It’s been 2 weeks since we first wrote about the novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) originating in China. Since then, the official numbers have skyrocketed from 630 infections and 17 deaths to over 24,000 infections and roughly 500 deaths.
NaturalNews reports that China is actually keeping two sets of numbers, and that the actual numbers are much higher than the “official” numbers, with over 154,000 infected and almost 25,000 dead. Several nations have evacuated their citizens from china, while airlines have shut down flights to China and other countries.
On January 31st, President Trump declared that the novel coronavirus presents a public health emergency in the United States. That same day, under the guidance of the CDC, the White House Coronavirus Task Force announced a 14-day quarantine for Americans who recently visited Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.
Over the last two weeks, the Chinese government has quarantined roughly 50 million people in over a dozen cities – the largest quarantine in human history. Cruise liners carrying infected passengers have been denied entry into Japan and passengers will be quarantined on the ships for at least two weeks.
Major manufacturers like Apple and Adidas have shut down their stores and plants in China, and airlines have placed over 30,000 employees on unpaid leave. In the U.S., hundreds of Americans have been evacuated from the Wuhan area and will be immediately quarantined on military bases.
The measures being taken by governments around the world are drastic and unprecedented. The authority that these institutions are willing to assume in the face of a “health emergency” is concerning… and it’s only the beginning.
Social Media Increases Censorship
In the wake of the new virus, Facebook announced that it would remove any content about the coronavirus “with false claims or conspiracy theories that have been flagged by leading global health organizations and local health authorities,” saying such content would violate its ban on misinformation leading to “physical harm.”
This is a much more aggressive policy than Facebook has taken before. Up to this point, censorship efforts have mostly involved restricting search results and advertising while still allowing the content to remain published. The ban will also apply to Instagram, which will subject users to pop-up ads when they click on hashtags related to the virus.
Google has followed suit, pushing updates from the WHO to the top of search results involving the coronavirus. YouTube, owned by Google, will also make it harder to find independent information about the virus, promoting videos from public health organizations and mainstream media outlets.
Twitter said Wednesday that it would begin prompting users who search for the coronavirus to first visit official channels of information about the illness. In the United States, for example, Twitter directs users to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, beneath a bold headline that reads: “Know the facts.”
The campaign is running in 15 locations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia, and “will continue to expand as the need arises,” the company said in a blog post.
Twitter has even banned financial market website Zero Hedge from the social media platform after it published an article linking a Chinese scientist to the outbreak of the fast-spreading coronavirus last week.
Zero Hedge had their account permanently suspended for violating “platform manipulation policy”. The account had 670,000 followers as of its suspension. The suspension was in response to a complaint by Buzzfeed which said Zero Hedge had released the personal information of a scientist from Wuhan in an article that made allegations about coronavirus having been concocted “as a bioweapon.” The article was titled “Is This the Man Behind the Global Coronavirus Pandemic?”
Tik-Tok, a Chinese-owned company, already removes posts and blocks users. This is standard practice in communist China, where state-run media and extreme surveillance of its citizens makes it easy to control what information is released.
The Digital Police State
The effort in China to silence free speech and control the narrative regarding coronavirus has been aggressive. According to a Reuters report:
At least 16 people have been arrested over coronavirus posts in Malaysia, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong, while Singapore has used its controversial new “fake news” law, POFMA, to force media outlets and social media users to carry government warnings on their posts and articles saying they contain falsehoods.
“Fortunately, we now have POFMA to deal with this fake news,” said Lawrence Wong, one of the ministers heading a Singapore government task force to halt the spread of the virus.
At least five people were arrested and released on bail in India’s southwestern state of Kerala over WhatsApp messages, said Aadhithya R, District Police Chief of Thrissur. Six people were arrested in Malaysia on suspicion of spreading false news.
In Vietnam, where an army of cyber-censors tracks social media comments for the communist government, at least nine people have been fined and three celebrities asked to explain their actions over posts about coronavirus.
Thailand hailed the success of an “anti-fake news centre” it set up last year. Dozens of staff reviewed nearly 7,600 posts in four days from Jan. 25 – leading to 22 posts being highlighted as false on its website and two arrests under computer crimes laws.
“The anti-fake news centre is working intensively to verify these rumours and communicating truth to the people,” said Digital Minister Puttipong Punnakanta.
