Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the most studied substances out there and is considered a “substance of interest” for slowing and even stopping tumor growth. Like many powerful yet still mysterious processes in the body, some studies show conflicting results on how nitric oxide affects cancer cells. However, recent research is getting closer to discovering the specific conditions which can trigger NO-related and NO-inspired tumor suppression − making it potentially one of the strongest yet little-known cancer-fighters.
Nitric Oxide is a Powerful Genetic Regulator
In 1998, three American physicians went on to win the Nobel Prize for their research into nitric oxide . Since then, the overall importance of nitric oxide for the body has become common knowledge. NO is a ubiquitous, water soluble, free radical gas produced by the body’s own cells.
Its main job is to transmit signals to other cells in the body. It is first and foremost a “pleiotropic regulator,” i.e. it helps determine how genes express themselves in a multitude of ways. Nitric oxide is critical to many key biological processes, including neurotransmission, immune system function, and vascular health.
It is also a promoter of cell growth, which can make it both a cancer tumor promoter under certain circumstances, as well as a cancer suppressor. One of the most powerful ways it can help heal cancer is by encouraging the growth of healthy cells.
According to a review published in a 2013 edition of the Journal of Surgical Oncology, “NO has been suggested to modulate different cancer-related events including angiogenesis, apoptosis, cell cycle, invasion, and metastasis. On the other hand, it is also emerging as a potential anti-oncogenic agent.”
A London-based study may have found clues as to what makes it either anti-cancer or pro-proliferation:
“It appears that high levels of NOS expression (for example, generated by activated macrophages) may be cytostatic or cytotoxic for tumor cells, whereas low level activity can have the opposite effect and promote tumor growth. Paradoxically therefore, NO (and related reactive nitrogen species) may have both genotoxic and angiogenic properties.”
Can Upping Your Nitric Oxide Levels Help You Heal Cancer?
Although the jury is still out as to the exact “low point” at which NO may increase cancer tumor growth, what is crystal clear (and verified by countless studies) is that nitric oxide at a high level is a tumor suppressor. Being proactive with prevention by upping your NO levels naturally may help prevent and even heal cancer.
The most promising research regarding NO levels and cancer has been around the amino acid L-Arginine. L-Arginine works with nitric oxide synthase (NOS) to produce nitric oxide. A study conducted in 2000 and published in the journal Tumour Biology tested several breast cancer cell lines. They found that in the lines with the highest NO activity, the nitric oxide present caused breast cancer cells to implode.
Another study published in Rockefeller University’s Journal of Experimental Medicine found that tumor cells were destroyed by “active macrophages” (cells found in the immune system’s white blood cells) when NO activity in tumor cells in mice was stimulated. On the other hand, when NO activity was lowered significantly, the tumor cells developed the capacity to avoid immune system-related destruction.
In a study conducted by Indian researchers in 2011, nitric oxide appeared to inhibit the enzymes responsible for growth of pancreatic cancer cells. In this study as well, high levels of NO led to anti-cancer effects.

What You Can Do to Increase NO In Your Body
My personal story regarding nitric oxide may help shed some light on how powerful it can be, especially for the cardiovascular system. After doing some tests in my early 50s, I discovered that I had the heart health of an 80 year old! I was shocked, since I have always been an avid runner and clean eater.
Through the use of an EBCT scanner, I discovered that the culprit was calcification that was developing in one of my major heart arteries. I began to ingest a product which contained high levels of L-arginine and this helped reduce the overall inflammation in my arteries. After about a year of sticking with my L-arginine protocol, I was tested again and found to have the cardiovascular system of a 35 year old. To this day I have excellent heart health!
Upping your consumption of L-arginine is probably THE BEST WAY you can increase nitric oxide production for cancer-fighting and overall health. Here are a few other tips:
- Eat veggies that contain healthy nitrates. These include organic greens and root vegetables. The natural nitrates found in these foods are converted to NO by the healthy bacteria in your mouth and gut.
- Promote healthy gut and mouth flora. In order for the above conversion to happen, you must have adequate amounts of healthy gut flora in the first place. Cutting back on foods that promote bad bacteria such as processed foods, sugar, and simple carbs will do wonders for your gut health. Upping your levels of gut-friendly foods like healthy yogurts (not the processed, sugar-filled kind), cultured veggies, and quality probiotic supplements will also help tremendously. Regular flossing and oil pulling will promote good flora in the mouth. Chewing your food thoroughly can give your gut a hand as well since the first stage of digestion is through the breaking down of your food orally.
