Women in America and other industrialized countries are convinced that regular mammograms are crucial to detecting breast cancer. Enormous funding and research has swayed the public into believing this to be true. Yet despite this, mammography has a very strong opposition in many quadrants of the medical and natural health communities. If you discover one of the warning signs of breast cancer, the question remains: are mammograms the best test for breast cancer?
Mammograms provide an X-ray image of breasts in which doctors will look for evidence of growing tumors that may go unnoticed during a routine physical exam. Needed to produce the image, X-rays expose the patient to ionizing radiation.
Risks and dangers come with mammography use including the exposure to radiation, financial burden, and the rate of inaccuracies. Until 2001, women over the age of 50 were urged to receive annual mammograms. This is when American health officials changed their recommendations to include all women over 40 years of age. Yet back in July of 1995, the British medical journal, The Lancet, published that “the benefit (of mammograms) is marginal, the harm caused is substantial, and the costs incurred are enormous…”
Risk of “False Positive” Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
A “false positive” on a breast cancer test triggers an enormous amount of emotional stress on both patients and their family members. One research team analyzed mammogram diagnostics from 60,000 women. False positives were detected in 70% of the detected areas of concern.
The tremendously high rate of false positive diagnosis has many doctors skeptical of the efficacy of mammography. Furthermore, false detection results in invasive and avoidable biopsies. Upon further testing from these biopsies, 70-80% of detected “tumors” on mammograms revealed no presence of cancer.
Effects of a False Positive Diagnosis
The emotional trauma that comes with believing you have cancer is enough to trigger and accelerate illness in the body. False positive diagnoses are often followed up with unnecessary mastectomies, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment. These treatments further damage an individual’s health by creating physical, emotional, and economic burdens.
Unnecessary Radiation Exposure
Annual mammograms expose a woman to a significantly high amount of ionizing radiation. We are all exposed to ionizing radiation produced from the natural world around us. Our bodies can manage this small amount of radiation, but when high doses of exposure occurs annually there are health risks involved.
If you have ever had a spinal or chest X-ray performed, the radiation that you were exposed to was 1,000 times less than the radiation that is required to complete one series of mammograms to two breasts. Many experts agree that this quantity of radiation actually increases an individual’s risks of breast cancer. Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, proposes that the likelihood of breast cancer raises 2% each year a mammogram is performed.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has stated that for every 15 cases of breast cancer mammography identifies, it may actually cause 75 breast cancer diagnoses. For this reason younger women are especially at risk for the dangers involving mammography testing. In fact, studies have shown that young women tested annually have up to a 52% increase in breast cancer related deaths.
Mammograms Stimulate Cancer Growth
Since the onset of mammography, the rate of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has elevated by 328%. DCIS is a type of early stage breast cancer. Researchers have discovered the oncogene AC which is extremely sensitive to radiation. Women with the oncogene AC are at an even higher risk when they undergo mammography testing. It is estimated that 10,000 individuals whom carry the gene will die of breast cancer annually as a consequence of mammography.
Another way mammograms induce cancer growth is by compressing the patient’s breasts. This action releases cancerous cells into circulation thereby increasing the risk that the malignancy will spread systemically.
A former clinical associate at the NCI in immunology and pharmacology, Dr. Charles Simone, has strongly advocated against mammography for breast cancer screening. Dr. Simone said, “Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast cancer and raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth.”
Thermography: A Better Breast Cancer Test
I firmly believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Somehow our society has missed the fact that we should strive every day to live an anti-cancer lifestyle. Rather, we are told that we should only screen our health each year while simultaneously we are led to believe it is okay to live a lifestyle destructive to our health.
When the inevitable results with a positive cancer diagnosis, we are treated like a victim. Instead we should be taught how years of abuse has led to the problem.
It has been my choice to live an anti-cancer lifestyle and avoid the dangers involved with “testing for disease.” If you have not followed this same healthy lifestyle, I recommend thermography testing for a safe and effective way to screen for cancer.