To make matters worse, it turns out that Chinese officials arrested 8 medical professionals who tried to warn people of the disease back in December. Each detainee was part of a medical school’s alumni group on WeChat, a popular social network in China, and they were concerned that SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, was back. (SARS is a type of coronavirus.)
According to The Daily Beast:
It wasn’t long before police detained them. The authorities said these eight doctors and medical technicians were “misinforming” the public, that there was no SARS, that the information was obviously wrong, and that everyone in the city must remain calm. On the first day of 2020, Wuhan police said they had “taken legal measures” against the eight individuals who had “spread rumors.”
Since then, the phenomenal spread of the virus has created cracks even within the normally united front of the Chinese Communist Party. “It might have been fortunate if the public had believed the ‘rumor’ and started to wear masks, carry out sanitization measures, and avoid the wild animal market,” a judge of China’s Supreme People’s Court wrote online last Tuesday.
Li Wenliang, a doctor who was among the eight people who tried to sound the alarm before the coronavirus infected many thousands and killed hundreds, was diagnosed as someone infected with the coronavirus and is being treated at a hospital. Authorities are still actively censoring social-media posts and news articles that question the government’s response to the outbreak. One Wuhan man, Fang Bin, uploaded footage of corpses in a van and a hospital in Wuhan and was then tracked down and taken into custody. His laptop was confiscated, and he had to pedal for three hours on a bicycle to get home after he was questioned, warned, and released. His coronavirus video went viral.
Experts agree that this kind of aggressive censorship could make the virus even more lethal. Leaders within the Chinese government have put their political interests before the good of their people, and the results have been catastrophic thus far.
In recent days, medical experts have found evidence that the origin of the outbreak was not a seafood market in Wuhan, as the Chinese government initially reported. That evidence also suggests that the first human infections occurred in November, if not earlier, rather than in early December.
The true scope of the disease may be worse than we’ve been told. Public officials have been deleting investigative reports by journalists in the area, while many patients who have died of “regular pneumonia” were never tested for coronavirus.
Given the rapid spread of the virus and the enormous economic effects expected, censorship and propaganda are certain to continue — and to extend beyond China’s borders — as the regime seeks to protect its hold on power and international reputation. While Chinese authorities assure domestic and international audiences that their efforts will contain the outbreak, censors are busily deleting social media posts and journalists’ reporting that contradict the official narrative.
An International Conspiracy
Lies and secrecy are common in most communist nations, and China is no exception. It is well-documented that the information released during the SARS outbreak of 2003 was significantly redacted to minimize its true impact.
But what about here in America?
We’ve already reported that, in 2015, a patent was filed by The Pirbright Institute for the live, attenuated coronavirus. The application claims that the new virus could be used to create a vaccine for treating or preventing respiratory viruses. The patent was awarded in 2018.
The Pirbright Institute is funded by the UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, the WHO, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. All of these entities have been loud supporters of mandatory vaccinations and more government control based on “health concerns.”
And for several years, Bill Gates has been telling us that a pandemic is coming, and in November of 2019, collaborating with the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted “Event 201” where they ran a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic.
It should come as no surprise that – just yesterday – Bill and Melinda Gates announced that they would be donating $100 million to coronavirus vaccine research and treatment efforts, which were announced as part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) request for $675 million in global contributions to fight the spread of the disease.
You can bet your bottom dollar that this vaccine will be heavily pushed on all Americans, and probably mandated in some states and cities. But what’s the truth behind the coronavirus?
The Truth About Coronavirus
Officials would have you believe that the new coronavirus began when someone ate contaminated bat soup at a Wuhan seafood and animal market, but that is a flat-out lie. And a paper published in The Lancet last week has the proof.
The paper, written by a large group of Chinese researchers from several institutions, offers details about the first 41 hospitalized patients who had confirmed infections with what has been dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). In the earliest case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market, the authors report.
“No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases,” they state. Their data also show that, in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace. “That’s a big number, 13, with no link,” says Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease specialist at Georgetown University.
Lucey says if the new data are accurate, the first human infections must have occurred in November 2019—if not earlier—because there is an incubation time between infection and symptoms surfacing. If so, the virus possibly spread silently between people in Wuhan—and perhaps elsewhere—before the cluster of cases from the city’s now-infamous Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was discovered in late December. “The virus came into that marketplace before it came out of that marketplace,” Lucey asserts.