- Need a reason to eat more chocolate? Chocolate is an excellent source of L-arginine! Just make sure it is dark and made with organic cacao. Tasty varieties that use stevia instead of sugar are also available. Other good sources of L-arginine include organic turkey and chicken, pumpkin seeds, and spirulina.
- Use Ionic Technology. Sleeping on a device such as a Biomat, which uses Far-Infrared light and negative ions to promote healing, is also said to increase NO levels and the restoration of healthy cells in the body.
Nitric oxide is the byproduct of natural, healthy cell respiration. The best way to reap its healing benefits is to help your body produce more of it naturally. I am so glad that I added L-arginine and other NO-stimulating modalities to my healing toolbox when I did. I encourage you to do the same!
Please help bring more awareness about the cancer fighting properties of nitric oxide by sharing this article with your friends and family below.
Article Summary
Nitric Oxide (NO) is a “substance of interest” for slowing and even stopping tumor growth. Researchers are getting closer to discovering the specific conditions which can trigger NO-related and NO-inspired tumor suppression − making it potentially one of the strongest yet little-known cancer-fighters.
Nitric Oxide is a water soluble, free radical gas produced by the body’s own cells. It is critical to many key biological processes, including neurotransmission, immune system function, and vascular health.
NO is also a promoter of cell growth, which can make it both a cancer tumor promoter under certain circumstances, as well as a cancer suppressor. One of the most powerful ways it can help heal cancer is by encouraging the growth of healthy cells.
Although it’s unknown the exact “low point” at which NO may increase cancer tumor growth, what is clear is that Nitric Oxide at a high level is a tumor suppressor.
Being proactive with prevention by upping your NO levels naturally may help prevent and even heal cancer.
Studies have also found that increasing Nitric Oxide can help in:
- reducing inflammatory response
- boosting the immune system
- reducing the impact of harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites
- improving exercise efficiency and endurance
- reducing infection and healing time
- improving bone density
Upping your consumption of L-arginine is likely the best way to increase Nitric Oxide production for cancer-fighting and overall health. Here are a few other tips:
- Eat veggies that contain healthy nitrates such as organic greens and root vegetables.
- Promote healthy gut and mouth flora.
- Organic dark chocolate is an excellent source of L-arginine. Other good sources of L-arginine include organic turkey and chicken, pumpkin seeds, and spirulina.
- Sleeping on a device such as a Biomat, which uses Far-Infrared light and negative ions to promote healing, is also said to increase NO levels and the restoration of healthy cells in the body.
I love this article. It is well-written. I should try those types of diets that will help me increase my nitric oxides. I just love dark chocolate. I should try eating the dark organic chocolate which consists of stevia. I saw stevia available in the Nutrition house in the mall where I live in Ottawa, Canada.
This is very interesting. However, regarding L-Arginine, I have also read that if you harbour the Herpes Simplex virus in your body (making you prone to cold sores), which is the case for me, then you need to REDUCE your arginine intake ! Since I’ve been aware of this, I’ve had fewer outbreaks. Does Nitric Oxide work as well without the Arginine ?
L-citruline helps with NO.
If you read the book, NO More Heart Disease by Dr. Louis Ignarro (he was co-recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for demonstrating the signaling properties of nitric oxide ), it will recommend 4-6 grams of L-arginine and somewhere between 200 to 1000 mg of L-citrulline with other key ingredients. There are other factors, as well. And for those over 40 in particular, L-arginine supplementation on its own is almost useless. Easy to research all this.
simple way to eliminate herpes permanently is with Chlorine Dioxide or MMS as it is known
I have a similar question about arginine and the herpes virus. I found while taking arginine that I was having shingles onset. I’ve been taking L-Lysine for many years whenever I have a cold sore and decided to start taking it for the shingles (same virus family). It worked like a charm and my subsequent research shows that L-Arginine and L-Lysine have to be in proper ratio to keep the herpes virus in check in those who are susceptible to outbreaks.
Anyone else have any knowledge/experience with this?
Yes, I takeLysine every day to keep the Herpes virus silent in my body. Lysine also fights cancer. Been doing this for about 20 years.
I believe the nasal sinuses also produce Nitric Oxide, hence the importance of breathing through the nose.
This is interesting as I believe that my sinus problems were related to low NO and now I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. What do you think Ty?
yea great but but if ya have shingles or the chicken pox virus it loves freakin Arganine and will flare up the virus symptoms u forgot to mention that no thanks !!!!!
Could you provide solid documented studies about the positive effects of a BioMat on NO levels? You used the term,”is also said to..”
A Word of Caution – While there are a number of studies that show an improvement in cardiovascular health with L-arginine, there are also clinical studies that suggest this supplement may not help or actually do harm in patients with peripheral arterial disease, people who have had a heart attack and people over the age of 60.
