Have you ever walked into the skin care aisle at the convenience store and noticed just how many “groundbreaking” claims there are?
Every other plastic bottle dons a fancy label claiming to have discovered some advanced wrinkle-erasing ingredient. I can see, from the eyes of the consumer, how this would be appealing.
But these companies don’t fool me.
Instead of falling for these sneaky marketing ploys or being captivated by claims that promise beautiful skin, I simply turn over the bottle and read the ingredients. After reading over all the hard-to-pronounce chemical derivatives, I can’t help but think, what if these marketing claims reflected what was actually inside the bottle?
If skin care products were labeled “ineffective, petroleum-derived, chemical-ridden goodness inside,” would you still buy them? I don’t think so.
It’s hard to feel like beautiful skin goes hand-in-hand with compromise. Do you ever find yourself making a choice between affordable products packed with questionable chemical ingredients and expensive, pure products that are safe and effective?
You aren’t alone, especially if you’ve struggled with topical sensitivities or the onset of fine lines and wrinkles.
Sensitive skin is different for everyone. Some are born with it, but did you know that many people develop it over time? I was shocked to learn that sensitive skin can come from a lifetime of harsh cosmetics or environmental stressors, like pollution or extended sun exposure.
The result? Skin that’s dry and irritable or highly reactionary, either from allergies or chemical-based products.
That’s why I want to share how important it is to always be careful about the ingredients in your products, as some harsh chemicals and preservatives can create skin sensitivity over time as you use them.
Why Choose Organic and Non-GMO Ingredients?
The first step in giving your skin the proper nourishment and love it needs is switching to organically grown (or wild!), non-GMO, and sustainable ingredients.
My rule of thumb is if you can’t eat it, you probably shouldn’t put it on your skin. The skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and it absorbs the products we apply like a sponge. So if you’re using products chock-full of synthetic ingredients and chemicals? That’s all being absorbed into your body and into your bloodstream.
Not to mention that if you have sensitive or maturing skin, irritation and dryness will only be exacerbated by chemical ingredients. Using clean products can reduce the sensitivity and irritation that comes hand in hand with synthetically derived ingredients.
By using a product with organically grown or wild ingredients, you are going to see far more vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds than what you would find in a synthetically derived ingredient. Just like eating organically, using natural, organic, or wild ingredients in your skin care offers exponentially more nourishment without compromising your healthy values.
The amazing thing about ingredients from nature is that, aside from being a safe alternative to chemical ingredients, they’re also highly effective! Natural products are essentially filled with active ingredients, whereas synthetic products are only about 5-10% active ingredients.
These are a few of my favorite all-natural ingredients to look out for in your skin care, especially if you have sensitive or mature skin.
5 All-Natural Ingredients for Sensitive, Aging Skin (That Actually Work!)
#1. Aloe vera
Few ingredients can quell dermal drought like this desert-savvy plant, and moisturizing is key for sensitive, aging skin. It also contains over 75 active nutrients which include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, and enzymes. Aloe vera leaves skin supple, smooth, and nourished.
#2: Coconut oil
Organic coconut oil is incredible for restoring dehydrated, dry, flaky, and sensitive skin. It is among the richest natural sources of soothing Vitamin E and antioxidants on the planet. Not only is it moisturizing, but it also contains vitamins that help cleanse skin, unclog pores, and calm sensitivity.
#3. Calendula
This member of the daisy family contains flavonoids and carotenoids, which have a gentle and soothing effect on the skin. It can also alleviate the appearance of temporary redness and is packed with antioxidants that protect from environmental stressors.
#4. Life everlasting flowers
Life everlasting flowers contain fatty acids like ursolic and oleanolic, which are beneficial to your skin for several reasons – from hydration to antioxidant-rich fortification. They support skin health, brighten the skin’s appearance, and work well for sensitive, aging skin.
#5. Rose distillate
Rose distillate just sounds soothing, doesn’t it? This delicate, all-natural ingredient can calm and gently tone skin. Plus it’s ideal for skin sensitives and easing the look of temporary redness.
Do It Yourself – DIY Hydrating Face Mask!
The best thing about these all-natural ingredients is that you can locate them in just about any health food store, if you don’t already have them in your kitchen. If you’re looking to hydrate sensitive skin, this homemade mask is one of my favorite ways to do so.
This mask is best when skin is feeling dry, irritated, and parched. It helps infuse moisture and nutrients into the skin, while encouraging gentle revival, leaving skin smooth and soft.
