Video Transcript: Juicing Tips from The Juice Lady – Part 1
So we’re going to talk about juicing and why juices are so important.
People ask me all the time, and I’ve been asked here, can’t I just blend it? How about my Vitamix? My NutriBullet? My Magic Bullet? Can’t I just use that? But you’ve got all of that insoluble fiber in there and that interferes with your absorption of your juice. So yes, you do need fiber. Yes, you do need a high fiber diet, except if you’re doing a juice fast, but you need the juice. Your body needs to get that vibrant, life-giving, raw juice right into your system. It helps your body detox, it’s flooding your system with antioxidants, it’s giving you energy, it’s helping you feel alive, energized, it brings healing to your gut at the cellular level. I’m going to get somebody to do a drawing for me of a little cell with a straw just sipping up juice because it’s getting right into that cell and bringing life right into your body.
So what about, then, what juicer is best? I want to talk about that for a moment because so many people have asked me here about different juicers. What juicer should I get? Should it be a slow juicer? A fast juicer? A masticating juicer? A cold press juicer? A centrifugal? Can it just be a blender? Can it be the Vitamix? So, do you know what the best juicer on Earth is?
The Breville. And I have no contract with them or nothing to do with Breville. So I just tell you, that’s the one I like, and I use the Breville every day that I’m at home. I can clean it in a minute, and it looks good on the counter, and it’s fast and it’s got a big wide spout. If you’re worried about getting all those nutrients, but you don’t have time and you’re saying, wow I probably wouldn’t use this every day if I had to clean all these parts and scrub and do all these little things, then just juice a few extra stalks of celery or cucumber or lemon or whatever you want to put in there. Just do a little more and have fast and easy and something that you will use. That’s what’s going to be important for you, what you’ll use every day.
And now, people ask me too, and I’m glad you come up to me in advance and ask me questions because I know exactly what to address. Can you store it? Yes, you can. You can store juice for about 24 hours. You need to cover it. You need a lid, so it doesn’t oxidize. That’s what I did when I was so sick. I would juice in advance when I had the energy in the afternoon and the strength to stand up and make a bunch of juice, and then I would store it. And I would drink it for about 24 hours, and then I’d have the energy mid-afternoon to juice again.
So that’s what I encourage you to do if that’s what you need to do because yes, you lose some nutrients as it sits, and yes, it isn’t as perfect. But life isn’t perfect, right? You’re not perfect. I’m not perfect, and life isn’t perfect. And we’re busy, and we’re on the go. And I’ve worked with a lot of busy moms who say wow, there’s just no way I can make fresh juice for myself and my family every morning. Many of them juice on the weekends. Freeze juice in little individual Mason jars. Don’t fill them all the way to the top because they’ll swell and burst. And they pull them out in the mornings then and set them on the counter and the family has fresh juice, but it was frozen. But freezing still preserves a lot of your nutrients. So that’s another option that you can do and it makes juicing more practical.
And there’s one more question. Because a lot of doctors, even naturopathic doctors, functional medicine, people that are into holistic health, will tell their patients you shouldn’t juice too much sugar. Not true. I’m talking about vegetable juicing not fruit juicing. Yes, fruit juice does have a lot of sugar. You can add a little bit to flavor, to sweeten, but you want to get vegetables in your diet, vegetable juicing. And I’m going to talk to you about the different vegetables and what they do for your healing and your health.
So juice and keep on juicing, and if you’ve got cancer, how much should you be drinking? That’s another question I’ve been asked here. What about every hour? Start out in the morning and have a green juice about every hour during the day. If you’re healthy and you just want to maintain health—Great big glass of juice to start your day. Maybe you have one more later on during the day. But get lots of juice. If you’re trying to heal your body, if you’re on a journey of healing, then get lots and lots of juice.
Flood your system with all those antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, biophotons. And what are photons? They’re those little molecules of life that come from the sun. That come down into the plant, and your plant absorbs that light and those photons go to work in your system and they start feeding your mitochondria. Your mitochondria is the little energy units of your body that produce ATP. ATP is your energy fuel. And people say to me all the time when they start juicing, I have more energy, I feel better, my aches and pains are going away, my brain fog is going away. You’re getting life. It’s like pure life is coming into your body.
I love those who tell the truth about Health and Well being. I just bought an Omega horizontal Juicer MM900HDS for celery.
Hello. I would like to embark on my juicing journey and wondered which appliance/s are recommended for optimum benefits.
Thank you
Julie Stephens
Like anything worth while, such as your health, taking the time to make your own juice is a lifestyle change. Unless you have money falling out of your pockets and can just go to a juice bar, then you’ll need to do it yourself. And prepping and cleaning is a part of this process. Sharing the idea with family and getting everyone involved will help with the process. For all to benefit from this lifestyle change, everyone should participate, making it a time to gather, to talk with each other (no cell phone time).