The Gold Standard for Detecting Breast Cancer
Thermography is a new technology that measures inflammation in the body. This makes it especially well equipped to detect the growth of cancer cells. This tool is far less invasive than mammography and is also more effective.
Degenerative disease is characterized by inflammatory pathways in the body, and cancer is not excluded. Unfortunately, disease must typically have already developed in the body for it to be detected by much of today’s medical procedures. Instead of looking for the originating cause, the medical community focuses on the effect of a problem in the body − the cancer. Advanced health care practitioners use diagnostic testing and methodology that searches for the cause of physiological abnormalities in the body.
How Does Thermography Screen for Cancer?
Thermography scans the body, measuring surface temperature and presenting this information as a digital image. This digital map illustrates heat patterns in the body and is tremendously accurate. Patterns can detect infection and abnormal tissue conditions.
Unlike mammograms which only analyze anatomical changes such as a lump, thermograms provide detailed information on vascular function in the breast. When blood flow increases to specific areas of the body, the temperature of that region also raises. Cancerous cell growth is represented by increased circulation resulting from infection and inflammation. Thermographs can screen for subtle physiological abnormalities that accompany disease before a large mass or lump will reveal its presence on a mammogram.
Thermal Asymmetry Indicates Abnormalities
Ideally, the body should be in a state of thermal symmetry. Areas of asymmetry can indicate problems and are analyzed specifically for underlying pathology. Cancerous growth thrives with elevated blood flow and requires a high demand for nutrient supply. The body cannot identify the metabolic difference between cancer cells and healthy cells, resulting in the increased supply of blood cells around the active cancer cells.
Thermography can identify this abnormal blood flow long before cancer growth becomes a mass detectable during a routine breast exam. Thermography is estimated to identify cancer growth 10 years before a mammogram shows a tumor.
Breasts Typically Appear Purple
Normally the breasts do not generate much heat. Healthy breasts appear purple on a thermographic image indicating low heat levels. Spots appearing red, orange, or yellow should be looked at further as these colors may indicate the presence of cancer.
More than 250,000 women participated in studies detailing thermography screening over the last 30 years. These large, long-durational studies have demonstrated a sensitivity and specificity of 90%. From these research groups it has been shown that a woman is 22 times more likely to develop breast cancer when she has consistently abnormal thermograms.
Reliability and Safety of Thermograms as a Breast Cancer Test
Information provided by thermograms is reliably accurate and provides objective data. The devices are painless, non-invasive, and provide quick results.
The high concentrations of ionizing radiation produced from mammograms make it one of the most dangerous medical devices used. Thermograms emit zero ionizing radiation and instead use safe infrared technology.
What to Expect With a Thermography Test for Breast Cancer
During your first thermography session you will provide a baseline reading referred to by practitioners as the “thermal signature.” Typically it will be recommended that you receive a second screening three months later to detect changes. The vascularity and blood flow pattern is then analyzed between the two readings. Going forward it’s recommended the patient receive annual thermography tests.
The results are given in a professionally written report by a radiologist who is trained in thermographic studies. Thermography testing is not approved for diagnostic interpretation, so you will not get a definitive diagnosis from the test.
Instead, you will see that abnormal readings will be noted as “at some or at strong risk,” whereas normal findings are listed as “at low risk.”
Many natural or integrative health care clinics are beginning to offer thermography testing. You can do a Google search for thermography offerings in your local area.
Article Summary
Millions of women are receiving mammograms on a regular basis, but are mammograms the best test for breast cancer?
Mammography has many risks including the exposure to radiation, financial burden, and the rate of inaccuracies. As far back as July 1995, the esteemed British medical journal, The Lancet, published that “the benefit (of mammograms) is marginal, the harm caused is substantial, and the costs incurred are enormous…”
One research team analyzed mammogram diagnostics from 60,000 women. False positives were detected in 70% of the detected areas of concern.