A natural way to increase NO is from UV exposure. While you are at it you will get your Vitamin D as well. A perfect system. There are a few other beneficial properties in sunlight that are currently being researched. One in particular helps people with multiple sclerosis.
Rockefeller University – Top 5 most evil Families in human history.
Thank you for a very interesting article. Really enjoyed it
You don’t mention the Photon Genie or the Photon Genius.
BIOMAT, that’s new for me. I found it googling on it. Are there people who sleap on a BIOMAT and can tell us what their experience is? Ty, I love your articles, videos and your website. Thank you for all your work!
I love sleeping on my mat. I sleep better and I believe it is integral part o my tool box for keeping MBC at bay. 3 years with only minimal increase… I had heard in my spirit to take Spirulina. Now I know why. I also take Cumerin and could tell an immediate difference the one time I ran out… I take Life Extension Super Bioactive Cumerin. Good luck to all. Fight the good fight.
The Rothchilds institute..they patented the Zika virus, need I say more.
I rarely get fever blisters, but I know L-argenine is a factor that causes the fever blister expression. The last time I took L-Argenine 9 years ago, I had a terrible, massive breakout of fever blisters. How can I get NO and not have a fever blister break out?
“Regular thermal therapy, using saunas or hot baths, has the potential to improve impaired insulin sensitivity and boost endothelial expression of the “constitutive” isoform of nitric oxide synthase”
It’s not so common knowledge that the polio vaccines in the 1950s were contaminated with over 40 different simian cancer viruses. At the time the idiots thought it was the lesser evil to vaccinate millions to cure polio and deal with the fallout if and when it struck. Well guess what,? Cancer has killed 1000 times more people than polio. The doctors and scientists who formulated the polio vaccine are all dead now. Read Robert Halslam’s “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” if you can get a copy. Mind blowing!
I’m fighting metistatic cervical cancer from the HPV virus. It first metasticised to my lungs and now two years later is in my spine. I’m going to try to get NO into my body to stop the growth of this cancer. Are there any studies I could get into to help me?
One of the most effective ways of increasing NO is by breathing in through your nose. Your body makes NO in the nasal cavities and when we breathe in it is absorbed into the blood stream which expands the arteries and allows better blood flow, resulting in an increase of your VOX levels. Read ‘The Oxygen Advantage’ for further details, it’s a great book and very informative.
Excerpts from the second reference article (The Role of Nitric Oxide in Cancer):
“NO-generation can affect mitochondrial physiology leading to reduction of O2 consumption and damage to complexes I and II in
the mitochondrial electron transport chain, NO can cause DNA damage via the generation of peroxynitrite (ONOO-) and N2O3. Peroxynitrite can
oxidise and nitrate DNA and may potentially cause single-strand DNA breaks through attack on the sugar-phosphate backbone.”
“NO is a Doubled-Edged Sword in cancer… high concentrations of NO may mediate cancer cell apoptosis and the inhibition of cancer growth.
On the other hand, at (relatively) low concentrations of NO, tumour growth and proliferation is promoted.”
If tumour growth is present at low NO concentrations, this may mean that Peroxynitrite levels are high, since NO would be depleted.
Peroxynitrite can lead to DNA damage.
Your focus should be on Peroxynitrite.
Hi. Can you please tell us what percentage of dark chocolate to eat. I heard it has to be 72% dark Cacao or higher. Thanks. PS. Where can you purchase organic dark chocolate? I always see dark chocolate but it doesn’t say 100% or r organic
Coconut Secret Candy Peruvian Crunch is organic, 70% cacao, Soy free, fair trade, low glycemic, non-GMO, and has NO cane sugar! It is available at our local COOP, and on-line from Amazon, iHerb, and VitaCost. Plus, it is yummy! Another organic dark chocolate is Madecasse 92% cocoa, but it does have cane sugar and an emulsifier (sunflower lecithin) which you may want to avoid.
Happy and healthy treating yourself!
Can we take L Arginine supplements to help up our NO ?
First was to eat dark chocolate and at the end we get it is bad l- arginine for may cause damages on mitochondrias .that means, nothing is to apply.
Dear All,
The easiest and the fastest way to improve your NO production is to use Kyani product Nitro. I’ve been consuming this product 3 x 1 ml in a day and my vascular age is around 30 and I’m 56 years old smoking guy. İt is fully natural Noni extract and really the best you can find in the market. Just try once and I recommend Nitro Extreme which also contains CQ10, Niacin, Mg, Cr, Zn.