Hi I would like to try the skin product but live in Australia. Is there anywhere here where I can find the products please.
To Yvonne and Antoinette, they do ship those products to OZ , I have tried them and they are wonderful, however shipping is prohibitively expensive, I’ve had a go at making my own products with good success. You can google organic skincare recipes and go from there . It’s fun ,rewarding and empowering. You’ll never go back to commercial rubbish again.
I would like to try the skin product but I live in Australia. Can I purchase it here in Australia?
Hi Charlene and Ty,
I read a lot of your articles about cancer and I especially enjoyed this last one about skin care for years I’ve been eating healthy clean food, Imy in that old trap of getting the best facial Care on the market ..I know it’s so expensive and I don’t like doing it Iately I’ve been using coconut oil and trying not to use the chemicals.
I have had cancer twice breast and 11 years later ovarian. I was totally shocked at that diagnosis because I really thought that by doing healthy things I thought i would never get it again .I was pushed into getting the treatments by the doctors and my kids. I would have taken a natural cure. I’m cancer-free now thank you Jesus! The treatments have left me with a lifetime of chronic pain i had pain before because I was a horse trainer. Nothing like this it’s chronic all the time fibemeralgia ,numbness just constant pain in my feet ,back everything it’s just no way to live . I try the best I can to keep healthy. I think you guys are great Spreading the News. I don’t normally talk about it because I don’t want to think about it . I’m going to get try the face cream that you just offered and keep on doing what I’m doing and following your advice. .Thank you and I pray that you all will be healthy and safe.
sincerely , Linda
As usual, you offer excellent advice!
You two are amazing.. My father is living with lung cancer and severe chronic back pain he is 80 years old and the chemo is killing him.. He rolled over in bed and broke a rib.. But they do not trust holistic medicine…
I thank you for all that you do and I know if I ever get cancer I will not go the chemo radiation route for sure.
Hi Denise,
We are so sorry to hear what your father is going through. We are sending healing vibes his way!
My skin problem is not with the face. What are your recommendations for thinning skin on the arms exacerbated no doubt from a lifetime of sun exposure working in construction.
FYI to Mika’s…about 30 years ago, when I began my journey into natural remedies, I discovered Gotu Kola. I didn’t have a lot of information to go on, but a company I had a membership with had this product. I began to take it (capsule form) to see what it would do…I was in my mid twenties and still dealing with acne. It not only cleared up my acne problems, but I actually had very visible scars that faded almost completely, some altogether. I discovered through research it was said to help thinning skin and was helpful to older individuals that had problems with thin skin that would slip and split, as my grandmother in law was experiencing at the time. Look it up…good stuff.
I put coconut oil or olive oil on my skin after I shower and it makes my skin feel baby soft. I’m a 53 year old woman! I quit using lotions and all the crap they’re selling for us aging women. It’s just a waste of money. I also put shea butter on my face, I get it pure from a African guy who sells it at our swap meet. It really diminishes dark spots and wrinkles.
Regarding the DIY hydrating mask recipe: which can the coconut oil be – unrefined or refined – does it really matter with regard to skin care? Thanks so much, Pamela
I had thyroid cancer 2 years ago. Had a TT plus some lymph nodes. Over the weekend I found a lump on my right breast. Going to doctor on Thursday (15th). What questions should I ask and I’m sure she’ll want a mammogram…which I’ve been saying no too. Help
I just want to say ‘Thank you’ so much for all you do to promote health and wellness. I read everything you circulate and love the videos on ‘Tha Truth about Cancer’
In this world I believe we all want to make a difference , you are truly doing that. Thank you.
Thank you for being part of our mission Eileen! We are saving lives.
Love you both! Thank you for all that you do!!
I love the work that you both do. It’s ground-breaking , fearless in the face of filthy rich lying corporate opposition, and generally great sound knowledge while being tireless proponents of the healthy “au naturelle” way. Thanks for championing the cause and all the best in your financial returns- especially offering specials as you do at such awesome discounts. I love that! The exact opposite of say Whole Foods = Whole paycheck model that most average, normal people can’t afford . I share the dream of the best food and products for the best prices that the average Joe or Joetta can afford. Congrats and my prayers for you there to keep it up. Thanks for having the kahunas to maintain the integrity. Be blessed for it Chris n Velvet.
