You probably hear a lot of conflicting information about cancer. There seems to be so many opinions about what causes cancer, who is at highest risk, and how you can beat it.
So what are the facts about cancer and what are myths? Some of the truths behind common misconceptions about cancer may surprise you…
5 Common Myths about Cancer
1. Cancer is genetic so nothing can prevent whether or not you are diagnosed. This is one of the biggest myths because experts estimate that more than half of cancer diagnoses can be prevented. Less than 5% of all cancers have a genetic link. A vast majority of cancers are caused by environmental toxicity.
2. Cancer isn’t common in children. Every day, more than 40 children are diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. alone – with more than 175,000 thousand children being diagnosed worldwide each year. Cancer is the #1 disease killer of children. Every day, cancer (and cancer treatments) will claim the lives of 5 American children – more than complications from congenital birth defects, type 1 diabetes, and asthma combined.
The survival rates among children with cancer are not improving because the conventional treatments (chemo and radiation) make things worse and there’s very little emphasis on finding the cause rather than merely treating symptoms.
3. People with cancer should “rest” as much as possible. While adequate rest is definitely necessary to stay healthy, experts advise against isolation and inactivity, which can lead to increased fatigue, a weakened immune system, and depression. Patients who exercise consistently have a higher rate of survival and maintain a more positive outlook throughout their recovery.
4. The food you eat doesn’t prevent cancer or fight it. Foods high in refined sugar, refined sodium, and unhealthy fats have been shown in countless studies to influence cellular mutation that leads to cancer. Cancer cells consume more sugar (glucose) for fuel than any other cell in your body. Conversely, eating a diet of organic foods with vitamins and nutrients that prevent cellular deterioration naturally increases your chance of preventing and beating this devastating disease (and many others).
5. Obesity doesn’t increase risk of cancer. With two-thirds of the United States population considered overweight or obese, this is an incredibly dangerous myth. Experts agree that hundreds of cancer cases are directly caused by carrying excess weight. One primary reason is that fat cells secrete estradiol which acts as a “fertilizer” for cancer cells.
Shockingly, the major organizations that are considered the “leading authorities” on what causes cancer (and how it can be prevented), perpetuate a few myths about cancer of their own.
Despite scientific evidence to the contrary by independent labs (meaning, no one is profiting from the information) these “authorities” claim there is no link between cancer and…
- Cell phones and power lines
- Cosmetics
- Hair dyes
- Deodorant
- Radiation treatment
- Chemotherapy
- Household cleansers
- Processed foods
- Artificial sweeteners
- Soy products
- Stress
Myths about cancer are dangerous and so is the medical community’s refusal to look further than “traditionally accepted” causes. As with every part of your life, being informed is your first line of defense in prevention of disease. Making decisions based on the facts increases your ability to prevent cancer and – if you are diagnosed – beating it.
“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!” – John 8:32
Censorship is killing people and disinformation is hiding the truth. And we know that God’s people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) At TTAC, our mission and ministry is to share the truth so that you can live a longer, healthier, happier life.
Would love to see the actual research on sugar “feeding” cancer. As many research sources as possible.
PET scans. .. they use sugar to detect the cancer. The cancer lights up like sky works.
You are correct; not just any sugar but glucose that has been irradiated.
Sharon, There are too many to list. Do a simple search yourself on pubmed or on a search engine and you’ll find plenty. There are dozens of books on it too. It’s the most commonly well-known fact. It’s not just white sugar, but processed foods, grains and starches that break down into glucose.
My new book, Busting Breast Cancer: Five Simple Steps to Keep Breast Cancer Out of Your Body, with a foreword, by The Truth About Cancer keynote speaker: Dr Thomas N. Seyfried, offers readers an easy to understand description of the historical and current research that explains how glucose/sugar and the amino acid, glutamine, are each cancer cell’s major fuel. Just reading Chapter 1 in my book, can answer your question!
All best, susan wadia-ells phd
PS Dr Seyfried’s 2012 textbook is: Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management and Prevention of Cancer. Also see: Miriam Kalamian’s book, Keto for Cancer.
“Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” Dr. Otto H. Warburg, Nobel Peace Prize winner
This is ALL so true. The series I watched and the information is outstanding. I ordered the book for my Cousin who was just diagnosed with breast cancer and also sent her some Apricot seeds. I usually do not jump the gun to order products but I like Ty am sick of tired of losing family members and friends and to watch young children suffer is unbearable. These facts need to be exposed to EVERYONE and let them make the choice.
Good article Ty. Thanks for all you do to help others. Your series on cancer has helped my with arthritis and weight. I appreciate all the resources and interviews with the experts.
Is it true that all bodies carry cancer cells & that in some people it activates & others it lies dormant?
Like a virus or bacteria!? Hmmm….
No. What’s true is that everyone produces cancer cells, but the difference between those diagnosed with cancer and those that aren’t is basically that those that aren’t their body’s defense mechanisms eliminate the cancer cells as they form, while those diagnosed with cancer, these cells were allowed by the body to overpopulate.
Is there alternative treatment for leukemia the ALL type. The doctor said it has to be chemotherapy, if so what else can you recommend to build the immune system while doing chemo. Thank you TY for your feedback.