The much more likely scenario is that a weaponized version of the virus was released (whether intentionally or not) by Wuhan’s Institute of Virology – a level-4 biohazard lab which was studying “the world’s most dangerous pathogens.”
The institute even has an ad for researchers to help use “bats to research the molecular mechanism that allows Ebola and SARS-associated coronaviruses to lie dormant for a long time without causing diseases.”
The job is for a lab run by Dr. Peng Zhou, Ph.D., a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Leader of the Bat Virus Infection and Immunization Group. Since 2009, Peng has been the leading Chinese scientist researching the immune mechanism of bats carrying and transmitting lethal viruses in the world.
His primary field of study is researching how and why bats can be infected with some of the most nightmarish viruses in the world including Ebola, SARS and Coronavirus, and not get sick. As part of his studies, Peng also researched mutant Coronavirus strains that overcame the natural immunity of some bats; these are “superbug” Coronavirus strains, which are not resistant to any natural immune pathway, and now appear to be out in the wild.
The institute is about 13 miles away from the market that China claims as the source of the outbreak.
A study by 5 Greek scientists (published 1/27/2020) examined the genetic relationships of nCoV-2019 and found that “the new coronavirus provides a new lineage for almost half of its genome, with no close genetic relationships to other viruses within the subgenus of sarbecovirus,” and has an unusual middle segment never seen before in any coronavirus.
What exactly does that mean? Basically, this means that we are dealing with a brand new type of ‘man-made’ coronavirus. The study’s authors rejected the original hypothesis that the virus originated from random natural mutations between different coronaviruses.
Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese biological warfare, has also linked the virus to China’s covert biological weapons program. Mr. Shoham holds a doctorate in medical microbiology. From 1970 to 1991, he was a senior analyst with Israeli military intelligence for biological and chemical warfare in the Middle East and worldwide.
“Certain laboratories in the institute have probably been engaged, in terms of research and development, in Chinese [biological weapons], at least collaterally, yet not as a principal facility of the Chinese BW alignment,” Mr. Shoham told The Washington Times. Work on biological weapons is conducted as part of dual civilian-military research and is “definitely covert,” he said.
In a sad turn of events, the Chinese doctor who tried to warn others about the Wuhan coronavirus, has died. Li Wenliang, a 34-year-old doctor working in Wuhan, raised the alarm about the novel coronavirus on December 30th. Soon after he posted the message, Li was accused of rumor-mongering by the Wuhan police. He was one of several medics targeted by police for trying to blow the whistle on the deadly virus in the early weeks of the outbreak. Li was hospitalized on January 12th after contracted the virus from one of his patients, and he was confirmed to have nCoV-2019 on February 1st.
The question is … If the Chinese made this virus in a lab, what was their purpose? And why did they arrest the doctor who tried to inform the rest of the world?
The world needs an answer.
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
As long as we continue to believe the lies promulgated by communist state-run media, we’re going to stay in the dark. Government agencies around the world have been happy to sensationalize the virus as an excuse for extreme control over their citizens.
People are being detained and quarantined. Travel and business have been seriously disrupted. The global economy is in turmoil. Scientists and journalists are being silenced and even arrested. And social media companies founded in the freest country on earth are deleting any content that suggests that this is a man-made problem.
People are scared. Tens of millions have had their lives put on hold. Hundreds have died in the last week.
But don’t worry… be healthy! There are herbs and natural substances that can have a profound effect on viruses and your immune function.
Surprise surprise! Bill Gates, the WHO, and everyone else in the medical industry are working on a nCoV-2019 vaccine … a vaccine that they patented half a decade before the virus appeared … a virus that was created in a lab.
But that’s just a “coincidence,” right?
Here’s another incredible “coincidence” …
For several years, Bill Gates has been telling us that a pandemic is coming, and on October 18, 2019 (collaborating with the World Economic Forum), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted “Event 201” where they ran a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic.
A meeting of the “globalist health minds” occurred on November 6th to discuss its findings with 9 recommendations.
Surprise surprise! One recommendation, of course, included deleting/erasing/censoring “disinformation” in the WHO’s eyes.
But that’s just another “coincidence,” right?