I need some advice. My husband and I are planning to move to western north Carolina in 6 months. We will be buying a house. Our budget is small, but my question is: a lot of homes in this area have wells. I know nothing about wells, nor maintaining them for healthy water. Can you suggest some healthy educational sites for learning about wells and their maintenance? I do not know who else to ask or where to look.
Thank you,
Do you know of any treatments for late stage peritoneal cancer? A friend has it and has been told there’s nothing else that can be done. She has been through several rounds of chemo unfortunately.
Thank you
Hi Kathy,
We cannot recommend any specific treatment because we are not able to provide you with medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
I bought your series on cancer and listened to it on the internet. I thought it was great. I read the book Step Outside The Box years ago and already had an understanding about what I would not do if I got cancer. I to hate to see people scared into doing chemo and radiation when it is unnecessary. keep up the good work and keep sending e-mails my way.
Hi Johnny,
Thanks for being part of our mission! We definitely will keep sending our emails your way!
I am on your mailing list and believe most of what you guys recommend. However I did do a Google search on organic coconut oil.
Facial experts, dermatologist, everywhere I looked, said that coconut oil will clog your pores and it is not that hydrating. They said you could use it as a cleanser. Recommended oils were argan or jojoba, etc. I did us search last year on the most non-comedic oil‘s and got a list. After I read your mail I just wanted to doublecheck. Really appreciate you Charlene and Ty. I’m sure you’ve had this experience before but it is difficult when you hear conflicting reports from different sources. Not trying to criticize, we pray a blessing on you and protection. It’s just confusing at times! Thank you for all your doing. God bless
I love Annmarie skin care products! I am 62 and receive compliments on my skin regularly. I live in Canada so between exchange rates and shipping, these products can be cost prohibitive. Such a shame. But I guess that’s the way it goes at times.
Hi Judy,
You mentioned you love these Annmarie skin products. Did they improve your skin in some way or did you already have beautiful skin and simply like the natural products?
Dear Charlene,
One of the added benefits of using the Flax seed oil and quark mixture( of the Johanna Budwig way of healing cancer, heart disease and arthritis), is that it lends incredible softness and oiled smoothness to both skin and hair. I have experienced this myself and so have others I know that have used this method of healing. Also (and I’m not sure this applies to ‘everyone’ but I found that applying coconut oil (cold pressed, organic etc) on a pretty dry skin, in the evening before bed actually makes my skin itch like crazy- maybe the heat affects !
My experience also is that sitting in front of a computer for longish periods really does dry out the skin, makes it sensitive, red and itchy and causes effects on the micro-biome (especially if one has candida or imbalance of some sort in the gut). I experienced the micro-biome effects when I had someone staying with me who kept the computer wifi on all night – awful if one has cancer! Thank you both for the work you have done and are doing.
Hi judy, how long have you been using them for. I would love to try them but I’m in Australia.
I buy enough for my natural skincare now but trying something different will be good.
I’m in Australia also. Please advise what products you are currently using.
I also live in Canada and have used Anne Marie products in the past when the cad $ was more in line with US rates and I loved the products. Shipping is unusually high as well as I can send heavy nursing text books to the US for far less than it costs me to receive these tiny bottles.
This is the only reason I don’t order these products on a regular basis. However,with that said, Black Friday is coming soon and there are often discounts on this shopping day that I may take advantage in order to offset these costs.
Hi. My skin is good, but keep getting blotch spots on my face, which my doctor says are pre-cancer. Does this mean I have cancer stem cells in my body? I use a natural face cream or avocado cream or coconut cream. Margaretha
I have used thes products sm like them. However some have lavender in the ingredients. I have been told the lavender is not good f or estrogen positive breast cancer because it mimics extogen. I also saw the young living essential oil practioner you had a while back said the same thing. I would like to know if this correct.
Yes, I’d take you up on that but I just looked at the shipping cost to Australia……who are the suppliers you’ve got over here?
Hello Ty and Charlene.
I wanted to contact you regarding something very important (for both of us). Accordingly I sent an email but didn’t get any response.
Please inform how I can get in touch with you. In other words how my email can reach you.
Bishwa Basnet
Hi Bishwa,
Please send our customer success team a message and they will be able to help you: https://support.thetruthaboutcancer.com/submit_ticket
Best wishes!
Thank you so much for this article. My daughter is suffering from eczema and it seems as if there’s nothing that can help!!! Wish you could cover eczema and uncover the truth about eczema as well. It will be so helpful to so many people. Thanks again.