False positives often leads to invasive and avoidable biopsies. Upon further testing from these biopsies, 70-80% of detected “tumors” on mammograms revealed no presence of cancer.
Thermography is a new technology that measures inflammation in the body. This makes it especially well equipped to detect the growth of cancer cells. This tool is far less invasive than mammography and is also more effective.
Mammograms only analyze anatomical changes such as a lump. Thermograms provide detailed information on vascular function in the breast. Thermographs can screen for subtle physiological abnormalities that accompany disease before a large mass or lump will show up on a mammogram.
Thermography is estimated to identify cancer growth 10 years before a mammogram shows a tumor.
This is great information regarding the trumped-up benefits provided by mammograms. Here’s more information about the known link between abortion and breast cancer which we can’t seem to get out: http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/The_Link.htm
Don’t listen to the media…read the studies on this website. This is–tragically– the best kept secret about how to prevent breast cancer.
My sister who is a doctor said that mammograms are not very good at detecting breast cancer on premenopausal women less than 50. She thinks that mammograms should really be done after menopause, because women in their 30s and 40s have dense breast. Last year, a mammogram did not detect that I had a benign lump called a fibroadenoma. The ultrasound spotted. Luckily, I do not have breast cancer so far at much less than 50. In my opinion, tomography should be used instead of mammograms, because they are much better at detecting whether younger women have breast cancer and it could determine the number of years that a woman might had had the disease. At least, with tomography younger women who have to do mammograms early, because they have a family history would not have to be exposed to all that radiation. To me, mammograms should be avoided like the plague.
I had a small lump which I could feel ,went to Dr she also felt it ,she ordered mammogram and ultrasound the mammogram showed nothing but ultrasound picked it up luckily. as I did have cancer at 65 yrs of age and it was hers 2 .
Besides Thermography…. AMAS ( Anti-Malignan antibody in Serum) tests are Very Accurate, non-invasive, non-toxic, and inexpensive to say the least. It tests for Malignan antibodies in the blood. I believe between AMAS test and Thermography, women have a great way to test for cancers not only in the breast but, elsewhere in the body. More MDs need to know and offer the AMAS tests to women, instead of mainstreams methods, which can be and are problematic for many women, who subject themselves to Mammograms and even biopsies, let alone Chemo or radiation procedures. Those methods are passe’, neanderthal, cruel and unnecessary in todays world. Women are being needlessly subjected to allopathic therapies, that pose more problems for them, in many cases. Knowledge is power and that knowledge can be used to make more informed decisions, on which tests to take, to determine if one has cancer or not.
where do you go to get these 2 tests and what is the approx. cost? Thanks for the information!
How do we obtain Thermography and AMAS testing?
One place you can get a thermogram is brasthermograpy.com with several locations in the U.S. No doctors order is needed and images are read by doctors and sent to you. The BRAS offices do the imaging along with giving you breast health information/education!
Sheesh! Nothing even remotely close to me–6 hours away is the closest. Isn’t there something that isn’t so hard to find?
Where do you go to get thermography and AMAS tests?
If thermography doesn’t give a definitive diagnosis, what would the next step be if they felt you might have cancer?
One thermography result showed an area that was suspicious and I was referred for an ultrasound and it showed nothing I was so relieved of course!
Has there been research showing efficacy of thermography? My doctor said she had a patient with breast cancer that had had a thermogram that found nothing. How do we know it really works?
I go to get a sonocine ultrasound by Dr. Kevin Kelly in Pasadena Ca.
who invented this high tech machine. He can detect breast cancers very early on as well.
