirely to find that the company knew that their products cause cancer and did nothing. Sound familiar?
There’s simply no way around it. A pharmaceutical company worth hundreds of billions of dollars will not willingly admit that their products are harmful. They will not suffer financial loss to make sure their products are safe. And they will not be honest with their employees, customers, or regulators unless they have no other choice.
Johnson & Johnson is a company whose image is based on safety and consumer care. Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower to Shower are household names, used by families for generations. And as long as we keep buying them, Johnson & Johnson is not concerned about their safety. And that is unacceptable.
The company currently faces 11,700 claims over its talc-based powders, which we hope will shed more light on this issue and force the company to make drastic changes. But the truth is that expecting integrity from big pharma is often a waste of time. We need to be vigilant about what we put in and on our bodies. And we need to demand more.
We can strive for changes in our regulatory bodies – the FDA is riddled with former employees of the pharmaceutical industry who are caring only for the interests of their businesses – and we can vote with our dollars. There are many contributing factors that lead to cancer, and man-made substances are high on the list. We need to take a close look at what we bring into our homes, and we need to hold companies who put lives at risk for better profits accountable for their actions.
This is a heartbreaking article. My 19 year old died from a rare cancer. An Undifferentiated Carcinoma that had metastasized into her lungs, bones, liver then brain. I Always used Johnson’s products especially Baby Powder until recently. My girls were swimmers and I always used the powder after to help dry their skin. I wonder if somehow… I guess I will never know but it’s too late now.
Hi Patti – we’re so sorry to hear this! Losing a child must be the most unimaginable pain in the world. Please know that our prayers of love, support, blessings, and comfort are with you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. God bless you!
Prayers and healing to to Patti and her family, yes, unimaginable pain. Thank you for keeping us in the Loop Ty and for all the information we wouldn’t know without you and your family. I never used baby powder on my daughter, and rarely take an aspirin, always believed in holistic approach if possible.
My heart goes out to you, Patti. I pray God helps you through your grief. You did nothing wrong to use the powder, as you were doing what a mother thought best. It’s the company’s greed that will be judged.
Patti Kelly. I’m so sad to hear that. These massive conglomerates need bringing down a peg and I hope this goes viral x
I have always wondered how a 15 yr. old daughter of my Mennonite friends could die of ovarian cancer…so devastating, to lose their only daughter! Someday, after some more time passes, I am definitely going to ask if their daughter used any kind of Talcum Powder in her undies or anything like that.
Yeah, I discontinued use of Johnson and Johnson a long time ago, because baby powder is not the only thing they sell that is deadly! SHAME ON THEM!!
This is so devastating, Jes. 🙁 Our prayers go out to your friends who lost their daughter.
Thank you so much for the work you are doing. I constantly tell people about your documentaries and resources you provide. You started me on a path of healing, and I believe that I will heal from the medical conditions that I have, because your documentary exposed me to the truth, and set me on a path of using natural treatments. God bless you and the work you are doing.
God bless YOU, Alissa. We’re so blessed to have your support! Thank you so much. 🙂
We have a situation going on. I’m so glad for the work this site is doing to inform the people. Thank you!
Thank YOU for being here to support us in exposing the truth, Jessica!
How frightening that something marketed as safe could be so deadly! I have used these products for years and now am scared to death wondering what effects they will have on my family and me. Thank you for exposing the truth!
Agreed, Janet! It’s frightening to know that the products you’ve used or have been used on you as a child are in fact harmful.
Thank you for these truthful, informational articles!
OMG!! How could these people that run this company be so heartless and greedy at the expense of other people’s lives just to benefit their own!!!! My heart 💗. Goes out to all the people who have suffered with health issues because of this company!!! My God I used this product on myself and my girls. My girls have other health issues. Me I’m a cancer survivor of 29 years. That company made many people sick and die cause of their greediness!!!! They are not to be trusted for anything in life!!!! My heart 💗. Goes out to all the people that suffered and lost a lot because of them. Johnson&johnson company dug their own graves and now will suffer in their lives cause they didn’t care about anybody else’s lives!!! Heartless and greedy they are. They will never succeed in their lives!! God bless all the people that has suffered and still suffering cause of Johnson &johnson company. Everyone will remember this company and other company’s that have caused suffering cause of their greed!!! Thank you ty bollinger for the beautiful heart 💗. God gave you!!! For disclosing this information to the people in the world!! And making our world safer and better with your knowledge. May God always bless you and your family in life!!! 💗💗💗💗 !
I have a mini size container of Johnson & Johnson’s baby talc used up but kept as a ‘momento’ of my premature baby born 1963. I’m wondering if it would have traces of how much asbestos was in the talc in 1963 when it was purchased.55 years ago. I doubt there is any other container out there with proof of the amount of asbestos contained in J&J’s product 55 years ago
Such a “Catch 22” with what we do, consume, breath and buy. Especially when a corporation had advance knowledge. Same as the insolation with asbestos from years, ago. I call this a “contest” of Greed vs Need. I taught middle school autism for several years and had a student die of cancer the following year in his first year of high school associated with asbestos-related possible causes. He had chemo which made him “Ok” for two months only to have it come back more aggressively. I visited him in the hospital three weeks before he died. He was going in and out of conciseness and even with the tons of tubes from head to toe coming out of his body, he recognized me immediately and started waving since he couldn’t talk. I wrote on a paper to communicate how proud happy to have had him as a student. Some of us teachers tend to be a part-time parent as well as their teacher.
