After years of being ignored, gut health is finally getting some well-needed attention. Many health-conscious people now understand the difference between “good” and “bad” gut bacteria, and how critical it is to keep to keep their digestive system in tip-top shape. After all, a healthy digestive system is essential for building immunity, regulating appetite, managing stress, and much more.
One tool that you may not have heard of in relation to achieving (and maintaining) a healthy gut is fulvic acid.
Fulvic acid is typically extracted from humic deposits, which are very rare and are believed to have been created from ancient lush vegetation by microbial activity near the surface of the Earth.
In its natural state, fulvic acid enables plants to absorb and use minerals and other nutrients very efficiently. In fact, it is absolutely essential for plant health.
Fulvic acid contains a vast number of naturally occurring bioactive substances. These include supercharged antioxidants, free-radical scavengers, powerful detoxifying enzymes known as superoxide dismutases (SOD), nutrients, hormones, amino acids, natural antibiotics, natural antivirals, and natural fungicides.
How Fulvic Acid Promotes Gut Health
Ongoing research over the past several years shows that fulvic acid acts to improve gut health. This is likely because it contains nutrients that support the ability of beneficial (good) gut bacteria to form a healthy “microbiome” in our bodies. (A microbiome is the collective name for the bacteria “ecosystem” that resides in your digestive system.)
Abnormal gut permeability – a condition in which food and other particles are able to penetrate the gut lining and enter the bloodstream where they shouldn’t normally be – is known to lead to inflammation and cause multiple health problems.
Consumption of fulvic acid has been shown to reduce the incidence of digestive disorders such as SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and inflammatory bowel disorders. It also helps with reducing constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and food sensitivities.
An Ancient Remedy for Poor Digestion
There’s an ancient natural remedy found mainly in the Himalayas known as “Shilajit.” It has been used for hundreds of years in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine to treat health problems that likely have poor digestive and immune health as underlying causes.
Just like humic deposits where fulvic acid comes from, Shilajit is also believed to be formed over centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by microorganisms.
Shilajit contains 60-80% of fulvic and humic acids. Its biological effects are to a large extent attributable to these acids acting as carriers for bioactive molecules by forming complexes with them.
Can Fulvic Acid Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?
According to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, a combination of its antioxidant and nutraceutical properties may potentially enable fulvic acid to protect us against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
A well-known contributing factor to the development of such so-called “cognitive” disorders is free radical damage in brain cells. Fulvic acid is a proven powerful antioxidant that is known to protect cells and their internal structures from harmful oxidation and breakdown by free radicals.
Specifically for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, the abnormal processing of a brain cell protein called tau into insoluble filaments is believed to be a critical step in their development.
This study showed that, in a laboratory setting, fulvic acid counteracts specific aspects of abnormal tau processing by reducing the length of insoluble tau filaments and even disassembling them after they have been formed.
These encouraging results led the researchers to conclude that fulvic acid is likely to provide new insights into the development of potential natural treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and possibly other dementias as well.
Fulvic Acid Repairs and Protects the Skin
According to a different 2011 study, fulvic acid supplementation significantly improved the symptoms associated with eczema, even when compared to other eczema treatments.
In fact, fulvic and humic acid protect the skin on topical application and appear to help in treating wounds, scratches, and rashes. Fulvic acid has also traditionally been used as a remedy for poison ivy, poison oak, and athlete’s foot.
Should You Take Fulvic Acid Supplements?
Our health is constantly being attacked by thousands of chemical pollutants – be it antibiotics, allopathic drugs, hand sanitizers and detergents, even household cleaning agents and deodorants.
Thanks to modern farming practices, our soils have been contaminated by industrial pollution, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers. These not only endanger our health, but also contribute to soil erosion and nutrient depletion.
As a result, we have fewer nutrients in our food. And the nutrients we still have are in lesser quantities than they were years ago. This, along with a reduced ability to properly use even what is available, is weakening our immune systems and making us more vulnerable to infections and diseases.
For all these reasons, fulvic acid supplements are highly recommended as a regular nutritional aid for multiple reasons.
As we have already seen, fulvic acid improves gut health, boosting the immune system and lowering the risk of many digestive disorders. Additionally, fulvic acid is now actively being considered as a potential future treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
Other Health Benefits of Fulvic Acid Supplementation
There are also many other benefits of taking fulvic acid supplements. For example, fulvic acid is an excellent natural chelator. This means it binds easily to nutrients, minerals, and metals to form stable, water-soluble complexes. This in turn enables our bodies to absorb the nutrients, instead of having them pass through us.
Another benefit of taking fulvic acids is that they help to restore the body’s optimal pH level. They do this by alkalizing the body and preventing the formation of an overly acidic environment. In doing so fulvic acids help to prevent long-term illnesses and improve our body’s defenses against harmful bacteria, fungi, yeast, and other infectious organisms.
People taking fulvic acid have also reported a noticeable improvement in their energy levels, which is likely due to better detoxification as well as reduced inflammation and free radical damage.
Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring organic product and completely non-toxic. However, you should always consult a qualified health professional before taking any supplements to ensure that they don’t interfere with any other ongoing treatments or medications.
I tried to eat my vitamins in just healthy food and it does not work. For me anyway, I have to supplement.
Can you speak to the reason why a folic acid is used instead of folate? I love everything about these vitamins, but I have been told that most Anglo Saxon descendants have a genetic pre-disposition that prevents them from having the ability to absorb folic acid, whereas folate can be absorbed by most of the population. I was just hoping with your cutting edge research, folate would have been included. Would love to hear more or have response from Doctor on this issue. Thanks so much for all that you do! Love it!
I agree Jennifer. Particularly if you have the MTHFR genetic mutation ( Methylene tetrahydrofolatereductase) where folate levels are low. It’s the folate you need. Those that have this mutation must avoid folic acid which is synthetic at all costs.
Hi Jennifer,
Fulvimax contains a special fermented form of folic acid. It is important to note that fermented folic acid is no longer synthetic, as the folic acid has been bound to the nutrients within the fermenting organism. That is, the mushrooms metabolize the nutrients, and they become an organic component of the mushroom itself. This means it’s highly bioactive and bioavailable to you.
Thank you so much for all the information you give Ty, I think you are fab! Please can you give more info on how to select safe supplements? Especially if some are being marketed as ‘organic’ when they are really not!! We would never take cheap vitamins, but we need to be able to balance knowledge with affordability. Unfortunately we are unable to afford the fermented vitamins being promoted here. Thank you 🙂
Watch for synthetic fillers like Magnesium sterate. And harmful fillers like maltodextrin(from corn 99% of the time) and cellulose. If it just says cellulose it is most likely made from wood fiber. Vegetable cellulose is OK. Also be aware of what the capsule is made of and what dye is used for its markings. Most times gelatin caps are made from ground PIG hooves! That is why I choose Optimals.
