Cancer can be devastating to every aspect of your life if you or a loved one is diagnosed. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Today there is more information than ever about preventingand beating cancer that gives hope to millions. Yet so many lives continue to be lost.
Experts estimate that at least half of the cases of cancer can be prevented. Considering that 1.6 million people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in 2014, half is a pretty big number.
How do you lower your cancer risk? Even if you do everything right, you could still be diagnosed with cancer but your overall risk drops dramatically with every step you take to being cancer-free.
8 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Right Now to Lower Your Cancer Risk
- Pay attention to your body! Many forms of cancer – such as breast and skin cancer – have much higher survival rates if detected early with the proper detection method. For instance, in the detection of breast cancer, thermography is far superior to mammography (which actually causes cancer)It is critical that you know your own body…and listen to it. Yearly exams with your doctor for blood work and a checkup could be the key to catching cancerous cells early, but beware of doctors who constantly want to poke and prod. There are many non-invasive tests that they could and should be using.
- Keep your alcohol consumption in moderation. Not only does drinking to excess raise your risk of liver disease, heart disease, and diabetes, it is known to increase body-wide inflammation. While red wine has beneficial flavonoids proven to improve your cardiovascular system, doctors suggest no more than two drinks daily for men and no more than one for women.
- Get plenty of sunlight! The popular myth is that exposure to the sun causes skin cancer, but this is not completely accurate. Sun exposure is actually good for you and increases your body’s production of vitamin D (via the interaction of ultraviolet light with cholesterol in your skin). Thirty minutes of early morning or late afternoon sun on your hands and face is enough to get your recommended dose of vitamin D. But you don’t want to burn, as this might cause DNA damage and eventually cancer, so be careful. But do not use sunscreen, as it filters out helpful ultraviolet light and also contains several chemicals which cause cancer.
- Kick the smoking habit for good. Interestingly, it’s not actually tobacco itself that causes the cancer – it’s the chemicals that are used in the process of making the tobacco product that cause cancer. Quitting is the number one preventative measure you can take right now to decrease your cancer risk. A person dies from lung cancer every thirty seconds somewhere in the world and it is the leading cancer killer of men and women in the United States. The bright side is that your body begins to repair itself within hours of your last use and over 5-10 years, your risk of lung cancer returns to that of a person who doesn’t smoke.
- Move your body at least once a day. Regular exercise doesn’t have to be excessive, just consistent. A walk around the block, joining a low-impact aerobics class, rebounding on a mini trampoline, or simply walking your dog give your bodythe exercise it needs to keep you healthy. A sedentary lifestyle raises your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
- Get the garbage out of your diet. Choose organic whenever possible, forget “pre-prepared” foods, and ditch anything that has a full list of chemicals you can’t pronounce. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and water is one guaranteed way to give your body the fuel it needs to keep you strong for years to come.
- Say “NO” to GMO! Genetically modified organisms (GMO) have been shown to cause cancer and premature death in laboratory rats, so they should be avoided like the plague. Over 90% of the corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, and cotton in the USA has been genetically modified, so be sure to read labels!
- Refuse to let stress impact your health. Ongoing stress leads to total body inflammation that has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Refuse to allow stress to destroy you mentally, emotionally, and physically by evaluating the causes of stress in your life and getting rid of them one at a time. Forgive, forget, and move on.
Lowering your own risk of cancer has more to do with your individual lifestyle choices than you may realize. Make the commitment to your health to take on one challenge every month and you’re going to feel better right now as well as for years to come.
Good Morning Ty,
I am writing to you from Calgary Alberta. I was recently diagnosed with cancer & my surgery to remove several organs was Feb 24th 2016. I decided to flyer to San Diego and visit the Bio Medical Centre in Tijuana Feb 2 – 5 for alternative treatment, where my father went in 1998 for an inoperable stomach tumor. Their advice helped my father; he did have a brilliant life for a year and half longer than he was expected to (2 months per his Canadian physician), and the cauliflower size tumor did totally shrink to nothing.
My parents were pioneers (homesteaders from the wilderness of Northern Ontario) who moved to British Columbia with 11 children in 1966.. where Dad worked 18 hr days to feed us operating heavy equipment. Mother never worked outside the home (she had enough to do!). 🙂
They were retired in the little town of Penticton, BC when Dad was diagnosed in his 75th year of life. January 1998. With very little money, they got a loan from the bank & went to Bio Medical Centre; Dad had a terminally ill rancher friend who went & was better… so there was confidence… in 3 months they had a follow up visit and the tumor was definitely shrinking. Dad was jumping for joy!