So how do we educate and not be sensored? People so gullible. We here in America have done biological warfare for at least two centuries. It would be interesti g to know who in the political areana also knows of this and supporting it.
Now that I posted this will I also be under surveillance? I speak loudly about our human rights not to be told what I need to take into my body. It is our choice to choose no matter where we live.
Wow! “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32
Please keep doing what your doing so many more can stop hurting like we’re hurting. Thanks and blessings on your efforts for life abundantly!
I have mixed feelings about TTAC. Much of your information is gold. In fact, I was very tempted by some of your paid content, just the other night. But this is conspiratorial.
Of course there is a push to suppress misinformation on Coronavirus. Because every Joe Bloggs blogger can say anything they choose. And people listen, no matter the blogger’s lack of qualification.
I am in the UK and, already, Chinese nationals have been assaulted. Just because of their origin. Despite us having only three cases!
You have cited the Lancet-published study. That study received funding from the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. Your article strongly asserts that the Chinese state cannot be trusted. Surely then, you cannot cite this study to support your suggestion it is man-made.
I agree that China manipulates information. But to assert Coronavirus is perhaps some sort of covert experiment is extreme speculation.
I don’t understand why you have published this article.
Strengthen your body Immune System. Focus on you being strong. Nutirition is very important. When your Immune System is strong, there is no fear.
My naturopathic doctor told me to take Liposomal Vitamin C. It by passes the stomach and goes directly to the cell. It strengthens the cell. I take Lysine, Zinc, Omega 3 and a good quality multivitamin which includes Minerals.
TTAC is the real fact. THe Pharma are in the profit making Business. Vitamin C has no profit and no Pharma will promote Vitamin C.
I agree with all you have said but here’s a real question. Why is it that whenever a new pandemic/epidemic beaks upon the world in any given country no ruling person in that country gets sick or dies from it?
Why is is always the simple person. Do those in government have better immune systems? Are they protected by forms of medicine that the ordinary citizen doesn’t have access to? They even tour areas that have been ravaged by these said diseases and offer sympathy and government assistance. Something doesn’t add up
Raw Garlic about 4 to 5 cloves a day or AGED garlic kills all virus
I agree. Trust no Chinese but put your trust in the US and you’ll surely get the truth. Ha, don’t make me laugh. Especially when you consider that that’s where all the problems came from in the first place. Search for the motive and it will point the way to you. Otherwise those who are supposedly protecting us from fake news are spreading them. How about this “food for thought”
Yes, you are absolutely right! This has the US’s fingerprints all over it to take down Chinese govt, just like they are fueling the HK protests! The Corona Virus has been genetically engineered to target Asian people, mostly Asian men! I am very dissapointed in TTAC for pushing this propaganda. There are several outpoints to what they say. If it is all China doing it, then why is Facebook banning info on it? Bill Gates is a Eugenicist, so was his father! If Bill Gates is warning you of a pandemic coming, then why are you pointing the finger at China???
I do!!! If you have any comprehension of what and how ‘governments’ work, you’d know every word that was written here has basis in fact. It has taken years of study on my part to understand what’s going on but if you’d like to study Agenda 21, which is the Global’s handbook of how they want things to go, it wouldn’t take you long to see how this fits right into all their plans. Do the research first and then say whether it’s ‘conspiratorial or not.
You’d have a valid point, except that various other 3rd party researchers have also come to the conclusion that the nCorona Virus is man-made, including the medical microbiologist from Israel, a country with leading edge technology and medical advances.
If you want to believe that all the different “coincidences” can indeed be coincidences (a CV vaccine 5 years in the making, Bill Gates’ simulation of a pandemic in late 2019, and the questionable nature of the origin of the CV), then that is your prerogative. However, we know that there is more to the story than is currently being let on. You only need to look at another disease for which information is constantly being suppressed- cancer. I suppose you’ll call that conspiratorial as well….?
Richard…I’m in agreement with everything Granny stated and I’d like to add:
1. Colloidal Silver/Nano-Silver is also highly effective at killing Anaerobic Bacteria’s, Fungi & Viruses like Ebola, in FACT no Virus has ever demonstrated the ability to mount a defense against this substance and you can make it yourself.