Yes, I’m horrified by the ingredients I just found in my digestive enzymes. They really seem to work for me, but I’m going to look for a food based product that isn’t full of e-numbers under the guise of a different name. I wouldn’t touch e-numbers with a barge pole, so this was a shock, plus all the cellulose fillers our bodies can accumulate with some toxic results. Wow!
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will see the American Anti-Cancer Institute. Email the Executive Director – Bob Wright for his recommendation onnutritional supplements. He can be reached at:
Do you have any suggestions on multivitamins for children? They are too young to swallow pills. Thanks.
Shaklee Corporation’s multiple vitamin for adults and children are food based and address all of the issues mentioned. THE BEST!
Rebecca, I echo your comment and would emphasize that Shaklee is the #1 All Natural Nutrition company in the United States. There is nothing like it available on the market with a history of 100 years of innovation. Dr. Shaklee produced the 1st all natural multi-vitamin, multi-mineral in 1915. The company was founded in 1956 when he was going to retire. No other companies have the number of scientific clinical studies and professional presentations (over 120–that’s more than the next 3 companies put together!). The new Life Plan has over 35 patents (14 patents and 21 patents pending) and the Landmark Study done 10 years ago comparing people who had used Shaklee supplements for over 20 years with people who used a single multi-vitamin, and others who used no supplements. The results were convincing. I ‘m excited that the Shaklee Pure Performance team has 37 athletes presently in Rio for the Olympics including 8 members of the women’s oars 8, defending Gold medal Champions. In all, Shaklee athletes have won over 120 Olympic medals, 50 of them gold in the history of the games. Check Shaklee out. It is head and shoulders above anything else on the market and in available in a number of international markets (Mexico, Canada, Japan, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Maylasia and soon to be in others). I have been a life-long tournament tennis player and began using Shaklee in 1974 when I almost died in a tennis tournament in June in Austin, Texas. I entered 3 events (singles, doubles, and mixed-doubles). We played the semi’s and finals on the same day and 4 of the 6 matches split sets (three sets instead of 2). I was on the court for 9 1/2 hours! I did win the singles championship. Then next day my temperature rose to 106 degrees, and I spent the next 11 days on IV in the hospital with what the doctor said was the worst case of viral pneumonia that he had ever seen of anyone who lived. The good news is that after I started using Shaklee I won a major tennis doubles tournament in August that same year. Then in 2009 I had both hips replaced at the same time. I was back on the tennis courts in 2 months and won my first competitive match in 3 1/2 years. Then at 5 months I rode in my first charity bike ride, the Hill Country Ride for AIDS. The first year I only did the 10 miles sinces is was my first. I have since done 53, 70, 70 ,70, 70, and this year 75. My goal for 2017 is 100 miles in my 81st year of my life. All my athletic activities are fueled by Shaklee Sports nutrition. One final note, at age 80, unlike the average of people my age, I am on ZERO prescription drugs. The average is over 20 per year. And I am not alone. Point 6 (.6) was the average prescriptions in the Landmark study for people on Shaklee for over 20 years.
Shaklee used to be the best but no longer. I was checking several of their vitamins (gummy chewables) and they contain Titanium Dioxide…not healthy at all!
See Amazon for children’s chewables. Nature’s plus or Dr. Mercola multiple vitamin for kids is good.
I am am 71. I have had an interest in health for quite long time and a real advocate for integrative medicine. There are many good and reasonably priced Companies that sell supplements. I have done a lot of research on Companies and try not to support Companies that are totally profit based. This is why I purchased quality vitamins and all my supplements from Life Extension Foundation who spends a lot of monies on research to help people. They also give detailed info for every product and there are health advisory on call to help you. The Companies that Ty has been consistently promoting which are totally profit based should donate 50% of their profits to those in the USA who are struggling with illnesses like Cancer and other diseases and in financial need. We are all here for a short time in this world. No one will take anything when leaving but their good karma. No monies is leaving with them. So why the ego of marketing only 2 high priced companies everyday to the email list ? There are so many others in need and so ill who cannot afford to purchase at these exorbitant prices. But I would like these companies to care for others. They need to do more research before manufacturing these products. This is shameful and embarrassing.Ty started out with all good intentions. Ty, Do not let a few Companies get you off the highway and put you on the shoulder of the road. There is greed and lack of research written all over. Ty, get back on the highway and follow the ethics of Dr Andrew Saul. No one can buy him over. He kept neutral and is respected all over the world.
I take Life Extension supplements also. I trust them. They are not that cheap, but I really think they are good supplements.
For you who are taking Life Extension, or other fairly expensive but good supplement products….have you ever heard of Swanson Health Products? They carry their own brand plus over 300 other brands…and the prices are fantastic…sometimes half of the regular price! I checked and they do have Life Extension at very reasonable prices. I don’t know how they do it, but I would never pay regular price for any supplement without checking Swanson first. Besides their good prices, they are very easy to work with, and their customer service is the best! And they have a mailable catalog that covers mostly their own brand, but do list some others, too. Often they’ll have specials like free shipping or buy-one-get-one-free for their own products. Visit to check out their website. I know you’ll be pleased!
Fish oil/probiotic may also help kids be very healthy. Best wishes.
Phyto Bears by Mannatech is an awesome phytonutrient for kids = they also have many excellent phytonutrients
First let me thank you for all the work you have done on educating the public on The Truth About Cancer.
I subscribed to your newsletter to continue to glean powerful information to share with my patients.
For the past couple months however, I have struggled with your newsletters as they are becoming for a way of marketing as opposed to sharing.
You end most with “This is what Charlene and I take”…… Although this is wonderful that you and Charlene are able to afford these expensive products, and if you take each one you mention, boy that is quite a bill at the end of the month.
I am confident that many people today do not share the means to afford these products as you do.
After reading your article on multi-vitamins today, I felt drawn to share my thoughts as up to now I kept them to myself.
I realize that you will go on with marketing these products, and I am confident some are very good products, but I ask you to consider the people reading these newsletters and how many of them have already spent much money chasing their tails just in hopes of feeling a bit better.
Have you viewed the vitamin movie?? Have you read any work of Abraham Hoffer, LInus Pauling or Andrew Saul?
Thank you
I have not looked at the price of the supplement yet, what I suggest to people that are on a budget is your better off purchasing a good well absorbed VIT and to take it every other day rather than taking one that cost 1/2 the price and flushes right through us.. I certainly see where your coming from with cost.. We all have a limit to some degree.. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ????