Law enforcement and judicial system are supposed to be on the side of victims, not on the side of culprits !!!
Unfortunately any and all legal personnel are on the side of the people with the deepest pockets. it is all about the almighty $$$$$$$$$
At 55 years old, I have been diagnosed with cechexia. The cechexia is caused by excessive amounts if asbestos and radiation in the mydochondria of my cells. This article brought potential clarity of where the asbestos originated. I have used baby powder on my feet daily for years. Until now. I’m working with a biofeedback doc to detox both toxins out of my system. God-willing. May the Lord bless you two for your passionate desire to reveal truth and to give people information on options for better health!
It’s so hard to know what to do or who to trust. I’m just recovering from a bowel cancer op three months ago, apparently I should be a sugar free vegan, green smoothy drinker, rubbing essential oils into the roof of my mouth, not drinking unfiltered water, meditating and administering electromagnetic pulses to my self whilst walking barefoot. There’s too much ‘alternative medicine’ to take all of it seriously with various specialists all claiming there’s is the wonder cure. It’s overload and the result is the patient throws the towel in and tries non of it, which is kinda where i am right now. Some of it must be good but its largely untested and debunked by the health specialists, where does that leave cancer sufferers, you can only get it wrong once!
I had a friend that used Johnson and Johnson baby powder as a body freshner after showers and during the day to smell baby fresh. She used it on private areas also to smell fresh. She died with ovarian cancer at 50 years old. My mother in law used it the same way and died with cancer. I used it but less frequently.I recently had a huge tumor on my hand removed, squamous cell carcinoma. I would sprinkle baby powder on ants in my yard and they would die almost right away. I have felt lead by God to learn all I could about using only safe products. I believe God wants people to learn what to eat and things we need to avoid. I would pray online for people and refer them to articles that they needed to be aware of. GOD bless you Ty, for all you do. I havent read the article on essential oils yet, but I too believe they are very important in our fight against cancer and other diseases. I am elderly now and have faced many battles, I cry when I watch our beautiful children die with these cancers that could have been prevented if the CEOs of companies werent in it for the greed alone.
I will continue to keep you and your family in prayer. I believe you will find the cure, your right we have to keep people in the know.
Hi Sara,
We are sorry to hear about your mother-in-law and your friend. Best wishes.
I used j.&j.powder for my babies & I was diagnosised with uterine cancer several years ago
That’s what I have Helene…what did you do to get rid of it?
Bless u & yr loved ones.
Wow, luckily we avoided using baby powder, people love that stuff it is part of what we as adults have associated with BABY Smell, but many now know about baby powder being bad for you. And to make it worse, now Trump is trying to get Asbestos labeled again as “safe for certain construction use” which will create future problems again in construction, remodeling, and demolition.
Well written.
If a large corporation can’t keep asbestos out of their baby powder then I imagine no baby powder is safe. Is corn starch safe?
Buy your cornstarch from a health food store. Verify that their source is pesticide-free. Almost all commercially grown corn, wheat and soy products and by-products have been drenched in pesticides and weed killer chemicals as in GMO. (Genetically Modified Organisms). And lotions may have chemicals derived from petroleum.
I’m not surprised. Having worked in the natural health industry, we’ve known for decades that talc isn’t safe, but try telling people that. Myself and others in the natural health industry have been mocked, called “quacks” and a myriad of other things for deviating from the “modern medical” norm. One by one all the things we’ve said for decades come to pass, and yet so many people still won’t believe it.
Its not until later and countless deaths that everyone else finds out and is shocked. The greed and heartlessness of these large companies disgusts me, but does not surprise me. These are the same kind of people who manufacture vaccines.
My heart absolutely goes out to everyone who has lost someone to cancer. Its absolutely horrible, and if the medical community wasn’t so arrogant, greedy and blind and egotistical to think that they know everything all the time, then perhaps a lot of these deaths could have been prevented.
I quite agree Alicia. As a midwife of over 30 years I have always known that J&J talcum powder causes ovarian cancer and I have made a point of discouraging new mothers from using it on themselves or their babies. In fact, it is quite likely that talcum powder even without the asbestos can act as a seed for cancer growth. What’s wrong with soap and water and a good pat dry?
This reminds me of the Breast implant scam. “I was fine before the implants and after the implants I contracted Lupus. Therefore it had to be the Implants that caused the disease”. When asked “What causes Lupus?” there is no answer but it had to be the implants….There is NO safe level of Asbestos or lead, scream the experts. “But we can put Mercury or Aluminum into Vaccines at dozens of times the allowable limits and claim that Vaccines are perfectly safe”. Amazing how these products were used safely for thousands of years yet the increase in Asbestos poisoning coincide with the proliferation of Vaccines.. This has a Cholesterol feeling to it…
I will never buy another Johnson @ Johnson product again, they’ve known about this for a long long time, no wonder our country citizens are so sick and so much cancer! It’s ridiculous!!!!