2. MMS-Miracle Mineral Supplement also called CD-Chlorine Dioxide CURES Cancer, Autism ,AIDS, Lyme Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Hept B & C, Malaria in 4 hrs, and as well Kills all Anaerobic Bacteria’s, Viruses, Fungi and some Parasites…and you can make this stuff yourself. Both the Colloidal Silver & MMS/CD are SUPPRESSED Cure-ALL’s, while MMS is severely SUPPRESSED and will cost Western MEd/Bigpharma BILLIONS/TRILLIONS once People realize all the health Benefits.
3. Liposomal Vitamin C can also be made yourself, which will cut down on the cost dramatically, look to youtube the net, someone out there will teach you how to make all of these CURE-ALL’s.
4. Vitamin D +K2 aids the Immune System immensely and Vitamin A is essential in fighting Toxoids like Tetanus (eliminates Mortality Rate) and Viruses like the Measles (eliminates Mortality Rate as well).
If you make your own Liposomal Vitamin C, you can incorporate these other Vitamins to make a Super Immune system Booster that will outperform IV Intravenous injections.
The MMS/CD should be taken an hour after the Liposomal Vitamin C (Asorbic Acid or Sodium Asorbate can cancel out the benefits of the Chlorine Dioxide, hence why the 1 hour apart administration)
Hope this helps and Ty & Charlene are some of the most Noble, Genuine, Loving & Sincere folks you could ever know. They’ve touched so many lives that would have been lost..Humanity owes them a debt of gratitude that is immeasurable in my book.
Peace Brother
Richard, naturally developed things cannot be patented. However this virus is patent in the US which is the proof that this virus is an artificially, man-made virus created in BSL-4 lab.
Patent ID: US10130701B2
United States Patent ( having previously published pre-grant publication)
Inventor: Erica Bickerton, Sarah Keep, Paul Britton
Current Assignee: PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (sponsored and affiliated with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
Worldwide applications
015-07-23 Application filed by PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE
2017-08-24 Assigned to THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE
2018-11-20 Application granted
2020-02-10 Application status is Active
2035-07-23 Anticipated expiration
Hi Richard,
I hope everything is well with you and yours. I just was looking back at some of this and it’s ironic that this is now in the national news as a real possibility. Just confirms to me that Ty is on to the truth again.
There are very few coincidences in this world when it comes to mankind. In a world driven by power and corporate greed there is no limit to what the chosen few will do in order to impose their wishes on the rest of society, whether it is for the lust for power or monetary gain.
After all, how would these big companies maintain there profit margins in a healthy society?
I completely agree with you, Dan. The big pharma companies have huge profits only by keeping peoples unhealthy or even contributing to their misery. What really gets me is how many peoples believe that they need their products to be healthy!
Everyone should read the ‘UN Agenda 2030’. There in may lie the answer you all need to know. May be it is a testing ground for “when? who? where? what? why? how?” research! – just a thought!
Evil personified!
Where do we get that info?
Easiest way to eliminate citizens is to create a disease that will kill them off. We did that to the Native Americans by bringing them blankets with small pox on them. It spread quickly as they had no immunity to it.
Maybe that is what some other countries want to do to us?
Did you hear the video created by a Mr. Templeton who interviewed a Mr. Joe Tippens who in turn told his story of being chred of small cell, stage 4-5 lung cancer that had metastasized to other parts of his body?.Cured in 3 months. Using a veterinarian’s antiparasite medicine.
The corons virus? See the last 30 minutes of the movie, V for Vendetta. The government released the viruses onto the water supply in 3 different places. Now, with the corona virus we have “life imitating the movie.”
Bill Gates for years now has been talking and promoting global population reduction.
His prophesized Virus is his means to realize his and many of the elites goal for human kind.
Wow, I didn’t realize that … seems to lend credence to this theory that he could be behind all this. Giving 100 million is a drop in the bucket to the potential he could make from the vaccine.
If knowledge, facts or wisdom come to us courtesy of any government agency or crony corporate entity, especially those dealing with health I automatically assume it’s probably a deliberate subterfuge to conceal vital truth.
What we need to recognize is that many countries have biowarfare labs. Cuba has one that is reported to have been the source of the Swine flu. The US Biowarfare lab off New Jersey was reported to be the source of Lime disease. China was reported to be the source of the Bird flu virus. So what’s new? The chances that a more viral virus could be accidently released due to lack of following protocols is likely. It has happened and it is the Corona virus. Bill Gates was just looking at the odds and predicting a second Spanish flu pandemic is inevitable when man decides to play god. It is being done every day in DNA labs around the world. We are inventing chimeric molecules daily. We are speeding up natural selection and will some day create a molecule that will devastate the world. The Corona virus should be a wake up call for mankind.