Expensive – Yes – especially when you are paying high insurance costs, Dr bills, and trying to save ourselves from the toxic meds the Drs push down our throats to keep from secondary ‘bad illness’. It is VERY expensive to buy these supplements when you are on a strict budget, on disability, etc.. I spend what I can to ensure I am putting good foods in (eating the rainbow), and have chosen the best supplements I feel I can’t go without – I wish I could afford more of them.but they are too expensive – for MANY of us. Blessings to all fighting the good fight to beat the ‘beast’ within. May your steps be forward, and the good Lord take care of you. Faith is a powerful tool – and keep your spirits up. Thank you for sharing your powerful information – it helps a lot of us to get on the right path – – research is so important when fighting these menacing illnesses.
I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that anything is going to be absorbed 100%. More hype, if you ask me.
I agree with Louise! I felt like signing up for the newsletter, I was lead to believe that it would be just information to make me more aware of healthy vs. unhealthy (and all that it entails), but the amount of marketing products and services is just unbelievable. I understand there has to be some advertisement for free information, but I feel like most articles either promote a really expensive product or tell me what I shouldn’t consume instead of telling me what I should consume. I already know what I shouldn’t consume, tell me what I should doing. I shouldn’t take store bought vitamins, then what should I do? Food today doesn’t have enough nutrients, even organic farm grown produce, so how do we ensure that we have enough?
*i know you recommend Epigenetics, but you are recommending one single product. How about a list of products that I can buy at my local Whole Foods or a natural health store.
I have signed up for the newsletters. While theybhave great articles, I know we don’t need to take every little thing mentioned on all those articles. I have purchased the 7M pkg from Epigenetics andwas disappointed because nobody answers calls. I know Dr. Nuzum and called his main office myself and spoke with someone there and told her about it. She even said a lot of people are calling and complaining about the same thing. I love Ty and everyone who put in their work to help others but of late, there has just been so much marketing involved in their new products. Again, I have been using the 7M and am finishing up. I doubt i will be ordering any more of it. Dr. Nuzum seems to have his products down but I dont know how much of each one is actually in it…shows total mg but there are many blends. I have finally learned to figure things out and am sticking with the right foods and aupplements the body needs. I have cut 80% of my supplememts already and have found the best to go with and I am thankful I feel even better today. I think it is great Epigenetixs have their products. Get the supplements that work for you best and stick with them. Do not overload as your liver, too, can get hurt. I wouldnt waste so much money on many supplements no matter how good they sound. There are definitely many others that are better products and clinically studied on humans. Eat wholefoods on top of that. I am all.for great supplements but they can be very expensive and too much can also be tozic to your liver.
Excuse the typos ????
I recommend Nutrifii supplements. They are the most pure supplements I have found. They are potent and they work! They are safe for children.
wow, I completely agree, thank you for saying/writing what I have been thinking..
Dear Louise, you typed the words that were in my mind!
After Having watched Andrew Saul in That Vitamin Movie and his Vit C consumption plus the many other vitamins he takes and remarks “you can use an inexpensive one” I have wondered though, how much is in our minds and how much benefit do we really get from inexpensive products? I know for instance Dr Schulze has reported about studies on echinacea, where even the “cheaper versions” are actually beneficial (of course he markets his superior products as well, and what I have tried WORKS!) I also wonder if one would do fine with less grams of Vit C if it were a food-derived vs the ascorbic acid Andrew Saul uses. Personally I feel leery of ascorbic acid, even if it was not Made in China, because seldom does the company disclose what it was made from.
While the explanations of synthetic vs food vitamins make a lot of sense it would be great to have a list of decent vitamins that are affordable for people who do not live in half a million dollar mansion. I am aware that a list of good vitamins today can be obsolete in a week, because some big conglomerate buys the little company out and changes the whole process; Jordan Rubin sold his Garden of Life as well.
Furthermore I mind that there are only 60 mg of Vit C in the daily dose. That may be 100% of the DV, but that percent Daily Value is based primarily on the 1968 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). As we read in the article in today’s environment our needs have increased. The only one that looks sufficient seems to be B12. Every thing else, though all neatly packed into 3 pills is low. Some one mentioned in a comment about Folic acid vs Folate. Lots of open questions at a rather high price.
It still comes down to consumer read the labels! So after my initial elation on “all the stuff” they put into FulmiMAX, once you study the fine print it does not look as good any more. I still have to take additional Vit D, the 2000 U are not enough, the Vit K is not specified and Mag and Zink are way low. I feel a bit sad now.
This is a great article! My multi vitamin of choice is Juice Plus+. Whole food based, Nutrition label, NSF certified, tested from beginning to end for pesticides, heavy metal and other contaminants, over 30 gold standard published studies behind it (not borrowed or white paper research) and my lab markers and health improvements are just products of the research done on this product! I understand many people have issues with direct sales products, but ill be eating off my floors and sleeping on an or mattress before I give up my Juice Plus!
I was curious and looked them up! they have mostly Vit A C and E – but with the ones here I would still have to supplement D3 as well as C and a lot of other things. So if you are doing well on what you are taking, stick with it! I am sticking with mine after closer examination 🙂
Wanna see our post on multivitamins below…
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS
Ty and Charlene, Thank you for all the information you provide. Although, I would like to purchase the vitamins and supplements from Epigenetics, my budget will not allow. You seem to care so much. I am asking you to provide a list of vitamins and supplements that can be purchased from a local health food store that will be both more affordable and accessible. There must be products available that are acceptable. By doing this, you are helping us make healthier decisions even though we have a limited budget and allowing us to have the much needed vitamins. I shouldn’t have to choose between chemically altered vitamins and no vitamins. There must be a middle ground. Thank you for your help with this matter. Please keep up the good work.
Sorry, I didn’t see you had given an answer to a similar post. Could you please be brand specific. For someone not as well acquainted with both the good and bad elements in vitamins and supplements it can be very confusing. Thanks so very much.
stop buying any vitamins, just eat a healthy preferably organic produce and you will be fine. I am 68 and eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies. vitamins in a bottle are a waste of money. The trick is too keep your body alkaline. I do not take any kind of medications or have health problems. Be positive. hope this helps.
Thanks. Yes, most vitamins & supps are probably a waste of money; we keep buying the same brand out of habit & because they’re cheap: and as you say, so true: ” … You’re not what you eat, but what you digest, absorb, and assimilate.”
Hello there my dear. I am using the Spektro Multi-vita-min from Solaray and I have used Antioxydants for many years ago from Solaray and thats why I have follow this company in my Multi vitamin. I would really appreciate if you could let me know if this product is okey? I grow some of my foods myself, but it will take time for me to grow all that I need.
Thanks for all you do and for all you share and bless your days
Thanks for the intereting information. Much appreciated.
This is a good article. However, I am very surprised to find folic acid listed in the ingredients in the Epigenetics multi -??? Shouldn’t it be methyl-folate? I have the MTHFR factor and all research is saying to steer clear of folic acid, the synthetic form of folate. Can someone please explain why the methylized B vitamins are not in this multi? Thank you.