The summer of 1998, the iron man contest was taking place in Penticton. I brought my young sons to visit my parents that summer.. I remember walking the beach and noting Dad’s ‘grader man belly’ was nice & flat, the whites of his eyes had lost the old yellow tired turtle look.. and they were a bright sky blue like I remembered when I was little. He had spring in his step and said he was off his blood pressure medication for the first time in 15 years. He felt great! All of this only 6 months after beginning his new diet & taking this tonic etc.
We didn’t pry…Dad was a private fellow & didn’t make a big show of his new regimen; he and Mom were doing this together. They didn’t talk about the bill with us either. They were proud and Dad had been a mighty provider all his life. This was an expensive venture for him; he ordered a second batch of tonic & whatever else he was needing, and it was shipped to him .. in January 1999 the tumor was totally gone.
He had done it. They were so excited and thrilled to be able to begin planning their 54th wedding anniversary which would be coming up Oct 2nd.
I flew to visit them by myself that winter… I remember Mom wanted to give me something and there was no money; golly if a sewing needle went missing they felt it, I’m sure. She was knitting me a blanket out of old sweaters she had unravelled.. I still have it… it’s multicolored and a bit short for me as she ran out of wool and happily declared it could be a ‘lap blanket’ when I watch tv. I agreed that it would be perfect for that.
In April 1999, Dad began to feel nauseous. He lost 30 lbs in a month. Had a stroke (he was living with a pacemaker). We went to see him and he was sitting up in his hospital bed, able to visit… you could see the effects of the stroke in his face, but otherwise he was doing okay except he was nauseous… they couldn’t figure out why… 3 days later they advised there was cancer in his pancreas and he passed away after massive doses of morphine for pain 10 days later.
As I stand in the organic section of my local grocers shopping for my new way of life, ..looking at the price of strawberries, I am awash with emotion. How did they afford this on their meager pensions? Did Dad stop taking the tonic too soon due to money? Should we have brought him immediately back to the Bio Medical Centre even in his fragile state and would they have changed things up a bit in light of his new prognosis? Did the massive amounts of morphine add to his pancreas stress and expedite his demise? He turned his nose up at all the hospital food and I didn’t understand why; he wanted out, he wanted to go home & contact his mexico doctor… he was too frail.
I have regrets about not getting more involved and offering some financial assistance back then. They seemed happy to be doing this together on their own and I took it for granted they were handling this, and was mindful of Dad’s pride. I also didn’t engage enough in his new diet.. I do remember bringing all our own food when we visited so as not to strain their careful grocery budget of the time.
I visited San Diego’s Pancho Marcado during my stay and ate my meals raw in my hotel room. I thought about my parents going down there all alone & fragile back then. I feel I am taking this journey with them somehow, selfishly because it’s me this time. Why & How did I let them go it alone? They were lovely, hard working, magnificently loving people, who made a holiday out of it all… the first time in their lives they went to Mexico! LOL
I’m sharing with you as I am so proud of you for your work. Your parents memory is well served in all that you do, and all that you are supported in doing by your wife & family. We want to be able to go back in time and change things and it’s impossible, but we can trust we will see them again, and we can trust their good parenting will live through us to pay it forward in helping others. The kind of people your parents were is evidenced in you and your work. If there is anything I can do to help you from here, I would like to try, so do ask.
Thank you Ty.
Sarah, how are you doing now? Did you have the surgery or are you still in Mexico? Praying for your good health.
Very well written Sarah!! I wish you luck in your journey and hope you return with good health! I’m sure your dad is right there with you….Have faith!! I also think TY is doing awesome work educating us in trying to beat this beast !!
Alberta Proud !!
Ty: I am a member of Truth About Cancer and I have already ordered and received the whole package of DVD’S and the two books. What I am asking is, there was a list of all the doctor’s, speakers, clinic’s with their addresses and phone numbers and I can’t find where I saw it. Do you know where it is located and how I can get it again. I have Multiple Myeloma and am following the protocols as much as possible, so far as I have learned through watching the DVD’S and reading all the articles online. Thanks. Also somewhere on one of the DVD’S I saw a man that I believe his last name was Major, who said he cured or healed his Multiple Myeloma. I can’t find him again, do you recall this and where I can find him? Thank you Ty and your family for sacrificing on all our behalf. Your MOM and Dad would be very proud of what you are doing on behalf of your love for them.
Hi Rebecca,
Here is the link to the list of doctors/experts we interviewed in our Global Quest Series:
Thank you for this post, as I have read in Consumer Health Digest, having family history of cancer can give someone in risk of acquiring it, but risk is only a possibility right? Thank you for shedding some light on things that could prevent cancer cells from forming. I will follow this by heart as I am also in risk
I am so glad that you have taken your much needed info to people to read and learn from,. My parents both died of cancer and I hated to treatments they were put though that poisons every living cell in their bodies,. There is a cure for cancer,. But the medical field and doctors make so much off of drugs and their treatment choices they will never cure us
We’re so sorry to hear about your parents, Diane! ❤️