What is not discussed is that those with a strong immune system beat the virus. Those who have a compromised immune system are at risk of dying. Rather than determine what life style
issues cause a weak immune system and reverse it, our approach is to stimulate the immune system which is risky when it is compromised! My thoughts for the day.
Thank you for sharing, Thomas!
Thank-you for this comment Thomas. I appreciate it alot today…
I understand that for over 40 years I have watched humanity choose to compromise with their long term health risk over a short term ‘fix-it’, in the name of ‘research’ essentially. How ironic when you see what is going on these days. Now the risk has come back full circle, because of research it seems. It is still hard for me to trust WHO (World Health Organization) when I read back then (over 40 years ago now) how WHO allowed our/N.American rejected drugs to be sold to third world countries in most cases. Many say greed or simply priorities are askew when it comes to human kind’s bad ‘habit’ to be influenced or ‘swayed’ so easily. I am not saying that there is no hope… humans I believe are becoming more empathic and in turn compassionate, aware. But I do question some of our ‘leader’s’ and their ability to make decisions wisely or to process clearly for higher choices when they themselves don’t seem to trust in humanities’ choices. (apparently the great majority of humanity do not choose vaccination) It is their own mistrust when they don’t seem to want to set the example for us all; too busy with their own fears about their lack of ability to understand – in the end, for us all to consciously evolve. How are we suppose to trust our leaders when they do not trust in humanity?
I believe the great majority of humanity trusts in that new horizon, barely now keeping hope alive – when one day we can finally keep our immunity strong by keeping faith or light, bright within our hearts – where we are all truly One. : )
Thank-you for this comment Thomas. I appreciate it alot today…
I understand that for over 40 years I have watched humanity choose to compromise with their long term health risk for a short term ‘fix-it’, in the name of ‘research’ essentially. How ironic when you see what is going on these days. Now the risk has come back full circle, because of research it seems. It is still hard for me to trust WHO (World Health Organization) when I learned then (over 40 years ago now) how WHO allowed our/N.American rejected drugs to be sold to third world countries in most cases. Many say greed or simply priorities are askew when it comes to human kind’s bad ‘habit’ to be influenced or ‘swayed’ so easily. I am not saying that there is no hope… humans I believe are becoming more empathic and in turn compassionate, aware. But I do question some of our ‘leaders’ and their ability to make decisions wisely or to process clearly for higher choices when they themselves don’t seem to trust in humanities’ choices. (the majority of humanity do not choose vaccination) It is their/leaders’ own mistrust when they don’t seem to want to set the example for us all; too busy with their own fears about their lack of ability to understand – in the end, for us all to consciously evolve. How are we suppose to trust our leaders when they do not trust in humanity?
I believe the great majority of humanity trusts in that new horizon, barely now keeping hope alive in their hearts – when one day we can finally keep our immunity strong against darkness or negative influence by keeping faith or light, bright within our hearts – where we are all truly One when we are there. : )
Do you think Bill was just looking at the odds? How accidentally they sponsored a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY just six weeks before the first report broke the news.
Event 201 ( )
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.
I am also rather certain that the virus was weaponized. However, there is another possibility to it being released, either accidentally or intentionally, by the Wuhan level 4 lab. The US and China have been in overt economic warfare for at least 3 years. Suppose the deep state wished to cripple China economically. Manufacturing this virus and releasing it in Wuhan would give them strong plausible deniability that they were responsible, even if it our masters allowed it to become public that the virus’ origin was weaponized. If this is the case, the top levels of the Chinese government probably know it already, however they would suppress that data as a trauma enraged public would then demand immediate “kinetic” war. I view this as a very serious possibility.
One objection to this speculation would be that of an inevitable spread of the pandemic to the USA. The satanic controllers of the US government would regard this as a plus as well. It would give cover to the banksters and central banksters for the coming disastrous collapse of the “everything bubble,” leading to enormous economic hardship to the 99% in the USA. It will also allow a martial law dictum for mandatory vaccinations, as the pro vaxxer establishment and Big Pharma are really starting to lose the information war.
brilliant arguments. Another consideration =some years ago China expelled US scientists who were collecting DNA from as many Chinese as possible. ….. what if this virus is specifically geared to affect Chinese? There is also the incidence of a Chinese scientist smuggling some sort of biological stuff out of USA…what if this was done to try and find an antidote?….