I’m hrtero compound MTHFR. I’d love to know what the reply is too.
I have never heard of the MTHFR . Please could someone explain it and how do you find out if you have it? Thank you!
Hi Melanie,
Fulvimax contains a special fermented form of folic acid. It is important to note that fermented folic acid is no longer synthetic, as the folic acid has been bound to the nutrients within the fermenting organism. That is, the mushrooms metabolize the nutrients, and they become an organic component of the mushroom itself. This means it’s highly bioactive and bioavailable to you.
´Dear admin, do you have just one scientific reference which shows to what the synthetic folic acid is metabolized by which mushroom?
Ty, Thank you for this article!! You did a great job educating your readers!! I personally take Optimals Supplements. They are food based and are triple tested for potency. I have thousands of testimonies from friends and family members who take Optimals with breakfast and dinner that have improvements in their wellbeing.
It is important to note that supplements are just that supplementation. They are not substitutes for eating live organic fruits and vegetables, grass fed beef. Wild caught fish and free range poultry. We must refrain from consuming GMO, pesticide laden foods or eating meats from caged animals that see very little sun or pasture time.
Do a little research and read the science. Synthetic Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is absolutely not whole Vitamin C that was researched and tested by Linus Pauling, who won multiple awards for his work. You can not draw any conclusions based on your own self-evaluation. That is not science. It is preferable to provide solutions and conclusions that will provide results for a statistically significant large group of people. The results of the effects on one person is statistically insignificant.
Can you please confirm that it is only necessary to take one tablet a day as the bottle contains 60 pills and I want to ensure that it is enough for one month for both my Husband and I? Also can I reclaim my money if the Spanish customs do not allow the bottles through? Thank you, Regards Helen.
Unfortunately my body can not tolerate anything from the nightshade family of plants. They have a substance that irritates my joints. These capsules contain several of these plants, so I would not be able to take them.
I take EMP.
Yes. I do believe they are a waste. I have been introduced to the greatest products. I sent you the link. Did you give it to Ty?
I’ll take a link, Suzanne, if you know of a good product that’s affordable and makes sense. Take care!
I use Pure Synergy Vita-Min-Herb multi for women. All made from organic food. You vitamins seemed to be the best because it is fermented. Will have to wait till I am finish with what I have. I have fulvic and humic acid that I use. Also for many years I have been taking Shilajit. How many tablets do you take a day with epigenic multi? I have given up synthetic vit a lot time ago. Your article says the truth…absolutely no good and toxic. The best to you….
The best Vitamin C to take is Buffered Vitamin C, which is the ascorbic acid he described. Better for you all round. This is what I take and have for years.
I’ve been taking supplements for a long time now so that this article was very disturbing to me. What you say makes a lot of sense and I can see that the best way to stay in good health is to eat non GMO organics, yet you say that certain minerals that are chelated to amino acids are good for you. I don’t know what you mean by that and my dictionary says chelate is a prehensile claw connected to a joint. And apparently my computer doesn’t even accept it as a word. I’ve seen it used many times in articles on health but never knew exactly what was meant. I thought it meant ” to make smaller “.
Also I’ve been reading up on the advantages of Curcumin from Tumeric and I’m wondering what you think of it Ty? Tom
Watch for synthetic E. B-12 should be the meth- type, NOT the cyanide- type. You want FOLATE, not the synthetic folic acid. I went to the link about the multi that Ty takes, and lo and behold it includes folic acid, and the B-12 is not specified. STILL no all-natural multi. Anyone got enough money to produce a TRULY HONEST multi for the INFORMED masses? I’d be your first customer. Until then I will NEVER buy another multi.
Look up “Seeking Health”, Dr Ben Lynch has developed a line of supplements specifically for patients with MTHFR mutations. They are all allergen free, contain the Methylated forms of folate and B12 and, I think, are the really a great product.
I find your articles too long to read thoroughly and share with busy friends. Also put off by reference to evolution. Our amazingly complex bodies are designed not evolved by chance.
Hi Derek,
Thanks for the feedback!
Absolutely agree with Derek. What’s with the comment on EVOLUTION in the article? My Bible says God created everything, not issued a command and waited for millions of years to see man slowly morph from a primitive soup of chemicals.
Regarding the article, I too was shocked to hear that my vitamin purchases are probably all useless and bad for my body. How about listing the main vitamins that are safe to consume. A list of links that most people can afford.
30 caps per bottle 3 times per day, that’s a 10 day supply per bottle for $49.00…. I would love to try this but it’s just not affordable for someone on a retirement fixed income
if I am not mistaken there are 90 caps in a bottle = one month supply but still too much money for the low percentage on most vitamins and minerals, I would have to supplement the supplement.
I have used Shaklee vitamins (& sell their products) for years now with excellent results! Their vitamins are all derived from the natural foods we eat. They have all the scientific testing data that you can easily see to prove that. They also have high-quality standards. I trust that my body is absorbing the nutrients it needs.
Ty – What can you tell me about the Alive! brand multivitamin products? Good or bad?
I take this as well and would like to know. Nature’s Way Alive! maximum potency. In my price range through Vitacost.
I take my supplements from Dr. Patrick Quillen…
Hi, it’s not a bad supplement a bit weak though on certain nutrients that’s vital to the body. As for Fulvic acid err it’s not new I’ve been using supplements with it in for 15yrs. Also as for natural nutrients in our foods they hardly exist compared to 70yrs ago due to farming and leaching the soils, refer to senate document 264 in 1936 it predicted the health epidemic we have today, unless those minerals that should be in our soils were replaced. The latest test done in early 2000’s showed a decrease in food nutrients from 35% to 93% depending on the nutrient. As for high street supplements I don’t recommend them unless your only buying a single nutrient IE Vit A as an example! That’s why you need a good supplement…
I too immediately thought of Hoffer, Pauling and Saul. And if I am not mistaken their work contradicts (scientifically) some of these statements. I would really love to know what Andrew Saul would say about some of the comments, particularly the vitamin C statements; I know he has clearly stated his position on some of these specific topics in the past.
This is a good article. One thing I don’t see discussed here is calcium. There are 4 forms of calcium – rock, bone, coral and vegan usually from sea weed. Your body cannot absorb rock, bone or coral to any great degree. Calcium from bone also contains many heavy metals etc that the animal ate. Your body cannot not absorb calcium from milk either. In fact bone, coral and rock are all acidic and actually make you loose more calcium. This is how it works. The body must remain alkaline, to do that when you are taking acidic supplements or eating acidic food it pull calcium from your bones to alkalize the body thus osteoporosis. Vegan calcium is the only calcium that the body readily assimilates. When looking for vitamin all most all can be crossed off my list with the calcium test. Next is the Folate test.