Is there a safe talcum powder to use?
Thank you, Pam
I know Andrea Butje the aromatherapist has an i tube video showing you how to make your own safe talcum powder, i haven’t tried it yet, but i am going to 🙂
I’m curious: how long would it take for a cancer to develop from baby powder? I used this product regularly- (like, pretty much every day) when I was in my 20’s, but I stopped using it around the age of 25 o 26- (I was a dancer, and back then there were no showers in the studios; so all of us women would put powder on our bodies to dry off the sweat, and to smell good). At the age of 48, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was shocked, because I had seemingly no risk factors. I’m assuming that since it was so long after my use of baby powder, that my cancer must have been attributed to something else (?) I’d love to know that raised my risk; if I can get some kind of reimbursement for all the pain and lost income I went through, I would be willing to sue the company!
Oops, typo: I meant to say I’d love to know IF that raised my risk.
I’m with you. I like to know. I used it regularly and was diagnosed with cancer ovarian.
Oops, Typo: I meant to say “I’d love to know IF that raised my risk”.
When I had babies I used a clay powder hundred percent clay and it would overnight take care of any diaper rash practically just clay
Now this same company is in trouble with their Baby Wipes.
There is even talc in bad quality vitamins!!! I saw it at my friend last week and told him to throw that junk away! Those companies should be sued too!
Because my wife tested positive for the BRAC gene, I was told by lawyers that it would exclude her from any lawsuits concerning the use of baby powder. She had stage 3 ovarian cancer and used Johnson’s baby powder just like her grandmother who died of ovarian cancer. Johnson’s baby powder could be the trigger for these cases also. Does she have the grounds for a class action lawsuit?
Two years ago I came across a video on youtube about the HeLa Virus. The cells were derived from the cervical cancer of a black woman named Henrietta Lacks who died in 1951 and so the name for the Virus (Please check out the entire article online.)
On listening to the video, I was shocked beyond words and even more stunned when I researched and learned that the HeLa cells are virtually immortal. They survive and thrive and never die. For the past 60 years or so these HeLa cells have been used in Polio Vaccines and Heaven only knows in what else they use these “deadly cells”. If these vaccines they say “have effectively eliminated polio in most of the countries of the world” then why did my friend’s beautiful young twin boys aged 14 develop Guillian-Barre Syndrome after they were given the Polio Vaccine shot? One of the boys died and the other became lame for life. Besides, this, why are so many women including older women getting cervical cancer? To say that these vaccines prevent diseases is nothing but BS.
[They] are doing their best to kill us in every possible way. Our only Hope and Avenger is Yahshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) for He said in Matthew 16:17-These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. 18-They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and IF THEY DRINK ANYTHING POISONOUS, IT WON’T HURT THEM. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”
Thank you Ty and Charlene for the wonderful work you are doing … May you be richly blessed.
I used J&J baby talc until 15 yrs ago and was diagnosed with a vulva melanoma cancer with no known cause. Heartbreaking to think that this may have had an impact. Hope this improves the transparency of how companies work so this will not be allowed to ever happen again
I do appreciate for the knowledge and awareness that you feed us everyday. Thank you so much for discovering the hidden truth
It is time to boycott this company and put it out of business. The people have the power!
what about all the waitresses, and athletes that put it in their shoes. And pool room sharks that powdered their palms for slicking the cue thrust. Dry shampoo coiffing .
Is using corn starch powder safe? There is no talc in the ingredient list. Just curious.
The ultimate safe alternive for talcum powder is corn starch (you’ll find it in the food section of your supermarket). It is harmless, really very cheap and has no smell. Does the job perfectly.
But what if you sweat, wouldn’t it turn into a thick paste??
I am a ceramic artist and Talc and Talcum are a clay and we must wear a mask when mixing it to make clay or glazes, not something to inhale and get in the lungs. It is not intended to use on the body. As far as corn starch it has been used for many many years before talcum powder. The problem now is most corn starch is from GMO corn and toxic. Get organic corn starch from Whole Foods or other such places and it is the best solution.
Their baby oil was banned overseas and until recently they continued to sell the impure oils here in the states.
my husband was an artist & is now in his 3rd case of Non-Hodgkins. He has contested, wi. NO result, that he was inhaling vapors f. solvent, paints etal, his oncologist has NOT agreed to that finding & is instead “pushing” chemo & possibly ..stemcell -procedure…I think the medical “industry” is only to make money, as a wife was never invited to be present since he know I think that my husband, an engineer, has been right all along & I am seen as an ‘intruder”. Any idea if stemcell f. Hodgkins is acceptable????Thank you. Mrs. Berg
Hi Mrs. Berg –
Thank you for reaching out to us about this. And I’m sorry to hear that you and your husband went through this experience.
I’m also so sorry to hear about your husband – I’ll be sure to pray for him.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!