Please see this study preprint by Chinese scientists. They found that the nCov-2019 attaches to ACE2 virus receptors in the lungs. Asians have 5x more receptors than Caucasians and Africans, as I understand from the study.
Yes, you are absolutely right! This has the US’s fingerprints all over it to take down Chinese govt, just like they are fueling the HK protests! The Corona Virus has been genetically engineered to target Asian people, mostly Asian men! I am very dissapointed in TTAC for pushing this propoganda. There are several outpoints to what they say. If it is all China doing it, then why is Facebook banning info on it? Bill Gates is a Eugenicist, so was his father! If Bill Gates is warning you of a pandemic coming, then why are you pointing the finger at China???
Excellent analysis in my view.
Those who own our govt have been trying to develop a pandemic (real or otherwise) for almost a century; in ernest, since they created the WHO. Swine, was their fav and most deadly (Spain/WW1). They intentionally combined it with one which spreads faster, the avian (N1H1). They announced this and bragged that it had been accomplished years ahead of schedule. Within months the WHO was formed and we (our govt) signed on to a “pandemic agreement” which WILL relinquish our sovereignty to UN contrtol; in the even of such.. This is why they encourage the “declaration” of a pandemic. This is what we would call “Game over, Man”. At least for those of us with damaged tissue. We have known for over a century that only damage tissue can host a virus. Think air pollution and lung and coincidentally Wuhan. Be healthy, stay safe and trust your brothers.
Alan, what is the agreement that contains a “pandemic agreement” that relinquishes USA sovereignty to UN control upon ‘declaration’ of such
What is the source of your information regarding the virus susceptibility of ‘damaged’ tissue?
Wow. Some of these posts sound like a sci-fi novel, not to say that things like this cannot happen. Many sci-fi scenarios have become truth. I think we approach this with caution keeping the possibility within arms reach. Thank you for your article, now I must weigh it in my own heart and mind, and continue to research what is out there …with diligence.
Damaged tissue? Wuhan has just installed 5G. Could that have also helped compromise their immunity?
The CBC reported back in July that 9 researchers including the head researcher of biomedicine who discovered the vaccine for Ebola virus at the lab 4 at the University of Manitoba were escorted off the premises and deported back to Wuhan, China by the RCMP and Canadian Government. The Ebola virus vaccine can also be used to prevent this virus. The head researcher still had ties to the Wuhan University and was also a Lieutenant in the Chinese military. However, in 2018, she won the Governor General’s award in Canada. So, something happened between 2018 and July 2019.
I don’t know whose side she’s on, if any, but if you draw from what happened in WWII she’s probably just a victim like everyone else. Either she was sent back because she found a cure and they wanted to get rid of her, or she was sent back to spread the disease, or she went back to help with the vaccine. We don’t know.
In addition, Dr Plumber who initially started on the Ebola vaccine years ago at the exact same lab 4 of the University of Manitoba, died suddenly and under mysterious circumstances a few days ago at
a conference in Africa.
The people who will profit are the pharmaceutical corporations who hold patents to these vaccines.
I cannot tell what is going on, but we mustn’t rush to judgement before we can put together all the facts.
I have no doubt that these types of “epidemics” could very well be planned and intentional. What I don’t understand, though, is how the ones who are planning and releasing viruses or doing other harmful things, can think that they and all the people they care about – family, friends, etc. – will be immune and will not be harmed or lose their lives. Once you release something like this, you lose control of it. What makes Bill Gates (or anyone else involved) think he can stay clear of it? No one can control where it spreads, how fatal it is… These people are very presumptuous to take on such an experiment.
Thank you. Population control…not many mention this one. …
Here is Dr. David Brownstein’s take on the subject. He was in TTAC’s first docuseries, The Quest for the Cures.
Imagine this!
What if the Coronavirus was designed in another country as a weapon and brought to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China?
How convenient to have the Wuhan Seafood and Animal Market Placed 21km from a Level-4 Biohazard Lab.