I take Osteoprocare which has Ca orotate/carbonate/Mg/cofactors in it that helps me. I can’t have dairy…hurts me. This supplement stopped my bone loss/cravings for Ca and helps me sleep at night. Coral Ca helped me sleep when I had not slept in 20 years maybe due to trace minerals in it. Some Ca in multiple vitamins may have lead with the Ca. Sea weed may have other heavy metals.
I test ok for folic acid instead of folate, but folate gave my toes circulation. Taking MTHF folate with Vit B12 methylcobalamin may help it work better.
Learning by trial and error is helps. Each person is different in what they need
Please explain why folic acid, a synthetic form of vitamin and a carcinogen, is included in your product. Additionally, 40-60% of the population has a defect of the MTHFR gene which impairs ability to convert the synthetic folic acid into the active form of folate that the body can use.
I do not take multivitamin supplements, but I take Brewers Yeast and vitamin D3 supplements. My maternal grandmother recommended that I take Brewer’s Yeast supplements, because I was getting a bad case of pimples, stains in my skin, and my hair was breaking and not being shiny. When I took the Brewer’s Yeast vitamins, my skin and hair started to look better and the stains in my skin disappeared. My father suggested that I take vitamin D3 supplements, because it is good for my bones and teeth. Is taking those two types of Vitamin supplements going to prevent me from getting cancer?
Really? How can you even ask that question?
I take Nutrilite Double X Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient Supplement power packed with 12 essential vitamins 10 essential minerals and 20 plant concentrates.Nutrilite is the World’s Number One Selling Viramins&Dietary Supplement Brand. (Source :Euromonitor International Limited)and employs more than 100 Scientist to ensure quality uses more than 170 plant compounds in their supplements and is the only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow,harvest,and process plants on their own certified farms.They control every step of the process -from seed to supplement ensuring that every supplement is safe and has been an Industry leader in Nutritional Science for 80 years They own Four Certified Orgsnic Farms one in Brazil, one in Mexico,and two in theUSA one in California and one in Washington State and that is Truot Lake Farm the largest certified organic HERB Farm in North America.Check out you won’t be disappointed I have been taking these Supplements for the last 22 years.
Do they have IRB Peer Reviewed Clinical Study published
In a scientific journal ? Thanks
Yes and will get a link to support my answer
I like Nature’s Plus- Source of life multiple…is gluten free. Citrus fruit makes my gums rubbery compared to Vit C supplement which breaks my nails and gums stay unhealthy. We have not discovered every vitamin/nutrient so eating the food is better is you can eat it. Analogs/synthetic vitamins may block the real vitamin from helping and supplements may have hidden gluten etc in them. A person can do an experiment and see what helps them the most for food/supplements. My mom is doing ok without supplements, but she is suffering not wanting to be gluten free. Each generation may get worse in health. Two Celiac people may marry each other and the kids may have worse health and may need the Celiac diet/supplements to be ok. Vit A…oily kind may help more. They used to say take your vitamins with meals to have cofactors from the food help chemical reactions, but then the supplement may block the real kind of vitamin from absorbing. Without Vit A I could not soak air into my lungs. I was ok on the powder kind, but I went back to the oily kind. I refrigerate or freeze oily supplements so they are not rancid and are fresh. I went 10 years without fruit due to losing my sugar digestion and then I started to get precancer that went away after I starting eating fruit again. I had supplements during that time, but again they are not as good as the real food.
Great article on vitamins as most are toxic and our body does not recognize them. The MOST IMPORTANT point was missed… Vitamins do not get absorbed unless enzymes are in the body first. Yes our body does produce enzymes but not unless we get our enzymes from raw plant sources. Heat as in cooking destroyes ALL enzymes. Then we need the proper raw protein before minerals get utilized and then only then do vitamins are absorbed by the body.
I know it feels good to say that “natural” is the only way to go, but it is nonsense to say that the pure chemical ascorbic acid is not active and only some fruit-derived mixture is the real thing. All the research uses ascorbic acid. The way they found ascorbic acid was the active ingredient in oranges etc was that it produced the antiscurvy results and all the other ingredients did not.
Would be beneficial if Ty or admin would go to our sites that educate the proper principles on health.
How to attain and maintain ideal health and how many have eliminated illnesses such as ALS, MS, lupus, cancer, etc., etc.
We are an educational health company over twenty years educating people on proper health.
Just go to: and
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS
Dr Wallach has a company called Youngevity.
It contains all 70 Minerals (PLANT DERIVED FROM HUMIC SHALE)
16 Plant derived Vitamins , 12 Amino Acids and 3 Essential Fatty Acids.
It appears to be the most comprehensive supplement out there.
Worth a shot .
Are you referring to tangy Tangerine? If so I love it !
What about the USANA vitamins ? Is this a good brand, they are telling us that their brand are better than all the other kind. It’s very confusing, who’s right about vitamins and what to take.
I have been using the Usana Essentials for five years now, ever since i was told i had colon cancer and I feel they are one of the best. I have tried many others and keep coming back to the Usana’s. I feel the best when i take them.
Anyone know anything about DoTerra vitamins? I have been looking at so many different brands and trying to settle on a good quality vitamin.
I have been taking Shaklee vitamins for a few years and have never felt better after switching off the synthetic vitamins. I am impressed with the quality, and testing that Shaklee does and know that the ingredients in the vitamins are natural and safe and my body is able to absorb them. I would be curious as to your thoughts on them compared to what you take.
Also, someone mentioned kids vitamins, they also have a chewable kids vitamin that my kids love. I even crush 1 up for my toddler and mix in his food.
Ty – Could you please give me your input/advice on the Alive! products? I’ve been using their Men’s Multivitamin formula for about a year thinking this is one of the more natural ones.
Please advise,
Great Stuff there. we have been deceived for too long and the time to change our concept of everything is now. Thank you so much.
I take Osteoprocare which has Ca orotate/carbonate/Mg/cofactors in it that helps me. I can’t have dairy…hurts me. This supplement stopped my bone loss/cravings for Ca and helps me sleep at night. Coral Ca helped me sleep when I had not slept in 20 years maybe due to trace minerals in it. Some Ca in multiple vitamins may have lead with the Ca. Sea weed may have other heavy metals.
I test ok for folic acid instead of folate, but folate gave my toes circulation. Taking MTHF folate with Vit B12 methylcobalamin may help it work better.
Learning by trial and error is helps. Each person is different in what they need.
Very interesting article, and I couldn’t agree more. As a teenager and young adult, I took Vitamin C sporadically when I felt the first signs a cold or flu coming on. My end result was always that I got sick and ran fever for several days. Finally I stopped my knee-jerk reaction of taking Vitamin C and just let the bug run its course. Then I seemed to actually have shorter bouts of illness, so I dropped Vitamin Supplements all together. Now as a vegan, I can’t remember the last time I was sick. The other day my co-worker remarked, “Well, I have to give it to you – you are never sick.” Long Story Short – I’ll take fresh fruits and veggies and their results over supplements any day.
Vit C liposomal kind and glutathione liposomal kind may be great help. Vit C may raise the immune system..raise white blood cells, but still a person needs their cells made right so they can work right. Vit C in supplement may not be like what is in fruit. 2000mg of fish oil daily stopped my colds/flu for more than 20 years. Taking Vit C and stopping confuses the immune system. It it taken up and then down fast and may lower the immune system from the fast change. Gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO may lower the immune system so the American public may get sick often. Vaccines may lower the immune system and not help…is not the answer.Antibiotics may hurt the gut lining in addition to gluten and may lower the immune system/hurt mitochondria/wipe out good bacteria in the large intestines. The answer is organic/pure foods…no food with a label…no certified gluten free food…no hidden gluten in nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices/air etc. Meat/chicken may help the immune system being protein, but not if the animals are full of antibiotics/chemicals/arsenic/drugs/hormones and didn’t get sunlight/run around etc. Factory farming abuses animals and they are not healthy. Meat may raise B vitamins/zinc/iron/Vit B12 etc. Fish is healthy if from an unpolluted place and not farm raised. Vegan/vegetarians maybe Celiac, but were looking for a way to feel better and may not want animals hurt. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Supplements saved my life, but not nutrients have been discovered and God’s way is cheaper/taste great etc. 23% of supplements may have hidden gluten/GMO etc in them.
I had to scour the bottom shelf to find a calcium supplement that did not have sugar or dye in it. I quit taking a multivitamin because I was eating 2 oranges a day just so they wouldn’t go to waste from our tree. We have 3 walnut trees, someone has to eat them too (me). I eat 2 cups of fresh tomatoes everyday since our tomatoes are taking over what’s left of the yard that the pumpkin vine hasn’t. Seven giant pumpkins on that thing, so I’ll be cooking and freezing lots of pumpkin. We grow lots more produce, but I’ll stop there.
For many years I was a strong proponent of isolated vitamin supplements as my perspective was influenced by the idea that something is better than nothing and the diets of virtually all were and are nutrient deficient and highly toxic. One thing changed my mind and I am compelled to share it here in response to the many claims of insufficient funds, uncertainty on whole food supplements and challenges to the motives of Ty and Charlene and increased marketing in their stories.
1. Ty and Charlene have provided incredible value to all freely through the information shared – let’s all be thankful for this as it has no doubt come at great expense to their family to do so.
2. Whether you think you can or think you can’t afford the better supplements you’re right. Some will make a way to purchase them by replacing lesser value items in their budget while others will find reasons not to purchase. We will either pay now or pay later to the medical machine and this is one way to reduce your potential windfall payments to Big Pharma while improving your health and vitality.
3. What changed my perspective completely was an incredible 10 days on pure food which cost me and my wife around $23/day apiece. These 10 days provided me with a clear understanding of the importance of whole food vs. isolated nutrient supplements and replaced over $200 I was spending for a regimen of supplements. Few will ever experience how healthy you truly can be and how quickly our bodies are designed to heal themselves but I’ve watched as thousands have transformed their lives in days, not months or years or never, with a 10 day vacation from processed foods and return to the most nutrient dense foods around. This of course is followed by a changed lifestyle including daily superfood nutrition.
4. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee at Starbucks people can get much more than the recommended protein, fruits and vegetables each and every day through superfoods, so I apologize but I don’t buy the idea that people cannot afford good nutrition. If you’re talking about adding supplements to all the foods being consumed that may be the case, but with increased understanding comes accountability and I’m here to tell you there is no reason one cannot radically transform their health, save money, eat smarter and healthier, help many others and impact lives by paying it forward and finally escape the scarcity mindset that locks so many into the belief that the better life is simply out of reach for them.
One final note and some references for people to help better understand the Isolated Nutrients vs. Whole Food Nutrition subject:
Our bodies never processed nutrients in isolated formats prior to the industry development of these isolates for profit, but we have for centuries been consuming whole foods to fuel our bodies. We wouldn’t put low grade chemical laden fuel into the gas tanks of our cars and expect optimal performance so why on earth are we doing that to our bodies and expecting them to function well? Our bodies are the only temple in which our souls will live, no replacements no exchanges, are then not worth the investment needed for optimal health? If money is an issue be creative and ask for different ways to make it work – you’ll be surprised to see what can happen.
Source for incredible understanding of the supplement industry comes from Brian Clement of Hippocrates Health Institute called Supplements Exposed – I cannot encourage it enough.
As a holistic public health RN health coach in private practice, public speaker, author and broadcaster, it is important that I consistently express certain facts to large numbers of people. Fact 1: Our food supply is slowly poisoning us and is causing cancer and autoimmune diseases in record amounts, thanks to Monsanto and the Feds. Fact 2: We must eat at least 7-13 servings of fresh, raw, organic fruits and veggies a day to neutralize oxidative stress (rusting inside) and cellular damage, and 15-20 servings if you want to repair (Who can do this?). Fact 3: Juicing is a good way to supplement but can be a hassle, expensive, messy and short term. Fact 4: isolated, mega-dose vitamins and multivitamins are causing more harm than good in high risk individuals (“CARET Study” out of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center began the research back in the 1980’s showing 17% more death and 28% more lung cancer in the vitamin group compared to the placebo group after only 7 years). Fact 5: It is important to supplement our diets with whole food nutrition. Because I can’t possibly eat enough fruit and veg to do the job, I chose to add whole food concentrates, fruits and vegetable juice powders in capsule form to my diet 15 years ago. Juice Plus is my supplement to take every day and I educate the world about it. It is an easy solution and eliminates all of the risks associated with isolated vitamins. It’s NSF certified, Non-GMO, kosher, passes GMP, and has 36 independent published research studies backing up its safety and efficacy.
The study may not show the truth about the situation. Vitamins etc are good. There mega doses maybe extremely high to make it look like supplements are not good. Celiac people may get cancer due to low nutrients absorbed. They may change their diet, but still many need supplements to be ok.
I am trying to understand your post. Are you saying you ate pure foods for $23 per day for 10 days, at a total cost of $230? Then saying we can eat this way for less than the cost of a cup of coffee at Starbucks? Sorry if I am misunderstanding. I don’t patronize Starbucks but I know they don’t charge $23 per cup of coffee. 🙂
It has folic acid not folate in it. There’s no differentiation with the K vitamin — I’d only take it if there was K2 in it. What type of B12 is in it? I wouldn’t take it with cyancobalamin because the cyan means cyanide.