Hi Tess,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Meat and dairy too, sorry! The China Study, Dr Campbell, Dr Esselstyne, Dr McDougall, Dr Ornish
+ Dr. Michael Greger
Not true we have been lied to about meat. People who live on tribes eat mostly meat or fish and they have no cancer. Processed meat yes that would but not grass fed organic meat, organs and wild fish.
I like to know more about sugar beets. Several doctors recommends beet juice or beet salad with carrot and apple. Is it safe to eat them?
Beets are an amazing superfood so yes definitely eat them!
And the number 1 cause of obesity is most likely insulin resistance caused by the standard American diet.
Animals raised on their natural foods are safer than animals raised on GMO’s.
There are lots of doctors who support a diet like that.
Hi l to start on Tarceva now
Targeted meds for lung cancer but l must take salt every time as my body lack salt after l stopped chemo a few weeks ago
l thought sakt is bad for you ?
can l take 3 x apricot pips every day ?
My doctor says no to all alternative meds
Thanks Fatimah Shaik
Hi Fatima,
If I remember correctly on how many apricot kernels(pips, as in the part inside the apricot seed) per day. You ask yourself how many apricots you might normally eat a day? Say you would be ok to eat 2 apricots per day, then you just eat 2 apricot kernels. Eating the actual apricots is optional, you can make it part of your daily food if you like. You would need to be sensible about how many to take, if you would NOT eat 6 apricots a day then DON’T eat 6 apricot kernels a day. 🙂
I’m sure your doctor does not like alternative meds as they may not make any extra money in giving those regular meds to you.
I would agree that salt is bad for you, but the real question is how much salt is bad for you. I can definitely tell you that the body must have some salt to operate 🙂 If some medication drained your body of salt, they it would be wise to add salt to your diet to replace what is drained away.
All the very best for you and your family!
I hope you watch the series and it gives you the right info that makes you better!
It’s the type of salt that’s more of a problem. Iodized bleached table salt is terrible for you and they also add all sorts of things to it that are bad but real sea salt like Celtic sea salt or real salt and Himalayan pink salt are very good for you and being many helpful minerals that your body needs so I would recommend eating at much salt as your body needs from these healthy salts
This is a great article and wonderful list of things that promote cancer except for the mention of soy products.Traditional soy products are protective against cancer. That includes naturally processed miso, soy sauce, tofu, tempeh, natto, soy milk and eda mame. Soy isolates (TVP-textured vegetable protein or TSP-textured soy protein) that are used to make fake animal food products are indeed harmful.
I consume and have recommended this full range of traditional soy products to my clients for over forty years with great success in helping them overcome cancer and cardiovascular disease.
There is plenty of valid research to confirm this, Here are two research studies by a respected MD and PhD. to further the discussion.
Sincerely, Denny Waxman,
President, Strengthening Health Institute.
I’ve never been to China but I’m assuming they’ve used a lot of soy for centuries. I’ve read some of the China study, so I would agree that soy is not the issue; it’s the GMO soy and other fillers that are illegal everywhere but the USA used in our soy products.
Do you have alternative safe hair dye options that you can share?
The immortal cell used in the messenger RNA vaccine not only is a cancerous form of cell, but has propensity to make other cancerous cells in the body through the ability to rewrite a sequence through RNA-dependent DNA polymerase enzymes. There is a reason why life insurance underwriting companies are exempt from paying out anything on the new RNA vaccines deaths. There is also a reason why Bills were passed taking away your right to sue any producing pharmaceutical company that makes it. Such a sad shame that the mind of the masses were so weak that they allowed ignorance others to gaslight them into getting it, rather than to stand strong together.
the canadian life insurance agencies are saying they do honour your policy
Yes my mother in law got the vaccine last year and low and behold was diagnosed with bladder cancer this summer. I don’t think it was a coincidence.
I have CLL. They said that it can lead to leukamia. Any remedy in the meanwhile?
It is true when children have cancer and are treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, their cancer does not go away. It just returns more aggressively because doctors never go to the root cause of them getting cancer the first place.
Do a search on and you find a multitude of articles on cancer diets and how big pharma and FDA suppresses alternative medicine and real cancer cures. Fact is there have been cures for cancer for decades and all of this information has been suppressed because there is no money in it for them.. Cancer is a big money business! Vitamin C intervenous is just one modality that has been very successful at killing cancer cells.
If you do fasting for one month in a year your cancer can be gone
Actually if you are hungry but dont eat then your body eat internal extra fat and cells and also it can eat cancer cells
71 Year old man has had a round of Chemotherapy and Radiation on his throat cancer tumor. Now he has so much scar tissue that they are saying it will never go away. Do you know of any treatment for dissolving scar tissue? He has a trach and a G-tube in place. Throat is totally closed off. Tumor is about 50% gone.
I have heard of a product called dissolve it all by MITOLIFE that gets rid of scar tissue in the body. Maybe you could open the capsules and put them in whatever to be digested. A lot of people say it works and has helped them with scar tissue.
To Ty and Charlene- keep up the good work and may God continue to bless you and yours.
Isn’t it best to stay in the shade, wear a hat and long sleeve wicking shirts when in the sun, as opposed to sunscreen?
That’s great advice. Here’s an article that talks about toxic sunscreen, non-toxic alternatives, and safe sun exposure: