Video Transcript: How the Medical Industry Profits from Fear
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: The only way that you can ever awaken yourself is if you don’t watch TV, you don’t read the newspaper, and you don’t listen to the radio. Because whatever you hear and you focus on most of the time becomes what you are.
Now you can tell me that you’re not going to buy into drugs. You can tell me you’re not going to buy into the fear of cancer, but I’m going to tell you that you are going to because whether we like it or not we are robotic and we are programmed by what we focus on and what we hear the most.
So if you do not want to live in fear then you’ve got to shut that TV off. You’ve got to stop reading that newspaper. And you’ve got to turn that radio off and you cannot listen to general information because I’ll tell you, the medical system, the pharmaceutical system, they own the air waves. And they want to own you.
And you know, whether you want to believe this or not… everybody’s fighting for a piece of you. Human beings are the greatest commodity on this planet and I’m going to tell you something, I’m very passionate about what I do. And when it comes to life and I see people suffering in pain continually; this planet has a foundation of pain.
Unless you are in pain and suffering you don’t even know that you’re alive. Every day we feel pain and we take that as a normal thing. It may be normal, but it’s not natural Ty. It’s not natural. And they make us believe that pain is a natural thing. And then they try to give us their drugs to suppress the pain.
Okay Ty, you’re married. Your wife has a problem with you, but you ignore her, continue ignoring her, or try to suppress her, try to muffle her up, and I guarantee you will be in divorce. You try to suppress that pain and that inflammation and I guarantee you’ll have a disease.
Now that pain and inflammation is just a symptom. That disease is just another symptom. So you want to treat it like a cause. That’s called “derailing thought.” And derailing thought is called profit margin… bottom line.
Ty: Dr. Wolfe, you’re very passionate. I appreciate that. I’m getting that through this interview. So talk about your passions.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: Well, I have a really deep passion. I’ve been working with a group of people that they are on a mission. That mission is to bridge patient and therapist together, and therapist to patient, and to bridge patient to hard to find information.
You can go on the web and you can search and you’re going to get maybe 50 searches, right? And you can get lost in it all. And the reason why I got together with this group is what we found was, 99.9 percent of the population know nothing about health.
They got it off a commercial, or they got it off of somebody that was providing them information through the media. And when anybody provides information through the media it’s only a half truth.
So when a person finds somebody in their family that’s sick, what do they do first thing? Fear − because when you didn’t prepare, when you went and you got into that plane and it’s ready to crash and you’ve got no parachute you will sell your soul to the devil.
You are so right! CVS helped to destroy the life I knew. Every time I see their commercial (“the pharmacy you trust”) I want to throw something at the TV!!!
ugh…Eugene, I couldn’t even read all of it. You are so right. This guy is old-old -old school medicine. Either he is a shill or is so brainwashed from decades of big pharma propaganda and training.
I am definitely terrified of getting cancer, because I know that it spreads to other parts of the body and you die. I know that everybody has to do conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy where one loses his or her hair, feels nauseous, vomits, develops cold sores in the mouth, and feels numbness in the feet. I would be less afraid of cancer, if I was told to do alternative therapies which are milder and treat one’s cancer properly. Does anyone agree with me?
Having been poisoned by pharmaceuticals, and had my life forever altered, I would NEVER take chemo or radiation if I got cancer. Even 80-some percent of oncologists said THEY would not take chemo. This stuff is SOOOO toxic. I would take my chances with natural treatments, and there are success stories out there.
Thank you for your passion and your direction. Way to break through ignorance and denial. Preach on brother! 2 months ago I did cancel my cable tv subscription. When canceled my cable I handed my, cable box, DVR and all the cords over to the lady in the Suddenlink office it was very cathartic. I highly recommend it.
Your fearful of cancer because of things you’ve heard and read about. I know because I read and researched and cancer is only a virus like the flu. Your body has it’s own pharmacy and in that pharmacy there’s any drug your body needs to both cure and alleviate the symptoms of any disease. Big Pharma thrives (profits) on fear so they emphasize how terrible an illness is to get a person to buy their scam which in turn buys the drugs and surgery. What I do is stay calm…get their diagnosis and then research about natural ways for a cure…God put herbs on the earth so as to cure any and all I’ll Ness or disease!!