My friend recommended Tangy Tangerine 2.0 and I think its great. Has any one else tried it ? I personally find it great and you can get it on Amazon
I have been taking vitamins from Puritans Pride. I would like your opinion on that brand.
Could you tell me how USANA vitamins are?….thats what i am taking now because they are supposed to be one of the best
I take the Usana vitamins, have for years. Also have tried many other brands and I have always found that I feel the best when I stick with the Usana’s vitamins.
As a holistic public health RN health coach in private practice, public speaker, author and broadcaster, it is important that I consistently express certain facts to large numbers of people.
Fact 1: Our food supply is slowly poisoning us and is causing cancer and autoimmune diseases in record amounts, thanks to Monsanto and the Feds.
Fact 2: We must eat at least 7-13 servings of fresh, raw, organic fruits and veggies a day to neutralize oxidative stress (rusting inside) and cellular damage, and 15-20 servings if you want to repair (Who can do this?).
Fact 3: Juicing is a good way to supplement but can be a hassle, expensive, messy and short term.
Fact 4: isolated, mega-dose vitamins and multivitamins are causing more harm than good in high risk individuals (“CARET Study” out of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center began the research back in the 1980’s showing 17% more death and 28% more lung cancer in the vitamin group compared to the placebo group after only 7 years).
Fact 5: It is important to supplement our diets with whole food nutrition. Because I can’t possibly eat enough fruit and veg to do the job, I chose to add whole food concentrates, fruits and vegetable juice powders in capsule form to my diet 15 years ago. Juice Plus is my supplement to take every day and I educate the world about it. It is an easy solution and eliminates all of the risks associated with isolated vitamins. It’s NSF certified, Non-GMO, kosher, passes GMP, and has 36 independent published research studies backing up its safety and efficacy.
Hey Amreen here, can I get little time of yours to knw know more of supplementation.
New Chapter is an excellent organic and non-GMO multi-vitamin/mineral that I’ve been taking successfully for two years. They are available at most natural food stores.
Let me know what kind of food a cancer patient avoid for better health.
Arguably “sugar” of ANY kind. Read about ketogenic eating (diet) and cancer
The ultra-safety of supplements compared to drugs, as dangerous as war.
I love and get all of my supplements from Seeking Health. I’ve had great results, and they made for those of us with the MTHFR mutation- check them out.
I know everyone has their favorites but what do you look for in a vitamin and the company that distributes them? I look for published clinical research done on the product and done by their scientist and I say published.. that research is expensive to do so companies do not do it many times. The do copy cat studies.. not their own. I also look for a company that tests their raw materials with several hundreds of tests for pollutants and doesn’t trust their vendors. This is what I look for and I just wrote another company called Perque and still no reply.. imagine that. We have written several hundred and asked those questions and never once have we gotten back a useful answer. try it. I did write one company and they did have a qualified answer. They had 125 published manuscripts on their products and ran over 300 tests on the raw material batches looking for pollutants. That is what I was taught to ask about 30 years ago and it still hold true today.. The label means nothing!
I have been taking USANA vit for 5 years and have felt better than when I was taking whole food vit. USANA is an all green company. They manufacture and package their vit themselves in the Utah. There is no middle man. Dr Myron Wenz is the founder of the company and a brilliant man. He has 11 scientists on staff. You can go to their web site and ask them questions. These vits work synergistically with each other and are highly absorbable. There is no vit after taste when burping and they are easy to swallow. Other vits I have tried have gotten stuck in my throat. They have a health pack you can pick and choose which vits you want and they package them in single packs for you to take in a.m and p.m.
If you burp you maybe low in HCl and enzymes. Gluten may hurt stomach cells that make HCl (stomach acid). I take my supplements after a meal. See my other comments. Best wishes.
Where’s the the most important mineral of all,magnesium?
Yes…Mg may help 350 chemical reactions..,.,very important!
Hi William, I just felt I wanted to reply to you (as someone who commented that the supplements promoted here were too expensive for us). Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with you that it is vitally important to switch to a whole food diet, please don’t assume that those of us who can’t afford the supplements aren’t doing that! It’s not a case of diverting funds from unhealthy habits – we spend £400-500 per month on whole foods (it’s just the 2 of us) and I believe it’s better to be eating well than having to divert funds from our food budget for a supplement. I also feel a bit weird about all the promotional products that seem to be advertised so frequently. It leaves me wondering how many times we will have to subscribe to yet another product (if we were to do that with everything on promotion) as the costs mount up and up? That is not to say that I am ungrateful for TTAC and all it stands for – I am absolutely in awe of Ty and his wife for all the information and research they’ve provided us with. I think they’re just amazing human beings.
23% of supplements may have hidden gluten so eating only organic food is better, but I need to take supplements. Without Vit A 10,000IU I can’t soak air into my lungs. Without 5000 mcg of biotin my MS kicks at 1 1/2 months. Folate supplement gives my toes more circulation. Vit B12 intrinsic factor/shot stops my hard crying and helps my fear/stress. Vit D3 5000IU helped stop my crying for no reason when the weather was gloomy. Coenyzme Q10 is the spark plug to the cells. Mg helps 350 chemical reactions and helps cramps etc. Zinc gave me 5X more energy and helps the immune system 2000mg of fish oil daily stopped my colds/flu for more than 20 years. Rhodiola helped raise oxygen in me /helps my adrenals. I would love to only do food, but I need the supplements. I can’t eat dairy…so I take Osteoprocare instead to help my bones etc. Do what works for you. I take LDN which is $1 a day which helps to heal my gut lining so nutrients absorb. . Lecithin defat my liver which helped my memory. I am glad supplement exist and pray they will always be available. I am not ok without them. Supplements can’t take the place of food which has undiscovered nutrients and combination of nutrients that heal a person, but I am they exist. People who need supplements maybe dealing with Celiac. Changing their diet to no gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO may help and eating no food with a label and trying to avoid hidden gluten. It would be awesome if only healthy food was at a grocery store. A Health food store is better, but still I can’t eat things with a label/bag/box. I can’t have meat/coconut oil/saturated fat and monounsaturated fat/olive oil/heated oils/dehydrated food. I can’t have turmeric/resveratrol etc. so I eat what works for me and take supplements to help.
I have severe gut issues and allergies I’m battling. I just CAN’T take many of the plant-based vitamins or eat the rainbow. Now what are people like me supposed to do?
Allow me to provide some direction for your situation. Are you open to that?
Gut issues/allergies can be due to Celiac. Tests may not work to diagnose it. Cyrex labs may help. Below is what I do for my Celiac. Best wishes.