I’ve only ever had one mammogram in my life (I’m almost 58) and would never have another, but sadly in the UK, this is the information generally given out – taken from the Cancer Research UK website (who have connections with ‘big pharma’):
Heat scans (thermography)
Thermography is also called digital infrared imaging. Some people call it a thermal scan. The 3 parts to the theory behind it are that
The area around a cancer is warmer than the surrounding breast tissue
Cancer cells are more active than normal cells and produce more heat
Hotter areas can be seen on a scanner showing differences in temperature
In 2012, researchers pulled together all the research that has been done on heat scans. This is called a systematic review. They found that there is not enough evidence to show that thermography is reliable enough as a screening test for breast cancer. There is not enough evidence that it can help to diagnose breast cancer when used with mammograms in screening. And there is not enough evidence that it can help to diagnose breast cancer when there are signs that a breast cancer might be there.
Until we have research evidence to show it is reliable, thermography is not recommended as a screening test or to try and diagnose breast cancer.
While this is the information that’s being given out, a lot of people will continue with mammograms
My sisters doctor told her that her breasts were too dense for thermography to work and she would have to get a mammogram. Does anyone know if this is true, or is her Dr just misinformed.
It is just the opposite. Thermograms are very useful for dense breasts. Mammograms are much harder for a radiologist to read when breasts are dense and fibrocystic. Less dense(or fatty breasts) are more homogeneous visually to look at on a mammogram—-I was formerly a mammo tech
Where is thermography available in uk
I had thermography years ago which did nothing but waste my money. I got the picture but no words with it. I was supposed to figure it out myself which I could not. My gynecologist didn’t believe in them, said they were worthless, and wouldn’t even look at it. So it wasted a half day vacation to get there, several hundred dollars, and I got no information for my trouble. What kind of Dr. is supposed to be able to figure it out, or where can I translate it myself?
98% of breast cancer are caused by “root canals” even these days cancer treatment centers asked there patients if they had this procedure, also researches found that 89% of health problem are related to an emotional problem, I know since I was involved in graphology and since people don’t write any more so there is color analysis, which follow up by tapping results are excellent !
Maybe it’s just the root canal itself but people with bad oral health?. I know that since I’ve been taking care of my gut health I have had an immense improvement in my oral health and also in my general everyday health.
While I agree mammograms are not the safest for detecting breast cancer, thermography has its negatives. I was diagnosed with an invasive ductal carcinoma that measured 1.2cm. No one could feel it because it was deep. I went for thermography after my diagnosis to make sure the doctors weren’t missing anything (whole body). The test was unable to see the breast cancer. My breast looked normal. They said because while thermography is good for skin cancer or “shallow” cancers, it can’t see very deep. I’m not sure what the answer is, but everything has its limitations. Now it’s time for my follow up and I don’t know what to do.
I had 2 small cancer tumors in jan 2011 had both breast removed as I was 65 yrs old. When I get my annual diagnostic mammogram I INSIST they do an ultrasound. To me this is the only way to know for sure that I’m clear from new growth. And the Dr reads ultrasound n comes in to tell me if I’m ok or not same day….n read about HENDAS LAW stating you need more than a mammogram I pray that you will be encouraged! ! And ask all kinds of ??s even anything you’re not quite sure of!! May God bless your life:)))
“It has been my choice to live an anti-cancer lifestyle and avoid the dangers involved with “testing for disease.” If you have not followed this same healthy lifestyle, I recommend thermography testing for a safe and effective way to screen for cancer.”–What a shock it will be to you or anyone who subscribes to this mentality, when one is diagnosed with cancer. Happens way too often, by the way. Choices not always result in desired consequences. You could have just said that in addition to the healthy lifestyle choices one would use these tests in hope of prevention and early detection. Good luck.
Kaiser Permanente flatly refuses to use thermography on me and continues to push biannual mammograms, even though I have asked to be placed on their do-not-contact list. How can I make them leave me alone, and where can I go for thermography. I am 65 and live in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.
Although I completely agree that mammography is not the best test for breast cancer and the radiation is dangerous, I have to let you all know that I depended on breast thermography for 10+ years and for the last few years had a TH1 (no signs of cancer) result. Unfortunately, I DID have breast cancer – a Grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma, Stage II. Always, always, always, if you detect any lump, bump or thickness despite clear thermograms – go for an ultrasound and further investigation if necessary. I wish I had. I am now working very hard to heal from this cancer.
