Video Transcript
Ty Bollinger: So you have this BT toxin, Roundup, these potentially dangerous substance being sprayed on food. They’ve not been proven to be safe. We think that they may be potentially extremely harmful. How is it that the companies are allowed to make these and spray them on our food and we’re ingesting them without being warned about the potential dangers?
Jeffrey Smith: The companies are in charge of determining if their genetically modified foods are safe. There’s no required safety studies for most of the GMOs. The FDA does not require a single safety study on GMOs. Now this was determined in a policy in 1992 that was overseen by Michael Taylor. Michael Taylor is the former attorney to Monsanto.
And he was given a position that was designed for him by the FDA when the agency was told by the White House to promote GMOs. And Taylor’s policy falsely claimed that the agency wasn’t aware of information showing that GMOs were significantly different, therefore, no testing or labeling was necessary.
Companies like Monsanto could determine on their own if their GMOs are safe. And Monsanto told us that agent orange and PCBs and DDT were safe and got that wrong, maybe they’ll get it right with GMOs is the thinking by the FDA. Taylor then became Monsanto’s vice president and chief lobbyist, now he’s back at the FDA as the “U.S. food safety czar.”
Ty Bollinger: It’s almost like you have the fox guarding the hen house.
Jeffrey Smith: It’s more than almost. We have a situation where the claims in the policy, they weren’t aware of information showing that GMOs were different, was a complete lie. It was a total fabrication.
The lawsuit forced 44,000 secret FDA memos into the public domain and it showed that the overwhelming consensus among the scientists working at the FDA was exactly the opposite. They said GMOs might create allergens, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems, urged their superiors to require testing, complained about the draft of the policy and their concerns were ignored and even denied.
Ty Bollinger: Now when you say that they are not significant, or at least Monsanto said they are not significantly different than what
Jeffrey Smith: Think the normal foods.
Ty Bollinger: The normal foods…
Jeffrey Smith: Right.
Ty Bollinger: Oh, so since they’re not significantly different than normal food it doesn’t—they don’t need to tell us that they’re doing this to us.
Jeffrey Smith: They don’t need to tell us, they don’t need to test it. They can just put it on the market and assume that it’s safe. And if they want to do tests they can do tests. And if they don’t want to—and the tests that they do, tobacco science, completely rigged to avoid finding problems. We catch them red-handed.
Makes me cry when I see over and over again about the corruption in America! This is just one of those areas. But it makes me so upset that people aren’t knowledgeable about what’s making them sick and diseased! Read Kathy Bates book, “Mission to the Modern Church” or “Getting Well God’s Way”.. This is more evidence on the same subject!!! These people ought to be hung up by their toe nails and whipped!!! God help them to get saved by Jesus!!!
Get help from the Bemer! I’ll be glad to talk with you!
As always, great article! I’m a stage 4 cancer patient and lived on a golf course for over 10 years. When diagnosed testing done with a naturopath showed very high levels of Round up in my system! I’m thrilled this is finally being exposed!!
Thank you!
Hello, Janet!
And thank YOU for empowering yourself with this life-saving information.
Sending you thoughts and prayers for your healing journey.
Have a blessed day.
It’s not just in America look at Anywhere in the world they are all doing the same thing with GMO’s even here in Australia
The GMO industry increase profits for the cancer industry. And the FDA knows this
I only do Instagram. It would be wonderful if this film could be cut into 3 or 4 parts. Instagram only allows 60 seconds. However we can post 10 on 1 post. Meaning 10 pictures or 10 second clips. I am not quite sure how to break this video down and to post. However, I screen shot the quote and the picture of Jeffery M. Smith. I also believe you should mention autoimmune diseases .
Thanks for the suggestion Cory! I will recommend this to our team.
What else is the FDA hiding from us? A Rhetorical question, of course. EVERYTHING!!!
So what can be done against Monsanto/Bayer.Can we all sue them? Because if we can I want to be included! They are lieing evil monsters who only care about huge profits, and the public pays the huge price for their greed!!
Jane Dalton
Thank you for the support in reaching more people with the TRUTH, Jane!
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Tragic. What’s even more tragic, is they’ve been getting away with this corruption for far too long and in the process people are dying because of greed!
Hello, Nandi!
Thank you for your thoughts on this matter.
We do have another article that you will find interesting. Just click on the link below:
While I do believe that the FDA is as corrupt an institution there is in our government and I think Monsanto is about profits I also know that while “Roundup” though not proven to be safe has also not been proven by any science to be harmful. This reminds me very much of the “DDT” problem back in the “60’s” when a woman in the government declared it to be outlawed as “it may cause” cancer. Again, no science to back this up. Wonder how the 100 million people dead today from mosquito born malaria feel about that???
It was proved that DDT was affecting wildlife, especially fowl, birds, eagles. Their eggshells became too weak and would break before maturity. It was bad. People may die from malaria but they don’t pay the misquito, Monsanto wants us to pay them to kill us, IMO.
Perhaps you need to circulate a petition to submit for mandatory testing on all chemicals being sprayed on foods we eat and the food the animals humans eat as well. If enough noise is made and pressure put on our government do you think we could get this changed? I know “the lobby machine” for the makers of these poisons will fight but if the people rise up and make enough noise something has to happen.
It seems our country is much sicker with many more autoimmune diseases and cancers etc. that my grandparents dealt with. I believe it is because we have eaten this dangerous food for longer that they did.
In the past year : Monsanto merged? With Bayer.. name change…check it out to verify
Hello, Kim!
Thank you for watching the video and for your feedback.
You might find the article below interesting to read too!
Have a blessed day.
The last time I looked, the FDA had sanctioned more than 76,000 additives to food, many of which are known to be carcinogenic. I joke in my talks that aside from a little salt & pepper, I don’t really know what else food needs to make it taste good. But 76,000 permitted additives to food? The food industry at large has become criminal in it’s approach to feeding & nourishing the people of earth. It only has profit in it’s sights now & along with Big Pharma, who are busy developing medications to ‘cure’ the ills that are brought on by bad diets & poor nutrition, the whole scene is like a horror movie; the kind of movie you’d see & then say “huh, thank god that could never happen here!”.
All these industrial complexes are all in cahoots with each other so they all rake in huge profits at the sake of our health.
The propaganda that is being put forward by the likes of Monsanto (Bayer), the media, and even governments, to the public is that GMOs are both safe and necessary to feed the world. They hint that scientific documentation exists to back themselves up, but no such actual conclusive testing has been released to prove safety, but the general public is lead to believe scientific safety studies have been done.
If GMOs are equivalent to non GMO foods, then the question must be asked why GMOs are even necessary if the non GMOs are already providing the nutrient values necessary for human life and health. The comeback to that argument is that GMOs provide for larger crop yields so it becomes possible to feed more people, which also has not been proven.
Nutritionally, if in a lab GMOs are equivalent (and it doubtful such lab comparisons have been conclusive) the other problem exists that the human and even animal digestive systems and cellular metabolic processes appear to be unable to digest and process the altered, and therefore foreign molecular structures, so the body is unable to properly extract and utilize the nutrients, even if present. So, what constitutes nutritional values — lab tests on the crops, or the amount of nutrients the body is able to utilize from those crops? The presence of nutrient content does not necessarily mean availability without appropriate matching metabolic keys to unlock the altered genetic codes.
Therefore, it is possible a person can actually be eating and yet starving! It is not enough to be able to feed everyone in the world (which also is not proven for GMOs), but the food must be nutritionally viable to satisfy hunger and provide the necessary building blocks for health. Even the Bible indicates it will be possible to be constantly eating yet never satisfied. Could we be witnessing a fulfillment of this prophecy unfolding in our time? Makes one stop and wonder!!
It is very disturbing what is happening under our government supposedly “watch dog” eye. I have switched to organic foods and meats and I am still concerned about how strict the organic industry is on not using pesticides. I also switched a long time ago to vinegar instead of chemicals to get rid of the weeds through the paving stones and crumbled egg shells to deter snails in my small veggie garden. I really like Al’s comments. I agree that unaware people are eating a lot but not getting the nutrition their body needs to stay healthy. Quantity does not necessarily mean quality and a lot of food does not mean you get the adequate nutrition. We are in a disturbing era of changes that are going too fast and not necessarily for the better of mankind. Big pharma is not looking out for us but looking out to fill in their profit bank accounts.
I have a horrible disease called Morgellons. It is virtually unliveable. The govt labeled this as a delusional illness after a bogus study. We cannot get help now from the medical community. The suffering is beyond words and we are treated terribly when we go to doctors. I am so angry and cannot believe any human being could be treated so poorly and allowed to suffer like this. The CDC; the govt knows the truth. And I believe GMO’s are a causative factor. Along with other factors about which we are lied to, eg., chemtrails. Greed prevails and seems to win. I was an ICU nurse for 30 years and took exvellent care of my patients.. I didn’t suddenly become delusional. The diseases resulting from Monsanto getting away with doing this tonour foiod are already here.. Autoimmune diseases seem to be more prevalent. I cannot believe we have to sit and do nothing and let all this happen. But this has been our experience with Morgelons. It is a closed subject. Nothing will he done. I have lost all faith in humanity and God for allowing it.
I am sorry for your suffering, but this is not God’s fault. He gives everyone a free will and only promises righteous judgment after death.
We all need to fight against corruption in our government.
I pray you will find an answer to your pain and suffering. Pray to God, He can heal your body on earth and your relationship with Him for eternity.
It’s fairly simple, send a message with your wallet. Be an informed consumer. Refuse to eat anything that cannot be verified organic and/or non-GMO ….buy local, use your voice through your purchases to send a message. It’s your life that is at stake here. We now know more, use that wisdom to make the changes for you and your family. God speed……
The person who is in charge of Monsato and of WHO are tge same person. Of course FDA won’t care
The FDA is a joke. I watched a movie on Netflix downstream titled “THE BLEEDING EDGE” a real eye-opener on the FDA. The truth will set you free as the saying goes. Ty, you are our TRUTH.
Thank you and many blessings to continue your excellent work.
Healthcare is what is financially running our country, more or less. What can we do for ourselves?
Organic gardening in our backyards or on your apartment balcony. Vinegar makes a great way to keep the bugs off too. What you overproduce, share or sell to others. How can we fight the FDA, otherwise? Lots of ordinary people doing what we can to keep ourselves healthy by making the right choices. The Food Revolution is one of those right choices as well as our support to the truth about cancer. com whose efforts to inform the world are an ongoing duty to all of us believers in spreading this website’s truth.