How would this affect the Chinese economy?
Which country would be guaranteed to remain number one in the world?
What effect would the virus have on the World Population?
Could this be the work of the Financial Terrorists?
Imagine this!
What if the Coronavirus was designed in another country as a weapon and brought to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China?
How convenient to have the Wuhan Seafood and Animal Market Placed 21km from a Level-4 Biohazard Lab.
How would this affect the Chinese economy?
Which country would be guaranteed to remain number one in the world?
What effect would the virus have on the World Population?
Could this be the work of the Financial Terrorists?
If You Want To find The Truth, Then Follow The Money!!
(Advice to all researchers)
There are some very sensible and thought provoking comments made by your contributors, especially by Thomas Braun. We know that a weakened immune system can render people more susceptible to a corona type virus, which is why the majority of deaths so far, are in the over 50 age group. Why are authorities not encouraging the population to enhance their immune systems cheaply and effectively, rather than promising to prosecute any foreigners in their country not wearing face masks, as is happening in Thailand right now? It might be cheaper in the long run, to offer immune enhancing supplements free of charge at this stage, before the world suffers a dire economic downturn, due to this virus, whatever and wherever its true origin turns out to be!
This has the US’s fingerprints all over it to take down Chinese govt, just like they are fueling the HK protests! The Corona Virus has been genetically engineered to target Asian people, mostly Asian men! I am very disappointing in TTAC for pushing this propaganda. There are several outpoints to what they say. If it is all China’s doing it, then why is Facebook banning info on it? Bill Gates is a Eugenicist, so was his father! If Bill Gates is co-incidentally warning you of a pandemic coming, then why are you pointing the finger at China???
I am not one for “conspiracy theories”, however, I agree with you on this one (I cannot believe I am saying this too).
The damning confirmation to me on the above was the new international patent agreement that was recently included in the US negotiations wih China.
I just read something in a reputable source (the national law review) that a patent application was filed on February 4th in China for a drug to combat this novel coronavirus. The entity filing the patent? (Wuhan Institute of Virology) and the drug manufacturer? (Right here in the good old USA, “Remdesivir” made by Gilead located in Foster City, California.
Check it out (
The final question and this is for the Trump administration-
We here in the US apparently, towards the end of 2018, dismantled and shut down the US National Security Council’s unit for coordinating responses to pandemics and defunded the arm of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that monitors and prepares for epidemics. They were part of Obama’s response to the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and looking forward towards others. Why did that have to be dismantled?
Thank you for this intelligent and thorough review of novel Corona virus.
I can’t tell you how much it means to have a reliable source of well vetted medical information available in this time of crisis and panic. It is apparent to me that you provide this service at some risk to yourself, perhaps not as much risk as the various Chinese doctors have been subjected but nonetheless significant risk of censure and defamation. The times we live in are somewhat less than a stellar example of enlightenment.
Please keep up your good work of providing a reliable forum for vital medical information to be disseminated to the public.
What if this virus is connected to Chinese use of Glyphosate?
Syngenta, a Chinese company bought the Farm Chemicals part of Monsanto back around 2014-5
when Monsanto was first divided and sold.
Could we be seeing the consequences of modern chemical farming in China?
SO WHAT are the herbs and natural meds to prevent or cure it????
God bless you for being a beacon for truth!
I was banned from FB because I commented that scientist are not sure how the virus replicates and warned people not to make judgments based on what they heard
Honestly i don’t know who to trust anymore. I see the way the Chinese treat animals and i don’t understand how such violent torture and evil is done to animals. It is done in the streets and it’s filth. Common sense tells me this virus could be from this. Will we ever know the truth ?? In any case China is a disgrace to humanity and needs to evolve. !
Mr. Ty Bollinger,
you are one example of God sent .. Don’t know if it is coincidence that you are the chosen one or you really are the right for job.. telling all the truth to people saves lives .. I’m so thankful.. I don’t know either if its coincidence or a sign from above because of my deep prayers to find and help me to be heathy again without damaging my immune system with all those prescribe meds and procedure .. Just by reading some of your articles I’m now in my journey to healthy me ..
My sincerest thank you from the very bottom of my heart.. May God continue to give you courage and HEALTH for more TRUTH be EXPOSE..
More power socorro
We love when God brings us together at the right time, in the right circumstances. God bless.