Try taking evening primrose oil and Vit e .
Both. Internal and rub on skin areas affected.
Worked on our friends child and within 2 weeks we saw the difference
Many of us want and truly appreciate the truth ! Finally . I also appreciate all of your hard work . Both of you . Am I still allowed to comment because I’m not a Christian? It’s a bit off putting to read that first . I’m not trying to be negative , but religion separates . It judges . Let’s just all be kind and not worry about differences like religion ! Let’s just focus on the topic matter . It’s health . Also it’s truth … there are too many religions to say that one is “THE ONE”. Let’s not focus on being Christian . Let’s focus on kindness and truth and acceptance . No matter what your faith is!
I have noticed that Annmarie’s skincare has no third party certifications/verifications. They claim to use organic, however it was not verified by any third party. I guess we should just trust her word ; )
I love organic home made products but unfortunately pure aloe vera makes my face burn like fire and turn bright red like I have a sun burn. It’s ok on my hands for other body parts, but not my face. What would would suggest for my face. I usually use coconut oil/fat, cucumber or calendula with bees wax. Have you heard of anyone being sensitive to aloe vera? It seems to be in so many products. Thanks, Janet
I have “crepe” looking skin on my arms. Is there any formula to help this condition? I am 72 years old…Is it too late??
Mee too, is it too late (I am 73) and want to know if there is a formula as well.
Hello Ty & Charlene, Thank you very much for the help you have given me through your programmes, articles online & your book: “ The Truth about cancer.” I also regularly make & use your body butter! My husband & I believe in the Bible & God’s account of the 6 day creation, so if we were created from the dust it follows that our food & medicine should mostly be grown in organic soil! I have worked hard to keep my family healthy in this way & it is lovely that you are helping so many people. However, sadly, my husband (aged 69) has just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in it’s early stages & I wonder if you have any advice about treatment to delay it’s progress. Thank you again for your help, M.B>
Mitochondrial Rescue , is a natural powerful treatment which is great for anyone with Parkinson’s. This natural treatment gives power back to the body at the cellular level, which allows it to heal naturally. This really does work, I am a UK practitioner and the results have been truly astounding, for me ( I was vaccine damaged)! my family & my clients. It works for many people with many different health issues. It is now available in the USA.. Along with dietary support & Reflexology would give a quicker recovery.
Ty & Charlene
I have the free trial that you mentioned. My skin is not sensitive only to a point where I’m trying anything and every. These products are great.
I haven’t tried aloe vera plant for rashes I have for the past nine months. I’ve tried just about everything so time will tell. I’ve changed products, soap, etc. The thing I noticed is it is worse after getting a good nite sleep so that is another area to check.
Thanks for the heads up on these products a few months back.
Hello LG,
Thank you for the great feedback on the products mentioned in the article!
We do hope you will have the same great results using the aloe vera plant.
Are there any organic skin creams which can make you look 20, 25, or 30 years younger than your age because I heard that some anti-aging creams could help people reduce the clock?
Hi Charlene,
You have my email
Give me some suggestions to try.
I have two of these cleansers.
My rashes just went on overdrive recently to worse. I stopped using them thinking this might be the problem instead of my lotions I use to restore my skin barrier. Ok, you got me thinking again and I will continue with these now since all other lotions is making me look like a snake on neck and more came on my face last week into this week. The itch is the worse and you cannot stop yourself from doing this. You will have stress, nerves etc where you just want to say heck with it and not doing anything. The last two previous times these healed with my lotions, then it got worse so I quit using these two lotions and it healed. This time around it started to heal then came back. I should not have this now since it only took a few weeks to heal in 2018 and 2019. I’ve had this the same time frame every year. In May for some reason. I have all this logged onto a calendar since 2018.
Recently it is affecting the corners of my lips. I wake up with it. Try to eat with your lips this way. Very hard. This lip problem seems to come on and go away every three days. The only thing I can think of that is causing my face and neck is my upper dentures. It doesn’t matter if I leave them in or take them out it still happens over night while sleeping. I have subacute spongiotic dermatitis. I am allergic to food or medicine. Medicine I take is vitamins only. So, I think one of them is doing this but not sure. This duo does feel good on my skin and you can’t see the peeling skin afterwards. I am not going to do any lotions like before and use your cleanser tonight. Wish me luck.