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO and vitamins/good oils, LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, 2000mg fish oil, 2000mg evening primrose oil. 2000 mg lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE, krill oil, CLA, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature’s Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/depression/immune system and more. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye/corn…oats has gluten with avenin…and there is a small amount of gluten in rice. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may made antibodies to the thyroid. Coenzymated B vitamins far from synthetic kind make make me calm.
Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food….. no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten…too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten/food with a label and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me…rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them).
EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain.
LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten. HCl and enzymes with meals and gluten enzymes help me. There are now gluten enzymes also a person may use that may help, but LDN helps block gluten in the air/on the skin and all day long.
Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
Alternative doctors/chiropractors/acupuncturists and more may help with health/vitamins etc.
Books: No grain No Pain, Wheat Belly, Grain Brain, Dangerous Grains and The Autoimmune Fix and more explain Celiac.
Longer version:
Start eating fresh garlic daily. Cut the garlic up and let stand for 15 minutes or so. Sprinkle salt on it, put olive oil on it, let it stay a bit and then eat it.
You will start to notice that many skin problems cease and that your blood pressure will go down.
Make sure garlic is organic. You must use salt with it as otherwise, it is too harsh to just eat alone.
I had serious gut issues for years, ended up wheat & dairy intolerant, lactose allergy. Not a lot for me to eat then ! Lost so much weight I had to see a dietian. I was advised to take DIGESTIVE ENZYMES & 20BILLION ACIDOPHILUS ( friendly bacteria for the gut) Pro biotics & probiotics & Live culture yogurt.7 months later I could eat what I liked with no problems.Worth a try 👍🏻
I found out I had breast cancer, prob due to years of lack of vitamins my body couldn’t have from foods, it went terminal on my bones . I refused Chemo & all meds. I Stop processed food & sugars, I eat veg , salad , fruit, high dose vits ,supplements & eat healthy & exercise 15 mins a day on trampoline or a bike ride. .Get massages on area with organic oils. My mets on my spine have gone from 8 down to 3 so it works. Keep happy & positive .
I would use N-Sorb a Prodosomed Enzyme
Product , family member with 20 history of chronic
Celiac found total relief in a couple days
I am very grateful for the information provided here, but, as much as I realize you need sponsors, why not provide more than one manufacturer of decent vitamin/min would be less like you are being directly sponsored, and it seems like the site is going more and more that way, unfortunately.There are certainly more than one good manufacturer, I know I have found a good one available through Amazon which is not your run of the mill supplement. Regards, Christy
Most supplements are put out by the pharmaceutical companies who are trying to make a few dollars from those who don’t like pharma interests. Such supplements won’t work, and this helps to discredit them before the public.
The study may not show the truth about the situation. Vitamins etc are good. There mega doses maybe extremely high to make it look like supplements are not good. Celiac people may get cancer due to low nutrients absorbed. They may change their diet, but still many need supplements to be ok.
I here what you’re saying about growing your own food. I just started my first garden and it’s great to eat organic. Unfortunately living up here in Canada our growing season is so short. Better than nothing 🙂
Thank you so much for this article. I never believed in supplements before as I have always been a big believer of eating a well balanced diet. Also, I think it had a lot to do with not knowing enough about what is a good supplement and what’s not. I tried in the past and never found a difference. As much as I still do advocate a balanced diet, it is not always the easiest thing to do and I’m not one to judge anyone who struggles with a healthy lifestyle especially in this day and age of everyone being so busy. Since I’m one of those busy people, I need to supplement and I finally found something that works! I have those days when I’m so busy that the only thing I consumed for the day is a coffee and a bag of cheezies. Yikes! Surprising enough, my supplements have helped me survive those crazy days. The supplements I take are exactly as you have described, all natural in it’s purest form and maximizes bioavailability. That’s very reassuring. It’s done wonders for me and the people I’ve introduced them to and I really don’t know what I’d do without them.
I agree StaciJoy. If I had to eat all this food in the day to get the required amount of nutrients in my body, I won’t get anything done. Juicing and shakes may be quicker but I’ve been told by many that it gets boring…probably why it’s short term.
My 3 favorite vitamin and supplement company’s are Life Extension,Swanson and Vitacost.I only buy when these company’s have a great sales on a vitamin or supplement that I use regularly.Vitamins and supplements can be very pricey and one has to pay attention to there sales that these companies have get the best deals.
As long as you are comparing apples to apples. The composition of comparing 2 different brands must be the same.
Ty what supplements do you and your family take daily??
I am really surprised that no one in this conversation has mentioned MegaFood brand supplements. They are not the cheapest, but they appear to be about as close to real food supplements as one can get. I could not have cruciferous family unless cooked…blocks thyroid and organic brown rice has arsenic and is gluten. It looks good. Can use LDN/gluten enzymes to help block low amounts of gluten. Each person needs to figure out what helps them the best.
Dear Dr. Becker, l looked up Shaklee products. It was difficult to find the labels but when I did find one – guess what it said? – “Folate in the form of folic acid” They don’t know that folic acid is different from folate. Perhaps they want the consumer to be confused. Either way, Shaklee failed the test. You are probably one of those indestructible marvels who can eat anything (including synthetic folic acid) and still be bullet-proof. For those of us 40% of the population who have some form of MTHFR genetic SNP, (and maybe everybody for all I know) all that folic acid takes up the receptors meant for methylfolate and generates UMF unmethylated folic acid, which undermines your killer T cells – a good recipe for cancer. I hope you passed on your A+ genes. More information – look up Ben Lynch, MD – one of the best MTHFR experts – find him on You tube also. HIs company is SHEI.
Check out Xymogen ActivNutrients without Iron. Methyl B12 and folate and reasonable potency (may be a little low for some people but I prefer low potency multi’s
Janet – Are you interested in capsule form or powder form of a multi supplement? Why are you so down? I guess I would be if I was misled. PubMed and JAMA have both endorsed something that I know you haven’t heard about it.
If you are interested, message me. There is hope for you!
Thanks for your comment above about Shilajit. I started taking it almost a year ago, 1/4 of 1/4 tsp dissolved in water. Then add whatever other liquid nutrients that I take. I started it on the advice of Dr. Jennifer Daniels because it is supposed to have the trace minerals that we all need. Find her on . I wanted to try it because over time it would be cheaper than doing the liquid minerals that I had been taking. So I am glad to know that Shilajit is beneficial for more things than I was aware of. Other than Dr. Daniels , I had never heard anyone else mention it.
New Chapter one daily prenatal vitamin helped me to achieve normal iron levels. I’m almost 51 and still menstruating
and was craving ice every day. On the first day of taking the vitamin all my ice cravings stopped. I went to donate blood and haven’t been able to for years. My Mother was getting Iron infusions and I told her to take the vitamins and she still hasn’t. I’ve been taking the New Chapter brand for a couple of years now and so far it’s the only one my stomach can handle because it is fermented.