I too had a thermography ($600) and the concept is great (except it scared me to death) I had abnormal cells and moderate risk for developing breast cancer. But when I told my Gyno she didn’t know what to do with the information, I asked for an ultrasound but the mammogram place refused to do an ultrasound without having a mammogram. I had the mammogram because of the thermography report and the dr. Knew my concerns and said it is relatively low radiation and he handed me a paper with all the different kinds of exposures and how much radiation each was. I didn’t believe what was on the paper but between that and I also went to see my gastro dr. Because there was an issue over my liver and gallbladder (my gallbladder was removed over 10 years ago so I don’t know what that means). He said he knows nothing and never heard of mammogram so he would not diagnose anything. The western doctors really need to accept alternative testing and the Eastern medicine. Until that happens I just wasted $600 and I have major anxiety because idk what’s going on with my body.
Not true at all.
this is the correct link: breastthermography.org/ or breastthermography.com/breast_thermography_mf.htm, but the service is not free , it is about $300.
I had a mammogram where they seen something abnormal and then sent me to have an ultra sound still seeing something abnormal then sent me to another hospital to have a MRI where they found a .06 cm spot which turned out to be cancer (carcinoma in stu) located in the breast milk duct which was then biopsied to be an aggressive invasive type of cancer. I not only believe these tests were needed but that my cancer probably would had got bigger and spread throughout my body causing my early demise at the early age of 50 ..I am now 60 years old and still kicking.
Valerie Ozua in Vacaville Ca does them. She is a Nurse practitioner and holistic nutritionist. She is able to explain the testing to you as well. I would also request an ultrasound from your doctor if you can, good luck!
so do i get this test, a mammogram or both?? I am so confused
Hello..the real problem is that …while really appreciating all these informations.,,it is that this thermography places in the states might be known but not in France ..at …all….there are millions of places for mamogrammes but nothing at all for thermographies…so …what to do?…where to go…Etc…like i said i really do apprecite all these infos ..but …it would be nice to see if there is a place in the world where we could go to have these exams…and i suppose that this thermographies…are..also useful for the whole body also not only for breast cancer….thank you very much…
Capucine, if you can’t find a place that does Thermography, an ultrsound is also a very good alternative to a mammogram. There is no radiation involved. But here in the U.S. you have to get a doctor’s order for it.
I’ve had two thermography experiences, and they were very pleasant. No pain, no body contact, no radiation, and no compression.The doctor I saw (Dr. Hillary Smith) has an office at 12840 Riverside Drive, in Sherman Oaks – It’s called Advanced Medical Thermography. (818) 769-4045.
Marjorie, do you live in Canada or United States? Is thermography expensive to do? If I ask my GP doctor in Ottawa, Canada, if I can have thermography will she give it to me? What did thermography check on you?
I’m in Ontario. There’s thermography clinics all over. Just use google! You’ll pay at least 200.00 canadian.
I’m only bothering to post so that women like me have a balanced view of things based on scientific facts. The science isn’t in favor of thermograms at this point and the FDA has said so. I too don’t want all the radiation exposure, and my chest and breasts still hurt 2 weeks post mammogram. I can deal with pain, but I get so freaked out about something worse happening with repeated radiation exposures. I’ll willing to consider alternatives, but I don’t see the scientific backing for thermograms to be used in lieu of mammograms… not yet at least.
If you have dense breasts you should talk to your provider about doing an Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS). It is performed in conjunction with a screening mammogram and increases cancer detection for women with dense breasts. I understand the fear of radiation exposure, however breast cancer is serious and you need to catch it early and the best way to do so is an annual mammogram!
If this is such a reasonable option, why is it not widely available? I found one clinic within 100 miles…in the crowded Northeast!
How old is it recommended to get a thermography for breast screening. I’m 72 and am still getting them but wonder when I could stop as insurance doesn’t cover them.